Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 546 The Hualong Cult is destroyed, and Mu Mei advances [Please subscribe]

When Master Kunxu, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, entered the Hualong Sect's general altar, the fate of the Hualong Sect was already doomed.

Tan Yunfei, who had been severely injured in the first place, could not possibly be a match for Master Kunxu.

He himself is very aware of this.

Therefore, when he saw Master Kunxu coming in, he quickly chose to leave his body with the Nascent Soul, hoping to escape by relying on the teleportation power of the Nascent Soul.

It's a pity that Master Kunxu was already prepared for this.

He raised his hand and pulled out a silver-gray treasure ruler. As soon as Tan Yunfei's Nascent Soul completed a teleportation, the silver-gray treasure ruler appeared directly above his Nascent Soul's head, and suddenly it hit him head-on.


Accompanied by a scream full of unwillingness, Tan Yunfei's Nascent Soul was directly blasted out of the air by the treasure ruler!

Immediately after Master Yin Yue came in, he saw this scene.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but look envious and praised Master Kunxu: "Fellow Kunxu, this [Lingxu Ruler] is really useful, but it's a pity that such magic weapons with spatial magical powers are too rare. Otherwise, whatever this sect says will result in the suppression of the sect!"

"Fellow Daoist Yinyue is humble. The several great inherited spiritual treasures of your sect are all of extraordinary power, and their value is even higher than this [Lingxu Ruler]!"

Master Kunxu put away the [Lingxu Ruler] magic weapon calmly and did not want to talk more about this treasure.

He knew in his heart that a magic weapon like this with spatial magical powers was like a sharp blade hanging above his head to ordinary Nascent Soul monks, and no one dared to ignore it.

And when he showed these treasures, he also meant to intimidate them.

But he would never talk too much about the magical power of this treasure, lest anyone find a way to target it.

Master Yinyue naturally heard what Master Kunxu meant, and immediately smiled softly, and after saying a few polite words, he entered the Hualong Sect's general altar with him and started searching.

At this time, the remaining Jindan monks and Zifu monks in the Hualong Sect's main altar all started their escape mode, and each of them ran away like birds and beasts.

But Zhou Chun and others outside were already prepared, so there was no room for them to escape.

Often a group of people who have just escaped will be targeted quickly.

The monks at the Nascent Soul stage should focus on the late Golden Core stage, the late Golden Core stage should focus on the mid-Jindan stage, the mid-Jindan stage should focus on the early Jindan stage, and the early Jindan stage should focus on monks below the Jindan stage.

But I don't know if they had any scruples, but Master Yinyue and other Nascent Soul stage monks chose to release several fourth-order dragons that escaped instead of keeping them.

This made many golden elixir monks who originally focused on these evil dragons feel regretful in their hearts.

Under such layers of surveillance, every one of the Hualong Sect monks who escaped escaped, and almost none slipped through the net.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, the remaining Dragon Transformation Cult monks inside could only abandon their weapons and surrender, hoping to save their lives.

But this time their choice was completely wrong.

Master Yinyue and others had no intention of keeping prisoners. After first tricking the surrendering monks into handing over their storage bags, they immediately killed them all on the spot!

In less than half a day, all the thousands of monks in the Hualong Sect's main altar died, and no one survived.

After killing all the monks in the Hualong Sect's main altar, the only thing left to do was to demolish the family.

The Hualong Cult General Forum has been run by them for hundreds of years, and there are naturally countless good things in it.

Because the formation was broken down too quickly, Tan Yunfei only had time to burn the Library Pavilion and collapse the Treasure Pavilion. Although monks set fire to other medicine fields, animal gardens and other places, they were attacked from behind without building any momentum. The monk extinguished.

Therefore, many spiritual medicines, spiritual trees, and spiritual beasts in the main altar are now at the disposal of the winner.

For these things, the Nascent Soul stage monks only took away the thousand-year-old treasure medicine and the fourth-level spiritual trees. Some also took away some rare spiritual teas and spiritual fruit trees. The rest were handed over to Zhou Chun and other golden elixirs. The monks assigned the period.

Of course, the caves of several Yuanying-stage monks of Hualong Sect were also searched by these Yuanying-stage monks.

It seems fitting that these Nascent Soul Stage monks should get rich.

Because the monks are very concerned about the protection of their own caves, even if Tan Yunfei and Li Yuanzhen knew that the leader Heilong Zhenren and the other deputy leader had died, they did not immediately break the formation restrictions to obtain the treasure after returning. I chose to heal first.

As a result, by the time a powerful enemy came to the door, they no longer had the time to get the treasure.

So now, including their own cave, everyone has taken advantage of Yin Yue Zhenren and others.

These Nascent Soul stage real people eat meat, and Zhou Chun and other Jindan stage monks naturally have to follow suit and drink soup.

The caves of the Golden Core elders of the Hualong Sect have now become the spoils of war for these Golden Core monks.

After some searching and distribution, all the monks who participated in the war returned with a full load, and returned to Jingguo with the large army with great satisfaction.

Among them, the monks from Jingguo were the most happy.

The Hualong Cult has always been a worry for the local monks, because as long as the Hualong Cult comes back, they will inevitably be recruited to fight against it.

Now that the Hualong Sect's main altar has been breached by them, and all its disciples have been eradicated, this threat will no longer exist in the future.

How could they not be happy once this heartache is gone.

But to say who is the happiest person, it may not be Master Yinyue and Master Kunxu, but Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde.

Only the two of them know how great the benefit will be to the Zhou family after the Hualong Sect is completely eradicated!

This not only means that the Zhou family will get rid of a major enemy in the future, but also means that when the Zhou family develops the wilderness, they no longer have to worry about being exposed to the sight of other human forces.

As long as the situation calms down in the future, the Zhou family can develop the wilderness in a big way.

Not to mention replacing the Hualong Sect by then, as long as it can reach one-tenth of the income that the Hualong Sect has gained in the wilderness, it will be enough to support the Zhou family in cultivating a Nascent Soul Stage monk!

So when the two of them were on their way back to Jingguo, they were very excited and happy, with unconcealable smiles on their faces.

Fortunately, at this time, most of the Golden Core monks were in a happy mood because of the benefits they had gained from the Hualong Sect General Forum, but no one felt that their smiles were strange.

After the team returned to Jingguo, Zhou Chun and other Jindan monks who had been summoned were dismissed directly and went back to their respective homes.

Zhou Chun communicated with the ancestor of the Su family, and then returned to the family with Zhou Mingde with the harvest.

The two of them have gained a lot from this trip.

Although there were more wolves and less meat, the two of them did not kill the Golden Core monks and seize any magic weapons when they attacked the Hualong Sect's main altar.

But when they ransacked the house, they got two harvests by virtue of their numerical advantage, and they got a lot of good things when they distributed the spoils.

The wilderness is full of treasures. The Hualong Sect has collected too many elixirs and spiritual trees over the past hundreds of years.

The two Zhou family members did not compete with the sect's golden elixir monks for thousand-year-old elixirs, but only focused on those items that could truly enhance the family's heritage.

Therefore, the two of them not only brought back two third-level spiritual fruit trees and hundreds of elixirs over five hundred years old to the family this time, they also brought back the intermediate monster [Fire Winged Wolf], the intermediate monster [Bi Wen] [Water Turtle], a species of low-level monster [Thunder Feather Sparrow]!

The so-called beast species refers to at least two species of beasts that can be paired to produce offspring.

There are many kinds of monsters tamed in the animal garden inside the Hualong Cult Headquarters. Some are used as foot soldiers, some are bred to be killed for materials, and some are bred to be fed to dragons!

The three kinds of monsters brought back by Zhou Chun and his wife are the rarer ones.

Among them, they brought back five [Fire Wing Wolves]. Except for one second-level male demon wolf, the remaining four were all young female demon wolves.

In addition to bringing back a pair of male and female second-level demon turtles, the [Blue-striped Water Turtle] also brought back two male, six female and eight first-level demon turtles, as well as five turtle eggs.

[Thunder Feather Bird] This low-level monster brought back two pairs of male and female adult birds and twelve young birds.

If these three monsters can multiply and expand their populations, they will definitely greatly enhance the Zhou family's heritage.

There are also the two third-level spiritual fruit trees, which are a [Purple Jade Loquat] tree and a [Crystal Yellow Bark] tree.

Among them, the [Purple Jade Loquat] tree matures once every thirty years, and the loquat spiritual fruit it produces is sweet in taste and rich in spiritual power. It is beneficial to monks in the Purple Mansion period when taking it, and monks in foundation building and Qi refining can also take it for refining.

The [Crystal Yellow Bark] tree matures approximately every forty years, and the yellow-skinned spiritual fruit it produces is equally delicious and rich in spiritual power. Taking it has the effect of increasing your cultivation.

Fortunately, there were enough Golden Core monks present at the time, including many who were proficient in spiritual transplanting techniques. Therefore, Zhou Chun and his wife were willing to give up some benefits, so they asked each other to help lift the fruit trees out of the soil. , casting spells to preserve the vitality of fruit trees.

As soon as they returned to Tuyunling, the two immediately planted the fruit trees and asked Mu Mei to come over to clear the air and transport nutrients to the two fruit trees to help them adapt to the new environment.

Then, those monsters brought back were also assigned special personnel to take care of them.

Especially those [Fire Winged Wolf] monsters. This kind of monster is fierce and aggressive. Even if it has been trained by the monks of the Dragon Transformation Sect, it can easily hurt people.

In order to make them be honest and obedient, Zhou Mingde also arranged for the Vulcan Jackal to frighten these beasts and let them slowly adapt to the new environment.

On the other hand, [Blue-striped Water Turtles] have a relatively docile temperament. As long as they don't attack them, they will not easily attack human monks.

As for the monster bird like [Thunder Feather Bird], although it has a rather unruly temperament, it is still a low-level monster after all, and the Zhou family can suppress it by just arranging a foundation-building monk to keep an eye on it.

In the future, when these monsters give birth to offspring and are domesticated from an early age, after generations of domestication, they will become completely accustomed to the life of being domesticated.

There is no need for Zhou Chun and the two of them to do these things, just explain them.

After the two of them explained all the relevant matters, they started discussing other matters.

"Now that the Hualong Sect's main altar has been destroyed, there will no longer be any human forces in the wilderness that can threaten our Zhou family. This is a God-given opportunity for our Zhou family. What do you think, Zhengchun?"

In the cave, after Zhou Mingde drank honey tea, he talked about reclaiming the wilderness.

Zhou Chun had already thought about this matter on the way, and immediately replied after hearing this: "The destruction of Hualong Sect is naturally a great good thing for our Zhou family. Not only will we no longer have to worry about the monks from this sect coming in the future, To come to retaliate against our Zhou family, more importantly, there is no risk of exposure in the wilderness."

"But for now, it's not advisable to let go of your hands and feet in the wilderness right away. After all, no one knows whether this incident will trigger another wave of beasts!"

"Furthermore, after the collapse of the Hualong Sect, it is still something we need to find out whether the Jiaolong clan has any plans for those spiritual mountain blessed lands in the wilderness."

Having said this, Zhou Chun's eyes narrowed slightly, and then continued: "The more important thing is, once the resources of the wilderness are vigorously developed, how to sell these resources and realize them without attracting the attention of other forces and without exposing the wilderness. The existence of a stronghold is something we must consider in advance!"

"Well, what you said, Zhengchun, is very reasonable. We really need to be careful about this matter and not act too hastily."

Zhou Mingde couldn't help but nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Zhou Chun's idea.

After the two chatted about some related matters, Zhou Chun returned to the cave first.

On the other side, after the Hualong Sect's main altar was destroyed, the response of the dragon clan was very dull. The originally expected beast tide did not appear.

However, Zhou Daoquan, who was in charge of the Wilderness Land, secretly investigated and discovered that the Lingshan Blessed Land, which was originally the headquarters of the Hualong Sect's major branches, had all moved to the Lingshan Blessed Land where the fourth-level monsters were stationed.

The Hualong Cult Headquarters even suspects the existence of a fifth-level demon king!

Other large groups of monster beasts also gradually migrated from the depths of the wilderness to the area formerly controlled by the Dragon Transformation Sect, and began to thrive in this area and expand their populations.

All these signs seem to indicate that the Jiaolong clan has not given up control of the wilderness, but has strengthened its control.

Zhou Chun even suspected that the Jiaolong clan planned to play big, and planned to use dozens or even hundreds of years to grow and expand the population of various monsters, and then launch a large-scale monster wave to sweep through Jingguo!

However, even if he had a guess about this kind of thing, it could only be a guess before the beast tide appeared.

And even if they see this, no one can do anything.

We can't just invade the wilderness and re-open a world of immortality!

Therefore, after seeing that the beast tide was unlikely to appear, Zhou Chun got busy with other things.

The first thing is naturally to heal the Thunder Dragon in vain.

The injuries left by the fifth-level thunder dragon's blow were really serious. If the thunder dragon alone relied on itself to recuperate, it would not take more than ten or twenty years to recover.

Zhou Chun naturally couldn't wait that long.

Therefore, he could only place his hope on Mu Mei Mu Sang, hoping that after being promoted to the fourth level, he would have the ability to cure the thunder dragon in vain.

Just after absorbing the power of the wood spirit inside the two transplanted third-level spiritual fruit trees, Mu Mei Mu Sang's cultivation level had almost reached a breakthrough point, and it also took advantage of the situation to convey its advanced needs to Zhou Chun.

According to what he said, if he advances, the movement will not be small, and it is best to advance in the primitive ancient forest, which will be smoother.

Mu Mei Mu Sang has always been Zhou Chun's hidden trump card. Of course he doesn't want her to advance in the Zhou family and let people know that he has another fourth-level spiritual pet.

Therefore, after listening to the needs expressed by Mu Mei Mu Sang, Zhou Chun took it to the wilderness specifically.

But this time, instead of taking the underground river to get to the Zhou family's strongholds, they took the Yunzhou route to get to the pioneer strongholds now developed by the Jingguo monks.

He specially selected a primitive ancient forest about four to five hundred miles away from a certain pioneer stronghold.

This place is in the border area, and Mu Mei is promoted here. Even if there is a lot of movement, it will at most attract the attention of some Qi refining and foundation building monks.

And there should be no other fourth-level monsters within a thousand miles nearby.

In this way, even if the various forces in Jingguo later learn that a new fourth-level monster has appeared in the wilderness, they will only regard it as a wild monster and will not think of the Zhou family.

To say that an existence like Mu Mei is indeed loved by heaven and earth and is uniquely blessed by nature.

For other monsters to break through the fourth level, even if the monster beast's need for spiritual energy is not as strong as that of immortal cultivators, they must at least have spiritual veins at the level of Jiufengling.

But Mu Mei is different. Its demand for spiritual energy is really very low, and it only needs to be in a place with strong vegetation.

And its breakthrough speed is also really fast.

Zhou Chun only protected it for about a year in the primitive ancient forest that he chose, and it triggered a breakthrough phenomenon.

On this day, the forest seemed to be alive. The plants and trees in the entire forest were cheering for joy, as if they had come to life.

But I saw that the ancient trees were constantly swaying their branches, as if they were dancing gracefully, and the wild grass was also rhythmically swaying in the wind.

This living forest also scares the animals living in it.

The birds in the trees quickly took off and fled the magical forest with their babies in their mouths.

The animals and reptiles on the ground also fled outside one after another, as if there were some terrifying existence inside.

Even the insects don’t dare to stay in the forest any longer!

And not long after those birds and beasts left, dots of emerald green light points converged toward somewhere from all directions, eventually forming a green haze visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene in Zhou Chun's eyes, he couldn't help but be amazed.

He only needs to release his spiritual consciousness to feel the rich vitality emitted by the green light mist.

It gave him the feeling that even a person with severed arms and legs would be able to regenerate their limbs with the help of the rich power of vitality as long as they entered that area.

But reason told him that even if the green light mist really had this effect, it might not be a good thing for others.

As the saying goes, my medicine is his arsenic!

This rich vitality may be a great tonic for Mu Mei Mu Sang, who is making breakthroughs in advancement.

But for other monks and animals, it is probably deadly poison!

Sure enough, Zhou Chun's conjecture was quickly verified.

There was an Ivy Python, a first-level high-grade wood attribute monster that seemed unable to bear the temptation and entered the green light mist area to devour the green light mist.

When it swallowed a large amount of green light mist and successfully caused its own aura to skyrocket and break through the second level, its powerful aura began to fall rapidly again, until finally it completely lost its vitality and turned into a shriveled corpse!

And the green light mist that was swallowed up by it overflowed again, and it seemed that the amount was even greater!

"Is it deprivation of life? This seems a bit evil!"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, and he understood the essence at a glance.

Then after thinking about it, he released the golden-winged tiger, letting it release its coercion to drive away the monster beasts attracted by the green light mist.

It's not that Zhou Chun is kind-hearted and doesn't want to see those monster beasts die, it's just that he doesn't want the death of these monster beasts to affect Mu Mei Mu Sang's temperament.

Because he knows that the green light mist will eventually become Mu Mei Mu Sang's advanced qualifications. If it is mixed with too much flesh and blood vitality of other monsters, it is difficult to guarantee that Mu Mei Mu Sang's will will not be distorted!

In order to hide his identity, he also specially asked the Golden-winged Tiger to use the [Hundred Magic Beads] to change shape, so that even the cultivators at the Zifu Stage who were keeping him could not see the flaw.

But perhaps because the spiritual energy in this area is not strong, in the next more than three months, no powerful human monks came.

The few foundation-building monks who came here were driven away by the golden-winged tiger before they noticed the strange phenomena in the forest.

After more than three months of continuous accumulation, Mu Mei Mu Sang finally absorbed all the vitality into his body and officially broke through to the fourth level!

"Is it finally done?"

In the forest, Zhou Chun felt relieved after sensing a powerful fourth-order monster aura rising.

Soon, Mu Mei Mu Sang, who had successfully broken through the fourth level, came to Zhou Chun.

After breaking through to the fourth level, Mu Mei Mu Sang's body shape did not change much. The only change was its physical condition.

In the past, at the third level, golden elixir level monks like Zhou Chun could still find that it was not flesh and blood.

But now it looks like a real deer demon, with flesh and blood!

Zhou Chun seriously doubted that at this time, unless he was a golden elixir-level monk who had practiced very powerful spiritual powers, or a Yuanying-level monk in person, most of the golden elixir-level monks would be difficult to detect with their spiritual consciousness alone. Mei Mu Sang's true roots are gone.

"Mu Sang, what kind of magical power did you awaken after you succeeded in breaking through? Are you sure you can cure Bai Bai's injuries now?"

Zhou Chun stared at the green spirit deer in front of him and asked curiously what he was thinking.

Mu Sang naturally couldn't answer him with words, but he quickly responded through spiritual connection.

After breaking through to the fourth level, Mu Sang's magical power has indeed improved greatly.

Needless to say, the most basic wood escape technique becomes even more mysterious after being promoted to the fourth level. You can even bring other monks or monsters who practice wood attribute techniques to escape with you!

The original "Nectar Rejuvenation" magical power was directly upgraded to the "Nectar Rejuvenation" magical power, which has a very powerful healing effect and is also extremely effective in accelerating the ripening of elixirs and healing elixirs and spiritual trees.

At the same time, the original magical power of "turning wood into soldiers" has been further upgraded into the [Tianmu Taoist] magical power, which can refine Taoist spiritual seeds and form Taoist formations to assist in combat. The highest level of Taoist soldiers can even reach three. Top grade!

The emergence of this magical power directly greatly improved Mu Mei's combat protection ability, making its frontal combat ability not inferior to that of many fourth-level monsters.

Finally, after Mu Mei broke through to the fourth level, she also mastered two more powerful magical powers.

One is [Yimu Divine Thunder], which is a type of Five Elements Divine Thunder and is very powerful.

Because it is a natal magical power, when Mu Sang displays this magical power, its power can directly reach the maximum level of his current state!

The other is the [Gift of Life] magical power!

This magical power, Mu Mei, was actually mastered at the second level, but the conditions for use are very special.

Now it can actively use this magical power to forcibly extract the vitality of vegetation in an area to strengthen itself, which can directly improve its own cultivation by a small level!

However, the sequelae of this magical power are still serious. Once Mu Mei displays this magical power, it will cause devastating disasters to the vegetation in an area, which is against the laws of heaven. Therefore, after being used, it will be rejected by the laws of heaven and cannot be used again for a period of time. Communicate with plants and cannot use the wood escape technique!

But no matter what, with the help of the four powerful natal magical powers after the breakthrough and advancement, Mu Mei Mu Sang's strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Treating Lei Jiao Baibai's injuries should no longer be a problem.

After Zhou Chun understood this, he immediately cheered with joy: "Okay, okay, Mu Sang, you really lived up to my expectations. With you by my side in the future, I will no longer have to worry about getting hurt!"

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