Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 551: The great revenge must be avenged [Please vote, please subscribe]

Wang Jun, who practices thunder attribute skills, actually refined a high-grade magic weapon that has a strong defensive effect on lightning damage. This incident was indeed somewhat beyond Zhou Chun's expectations.

But this is just a small accident.

He quickly calmed down and started to deal with the black wooden shield magic weapon.

With a squeeze of his hands, he turned the natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations] into a golden flying sword, and then activated the sword to shoot towards the black wooden shield magic weapon.

This magic weapon is made from lightning-struck spirit wood. It has excellent defensive effect against lightning damage, but it may not be effective against metallic flying swords.

Sure enough, when the golden flying sword struck the black wooden shield, the spiritual light emitted by the treasure was immediately dispersed, directly demonstrating the effect of attribute restraint.

If the object itself were not of a higher grade, it would only take a few strikes to cause damage to it.

Wang Jun's face turned dark when he saw this, and he hurriedly rubbed his hands together, and a stream of silver lightning shot out, hitting the golden flying sword.

Under the interference of his magic power, the offensive of the golden flying sword was finally contained to a certain extent.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, bigger trouble came.

I saw that the surroundings of Thunder Dragon Baibai in the sky had turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning at some point. At this moment, with the low roar of Thunder Dragon Baibai, thousands of thunders were fired in an instant, and one after another silver-white thunder and lightning continued like mercury pouring down the ground. Bombarded towards Wang Jun.

[Nine Heavens Thunder Prison] The key word of this magical power is the word "Thunder Prison".

Once the power of this magical power is brought to its extreme, thunder and lightning will fall one after another in the sky, turning an area into a lightning prison. It will be difficult for people inside to escape from this prison amid the continuous thunder and lightning attacks!

For example, at this moment, silver-white thunder and lightning struck in the sky, forming a lightning prison and trapping Wang Jun in the middle.

No matter which direction he fled, he would immediately be bombarded by dense lightning.

Moreover, the thunder and lightning power in this prison was too dense and agitated, and his lightning escape technique was temporarily abolished, and he could not use it at all.

Just a few dozen breaths of time passed, and the phantom of the mountain transformed into the "mountain amulet" that had been protecting Wang Jun ran out of power and was forcibly blasted to pieces!

Faced with such an unfavorable situation, the only thing he could do was to use all his strength to activate the [Thunder Armor] and the black wooden shield magic weapon on his body, and break out of the encirclement despite the continuous thunder.

However, Zhou Chun had carefully planned to wait until this time to attack, so how could he give him a chance to escape easily!

Zhou Chun raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and a giant ape puppet appeared in mid-air. Then he opened his mouth and spit out a khaki light beam that hit the lightning shield outside Wang Jun. The strong force immediately shocked him. He had to step back ten feet.

Then before he could react, a golden spear shot through the air and hit him.

In an instant, the silver-white lightning shield was torn directly by Jin Ge, and it struck heavily on the silver-white armor body inside.

Then a scream sounded out, and Wang Jun's handsome face already had a hideous bloodstain on it!

After all, the [Thunder Armor] on his body could not protect every part of his body. Just now, his face was accidentally torn by the power of Jin Ge's shattering.

Although this is not a serious injury, it is a bad sign, indicating that his defense has been breached.

So after screaming, Wang Jun hurriedly took out a fourth-level high-grade magic talisman from his storage bag and activated it, turning it into eight golden light shields that rotated around him and protected him.

These eight golden light shields take turns to resist attacks from all over, without giving the enemy a chance to break through with one blow. The combined protective power is no worse than that of the mountain phantom, and it is much more flexible.

After relying on the power of the magic talisman to protect himself, Wang Jun then took out a fourth-level high-grade attack talisman.

But seeing him activate the magic talisman in his hand, a red-gold flame sword energy slashed towards Zhou Chun. This was actually a very rare sword talisman!

The so-called sword talisman is a talisman formed by a swordsman using the talisman-making technique to seal his own swordsmanship into it.

The difficulty of making this kind of talisman is much more difficult than that of ordinary talismans, and even more difficult than the thunder talisman in a sense.

Similarly, the attack power of sword talismans is much stronger than that of ordinary magic talismans.

At this moment, wherever the red-gold flame sword energy passed, the rain curtain and thunder were torn apart, and the sharp sword energy arrived in front of Zhou Chun in the blink of an eye.

The first thing that bore the brunt was the golden glow re-launched by Zhou Chun. It could only withstand it for a breath before being torn apart by the sword energy. Then even the silver-white fairy clothes were chopped to pieces by the sword energy!

But even the sword energy equivalent to a strike from a sword cultivator in the late Jindan period exhausted most of its power after breaking through Zhou Chun's two defenses. In the end, it only managed to tear apart the dragon scale armor on his body. A burnt sword mark was left behind!

Suddenly, a roar filled with pain sounded from Zhou Chun's mouth. He moved and quickly fell to the ground.

Then a ball of green rain and dew flew out from the grass beside him and poured it on him.

A magical scene appeared!

Moistened by the green rain and dew, all the dead skin and charred flesh on Zhou Chun's wound immediately fell off, and then new flesh, flesh, skin, and hair quickly grew visible to the naked eye, and he returned to his original state in the blink of an eye.

Then he used the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" technique for a moment, and pieces of silver-white dragon scales reappeared, fitting perfectly with other intact dragon scales.

Seeing this scene in Wang Jun's eyes, his expression changed again, and his eyes were full of shock.

However, as Zhou Chun was injured, a look of extreme anger suddenly appeared in Baibai's eyes of the thunder dragon in the sky.

In Lei Jiao Baibai's heart, Zhou Chun is like a parent. Which child would not be angry when seeing his parents being beaten?

Immediately, he saw silver thunder and lightning gathering above his head, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a dazzling thunder sword light and slashed towards Wang Jun.

The speed of this thunder sword light was extremely fast, and there was no possibility of dodge at all.

The eight golden shields outside Wang Jun's body rotated in turn, but five of them were broken by the thunder sword light in an instant, and it was not until the sixth that its power was completely exhausted!

But at this time, there was a flash of lightning, and the white figure of the thunder dragon suddenly appeared next to Wang Jun.

A dragon claw surrounded by silver thunder suddenly fell down, and the remaining three golden shields were pierced and shattered like paper.

At the critical moment, Wang Jun's body flashed with silver lightning, and he forcibly used the thunder escape technique to escape from the grasp of the dragon's claws.

But just as he was glad that he escaped from the dragon's claws, a golden flying sword chopped off his head.

Without time to think about it, Wang Jun could only open his mouth and vomit, forcing the silver-white clock he had put away before to block the flying sword.


As a melodious bell rang, Wang Jun was directly hit by his own magic weapon, and he flew back dozens of feet with a mouthful of blood spurting out.

Then, before he could stand upright, the Thunder Dragon turned back and slapped him with one of its claws.

Faced with such an unfavorable situation, Wang Jun could no longer care about anything else and hurriedly activated his real life-saving trump card.

But he saw a green aura burst out from his chest, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a green spherical shield to protect him.

After the thunder dragon's white [Thunder Purgatory Claw] slapped on the spherical shield, it only made the aura on the shield slightly dim, and then it bounced away.

Whether it was the thunder and lightning power it subsequently used or the golden flying sword activated by Zhou Chun, they were all blocked by this spherical shield and could not break the shield at all.

Obviously, this is no longer a method for monks at the Golden Core stage, but a method that can only be mastered by real people at the Nascent Soul stage.

At the same time, after seeing the defensive power of the green shield, Wang Jun swept away his previous embarrassment and panic, looked at Zhou Chun with a proud look and sneered: "It's useless, this shield of mine is The unique defensive magical power of the Supreme Elder Qingye Zhenren of the Shenmu Sect [Yimu Qiankun Shield], even if a late-stage Jindan cultivator uses all his strength to break it, it will take half an hour to break it!"

"I advise you not to waste your efforts, but to figure out how to face the anger of my ancestor!"

There was nothing false in what he said, and Zhou Chun believed it in his heart.

But this was originally part of Zhou Chun's calculations.

As a descendant of the Golden Core stage who is valued by real people in the Nascent Soul Stage, it is normal to have such a magical secret talisman on his body.

At this time, facing Wang Jun's words, Zhou Chun just replied calmly: "Are you finished?"

"What do you mean?"

Wang Jun looked stunned, his heart couldn't help but jump, and there was a trace of nervousness in his eyes.

But Zhou Chun said in a calm tone: "It's not interesting, I just want to tell you a fact, you will definitely die today!"

With that said, he summoned the two spiritual pets and the giant ape puppet to launch a fierce attack.

Although Wang Jun was protected by the [Yimu Universe Shield] at this time, he also lost the chance to escape through the thunder escape technique. Zhou Chun no longer had to worry about him suddenly escaping from his siege.

And since even these magical talismans have been forced to be used, it means that his trump cards are almost exhausted, and Zhou Chun no longer needs to worry about any accidents.

All in all, although Wang Jun now has a turtle shell to protect himself, he has limited himself inside and can no longer pose any threat to Zhou Chun.

As for the fact that [Yimu Qiankun Cover] can defend against attacks by late-stage Jindan monks for half an hour, this is not a problem for Zhou Chun.

Why did he have to wait until a thunderstorm to take action?

Isn't it because under this weather condition, the thunder dragon is blessed with the power of thunder, and its attack power is comparable to that of a late-stage Jindan monk?

Thunder Dragon's previous attack in vain might have failed and been dodged by Wang Jun.

But now that it has trapped itself in the turtle shell, it can only resist all attacks!

And the attack power of a thunder dragon in vain is comparable to that of a late-stage Jindan monk. Coupled with Zhou Chun, Mu Mei Mu Sang, and the giant ape puppet, how can it break the [Yi Mu Qiankun Cover] in half an hour? Protected.

With the fierce offensive of Zhou Chun's master and servant, Wang Jun quickly discovered his own inconvenience.

Although he can activate the [Yimu Qiankun Shield] to protect himself, this is not his own power and is not under his control, which means that it is difficult for his own spells or magical powers to penetrate through the shield.

At this time, he was facing the attack from Zhou Chun's master and servant, and the only thing he could do was to use several magic weapons to intercept and resist.

But how could he alone and with three magic weapons be able to withstand the attacks of four enemies!

But when the thunder dragon spat out in vain, a huge silver thunder ball suddenly landed on the green shield.

In an instant, the deafening roar of the thunderstorm and the dazzling lightning made it deafening, making it difficult to distinguish things from things.

After reaching the fourth level of cultivation, the power of this [Tiangang Divine Thunder] is several times stronger than before. If you encounter those kind of fourth level zombies or ghost kings again, you can kill them with just one strike!

Such fierce attacks also made Wang Jun's expression change again and again, no longer as proud as before.

And Zhou Chun didn't seem to want to be completely overshadowed by his spiritual pet.

I saw him turn the natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations] into a golden cauldron, and then made a gesture with both hands to activate the natal magic weapon.

In an instant, a ball of dense golden light flew out from the cauldron, and then turned into a fierce golden sword energy and slashed towards the green shield.

And where this sharp sword energy passed, there was a thunderous explosion.

When the sword energy fell on the green shield, a crack was cut out of the green shield at the intersection!

Although the crack was later repaired, it was still enough to show the sharpness of the sword energy.

And this is a new magical change that Zhou Chun has gained after cultivating the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] into a middle-grade magic weapon.

[Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] This magic weapon has strong growth potential, and can refine the materials contained in other metallic magic weapons to enhance its own power. Therefore, in the process of growth, you may gain magical powers from some of the magic weapons refined by it.

The magical power of sword energy just now was the transformation of Zhou Chun's magical power after refining the remnant blade of an unknown magic weapon.

In this way, although Zhou Chun is not a sword cultivator, he still has mastered a powerful sword energy magical power!

However, activating an attack of this magnitude was very costly for Zhou Chun himself. When he took action, he had already taken the [Great Replenishing Yuan Dan] while holding a piece of spiritual crystal to restore his mana.

His task was a bit heavy. Not only did he have to kill Wang Jun, but he also had to escape from the hands of the real Kuang Lei who was coming here, so he had to keep his magic power at the same level.

In this way, under the violent attack and bombardment of Zhou Chun's master and servant, the luster of the green shield outside Wang Jun's body began to dim visibly to the naked eye, and dissipated much faster than he expected.

Under such circumstances, Wang Jun was also sweating profusely and thinking of countermeasures with a nervous look on his face.

He knew in his heart that if this continued, he would never be able to hold on until Master Kuang Lei arrived and the shield would be broken.

He had previously used two fourth-level high-quality defensive talismans, and now he had very few items left for self-defense and life-saving.

If you don't come up with a correct solution, you will never be spared today!

Time passed quickly, and three quarters of an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

As a violent explosion roared, the [Yimu Qiankun Cover], which was originally said to be able to withstand the all-out attack of the late Jindan monks for half an hour, finally ended its mission ahead of schedule and was completely hit by the [Tiangang Divine Thunder] in vain from the thunder dragon. Blast away!

At the moment when the shield shattered, Wang Jun suddenly took back several of his magic weapons, and then used all his strength to activate the [Thunder Armor] on his body to forcefully rush out of the lightning-ravaged area, directly urging the silver thunder talisman in his hand to turn into A ray of silver lightning pierced the sky above the fog and disappeared from Zhou Chun's sight and consciousness in an instant.

"Is it the thunder escape technique used by monks in the Nascent Soul stage?"

Zhou Chun's expression changed slightly, and he instantly recognized Wang Jun's method of disappearing, and then looked at Lei Jiao Baibai.

The master and the servant communicated mentally. Lei Jiao Baibai only sensed it for a moment and nodded affirmatively to Zhou Chun.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's face flashed with joy, and he immediately waved his sleeves and put away Mu Mei Mu Sang and the giant ape puppet.

Then he formed a seal with both hands and quickly performed the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique".

Under the influence of the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", after Zhou Chun, who was in the early stage of Jindan cultivation, merged with the fourth-order low-grade monster thunder dragon Bai Bai to become a human-faced thunder dragon, his aura actually broke through to the fourth-order mid-grade, producing a The effect of adding one is greater than two!

Then the figure of the human-faced thunder dragon in the sky flashed continuously, directly following the aura fluctuations left by Wang Jun's thunder escape technique, and pursued him with the thunder escape technique in the direction of his escape.

Kuanglei Zhenren, a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, has already practiced the art of lightning escape to a very profound level. If he used it himself, he could escape hundreds of miles at a time.

And the magical secret talisman he made from this escape technique, although it could not achieve the effect that he had used personally, it was enough to allow Wang Jun to escape hundreds of miles at once, out of the locked range of Zhou Chun's consciousness.

Under normal circumstances, as long as his flight speed is not slow, this is enough to escape Zhou Chun's pursuit.

After all, you can't even identify his true escape direction. If you lose the lock on his aura, how can you pursue him again?

It's a pity that he happened to meet Zhou Chun, who had the fourth-level thunder dragon in vain.

The level of fourth-level thunder dragon's perception and affinity for the power of thunder and lightning is not much worse than that of Master Kuang Lei, the Nascent Soul stage master. The thunder dragon is still a four-clawed thunder dragon!

As for the traces left by the flying geese, the traces left by Wang Jun's escape through the thunder escape technique can be hidden from ordinary late-stage Jindan monks, but they cannot escape the perception of the thunder dragon in vain.

At this time, the master and servant merged into a human-faced thunder dragon and cast the thunder escape technique seven or eight times in the direction they sensed. Then they saw Wang Jun who was also desperately using the thunder escape technique to escape.

But compared to the human-faced thunder dragon's thunder escape technique, Wang Jun's speed was much slower.

Wang Jun also quickly discovered the human-faced thunder dragon chasing after him.

When he saw clearly what the human-faced thunder dragon looked like at this moment, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then he was frightened by the aura of the fourth-level mid-grade monster and turned pale.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this?"

He cursed with a trembling tone, and continued to run away without daring to stop at all.

But the difference in speed between the two meant that he was caught up by the human-faced thunder dragon not long after!

"Wang Jun, come and accept your fate!"

Zhou Chun's shout floated in the air, and a thick silver lightning flashed through the air, forcibly interrupting Wang Junzhen's thunder escape technique.

He had to use the black wooden shield magic weapon again to resist the thunder and lightning attack of the human-faced thunder dragon, but without the protection of the [Yimu Qiankun Shield], the human-faced thunder dragon got close to him and kept using its dragon claws, The dragon's tail slapped and swept towards him.

The physical body of the fourth-level mid-level human-faced thunder dragon is so powerful. Even if Wang Jun used the silver-white spear magic weapon to fight back, it could only cause a few minor injuries to the huge body of the human-faced thunder dragon.

However, within a few moves of the fight, Wang Jun was whipped away by the tail of the human-faced thunder dragon, spitting out no less than two ounces of blood in the air!

"Fellow Taoist Zhang, please spare his life. Mr. Wang is willing to apologize. No matter what Mr. Taoist wants, as long as Mr. Wang has it, he will satisfy Mr. Taoist. I just ask Mr. Taoist to spare Mr. Wang's life!"

Wang Jun, whose body was severely injured, desperately sent messages to Zhou Chun with his spiritual consciousness to beg for mercy, hoping that Zhou Chun would be merciful.

His pride and self-esteem have all been abandoned by himself in the face of life and death. Like a dog, he just wants to beg his opponent to spare his life.

But Zhou Chun didn't hesitate even for a breath because of his words!

"If an apology is useful, why do you need fists? What have you done long ago!"

Zhou Chun's consciousness was shaken and he conveyed his meaning to the other party.

Then he opened his mouth and spat out the [Moon Toad Orb].

At this time, he finally determined that Wang Jun had no other means of saving his life. Otherwise, with his character, he would never have said what he just said.

In this case, he no longer needs to worry.

The white orbs in the air were seen spinning around, and a beam of white cold light broke through the air and hit Wang Jun, freezing him into an ice sculpture on the spot.

But unlike the previous enemies frozen by Zhou Chun using "Taiyin's Extinction Divine Light", Wang Jun's life breath did not disappear quickly after being frozen.

This is of course the result of Zhou Chun's deliberate efforts.

He didn't dare to kill Wang Jun himself, not even if his spiritual pet did it!

So when he first attacked Wang Jun secretly, he only used the [Taibai Dragon Sword] to test it, but did not dare to go directly to the [Moon Toad Orb].

At this time, after Wang Jun was temporarily trapped in ice, Zhou Chun flew forward and shot a silver lightning bolt that landed on the ice sculpture.

This silver lightning was not very powerful, but it was enough to knock Wang Jun unconscious.

Then Zhou Chun first dealt with the battlefield here and recovered all the dragon's spiritual blood and broken scales left behind by Wang Jun before, so as to avoid leaving anything behind for people to track him based on the location of the items.

Then he took the unconscious Wang Jun back to the previous island.

After landing on the island, Zhou Chun first collected Wang Jun's storage bag, then patted a spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing a second-level silver-horned rhinoceros monster.

This silver-horned rhinoceros was still a monster that Zhou Chun contracted to cultivate in order to kill Yu Jinghua. Now it is considered a waste.

After giving instructions, he terminated the soul contract with the Silver-horned Rhinoceros on the spot, and then released Mu Mei Mu Sang to supervise on the island. He first left the island dozens of miles away.

Then, following Mu Mei Mu Sang's order, Silver Horned Rhino stepped heavily on Wang Jun's head on the ground!

The second-level silver-horned rhinoceros weighed hundreds of tons. After stepping on it, Wang Jun's head turned into mud.

Following Wang Jun's death, a dark red aura suddenly flew out from his body and turned into a bloody ghost face.

After this bloody ghost face appeared in mid-air, it did not immediately pounce on the silver-horned rhinoceros, but showed hesitation.

But after waiting for a while, seeing that it was about to dissipate, it still jumped into the body of the silver-horned rhinoceros.

At the same time, as the bloody ghost face plunged into the body of the Silver-horned Rhinoceros, the second-level Silver-horned Rhinoceros howled and spit out blood and fell to the side.

Then another group of ghostly green light flew out from the dead Wang Jun's body and quickly rushed towards a foundation-building monk who flew to the island.

Unexpectedly, the foundation-building monk seemed to be prepared, and directly fired a third-level fire attribute spell to burn the green aura into blue smoke!

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