Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 552: Diverting trouble to the east【Please subscribe】

Black Mist Lake, an unknown desert island.

Just after Wang Jun's soul was destroyed, Zhou Chun's figure soon appeared over the desert island.

It turned out that the foundation-building monk who came over just now was forcibly driven by him to "clear mines."

The previous battle between him and Wang Jun was really noisy, attracting many monks who were wandering in the Black Mist to come closer to see if there were any profit opportunities.

Zhou Chun had long known that the Silver Horned Rhinoceros' kick could not make Wang Jun's soul fly away, and his soul would definitely find a way to seize his body.

And Zhou Chun is not sure whether his soul has been manipulated, and he will mark and target the person who destroyed his soul.

Therefore, he deliberately grabbed a foundation-building monk and gave him a third-level talisman, and directly told him to be careful about seizing the body.

If Wang Jun did not seize the body, the talisman in the hands of the foundation-building monk would go to his body!

The result was much better than he imagined. After Wang Jun, who was physically dead, found out that a foundation-building monk was approaching, he couldn't wait to seize the body. Then, the foundation-building monk used a magic talisman to kill his soul with one blow. .

And judging from the results, after Wang Jun's soul was destroyed, it had no impact on the foundation-building monk. Apparently Zhou Chun's worries were overblown.

But be careful and nothing bad will happen. Zhou Chun will do the same thing again!

"Yes, you did a good job. Now leave here immediately. Don't tell anyone what happened today, otherwise you will only bring death to yourself!"

Zhou Chun nodded to the foundation-building monk, gave him a warning, and then let him leave.

It's not that he is too soft-hearted to do anything to silence him, but that there is no need to silence him now.

This foundation-building monk did not know his true identity, and it was impossible for only the other party to see the previous battle.

After today, for safety reasons, Zhou Chun, the identity of Zhang Liang, will no longer use it.

At this moment, after Zhou Chun checked Wang Jun's body on the ground, he did not touch the magic weapon on his body, but just re-processed the battlefield.

Then he left the island without hesitation, letting Lei Jiao take him from underwater to a certain area deep in the Black Mist.

Soon after, in a certain body of water deep in the Black Mist, Zhou Chun buried the storage bag he got from Wang Jun in the underwater mud, and then left from here.

And this water area is the same water area where Zhou Chun discovered the presence of other dragon auras, and it is also the hiding place for the most evil cultivators in Black Mist Lake!

Zhou Chun was still in awe of the methods of Nascent Soul monks.

Therefore, even though Wang Jun's treasures made him covetous, he did not dare to take them away.

Most of these treasures were given by Master Kuang Lei, so there is no guarantee that the other party did not leave any marks that can be used to track them.

Although Zhou Chun wanted Wang Jun's storage bag, he couldn't open it for a while, and he was worried that it also contained marks that could be tracked by Kuang Lei, so he could only frame the bandits.

It would be great if Master Kuang Lei hadn't chased him and found the storage bag. Zhou Chun could come back and take it away later.

If they are tracked and discovered, they will definitely find the hiding place of the bandit cultivators, and they may be able to eliminate harm to the people!

At the same time, about half an hour after Zhou Chun left the unknown island, an old man in black who had the courage to go to the island discovered Wang Jun's body.

After discovering the corpse and the magic weapon on the corpse, this person's expression obviously changed, his eyes showed a look of horror, and he wanted to get away like a reflex.

But in the end, his eyes were still firmly attracted by those magic weapons, and he couldn't move away at all.

After hesitating for a few breaths, he finally couldn't bear the temptation, so he directly put a few magic weapons into his storage bag, then turned around and ran away without looking back!

But before he had escaped a hundred miles away, a ray of silver lightning cut through the black foggy sky and landed over the island.

Then a terrifying consciousness spread overwhelmingly, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles.

The old man in black who took away the magic weapon from Wang Jun was caught by this spiritual consciousness and immediately discovered the magic weapon in his storage bag.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of silver lightning, and a middle-aged man in silver robe with thick eyebrows arrived dozens of feet away in front of the old man in black. Then the middle-term monk of Zifu was hardened by a strong pressure. Feeling oppressed, Lingkong fell to his knees on the ground.

"Did you kill Jun'er?"

The silver-robed man looked down at the kneeling old man in black with lightning-like eyes, and asked in a tone without sadness or joy.

He didn't show any anger, but the old man in black's heart was beating so fast that it was about to break.

Immediately, he used all his strength to beg for mercy loudly: "Senior, please have mercy on me. I don't know anything. I just picked up those magic weapons out of greed. Please forgive me for the sake of my origin in Liuyun Sect." Take your life!"

"You are only in the middle stage of Zifu. I'm afraid you can't kill Jun'er! But who is Liuyun Sect? A sect that doesn't even have Yuanying stage monks is worthy of being feared by me?"

The silver-robed man's eyes flashed with disdain, and then he raised his hand to grab it. The old man in black involuntarily put his head into his hand, and was violently searched for his soul without any resistance.

It is naturally not difficult at all to search the soul of a monk in the Purple Mansion Stage with his cultivation level in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Soon all the memories of the old man in black in recent days were checked by the man in silver.

Then a ball of silver flames burst out from the palm of the silver-robed man, and burned the old man in black to ashes, leaving only a storage bag.

"Thunder and golden light, dragons roaring, who has Jun'er offended?"

Recalling what he saw from the soul memory of the old man in black, Kuanglei Master couldn't help but look down and frowned.

Because the special environment of Black Mist Ze formed a great obstacle to spiritual consciousness and sight, the old man in black did not see the true faces of the two warring parties. He only saw thunderous golden light cutting through the black mist from a distance. Occasionally, he could see the figure of a dragon in the black mist. Flying in the fog, I heard a roar.

This made it impossible for Kuanglei Zhenren to know the identity of the murderer for a while.

After he frowned and thought for a moment, he murmured: "After killing Jun'er, I didn't take away these magic weapons from Jun'er. Is it because I was worried that my backhand was still there, or was it for other reasons?"

In fact, Zhou Chun was right to worry. Master Kuang Lei did leave special marks on several magic weapons given to Wang Jun.

This kind of mark left by a real person in the Nascent Soul stage is very hidden. If a monk in the Golden Core stage wants to discover it, he can only find it after the magic weapon has been refined to a very deep level. It may even never be discovered!

However, most monks who kill people and seize treasures don't have the time to immediately refine the magic weapon.

Now that Zhou Chun has not taken away Wang Jun's magic weapon, Kuanglei Zhenren has no way to track him for a while, and can only return to the island where Wang Jun's body is.

Wang Jun's body and the body of the silver-horned rhinoceros were still there on the island. Master Kuang Lei only took one look at the body of the silver-horned rhinoceros and knew how the beast died.

This also made his frown deepen. The murderer was obviously prepared and wanted to kill Wang Jun.

It's a pity that he was in a hurry to come to the rescue and didn't have time to ask Wang Jun why he came to Heiwuze. Now he is in the dark about the relevant situation.

At the moment, I can only use my spiritual consciousness to carefully search for traces on the island.

There are many traces left on the island. After all, there was a very fierce battle here before, and the island was almost shattered!

But apart from the remaining auras of monks and monsters, Master Kuang Lei could not find anything convenient for tracking the enemy.

This shows that the murderer did not take long to kill Wang Jun, and there was still enough time to clean and destroy the scene.

"Based on the life-saving things I left for Jun'er, it stands to reason that even if he encounters a late-stage Jindan monk, he can sustain it for nearly an hour, but the aura left here shows that the murderer's cultivation level is as high as the sky. It’s the middle stage of the Golden Elixir, and it’s very likely that it’s just the early stage of the Golden Elixir!”

"When did Jun'er offend such a powerful enemy?"

Master Kuang Lei looked at Wang Jun's body on the ground solemnly, already feeling a little troublesome.

He knew Wang Jun's strength well. Even if he met a swordsman of the same realm as the Nine Yuan Sword Sect and other powerful forces, he would definitely win, at least he wouldn't lose his life.

After all, there are many golden elixir stage monks from those top powers. Unless they are direct disciples or blood descendants of a certain Nascent Soul stage master, they will not be able to receive every possible care from him like Wang Jun.

But judging from the situation at the scene, Wang Jun was probably killed by a monk of the same realm alone. How could this not make Master Kuang Lei extremely surprised?

He even wondered if Wang Jun had offended another direct disciple or blood descendant of another Nascent Soul monk. He did not dare to tell him because he was worried about being punished, so he was killed by the other party with the treasure given by his elders!

But based on his understanding of this junior, if he really offended someone with such a great background, it was unlikely that he would not tell him or his father.

"Forget it, the first priority is to find the murderer first!"

Shaking his head, Master Kuang Lei immediately cast a spell and carefully sensed something inconspicuous in Wang Jun's storage bag.

There's drama!

Kuang Lei's eyes lit up, and he immediately put Wang Jun's body into a storage bag with a wave of his sleeves, and then chased after him in the direction of the induction.

The Yuanying Stage monk's escape speed was so fast that only a quarter of an hour passed before he arrived at the place where Zhou Chun hid the storage bag.

But when he raised his hand and cast a spell and fell into the water, the storage bag hidden deep in the mud by Zhou Chun fell into his hand.

But when he saw the storage bag in his hand, there was no joy on his face. Instead, he looked very ugly.

"What a cautious junior!"

Master Kuang Lei cursed secretly and had no choice but to put the storage bag around his waist.

Then his consciousness swept away, and he suddenly showed a look of surprise, but he had already discovered the cave under the water where the bandit cultivator organization was hiding.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a hidden place under the black mist. Could it be that the murderer who killed Jun'er deliberately lured me here?"

Kuang Lei's face showed a look of contemplation, as if he was hesitating whether to go down and find out.

But soon he smiled coldly, and without hesitation transformed into a silver lightning and submerged into the water.

With his master Kuang Lei's ability, what if there really is a fifth-level demon king or a Nascent Soul cultivator underwater?

At most, he was defeated and fled. Is there any danger that could keep him alive?

What's more, he didn't hide his aura when he came over. If there really was a fifth-level existence under the water, he would have discovered him long ago and come out to negotiate.

With this confidence, Master Kuang Lei quickly entered the underwater cave that even Zhou Chun did not dare to enter.

There were originally bandit repair sentries on duty there, but before they could find Kuang Lei, they were already electrocuted into charcoal by a bolt of lightning that came from an unknown source!

Kuanglei Zhenren walked straight across and soon followed the waterway in the cave to arrive outside the headquarters of the "Black Dragon" organization.

I saw that the home base of this bandit cultivator organization turned out to be a huge underground cave deep underground in Black Mist Lake!

The internal space of this underground cave is very huge, hundreds of miles in size. It is simply an underground world!

And the spiritual veins this place possesses are even better than those in Kuang Lei's own Lei Ya Valley.

Except that the environment seems a little unsuitable for human monks to live in, the hard conditions here fully meet the standards of the big power mountain gate.

But with the methods of immortal cultivators, it is not difficult to change the environment.

For example, in the underground world that Master Kuang Lei saw at this moment, there was a luminous fireball hanging in the air every few dozen miles in the cave above, providing light to the place. They were all specially refined luminous magic weapons.

At the same time, there are many low-level monks on the ground tending the spiritual field, taking care of the elixirs and feeding the monsters.

In a daze, Master Kuang Lei thought he had arrived at the mountain gate of a certain force.

After just casually searching for the soul of a Zifu period monk who was guarding the gate here, he already had a detailed understanding of the real situation here. He knew that the real owners here were all bandits who had committed heinous crimes in the Great Zhou Kingdom and surrounding countries. build!

"It seems that I have to do something for heaven today!"

With a strange color in his eyes, Kuanglei Master seemed to have forgotten to track down the murderer of his descendants, and directly aimed at the nest of the "Black Dragon" organization ahead.

A force composed of many extremely vicious bandit cultivators is indeed very difficult for ordinary monks to deal with. Even if the late Golden Core cultivators come, it will be difficult to eliminate this bandit den.

But for real people in the Nascent Soul stage, the situation is completely different.

Master Kuang Lei doesn’t believe that any Nascent Soul stage monk would hide here and become a bandit cultivator!

And as long as this bandit den is taken away, not all the treasures that the bandit cultivators have plundered will belong to him.

This harvest will also be a very big harvest for the Nascent Soul Stage monks, enough to make them very tempted!

The key is that after doing this, you don't have to worry about any future problems. You can even publicize it openly and gain fame for yourself. You may even be able to sell favors to the forces and monks who have suffered from bandit cultivators. It can be said that you can achieve multiple things with one stone.

At this time, the master of the underground world seemed to have discovered Kuang Lei, and immediately activated the protective formation here with all his strength.

I saw a sudden change in light and darkness in the underground cave, and the blue-black formation aura suddenly occupied the entire underground world. This formation aura manifested into a vast sea, covering most of the entire underground world. Obviously It is an extremely extraordinary forbidden formation.

But when Master Kuanglei saw this scene, he did not change his expression at all. Instead, he commented with interest: "What a forbidden formation! Looking at the momentum, it is not inferior to our mountain-protecting formation." , these bandit cultivators are willing to spend money to protect their lair!"

After saying that, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he suddenly revealed a sneer, "It's just that no matter how powerful this formation is, if there is no Nascent Soul Stage monk to preside over it, it's just a child wielding a sledgehammer!"

Before he finished speaking, he started to break the formation.


A deafening thunderous explosion suddenly sounded in the cave that was unknown how deep underground it was.

But seeing the thunder and lightning moving around the body of Master Kuang Lei, a mobile thunder pool of more than ten acres was created.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of thunderbolts hit the formation ahead like rain.

Whenever a large amount of thunder and lightning falls, a hole will be torn open in the vast sea where the spiritual light of the formation appears, causing many scattered thunder and lightning to fall into the formation.

If any of the monks inside are unlucky and happen to be around the opening, they will immediately be chopped into charcoal by the scattered thunder and lightning!

It is obvious that although this forbidden formation is very powerful, it is still unable to protect all the monks inside without leakage when facing the powerful Yuanying Zhenren.

Seeing that the Forbidden Formation that he relied on could not stop Kuang Lei's offensive, the leader of the "Black Dragon" organization inside could not help but speak out, "Master Kuang Lei, what on earth do you want to do? I, the Black Dragon Society, have not offended you recently. Leiya Valley, why are you taking action against my Black Dragon Society!"

Listening to his words, it was obvious that he had recognized the origin of Kuang Lei.

After all, the personal characteristics of the Yuanying Stage Master are too obvious. In the entire Great Zhou Kingdom, there is only one Yuanying Stage Master who is famous for his thunder-attribute supernatural powers. Now there is only one Kuanglei Master.

Facing the questioning from the leader of the Black Dragon Society, Master Kuang Lei responded with a domineering sneer: "Why do I need to explain to you how I act?"

After saying that, he shouted in a deep voice: "Now open the formation and surrender. If you are happy, you may be spared your death. Otherwise, after the formation is broken, your souls will be scattered!"

Hearing his domineering and arrogant words, the leader of the Black Dragon Society inside was so angry that veins on his forehead popped out.

If he couldn't beat Master Kuang Lei, he would definitely go out and teach him a severe lesson! When had he ever experienced such cowardice?

At the same time, after listening to the words of Master Kuang Lei, the expressions of other senior officials of the Black Dragon Society suddenly changed. Even some people worriedly asked the leader: "Master, what should we do? That Kuang Lei Master Lei refuses to give up, even if we can hold on for a while, we can't hold on forever!"

As soon as these words came out, several other Golden Core monks who were close to the leader of the Black Dragon Society also looked at their leader nervously.

Although the "Black Dragon Society" is an organization, the monks in the organization, especially these high-level monks, have no loyalty at all.

They will be willing to stay here and serve the organization. Firstly, there is an extremely good training cave here. Secondly, it can provide them with shelter. Thirdly, they have control in the hands of the leader.

But now that disaster is approaching, the benefits and fears of the past no longer have much binding force.

If the leader who single-handedly founded the Black Dragon Society cannot come up with a solution now, then they, the Golden Core Stage monks, will have no choice but to use their own methods to fend for themselves.

The leader of the Black Dragon Society is a monk who wears a black dragon-headed mask and calls himself the "Black Dragon Taoist". He is the kind of person who has perfected the cultivation of Jindan in the late stage and can be in seclusion to conceive an infant at any time.

Although he single-handedly established the Black Dragon Society, even those who have been in the organization for the longest time have never seen his true face, and their knowledge of his information is very limited. He can be said to be a very mysterious person.

At this time, facing the gazes of all his subordinates, Taoist Black Dragon, who could not see any change in his expression, replied calmly: "Don't panic, he is just a mere master of Kuang Lei. He can't destroy our Black Dragon Society!"

After saying that, he handed over the main formation flag that controlled the formation to another old man with late Jindan cultivation level, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Luo, please preside over the formation for me first, and I will wake up that adult!"

Then he left under the suspicious and surprised eyes of the Black Dragon Society's senior officials and headed straight to a place deep inside the mountain gate.

Seeing this situation, the monk who asked about the plan immediately looked at the old man in the late stage of Jindan and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Luo, do you know who the 'lord' mentioned by the leader of the society is? Is it possible that we, the Black Dragon Society, are behind this?" Are there any real people in the Nascent Soul Stage?"

Unexpectedly, the old man also shook his head with a surprised look on his face and said, "I don't know either, but since Master Hui is so confident, that's probably what happened!"

As he spoke, he glanced at everyone and shouted in a cold voice: "You just heard what the leader said. Now everyone is giving me all their strength to support the formation and wait for the leader to return, but there is a sneaky person. Don’t blame me for being rude!”

Hearing this, many of the Black Dragon Society's bandit cultivators were shocked and hurriedly agreed in unison.

They are all ruthless people who kill without blinking an eye, but they know that what the old man just said was definitely not casual.

And now that they have expectations and ambitions, their anxious minds have become much more stable.

Master Kuang Lei outside was naturally unaware of the situation inside.

He just felt that the resistance of the formation in front dropped slightly after the leader of the Black Dragon Society, Taoist Black Dragon, left. Although he felt a little strange about this, he thought it was because he was attacking too hard, so he attacked harder. stand up.

"I just regret that I don't have a spiritual treasure in my hands. Otherwise, why would I have to spend so much time on a mere forbidden formation?"

When attacking the formation, Master Kuang Lei couldn't help but sigh secretly because he didn't take advantage of the spiritual treasure.

If he had the spiritual treasure in hand, how could this forbidden formation stop him for so long!

It's a pity that Lei Yagu's background is a little shallow after all, so he can only rely on his own hard work.

At the end of this month, a total of 187,000 words have been updated, with a daily update of 6,000 words!

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