Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 539 The Fountain of Spiritual Eyes【Please subscribe】

[Guchen Pill] is indeed a pill that is very suitable for monsters to take.

But for monsters, the fastest way to increase their cultivation is to swallow and refine monster pills with the same properties.

After swallowing a third-grade high-grade thunder attribute demon elixir in vain, the thunder dragon can at least refine 70% to 80% of its power for his own use.

This effect is better than taking seven or eight [Guchen Pills].

So when Zhou Chun was collecting alchemy materials, he also released information on looking for third-level high-grade thunder attribute monsters in the "Tianyuan Palace".

If someone could provide him with accurate information, he could take the thunder dragon Baibai over to kill the demon and get the pill.

It’s just that third-level high-grade monsters are hard to find, let alone third-level high-grade monsters with thunder attributes.

What's more, he also made it clear that the monsters on Duolan Grassland were not included.

Therefore, although the reward he gave was quite generous, the mission had been posted for many years and no one had actually taken it up.

Now that someone finally accepted the reward and provided information, Zhou Chun was extremely happy.

After he inquired about the situation, he left Tianyuan Immortal City with the intelligence information provided by the old man, and gave him half of the reward first.

As for letting the old man lead the way, the old man would definitely not dare to go out of the city alone with him, a Golden Core monk.

According to the information provided by the old man, he found the silver thunder leopard in a mountain ridge near Duolan Grassland.

The reason why he was sure that it was a third-level high-grade monster was because he had seen the Silver Lightning Thunder Leopard fighting two Zifu monks before, and one of them was a late Zifu monk.

In this situation of one against two, it was the two Zifu period monks who finally escaped!

After learning about this, Zhou Chun was worried about long nights and many dreams, so he immediately left Tianyuan Immortal City and rushed to the mountains where the Silver Lightning Leopard had appeared.

Wangyun Ridge is the mountain range where the Silver Lightning Thunder Leopard appeared.

This mountain range stretches for thousands of miles, with Duolan Grassland on one side and the Great Zhou Kingdom on the other. It is a natural boundary.

Therefore, there are no sects or families from the Great Zhou Kingdom stationed here, not even a base for casual cultivators.

Monsters are rampant in the mountains, and it is said that fourth-level monsters may occasionally be born.

This place has therefore become an adventure place for many immortal cultivators from the Great Zhou Kingdom. They go deep into the mountains to search for elixir minerals and hunt monsters. Sometimes they will meet the multi-winged mages who also come to take risks.

Whenever the monks of the two races met in the mountains, a war would basically break out.

Zhou Chun didn't want to cause trouble, so after arriving at Wangyun Ridge, he restrained his cultivation and became a late-stage Zifu monk.

With his cultivation ability, as long as he doesn't meet a monk of the same level, he has no fear of being seen through this disguise.

Then, based on the map given by the old foundation-builder, he went straight to the location where the Silver Lightning Leopard had previously appeared.

Along the way, Zhou Chun was also attacked by some blind monsters, but he killed them all casually without even bothering to pick up the corpses.

The only monsters that he can see now are the third-level monsters, because the demon pill is a good thing.

It's a pity that even in places like Wangyun Ridge, third-level monsters are extremely rare, and each one is smarter than the last and will not show up in front of the Zifu period monks easily.

After walking in the mountains for most of the day, Zhou Chun came to the place where the Silver Lightning Leopard and the human monks fought. There were still many traces of the battle here, and some of the hills were burned to white by fire.

Unfortunately, almost a month had passed since the battle between the two sides, and the breath had long since dissipated. Zhou Chun could not find any useful information at this time.

He could only use the old method to release Mu Mei Mu Sang, who was good at finding things in the mountains and forests, and let him search for the silver thunder leopard.

Mu Mei Mu Sang is now only one step away from breaking through to the fourth level, which should happen in the past ten years.

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Chun would not disturb it to avoid delaying its breakthrough time.

But now it was about Lei Jiao Baibai's chance to break through, so Zhou Chun could only let it be sacrificed.

As the cultivation level gets higher, Mu Mei Mu Sang's ability to communicate with plants becomes stronger and stronger, which is very convenient for finding monsters in the mountains and forests.

Not long after, it learned the direction in which the silver lightning leopard left from the feedback from the plants, and then chased in that direction.

In less than half a day, it found the lair of the Silver Lightning Leopard, and brought back to Zhou Chun some elixirs it found on the road.

"Not bad, not bad, Mu Sang, you have worked hard, let Bai Bai help you fight for some high-level spiritual trees in return."

Zhou Chun praised and promised his beloved pet with satisfaction, and then let Mu Mei Mu Sang take him to the lair of Silver Lightning Leopard.

The Silver Lightning Thunder Leopard's lair is located in a mountain stream, which is filled with clouds and mist all year round.

It's just that the clouds and mist are not naturally generated, but are created by a pair of second-level monsters, the Cloud Water Leopard, using their own innate spells.

These two cloud water leopards should be the subordinates of the Silver Lightning Leopard, specially guarding its lair.

It can be seen that the intelligence of the silver lightning leopard is not low.

After Zhou Chun watched outside the mountain stream, he had an idea.

I saw that he directly released the stone of the golden-armored mountain turtle, and then let it escape underground to ambush. Then he released the golden-winged tiger and let it go out to challenge the silver lightning leopard.


A majestic and domineering tiger roar was heard from the mountain forest, and the golden-winged tiger with two wings appeared outside the mountain stream.

Intimidated by the powerful aura on his body, the Yunshui Leopards guarding the gates at both ends of the mountain stream couldn't help but tremble all over, lying on the ground without daring to move.

Then he saw a flash of silver lightning, and a silver-white leopard with silver thunder stripes all over his body appeared opposite the golden-winged tiger.


After the leopard came out, it roared at the golden-winged tiger that dared to come and provoke it, intending to drive the golden-winged tiger away.

But how could the golden-winged tiger be afraid of it at all? He opened his mouth and spat out, and a golden beam of light hit it.

Seeing this situation, Silver Lightning Leopard immediately became angry.

There was a flash of lightning on its body, and its figure instantly disappeared from the spot, causing the golden beam of light to disappear.

As expected, Zhou Chun had mastered the art of thunder escape.

Then he saw the silver thunder patterns on the demon's body shining brightly, and in an instant, a thick silver-white thunder struck down in front of the golden-winged tiger.

Fortunately, the Golden-winged Tiger had often fought in vain against the Thunder Dragon, who was good at thunder and lightning powers, and had long been accustomed to such mysterious attacks.

At the moment when the lightning was about to fall on it, it flapped its wings and disappeared in place through the "Flash Technique", also avoiding the attack of the Silver Lightning Leopard.

This scene also made the silver and lightning thunder leopard slightly stunned, and then it turned into a silver-white thunder and lightning phantom and rushed towards the golden winged tiger with a fierce light in its eyes, preparing to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the golden winged tiger.

Little did he know that this was exactly what Zhou Chun wanted.

A third-level high-grade silver lightning leopard is difficult to kill if you master the thunder escape technique.

Moreover, this kind of monster is very sharp. Zhou Chun did not dare to appear within ten miles of it without mastering the powerful breathing method, lest it be discovered in advance.

At this time, it took the initiative to find the golden-winged tiger to fight hand-to-hand, which was tantamount to giving up its greatest advantage.

When it took advantage of its speed and left a ferocious blood mark on the Golden Winged Tiger's body with one claw, and was happy about it, a strong gravity suddenly came, making it feel as if it was carrying a heavy burden.

Then, without waiting for it to tighten, it used the Thunder Escape Technique to escape. An earthy yellow light shield had already enveloped it and the Golden Winged Tiger.

After discovering that it was trapped, the Silver Lightning Leopard hurriedly activated its magical power to break the light barrier. As a result, the powerful attack it was proud of fell on the light barrier, but had no effect at all.

On the contrary, the Golden-winged Tiger took the opportunity to release dozens of "Sky Frost Bees" in the space bag, and directly swarmed it and froze it into an ice sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, before it could break free from the frozen state, Zhou Chun rushed to the scene and easily chopped off its head with a sword, without even giving it a chance to explode its demonic elixir!

After killing the Silver Lightning Leopard in this way, Zhou Chun tidied up the body a little, then put away his spiritual pet and went to its lair to check the situation.

Generally, there will be some good spiritual harvests in the lairs of these third-level high-grade monsters.

And just when Zhou Chun was picking up the body of the Silver Lightning Leopard, the two Cloud Water Leopards in the mountain stream had already fled far away.

He didn't bother to deal with this little guy, so he just walked into the cave where the Silver Lightning Leopard came out.

The cave is not shallow, and it does not seem to be naturally formed, but dug out by monsters.

After walking inside for less than half a quarter of an hour, Zhou Chun finally reached the deepest point.

Then he was surprised.

In a cave hall in the deepest part of the cave, there was a spring on the ground with wisps of milky white spiritual mist!

"I didn't expect that there is a spring of spiritual eyes here. This time I really made a profit by hunting down rabbits!!"

Zhou Chun looked at the spring on the ground with eyes full of surprise. He only slightly absorbed the milky white spiritual mist that might emerge from the spring, and then confirmed the origin of this object and determined that it was the legendary spring of spiritual eyes.

This is the first time Zhou Chun has seen a spiritual object like the Spiritual Eye Fountain with his own eyes.

But in fact, he had heard of the name of this kind of spiritual creature more than two hundred years ago.

More than two hundred years ago, not long after the Zhou family had just established its foundation in Jiufeng Ridge, a loose cultivator organization called "Qiyun League" discovered a spring of spiritual eyes in Lanzhou.

Unfortunately, this matter was discovered by the Mu family of Biyun Lake at that time due to some strange combination of circumstances, and subsequently triggered a war between the five major cultivating families and the "Qiyun Alliance".

In the end, the Spring of Spiritual Eyes was directly removed by the Golden Core Stage monks of Qinglian Temple using secret methods and placed in the Qinglian Mountain Range.

At that time, Zhou Chun thought that only the golden elixir stage monks of the great sect were worthy of possessing such things.

Now as his knowledge grows, he realizes that even within the great sect, the Golden Core Stage monks are not worthy of possessing such spiritual objects.

The reason is quite simple, because real people in the Nascent Soul stage also need such spiritual objects, and they need them very much!

After their cultivation reaches the Yuanying stage, 99% of the Yuanying stage monks will no longer be able to improve their cultivation and mana by taking elixirs.

Because there are so few spiritual beings that can refine such elixirs, even if they choose to cooperate in refining elixirs, they may not be able to refine a furnace of elixirs in hundreds of years.

Therefore, if monks in the Nascent Soul stage want to improve their magic power, they can only rely on themselves to slowly practice hard!

In order to speed up cultivation, increasing the concentration of spiritual energy in the cave is undoubtedly the most reliable and long-term effective thing.

Therefore, monks in the Nascent Soul stage will make every effort to collect various spiritual eye objects and put them in the cave to increase the concentration of spiritual energy in the cave.

They even set up spirit gathering formations to extract a considerable portion of the spiritual energy from their spiritual veins to forcibly increase the concentration of spiritual energy in their caves!

Due to the strong desire of the Nascent Soul monks for spiritual objects, even if the Golden Core monks obtain such spiritual objects, they usually choose to exchange them with the Nascent Soul monks for something useful to them.

After all, for a Golden Core Stage monk, a spiritual eye object can only increase his meditation speed by 10 to 20%, and what the Nascent Soul Stage monks exchange for this thing is at least a middle-grade magic weapon. Even various elixirs that improve the magical power of monks in the golden elixir stage.

Another thing is that there is no airtight wall in the world. After a Golden Core monk obtains the spiritual eye, he hides it himself and uses it. It is better not to be known by others. Once the news leaks out, there will definitely be a Nascent Soul monk coming to visit.

At that time, I can say that I met a reasonable person and would be willing to exchange it at the normal price.

It would really be a disaster if you meet someone who is unreasonable!

Zhou Chun has not yet thought about what to do with the spiritual eye spring, but his first priority must be to take it away.

To collect the spring of spiritual eyes, the minimum cultivation level requirement is the golden elixir stage.

Zhou Chun currently meets the standard in this regard.

However, collecting the Eye of Spiritual Fountain requires not only cultivation at the Golden Core stage, but also corresponding secret techniques.

Zhou Chun thought about it and found that the Zhou family also had this kind of secret technique, and it was obtained from the secret vault of the "Dongyang Gate" not long ago.

It's just that he didn't record the method of practicing this secret technique. He was afraid that he would have to go back to Zhou's house to get it and spend some time practicing to become familiar with it.

This means that he does not have the ability to take away the Spring of Spiritual Eyes at this time!

"This is really troublesome. I hope nothing happens during this period!"

Zhou Chun looked at the spiritual eye spring at his feet and quickly made a decision in his mind.

He raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, then released the golden-armored mountain turtle, stone and golden-winged tiger, and then told his two pets to let them guard the spiritual eye spring here temporarily.

Then Zhou Chun himself hurried back to Tianyuan Immortal City.

After returning to the fairy city, Zhou Chun visited Lin Hongyu and asked her to go back to the Zhou family to help him get the secret method for collecting the spiritual eye spring. Then he hurried back to the spiritual eye spring.

It only took Zhou Chun less than two days to go back and forth like this. After returning, everything in the Spiritual Eye Fountain was normal.

Afterwards, Zhou Chun sat at the location of the Spiritual Eye Spring while waiting for Lin Hongyu's return.

I never thought that he would be in trouble after only waiting for three days.

On this day, Zhou Chun was practicing meditation in a cave when he suddenly felt several powerful auras coming from outside the mountain stream.

His mind moved, and he immediately used the "Insect Puppet Technique" to release a demonic insect out to check the situation.

Outside the mountain stream, a Jindan early stage monk came directly to this place with three Zifu stage monks.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun suddenly screamed that something was wrong.

He didn't know if these people knew that there was a spring of spiritual eyes here, or if they came here for the silver thunder leopard.

No matter which situation it is, the situation is very bad at the moment.

But time did not allow Zhou Chun to think more. He quickly released his aura and walked outside the cave.


Outside the mountain stream, a middle-aged man with flaming red hair and a red face suddenly focused his eyes, and immediately waved his hand to signal the three Zifu period monks behind him to stop.

Then Zhou Chun, wearing a light golden robe, was seen flying out of the mountain stream.

Seeing a golden elixir-stage monk fly out of what was supposed to be the Silver Lightning Leopard's lair, several Zifu-stage monks behind the middle-aged man were stunned, and one of the late-stage Zifu monks even had a trace of cloth on his face. Full of surprise and suspicion.

However, the middle-aged man himself was very calm. After looking at Zhou Chun for a few times, he looked at him and said solemnly: "I am Wei Yiping, Tian is the elder of the Sunset Sect. What do you call me?"

"Zhang Liang, from Tianyuan Immortal City."

Zhou Chun replied calmly.

Then he looked at the middle-aged man Wei Yiping and said: "Fellow Daoist Wei must have come here because of the silver lightning leopard. If so, fellow daoist arrived a step too late. This evil beast has already died under Zhang's sword." !”

Hearing what he said, Wei Yiping frowned at first, then nodded and said: "I see, then Wei will have to thank fellow Taoist Zhang for avenging my disciple."

After saying that, he followed up as if casually: "It's just that Fellow Daoist Zhang has killed that evil beast, why are you still here?"

Zhou Chun's eyes suddenly condensed.

Then he replied calmly: "This seems to have nothing to do with Fellow Daoist Wei!"

When Wei Yiping heard this, he immediately stared at him deeply, then smiled softly and said: "That's right, then Wei will not disturb Fellow Daoist Zhang anymore, farewell!"

After saying that, he turned around and left with a few juniors.

Looking at the retreating figures of several people, Zhou Chun's eyes gradually darkened.

He had also heard of the Sunset Sect, which was a medium-sized sect in the Great Zhou Kingdom similar to the Yuling Sect. Although there were no Nascent Soul monks in charge, there were also late Golden Core monks.

The key is that the mountain gate of this sect is not very far away from Wangyun Ridge, only about five or six thousand miles.

Although Wei Yiping retreated now, Zhou Chun knew in his heart that the other party just didn't understand his own details, and at the same time he was not sure that one person could deal with him.

When the other party returns to the Sunset Sect, he will definitely call his fellow Golden Core monks to come over and forcefully check the situation inside the Silver Lightning Leopard's lair.

After all, you know with your buttocks that the thing that allows a Golden Core monk to squat in this monster-ridden mountain is definitely not a mortal thing!

And if the Sunset Sect knew that there was a spring of spiritual eyes here, it would be a big trouble.

"What can we do?"

Zhou Chun frowned and lowered his head, thinking about a solution. In the end, he only thought of one solution, and that was to find help.

After all, the Sunset Sect is just a sect with five or six golden elixir-level monks. If Zhou Chun can find a few golden elixir-level monks to guard the spiritual eye spring with him.

So if you don't know what they are protecting, you may not dare to actually fight them.

After all, once you take action, you will become enemies.

And if a sect without Nascent Soul Stage monks offends several Golden Core Stage monks at the same time, the consequences will be very disastrous.

At this time, Zhou Chun also felt a little regretful. If he had not asked Lin Hongyu to go to the family to get the secret technique for collecting the spiritual eye spring, but instead asked Lin Waner to go back and get it, the situation would have been much easier to handle at this time.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, and now he can only try his best.

Immediately, Zhou Chun continued to let the two spiritual pets guard the spiritual eye spring, and then he quickly rushed towards Tianyuan Immortal City.

Compared to the Mountain Gate of Sunset Gate, Tianyuan Immortal City is undoubtedly closer.

After Zhou Chun returned to the fairy city, he immediately went to see Luo Qingni.

He did not hide the existence of the Spiritual Eye Fountain, but directly told the truth to the other party about the matter, hoping to ask the other party to help him guard this treasure.

After hearing his request, Luo Qingni also secretly envied his luck.

Then after thinking for a while, he nodded to him and said: "If it is only a force like the Sunset Sect, then it is indeed not difficult for Fellow Daoist Zhou to hold on to the Spring of Spiritual Eyes."

After speaking, he looked directly at Zhou Chun and said: "Let's do this. As long as Fellow Daoist Zhou is willing to owe Qingni a favor, Qingni can help Fellow Daoist Zhou find another early-stage Jindan monk to guard the Spring of Spiritual Eyes, and ensure that the other party will not leak it. Got to know about the Fountain of Spiritual Eyes!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun immediately replied without hesitation: "As long as fellow Taoist Luo is willing to help, not to mention one favor, but two favors will do!"

Normally, he doesn't want to owe favors.

But for treasures like the Fountain of Spiritual Eyes, there is nothing to hesitate.

Seeing his agreement, Luo Qingni was satisfied and quickly took action.

Soon after, Zhou Chun took Luo Qingni and a middle-aged man named Cai Yuanzhen to Wangyunling.

Cai Yuanzhen was Luo Qingni's helper. He was also a resident talisman maker in Tianyuan Immortal City and could produce third-level high-grade talismans.

This person owed Luo Qingni a favor, and he came here to help in order to repay the favor.

After the three of them arrived near the mountain stream, Luo Qingni and Cai Yuanzhen hid in the mountain stream and did not enter the cave.

Zhou Chun let his golden armor carry a mountain turtle and stones to seal the passage in the cave, and he also sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave.

According to Luo Qingni, Cai Yuanzhen didn't know about the Spring of Spiritual Eyes, so as long as Zhou Chun could prevent him from entering the cave, he would not hesitate to fight against the Sunset Gate monks in order to repay the favor.

Facts have proved that Zhou Chun's worries were not wrong.

Only half a day after he returned to the mountain stream with Luo Qingni and Cai Yuanzhen, Wei Yiping, who had left before, came to kill him again.

This time, the other party was accompanied by a red-haired old man who was in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation. He should be another elder of the Sunset Sect.

But this person obviously didn't expect that Zhou Chun would hire two golden elixir-level helpers so quickly.

When they saw that besides Zhou Chun, there were two more golden elixir stage monks in the mountain stream, Wei Yiping and the red-haired old man both looked gloomy.

"Fellow Daoist Wei comes back again and again, but why?"

Zhou Chun looked at the two Sunset Sect elders with calm eyes and said, somewhat knowingly.

Facing his inquiry, Wei Yiping's eyes flickered, and he secretly communicated with the red-haired old man next to him.

I don’t know what the two of them communicated through voice transmission, but soon I saw Wei Yiping’s expression change, he looked at Zhou Chun with a sinister look on his face and said, “Since Fellow Daoist Zhang has killed the Silver Lightning Leopard, he wants to inherit our sect’s inheritance. The treasure has also fallen into your hands. If you hand over the treasure, everything will be fine, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!"

After saying that, he looked at Luo Qingni and Cai Yuanzhen, and said with a threatening tone: "Two fellow Taoists, this is a private matter between my Sunset Sect and this surnamed Zhang. I hope you two fellow Taoists will not interfere!"

This unfounded accusation immediately made Zhou Chun laugh.

He couldn't help but smile coldly and said: "Can a middle-class sect like the Sunset Sect have any inherited treasures? If it does, Zhang will have his eyes opened!"

Hearing what he said, the two Sunset Sect elders suddenly became angry.

The red-haired old man who had said nothing looked at him and shouted angrily: "Junior, do you dare to underestimate my Sunset Gate?"

"What? Do you want to take action? Zhang will accompany you to the end at any time!"

Zhou Chun said in a deep voice without showing any signs of weakness, and as he spoke, he had already sacrificed his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of All Transformations].

After nearly ten years of training and cultivation, the power of this magic weapon has increased a lot. When it appeared at this moment, a look of fear appeared in the eyes of the red-haired old man.

But the other party was a middle-stage Jindan monk after all. How could he remain indifferent to such a blatant provocation?

At that moment, he snorted coldly: "Huh, let me see how much you weigh!"

Before he finished speaking, a ray of fire flew out of his mouth and turned into a red long sword magic weapon, which was a middle-grade magic weapon.


The red-haired old man shouted lowly, and the long sword magic weapon emitted a bright red light, which instantly turned into a red bolt and slashed towards Zhou Chun.

At the same time, he raised his hand and a ball of red and yellow flames emerged. Under the control of his magic technique, he turned into a one-horned fire wolf and pounced on Zhou Chun.

As the two started to take action, Luo Qingni and Cai Yuanzhen also immediately attacked the red-haired old man and Wei Yiping.

Zhou Chun had already communicated with the two of them before taking action. There was no need to worry about his own safety. He only needed to attack the two Sunset Sect elders with all his strength.

At this time, facing the offensive of the red-haired old man, Zhou Chun waved his hand, and the [Taibai Sword Sword] turned into a silver-white sword rainbow and fought with the red horse. During the sword clash, a burst of The sky was full of sword aura, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a while.

Then Zhou Chunyi pointed out, golden light burst out from the [Wanhua Golden Cauldron], and a golden beam of light broke through the air and bombarded the one-horned fire wolf.

With this blow, the one-horned fire wolf was also scattered into several flames, which were reunited under the control of the red-haired old man.

In order to completely destroy this kind of true fire magical power with one blow, it requires overwhelming power. Unless Zhou Chun displays the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light", it will not be so easy to completely destroy it.

But they now have a numerical advantage, and it's not a life-and-death fight, so he naturally doesn't have to rush to use his trump card.

The moment was to use his commonly used magical powers to fight fiercely with the red-haired old man.

It was only after the red-haired old man took action that he realized that Zhou Chun was far more difficult to deal with than he thought.

He originally thought that Zhou Chun, an early Jindan cultivator who didn't even dare to report his origins, must be from a small sect or family, or even a casual cultivator.

This kind of people have some abilities and treasures, but how strong can they be.

But after taking action, he discovered that Zhou Chun's ability was really extraordinary.

In terms of magic weapons, the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] is no worse than the natal magic weapon he has cultivated for hundreds of years. The golden tripod, which looks like a low-grade magic weapon, is not as powerful as a low-grade magic weapon.

In terms of magical powers, Zhou Chun actually has two natal magical powers, one for attack and one for defense, and both of them are extremely powerful.

If he hadn't been in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation and had developed two outstanding magical powers, the red-haired old man felt that he might have been defeated by Zhou Chun!

Therefore, the more he fought, the more frightened he became, and the more he fought, the more unsure he became.

In the end, when Na Wei Yiping was injured under the siege of Luo Qingni and asked him for help, he quickly got off the donkey and shouted loudly: "What's the point of bullying the few? Remember this old man Liangzi today, don't do it in the future Let me meet you alone!"

After saying these harsh words, he hurriedly took Wei Yiping and evacuated the place.

Zhou Chun was concerned about the existence of the Spiritual Eye Fountain, so of course he would not chase after him. He just said coldly to the two people who escaped: "Today is just a warning to you. If you dare to come here to provoke Zhang, be careful of Zhang going to the sunset in the future." Let’s relax near the mountain gate!”

Hearing his threatening words, the red-haired old man and Wei Yiping both looked angry, but they did not dare to say any more cruel words.

This is the most embarrassing thing about a middle-class sect like them.

Once a certain Jindan monk is offended to death, it will definitely affect the entire sect and implicate many sect disciples.

Therefore, unless the benefits are too tempting, they will not easily offend the golden elixir monks of unknown origins to death.

Although they now know that there is a treasure in this mountain stream, they do not understand what the treasure is and have seen Zhou Chun's strength and connections. Naturally, they do not dare to offend Zhou Chun easily, lest they really become the sect. The door brings irreversible consequences.

"It seems like they learned their lesson this time and won't come back again!"

In the mountain stream, seeing the two Sunset Sect elders being threatened by Zhou Chun and not daring to reply, Luo Qingni couldn't help but smile and expressed her opinion.

When Zhou Chun heard this, he nodded lightly and said, "I hope so, but I have to ask Fellow Daoist Luo and Fellow Daoist Cai to help Zhou stay here for a few more days!"

"This is as it should be. Fellow Daoist Zhang, there's no need to be polite."

Because Cai Yuanzhen was still there, Luo Qingni did not call Zhou Chun by his real name.

Everything went as expected by Luo Qingni. The monks from the Sunset Gate did not come to test him again. Apparently they were worried about Zhou Chun's threat and chose to give up.

It was because of the commotion caused by the previous battle between several people that some monks who were adventuring in Wangyun Ridge quietly came over to check the situation, but they were easily dispersed by Zhou Chun.

After another seven days passed like this, Lin Hongyu finally arrived here with the jade slips Zhou Chun needed.

The next thing was simple. Zhou Chun asked three golden elixir monks to protect him outside, while he entered the cave and studied the secret technique of collecting the spiritual eye spring.

After he devoted himself to understanding the secret technique for a month and became confident, he asked Luo Qingni to take Cai Yuanzhen out of the valley first, so as not to make too much noise when he collected the spiritual eye spring, and Cai Yuanzhen, who was close at hand, would see it. What comes.

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