Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 549: Alchemy plan, luring the snake out of its hole [Please subscribe]

Tianyuan Fairy City.

Zhou Chun came from Jingguo, and when he came to this fairy city again, he did not visit Luo Qingni first as usual, but went to the place where Zhou Daoyi was hiding.

Counting the time, it has been a while since Zhou Daoyi succeeded in forming the elixir, and he is now ready to go out and entertain guests.

"Junior, I have met my great-uncle. Congratulations to my great-uncle for his great achievement in the golden elixir and his long life!"

In the cave, after seeing Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Chun immediately and sincerely sent his congratulations.

Among the elders of the Zhou family, in terms of closeness, Zhou Daoyi was undoubtedly the closest to him.

Now that this elder has successfully formed the elixir, he is happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

After hearing his congratulations, Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but laugh and said: "Hahaha, we are all happy together. Zhengchun, you must have brought Bai Bai here. Let me see what the fourth-order thunder dragon looks like!"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun of course complied with the elder's request and quickly released the thunder dragon for free so that he could have a look.

After seeing Qiqi like this, Zhou Daoyi first asked Zhou Chun to take the thunder dragon back in vain, and then looked at him with a serious face and said: "I have also heard about what happened to the family before. Let's keep some accounts in mind. Calculate the opportunity slowly!"

Zhou Chun knew that he was talking about Qinglian Guan hiring people to assassinate him and Yuelun Cult plotting against the Zhou family.

At that moment, he nodded slightly and said: "Junior understands that sooner or later these accounts will be settled with them!"

After saying that, he informed Zhou Daoyi about the emergence of a top-quality wind attribute spiritual root genius in the Zhou family.

Like Zhou Mingde before him, Zhou Daoyi was extremely happy and excited after hearing about this incident, and quickly asked him for details.

After Zhou Chun finished telling the relevant details, including his own arrangements and plans, Zhou Daoyi thought carefully about the arrangements and plans he mentioned.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Zhengchun, there is generally nothing wrong with your plan, but before Ying'er truly takes control of the secret island, Xu Fu and his wife must not let Xu Fu and his wife know about it. Lest they instigate Ying'er to do things that are detrimental to the family."

"And after Ying'er becomes aware of the situation, Zhengchun, you have to put more thought and time into taking her and cultivate the relationship between master and disciple from an early age. This will also make it easier to share the treasures on the secret island with her in the future."

Zhou Chun nodded repeatedly after hearing these words, and immediately replied: "That's true. After this junior completes his revenge, he will return to the family to practice meditation for twenty or thirty years and train Ying'er well!"

Hearing him talk about revenge, Zhou Daoyi immediately frowned slightly and couldn't help but look at him and said: "According to what you said, Zhengchun, Wang Jun is also from a big sect and has a blood relationship with Zhenren Yuan Yingqi. You alone Is it really okay to seek revenge from him? How about you let me and Hongyu go there to help you!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately shook his head slightly and said: "Don't worry about this. This junior came here after being fully prepared. Even if he really has the trump card to protect him from the master of Yuanying Stage, I am sure to keep him!"

This is his personal private matter, so he doesn't want to involve Zhou Daoyi and his wife.

And he didn't think Wang Jun would be his opponent.

"Forget it, since you have made up your mind, I won't persuade you anymore. Just be more careful in everything you do!"

Zhou Daoyi looked at Zhou Chun for a while, and finally sighed softly and didn't insist anymore.

"Junior will be careful."

Zhou Chun responded, then chatted with Zhou Daoyi about some family matters, stayed for a few days and then left.

According to the Zhou family's plan, Zhou Daoyi will not return to the family to make public appearances. He will stay in Tianyuan Immortal City permanently in the future.

With his own talisman-making skills, renting a cave in Tianyuan Immortal City is not a problem at all, not to mention that the family will provide subsidies.

Moreover, Zhou Chun also discussed something with him this time, planning to let him buy a shop in Tianyuan Immortal City and be responsible for selling the resources developed by the Zhou family from the wilderness in the future.

He will be sitting in this shop as the spokesperson of the Zhou family for a long time, and will be in contact with the forces of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

In Tianyuan Immortal City, similar situations are not uncommon.

In the future, Zhou Chun will dispatch a group of Zhou family foundation-building monks and Qi-refining monks to come here to help, which can be regarded as one of the three caves of the cunning rabbit!

At this time, after leaving Zhou Daoyi's cave, Zhou Chun quickly went to visit Luo Qingni's "Qingni Residence".

He contacted the other party yesterday and agreed to visit today, so shortly after arriving outside "Qingni Residence", he saw Luo Qingni, whom he hadn't seen for a while.

"We haven't seen each other for many years. Fellow Daoist Luo's cultivation has become more and more sophisticated. It really makes Zhou envious!"

Looking at Luo Qingni, whose cultivation aura had increased a lot, Zhou Chun couldn't hide his envy and sighed.

He wasn't being polite, but he was truly envious.

After forming the elixir, he had no more elixirs to take, so the growth rate of his cultivation was really not very good.

After all, his true spiritual root qualification is only a middle-grade spiritual root!

Judging from the results of his cultivation over the years, even if everything goes well, without the aid of elixirs, it will take him at least one hundred and fifty years to reach the peak of the early stage of the Golden elixir.

How to break through the barrier of the middle stage of Jindan will be a severe test!

That is to say, Zhou Chun formed the elixir relatively early. He successfully formed the elixir in his early 200s, so he still has plenty of time in the future.

Otherwise, he would have been in a hurry to look for spiritual objects to improve his cultivation and power.

At this time, facing Zhou Chun's sigh, Luo Qingni couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled and said: "You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Zhou. Qingni is different from you, Fellow Daoist. You don't need to worry about miscellaneous things. You can just concentrate on your cultivation. Steady improvement in cultivation is normal." Nothing more."

Having said this, he looked at Zhou Chun with surprise and said, "On the other hand, Daoist friend Zhou, you have not slowed down your cultivation even if you were distracted by family affairs. Qing Ni really admires you!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun immediately sighed and said: "Hey, Zhou also wants to be as carefree as you, fellow Taoist Luo, but he is in the family and enjoys the family's worship, but he has to distract himself from some things. Do!"

After saying that, he shook his head, smiled at the other party and said, "Okay, let's not talk about these annoying things. Let's talk about Zhou coming to visit Fellow Daoist Luo today."

With that, he explained his purpose of coming.

He came to see Luo Qingni this time, mainly to ask for help in refining a batch of [Purple Dust Pill], and also to see if he could get together another batch of elixir needed for [Guchen Pill].

Regarding the matter of collecting the materials of [Guchen Pill], he had asked Luo Qingni to keep an eye on it before. If it appeared, he could get it for him as long as the price was right.

The last thing is to show off the [Yulu Jinxia Dan] auxiliary medicine that I have collected, and see what materials are needed for the two of them to practice this medicine together.

At this time, after hearing his purpose, Luo Qingni first agreed to refine the [Purple Dust Pill], and then took out the several elixirs needed for the [Ancient Chen Pill] that he had collected for Zhou Chun to check.

Zhou Chun made a comparison and found that as long as he found another thousand-year-old elixir, he could gather together another furnace of [Ancient Dust Pill] refining materials.

This made him extremely happy.

After reading the [Yulu Jinxia Dan] auxiliary medicine he collected, Luo Qingni's eyes lit up and showed a look of joy.

Dang even couldn't help but clapped his hands and shouted: "Wonderful! If we add these auxiliary medicines collected by fellow Taoist Zhou, we have already collected 80% of the important auxiliary medicines needed for [Yulu Jinxia Dan]. We only need to find two more Once you plant the main materials, you can try to open a furnace to refine this elixir!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun also showed a happy expression, but then he thought of something again and couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Is Fellow Daoist Luo confident about starting the furnace to refine [Jade Dew Jinxia Dan]?"

These words may be suspected of offending the other party, but the matter is so important that he naturally has to say what he should say.

Fortunately, Luo Qingni is also a sensible person and did not pay attention to his doubts. He immediately answered: "Qingni has been studying that recipe whenever he has time these years. If he can really gather the materials, Qingni will use some rare Spiritual objects assist in refining the elixir, and there is a 70% certainty that the refining can be successful!"

Hearing her answer, Zhou Chun's eyes lit up, and then he nodded repeatedly: "The 70% certainty is already quite good. Since Fellow Daoist Luo is so sure, I will speed up the collection of the two main medicines. I don't know, Fellow Daoist Luo." Is there any news about those two elixirs here?"

"There is currently no news about the three-thousand-year-old Dendrobium golden thread, but the three-thousand-year-old [Qionghua Yulu] is already known to be cultivated in the two powerful medicine gardens. If you can come up with something that makes them interested, you may try to exchange it." !”

Luo Qingni didn't hide anything, and quickly told the results of his inquiry.

As a famous alchemy master in Tianyuan Fairy City, she has a very wide network of contacts. It is naturally much more convenient than Zhou Chun to get information about some high-end elixirs.

However, when it comes to rare elixirs such as the Millennium Treasure Medicine, she can only find out the information most of the time. It is not easy to get the things.

After listening to her story, Zhou Chun also perked up and said immediately: "Since there is news about a main drug, Fellow Daoist Luo might as well find out the other party's terms of exchange. If it's not too outrageous, I'll give you a slight premium." Some exchanges are not impossible."

Hearing this, Luo Qingni couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "It would be great if we could exchange it, but we just want to exchange elixirs of this level, and we took the initiative to come to the door to exchange them. I'm afraid even the elixirs of the same level are not enough, and we have to A rarer elixir will do."

"Although Qing Ni has a few thousand-year-old treasures in her hands, I'm afraid it's hard to get into the opponent's eyes!"

Having said this, he looked at Zhou Chun eagerly.

She also knew a little bit about Zhou Chun's situation. She knew that when Zhou Chun participated in the exchange meeting in Tianyuan Fairy City, he often exchanged the thousand-year elixir and the thousand-year treasure medicine.

Therefore, I hope Zhou Chun can exchange a rare enough thousand-year-old medicine for the [Qionghua Jade Dew].

Seeing this, Zhou Chun just pondered for a moment, then faced her expectant eyes and said: "Zhou does have some rare thousand-year-old medicines in his hands, but if Zhou also lets Zhou give out the main medicine, the elixir obtained will be How to distribute it?”

After hearing what he said, Luo Qingni quickly replied: "Now among these materials, Fellow Daoist Zhou accounts for the majority. If Fellow Daoist Zhou comes out with one main medicine, after the elixir is completed, we will split it in half. If both the main medicines are produced by Fellow Daoist Zhou, After the elixir is completed, Qingni only takes one, what do fellow Taoists Zhou think?"

After all, she has the convenience of "technical investment". Even if she doesn't come up with any magic pill, she still has to get a magic pill to guarantee the bottom line.

This can be regarded as an unspoken rule in the alchemist industry.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun heard what she said, he didn't feel that he was at a disadvantage. He quickly nodded and said: "That's great!"

Then he made a list of several spiritual objects that he could exchange and gave it to Luo Qingni.

When I saw the list, there were seven rare elixirs including the three thousand-year-old [Chalcedony Zhizhi], the four-thousand-year-old [Fengxueteng], [Qianjinguo], and the three-thousand-eight-hundred-year-old [Episodes]. After receiving the eight thousand-year-old medicine, Luo Qingni also stared at Zhou Chun with surprise.

Although she knew that Zhou Chun was of extraordinary wealth and must have some rare thousand-year-old medicine, she never expected that Zhou Chun was so "rich".

And no matter how stupid she was, she knew that these elixirs were definitely not the rarest elixirs in Zhou Chun's body.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, could it be that you got the medicine garden left by a certain senior monk?"

After hesitating in her heart for a long time, Luo Qingni couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

"Roughly the same!"

Zhou Chun responded vaguely, not wanting to say more.

He didn't dare to tell the truth to Luo Qingni, otherwise there was no guarantee that Luo Qingni wouldn't immediately ask him for the jade talisman that allowed him to enter the secret island.

Although even if he gives the jade talisman to the other party, it is unlikely that the other party will replicate his experience.

Fortunately, Luo Qingni remained rational after all and did not continue to delve deeper. He just said with envy: "Fellow Daoist Zhou's luck is really enviable. With the list you gave me, Daoist Zhou, Qingni is quite sure that he can exchange for [ Qionghuayulu] is gone!"

"Then I'll leave it to fellow Daoist Luo."

Zhou Chun cupped his hands and handed over the matter to the other party.

In the following days, Luo Qingni first responded to Zhou Chun's request and refined the [Purple Dust Pill].

Because it was the first time to refine this kind of elixir, the number of elixirs produced was not very high, only five.

But even so, Zhou Chun was very satisfied.

With these five [Purple Dust Pills] in hand, at worst, it can give the Zhou family another Zifu period monk.

Moreover, this type of spiritual object is not like the Foundation Establishment Pill, which the family must provide to the monks within the clan.

If you save some money, the Zhou family will no longer have to worry about assisting in the development of spiritual objects in the Purple Mansion in the next hundred years.

After getting the elixir, Zhou Chun quickly left Tianyuan Immortal City and went straight to the area where the mountain gate of Leiya Valley was located.

The overall strength of Leiya Valley is not that strong in the Great Zhou Kingdom. This sect used to be a medium sect force like the Yuling Sect. It was not until the current Supreme Elder Kuang Lei Zhenren succeeded in having a baby that he was promoted to a major force.

After Kuanglei Zhenren succeeded in having a baby, the Wang family from which he was born took control of Leiya Valley with his support, gradually turning this sect into a family-style sect.

The current Golden Core monks in Leiya Valley are either members of the Wang family and their sons-in-law, or direct disciples of Master Kuang Lei.

Ordinary Leiya Valley disciples who want to obtain elixir-forming resources can only choose to marry into the Wang family, or become apprentices to a certain Wang family's golden elixir-level monk.

Things like this kind of counterattack and annexation of sects by cultivating families are not uncommon in the world of cultivating immortals, but it is rare that they can truly last for a long time.

Taking the current Leiya Valley as an example, once the Kuang Lei Master passes away or dies, Leiya Valley without him will immediately regress back to a mid-level sect.

It is still unknown whether the Wang family can still control this sect by then.

Even if they can still control it, future conflicts between the disciples of the sect and the disciples of the Wang family will continue to consume the strength of both parties, leading to the decline of both parties.

But that was much later.

At least now, with the help of the reputation of Master Kuang Lei, the Wang family of Leiya Valley is also a well-known immortal cultivating family in the Great Zhou Kingdom, and many forces will give some face.

As a large force with Nascent Soul Stage monks in charge, Leiya Valley naturally has its own market.

Mingleifang City is the city under the command of Leiyagu. This city is not very big. It is built on a spiritual mountain five or six hundred miles away from the gate of Leiyagu. The monks who usually come and go there are mainly disciples of Leiyagu. Mostly.

Because the sect of Leiya Valley is famous for its thunder-attribute magical powers, you can often buy some thunder-attribute magic spells and magic weapons in Mingleifang City. This feature often attracts monks from other regions to visit.

After all, thunder spells are strong and domineering, and are far more powerful than other five-element spells. If you have the same level of thunder spells in hand, you will have a lot more chances of winning against the enemy.

When Zhou Chun came to Mingleifang City, he had already used the [Hundred Magic Beads] to transform into a middle-aged man with a mature appearance. His cultivation had also converged to the late Zifu period, and he changed his name to Qi Changfeng.

Mingleifang City itself is just a small regional city. After a monk with his level of cultivation entered it, he naturally quickly attracted the attention of the monks from the Purple Mansion Period of Leiya Valley who were in charge of the city.

When Zhou Chun entered the official store opened in Leiya Valley and made a request to buy a third-level thunder talisman, he successfully met Wang Long, a middle-term monk of the Wang family's Zifu.

Wang Long is a fat, middle-aged man, wearing a golden robe and seven rings of different colors on his ten fingers. They all seem to be magic weapons.

After receiving Zhou Chun in the private room, this person first asked about Zhou Chun's background in a circumstantial manner.

After he felt that the situation was almost understood, he looked at Zhou Chun with a smile on his face and said: "The third-level thunder talisman that fellow Taoist Qi wants to buy is temporarily out of stock in our store. If fellow daoist really wants it, Wang can do it for me." Taoist friends apply to the family."

When he said this, he narrowed his eyes and continued: "It's just that Fellow Daoist Qi should know the rules of our store. Generally, third-level thunder talismans are only exchanged and not sold. Fellow Daoist must come up with the matching spirit." Only when things come, can I exchange them for the treasures here!"

"Since Qi has come all the way here, he naturally understands the rules of your store."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "But the thunder talisman Qi wants to change is not an ordinary third-level thunder talisman, but a third-level high-grade thunder talisman, and at least three of them are required!"

"What? Three third-level high-grade thunder talismans!"

Wang Long's eyes widened and he looked at Zhou Chun with surprise.

Then he saw his face became solemn, and he looked at Zhou Chun with a serious face and said, "Do you know what you are talking about, Fellow Daoist Qi? The value of the third-order high-grade thunder talisman is no lower than that of the ordinary fourth-order low-grade magic talisman, and it is even harder to obtain! "

Having said this, he couldn't help but ask: "Friend Daoist Qi, what can you exchange for three third-level high-grade thunder talismans?"

Faced with the doubt, Zhou Chun replied calmly: "Of course Qi knows how precious the third-level high-grade thunder talisman is, but Qi is even more convinced that the chips in his hand are completely worth the deal!"

Hearing his answer, Wang Long couldn't help but turn the rings on his fingers, and then asked curiously: "Oh, but I don't know what Taoist Fellow Qi calls a bargaining chip?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately shook his head, "Fellow Daoist Wang misunderstood. Qi's bargaining chip is not a treasure, but news about a certain treasure!"

After saying that, he said with greed in his eyes: "If that treasure is really in Qi's hands, Qi will not just ask for the third-level high-grade thunder talisman, but ask for the exchange of the fourth-level thunder talisman!"

"Just a piece of news and you want to exchange for three third-level high-grade thunder talismans?"

Wang Long was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened, he looked at Zhou Chun coldly and said, "Is Daoist Fellow Qi trying to entertain Wang? What kind of news is worth three third-level high-grade thunder talismans? Do you know the value of three third-order high-grade thunder talismans?" , almost enough to exchange for a pill-forming spiritual object!"

He was really a little angry at this time, just thinking that he had met the kind of liar who was trying to deceive people.

Although this kind of liar is still rare at this level of Zifu period, it is not impossible.

But Zhou Chun didn't panic at all. He just patted the storage bag, took out something and handed it to him and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, don't be angry. You can take a look at this thing first."

Wang Long looked closely and saw that it was a "Phantom Bead" magical weapon.

This "Phantom Bead" is similar to the "Image Bead", except that the "Phantom Bead" can imprint the images of the monk's own experience into it through the imprint of divine consciousness, and then make it available for other monks to view.

With deep curiosity, Wang Long reached out and took the "Phantom Bead" magic weapon handed over by Zhou Chun. After a little practice, he put his spiritual consciousness into it.

Immediately, he saw a black-skinned giant earthworm monster in his consciousness. This monster had silver-white thunder stripes on its body and a silver-white horn on its head, which could release thunder and lightning spells.

In the video, this giant earthworm monster is fighting a green deer monster, and it seems to have the upper hand.

"This is...could the earthworm monster here be the legendary [Thunder Earthworm Beast]?"

The pupils in Wang Long's eyes shrank, and he couldn't help but withdraw his consciousness to look at Zhou Chun, and let out an unbelievable low voice.

As a monk of the Wang family in Leiya Valley, although he does not have thunder-attribute spiritual roots and cannot practice thunder-attribute spells, he is very familiar with information on various thunder-attribute monsters.

After all, those thunder attribute cultivators of the Wang family often obtain materials from these monsters to refine magical weapons.

As for very rare monsters like the [Thunder Lob Beast], he had naturally read about them in classics.

Facing Wang Long's exclamation, Zhou Chun replied calmly: "Wang Dao, I know that it is a [Thunder Lob Beast], and it is also a third-level mid-level monster!"

After saying that, he looked at the other party with a confident face and said: "As for the purpose of [Thunder Lob Beast], I don't think Qi needs to introduce it to fellow Taoist Wang. For those thunder attribute martial arts monks in your sect, the unique thing on the top of this beast's head is The value of the corner is probably far less than ten third-level high-grade thunder talismans!"

Not only ten third-level high-grade thunder talismans, but even ten fourth-level thunder talismans are worth it!

Wang Long sighed silently in his heart, but said with a straight face: "Friend Daoist Qi is joking, if you really come with that unicorn, it won't be a problem, but you want to exchange three third-level high-grade thunder talismans based on just one piece of news. , but it’s too greedy!”

At that moment, he tried his best to bargain with Zhou Chun.

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