Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 550: Plan to earn money from Wang Jun, fierce battle in Wuze【Please subscribe】

Mingleifang City.

After some intense bargaining with Zhou Chun, Wang Long managed to change the terms of exchange for three third-order high-grade thunder talismans into two third-order high-grade thunder talismans and one third-order low-grade thunder talisman.

According to the agreement between the two parties, Zhou Chun provided the specific location of the [Thunder Lobster Beast] and took the monks from the Wang family there to hunt the beast.

In order to get the promised Thunder Talisman, the Wang family monk must see the [Thunder Lobster Beast] with his own eyes.

Zhou Chun naturally had no objection to this.

His original intention was not for a few thunder talismans, so how could he care about these.

What's more, as long as he kills Wang Jun who goes to hunt the [Thunder Lobster Beast], the thunder talisman will still fall into his hands.

As for why Zhou Chun is so sure that the Wang family will send Wang Jun to hunt the [Thunder Lobster], this has to do with the current situation of the Wang family.

At present, the Wang family, including Wang Jun, has a total of four Jindan monks of his own family and three Jindan monks of his relatives.

Among the four golden elixir stage monks of the Wang family, only Wang Jun has the qualification to practice thunder attribute spiritual roots and practice thunder attribute techniques.

As for the other three monks of the golden elixir stage, although one of them has the qualification of the thunder attribute spiritual root, it is said that he suffered internal injuries that are difficult to heal due to the practice of magical powers. He needs to use a treasure on the Leiya Valley to suppress the injury, which is impossible. Leaving the mountain gate of Leiya Valley for a long time.

So once the news about the [Thunder Lobster] is reported to Wang Long, the current patriarch of the Wang family, Wang Jun's father, will most likely give this opportunity to his son.

With Wang Jun's cultivation at the Golden Core stage, it's not easy to grab a third-level [Thunder Lobster] with just one hand!

In short, after negotiating the terms of exchange with Zhou Chun, Wang Long asked Zhou Chun to wait in Fang City first, and then he personally returned to the Leiya Valley Mountain Gate to report the deal to the head of the Wang family, and also returned the "Phantom Heart" given by Zhou Chun. Pearl" was brought over.

In Wang Long's view, it was impossible for the clan leader to disagree with this deal.

And if he can really hunt down a third-level [Thunder Lobster Beast], Wang Long will have made a great contribution. Then he will have a chance to obtain the precious pill-forming spiritual object!

Sure enough, everything was as Zhou Chun expected.

After leaving for almost half a day, Wang Long came back, and the golden elixir monk who came with him was Wang Jun.

It stands to reason that Wang Jun had met Zhou Chun at the exchange meeting in Tianyuan Immortal City before, so he should be familiar with his aura.

However, [Hundred Magic Beads] have the effect of simulating changing the master's aura, and Zhou Chun has also specially practiced a rather brilliant secret technique of breath gathering.

Under the superimposed effect of the magic weapon and the secret technique, as long as Zhou Chun didn't take action, it would be difficult for Wang Jun to see his true identity unless he had a very powerful spiritual eye.

Judging from the fact that Fang Cai has been forming pills for decades, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen.

Therefore, when Zhou Chun met with him, everything he did was natural.

After the two parties reaffirmed the terms of the transaction, Wang Jun quickly looked at Zhou Chun and asked: "Friend Qi, the [Thunder Lobster] recorded in the phantom bead seems to be fighting a monster of the same level. Friend, can you first tell me what happened at that time?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately replied respectfully: "Reporting to Senior Wang, the deer demon that was fighting the [Thunder Lob Beast] at that time seemed to be a third-level mid-level demon beast [Horned Wood Deer]. The junior was secretly peeping at it. When we were fighting two monster beasts, we were accidentally discovered by the [Horned Wood Deer], which frightened these two beasts away!"

Having said this, he quickly added: "But I can be sure that the lair of [Thunder Lob Beast] is in that area, because I later discovered several tunnels dug by this beast underground in that area!"

Hearing his answer, Wang Jun couldn't help but narrow his eyes, then stared at him and said, "Then tell me, where did you find these two monsters?"


Zhou Chun couldn't help but show hesitation on his face, as if he had some concerns in his heart.

Seeing his expression, Wang Jun's eyes suddenly turned cold. He looked at him coldly and said, "What? Do you, fellow Daoist Qi, not believe me? Are you still afraid that I will regret it?"

"Juniors don't dare!"

Zhou Chun hurriedly lowered his head.

Then he was silent for a while, and then whispered: "Senior Wang clearly knows that I found the [Thunder Lobster Beast] on an island somewhere in the Black Mist Lake!"

"So it's in Black Mist?"

Wang Jun's eyes flashed, and then he nodded slightly and said: "That's right, places like Black Mist are indeed very suitable for monsters like [Thunder Lob Beast] to inhabit and hide!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun and said: "Then, Fellow Daoist Qi, please take me to Black Mist Lake right now. As long as you can kill that [Thunder Lob Beast], I will give you no less benefits!"

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Chun was refreshed and immediately left Mingleifang City with Wang Jun.

The journey from Mingleifang City to Black Mist Ze was a bit long, but Wang Jun didn't want to waste more time on the way, so he took the initiative to use his magic weapon and drove Zhou Chun to Black Mist Ze.

The magic weapon he sacrificed was a silver spear. Judging from the aura, it turned out to be a middle-grade magic weapon, but it was not his natural magic weapon.

But this was not enough to make Zhou Chun afraid.

As the only golden elixir monk with the thunder attribute spiritual root in the Wang family, Wang Jun must be very popular with the ancestor of the Wang family, and it is normal for him to be given some magic weapons that he has used before.

Even if Wang Jun brought out a high-grade magic weapon, Zhou Chun would not be surprised.

Of course, the best magic weapon is impossible. Not to mention that the ancestor of the Wang family himself can use that kind of magic weapon. Even with Wang Jun's early cultivation of the Golden Pill, it is difficult to exert the power of that kind of magic weapon.

And even if Wang Jun's magic weapon is excellent, Zhou Chun comes prepared this time and is very sure that he can win him.

After the two of them rushed together for more than a day, Wang Jun and Zhou Chun stopped in a city near Heimuzhe, preparing to rest for half a day to recover their mana.

After Wang Jun restored his magic power to perfection, he let Zhou Chun lead the way to the Black Mist.

Zhou Chun stayed in Black Mist Lake for a long time, and it can be said that he visited 80 to 90% of the area there.

At this time, after taking Wang Jun into it, without any delay, he took him directly to the place where Lei Jiao Baibai turned into a dragon.

After all, when he used the "Phantom Bead" to record the video before, he also recorded part of the terrain environment, so there is no way to cheat here.

"This is the place. This junior is the [Thunder Lobster] that I found on this island before."

On an island, after Zhou Chun brought Wang Jun here, he pointed to the island below and explained the situation.

In fact, after so many years, the environment on the island is completely different from before. You can see traces of fighting in many places. Now the owners of the island are two second-level demon crocodiles.

But the general terrain conditions can still somewhat correspond to the scenes he left in the "Phantom Bead".

Therefore, after Wang Jun read it carefully, he did not suspect him of lying.

After he released his spiritual consciousness and carefully inspected the island, he suddenly looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "Do you have a way to find the [Thunder Earthworm Beast], Fellow Daoist Qi?"

"This... junior has read records in the classics, saying that the [Thunder Lobster Beast] occasionally comes to the ground during thunderstorms to absorb the power of thunder. Maybe we can wait for a thunderstorm to see what happens!"

Zhou Chun hesitated for a moment, then whispered his opinion.

Hearing what he said, Wang Jun, who was still a little worried, was completely relieved. He immediately laughed and said: "Haha, this idea of ​​Fellow Daoist Qi coincides with mine, so we will wait and see." Bar!"

Then he didn't take action to deal with the two demonic crocodiles on the island. He just took Zhou Chun to hide somewhere on the island, set up a magic formation and hid in it to wait.

It's spring and summer, and thunderstorms are not uncommon.

Zhou Chun and Wang Jun only waited for more than a month before a powerful thunderstorm came.


The rain has not yet fallen, but the thunder has already started.

On the island, Wang Jun, who had been waiting for more than a month, immediately opened his eyes with joy.

Although more than a month was not a long time, he couldn't practice on this island and had nothing else to do, which really made him feel extremely boring.

At first, he would talk to Zhou Chun and learn about Zhou Chun's origins from behind the scenes.

Later, he saw that Zhou Chun didn't seem to have much conversation, and he, who was arrogant by nature, didn't bother to pay attention to Zhou Chun anymore. The two of them each took out some classics to read and study.

Now that this boring and unbearable time has finally passed, Wang Jun's mood was filled with joy as the thunder sounded, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

He immediately turned to look at Zhou Chun and said, "Fellow Daoist Qi, the thunderstorm has arrived. You and I should separate and search for the whereabouts of the [Thunder Lobster Beast]!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he persuaded in a low voice: "Senior Wang, don't be anxious. This junior thinks that this thunderstorm should be quite serious. If the [Thunder Lob Beast] really comes out to absorb the power of thunder, it should be under the rain." Showing up later would be a warning, so it would be better for me to wait for the rain to fall before going out quietly."

"is that so?"

Wang Jun looked into his eyes and saw that his eyes were calm and there was no fluctuation at all.

"This is just junior's suggestion. If you think it's inappropriate, Senior Wang, just treat it as if I didn't say anything."

Zhou Chun lowered his head slightly and added.

"Okay, then as you said, wait and see."

After Wang Jun pondered for a while, he decided to adopt Zhou Chun's opinion.

Although he was arrogant, he also knew that monks like Zhou Chun, who often ventured into the Black Mist, must have more experience in finding monsters than he did.

Seeing that Wang Jun agreed to his suggestion, Zhou Chun was secretly relieved.

According to his plan, it would be more certain to wait for the thunderstorm to come completely before taking action.

If Wang Jun didn't agree with his suggestion just now, then he would have no choice but to take action in advance.

After waiting like this for nearly two-quarters of an hour, we finally saw heavy rain falling and lightning and thunder.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, it's almost done now."

Wang Jun raised his head and looked at the light of lightning that shone through the black fog at that time, and couldn't help but speak out again.

"It should be fine."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, then stood up, as if ready to go out and look for traces of the [Thunder Lobster].

Seeing this, Wang Jun immediately said: "Then you and I will search separately. If you find it, don't alert the snake first. Just notify me through a summons."

After saying that, he started flying in a certain direction.

But just as he took off, his consciousness suddenly darkened, and he let out a scream involuntarily.

At this moment, a silver sword light rushed out from Zhou Chun's mouth and struck him instantly.

But what Zhou Chun expected happened.

Just when the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] was about to hit Wang Jun, a silver-white lightning shield suddenly rose up, blocking the fatal blow!

As a blood descendant valued by monks in the Nascent Soul stage, how could he not have such automatic means of protecting his master!

Even when Zhou Chun released the "God-Slaying Sword" to attack the opponent just now, it was blocked by the opponent's magical weapon that protected against divine attacks. The attack effect was not particularly good.

Without any hesitation at this time, Zhou Chun flew back and retreated a distance, then raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing the thunder dragon Baibai and Mu Mei Mu Sang together.

It was when he finished all this that Wang Jun finally recovered from the spiritual attack.

His reaction was almost the same as that of Zhou Chun. As soon as he regained consciousness, he hurriedly activated the magic weapon in his body, and his body was instantly put on a silver-white armor that shone with silver lightning.

It turned out to be a very rare armor-type defensive magic weapon!

The silver-white lightning shield that blocked Zhou Chun's attack just now is the automatic protective power of this defensive magic weapon.

After protecting himself in this way, Wang Jun raised his hand and the silver-white spear appeared in his hand.

Then he opened his mouth and vomited, and a silver-white electric light shot out, turning into a silver-white bell suspended in the air!

This silver-white bell is obviously a middle-grade magic weapon, and judging from its aura, it should be Wang Jun's natal magic weapon.

Less than a hundred years after this person successfully formed the elixir, he has already cultivated his natal magic weapon to such an extent. This shows that he has spent a lot of effort on this magic weapon.

After sacrificing several magic weapons in one breath, Wang Jun looked at Zhou Chun across from him who suddenly stopped pretending and showed his cultivation level at the Golden Elixir stage. His face turned cold and he said in a cold tone: "Wang asked himself. You have never made any grudges, Zhang Liang, why are you so hard-working to bring about Wang’s death?”

"Have you really never had any grudges? Wang Jun, do you still remember that [Millennium Thunder Grass]?"

Zhou Chun looked at his enemy with cold eyes, and his tone was also cold.

Now that things have happened, he has no need to hide anything. After all, Zhang Liang's vest was exposed the moment he took action.

When he heard him mention the words "Millennium Thunder Grass", Wang Jun's pupils on the opposite side suddenly shrank. He couldn't help looking at him with shock and blurted out: "It's you! You are the one who escaped from Wang back then. boy!"

The tone was full of disbelief.

It's no wonder he was like this. After all, when he was chased by him, Zhou Chun was still in the early stages of Zifu's cultivation.

Unexpectedly, a hundred years later, Zhou Chun was already at the same golden elixir level as him, and he even painstakingly planned a conspiracy to take revenge against him!

Looking at Lei Jiao Baibai and Mu Mei Mu Sang on the left and right of Zhou Chun, Wang Jun's heart suddenly sank.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with solemn eyes and said slowly: "The fourth-order thunder dragon and the fourth-order deer demon, you are really hidden. It seems that you have to kill Wang today?"

"Otherwise, do you think I'm playing house with you?"

Zhou Chun replied coldly, and then ordered his spiritual pet to attack without hesitation.

I saw the thunder dragon flying directly into the sky, directly into the thunder clouds in the sky, and the power of thunder gathered in the body during the breath, releasing a stream of silver thunder and lightning towards Wang Jun.

Mu Mei Mu Sang disappeared into the vegetation on the island below, and from time to time, it condensed a green-green [Yi Mu Divine Thunder] and struck Wang Jun.

Zhou Chun also sacrificed several magic weapons and fully cooperated with the spiritual pets to attack the target.

Faced with the siege of Zhou Chun's master and servant, Wang Jun also knew his own suffering.

He has practiced the art of thunder escape. After entering the golden elixir stage, his mastery of this escape technique is already very good, comparable to Bai Bai, the thunder dragon before he broke through to the fourth level.

Originally, relying on this outstanding thunder escape technique, he was able to take the great initiative in the fight with the Golden Core Stage monks of the same level.

At least some of Zhou Chun's attacking magical powers will have a hard time hitting him.

But he happened to meet Bai Bai, a thunder dragon who was far superior to him in the art of lightning escape.

Whenever he used the thunder escape technique to dodge Zhou Chun's attack, the thunder and lightning released by the thunder dragon would hit his head accurately.

Although the defensive armor [Thunder Armor] he wore had good defensive power and could help him resolve more than 80% of the damage caused by lightning attacks, the remaining 10% of lightning damage was enough to shock the mana in his body, making it difficult to continue using it. The lightning escape technique escaped.

After several attempts like this, Wang Jun also gave up the idea of ​​​​escape.

With a thought in his mind, he shattered a jade talisman on his body and informed the Wang family's ancestor, Kuang Lei Zhenren, of his danger.

Then he cheered up and used all his strength to activate the magic weapon to fight with Zhou Chun's master and servant.

Although the gate of Leiya Valley is far away from Black Mist Lake, with Master Kuang Lei's speed, once he reaches it with all his strength, he can reach it in less than two hours.

As long as Wang Jun holds on until his ancestor arrives, it will only be Zhou Chun's master and servant who will die in the end!

His change immediately caught Zhou Chun's attention, and after thinking about it for a moment, he understood what he was thinking, and then Zhou Chun couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Since Zhou Chun dared to plan this revenge action, how could he not take this important person into consideration?

The reason why he chose to lure Wang Jun to the Black Mist was precisely because he intended to use the special environment here to deal with the aftermath for himself.

Although Zhou Chun didn't know whether the environment in Black Mist Ze could interfere with the real Yuanying, if he killed Wang Jun here, he would have a very high chance of successfully escaping.

Moreover, Black Mist Ze is far enough away from the mountain gate of Leiya Valley, giving him enough time to kill Wang Jun.

Now Wang Jun's move of standing firm and waiting for help is playing into his own hands.

He was seen calmly activating the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] and the silver-white spear to fight back and forth. He also activated the natal magic weapon [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] to spurt out golden sword rainbows to attack Wang Jun's body. From time to time, he activated the white mirror obtained from the Ice Prison Gate killer to shine white ice light towards Wang Jun, forcing him to distract himself and resist.

His own protection relies on his natal magical power [Qianyuan Jinxia] and the "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes" to form a double layer of internal and external protection.

On the other hand, Wang Jun, because he made up his mind to wait for help, focused more on defense.

But when he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, a fourth-level high-quality talisman appeared in his hand, and he activated it without hesitation.

After this talisman was activated, it immediately turned into a phantom of a mountain to protect him. It was the famous fourth-level high-grade talisman "Mountain Talisman", an earth-attribute talisman famous for its defense.

Under the protection of the phantom of the mountain, whether it was the silver thunder and lightning crashing in the sky or the golden sword rainbow activated by Zhou Chun, they all hit the wall one after another, making it difficult to break through the protection.

And after Wang Jun was protected by this talisman and had a chance to breathe, he immediately pressed the silver-white bell, causing it to make a thunderous and deafening sound.

This bell has the effect of attacking the soul. If a monk in the early stage of the ordinary golden elixir encounters it, even if his soul is not damaged by the bell, his mind will be shaken and it will be difficult to exert his normal strength.

It's a pity that Zhou Chun's [Qianyuan Jinxia] magical power itself has a good protective effect against this kind of sound attack magical power. His own spiritual consciousness is even more powerful, and the golden lotus derived from "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" protects the Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, which is affected by The impact is almost negligible.

As a fourth-level thunder dragon, Lei Jiao Baibai's resistance to this kind of sound attack magical power is much stronger than that of immortal cultivators, and he is not affected much by it.

Even Mu Mei Mu Sang can continue to attack despite the sound of the bell.

This situation made Wang Jun's face darken, and then he could only activate another attack power of the silver-white bell.

But he saw many silver thunder patterns on the silver-white clock shining together, blooming with dazzling thunder, and then condensed a silver thunder and lightning as thick as a bucket and struck Zhou Chun.

This blow was indeed powerful. The golden glow protecting Zhou Chun's body was instantly torn and blasted away, and the silver-white fairy clothes on his body shook violently and dimmed a lot.

There was even a force of thunder and lightning that penetrated the silver-white fairy clothing protection and fell on Zhou Chun's body, making him feel numb all over.

However, the power of thunder and lightning that could have hurt the physical body of ordinary Golden Core monks, for Zhou Chun, who has practiced "The Secret of Dragon Transformation" to the fourth level, is almost like an ordinary person being shocked, although there is some discomfort. , but nothing serious.

He quickly took the initiative to use the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" and transformed into a dragon with armor and horns to add another layer of defense to himself.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jun's heart suddenly went cold, and he sank to the bottom of the valley.

Then he gritted his teeth, suddenly withdrew his magic weapon, and instead offered up a black wooden shield magic weapon.

This black wooden shield magic weapon doesn't look very eye-catching, but the aura it emits is much more powerful than that silver-white spear magic weapon. It turns out to be a rare high-grade defensive magic weapon!

After Wang Jun sacrificed this treasure, whether it was the thunder and lightning struck down by the thunder dragon in vain or the [Yi Mu Divine Thunder] used by Mu Mei Mu Sang, they were all easily blocked by this shield.

"Is it a magic weapon made from lightning strike wood?"

Zhou Chun's eyes darkened, and he quickly recognized the object's roots through the sight of the black wooden shield magic weapon easily blocking lightning attacks.

Then I felt troubled in my heart.

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