Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 547 Bloodline Inheritance【Please subscribe】

Zhou Chun naturally kept the matter of Mu Mei's promotion to the fourth level strictly confidential.

Except for Zhou Mingde and Lin Hongyu, the absolute top leaders of the Zhou family, no one knew that he already had two fourth-level spiritual pets.

The situation was just as Zhou Chun thought. The healing power of the fourth-level Mu Mei was indeed of great help to Lei Jiao Baibai's recovery from his injuries.

After using the brand new [Lin and Heavenly Dew] magical power to heal Lei Jiao Baibai, Lei Jiao Baibai's injuries were greatly relieved immediately, and it is estimated that he will be able to fully recover in less than three to five years.

Zhou Chun also took the opportunity to test the ripening effect of [Ganlin Tianlu] magical power on elixirs.

The results were very gratifying.

If you ripen an elixir alone, you can directly make a hundred-year-old elixir become five to six hundred years old overnight!

The reason why it is said to be a hundred-year-old elixir is because if the medicine is too young, it will not be able to withstand the huge vitality contained in the magical power of [Sweet Rain and Heavenly Dew] and will be directly strangled to death!

And after Zhou Chun's adventurous experiments, he discovered that even if it is a thousand-year-old elixir, [Ganlin Tiandou] can increase its age by more than two hundred years!

This is very powerful.

You must know that many thousand-year-old elixirs may only reach the thousand-year-old treasure medicine level by just a few hundred years, and many monks often cannot wait that long!

If Zhou Chun publicizes that he has such abilities, I am afraid that many big forces will come to him to ripen certain elixirs.

In the medicine gardens of those powerful powers, there are many elixirs that are only a few hundred years old before they can be used as medicine!

What makes Zhou Chun most happy is that because of the powerful effect of [Ganlin Tianlu] magical power, the Zhou family can save a lot of time in the future by cultivating [Millennium Chalcedony Mushroom], the main medicine of the Foundation Building Pill.

It only takes them five to six hundred years to cultivate the [Millennium Chalcedony Mushroom] that meets the requirements for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill!

Zhou Chun was not polite immediately and directly asked Mu Mei to use the magical power of [Sweet Rain and Heavenly Dew] on the purple mulberry tree, which was already a third-level high-grade spiritual tree.

And the result was just as he expected, the purple mulberry wood, which was already extraordinary in itself, took advantage of this opportunity and was quickly promoted to a fourth-level low-grade spiritual wood!

Although, this kind of early promotion may prevent it from growing in the next few hundred years.

But for the Zhou family, they can directly plant [Chalcedony Mushroom] Ganoderma robes on the tree to cultivate this main medicine of the Foundation Building Pill.

Of course, Zhou Chun did not forget to ask Mu Mei Mu Sang to use the [Sweet Rain and Sky Dew] magical power on other spiritual fruit trees to see the effect.

It's just that the effect this time made him a little confused about what to say.

A second-level middle-grade spiritual fruit tree originally owned by the Zhou family was directly promoted to the second-order high-grade one under the magical power of [Lin and Sky Dew].

This should be a good thing.

But the problem is that the fruit trees after the advancement have a longer flowering and fruiting time, and this advancement did not produce spiritual fruits!

In this way, Zhou Chun did not dare to let Mu Mei Mu Sang use his magical power on the Zhou family's [Yuan-Building Fruit] tree, lest it produce any uncontrollable consequences.

But the good news is that Mu Mei Mu Sang can still use the "nectar rejuvenation" magical power that she mastered at the third level, which can increase the yield of fruit trees every few decades.

So in the following time, as soon as Mu Mei Mu Sang recovers, she will use her magical powers to increase the age of some elixirs in the Zhou Family Medicine Garden.

These elixirs whose medicinal age has been enhanced will basically be picked immediately and used to make elixirs.

Because they are destined to be difficult to grow as medicines in the next hundreds of years.

This may be the restriction imposed by the laws of heaven on magical powers such as [Sweet Rain and Heavenly Dew].

After Lei Jiao Bai's injury recovered a lot, Zhou Chun also took advantage of the opportunity to understand the magical powers it gained after breaking through the fourth level.

As a four-clawed thunder dragon with superior bloodline qualifications, the thunder dragon's process of breaking through to the fourth level in vain was extremely smooth, and the magical powers he obtained were naturally extraordinary.

First of all, the magical power of Thunder Escape has been strengthened again. If the Thunder Escape Technique is used with all its strength to fly, the escape speed will be a few points faster than the flight of ordinary late-stage Golden Core monks' royal magic weapons!

Then the magical power of "Tian Lei Qie" has been upgraded and directly turned into [Tian Lei Nirvana Slash]. Its power in all aspects has been strengthened to the limit, and it has unparalleled powerful offensive capabilities. It is better than Zhou Chun's [God Killing Jin Ge] 】A bit more domineering and fierce!

The original [Tiangang Divine Thunder] magical power has also been upgraded and strengthened, or it has finally been restored to its original power, unlocking a variety of ways to use it.

And to use this magical power in the future, there is no need to store the power of thunder in the body in advance.

Of course, if the power of thunder is stored in advance, part of the mana consumption will be reduced when using magical powers, and the power of magical powers can be further strengthened.

At the same time, like Mu Mei Mu Sang, after breaking through the fourth level, Lei Jiao Bai Bai also awakened three more natal magical powers.

One is [Thunder Purgatory Claw], a kind of natal magical power that can be used for both long-range attack and melee combat. When paired with the thunder escape magical power, it can exert a very strong close combat ability.

One is [Thunder Immortal Body], which can greatly weaken the attacks received after being used, and can resolve a fatal attack!

It's a pity that the fifth-level thunder dragon acted suddenly at that time, otherwise if the thunder dragon Bai Bai had been prepared and used this magical power in advance, he might not have been so seriously injured.

The third magical power is [Nine Heavens Thunder Prison], an offensive magical power whose power is hard to measure.

The reason why it is difficult to measure the power is because the power of this [Nine Heavens Thunder Prison] magical power fluctuates greatly.

If you encounter that kind of thunderstorm, with the help of the power of thunder, the power of the [Nine Heavens Thunder Prison] magical power can be doubled.

Or if you use the "Heavenly Thunder" magical power to gather thunder clouds in advance, the power of this magical power will skyrocket.

But without the above two environmental bonuses, the power of [Nine Heavens Thunder Prison] is not particularly powerful. It can only be regarded as a pretty good magic power to trap enemies and torture vegetables!

But no matter what, after breaking through the fourth level, Thunder Dragon Baibai is already very, very powerful.

Zhou Chun estimated that if he didn't use the [Moon Toad Orb], he would probably not be his opponent in a one-on-one battle!

It can only be said that the bloodline talent of the four-clawed thunder dragon is very powerful. Before the fifth level, it can still suppress the vast majority of human monks of the same realm.

For Zhou Chun, the stronger Lei Jiao Baibai becomes, the happier he will undoubtedly be.

Thinking deeply, isn't the magical power of Lei Jiao Bai Bai his magical power?

After he performed the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", all of Thunder Dragon's magical powers were at his disposal, and then he could fully experience the pleasure of crushing a monk of the same realm!

What makes Zhou Chun even more surprised and happy is that after breaking through the fourth level, Thunder Dragon Baibai actually obtained part of the blood inheritance of the Thunder Dragon clan!

You must know that among monsters, bloodline inheritance is a very remarkable thing.

Generally, only very powerful monster species, such as dragons, fire phoenixes, negative mountain turtles and other monster species with top bloodlines, can have bloodline inheritance.

As the name suggests, bloodline inheritance is a method of inheritance of skills and secrets through bloodline.

The advantage of this inheritance method is that you don’t have to worry about the inheritance being cut off, unless all the descendants of your bloodline are completely dead!

But this kind of thing is basically impossible to happen in the monster species with blood inheritance.

And if you want to leave relevant inheritance through blood, even a fifth-level demon king is not qualified!

Zhou Chun doesn't know whether the sixth-level demon saint can do it. Anyway, the saying in the world of immortality is that only the race of demon beasts that have produced very, very powerful beings can leave a bloodline inheritance.

However, even among the dragon clan, there are very few dragons who can obtain bloodline inheritance at the fourth level.

Most dragons will only receive bloodline inheritance after cultivating to the fifth level.

Generally speaking, the purer the bloodline and the higher the dragon's cultivation level, the more complete the bloodline inheritance will be.

Thunder Dragon Baibai obtained part of his bloodline inheritance as soon as he broke through the fourth level, which undoubtedly proved that his talents and qualifications were extraordinary.

If the dead Thunder Dragon King knew this, I'm afraid he would hate himself even more for not coming over earlier and kidnapping Bai Bai away.

According to Lei Jiao Baibai himself, the blood inheritance it received mainly includes a demon clan skill and two magical power cultivation methods, as well as some survival-related knowledge, such as which types of monsters are not easy to provoke and which monsters to eat. Beasts and elixir ores help one's own growth, how to recover as quickly as possible after being injured, etc.

Of course, due to differences in eras and regions, most of the survival-related knowledge is of little use, just understand it.

The key is still the method of cultivating skills and magical powers. These are good things that can truly improve your strength.

Among them, the technique is called "Thunder Dragon Transformation Sutra", which is the exclusive magical power of the Thunder Dragon clan, and only the Thunder Dragon clan can practice it.

After Lei Jiao has practiced this technique in vain, not only will his cultivation level increase much faster than those monsters of the same level who have not practiced the technique, but he can also purify his own mana and bloodline, and temper his body.

The other two methods of cultivating magical powers are [Thunder Dragon Roar] and [Thunder Armor]. One is the sound attack magical power that attacks the soul and body, and the other is the calamity-transforming magical power to resist the thunder tribulation of heaven. They are both very practical. Supernatural powers.

It is a pity that this kind of bloodline inheritance has special restrictions. Not only can Thunder Dragon Baibai not be able to inform Zhou Chun of the techniques and magical power cultivation methods, he can't even tell other dragons.

This may also be the intention of those powerful monsters who left their bloodline inheritance, not only to prevent the inheritance from being stolen, but also because they do not want to let some descendants with weak bloodlines take advantage of them without worrying about the inheritance being cut off!

Although Zhou Chun had some slight regrets about this, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

I just feel happy for Lei Jiao Bai from the bottom of my heart.

"Bai Bai, you will take good care of your injuries and practice your magical powers. After you recover from your injuries, we will go do something big!"

After praising and comforting his pet, he left it in the secret room with the spring of spiritual eyes to recuperate, while he went outside to practice.

The following Jingguo Immortal Cultivation World seemed to be extremely lively.

After all, the series of things that happened before were really shocking.

Whether it is the battle between the Lord Huashen and the Golden Horned Dragon King, or the battle between a dozen Nascent Soul Stage monks against the Dragon Clan and the Hualong Cult coalition, it is no less important than the previous decisive battle between the Heavenly Spirit Army and the Yuan Demon Army.

What happened next when the nine great Nascent Soul Masters led a crowd to attack the mountains and exterminate the clan and destroy the Hualong Sect's general altar was equally shocking.

The key is that this time, unlike some previous major events, many monks can only become spectators and gain nothing.

This time, because the fifth-level thunder dragon's self-destruction left too many broken scales, broken bones, dragon's blood and other items, the distribution range was too wide. Many monks who came after hearing the news had more or less harvested something.

Maybe that little harvest can't make them rich, but for some Qi-refining and foundation-building monks, being able to get something from the fifth-level thunder dragon, even if it's just a broken scale the size of a fingernail, is enough for them to brag about for a lifetime!

And many Golden Core monks also gained a lot when they destroyed the Hualong Sect General Altar, and they also reaped the benefits.

Therefore, Jingguo seems to be extremely lively now. There are people selling materials from the fifth-level thunder dragon in various markets, and some of them are genuine and some are fake.

If that fifth-level thunder dragon knew about this, I'm afraid he would be furious!

Zhou Chun didn't care about the scattered materials. They were too scattered and of no use at all.

He already has a fourth-level thunder dragon here, what kind of material can he not get!

What Zhou Chun wants to do now is to take advantage of the fact that all the Jindan monks in Jingguo have gained a lot from the battle to destroy the Hualong Cult General Altar, and collect a wave of relevant elixir materials from their hands.

At that time, he saw that in the private medicine gardens and sect medicine gardens of some golden elixir monks of Hualong Sect, many rare varieties of elixirs were grown, including the refined [Ancient Chen Pill], [Purple Dust Pill] and [Purple Dust Pill]. Related materials of Yulu Jinxiadan.

But the situation at that time did not allow him to fight for those things, so he could only keep them in mind.

Now that he had returned to the safe rear, he naturally had to take action immediately to prevent those things from being exchanged or used.

So after Zhou Chun made some preparations, he sent invitation letters to many Jingguo Jindan monks, inviting them to come and participate in the exchange meeting organized by his organization.

In order to make those people's hearts flutter, Zhou Chun did not hesitate to note some things in the invitation letter that he would use in exchange, including thousand-year-old medicine, high-grade magic weapons and spiritual materials, and other things that Golden Core Stage monks need.

Perhaps Zhou Chun's current reputation is indeed big enough, or perhaps the things he noted on the invitation letter had an effect. There were more than thirty golden elixir-level monks who came this time at his invitation, which can be said to be half the number. All the Jindan monks from Jingguo are here!

At this exchange meeting, Zhou Chun successfully exchanged many of his favorite elixirs. After all, he had almost a batch of [Gu Chen Dan] elixirs in his hand, and a batch of [Purple Dust Dan] elixirs. The medicine was also gathered together, and there was even more.

In addition, several auxiliary medicines of [Yulu Jinxiadan] were also successfully exchanged.

At the same time, taking advantage of this opportunity, most of the other golden elixir stage monks also gained something. It can be said that the guest and the host enjoyed themselves.

After the exchange meeting, Zhou Chun received a decree from the Moon Lun Sect.

In the next hundred years, the supply of dragon spiritual blood can be suspended, but ninety-nine and eighty-one complete fourth-level thunder dragon scales must be handed over in one hundred years!

After Zhou Chun saw this decree, his face darkened.

Of course, the dragon scales on the dragon's body are not impossible to remove, but every dragon scale on the dragon's body is something that has been tempered by its own magic power. Once one of them is lost, even if it can be regenerated, the new dragon scales will have the same defense as the original dragon scales. Strength, however, requires tens to hundreds of years of tempering.

Moreover, after removing the dragon scales and then growing them again, it will also delay the dragon's own cultivation.

If he follows the requirements of the Moon Wheel Cult, Thunder Dragon Baibai will have to shed a complete dragon scale and give it to Zhou Chun almost every year!

In this way, I am afraid that its cultivation will grow extremely slowly in a hundred years!

"These guys are really knocking the bones and sucking out the marrow!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but curse loudly, but there was nothing he could do.

This time the decree was issued by the Yuelun Sect's Yuanying Stage Master, and it was made clear that he would not be given a chance to bargain.

Now I can only suffer for a while and the thunder dragon will be in vain!

Of course, Zhou Chun will not forget Lei Jiao's efforts in vain, and will definitely find a way to find nourishing spiritual things for it in the past hundred years, so that it will not be hindered by this incident.

For the next three years, everything seemed very peaceful.

The heat of the Hualong Cult's collapse gradually dissipated, and the Jiaolong clan seemed to have accepted defeat, without any follow-up actions.

On this day, Zhou Chun was practicing. Suddenly, a piece of news came from the Caiyu Valley stronghold. He immediately set off to the wilderness in person with shock and joy on his face.

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