Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 543 King Thunder Dragon’s back-up plan【Please subscribe】

"The real person is here, and I am very proud of my family. I only regret that my family is poor and has no treasures to entertain the real person. Only the honey tea produced by myself can be used to entertain the guests. I am sorry for any neglect!" "

In the Zhou family's guest hall, Zhou Chun respectfully gave up the first seat to Master Tianjing, and personally brewed the Zhou family's best-quality queen bee honey tea and presented it to him.

Master Tianjing was very considerate today and actually picked up the tea and took a sip.

Then he put down the tea cup and said calmly: "Young friend Zhou, don't be restrained. I'm here with good intentions today, not to ask for punishment."

After not wanting to hear what he said, Zhou Chun became even more vigilant.

There was no way. His experiences over the years had reminded Zhou Chun many times that none of the Nascent Soul Stage monks in his country were good.

As for foreign Nascent Soul monks, Zhou Chun has not yet come into contact with them, so he can’t say much for the time being, but there is a high probability that they are all the same!

Master Tianjing's attitude towards the Zhou family was not good before, but now he suddenly said that he came with good intentions. Zhou Chun felt that this was ironic.

Of course, he wouldn't show it on his face, he just nodded and said, "Yes, yes, this junior will listen to the real person's teachings!"

This seemingly submissive appearance actually made Master Tianjing frown slightly.

As a Nascent Soul monk who has lived for a thousand years, how could Master Tianjing not be able to see the truth about his obedience on the surface but vigilance on the inside.

But everything is done by deeds but not by heart. Even though he saw this, he didn't have much to say.

At the moment, he could only suppress his unhappiness and said in a calm tone: "What do you think of the appearance of the fifth-level thunder dragon this time?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately said loudly with an indignant look: "The demon clan has bullied my human race too much. Thanks to the actions of the seniors, the junior and the Zhou family were able to survive. For the great kindness of all seniors, the junior and the Zhou family It’s so unforgettable!”

After speaking, he bowed deeply to Master Tianjing and gave a deep salute to express his gratitude.

Seeing this, Master Tianjing looked at him with a half-smile, and then said slowly: "Really? Do you really think so?"

"Of course, yes, what I just said was from the bottom of my heart, and there is absolutely no falsehood!"

Zhou Chun replied firmly.

"Then I will tell you, Mr. Zhou, that I, Master Yinyue and others have been waiting near Zhou's house for a long time. What do you think, Mr. Zhou?"

When Master Tianjing said this, he took another sip of tea, and then looked at Zhou Chun with a half-smile, waiting for his answer.

What on earth does he want to do?

Zhou Chun lowered his head slightly, all kinds of thoughts flashing in his mind, and he was a little unsure of what Master Tianjing was thinking.

In the end, just to be on the safe side, he replied in a calm tone: "I naturally want to thank all the seniors for their love and care, and thank all the seniors for showing up at the critical moment to save the Zhou family from the fire and water!"

Hearing his answer, Master Tianjing seemed to have gotten the answer he wanted. He immediately laughed and said: "Hahaha, in that case, I think this is what Fellow Daoist Zhou really thinks!"

After speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and handed a fist-sized silver-white crystal to Zhou Chun. "This Mirror Return Secret Talisman is carefully refined by me. It can return a single magical attack back to the opponent." , take it as a gift for me to have a good relationship with you!"

Then, regardless of whether Zhou Chun was willing to accept it, he stood up and left.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, but he still hurriedly grabbed the silver-white crystal and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you Master for giving me this treasure. I would like to give this to you!"

After saying that, he personally sent him out of the mountain gate and watched the other party go away before returning to the mountain gate.

"How's it going? What's the purpose of Master Tianjing?"

When Zhou Chun returned to the mountain gate, Zhou Mingde came over and asked him about the purpose of Tianjing's visit with a worried look on his face.

"It's hard to tell what the purpose is, but it doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards us!"

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and recounted the conversation he had just had with Master Tianjing.

After listening to his narration, Zhou Mingde also said with a surprised look on his face: "Judging from what he said, it seems that he is trying to provoke, but he is trying to sow discord between our Zhou family and the Moon Lun Sect, and he is also harmful to him. What's the benefit? Could it be that he thinks that our Zhou family dares to betray the Moon Lun Sect and join him?"

"Who knows? Maybe he just has dates but doesn't have dates and wants to plant a seed first!"

Zhou Chun whispered his opinion, and then said calmly: "But no matter what he thinks in his heart, we just need to firm our beliefs and not be influenced by him!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Mingde immediately won the support, "Yes, no matter what he thinks, we just don't get involved. This kind of thing involving the fight between Yuanying real people is not something we can get involved in! "

After unifying their opinions in this way, the two of them did not talk about the matter any more.

Zhou Chun quickly asked, "Has the family casualties been calculated?"

"The statistics are out. This time, affected by the dragon's roar of the fifth-level thunder dragon, seventeen Qi Refining Stage clansmen died. Most of them were old, frail and disabled people. The rest of the Zifu Stage clansmen died. The following, all suffered more or less internal and external injuries!"

When Zhou Mingde said this, he looked at Zhou Chun with a face full of joy and said: "Fortunately, Zhengchun, you had the foresight to move all the clan members in the clan school to Jiufeng Ridge. Most of the clan members here have also experienced We have been tempered by Long Wei in vain, otherwise the number of clan members who died this time would have doubled several times!"

After hearing his answer, Zhou Chun's expression darkened slightly.

Then he quickly said: "Those tribesmen who have fallen can be considered as dead because of the juniors. Let's pay double pensions to their relatives in the name of the juniors!"

"No problem, I will let Xinyi take care of it."

Zhou Mingde agreed wholeheartedly.

Then he asked with a concerned look: "How is Bai Bai's injury? Does the family need to do anything for it?"

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately replied: "Although the injury is a bit serious, it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, it was injured by the same source of power, so it won't be that difficult to remove!"

After finishing speaking, he said with a solemn expression: "I won't say anything about this in advance. This time the death of the fifth-level thunder dragon body here will probably anger the dragon clan and launch another wave of beasts to attack Jingguo. The family must make a response plan in advance. yes!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde's expression became serious. He couldn't help but nodded and said: "Yes, Zhengchun, what you said makes sense. This matter is indeed the most important thing at the moment. It seems that we need to send someone there immediately." The Kingdom of Zhou has summoned Fellow Daoist Lin back."

Next, the two of them held urgent discussions on how to deal with the possible beast tide.

In the next few days, many Zhou elders set off from Tuyunling to different destinations.

Some foundation-building monks were also assigned tasks to go to various cities and towns to purchase supplies in large quantities.

Some monks from the Zhou family who mastered the skills of alchemy and talisman formations also suddenly received family tasks, asking them to work hard to make relevant talismans, elixirs, magic weapons, and formations.

At the same time, those Zhou family monks who ventured to the battlefield to pick up the remains of the fifth-level thunder dragon also began to return to their families with their harvests.

At that time, the dragon's body of the fifth-level thunder dragon was shattered by the self-explosion of its demonic elixir. The remaining broken bones, broken scales and blood were scattered on the ground for hundreds of miles.

Some of the larger ones and those that were easier to find were taken away by several Nascent Soul stage masters.

The remaining tiny fragments and hard-to-find objects give middle and low-level monks a chance to drink the soup.

Some of the Zhou family monks who came back found broken scales the size of a palm, some found broken bones the size of a fingernail, and some brought back stones, soil, and wood stained with dragon blood.

These things are too high-end in nature and cannot be used by middle- and low-level monks, so after bringing them back to their families, they all chose to hand them over to their families in exchange for good deeds.

Although Zhou Chun asked his family to acquire these things, he didn't take them too seriously.

He knew in his heart that it would be difficult for the Zhou family to use these things, and because these things were too broken, they did not have the value of being exchanged with other Golden Core monks.

Now that we are collecting them, we can only see if anyone is willing to buy them on a large scale and resell them to others.

On this day, Zhou Chun, who was practicing in the cave, suddenly received a communication talisman from Zhou Xinfu, the core member of the family, saying that he had treasures obtained on the battlefield just now that he wanted to dedicate to him.

This made him frown slightly, and he immediately used his spiritual consciousness to scan outside the cave.

Outside his cave, a thin young man wearing a blue gown was walking back and forth, with a look of anxiety on his face, but a faint look of expectation in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun thought for a moment, then stood up and walked out of the cave into the valley outside.

Then he waved his hand, and the formation outside the valley opened a hole and let people in.

"Junior Zhou Xinfu pays homage to the clan leader."

After the thin young man entered the valley, he glanced at Zhou Chun briefly, then hurriedly lowered his head and bowed deeply.

"Tell me, what kind of incredible treasure have you got, and you actually want to come to see me in private!"

Zhou Chun casually found a chair and sat down. He looked directly at the junior in front of him and asked about business.

Originally, according to his past behavior style, he would not meet the younger members of the clan outside like this.

But since he brought back the Fountain of Spiritual Eyes, Zhou Chun rarely meets the monks from his clan in the cave. Even the elders of the clan find it difficult to enter his cave again.

However, as a junior, Zhou Xinfu naturally did not dare to comment on what his elders did.

After listening to Zhou Chun's question, he hurriedly patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a shiny silver dragon's tooth, and handed it to Zhou Chun.

He said respectfully: "Clan leader, please see, this dragon's tooth is a treasure that the junior found in a water pool. Such a complete dragon's tooth is definitely a rare magic weapon and spiritual material. The junior does not dare to keep it secretly. Come here and present it to the clan leader!”


Zhou Chun's eyes narrowed and he looked at the silver dragon's tooth in Zhou Xinfu's hand with surprise on his face.

As the person said, this silver dragon tooth is quite well preserved.

Its length is about five feet, and its widest point is slightly larger than a human calf. There are no gaps visible on the surface, just like it was pulled out of a dragon's mouth just now.

Such a complete dragon tooth, if it falls into the hands of a master of weapon refining, can at least refine a high-grade magic weapon. It is definitely the best monster material Zhou Chun has seen so far!

But it was precisely because this dragon tooth was so precious and so complete that Zhou Chun couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

The first doubtful point is that the fifth-level thunder dragon demon pill self-destructed, and the dragon's body was blown to pieces. How could it still retain such a complete dragon tooth?

Doubt 2: How did such a complete dragon tooth escape the subsequent search by all the real people in the Nascent Soul stage?

Feeling suspicious, Zhou Chun did not immediately reach out to pick up the dragon tooth. He just nodded slightly to Zhou Xinfu and said, "You are serious. This kind of treasure is indeed not something that your level of cultivation can bear."

After saying that, he waved his hand and said: "Come on, sit down first and tell me how this thing came to be!"

When he said this, Zhou Chun was mostly focused on Zhou Xinfu, not letting go of him or his reaction.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Xinfu was obviously stunned for a moment, then looked at the dragon tooth in his hand, hesitated for a moment, then put it aside on the ground, and then said respectfully: "Yes, I will obey."

Then he talked about how he got Dragon Teeth.

Basically, like everyone else, he first searched for possible materials on the dragons on the battlefield. During the process, he also found some scattered dragon scales and bones, but the harvest was not particularly outstanding.

Later, when I was searching beside a mountain pool, I suddenly found a silver light flashing in the pool, and then I discovered the dragon's tooth sunk at the bottom of the pool.

Judging from what he said, there is nothing particularly suspicious.

It’s just pure luck!

But Zhou Chun did not rush to draw conclusions, but suddenly looked at Zhou Xinfu and asked: "I have said before that all the spiritual materials found by the clan can be dedicated to the family in exchange for the family's good deeds. Why don't you give this dragon tooth to the family?" Hand it over to Xinyi, but come to me privately?"


Zhou Xinfu's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly hesitated and did not answer immediately.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's tone suddenly dropped, and he asked in a deep voice, "What? Is there anything else you can't say that's hard to say in front of me?"

"Juniors don't dare!"

Zhou Xinfu hurriedly denied it, and then said with his head lowered: "Pardon me, patriarch, but this junior came here privately to offer the treasure. It is indeed selfish. I want to gain the favor of the patriarch and win rewards!"

"Is that all?"

Zhou Chun looked at the junior in front of him, his tone neither sad nor happy.

"Yes, that's all."

Zhou Xinfu nodded repeatedly with a very firm tone.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately waved his hand and said: "Okay, in that case, for the sake of your filial piety, I will not pursue your little thoughts. What is the specific reward? You can go back Wait for notification”

"Thank you to the patriarch for your tolerance. I will take my leave first."

Zhou Xinfu's face relaxed, and after thanking him, he hurriedly turned around and left.

After he left, Zhou Chun looked at the dragon's tooth that he had placed on the ground and couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Are you really being paranoid?

After thinking about it, he decided it was better to be cautious.

So Dangzhi raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the largest jade box, then picked up the dragon tooth and put it into the jade box, intending to seal it up and study it slowly when he has time. .

Unexpectedly, just when he closed the jade box and was about to affix the sealing talisman, the jade box suddenly exploded, and a ray of silver light shot toward him instantly!

There is indeed a ghost!

But seeing the silver-white lightning flash, Zhou Chun's figure instantly appeared in another place dozens of feet away.

But when he noticed something was wrong, he immediately activated the "Thunder Flash" magical power attached to his robe, and he flashed out of the place first.

At this moment, after he dodged this dangerous blow, the golden clouds and silver light suddenly flashed on his body, and he directly used the [Qianyuan Jinxia] magical power and the "Taiyin Body Protecting Immortal Clothes" magical power in one breath.

Unexpectedly, the silver dragon tooth that failed to attack him in mid-air did not continue to attack him. Instead, it changed its direction and shot towards his cave in an instant!

This is...not good! !

As if he thought of something, Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he hurriedly warned the thunder dragon who was still recovering from his injuries in the cave. At the same time, he quickly activated the formation in the cave to intercept the silver dragon's tooth.

But in the face of the sharp edge of the silver dragon teeth, these formations were almost the same as paper, and the hard stones inside his cave were also easily penetrated.

Fortunately, this is his cave after all, his home court.

Just when the silver dragon tooth was about to arrive at the secret room where Thunder Dragon Bai Bai was recuperating, a ray of yellow light suddenly enveloped Thunder Dragon Bai Bai and took it directly into the ground.

But it was the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou who was also sleeping and cultivating below the cave. After receiving the instructions from his master, he promptly used the earth escape technique and escaped into the ground with the thunder dragon in vain.

However, even so, the silver dragon tooth never gave up.

It seemed to have some way of locking on the thunder dragon Baibai who had escaped into the ground. It turned directly downwards and easily pierced the mountain below like a sharp sword, biting the fleeing thunder dragon Baibai and Jin Jiafu in front. Mountain turtle stone.

After learning about this through the spiritual connection with his spiritual pet, Zhou Chun first took a deep breath, then opened his mouth and spat out the [Moon Toad Orb], letting the golden armor bear the mountain turtle stone to bring the thunder dragon to him in vain.

After a moment, there was a surge of yellow light on the ground, and the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou appeared in vain more than ten feet away from Zhou Chun, carrying the injured thunder dragon.

Zhou Chun quickly patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and put them both inside.

As soon as Zhou Chung finished all this, a silver lightning burst out of the ground and shot straight towards him.

It’s you who’s waiting!

Zhou Chun's face remained unchanged as he pushed the white orb on his head, and a white cold light collided with the silver thunder light a few feet in front of him.

However, this time the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" finally met its opponent.

After the white cold light collided with the silver lightning, the lightning suddenly dispersed, revealing the original shape of the silver dragon's teeth.

But just when the silver dragon tooth was about to be sealed by ice, a several-foot-long silver thunder dragon suddenly emerged from the dragon tooth, instantly dissipating the white cold light!

It's just that this move seems to have caused great damage to the silver thunder dragon, and its size has shrunk visibly to the naked eye.

Then he saw his body move, and he broke away from the silver dragon teeth in an instant, and rushed towards Zhou Chun.

This scene made Zhou Chun's scalp numb, and he hurriedly activated the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] to spurt out a thick golden beam of light towards the silver thunder dragon.

But what made his expression change drastically was that the silver thunder dragon easily dodged the bombardment of the golden light beam with just a flicker of its figure, and continued to pounce on him without changing its target.

At this time, it was too late for him to use other means, so he could only activate the [Qianyuan Jinxia] protective magical power with all his strength, hoping to block the silver thunder dragon with both internal and external protection.

But considering the identity of this silver thunder dragon, he really didn't have the slightest confidence in it!

At this moment, something happened that surprised Zhou Chun.

But he saw a white light flash on the [Moon Toad Orb] above his head, and without his control, a white toad suddenly flew out.

The white toad was not big either, less than seven feet long.

After it came out of the white orb, it immediately pounced on the silver thunder dragon.

Then I saw a toad and a dragon fighting fiercely in mid-air. The speed was so fast that the afterimages of the two were all over the sky. Even Zhou Chun, a golden elixir stage monk, had a hard time seeing the details of the fight between the two.

But it doesn't matter if you can't see clearly, as long as you know what happened.

After Zhou Chun was briefly surprised, he quickly recovered and stepped back dozens of feet, and then poured all his magic into the [Moon Toad Orb].

He didn't know if it would be useful, but this might be the only way he could help the white toad at the moment.

Perhaps Zhou Chun's behavior really had an effect. After fighting fiercely for dozens of breaths, the white toad suddenly let out a roar that sounded like a bull's roar and a frog's roar, and a "Taiyin Extinction" that was much stronger than Zhou Chun's own instigation. "Divine light" suddenly burst out from the [Moon Toad Orb] and hit the silver thunder dragon directly.

This time, the silver thunder dragon not only failed to defeat the white cold light, but instead howled miserably and was frozen into an ice sculpture on the spot.

After the silver thunder dragon was frozen, the white toad quickly returned to the [Moon Toad Orb] without any communication with Zhou Chun.

It seems that what he just did was just a programmed behavior of the Lingbao Protector.

But Zhou Chun couldn't care less about this at this time.

He felt the [Moon Toad Orb] for a while, and after finding nothing unusual, he took it back into his body.

Then he looked at the silver thunder dragon that was frozen in ice, and he couldn't help but hesitated as he pondered.

Obviously, this silver thunder dragon is the fifth-level thunder dragon's demon soul spirit that exploded the demon elixir before.

The opponent didn't know what method he used to deceive those real people in the Nascent Soul stage. When he exploded the demon pill, he had already peeled off his own demon soul and hid it in a specially sacrificed dragon's tooth.

Then, taking advantage of the opportunity when the dragon's body was blown to pieces, he secretly controlled the dragon's teeth to evade the search by the real people at the Nascent Soul stage. It was not until he discovered Zhou Xinfu, a monk from the Zhou family, that he deliberately revealed the vision and was picked up by him.

The reason why Zhou Xinfu did not hand it over to Zhou Xinyi according to the rules after picking up the dragon tooth, but came directly to offer it to Zhou Chun, was obviously the result of his consciousness being deliberately guided by the Thunder Dragon Demon Soul.

Then the reason why the Thunder Dragon Demon Soul did this is also clear. After losing its body and demon elixir, its only option if it wants to continue to survive is to reincarnate.

It just so happened that the Zhou family had a fourth-level thunder dragon with a bloodline that perfectly matched the opponent's, and it happened to be seriously injured by it!

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