Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 542 The Sorrow of the Thunder Dragon King【Please subscribe】


Two silver dragons, one large and one small, made different roars in the air, seeming to be communicating.

However, Zhou Chun and other senior officials of the Zhou family on Tuyun Ridge could only be spectators.

To be honest, Zhou Chun had already been mentally prepared for the arrival of this day.

After he cultivated the four-clawed thunder dragon, he had already realized that the dragon clan in Long Yuanze would definitely not turn a blind eye to this matter.

It would be fine if he had been cultivating in a place far away from Long Yuanze like the Great Zhou Kingdom. With the mountains high and the roads far away, no matter how powerful the Jiaolong clan was, they would definitely not dare to go deep into the prosperous areas of the human race.

But it happened that the Zhou family's Shanmen clan was in Jingguo, and next door was the wilderness controlled by the Longyuanze Jiaolong clan.

Under such circumstances, it is really hard to believe that the Jiaolong clan was not moved at all after hearing the news.

After all, the four-clawed thunder dragon has a high probability of being promoted to the fifth level. Even within the dragon clan, the fifth level dragon is definitely at the top.

The fact that the Jiaolong clan could endure it until now was beyond Zhou Chun's expectations!

At this time, he looked at the two silver dragons who seemed to be talking in the sky. Although there was a nervous look in his eyes, he was not particularly panicked inside.

Zhou Chun was not worried that the thunder dragon would be persuaded by the fifth-level thunder dragon in vain and was willing to follow the other party based on a few words.

The relationship between master and servant for more than two hundred years cannot possibly be inferior to that of a so-called sibling who suddenly appears!

What needs to be worried about now is whether the fifth-level thunder dragon will become angry and attack the Zhou family after failing to persuade him.

But actually Zhou Chun wasn't that worried about this matter.

Previously, Di Long, the leader of the Black Dragon Hall of the Hualong Sect, appeared at the Zhou family and was quickly ambushed and killed by Master Tianjing. Zhou Chun knew that the Moon Lun Sect had been fishing for the Zhou family for a long time.

And this time, the thunder dragon was promoted to the fourth level in vain, causing such a big commotion and lasting for such a long time. Could it be that the Moon Wheel Sect would not have thought that a high-level dragon would come and want to take away the fourth level thunder dragon that had just broken through?

If they hadn't thought of this, then the Yuelun Cult's Yuanying stage masters would have lived so long in vain!

This is also an important reason why Zhou Chun let Lei Jiao make a breakthrough within the family.

He did not expect that Lei Jiao Baibai's breakthrough would cause such a long-lasting big noise, but it was impossible to say that he did not know that Lei Jiao Baibai's breakthrough to the fourth level in the family would leak the news.

In fact, for Zhou Chun, letting the thunder dragon break through to the fourth level in vain is the best choice within the family.

Otherwise, judging from the commotion caused by Lei Jiao Baibai's previous breakthrough, whether it is in Tianyuan Immortal City or somewhere in a remote wilderness, it will cause big trouble.

A fourth-level thunder dragon that has just broken through, even if it is killed to harvest the materials, its value is no less than a high-grade magic weapon.

But its owner is just an early-stage Jindan monk!

Which late-stage golden elixir monk would not be moved after seeing this?

Maybe real people in the Nascent Soul Stage will be moved!

And even if Zhou Chun let the thunder dragon break through in vain and brought it back, the news would still be leaked.

When the time comes, the scene that happened today will still come!

Since it will come sooner or later, why should he take other risks!

The current situation seemed dangerous, but in fact Zhou Chun knew that even if the Moon Wheel Sect chose to be a coward in the end, the Zhou family would not be wiped out by that fifth-level thunder dragon.

The biggest loss was that he terminated the contract with Bai Bai and let the fifth-level thunder dragon take Bai Bai away!

The fifth-level Lei Jiao Baibai has profound wisdom. After a few exchanges with Lei Jiao Baibai, he should know that the Zhou family has never abused Lei Jiao Baibai, and Lei Jiao Baibai and Zhou Chun have a deep relationship.

Under this situation, he didn't want Lei Jiao to be his enemy in the future. He definitely wouldn't forcefully destroy a small Zhou family after Zhou Chun agreed to terminate the contract, creating a strong enemy of his own clan in the future!

So now Zhou Chun is not too panicked, he just hopes that the situation will not reach the worst outcome.

After all, he really doesn’t want to lose the spiritual pet he raised with his own hands!

And just when Zhou Chun was in a complicated mood and thinking about something on his mind, an angry roar suddenly came from the sky: "Ignorant young man, I will ask you again, will you follow me back to Longyuan? If you refuse again, I, the king, will kill all the humans below and take your body back, lest you become a shame to my Thunder Dragon clan!"

This was said in the common language of the human race, and the pronunciation was very correct.

Therefore, as soon as these words were spoken, the faces of the Zhou family monks who were still conscious in Tuyun Ridge changed drastically after hearing this, and their eyes were full of horror.

Then an angry dragon roar was heard from the mouth of Lei Jiao Baibai.

The general meaning is that I will never be separated from my master!

This scene made Zhou Chun feel happy and nervous at the same time.

He knew in his heart that at this point, it was already the final showdown.

"Okay, okay, since you are so ignorant, I will help you!"

A furious roar sounded from the air, and the fifth-level thunder dragon suddenly raised its claws and waved, and a thick silver thunderbolt hit the Zhou family's mountain gate in Tuyun Ridge below.

When Lei Jiao Baibai saw this, he quickly used his thunder escape technique to reach the top of the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation], and used his own body as a shield to block the attack!

The result was that even if it was promoted to the fourth level, its skin and flesh were instantly torn apart by this attack, its body was covered in smoke, and it was severely injured in one fell swoop!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun was suddenly shocked, his eyes filled with tears, and he hurriedly shouted: "Stop! Senior Demon King, please listen to this junior!!"

With that said, he ignored Zhou Mingde's obstruction behind him, flew out of the formation, and cast a burst of magic power to catch the thunder dragon in vain.

Then he looked at the fifth-level thunder dragon and said: "Senior Demon King just wants to take it away, why hurt its life!"

After speaking, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Since my Zhou family cannot keep it today, it means that Zhou's fate with it is over. Please give the senior demon king some time to persuade it, and I promise to get rid of it." Contract and send it back to Longyuan!"

"Junior human race, are you telling the truth?"

The fifth-level thunder dragon opened his eyes as big as a water tank and stared at Zhou Chun, his tone full of distrust.

Zhou Chun replied in a low tone: "With the strength of the senior demon king, if this junior dares to tell lies, wouldn't he be taking the lives of himself and the whole clan of monks seriously!"

Hearing this, the fifth-level thunder dragon was silent for a moment, and then said coldly: "Okay, then I will give you one month. If you don't see it return to Longyuan after one month, I will let you and your family own it." Everyone dies without a burial place!!”

"Thank you, Senior Demon King, for your tolerance!"

Zhou Chun responded and hurriedly took Bai Bai, the thunder dragon, back to the family to heal his injuries.

When the fifth-level thunder dragon saw this, he was also ready to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Since fellow Daoist Thunder Dragon King has come to my human area, why bother to go back in a hurry? You might as well follow me to the Moon Lun Sect Mountain Gate to have a talk!"

Before the voice fell, I saw several rays of light suddenly flying from the horizon, and as many as five Nascent Soul stage real people appeared at once!

In Tuyun Ridge, Zhou Chun, who had just fed Lei Jiao the healing elixir in vain, could not help but clenched his fists when he saw this scene.

He didn't believe that these people had just arrived here.

What happened before was probably witnessed by all of these people.

But they all sat on the sidelines.

As long as Zhou Chun thought about it for a moment, he could guess what these people were thinking and planning.

They just want to wait for the fifth-level thunder dragon to get angry and destroy the Zhou family and kill the thunder dragon in vain, and then besiege the fifth-level thunder dragon in the name of the Zhou family's upholding justice.

At that time, even if they kill the fifth-level thunder dragon, they will also have absolute justice!

You can also get a fourth-level thunder dragon corpse by the way!

Afterwards, when other monks learned about this, they would probably praise them and sing their praises!

Unfortunately, they miscalculated in the end. The fifth-level thunder dragon did not do what they thought, and Zhou Chun was more decisive than they thought.

At this time, they saw that Zhou Chun and the fifth-level thunder dragon had reached a reconciliation. The fifth-level thunder dragon was about to leave. They didn't want to return empty-handed, so they had no choice but to show up and stop him!

How could such behavior not make Zhou Chun feel disgusted and angry!

"If there is a chance in the future, I will repay today's revenge tenfold!"

Zhou Chun secretly swore in his heart, and immediately took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, and sent the seriously injured Thunder Dragon back to the cave to recuperate.

Outside, Master Yin Yue and other five Nascent Soul stage monks were already fighting with the fifth-order thunder dragon.

After immortal cultivators reach the Nascent Soul stage, the gap in strength between those of immortal cultivators and monster beasts such as dragons will not be too wide.

It would not be the case that the late Yuanying monks could not even kill a fifth-level low-grade dragon.

For example, the fifth-order thunder dragon that appeared this time, although it was a peak fifth-order low-grade thunder dragon, was about the same strength as a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk.

His lightning escape technique is certainly powerful, but monks in the Nascent Soul stage often practice powerful escape techniques and have limited means of interrupting his escape technique.

Not to mention that Master Yin Yue and others came prepared this time, and had already prepared the magic weapons and means to restrain it.

At this time, facing the siege of five Nascent Soul Stage monks, it fell into an absolute disadvantage from the beginning.

"Damn it! What's the point of bullying the minority? You have the ability to fight this king one on one to the death!"

"Damn human monks, you dare to besiege me like this, are you not afraid that the Dragon King will be angry and personally come to cut down the mountains and destroy your sects?"

"No! I am the king of the Thunder Dragon Clan, you cannot kill me!!"

The sky in Lingzhou is changing a lot today.

Not only did the silver full moon appear in the broad daylight, but also the red-gold sun appeared. Thunder was rolling from the sky, and thousands of thunders were fired in unison.

The battle between the Nascent Soul Stage monks and the fifth-level Thunder Dragon has been intense from the beginning.

A random attack falling from the sky can destroy mountains and change the topography of the earth.

I don’t know how many monks and mortals who were too late to dodge died under this attack, and I don’t know how many animals died as a result!

If unfortunately there happens to be a mountain gate of a cultivator family, or a loose cultivator stronghold is hit by those attacks, then the whole clan will be wiped out directly, and there will be no escape!

The aftermath of this powerful battle made even Jindan monks like Zhou Chun extremely frightened when they saw it. They could only use all their strength to activate the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation] to protect the family gate.

The large formation cannot block the attack of the Nascent Soul Stage monks, but if it is just some aftermath of the battle, it can still barely block it!

It's just that this battle ended much faster than Zhou Chun imagined.

Just as he was listening to the roar of the fifth-level thunder dragon hundreds of miles away in the sky and judging the direction of the battle, suddenly an extremely dazzling silver thunder light rose from the sky.

Even though they were hundreds of miles away, the dazzling lightning instantly made Zhou Chun unable to help but close his eyes, and two lines of bloody tears could not stop flowing down his eyes.

After a few breaths of time passed, the earth-shattering explosion and roar came belatedly!

What happened?

Zhou Chun forced his eyes open, gathered his magic power to suppress the discomfort in his eyes, and looked in the direction of the explosion.

The silver lightning at this moment still has not dissipated, but it is not as dazzling as before.

Zhou Chun could only see a silvery white in the sky.

After dozens of breaths passed, the silvery white color faded slightly, and the blue sky could be vaguely seen.

After dozens of breaths of thinking, Zhou Chun gradually came up with a guess in his heart.

"No way! It can't really be a self-exploding demon pill! It's a fifth-level thunder dragon!!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, his face full of shock.

That's right, he felt that the earth-shattering explosion just now couldn't possibly be done by some kind of magical power, or that it couldn't be done by a fifth-level existence!

The only explanation is that the fifth-level thunder dragon exploded the demon pill and even its own demon body!

The demonic elixir's self-destruction is originally the most powerful method for high-level demonic beasts, a method that is enough to fight across levels!

A fifth-level low-grade thunder dragon self-destructs the demon pill. Even if a late-stage Nascent Soul monk comes too close, he will inevitably be severely injured!

But what shocked Zhou Chun was why did the fifth-level thunder dragon do this?

With his magical powers, even if he is really surrounded by enemies several times stronger than himself, he should still have a way to escape.

After all, among the monks who besieged it, there were no great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage.

So as long as he wants to escape and is willing to pay some price, he should have a good chance of escaping.

No matter how bad it is, if he directly abandons the demon body and teleports away with the demon elixir, it is not something that a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul can catch up with!

Zhou Chun didn't believe that in order to kill this fifth-level thunder dragon, any of the Nascent Soul stage monks would be willing to use the demon elixir of the Nascent Soul to chase the thunder dragon out of the body like the original Master Qingxiao. They may not have that kind of demon elixir. ability.

"This is going to be a big deal! Is there going to be another war between the two races?"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself with a solemn expression, feeling extremely heavy.

It is true that because of the death of the fifth-level thunder dragon, he no longer has to hand over the thunder dragon in vain and can keep his beloved pet.

But because of the death of the fifth-level thunder dragon, the dragon clan will definitely not give up!

Maybe another wave of beasts will be launched to attack Jingguo.

By then, he and the Zhou family will definitely be involved in the war again, and may even become the focus of the beast tide!

As long as he thought about this, he couldn't be happy.

And just when Zhou Chun was worried about the possible serious consequences of the death of the fifth-level thunder dragon, the instigators of all this also looked extremely ugly.

"This damn beast actually dared to explode the demon pill! Junior Brother Xian Yue died unjustly!!"

Master Yinyue looked at the half of the spiritual treasure fragment in his hand with a livid face, and his heart was bleeding.

Just now, the fifth-level thunder dragon exploded its demon elixir and demon body. He escaped in time, but his appearance was miserable and he suffered some minor injuries.

However, another Yuelun Sect monk at the Nascent Soul stage, Master Xian Yue, failed to react in time and was directly pulled to death. Even the Nascent Soul did not have time to escape!

It turns out that the Yuelun Sect has four real people in the Nascent Soul stage, who are the only ones in Jingguo and even in surrounding countries.

But now with the death of Master Xianyue, there are only three Masters in the Yuanying stage left in Yuelun Sect.

And what’s even more fatal is that Master Xianyue is currently the youngest Nascent Soul Stage Master in the Yuelun Sect, only a few dozen years older than Master Tianjing!

Now that the youngest Yuanying Stage Master has died, another old Yuanying Stage Master in the sect has less than a hundred years left to live.

A hundred years later, the Moon Lun Sect may not even be able to secure its position as the number one force in the Jing Kingdom.

In such a situation, how could it not make Master Yin Yue extremely frightened and angry.

"Ahem, fellow Taoist Silver Moon, what should we do now? That beast blew up its demon elixir and demon body. Not only are we unable to force the Golden Horned Dragon King to redeem it with its demon elixir and demon soul as originally planned, we also completely I have offended the Jiaolong clan, how should I deal with the Jiaolong clan’s revenge next?”

Just when Master Yin Yue saw things that hurt people and was worried about the future of the sect, a weak and gasping voice interrupted his train of thought.

Turning around, he saw a tall, strong man with his robes in tatters and a broken arm, looking at him with a worried look on his face.

Judging from the appearance of this strong man, it was obvious that he was also the unlucky guy who was under the self-explosion demon pill of the fifth-level thunder dragon just now. He was unable to avoid most of the explosive power in time like him.

"What a pity, it would be great if this guy also died in the explosion!"

Master Yinyue couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind, and then said with a cold face: "It would be great if the Jiaolong clan wants to take revenge. Don't I just want to lure the Golden Horned Dragon King here? I'm still afraid that it won't Dare you take revenge!"

Hearing what he said, the tall and strong man suddenly looked bitter. He couldn't help but said with a bitter face: "That's what I said, but Yang not only lost a top-quality magic weapon just now, but he was also seriously injured. If there are a few more... If it’s a fifth-level dragon, Yang will hardly be able to fight again!”

When Master Yin Yue heard this, his expression suddenly turned serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Young Daoist Yang is serious. With your cultivation level reaching the level of you and me, as long as your physical body is not destroyed, it is not difficult to recover from any injuries!"

After saying that, he said in a sharp tone: "Junior Brother Canyue of our sect sacrificed his life in order to kill that beast. Fellow Daoist Yang, you just wanted to retreat after being slightly injured. If this matter reaches the ears of that senior, I'm afraid that It’s hard to explain!”

When he heard the words "that senior", the tall and strong man's eyes suddenly shrank, and he quickly gritted his teeth and said: "Fellow Taoist Yinyue is right, then Yang will have no choice but to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman!"

Having said this, he seemed to have thought of something again, and couldn't help but look at someone with an angry face and shouted angrily: "Fellow Taoist Tianjing, didn't you say that [Xuanling Mirror] can immobilize the beast and prevent it from exploding the demon pill? Why did it finally succeed in self-exploding the demon pill!"

As soon as these words were spoken, anger appeared in the eyes of Master Yin Yue, and he looked at Master Tian Jing with cold eyes.

Facing the gazes of the two masters of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect, Master Tianjing said calmly: "I said so, but the two fellow Taoists also saw it before, that fifth-level thunder Even after the dragon is immobilized by the demon pill, he still has the secret technique to break free and explode the demon pill, so how can we blame him for something unexpected like this!"

This answer was not satisfactory to the tall and strong man. He couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Huh, who knows if you are deliberately letting the enemy go and want to kill someone with a borrowed knife!"

But Master Tianjing replied calmly like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water: "If Fellow Daoist Yang doesn't believe me, then there's nothing I can do about it!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Master Yinyue couldn't help but frowned, and immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Okay, before the war, we still need to be united as one, so it's better not to say such words that affect unity."

After saying that, he looked deeply at Master Tianjing and said: "Fellow Taoist Tianjing, I believe in you again this time, but if you fight against the demon clan again, I don't want to see you failing to do your job again. Got it!"

"I understand."

Master Tianjing frowned, but still responded in a deep voice.

Seeing that he seemed to understand the importance, Master Yin Yue did not say any more about the matter, and instead said: "Although the beast even shattered the demon body when he exploded the demon elixir, there is always something about the fifth-level thunder dragon. It will be completely destroyed in the explosion. I will search it first and then have someone come over and search the surrounding area carefully. It would be good to recover something!"

After saying this, the tall and strong man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately said: "What Fellow Taoist Yinyue said is absolutely true, so we don't need to delay any more, let's go our separate ways first!"

After saying that, he first found a direction to fly, and used his spiritual consciousness to search for the materials on the fifth-level thunder dragon scattered on the ground.

After a search, several real people in the Nascent Soul stage had some gains and found some dragon bones and dragon scales.

Because it is something from the fifth-level thunder dragon, even if it is too incomplete to be used to refine it into a magic weapon alone, it is still excellent whether used as medicine or refined together with other magic weapons and spiritual materials.

After such a search, several Nascent Soul Stage monks returned to their respective caves to recuperate in preparation for the possible war that would follow.

After they returned, some Jindan monks and Zifuqi monks from Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect immediately rushed to the battlefield to conduct a second search to find any materials on fifth-level monsters that might have been missed.

But this kind of thing is undoubtedly a first-come-first-served approach!

Less than half a day after the Nascent Soul stage monks left, the Zhou family and some nearby monks who were attracted by the self-destruction of the fifth-order thunder dragon rushed to the battlefield to look for possible treasures.

Most of the corpses of the monks who had been killed by the roar of the fifth-level thunder dragon were collected by the monks who went out to search for them. All their belongings were taken advantage of by the Zhou family.

These people are miserable enough to risk their own lives just by watching the fun!

But Zhou Chun didn't join in the fun, because he was entertaining a distinguished guest.

This distinguished guest was none other than Tianjing Zhenren who came to Zhou’s house after the show!

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