Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 538: Exchange of demon pills, opportunity to advance【Please subscribe】

It turned out to be a fourth-level demon pill!

At the exchange meeting, Zhou Chun looked at the fiery red demon pill in the jade box with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The fourth-level demon elixir is a treasure, and it is extremely difficult to obtain.

Generally, even if a fourth-level monster is defeated by an immortal cultivator, it will still know how to escape.

Even if they can't escape, they usually choose to self-destruct the demon elixir, preventing the human monks from getting the most precious thing on them.

Therefore, third-level demon elixirs can still be seen occasionally in the world of immortality, but fourth-level demon elixirs are very rare.

Moreover, the scope of application of the fourth-level demon elixir is much wider than that of the third-level demon elixir. Whether it is used as the main material for refining some rare elixir, or used to refine magic weapons, or to cultivate fourth-level demonic beasts, it is all It is of great use.

Even Nascent Soul Stage monks would not mind exchanging such treasures.

Xu Bin was able to take out a fourth-level demon pill, which basically means that his words are true. He was indeed very lucky to encounter the fourth-level demonic beast that was weak and seriously injured after breaking through.

As mentioned before, for monsters whose bloodline is not enough to directly advance to the fourth level, if they want to break the shackles of their bloodline and advance to the fourth level, they must have some chance to change their destiny.

In many cases, even if you forcefully break through to the fourth level by swallowing some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the monster itself will be weak and seriously injured.

At this time, they will be very weak, and they will not even be able to control the explosive power of the demon core in their bodies.

With Xu Bin's cultivation level, which is close to the middle stage of the Golden Core, it is naturally very easy to kill such a fourth-level monster and leave behind the Demonic Core.

To be honest, if this was not a fire-attribute demon pill, but a metal-attribute demon pill or an earth-attribute demon pill, even if it was a wood-attribute demon pill or a wind-attribute demon pill, Zhou Chun would probably change it right away.

Because of the existence of such a fourth-level demon pill, any one of his three spiritual pets can break through to the fourth level after refining the demon pill. Even if it is not good enough, it can be fed to Zhou Daoyi's green dragon.

But it happened to be a fire attribute demon pill!

None of his spiritual pets are suitable for this demon pill. If he swallows it forcefully, at least 60% of its power will be wasted.

As a result, Zhou Chun was a little confused.

The opportunity to encounter a fourth-level demon elixir is rare, and it would be a pity to miss it.

But after getting this demon pill in exchange, he couldn't cash it out right away.

It doesn't matter if you really change it, or if you don't change it.

In the midst of confusion, Zhou Chun looked at the other monks and found that although these people also coveted the demon pill, they seemed to have no intention of exchanging it.

Only Zhang Shiyao of Chen Guo's Fire Spirit Sect spoke out and expressed his willingness to exchange his earth attribute stick magic weapon, but Xu Bin refused.

He only wanted to exchange for a defensive magic weapon, and there was no shortage of offensive magic weapons.

The result was naturally nothing, and Xu Bin's exchange failed in the end.

When Zhou Chun arrived, he showed some magical materials and rare elixirs in exchange for elixirs that could be used to refine two elixirs: [Gu Chen Dan] and [Yulu Jinxia Dan].

Just like he wasn't interested in the things his acquaintances showed him, those acquaintances just looked at the things he showed them.

If those people really had what he needed, they would have exchanged it with him long ago!

However, this time Wang Jun and Zhang Shiyao both contributed one or two elixirs to Zhou Chun, and one of them was an auxiliary medicine for refining [Yulu Jinxia Dan], so his trip was not in vain.

After the exchange meeting, as usual, everyone began to exchange some experiences on cultivation.

Zhou Chun really liked this kind of exchange meeting, because many monks would talk about the difficulties encountered in practicing certain magical powers and want to seek answers.

This kind of answer is not free. If the other party answers your questions, you must also express your gratitude, either by gifting elixirs and spiritual coins, or by sharing some of your own experiences with the other party.

Zhou Chun once asked people for advice on the cultivation problems of "Golden Escape Technique" and "Geng Metal Splitting Sky Thunder", thus solving some of the doubts he encountered.

At this time, we can see the importance of teachers.

If Zhou Chun had an elder who practiced the same kind of magical power as him, and the other person's progress in practicing this kind of magical power was much better than his, it would save him many detours and make his progress much faster.

If there is a Nascent Soul Stage master who is proficient in the "Golden Escape Technique" who is willing to guide him to practice this magical power, then his progress in practicing this magical power will definitely be several times or even ten times faster than what he is currently trying to figure out!

Therefore, those golden elixir monks from the long-established sects really have great advantages in cultivating magical powers.

As long as they practice the magical powers that their predecessors have cultivated and practice based on the experiences left by their predecessors, the early progress will be very obvious.

In this kind of thing, it’s really the people who came before us who paved the way for others to follow!

After the exchange meeting ended, all the golden elixir stage monks said goodbye and left.

Zhou Chun finally made up his mind at this time and secretly sent a message to Xu Bin to have a chat with him in his cave.

Soon after, Xu Bin came to visit Zhou Chun's cave as promised.

Because the two of them were not old acquaintances, after the initial pleasantries, Xu Bin looked directly at Zhou Chun and asked, "Did Fellow Daoist Zhang mean what he said before? Do you really have a defensive magic weapon that you are willing to exchange with Xu?"

"Of course, it's not just a defensive magic weapon, it's also a middle-grade defensive magic weapon!"

As Zhou Chun spoke, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag, taking out the white shield magic weapon obtained from the Ice Prison Gate killer.

This magic weapon was stolen goods. He would never dare to refine it himself, nor would he dare to use it for the monks of the Zhou family.

But it would be no problem to exchange it for a golden elixir stage monk like Xu Bin.

"This magic weapon..."

Xu Bin looked at the magic weapon in Zhou Chun's hand with a surprised expression. Instead of being happy, his eyes showed a hint of vigilance.

He looked at Zhou Chun cautiously and said, "I'm afraid there is some problem with the origin of this magic weapon, Fellow Daoist Zhang."

When Zhou Chun heard this, he couldn't help but smile lightly and said: "Fellow Daoist Xu is joking. We are exchanging magic weapons among the Golden Core Stage monks. How many magic weapons are we really refining by ourselves or inherited from our predecessors?"

"What Zhang can guarantee with fellow Taoist Xu is that the original owner of this object was not a monk from the Great Zhou Kingdom or the Rongguo Kingdom!"

Hearing his words, Xu Bin's face suddenly relaxed a lot.

As long as it is not the property of a golden elixir-level monk from a certain sect family in the Great Zhou Kingdom, the risk of contamination of this treasure will be much smaller.

But even though this was the case, he couldn't let go of the bargaining opportunity.

He immediately said: "Even so, Xu will take a lot of risks when holding such an item of unknown origin in his hands, and the ice attribute magic weapon does not match Xu's own attributes..."

How could Zhou Chun not know the intention of his words? He immediately rolled his eyelids and said: "Fellow Taoist Xu just wants Zhang to lower the price. It's easy to say that Zhang will give Taoist Taoist 70% of the value of a normal medium-grade magic weapon." It’s okay to convert it!”

But he didn't expect Xu Bin to be more greedy than he thought. He immediately shook his head and said: "Seventy percent is too high. Xu can only accept this item according to the value of a normal low-grade defensive magic weapon."

These words immediately made Zhou Chun laugh angrily. He immediately picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, saying in a cold tone: "If Fellow Daoist Xu said this, then please forgive Zhang for not sending it!"

But Xu Bin's original intention was just to bargain, so how could he leave just like that.

Seeing him like this, he immediately gritted his teeth and said again: "50%, if Fellow Daoist Zhang offers a 50% discount, Xu will change it!"

"It's 70% or 70%. If Fellow Daoist Xu doesn't want it, Zhang will send it to the auction at worst. They won't care about the origin of the item!"

Zhou Chun glanced at him and gave him an ultimatum firmly.

In the final analysis, the Ice Prison Sect is just a sect with Nascent Soul stage monks in charge. Even if they learn that this magic weapon is being auctioned in the Great Zhou Kingdom, they will not come here to target the auction house or the great people who have auctioned it. Sect monk.

So Zhou Chun really wasn't afraid that he wouldn't have anywhere to take advantage of the stolen goods.

He just didn't want the Ice Prison Gate to pass this magic weapon. He learned that Zhang Liang and Zhou Zhengchun were the same person, and he didn't want to waste Zhang Liang's identity.

At this time, Xu Bin seemed to see Zhou Chun's determination, and Xu Bin suddenly hesitated with a hesitant look on his face.

In exchange for 70% of the price, he actually still made a lot of money.

As for the incompatible attributes, he can exchange them with other monks who practice the Ice Walking Technique for magic weapons with attributes that match his own.

Apart from anything else, the Xue Po Palace in Yang Country next door to their Rong Country is a major sect that practices the Ice Walking Technique, and they would definitely be willing to pay a high price in exchange for this magic weapon.

Thinking of the Xue Po Palace in the Yang Kingdom, Xu Bin's heart suddenly lurched. He couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun warily and asked, "Does this fellow Daoist Zhang have nothing to do with the monks in the Xue Po Palace in the Yang Kingdom?"

"It doesn't matter. The original owner of this thing is a monk from a remote country. As long as you, fellow Daoist Xu, don't show off that you have this treasure everywhere, I'll keep you safe!"

As Zhou Chun spoke, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, Fellow Daoist Xu, if you want to change, just change. If you don't want to, just leave!"

Seeing him chasing people away again, Xu Bin also knew that there was no room for bargaining, and immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's change it. How do you want to change it, Daoist Fellow Zhang?"

What he was looking for before was just a low-grade defensive magic weapon, but his demon pill and the corpse of the demon beast were enough.

But now that there is a middle-grade defensive magic weapon, no matter how greedy he is, he knows that the demon pill and the corpse of the demon beast alone are not enough.

After all, his monster corpse is said to be a fourth-order monster, but in fact, it is still far behind the kind of monster that has truly stabilized the fourth-order realm.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun's next words surprised him.

Zhou Chun didn't need him to pay for any thousand-year-old elixir. He only needed to use other thousand-year-old elixirs, magical materials, and even spiritual coins to make up the difference.

After such negotiation, the two of them reached an exchange with satisfaction.

"It turned out to be a Fire Lion Demon Pill that luckily broke through to the fourth level. This is just the right time for the Vulcan Jackal to give it a try!"

In the cave, Zhou Chun looked at the fiery red demon pill in the jade box in front of him, with a flash of understanding in his eyes.

The Fire Lion and the Vulcan Jackal are both high-level monsters, so the difficulty of breaking through to the fourth level should actually be about the same.

If this Fire Lin Lion had the opportunity to break through to the fourth level, it must have swallowed some heavenly material and earthly treasure that suited it.

And given that he was killed just after he broke through the fourth level, maybe some of the power of heavenly materials and earthly treasures still remains in his demon elixir.

Even if there is no residue, compared to other fourth-level monsters and demon pills with noble blood, this fourth-order Fire Lin Lion's demon pill is actually more suitable for third-order high-grade monsters to use to attack the fourth level.

That's right, Zhou Chun exchanged this fourth-level demon pill for the Vulcan Jackal.

As Zhou Mingde's spiritual pet, the Vulcan Jackal is now only a short time away from breaking through to the third level of high-grade monsters.

After it breaks through to the third-level high-grade monster realm, its potential is almost exhausted. If it wants to break through to the fourth level, it must have the help of a noble person.

And a fourth-level low-grade fire attribute demon pill that is very consistent with its attributes is an excellent spiritual object for breaking through the realm, which is equivalent to the pill-forming spiritual object used by immortal cultivators to form pills.

When Zhou Chun was weak, the Vulcan Jackal also saved his life several times and helped him avert danger.

This time, exchanging it for this fourth-level demon pill was Zhou Chun's repayment for his life-saving grace.

In the eighth year after arriving in Tianyuan Immortal City, Zhou Zhengyong and Lin Waner, the elders of the Zhou family, came to the Great Zhou Kingdom together and reported several important things to Zhou Chun.

"Two years ago, Qinglian Temple added a new Jindan monk. Later, Qinglian Temple expelled the family's clan members in Lanzhou and Lianzhoufang cities, closed the family's shops, and refused to allow 'Zhou Tongtianxia' 'Business houses will travel to Lanzhou and Lianzhou again!"

"In addition, the family's business with other vassal families of Qinglian Temple has also been greatly affected. Many families have received bans and are strictly prohibited from conducting trade cooperation with the family!"

"What's more important is that rumors spun by the Qinglian Temple are now circulating in the Jingguo Immortal Cultivation Circle, saying that our Zhou family is actually a spy planted by the Hualong Sect. The number of family monks who have gone missing and fallen has increased by several percent compared to before! "

"The Supreme Elder has now ordered that clan members are no longer allowed to go out alone, and has begun to impose certain restrictions on clan members' going out. However, this law treats the symptoms but not the root cause. I'm afraid it will be difficult to stick to it for a long time!"

In the cave, Zhou Chun frowned as he listened to the family news brought by Zhou Zhengyong.

He had thought that Qinglian Temple would attack the Zhou family from a business perspective, but spreading rumors that the Zhou family were spies of the Hualong Sect was beyond his expectation.

After all, the Zhou family had indirectly killed a late-stage Jindan cultivator from the Hualong Sect before, and the hands of the Zhou family's senior leaders were also stained with the blood of the Dragon Hualing Sect monks.

"Regarding that rumor, does the Lunar Sect have anything to say?"

After Zhou Chun pondered for a while, he looked at Zhou Zhengyong and asked about the relevant situation.

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhengyong immediately shook his head slightly and said: "Because it is just a private rumor, the Moon Lun Sect has never made any statement."

After hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately said: "Brother Yong, when you go back, take a copy of my handwritten letter to Yuelun Sect to see Elder Su, and ask her to help pass it to Master Yue Worshiper!"

Then he continued: "As for the increasing number of missing and deceased monks from the family, retreating and retreating is not the solution. You can let the clan elders and core clan members secretly follow and protect you to see who is targeting the Zhou family. If If we can catch him alive and prove that he is from a certain force, we can kill him as a warning to others!"

Zhou Chun didn't believe that Qinglian Guan dared to send people from his sect to assassinate monks from the Zhou family. If he was caught like that, he would be unable to defend himself.

Therefore, those who attacked and killed the monks of the Zhou family must be casual cultivators or monks from other cultivating families who were hired and ordered.

In this way, as long as they are caught alive and evidence is left, the Zhou family can kill others and let the casual cultivators and family forces know how serious the consequences will be if they get involved in the fight between the big family and the sect!

This may not completely prevent such things, but it will definitely deter many people and increase the cost of hiring people at Qinglian Temple.

After hearing her words, Zhou Zhengyong nodded immediately and said: "I understand, I will definitely bring the words to the Supreme Elder."

Then he looked at him and asked: "One more thing. Because of the rumors, the Supreme Elder was worried about whether Qinglian Temple had discovered something, so he asked me to ask Thirteenth Brother if you can temporarily stop the conflict between the family and the wilderness. For ordinary travel there, the family elders are only allowed to go there every six months to understand the situation?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun just pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, then let Uncle Daoquan take the Blood Flame Dragon Python to sit in the wilderness and fully preside over the overall situation there!"

After talking about some important things in this way, Zhou Zhengyong talked about other things that had happened within the family in the past few years.

For example, in the "Zhi" generation, there is another high-grade spiritual root qualified monk with both gold and water attributes. His name is Zhou Zhiqian. His father is Zhou Yuanliang, a foundation-building monk of the Zhou family, and his mother is a member of the Zhou family in the wilderness. The female cultivator in the Qi refining stage was originally a concubine of Zhou Yuanliang there.

In the past, if a monk with high-grade spiritual root qualifications appeared in the family, Zhou Chun would definitely be very happy.

But after hearing about this, he just asked a few questions and didn't care.

Because compared to the size of the monks in the Zhou family today, it is not unusual for children with high-grade spiritual roots to appear.

The other is that Zhou Chun's vision has become higher now. Almost 80% of the Golden Core Stage monks who deal with him are high-grade spiritual root qualified monks. It's not surprising if he sees them more.

Unless one day a legendary monk with top spiritual root qualifications appears in the Zhou family, then he will be allowed to guard it like a treasure.

Such a genius is guaranteed to be a golden elixir stage monk.

However, something Zhou Zhengyong mentioned later attracted Zhou Chun's attention.

According to what he said, Xu Fu, who was sent to garrison in the wilderness by him, is now walking together with Zhou Yuanyuan, the female foundation-building cultivator of the Zhou family. Although they have not officially announced that they are Taoist couples, it seems that they are already practicing dual cultivation!

Hearing this news, Zhou Chun was also a little surprised, and couldn't help but ask: "Yuanyuan also has high-grade spiritual root qualifications. It should not be a big problem to open the Zifu in the future, but why are she together with Xu Fu?"

"It seems that Yuanyuan chose to go to the wilderness to collect the elixir in order to compete for the [Xuanxin Zihuan Dan]. However, she was chased by a third-level monster because she was greedy for a thousand-year-old elixir. Fortunately, Xu Fu heard about it in time. Xun arrived and rescued her, and somehow the two of them saw each other right behind!"

When Zhou Zhengyong said this, he immediately looked at Zhou Chun tentatively and asked: "Thirteenth brother, do you not agree with the two of them being together?"

"That's not true. I'm just curious why Xu Fu changed his mind now that he had never become a Taoist couple with a female cultivator from his family before."

Zhou Chun shook his head and told the whole story.

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhengyong immediately guessed: "Perhaps it is because he saw the family's completely different treatment of Zhang Liang and him, which gave him new ideas, or maybe it is because he is proud and looks down on ordinary female cultivators from the family!"

"Well, Brother Yong, what you said makes sense, then let this matter develop as it goes. If the two of them can really get together, it will be a good story!"

Zhou Chun nodded, but didn't dwell too much on the matter.

He has never cared much about the marriages of his descendants, which is different from many patriarchs of immortal cultivating families.

Many clan leaders of cultivating immortal families really regard themselves as the patriarch. They like to express their opinions or even forcefully interfere with the marriages of some clan members, especially the marriages of some important clan members.

But Zhou Chun never did this, and he did not encourage the elder monks of the Zhou family to do this.

He always believed that family monks should have the right to choose their own spouses, and other clan members other than their parents should not interfere with this right.

So even if the Zhou family's foundation-building female cultivator finds a Qi-refining stage monk to be her Taoist companion, he won't stop her.

This enlightened attitude also gave him a very high status in the hearts of the female nuns in the family.

Because in many cultivating families, the female cultivators in the family often cannot make the decision on their own regarding the marriage!

Zhou Zhengyong did not stay in Tianyuan Fairy City for long. He only stayed for three months. After seeing the prosperity of this place, he hurriedly returned to the Zhou family.

Lin Wan'er, on the other hand, stayed to accompany Lin Hongyu, preparing to wait for Zhou Daoyi's pill-forming results to come out before going back to see the situation.

For this reason, Zhou Chun also asked Zhou Zhengyong to take the fourth-level puppet exchanged with him to avoid any danger on the road.

Time passed slowly, and two years passed quickly.

After enjoying a furnace of seven [Ancient Chen Pills], Lei Jiao has also completed one-third of the road to the fourth level.

However, Zhou Chun's aggressive acquisitions over the years have temporarily bought up almost all the elixirs on the market that can be used to refine [Gu Chen Dan].

It's not that there are only these elixirs in the great Zhou Kingdom, but that there are many elixirs planted in the medicine gardens, or the monks who have elixirs on their bodies can't see the purchase price given by Zhou Chun. I don't want to take out these elixirs at all.

This made him want to leave and travel to other countries to search for elixirs.

But just before Zhou Chun was about to set off, he suddenly received a message from the "Tianyuan Palace" that someone had accepted a mission he had issued.

After reading the message, he suddenly looked happy and immediately flew to the location of "Tianyuan Palace".

"Do you know where there is information about the third-order high-grade monster with thunder attribute? Are you sure it is the third-order high-grade monster?"

In the "Tianyuan Palace", Zhou Chun looked at the old man in front of him who only had the late-stage cultivation of Foundation Establishment. He couldn't help but frowned with a look of suspicion on his face.

It's not that he underestimates people, but because of his cultivation in the later stage of foundation building, it is really not easy to tell the difference between the third-order mid-grade monsters and the third-order high-grade monsters.

Facing his doubts, the old man replied confidently: "Yes, I am sure. I dare to swear on my own life that it is definitely a silver lightning leopard with a third-level high-grade cultivation!"

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