Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 548 The best spiritual root genius with wind attributes [Please subscribe]

A wilderness place, the stronghold of Jade Valley.

From the time Zhou Chun got the news to the time he arrived here, it didn't take more than a day.

In order to get here as quickly as possible, he even requisitioned the thunder dragon that was still injured and rushed over directly through the underground sewer.

And the reason why he rushed here in such a hurry was because of a baby, a baby who was just one month old!

This baby's status is indeed considered noble.

Her father is Xu Fu, an honorary elder of the Zhou family, and her mother is Zhou Yuanyuan, a core member of the Zhou family.

But these alone were obviously not enough to make Zhou Chun so anxious and excited.

All the reasons are due to this baby’s extraordinary spiritual root qualifications!

According to the message from Zhou Daoquan, this baby is likely to have the legendary top-grade spiritual root qualifications, and he also inherited the wind attribute spiritual root attribute of his father Xu Fuling!

The ultimate spiritual root qualification, and it is also wind attribute!

The combination of these two points has very extraordinary significance for Zhou Chun.

So after he learned the news, he immediately rushed to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold as quickly as possible to verify the matter for himself.

When he arrived at the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, he didn't say much and said directly to Zhou Daoquan and Xu Fu who were coming up to him: "Where is the child? Take me to see him quickly!"

"The child is now being taken care of by her mother. I will take you, the patriarch, over now."

Xu Fu responded with a smile on his face and immediately led the way.

He was also very excited at this time.

If my daughter is really qualified for the best spiritual roots, then she will be guaranteed to be a Golden Core Stage cultivator from now on, and even have a good chance of reaching the Nascent Soul Stage!

And when the time comes, he will naturally be able to take precedence over his father and his daughter, and get rid of his current embarrassing status situation.

Based on his age and qualifications, he might even be able to hope for the golden elixir realm in the future!

In this way, under the leadership of Xu Fu, Zhou Chun quickly arrived at his cave and met Zhou Yuanyuan and his daughter.

"The younger generation pays homage to the clan leader and welcomes the clan leader to visit his humble home."

When Zhou Yuanyuan saw Zhou Chun, her expression was also happy, and she quickly held her daughter in her arms and bowed before her.

She is not stupid either. From the fact that Zhou Chun came in person so quickly after hearing the news, we can know how much she values ​​her daughter.

If her daughter's spiritual root qualifications are correct, and her mother is more valuable than her daughter, there should be no problem in getting spiritual objects to help open up the Zi Mansion!

Zhou Chun ignored Zhou Yuanyuan's words and glanced at the baby in her arms.

The baby girl, who was just one month old, actually didn't cry or fuss after seeing him, an outsider. She looked at him with a pair of small black eyes, and there was a hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth.

And Zhou Chun could feel the extraordinary spirituality in the baby girl without even having to do a spirit test. He could tell at a glance that this was definitely a child with spiritual roots!

I had never had this feeling before, even when I first met Zhou Xinyuan and Zhou Yuanyuan, who both had high-grade spiritual root qualifications.

Maybe it had something to do with his low cultivation back then, but there was no denying that this baby girl was special.

Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but praise with emotion: "Sure enough, he is born with supernatural powers, unusual!"

Then she asked Zhou Yuanyuan to put the baby girl in the cradle, and personally performed the "spiritual detection technique" to test the spiritual roots.

I saw the white light ball formed by the "spiritual detection technique" falling into the baby girl's body, and the dazzling bluish-white spiritual light immediately overflowed from her body, instantly illuminating the whole room, and the room was filled with thin air. There was a breeze.

Such extraordinary visions cannot be possessed by high-grade spiritual root qualifications.

"The spiritual light fills the field, and the breeze accompanies it. Such natural phenomena are indeed the rumored top spiritual root qualifications!"

Zhou Chun waved his sleeve, and all the light in the room dispersed, and then he told his test results with a face full of joy.

Even though I have never eaten pork, I have also seen pigs walking.

Although the Zhou family has not had a clan member with the highest spiritual root qualifications for more than a thousand years, there are still records in the classics about the highest spiritual root qualifications.

In the many classics that Zhou Chun had seen that introduced spiritual root qualifications, they all had special records on top-quality spiritual root qualifications.

That is, when the top-grade spiritual roots of any attribute are tested, there will be a strange phenomenon of spiritual light filling the field. This is a phenomenon that is completely different from the test situation of high-grade spiritual roots.

Then, according to the different attributes of the spiritual roots, visions will appear that are accompanied by the breeze.

Now that Xu Fu and Zhou Yuanyuan's daughters have seen the two phenomena recorded in the classics at the same time, it is undoubtedly 100% certain that she possesses the top spiritual root qualifications of the wind attribute!

Obviously, the results spoken by Zhou Chun, a golden elixir-level monk, must be even more authoritative.

After listening to his words, Xu Fu and Zhou Yuanyuan, who were still a little uneasy at first, suddenly beamed with joy, and their hearts were filled with joy and excitement.

Zhou Daoquan on the side also had a smile on his face, and he couldn't help but sigh: "I never thought that I would be able to see a genius with the best spiritual root qualifications appear in my family in this life. This life is truly worthy! God has blessed my Zhou family. ah!"

"It is indeed God who has blessed our Zhou family! The appearance of such talented people shows that our Zhou family should be prosperous!!"

Zhou Chun also said in an excited tone.

In the past, he had no feeling for words such as "God bless the Zhou family" that elders of the family like Zhou Mingde always said.

But now that a genius with the best spiritual root qualifications of the wind attribute was born in the Zhou family, it made him feel that there might be some kind of providence!

In the entire Zhou family, only he and Zhou Mingde knew how important a genius with the best wind attribute spiritual root qualifications was to the Zhou family.

That was definitely not a genius with a guaranteed golden elixir level, but a great opportunity that allowed the Zhou family to take a few big steps forward in their heritage.

It may even be a great opportunity for Zhou Chun to reach the Nascent Soul stage in the future!

Thinking of the excitement, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look at Xu Fu and Zhou Yuanyuan and said, "This girl probably hasn't been named yet, right? In that case, I will go above and beyond and name her Zhou Zhiying. I hope that when she grows up, she can Become the heroine of my Zhou family!"

Normally, Zhou Chun would not overstep his authority in such matters. For example, when Zhou Zhengyong asked him to name his son Zhou Xinlan, he refused.

This time he would take the initiative to make this request, which shows how excited he is at this time and how much he values ​​the baby girl in front of him.

And since he took the initiative to make this request, Xu Fu and Zhou Yuanyuan would naturally not refuse.

After the couple looked at each other, they immediately responded respectfully with smiles on their faces: "My younger daughter, Ying'er, would like to thank the patriarch for giving me the name!"

"Well, Na Ying'er will be raised by you and your wife first. After she starts preparing to practice, I will personally accept her as my disciple."

Zhou Chun nodded and made another decision that surprised Xu Fu and his wife.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the people present with a serious face and said, "Also, you all remember that from now on, Ying'er's true spiritual root qualification will be listed as the top secret of our Zhou family, and we will only say that she has a top-grade spiritual root qualification!"

"Yes, I will obey the clan leader's instructions!"

The three people, including Zhou Daoquan, were shocked and agreed in unison.

Afterwards, when little Zhou Zhiying fell asleep, Zhou Chun called Xu Fu and Zhou Yuanyuan, who were full of joy, to talk alone in the quiet room.

I saw him glance at the couple first, and then said: "Ying'er is extremely talented. If I leave it to you to take care of her, it would be a bit humiliating. In the future, I and the Supreme Elder will teach and train her personally, so as not to waste her." With her own talent, she can better protect her, do you understand this?"

Hearing his words, Xu Fu immediately replied: "Junior understands that it is her blessing that Ying'er can become a disciple of the clan leader. Naturally, the junior and his wife can't ask for it."

When Zhou Yuanyuan heard what the Taoist monk said, she quickly followed suit and said, "What your husband said is absolutely true. Since Ying'er can win the respect of the clan leader and accept her as your disciple, it is a great blessing for her. The two juniors are grateful." It’s too late, how could you not understand!”

"Just understand and understand."

Zhou Chun nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the two of them and continued to speak: "The mother is as valuable as the son. Since you two have given birth to such a gifted descendant, the family cannot treat you badly."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Zhou Yuanyuan and said: "When Ying'er officially becomes a disciple, I will give her a [Purple Dust Pill] as a gift."

How could Zhou Yuanyuan not understand the meaning of these words? She felt happy and hurriedly thanked her, "Junior, thank you clan leader for your love."

Seeing this, Xu Fu on the side was not only happy for the Taoist couple, but also looked at Zhou Chun with anxiety and expectation.

Taoist companion Zhou Yuanyuan has gained so much, so it makes no sense that he has nothing!

After all, judging from the daughter's wind attribute spiritual root qualifications, she should have inherited more of his father's qualifications.

Facing his expectant gaze, Zhou Chun pondered for a moment, then nodded to him and said: "Well, and Xu Fu, if you want to form a pill in the future, I will give you a pill-forming spiritual object! "

Hearing this, Xu Fu's eyes suddenly showed a look of ecstasy, and he hurriedly bowed his head and thanked me, "The patriarch is so kind to me, and I am so grateful to you."

Because of his background, he had never been valued or given preferential treatment before. Even assisting in the development of spiritual objects in the Purple Mansion was achieved through hard work and risking his life and death.

Without family support and relying on himself, no matter how hard he dared to fight, it would be almost impossible to form an elixir.

Now Zhou Chun was willing to promise him a pill-forming spiritual object, which surprised him greatly.

I have once again confirmed one thing, doing well is not as good as living well!

Some people, like Xu Fu, are talented and capable, and dare to fight hard. Although they can achieve great achievements in the end, in fact, they are still destined to reach their upper limit.

And some people are like his daughter Zhou Zhiying. Even when she is just born, everything she has already exceeds the upper limit that her father can achieve in his lifetime!

Now he can only be happy that this is his daughter, and he will be able to share some of the benefits from his daughter in the future.

But Zhou Chun did not stop there, and continued to give the two of them fierce information: "Both of you and your wife have good qualifications. As long as you work well for the family, when Ying'er becomes a pill in the future, you two may have the opportunity to meet each other." Don’t make the mistake of getting a glimpse of a higher realm!”

This can be said to be a pie in the sky, but the problem is that this pie is real enough and can indeed be seen.

Moreover, Zhou Zhiying is her own daughter, and she will definitely not forget to help her parents when she achieves success in the future.

Therefore, Xu Fu and Zhou Yuanyuan believed deeply in the pie painted by Zhou Chun, and they were all excited at this moment.

Just like Zhou Chun said, the two of them are not the kind of losers who cannot be helped. On the contrary, the two of them belong to the upper class in the Zhou family regardless of their qualifications and cultivation. As long as the family is willing to help, their future achievements will definitely not be low. .

Maybe I helped them before because I just lacked a reason to convince the public.

But in the future, if their daughter succeeds in forming the elixir, and with the support of Master Zhou Chun, it will not be a problem to reasonably use family resources to help the two of them, and they will not be afraid of doubts from the clan!

At that moment, the two of them were extremely grateful to Zhou Chun and said their words of gratitude over and over again.

But the two of them would never have imagined that the cakes Zhou Chun painted for them did not require any materials from the Zhou family, and would not use any of the Zhou family's own resources at all!

Even if Zhou Chun doesn't help them now, they will definitely have that opportunity in the future!

Zhou Chun took advantage of information asymmetry this time and played a trick.

After snaring Xu Fu and Zhou Yuanyuan with real benefits and big cakes, Zhou Chun did not stay at the Caiyu Mountain stronghold for long and quickly returned to Jingguo.

In fact, he also considered taking Zhou Zhiying and Xu Fu back to Jingguo, which might be safer.

But Zhou Chun was even more worried that Xu Fu would take risks and abduct his daughter directly after returning to join a certain powerful force.

If something like that really happens, even if it fails in the end, it will have consequences that are very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Zhou Chun decided to keep the couple at the Caiyu Mountain stronghold.

However, for the sake of little Zhou Zhiying's safety, Zhou Chun specifically told Zhou Yuanyuan not to let her daughter leave his sight, nor to let her leave the Caiyu Mountain stronghold.

As it related to her future path, Zhou Yuanyuan was naturally very concerned about this matter and agreed wholeheartedly.

In order to be sure, Zhou Chun specially left the Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Stone in the Caiyu Mountain stronghold to practice, and gave the tools to awaken it to Zhou Yuanlian and Zhou Daoquan.

In this way, even if a fourth-level monster attacks the stronghold, the golden armor, mountain turtle and stone can still protect Zhou Zhiying when necessary.

After returning to his family, Zhou Chun also immediately shared the good news with Zhou Mingde.

As he expected, when he heard that Zhou Zhiying really had the best spiritual root qualification of the wind attribute, Zhou Mingde's face turned red with excitement and he couldn't help but cheer.

After cheering, he suddenly remembered something. He couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun and asked in confusion: "Since that little girl is really the best spiritual talent, Zhengchun, why don't you bring her back and let me have a look? Besides, in the wilderness, After all, the earth is not a safe place, so it is safer and more reliable for such geniuses to be kept by our side!"

After Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately expressed his concerns and arrangements.

After listening to Zhou Chun's narration, although Zhou Mingde still felt regretful that he could not meet the most talented member of the Zhou family's history as soon as possible, he nodded with understanding and said: "Zhengchun, your worries are indeed justified, so first Let’s do it as you arranged, and after that little girl starts to practice, take her with you and train her!”

Seeing that he understood, Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile and said: "That's right. With Ying'er's spiritual talent, as long as I train her well, I can build her foundation in her twenties and open up the Zifu in her fifties and sixties." , the Zi Mansion will be completed before she is one hundred and fifty years old, and then she can go to the secret island to obtain the inheritance of the Master of the Cave Mansion!"

"If we can gain control of that secret island, we will not only be able to obtain the inheritance of a powerful late-stage Nascent Soul monk for our Zhou family, but we will also be able to obtain a secret realm for our Zhou family that can continuously produce a large amount of elixir resources! "

"By that time, the true heritage of our Zhou family is not inferior to those of those great sects. In time, we will definitely become a Nascent Soul family famous all over the world!"

At the end of the sentence, Zhou Chun couldn't help but have a hint of passion in his eyes.

Zhou Chun couldn't tell how many good things there were in that secret island.

But judging from the harvest in the small medicine garden left for him, there will definitely be no shortage of elixirs growing in other medicine gardens.

Maybe it would be more than enough to support a few golden elixir stage monks to practice until they reach perfection in the later golden elixir stage!

As long as Zhou Zhiying can inherit the mantle of the master of the secret island and become the master of the secret island, then Zhou Chun, as her master and the head of the Zhou family, is the one who bestowed upon her this fortune, so it is natural that she should share it with her. Which harvest.

It’s hard to say anything else at that time. With the help of the rich elixir resources inside, there should be no problem at all if you reach the late stage of the golden elixir.

If the situation is better, the master of the secret cave has left an opportunity for his successor to have a baby, and Zhou Chun will have the opportunity to have a baby in the future!

"The Nascent Soul Family..."

Zhou Mingde murmured to himself, then looked at Zhou Chun with expectant eyes and said: "If you can really see the Zhou family become a Yuanying family with your own eyes, even if I die on the spot, you can still go to meet Lieutenant General with your head held high. Ancestors!!”

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately replied with a smile: "Then you have to live well. Maybe not only the ordinary Yuanying family, but our Zhou family may also become a Yuanying family with several Yuanying monks and fifth-level demon kings in the future!"

After saying that, both of them laughed, very happily.

In the following years, Zhou Chun took advantage of the opportunity for Lei Jiao to recover from his injuries and began to extract the dragon's spiritual blood from his body to practice the fourth level of "The Secret of Dragon Transformation".

At the same time, Lei Jiao Baibai began to infiltrate some of the monsters raised by the Zhou family, hoping to add several more dragon-born monsters to the Zhou family.

During this period, Zhou Mingde still couldn't bear the itch in his heart, so he quietly went to the wilderness to visit Zhou Zhiying, and personally tested his spiritual root qualification again!

Five years flew by like this.

Five years later, Zhou Chun finally successfully mastered the fourth level of "The Secret of Dragon Transformation". When he used the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" with Lei Jiao Baibai, they were much more in tune with each other than before.

The key is that after years of training, his natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] was finally promoted to a middle-grade magic weapon after he incorporated a large amount of iron essence inside the broken blade he bought at the auction!

In the early stage of Jindan cultivation, the natal magic weapon was cultivated to the level of mid-grade magic weapon. This kind of thing is not particularly rare in the world of immortality.

As long as they didn't cut too many corners when refining the natal magic weapon, those veteran golden elixir stage monks can do this with the accumulation of time.

However, there are very few monks like Zhou Chun who can achieve this in just twenty years after refining the natal magic weapon. It is extremely rare.

If he continues like this, if he cultivates this natal magic weapon for another hundred or two hundred years, he may have the opportunity to cultivate and upgrade it into a top-grade magic weapon!

At the same time, although it only took a few years, Thunder Dragon Baibai had already cultivated three new dragon-born monsters for the Zhou family with the influence of his strong bloodline and cultivation.

These three dragon-born monsters are the wind and thunder dragon lizards mutated from the horned lizards. They master both wind and thunder attribute spells, and can release wind blade and lightning spells. Their actual combat capabilities are far stronger than most low-level ones. Monster!

The second type is the Dragon Scale Water Deer, which was mutated from the Octagonal Water Deer. Compared with the original Octagon Water Deer, silver-white dragon scales have grown on its body, which greatly improves its defense capabilities and endurance, and can also Using the antlers on his head to release thunder and lightning spells, his strength has also been qualitatively improved!

The third type is a kind of monster beast that has just been domesticated by the Zhou family not long ago!

These one-horned wind-chasing horses had a good chance of being promoted to the second level. One of the first-level high-grade one-horned wind-chasing horses turned into a dragon-born monster after being infected by the thunder dragon's white dragon breath. Breakthrough to the second level.

This second-level one-horned wind-chasing horse also has the attributes of wind and thunder, and it also has silver-white dragon scales on its body. It looks very majestic. Its combat ability is also stronger than that of many intermediate monsters, and its flying speed is also fast. He must quickly surpass many birds and monsters of the same level!

Zhou Chun named it "Chifeng Electric Dragon Horse" and listed it as a breed not sold by the Zhou family to the outside world.

The appearance of these three powerful dragon-born monsters also verified Zhou Chun's previous speculation.

The stronger the dragon itself is, the easier it is to successfully infect other monsters. Moreover, the stronger the dragon's bloodline is, the greater the strength of the monsters that are successfully impregnated will be.

The time is still short, and only three dragon-born monsters have been successfully imbued.

As long as he continues to be immersed in the future, Thunder Dragon Baibai will definitely be able to continue to create more varieties of dragon-born monsters for the Zhou family!

After generations of dissimilation and alienation, the bloodlines of these dragon-born monsters will eventually stabilize, and they will be able to pass on their dragon-born bloodline like dragon-scaled horses, dragon-clawed monitor lizards and other dragon-born monsters.

But for the time being, this dissimilation and alienation will stop.

Because after Lei Jiao Baibai's injury was completely healed, he had successfully cultivated the fourth level of "The Secret of Dragon Transformation", and cultivated the natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] into a middle-grade magic weapon, Zhou Chun was already preparing to go to another big trip. Zhou Guo, it’s time to settle a grudge that should have been settled long ago!

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