Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 554 Money and Power [Please subscribe]

"Zhengchun, I understand that your Zhou family has had a hard time in recent years, ancestor, but the interests involved in the 'Tianling Morning News' are too great for your family to bear!"

"Yes, ancestor, I also admit that even if others want to follow your example and create this kind of newspaper, they cannot collect and summarize news from all over the place as quickly as your Zhou family."

"But you must also understand that even if others cannot imitate you and do this, it is not difficult to sabotage the intelligence transmission of your Zhou family!"

"Money is a beauty! With the income from two copies of Tianling Morning News a month, you can buy a foundation-building pill. Such a huge benefit is not something that your Zhou family can easily afford. You will suffer if you eat alone. People are jealous!”

"Of course, when I say this, ancestor, I am not trying to compete with Zhengchun and your Zhou family, but I want to tell you that the benefits here are too great and you, the Zhou family, cannot grasp it!"

In the cave, the ancestor of the Su family looked at Zhou Chun with a serious look on his face and told him his intention of inviting him here today.

Zhou Chun also knew that the words of the ancestor of the Su family were not exaggerated.

To be honest, although he had already expected that "Tian Ling Morning Post" would make a lot of money, he was a little surprised when he actually saw the profit.

You must know that this "Tianling Morning News" has only been in operation for less than a year. Many aspects are not perfect yet, and there is still room for improvement. Not all immortal cultivators are accustomed to buying newspapers and reading them.

When it becomes more and more perfect in the future, and more immortal cultivators start to buy it and develop the habit of reading, the income will probably increase several times or even more than ten times!

People like the ancestors of the Su family must have seen this.

If this was the case, it shouldn't be enough for the ancestor of the Su family to say this.

After all, which Jindan family doesn't have a business that earns tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins every year!

But the problem is that in the eyes of most monks, this "Tianling Morning News" is a cost-free transaction.

All you need to do is collect the information that ordinary monks on the street know and integrate it. You can just arrange some Qi Refining Stage monks to complete it!

And the more important point is that mineral veins and other things will always be hollowed out one day. Refining alchemy and refining weapons also requires collecting materials and energy, and it will fall back with the death of skilled monks.

But as long as this "Tianling Morning News" remains like this, it will be an endless gold mine.

How can a business with such low investment, high returns, and endless returns not attract the envy of others!

However, this is just an outsider's view, and Zhou Chun himself does not see it that way.

I saw him immediately complaining and saying: "Ancestor, you said it was easy, but in fact you only saw thieves eating meat, not being beaten!"

As he spoke, he began to complain: "Do you think that if you want to achieve the effect of this 'Tianling Morning News', you can only have a good idea? I don't want to say anything else. I just want to synchronize all the places and cities across the country." Sales, can any company do this?”

"Do you know how many spiritual coins my Zhou family has invested in buying stores? How many monks have been hired to sell them on the streets? How much manpower and material resources have been spent on transporting newspapers?"

"Also, you mentioned intelligence collection just now. Do you think it costs nothing for the Zhou family to establish intelligence collection sites? Doesn't it cost money to maintain the operation of these intelligence sites? All the spiritual coins invested in the early stage are like a waste of money. , it’s not as simple as you think!”

"Furthermore, you also know that those casual cultivators are a bunch of stingy people. A dozen of them can pool money together to buy a copy of a newspaper for one spiritual coin. In the future, more people will follow suit, and this profit will But there aren’t as many as you see now!”

The words he said were also well-founded and not made up.

The ancestor of the Su family couldn't deny it for a while.

I can only look at him and shake my head slightly: "I don't deny what you said, ancestor, Zhengchun, but it is easy for you to convince me, ancestor, but it is difficult to convince others! Others may not listen to your difficulties, they will only see you making money now. Got it!"

At this point, he simply opened the skylight and said frankly: "Ancestor, let me tell you the truth. It is not my intention to come to you to talk about this matter today, but it is because of some elders from the Moon Lun Sect through Yun. Mom spread the news and came over, wanting to get involved!"

"You also know that [Zhou Tong Tianxia] Trading Company was able to gain a firm foothold in every state under the leadership of the Moon Lun Sect before. It was not because our Su family was so capable, but because we found connections with the Moon Lun Sect!"

"Now your Zhou family's newspapers are sold through various branches of the trading company, and the profits are so amazing. The benefits we gave them in the beginning are no longer satisfactory!"

After speaking, he seemed to be afraid that Zhou Chun wouldn't believe it, so he immediately continued: "I think it's not just me, there will probably be people from the Zhu family of the Yanyang Sect who will come to talk to you about this matter!"

Finally, he comforted Zhou Chun and said, "Don't blame them for their ugly appearance. It's like this everywhere in the world. Who said that in the end, it's the two of them who have the final say in Jingguo!"

Having said this, the ancestor of the Su family also let out a helpless sigh.

However, what he expected was that after hearing his words, he thought that Zhou Chun would be a little unconvinced and argue, but unexpectedly, Zhou Chun was just silent for a moment, and then said in a calm tone: "If you say this, junior Then you understand, it’s just that money can’t compete with power!”

Hearing Zhou Chun's words, the ancestor of the Su family immediately slapped his thigh and shouted: "That's right! The life of the elders of the sect is not as easy as ordinary monks think. The welfare offerings provided by the sect can only maintain They live a decent life, and if they want to go further, they have to take risks and find ways to make money!"

"Usually, if our families want to open a mine or something, they can't control us. But if they want to cause trouble with your 'Tianling Morning News' and commercial business, it's too easy. They just don't let us open a store." !”

Zhou Chun understands this deeply.

Because he had experienced too many similar things in his previous life.

Even if you open a small shop, you still have to take care of several aspects. If the shop is doing well, then management will be indispensable!

But there are always subtle differences between the two worlds.

In the world of the previous life, just a few people in uniform could accept his filial piety.

In this world, only those with truly high positions and authority can receive this kind of money!

And he doesn't have to be too groveling like those small bosses in his previous life.

After all, this is a world where great power belongs to oneself. In terms of strength, Zhou Chun is no worse than those Jindan elders of Yuelun Sect who want to accept his filial piety!

After he pondered for a while, he looked at the ancestor of the Su family and nodded and said: "Well, ancestor, please help spread the word and arrange for the juniors to meet with those people in person to discuss the matter. As long as they are willing to use money to do things, The asking price isn’t too outrageous, and the juniors won’t break the rules!”

"This matter is easy to handle. Just wait at Su's house for a few days. Ancestor, I will personally send a letter inviting them to come to Su's house for a meeting!"

The ancestor of the Su family nodded repeatedly and agreed on the spot.

Then the two went on to exchange some other things.

While talking like this, the ancestor of the Su family suddenly looked at Zhou Chun and said, "I heard that Zhengchun recently accepted a junior from the Zhou family as your disciple and taught him personally. Is this child very talented?"

Don't blame him for suddenly asking about this matter, it is really strange.

Among the several golden elixir stage monks in the Zhou family, Zhou Chun is the youngest and has the greatest potential. Logically speaking, he should concentrate on his cultivation and reach a higher realm.

Even if we really need to support and train the younger generations, there are still Zhou Mingde and Lin Hongyu who can do it for them. There is absolutely no need for Zhou Chun to do it himself.

But now it is Zhou Chunlai who is doing this himself.

How could this not make the ancestor of the Su family murmur in his heart.

And he was not an outsider, so he simply took the opportunity to ask out his doubts.

When Zhou Chun heard him ask about this matter, he didn't show anything strange. He just replied softly: "Talent is certainly good. Ying'er has a high-grade spiritual root qualification for the wind attribute. In terms of talent, she is considered a close member of my Zhou family." The best qualification in hundreds of years!"

"However, the reason why this junior accepts a disciple is because Ying'er's father previously presented a treasure that is of great use to this junior. In addition, she has really good qualifications and wants to cultivate another golden elixir seed for the Zhou family in the future. !”

This answer cannot be said to be perfect, but it is enough to deal with the ancestor of the Su family.

After all, even if the relationship between the two parties is really unusual, we can't get to the bottom of everything.

Then he saw his face suddenly nodded and said: "I see, I don't want you to start thinking about this kind of thing now, Zhengchun, you are really far-sighted!"

Next, while waiting for the Jindan elders from the Yuelun Sect to come over, Zhou Chun also went to the bottom of Suzi Lake outside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate to visit Baibai, the thunder dragon that was kept there.

After much thought before, Zhou Chun finally chose to release Thunder Dragon Baibai in Suzi Lake.

As soon as he came here, he was right outside the gate of Su Family Mountain, with the ancestors of the Su family and Su Yuzhen taking care of him, so he was not afraid of anyone targeting Bai Bai.

Secondly, the environment of Suzi Lake is also quite suitable for the habitat of Thunder Dragon Baibai.

In the deepest part of the lake, which is hundreds of feet deep, there is a huge palace made of black copper.

This palace is fifty or sixty feet long, more than thirty feet wide, and more than twenty feet high!

There are thirty-six copper pillars inside the palace, which are used to support the weight of the palace and provide shelter for thunder dragons.

In addition to the thunder dragon Baibai, there are also some low-level monsters domesticated by the Zhou family, such as green-striped water turtles, armored crocodiles, black-scaled pythons, thunder-feathered sparrows, and other monsters!

These low-level monsters are raised here and are infiltrated by the dragon's breath day and night, hoping to produce benign mutations and become dragon-born monsters.

However, this is not so easy to do. Most of the time, these monsters will die because they cannot bear the pressure of the dragon's aura and suffer from excessive psychological pressure.

Or maybe the bloodline collapsed during the mutation and the body exploded to death!

Speaking of which, the ability to build such a huge palace was thanks to the Zhou family's discovery of a black copper vein in the wilderness.

Otherwise, the black copper ore required to build this palace would be worth hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins in total!

After Zhou Chun entered the waterless palace, the thunder dragon that was originally coiled on a copper pillar immediately swam down along the copper pillar, came straight to him and raised its head.

To be honest, this action is more like those of snakes.

But Lei Jiao Baibai originally evolved from a python, and it is normal for him to retain some of his past snake habits.

Zhou Chun also stretched out his palms to stroke his pet's eyes and forehead as before, and then took out some of the spirit animal food that Thunder Dragon Baibai liked to eat from the storage bag and fed it to it.

As the thunder dragon was promoted to the fourth level in vain, the spiritual beast rations of the Zhou family had no effect on it. At most, it was just a mouthful.

And if it wants to improve its cultivation in the future, it can basically only rely on its own practice step by step.

Fortunately, it has awakened its bloodline inheritance and has the most suitable demon clan technique "Thunder Dragon Transformation Sutra" to practice. Its growth and progress in the future should not be much slower than Zhou Chun.

At this time, after kissing for a while, the thunder dragon Baibai groaned in pain, and a certain dragon scale on his body suddenly fell off on its own and flew in front of Zhou Chun.

This is one of the reasons why Zhou Chun came to visit it today.

Eighty-one complete dragon scales need to be handed over in a hundred years, which means that it will shed one dragon scale almost every year, and Zhou Chun also has to come and collect it every year.

At this moment, Zhou Chun felt very uncomfortable looking at his beloved pet who looked a little sluggish after shedding its dragon scales, as if someone was cutting his own flesh.

After he put away the dragon scales, he immediately took out a six-hundred-year-old red blood ginseng that replenished qi and blood and fed it to the thunder dragon. Then he gently patted his pet's head to comfort him and said, "It's so good. The next few years will be hard for you, so don’t worry, what we give now will be returned to them twice as much in the future!”

After spending several hours with his beloved pet in the underwater palace, Zhou Chun returned to the Su Family Mountain Gate.

A few days later, five Jindan elders of the Yuelun Sect were invited by the ancestor of the Su family and came to the Su family mountain gate as guests.

After Zhou Chun had a frank discussion with the five Jindan elders of the Moon Wheel Sect, the two parties finally reached an agreement.

In the future, half of the proceeds from the "Tianling Morning News" sold in the Yuelun Sect area will be handed over to these five Yuelun Sect Jindan elders, and they must greet the heads of the various offices and cities of the Yuelun Sect, within the scope of their rights. Provide various conveniences to the Zhou family.

Another most important point is that if the Zhou family encounters external oppression in the future, they must use their power as elders to submit a letter to the real person in charge to protect the Zhou family!

Although this kind of petition has no compulsory force, if multiple elders jointly submit petitions, theoretically speaking, the real person in charge will still be able to save some face.

It can be regarded as Zhou Chun's next move for the future of the Zhou family in advance.

I don’t know whether the ancestor of the Su family was right, or whether the Yuelun Sect leaked the news to the Yanyang Sect.

Not even half a month had passed since Zhou Chun returned to the Su family from the Su family. As expected, Zhu Wuya, the Jindan ancestor of the Yanzhou Zhu family, came to Tuyunling as a guest. He also mentioned that some Jindan elders of the Yanyang Sect wanted to collect Good things.

Generally speaking, the golden elixir elders who can ask for benefits from a golden elixir family like the Zhou family will not be the kind of elders who have just formed elixirs, but the kind of middle-stage golden elixir or even late-stage golden elixir monks. He is the kind of old-style golden elixir early stage monk who has been forming elixirs for hundreds of years.

Otherwise, for big sects like Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect, there are as many as ten or twenty Golden Core Stage monks. If everyone has a share, no one will have to eat.

For example, the five Moon Wheel Sect Jindan elders, according to the agreed share, each of them can receive dividends of five to six thousand spiritual coins every year. If a few more people come in, the dividends will be much less.

But after all, the Yanyang Sect is not the Yuelun Sect. Let’s not say that the Zhou family is not a vassal of the Yanyang Sect. Simply speaking, the Yanyang Sect is not as powerful as the Yuelun Sect, and it will not help the Zhou family when they encounter threats from external forces. Zhou family.

So when he was talking to the people from the Yanyang Sect, Zhou Chun was much tougher. Once the other party asked for too much, he would take the attitude that he would not do this business at all.

Coupled with Zhu Wuya's negotiation, in the end the Zhou family only needed to give Yanyang Sect three parts of the proceeds from the "Tianling Morning News" in the Yanyang Sect's area.

After dealing with these guys who were lying on the Zhou family to suck blood, Zhou Chun calmed down and trained his disciples.

Now Zhou Zhiying is over eight years old. Because she has been fed some spiritual things that are good for growing her body and developing her intelligence since she was a child, and she has a golden elixir monk to help her use magic to cleanse her marrow and unblock her meridians. Not only is she as tall as fourteen A five-year-old girl is also far superior to her peers in terms of mental character and intelligence.

When she was less than seven years old, she had memorized the locations of the meridians and acupuncture points in her body and was ready to meditate.

And with her top-grade spiritual root qualifications, coupled with the help of spiritual power accumulated in her body from taking those spiritual objects since she was a child, she has already reached the fourth level of Qi Refining Stage in less than two years of practice!

Such a cultivation speed is the first in the history of the Zhou family.

For this reason, Zhou Chun specially put on her a magic weapon that helped to restrain her cultivation aura, making it appear to outsiders that she only had the second level of cultivation in the Qi Refining Stage.

"Master, Master, the mulberries outside are ripe. I asked Master Mu Sang to pick them for me. You must agree to it. How stingy!"

On this day, after Zhou Chun came out of the training room, he had just made himself a cup of tea and was about to drink it. Suddenly, a girl in green suddenly burst in from the door, pouted and ran up to him to complain.

This young lady in green is Zhou Zhiying.

Zhou Chun always regarded several spiritual pets as his companions, so as his only disciple, it was natural for Zhou Zhiying to call these spiritual pets his uncles.

After listening to the little girl's complaint, Zhou Chun immediately reached out and tapped her head gently and said: "You little girl, that purple mulberry tree is already a fourth-level spiritual tree. How can the mulberry fruits on it be something you can take?" ? The little psychic power overflows and bursts your stomach!"

"Ah, no way, master, are you really not trying to scare me?"

The pretty girl in green turned pale and looked at Zhou Chun with wide eyes, full of shock.

"Now you know you're afraid?"

Zhou Chun glanced at the little girl, and then said: "If you know you are afraid, just practice hard. When you reach the late stage of Qi refining, you should be able to barely eat one!"

"Like this?"

The girl in green tilted her head and looked at Zhou Chun. Then she seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but pouted: "But by then, all the mulberry fruits should have fallen!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he smiled and touched her head and said, "Don't worry, as long as you reach the advanced stage of Qi Refining within five years, there will still be mulberries left for you to pick!"

"Okay, then wait until I reach the advanced stage of Qi refining before picking mulberry fruits to eat!"

The young lady in green nodded, then picked up the tea on the table and handed it to Zhou Chundao: "Master, you have a drink, while the disciple goes to practice."

Then he strode towards his bedroom.

And looking at her back as she jumped away, Zhou Chun couldn't help but shook his head, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

It took five years to go from the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage to the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage. Even a top-grade spiritual root monk would have a hard time doing this, unless he took those very effective spiritual pills and spiritual fruits.

But for a monk with the best spiritual root qualifications like Zhou Zhiying, it is a piece of cake.

Only those who have personally seen the cultivation speed of monks with this level of qualifications will understand how blessed monks with this level of qualifications are by heaven!

Zhou Zhiying reached the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage in less than two years. During this period, she did not take any pills. And because she was still young, she did not work as hard as the adult monks in her cultivation.

But even so, she still cultivated to this level in such a short time!

This may be due to the blessing of the rich aura environment in Zhouchun Cave, but most of the reason is undoubtedly that his own qualifications are too outstanding.

If this continues, Zhou Chun estimates that she will successfully build the foundation before she is twenty years old, and there will be no problems at all.

Such a gifted person cannot be envied even if he doesn't want to!

From this, Zhou Chun seemed to understand why the owner of the secret island had to set up the system that only monks with the highest wind attribute spiritual root qualifications could inherit his mantle.

He probably thinks that only people with this level of talent can, after inheriting his legacy, complete the goals that he has never accomplished in his life, and go to a higher realm for himself to see the scenery above!

But Zhou Chun is not one of those people who only believes in spiritual roots.

He always believed that spiritual root qualifications did not determine the upper limit of a monk's achievements. Even if he had low-grade spiritual root qualifications, as long as the opportunity was enough, he might not be able to conceive a baby or even transform into a god!

And even a monk with the best spiritual root qualifications may not be able to conceive a baby or even transform into a god in the end!

He himself is proof of this.

Who would have thought at the time that he, a monk with a middle-grade spiritual root qualification, could successfully form an elixir, and he could also successfully form an elixir at the age of over two hundred years old!

If he successfully conceives a baby in the future, it will further verify this truth and prove that his idea is correct.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and three years pass in the blink of an eye.

On this day, a monk from the middle stage of the Zifu came all the way from the Great Zhou Kingdom and delivered a letter to Zhou Chun.

The sender of the letter was Luo Qingni. According to him, he had found out about the three-thousand-year-old Dendrobium golden thread, and invited Zhou Chun to go to the Great Zhou Kingdom to discuss the matter of refining [Yulu Jinxia Dan].

After reading this letter, Zhou Chun couldn't sit still.

Whether the [Yulu Jinxia Dan] can be successfully refined is related to his promotion to the middle stage of Jin Dan in the future, so he cannot help but care about it.

So after explaining something, he set off again to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

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