Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 544: God Appears [8,000 words long chapter, please subscribe]

Zhou Chun must admit that after reaching the fifth level, whether it is a human Yuan Ying stage monk or a monster king, they are all simple people.

The reason why the fifth-level thunder dragon dared to come to Jingguo alone and wanted to take away the thunder dragon in vain was because of his confidence in his own strength and escape skills.

It may not be unaware that there may be Nascent Soul Stage monks lurking around, but out of confidence in its own strength, it doesn't particularly care.

After all, under normal circumstances, even if three or four Nascent Soul Stage monks besieged it, it would still be quite sure of escaping.

What's more, when it thinks about it, the human Nascent Soul stage monks in Jingguo don't dare to die to offend the dragon clan, and it is impossible to threaten its life!

Later, I discovered that the situation was too different from what I had imagined. Master Yinyue and others really came with murderous intent, and had already prepared various magic weapons to limit its escape skills.

It also very decisively chose to self-destruct the demon pill and demon body, not allowing these human monks to get any benefit from it, and even dragged a human Nascent Soul stage real person to be buried with it.

But in fact, this is still a cover-up, a strategy to fake death.

Its demon soul soul escaped secretly and wanted to seize the body of the Lei Jiao in vain.

Its plan is undoubtedly very good. Not only does Thunder Dragon Baibai have excellent bloodline qualifications, but his cultivation level is just right, neither too high nor too low. He was also injured by it, and its power still remains in his body. All these have helped it win over. Repair provides the best conditions.

Moreover, it has a dragon tooth that has been sacrificed in advance as a weapon. Even if it only has one demon soul soul left, it is not something that a few Jindan stage monks of the Zhou family can withstand when it suddenly attacks.

At that time, as long as it succeeds in seizing the body, it can leave the Zhou family and return to Daze.

In the future, the bloodline qualifications of Lei Jiao Baibai, coupled with its own powerful demon soul soul, and the many treasures left in Long Yuanze Cave will be used.

It doesn't take two hundred years to regain the fifth level of cultivation!

If you want to take revenge for today's destruction, you will have plenty of time and opportunity.

Unfortunately, it failed to calculate that Zhou Chun actually had a spiritual treasure in his body, and it was not an ordinary spiritual treasure!

And Zhou Chun himself was very cautious and did not easily get the dragon tooth in his hand, giving it the best opportunity for a sneak attack.

Such successive miscalculations resulted in it not only failing to seize the bird, but actually becoming Zhou Chun's trophy!

It can only be said that man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation after all, and it was still a bit unlucky in the end.

At this moment, Zhou Chun looked at the frozen Thunder Dragon Demon Soul Yuan Shen in front of him and hesitated on how to deal with it.

The unique cultivation methods of monster beasts make them more advanced and different from immortal cultivators.

The Nascent Soul of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage is a sublimated existence in which his own essence, energy and spirit are completely integrated. Unless he uses secret techniques to forcibly strip away his soul and consciousness at the expense of cutting off the path of advancement, there is no way to separate the soul and Nascent Soul. .

But the demon soul soul of the demon beast will not be completely integrated with the demon pill.

For fifth-level monsters, the demon elixir is their source of power. Losing the demon elixir is equivalent to losing a huge amount of mana.

However, as long as they keep their demon soul and soul, they will not die immediately after losing the demon elixir. However, their strength is not as good as before, and they still have the possibility of seizing their bodies.

Compared with the demon elixir, the use of the demon soul soul of the fifth-level demon beast is somewhat narrow. If it falls into the hands of an immortal cultivator, the best way is to integrate it into the best magic weapon and see if it can enlighten the magic weapon and create life. Instrument spirit.

If you successfully sacrifice it into a weapon spirit, you can get a powerful spiritual treasure, and the spirit treasure can also come with some magical powers that the weapon spirit mastered during its lifetime.

However, if it is handled in this way, first of all, Zhou Chun must have at least a Nascent Soul stage cultivation level before he can have the strength to erase the memory and consciousness of the fifth-level thunder dragon in the demon soul Yuanshen.

Secondly, he must have a top-quality magic weapon that matches the attributes of the Thunder Dragon Demon Soul's soul!

It will take hundreds of years to achieve these two conditions!

And the spirit of the thunder dragon demon soul in front of him may not be able to survive until then.

But if you don't choose this disposal method, there will be very few places left where you can use the spirit of the Thunder Dragon Demon Soul.

The best way may be to exchange it as a treasure with other Yuanying stage monks, or to ask someone to erase the independent consciousness in the soul of the thunder dragon, and let the thunder dragon devour it in vain to see if it can grow stronger. His own demon soul has learned one or two bloodline magical powers.

"Forget it, let's put the things away first. We'll talk about how to deal with them later!"

After hesitating for a long time, Zhou Chun finally made a decision.

He first put the frozen thunder dragon demon soul soul in a jade box and sealed it.

With the remaining power of the thunder dragon demon soul soul, it is basically impossible to break through the ice-sealing power formed by the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light".

However, if it is allowed to be frozen for a long time, I'm afraid it will completely dissipate before long.

Therefore, Zhou Chun will need to seal it in another way later.

At this time, after he put away the thunder dragon demon soul soul, he picked up the dragon tooth and took it into his hand for inspection.

This dragon's tooth should be the best among all the dragon's teeth of the fifth-level thunder dragon. It has been specially refined by itself and is completely enough to be used as a material for refining spiritual treasures!

If it falls into the hands of those Nascent Soul stage monks who are proficient in weapon refining, Lingbao dare not say that a top-quality magic weapon will definitely be able to be refined.

If Zhou Chun exchanged it, maybe a Nascent Soul monk would be willing to trade it with him for a high-grade magic weapon.

But he most likely wouldn't dare to reveal that he was carrying such a treasure!

At this time, you can only put things away properly first, and then decide how to deal with them depending on the situation.

Fortunately, although the previous situation was dangerous, the movement was not particularly loud. That is to say, after Zhou Chun's own attack failed, a huge hole was created in the valley.

At this time, he packed up everything and sent a message to Zhou Mingde, who was waiting outside, to explain the situation, and it was over.

As for Zhou Xinfu, who was bewitched by the thunder dragon demon soul, Zhou Chun had no intention of punishing him.

A fifth-level thunder dragon demon soul soul wants to plot against a foundation-building monk, which is simply not something that a small foundation-building monk can discover.

Therefore, Zhou Chun just asked Zhou Mingde to take action and use secret techniques to erase his memory of today to prevent the news that the Zhou family had obtained the Thunder Dragon Tooth from leaking out.

Later, he was also rewarded with several bottles of elixirs for improving his magic power as compensation and reward.

After Zhou Chun comforted the Thunder Dragon Baibai, he allowed him to continue to rest peacefully in the cave to recuperate while he tried to find a way to deal with the Thunder Dragon's demonic soul.

A few days later, with the help of a formation targeting the soul, Zhou Chun successfully sealed the extremely weak Thunder Dragon Demon Soul into a soul-sealing bottle.

This soul-sealing bottle was also a trophy obtained from the demon cultivator of the Yin Ghost Sect. If you use this to seal the soul of the monk, it can slow down the loss of the power of the soul.

With the powerful nature of the fifth-level thunder dragon demon soul soul, there should be no need to worry about it dissipating within a hundred years.

What's more, Zhou Chun also sprinkled some [Soul-nurturing Wood] fragments into the jade bottle.

Longyuan Ze, the bottom of Longyuan.

On this day, with the arrival of a deputy leader of the Hualong Cult, an angry dragon roar suddenly sounded from the depths of the Dragon Abyss.

This dragon's roar that traveled thousands of miles was more majestic and domineering than the previous dragon's roar that appeared above Tuyun Ridge.

Many aquatic creatures and low-level monsters in the dragon abyss exploded and died on the spot amidst the roar of the dragon, turning into a blood mist.

Even the dragons in Longyuan were trembling and hurriedly lying on the ground to express their submission.

Not long after, a golden dragon was seen flying away from Long Yuan with seven fifth-order dragons guarding it, and flew straight towards the direction of Jingguo.

When these eight fifth-level dragons came to the sky above the wilderness, the leader of Hualong Sect, Master Heilong, and the three deputy leaders also rushed over to join them.

Then the four of the eight dragons, a total of twelve fifth-level beings, all rushed to Jingguo to kill him!

"Your Majesty the Dragon King, the death of the Thunder Dragon King was mainly planned behind the scenes by the Moon Wheel Sect. The fourth-order Thunder Dragon that lured the Thunder Dragon King away is also owned by the forces under the Moon Wheel Sect!"

In the sky, Master Black Dragon flew beside the golden dragon in a black escaping light, while respectfully speaking about the results of the Dragon Transformation Cult's detailed investigation.

Regarding the information that Thunder Dragon Baibai was breaking through the fourth level, it was naturally the Hualong Cult that informed the Dragon Clan.

As the king of the Thunder Dragon clan, King Lei Jiao would naturally not ignore such high-qualified Thunder Dragons who were living outside the clan when the number of the Thunder Dragon clan itself was very small.

So there was the scene that happened outside Tuyunling before.

However, neither the Hualong Cult nor the Thunder Dragon King expected that this would actually be a killing spree targeting fifth-level dragons.

After King Lei Jiao was besieged and killed, the person in charge of intelligence at Hualong Cult was also deeply aware of the seriousness of the matter. He immediately tried his best to collect all the intelligence that could be collected and sent it back to the Zongtan Mountain Gate.

At this time, facing the report results of Master Black Dragon, the golden dragon immediately replied in a cold tone: "No matter which force is responsible for it, if you dare to murder the king of your clan, you will have to bear the revenge of your clan!"

Hearing this, Master Black Dragon was overjoyed. He nodded repeatedly and said, "What His Majesty the Dragon King said is absolutely true. This attack on the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate, my subordinates are willing to be the vanguard, and those who are planning to kill Lord Thunder Dragon King must be killed." All thieves must pay with their lives!"

"Then it depends on your performance."

The golden dragon's eyes glanced at the Black Dragon Master with deep meaning, seeming to understand his inner thoughts.

The flying speed of the fifth-level beings was so fast. Only a few hours passed before eight fifth-level dragons and four Yuanying-stage monks from the Dragon Transformation Sect arrived outside the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate without making a sound.

When they arrived here, they also knew that it was impossible to hide the truth from Master Yin Yue and other Yuelun Sect Yuanying Stage monks.

So they all appeared soon, letting out dragon roars one after another.

I saw the earth-shaking dragon's roar revolving melodiously between the heaven and the earth, killing countless people and animals outside the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate.

But because the mountain gate is protected by a large mountain guard, even the monks in the Qi refining stage only feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

At the same time as the dragon roared, a variety of magical powers also fell on the opened Moon Wheel Sect's mountain-protecting formation.

Boom boom boom! !

The violent explosion aura turned the sky and the earth into gold, red, and black. Various magical powers that could easily kill the late-stage Jindan monks several times fell into the formation, bombarding the formation and shaking it.

Even the mountain-protecting formation of a long-established force like the Moon Wheel Sect cannot withstand the continuous attacks of more than a dozen fifth-level beings.

However, after this round of offensive, more than a dozen figures were soon seen flying out of Yuelun Sect, and the figures of Yuanying stage monks such as Zhenren Yinyue appeared.

One, two, three, four...sixteen!

I saw a total of sixteen Nascent Soul Stage monks suddenly flying out of the sky!

And the leader is not Master Yin Yue, a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, but Master Kunxu, a great monk in the late stage of Yuanying.

Seeing this scene, the fifth-level dragons in the sky and several Nascent Soul monks from the Dragon Transformation Sect were slightly startled and could not help but temporarily stop their attack.

"Kunxu, what do you mean? Could it be that the Tianling Alliance wants to start a full-scale war with our Longyuan Monster Clan?"

The golden dragon stared coldly at Master Kunxu with a pair of golden eyes, his tone was cold and sharp.

Facing his question, Master Kunxu said solemnly with a serious face: "You should ask yourself, Golden Horned Dragon King, why don't you cultivate in your own Dragon Abyss and lead your men deep into Jingguo with such a big fanfare? Attack the Moon Lun Sect’s mountain gate?”

Hearing this answer, the golden dragon's eyes suddenly darkened, and then he said coldly: "I am wondering why the Moon Wheel Sect dared to assassinate my own Thunder Dragon King. It turns out that you, Kunxu, instigated all this behind my back. Huh? It seems that the King of Japan needs to teach you a lesson today to understand who you are talking to!"

Before he finished speaking, he swayed and turned into a golden light and rushed towards Master Kunxu. His speed was as fast as lightning, and he covered a distance of several thousand feet in an instant.

But just when he was about to hit Master Kunxu, a fiery red divine light suddenly fell on him first, and forcibly knocked him back.

Then a figure flashed in the sky, and a red-haired old man carrying a fiery red gourd suddenly appeared between Master Kunxu and the golden dragon.

"Junior has met Venerable Yuanyang, thank you for saving me!"

After Master Kunxu saw the figure of the red-haired old man, he immediately bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude with great respect.

Other masters in the Yuanying stage, such as Master Yin Yue, also paid homage to the red-haired old man one after another at this time: "Junior, I pay my respects to the senior Master Yuanyang, and wish that the senior will be immortal and live forever!"

Compared with the Yuanying-stage real people of the Heavenly Spirit Alliance who are obviously happy here, the faces of those fifth-level dragon and Yuanying-stage monks of Hualong Sect are much uglier.

Especially Master Black Dragon and the other four Nascent Soul cultivators from the Hualong Sect did not dare to look at the face of the red-haired old man at this moment. They were all trembling and wanted to turn around and run away immediately.

How pitiful God is, they are just a small Nascent Soul stage monk, how dare they be enemies of a venerable Master of the Transformation God stage!

Just like it is difficult for a Golden Core Stage monk to catch a move in front of a Nascent Soul Stage monk, it only takes one move for a Master in the Transformation God Stage to kill Nascent Soul Stage monks like them!

Even if they abandon their physical bodies and use their Nascent Soul to teleport out of their bodies, they still cannot escape being hunted.

After all, in the stage of transformation, teleportation is already a magical power that can be mastered freely, and the teleportation distance will be farther than them every time!

If they had known that there was a god-transformation venerable hidden here, they wouldn't have dared to come here even if they had ten more courages.

And those fifth-level dragons also looked frightened, and there was no trace of rebelliousness at all.

Facing the venerable master in the transformation stage, these fifth-level dragons with a body length of dozens of feet are nothing more than small snakes that can be beaten to death with ease!

The gap between the fifth level and the sixth level is wider than the difference between humans and rats.

Rats can escape when people are not paying attention.

And the probability of a fifth-level being trying to escape in front of a sixth-level being is almost zero!

The only person present who could maintain his composure at this time was probably the golden dragon.

He looked at the red-haired old man solemnly and asked in a serious tone: "Venerable Yuanyang, what do you mean? You deliberately designed to lure me here. What do you want to do?"

Facing his question, the red-haired old man smiled faintly and said: "It's not interesting at all. I just don't want you, Jin Jiao, to act recklessly and bully the juniors wantonly by relying on the inherited holy relics!"

"You want to kill me? Just you?"

A look of vigilance appeared in the golden dragon's eyes, and he hurriedly sensed the surrounding situation with all his strength.

But no matter how he sensed it, he didn't find that there was a second God-Transforming Lord lurking.

The red-haired old man seemed to have noticed the golden dragon's behavior, and immediately said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, I don't need to find another helper to deal with your golden horn!"

"Hmph, what do I need to worry about? Although you Yuanyang are a monk in the transformation stage, how can I be afraid of you!"

The golden dragon did not want to weaken his momentum and retorted in a very strong tone.

"Really? Then let me weigh your abilities and see if you can really jump through the ranks with just one treasure!"

The red-haired old man's eyes flashed, and as he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed.

A little red fire appeared in the sky, and then the spiritual energy from the surrounding world quickly gathered towards it. In the blink of an eye, a flame spear hole was formed and shot towards the golden dragon.

This is the method of the Lord Transformation God, to directly control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for his own use, without the need to refine the spiritual energy into mana.

With the same amount of mana spent, the attack of Lord Transformation God can be enhanced several times or even ten times in power with the blessing of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

For example, at this moment, the mana consumed by the red-haired old man's pointing was only equivalent to 30% of the mana of an early stage Golden Elixir monk.

However, the power exerted by this little magic power is enough to seriously injure or even kill a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage!

However, since the golden dragon dares to challenge the Lord Transformation God, he is naturally not a weakling.

But suddenly golden light appeared on its body, condensing into a golden light film and sticking to the surface of its body, and then it directly swung its claws towards the flame spear.


Along with the violent roar of the explosion, the golden dragon flew directly out of the sea of ​​fire, spitting out a golden beam of light and struck the red-haired old man.

However, he saw the red-haired old man swaying and disappearing in the blink of an eye. When he reappeared, he was already somewhere above the head of the golden dragon.

Then he saw him wave his sleeves, and a sword light flew out from his sleeves, turning into a red-gold flying sword and slashing towards the golden dragon's neck.

The speed of the sword light was so fast that the golden dragon's huge body had no time to dodge, and perhaps there was no need to dodge.

When the flying sword struck the golden dragon's neck, it first broke through the light film.

But then a huge force surged out from the dragon scales where the flying sword struck, and instantly the flying sword flew away.

Then golden light surged, and the sword marks left by the flying sword on the dragon scales were quickly eliminated, and the broken light film was restored to its original state.

Seeing this scene, the red-haired old man couldn't help but frown slightly, although he was already prepared.

"It seems I have to show my real skills!"

He murmured to himself, then suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out, and a ball of pure white flame flew out of his mouth.

As soon as this pure white flame appeared, the temperature of the surrounding heaven and earth rose rapidly, and a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered towards it, causing its volume to begin to expand rapidly.

"Yuanyang is really hot! Old ghost Yuanyang, you are serious!"

The golden dragon's eyes changed, and he couldn't help but let out an angry roar.

Then he took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that originally surged toward the white flame was forcibly intercepted by him by thirty to forty percent.

All these spiritual energy of heaven and earth were sucked into his body like a long whale sucking water. After being transformed by the holy relics inherited from the dragon clan in his body, it instantly became his own magic power.

Then his cultivation level was directly upgraded to the sixth level, and he temporarily transformed into a sixth level dragon!

Such a realm of cultivation forcibly improved through external objects is naturally not as stable as a monk like the red-haired old man who truly relies on his own breakthrough, and his control over the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is also inferior.

But the sixth level is the sixth level and is no longer comparable to the fifth level.

When the red-haired old man urged the white flame to turn into a fire cloud and rush towards the golden dragon, a large amount of golden water clouds suddenly emerged from the golden dragon, forming a golden ocean to protect him.

The battle between water and fire unfolded in mid-air, bursting out with dazzling brilliance, and the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth became even more chaotic, forming various magnificent scenes.

But behind the beautiful scene, there is murderous intent.

Within the scope of the confrontation between the two sixth-level beings, both the Nascent Soul Stage monk and the fifth-level dragon were in danger of being injured and perished.

Therefore, after the two sixth-level beings took action, Master Kunxu and others all stayed away from the battlefield.

Of course, they did not sit back and watch, but quickly found those fifth-level dragons and the Yuanying-stage monks of Hualong Sect and started fighting against each other.

It is rare that the Master of Transformation God comes forward to plan against the Jiaolong clan. Naturally, these Nascent Soul Stage monks from the Heavenly Spirit Alliance will not miss this good opportunity.

If you can capture a fifth-level dragon in battle, the harvest will be huge.

Even if the fifth-level dragon cannot be killed, some dragon scales and dragon blood taken from its body are still excellent materials for refining weapons and elixirs.

Therefore, all the Nascent Soul Stage monks acted without mercy at this moment.

Among them, Master Kunxu is undoubtedly the only one.

The dragon clan does not only have a fifth-order high-grade dragon, the Golden Horned Dragon King, but this time because the Golden-horned Dragon King led the team, there were no other fifth-order high-grade dragons accompanying him.

The strongest dragon is only a fifth-level mid-grade black dragon!

At this time, this fifth-level middle-grade black dragon was regarded as prey by Master Kunxu, and he fought with it alone.

Zhenren Yinyue once again faced Zhenren Heilong, the leader of Hualong Sect, and the two of them each sacrificed their spiritual treasures and fought fiercely in the sky.

It's just that this time, because the human monks have the numerical advantage, Master Yin Yue also has a junior disciple who is in the early stage of Nascent Soul to cooperate with him in besieging Master Black Dragon.

These powerful men fought in the heart of Jingguo, which immediately caused a major earthquake in the world of Jingguo's immortality.

Even Zhou Chun, who was far away in Tuyunling, received the news a few hours after the war started.

However, despite receiving the news, Zhou Chun did not dare to join in the fun.

The monks who had joined in the fun and died outside Tuyun Ridge were a living example.

After Zhou Chun learned the news at this moment, he and Zhou Mingde quickly made the decision to temporarily evacuate the tribe.

They didn't know how long this battle would last or what the consequences would be, but they knew that evacuating the clansmen at this time was the best choice.

In this way, even if the Zhou family's mountain sect is implicated in the aftermath of the fight, they won't be exterminated all at once.

At this moment, there are still many family forces that are following the same practices as the Zhou family, and even many casual cultivators have fled directly into the remote wilderness to avoid being implicated.

His eyes returned to the battlefield.

The battle between Venerable Yuanyang and the Golden Horned Dragon King finally entered its climax after lasting for more than two hours.

After seeing that conventional means were unable to cause any significant damage to the Golden Horned Dragon King, Venerable Yuanyang finally took out the gourd he was carrying on his back.

He raised his hand and the fiery red gourd on his back appeared in his hand.

Then he raised his hand and slapped the gourd, and the gourd lid flew out automatically.

As the gourd lid opened, a column of flames flashing with green, purple, and gold flames spewed out and blasted straight towards the Golden Horned Dragon King!

"Samadhi is really hot!!"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise came from the mouth of the Golden Horned Dragon King. He hurriedly opened his mouth and spit out a ball of bright golden light, which turned into a huge golden shield to protect him. The dragon's shadow was flying on the shield, which was really beautiful.

But as the three-color flame beam bombarded the golden mask, the monstrous flames immediately engulfed the golden mask.

Not long after, the golden light shield was forcibly refined by the domineering and surging "Samadhi True Fire".

Then a scream rang out, and the golden-horned dragon king, whose whole body was burned, flew out of the sea of ​​​​fire in a panic, and then quickly turned into a golden light and flew away in the direction of Long Yuanze.

But after discovering that he was no match for Venerable Yuanyang, he directly chose to escape.

As long as he is allowed to escape back to Longyuanze and rely on the home field advantage, even if Venerable Yuanyang has the magical power of "Samadhi True Fire", he will never be in such a mess again.

And it’s not like they don’t have real sixth-order saints from the Monster Clan. When they reach the territory of the Monster Clan, Venerable Yuanyang will never dare to be as presumptuous as he is now!

But it's not that easy for him to escape.

Since Venerable Yuanyang led him deep into Jingguo, he had already planned everything.

Seeing him running away, Dang even immediately chased him without hesitation.

"Damn old man Yuanyang, do you really want to become a mortal enemy with me? Aren't you afraid that I will cause trouble for your disciples and grandchildren in the future?"

"Old thief Yuanyang, I will remember you. Today's revenge will be repaid tenfold in the future!!"

"Ah ah ah, old thief Yuanyang, you are bullying others too much. I will fight with you!"

"Old thief Yuanyang, please wait for me. After I break through the sixth level, I will crush you to ashes to avenge today!"

The Golden Horned Dragon King fled all the way, cursing all the way.

Compared with Venerable Yuanyang, his real strength is still obviously inferior. After all, a big realm is not that easy to cross.

Even if he could temporarily obtain sixth-level power by inheriting holy objects, it would still be difficult for him to be even comparable to a true venerable person in the transformation stage.

What's more, Venerable Yuanyang's spiritual treasure that can release the "Samadhi True Fire" is also an extraordinary object. It is a true sixth-order heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, possessing heaven-reaching power.

He was able to fight with Venerable Yuanyang for several hours under such circumstances and escape with the opponent's fierce attack all the way, which is already very, very powerful.

In the end, even though he was completely burned by the "Samadhi True Fire", the Golden Horned Dragon King managed to escape to the shore of Longyuan Ze, and then dived into the depths of the water, leaving only a hateful and threatening word before disappearing. Venerable Yuanyang is perceiving.

Venerable Yuanyang did not continue the pursuit, but looked in the direction of Long Yuan with a smile on his face, turned around and left.

On the way back, Venerable Yuanyang happened to meet the escaped leader of Hualong Sect, Master Heilong again.

So he casually cleaned up the door for the human race and burned the leader of the Hualong Sect to ashes along with his Nascent Soul!

But after that, he did not take action against the remaining deputy leaders of Hualong Cult, nor did he take action to kill those fifth-level dragons that were still running for their lives, and returned directly to Jingguo.

Soon after, Master Kunxu and other Nascent Soul Stage monks also stopped chasing him and returned to Jingguo together.

In this battle, seven fifth-level dragons were killed and one low-level fifth-level blue dragon was killed, only allowing it to escape the demon pill and demon soul.

As for the black dragon that Master Kunxu was dealing with, he cut off a section of its tail and escaped.

The other fifth-level dragons also left more or less something on their bodies.

As for the Hualong Sect, not only did their leader, Master Heilong, fall, but a deputy leader was also killed by Master Kunxu, along with his physical body and Nascent Soul.

The other two deputy leaders were also seriously injured, and one of them suffered serious physical damage. It is estimated that in the end, the only way to go is to seize his body and convert into a cultivator.

On the other hand, all the Nascent Soul stage masters here in the Tianling Alliance were intact and did not suffer any serious injuries.

Judging from this result, it is undoubtedly a brilliant victory.

And just when these Nascent Soul stage monks returned with joy and were discussing how to divide the spoils, the two leaders, Master Kunxu and Master Yinyue, were also summoned by Master Yuanyang to talk.

"The Golden Horned Dragon King was seriously injured by me this time. He will have to rest for at least a hundred years before he can fully recover after returning. And after he recovers, he will most likely break through to the sixth level!"

"Once the Golden Horned Dragon King breaks through to the sixth level, according to the agreement between the human race and the demon race's sixth level beings, they can no longer take the initiative to attack the opponent's juniors below the sixth level. In the future, you no longer have to worry about it going deep inland to attack you. Take action."

Having said this, Venerable Yuanyang paused slightly, then continued to look at the two people in front of him and said: "The inheritance of the Dragon Transformation Sect should come from the Tianling Sect, and its inherited secret technique "The Secret of Dragon Transformation" should be from the Tianling Sect. The sect's secret magical power "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: True Dragon Chapter" was adapted. Unfortunately, the good magical power of the immortal family was turned into a sorcery of feeding people to dragons. It was really insulting to the sages, so this sect was abandoned. I have been dealt with by you, so be sure to let him continue to cause harm to the human race!"

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