Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 541 The disaster is coming【Please subscribe】

Outside Tuyun Ridge.

At first, some casual cultivators who often hang out nearby heard the news that the Zhou family's thunder dragon had advanced to the fourth level, so they came to hide nearby and watch.

After hearing the news, more and more monks came over, and they came from all levels of cultivation. Many monks who were originally worried about being driven out by the Zhou family simply stopped hiding.

Just three or five groups gathered in the mountains, each exchanging the news they knew and talking about the changes in Tuyun Ridge at this moment.

On this day, a red light suddenly flashed in the sky, and soon a red flying sword magic weapon was seen carrying several monks and landed in the sky above the Tuyunling Mountain Protection Formation.

Then Zhou Mingde, the supreme elder of the Zhou family, suddenly flew out and welcomed those people into the Zhou family's mountain gate.

This scene was seen by many monks, and it immediately aroused a lot of discussion.

I saw several monks sitting on the ground under a pine tree on a certain mountain peak, each looking up at the scene that happened above the Zhou family's mountain gate. Soon I saw one of them shaking his head and saying: "Tsk, tsk, here are a few more golden men." Alchemy monks, looking at the magic attributes, they should be the Jindan elders of Yanyang Sect, I didn’t expect them to come so far here to join in the fun!”

As soon as he finished speaking, another person sneered softly: "Hey, so what if it's far away? A monk at the Golden Core stage can fly thousands of miles in an hour. As long as it's within the borders of Jingguo, no matter how far it is, it only takes a few hours. If it were me, I would come and take a look, after all, this is a rare thing that happens in a thousand years, no worse than the scene where a monk in the golden elixir stage turns into an elixir and gives birth to a baby!"

"The Zhou family is really lucky. In the past few years, two people have succeeded in forming elixirs. Now the head of the Zhou family's dragon spirit pet has also broken through to the fourth level. From now on, the fifth position in Jingguo will be as stable as Mount Tai!"

Another old man sighed with envy and expressed his true feelings.

But these words seemed to hurt another person who had not spoken out. Then a middle-aged man who looked a little gloomy sneered: "It's too early to say this now. Don't forget, the Zhou family still has a culture." The Dragon Sect is such a formidable enemy, and even the dragon clan in Longyuan Ze is also their potential enemy!"

When this person said this, he also said with evil intentions: "You guys think that once the news that the thunder dragon of the Zhou family is breaking through the fourth level is known to the Hualong Sect and the dragon clan, will there be a fifth level? The dragon came in person to destroy the Zhou family and take away the fourth-order thunder dragon!"

Hearing his words, several people present were shocked.

Then I saw the old man suddenly said: "I suddenly feel unwell. I am going to find a place to meditate and recuperate. I won't accompany you all anymore. Goodbye!"

After saying that, he cupped his hands and left directly.

Seeing this scene, the remaining people were stunned for a moment, and then they gradually came to their senses and found excuses to disperse.

In the end, only the middle-aged man remained.

Seeing this, the man didn't pay much attention. He just glanced in the direction of Tuyunling with hatred in his eyes and slowly left.

As for the monks who gathered outside Tuyun Ridge because of the news of Thunder Dragon's breakthrough in vain, Zhou Chun didn't pay much attention.

As some people said, the Zhou family can now be said to be the fifth largest force in Jingguo, second only to the four major forces of Yuelun Sect, Yanyang Sect, Qinglian Temple, and Tianjing Villa in terms of overall strength.

Under such circumstances, as long as the four major forces did not openly attack the Zhou family, the Zhou family's status would be as stable as Mount Tai and unshakable.

So no matter what the monks outside were here for, he didn't need to care.

On the other hand, those Jindan monks who came from afar to witness the promotion of the third-level dragon to the fourth level gave him quite a headache to deal with.

Just say no, it's too easy to offend people.

However, when they brought people in for inspection, they were worried that if these Jindan monks did something extraordinary, it would interfere with the Thunder Dragon's breakthrough in vain.

Therefore, because of this matter, he was very troubled and his daily practice was suspended.

For example, today, several Jindan monks from the Yanyang Sect came together. Zhou Chun could not leave the people outside. He could only let Zhou Mingde bring the people in first, and then personally accompany them to feel the healing in the distance. The dragon's power is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, after a few people stayed for a while more than ten miles away from his cave, they saw a Yanyang Sect Jindan monk tut-tutting and said: "Tsk-tsk, this has not been fully promoted to the fourth level, and the strength of the dragon's power is no longer what it was on the battlefield before. The fourth-order dragon that Liu encountered was bad, and this thunder dragon of fellow Daoist Zhou is indeed a gifted four-clawed thunder dragon, with unlimited potential!"

After the words fell, another Yanyang Sect Jindan monk also nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, the strength of this dragon's power is indeed a bit unexpected. If it were in a place where monsters and beasts gather, I'm afraid there would be A small wave of beasts!"

Zhou Chun was tired of hearing similar words from many golden elixir monks who came to see him. At this time, he responded habitually: "The two Taoists have overestimated their praise. Everything has not been settled yet." , it’s too early to say this now!”

Hearing his words, the Jindan monk who was the first to speak immediately shook his head and said: "This is how humble you are, fellow Daoist Zhou. With the talent of the four-clawed thunder dragon, advancing to the fourth level is as easy as eating and drinking. So what?" It’s worth worrying about!”

After speaking, he looked at Zhou Chun expectantly and said, "Liu heard that when third-level monsters are promoted to fourth level, they often shed their skin and change their horns. I wonder if Zhou Daoyou will be able to sell the fallen dragon horns and dragon scales of his pet by then. To Liu? Liu is willing to use a third-level magic weapon or a thousand-year elixir in exchange!"

So is this what you came here for?

Zhou Chun looked at the few Yanyang Sect Jindan monks in front of him and immediately understood the other party's true intention.

The fourth-level thunder dragon can be said to be full of treasures. Dragon horns, dragon scales, and dragon blood are all treasures that are easy and difficult to obtain even for golden elixir stage monks.

Even if the dragon horns are difficult to pull out, the dragon scales and dragon blood can be pulled out occasionally and some of the dragon blood is extracted, but it is not a big problem and can be restored through rest.

Yanyang Sect is famous for its wealth of weapon refiners. These few Yanyang Sect Jindan monks came here today, probably to explore the way.

But Zhou Chun knew that this hole should not be opened easily, otherwise the thunder dragon Bai Bai might have its scales pulled out and bled every now and then, which would seriously affect his subsequent growth and the deep relationship between master and servant.

Therefore, after he pondered for a while, he looked at the monk surnamed Liu with a troubled face and said: "Normally, it is just the dragon horns and dragon scales that have fallen off naturally. It would be nothing to exchange them for fellow Daoist Liu, but my Zhou family is now a vassal of the Moon Wheel Sect. In order to obtain the protection of the Shangzong, I had promised to donate most of the spiritual objects produced by the two dragons to the Shangzong. I am afraid that this matter will disappoint fellow Daoist Liu!"

What he said was not a lie. He had indeed made an agreement with Master Baiyue in this regard, and the Zhou family had been providing dragon spiritual blood to the Moon Lun Sect over the years.

I think the Yanyang Sect also knew about this kind of thing.

But knowing that it was one thing, when they saw him carrying out the Moon Wheel Cult to suppress him, the monk surnamed Liu and several fellow disciples suddenly showed unhappy expressions.

I saw the monk surnamed Liu immediately turned down his face and said: "Friend Daoist Zhou, why are you trying to trick me? When it comes to the art of elixir formations, our Yanyang Sect is not as good as the Yuelun Sect, but when it comes to the art of refining weapons, The disciples of Yuelun Sect often ask me, Yanyang Sect, to help them refine sleight-of-hand weapons!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhou Chun very bluntly and said: "These dragon horns, dragon scales and other materials are of little use even if they are obtained by Yuelun. With the current strength and status of Zhou Daoyou and the Zhou family, we only need to ensure the supply of dragon blood. Think about it." They won’t force the Zhou family to pay tribute to these materials too much!”

At this point, the man narrowed his eyes again, and suddenly said in a long voice: "Or is it that Fellow Daoist Zhou and the Zhou family only have Yuelun Sect in their eyes?"

Everyone can recognize the dangerous connotation in the words.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's expression darkened.

He never expected that because of the fact that Lei Jiao was promoted to the fourth level in vain, even the Yanyang Sect, which had never had any contact with the Zhou family, would come to fight Qiufeng.

As expected, these big forces, one by one, are all evil wolves that eat people without spitting out their bones!

Recalling his family's experience of being exploited and teased by the Qinglian Temple and the Moon Lun Cult, Zhou Chun suddenly felt angry and angry, but he was helpless.

He knew very well that this was the true situation in the world of immortality.

This is not only true for Yasukuni, but also for other countries.

The major factions in every country will guard against and increase exploitation of forces that may threaten their own interests in order to weaken their strength and potential.

If it resists, that would be even better. We can destroy it openly and with reason, and collect all its assets!

The same applies between countries!

Zhou Chun traveled to more than a dozen countries and easily discovered a problem. No country has only one major sect.

In the rarest of cases, a country will be ruled by two sects or families.

According to some rumors he learned and his own speculation, this should be a tacit understanding among the major forces of the entire human race under the current situation.

If any force dares to break this tacit agreement and dominate a country, it will definitely lead to siege from surrounding countries!

All in all, in the face of the faint threat from several Yanyang Sect Jindan monks, Zhou Chun, despite being annoyed, could only make some slight concessions in the end.

He immediately spoke and said: "The Zhou family is a vassal family of the Yuelun Sect, so naturally everything only follows the orders of the Yuelun Sect!"

At this point, before the monk surnamed Liu could get angry, he immediately changed the topic and said: "But Brother Liu, you have come all the way, so I can't let you go in vain. Zhou just got a fourth-level fire lion a few years ago. If you bid appropriately for my body, Brother Daoist Liu, I can exchange it for you!"

"What? Fellow Daoist Zhou, you have the corpse of a fourth-level monster!"

The face of the monk surnamed Liu changed slightly, and he looked at Zhou Chun with surprise and suspicion, and several others were no exception.

"It's just good luck and I exchanged some materials with others!"

Zhou Chun said, and took out the eyes, teeth, skin, claws, bun hair and other items on the Fire Lin Lion for several people to take a look at.

As he expected, after seeing these excellent weapon refining materials, the eyes of the monks surnamed Liu suddenly lit up.

After some discussion, several people each took out some things and exchanged them with Zhou Chun for the corresponding materials on the Fire Lion Lion. Then no one mentioned the dragon horns and dragon scales again, and they left quickly.

"I'm afraid these people are not here just to fight against the autumn wind. They should be a test from the Yanyang Sect!"

After sending away several Yanyang Sect monks, Zhou Mingde expressed his opinion to Zhou Chun in a solemn tone.

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately replied in a low voice: "Maybe, but as long as we stick to our principles and don't touch the interests of their Yanyang Sect, they shouldn't be able to deal with us!"

After saying that, he couldn't help but sigh: "I was careless this time. I didn't consider that Bai Bai would make such a big fuss when he advanced within the family. Otherwise, maybe he wouldn't be so passive!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde seemed to blame himself, and Zhou Mingde quickly comforted: "I can't blame you. Our Zhou family has never cultivated a fourth-level monster in history, let alone ordinary monsters promoted to the fourth level will not make such a fuss. Big noise, these are all accidents!”

"Hey, I just hope this can all end as soon as possible!"

Zhou Chun sighed, and a look of exhaustion appeared in his eyes.

As if sensing the master's thoughts, just three months after the Yanyang Sect's Jindan monks visited Tuyun Ridge, a shocking dragon roar that shook the sky suddenly rose from Tuyun Ridge.

This dragon roar has extremely strong penetrating power. Even the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation] cannot completely block it. It can easily spread out of Tuyun Ridge and spread in all directions, and can be heard hundreds of miles away!

And as the dragon roar sounded, a silver electric light soon rose from Zhouchun Cave Mansion, flew straight out of the coverage area of ​​the formation, and flew into the sky above Tuyun Ridge.


The originally clear sky suddenly started to roar with thunder, followed by water vapor rising, dark clouds gathering, and the land for hundreds of miles suddenly became dark.

And among the dark clouds and lightning, an elegant and luxurious silver dragon was swimming with thunder and lightning all over its body. It was swimming and playing in the clouds and rain, breathing thunder.

This scene was seen in the eyes of countless monks inside and outside Tuyun Ridge, and it was immediately unforgettable for them.

"How can golden scales be just a thing in a pond? They turn into dragons when encountering wind and clouds!"

"What a four-clawed thunder dragon!"

In a white cloud in an unknown distance, a black-haired young man sat upright in the clouds, looking at the silver dragon in the clouds with bright eyes, and couldn't help praising it in a low voice.

But then he seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly darkened, and the light in his eyes quickly dissipated.

At the same time, also in a barren mountain hundreds of miles away from Tuyun Ridge, Qingweizi looked up at the dragon in the sky with an ugly face, and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "Damn it! Now that boy is so powerful Stronger and more difficult to deal with!”

But inside the Tuyunling Mountain Gate of the Zhou family, all the monks of the Zhou family looked at the silver dragon flying freely in the sky, but they were all smiling and beaming with joy. Some younger monks even cheered happily.

But the ancestor of the Su family who lived here also congratulated Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chun and others with a smile on his face at this time: "Hahaha, congratulations to the Zhou family for getting another great help, having this fourth-level dragon as the spiritual beast to protect the clan. , in the next thousands of years, the Zhou family’s status as a golden elixir family will be as stable as Mount Tai!”

When he said this, he couldn't hide the look of envy in his eyes.

As an ancestor of a golden elixir family, he knew how important a fourth-level thunder dragon was to a cultivating family.

It can be said that as long as this fourth-level thunder dragon does not abandon the Zhou family in the future, with its strength and long lifespan, it will definitely be able to protect the Zhou family for thousands of years in the future.

Not to mention the powerful combat power and resources that the fourth-level thunder dragon can now provide!

Facing the congratulations from the ancestor of the Su family, Zhou Mingde also smiled and said: "Hahaha, the Su and Zhou families are in-laws, and the Zhou family is also grateful for the kindness of fellow Daoist Su who came to protect the Dharma and help in the future. If you need help from the Zhou family, you can tell us directly, and I and the Zhou family will definitely help you!"

When he made this promise, the ancestor of the Su family also beamed with joy, and now he showed a more sincere smile.

Isn't that why he came to the Zhou family to help calm things down this time?

But at this moment, an earth-shattering dragon roar rang out from the sky.

After hearing this dragon roar, even though they were separated by a [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation], even if they were already golden elixir stage monks, the ancestors of the Su family and Zhou Mingde screamed out with pain on their faces.

They are all like this, and the Zhou family monks with lower cultivation levels on the mountain are even more miserable.

The Zifuqi monk was doing better, he just screamed and covered his ears and twitched on the ground.

Most of the monks below the Zifu stage rolled their eyes and passed out on the spot with bleeding from their orifices.

Some people even died suddenly on the spot!

And these people are still inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate, protected by formations.

Those monks outside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate are in dire straits!

Anyone whose cultivation level is lower than the Zifu stage, as long as they are within a hundred miles of Tuyun Ridge, will be killed on the spot by that dragon roar!

The monks in the Zifu period also fell into a coma with bleeding from their orifices, and their bodies, minds, and souls were severely damaged.

Even the golden elixir stage monks would have bleeding from their ears and nose, covering their ears with pain on their faces.

Just a dragon roar can have such an impact, which shows how terrifying the cultivation strength of the owner of the dragon roar is!

No, it’s a fifth-level dragon! !

Zhou Chun looked up at the sky with a painful expression, and saw another silver thunder dragon appearing in the dark clouds.

Compared with Baibai, the thunder dragon who has just been promoted to the fourth level and has a body length of twenty or thirty feet, this silver thunder dragon alone is more than sixty feet long!

A single dragon scale on its body is larger than a water tank, and its entire body is emitting dazzling silver lightning.

At this moment, it just appeared in the sky, and the raging dragon power made Zhou Chun tremble from the bottom of his heart through the formation, and he couldn't help but want to kneel on the ground.

He knew that this was a flaw caused by his practice of the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" and the refining of the thunder dragon's spiritual blood.

Because he has the blood of a dragon, he will naturally be more affected when faced with such a higher level of pressure from a dragon.

But after all, he is a golden elixir stage monk, so he won't really be unable to control his body and do such embarrassing things.

At this time, he used his magic power to suppress the restless blood in his body, and then quickly took out the formation flag of the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation], and used all his strength to activate the formation to resist the pressure of the fifth-order dragon.

Although in front of the fifth-level dragon, the so-called forbidden formation, the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation], could not block a single blow, it could still be used to weaken its coercive influence.

After activating the formation to offset most of the influence of the dragon's power, Zhou Chun quickly forcibly awakened some late-stage foundation-building monks and mid-stage foundation-building monks from the family, and asked them to quickly and several Zifu-stage elders replace those who presided over the spiritual purification method. The monks of the formation maintain the operation of the formation.

As for the meaning of doing this in front of the fifth-level dragon, Zhou Chun didn't think about it for a while.

He just thinks from the position of the clan leader and makes arrangements that are beneficial to the family as soon as possible.

It was not until after giving the order that he looked at the two silver dragons, one large and one small, in the sky.

To be honest, Zhou Chun was shocked but not that surprised by the sudden appearance of the fifth-order thunder dragon.

Ever since the thunder python evolved into a four-clawed thunder dragon through the "fish leaping through the dragon gate" phenomenon, he had a vague premonition of such a disaster.

This time, Lei Jiao was promoted to the fourth level in vain and made such a big noise, which made him even more aware that this disaster might happen.

Now that the disaster has really come, he doesn't feel much panic, and he feels relieved.

"Zhengchun, this..."

Zhou Mingde suddenly came to Zhou Chun's side, looking at the two silver thunder dragons in the sky with a panicked expression, and his tone was trembling as if he wanted to ask him what to do.

"This is no longer something we can handle, let's just watch it for now!"

Zhou Chun replied in a low voice with a complex tone, and then said no more.

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