Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 555 Let’s go to Montenegro together【Please subscribe】

Tianyuan Fairy City.

But it was said that after Zhou Chun rushed back here, he did not visit Luo Qingni. Instead, he went to inquire about the pursuit of the two-headed black dragon a few years ago and the situation in Leiya Valley.

Several years have passed, and the matter of the two-headed black dragon has finally come to an end.

The final result was not surprising. The two-headed black dragon successfully escaped. It is said that he fled to a country called Qu State in the northeast, and disappeared from there without any news.

Judging from how many years he had been hiding in Black Mist Ze without being discovered, after disappearing this time, the chance of finding him again in a short period of time can be said to be very slim.

Anyway, the Great Zhou Kingdom basically gave up on this matter and just casually issued a high reward notice.

As for the unlucky guy Kuang Lei, there is still no news coming out. The strategy of closing the mountain in Leiya Valley has not changed. It is not known when the mountain will be closed.

It can be seen that Master Kuang Lei was indeed seriously injured, so much so that he could only seal off the mountain to isolate himself from prying eyes from outside forces.

This was of course good news for Zhou Chun, which made him feel relieved to contact Luo Qingni.

Soon after, in "Qingni Residence", Zhou Chun, who had changed his appearance, met Luo Qingni again.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Zhou came quite quickly."

In the cave, Luo Qingni looked at Zhou Chun, who had a new look, and couldn't help but smile, giving him a rare joke.

Zhou Chun also replied jokingly: "Fellow Daoist Luo summoned me with a message. I dare you not to come over quickly. If you are late and make fellow Taoist wait, it will be Zhou's fault!"

When Luo Qingni heard this, he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Zhou is really good at joking. How dare Qing Ni blame you? You are Qing Ni's big customer now!"

After joking with each other like this, the two got down to business.

I saw Luo Qingni looking at Zhou Chun with a serious face and saying: "So that Fellow Daoist Zhou will know that Qingni has reached an agreement with Huayue Valley regarding the exchange conditions for [Qionghua Jade Dew]. Fellow Daoist Zhou's three thousand years of medicine [Chalcedony Zhizhi] They want it very much and are willing to exchange it with you!"

"As for the three-thousand-year-old Dendrobium golden thread, Qing Ni just learned the news recently. She knows that a sect in the Liang Kingdom named Jackdaw Sect has been cultivating this elixir for generations. There is a high probability that they have Dendrobium golden thread that meets our needs!"

"Qing Ni has also inquired about the situation of the Jackdaw Sect. Although there were real people in the Yuan Ying stage in our ancestors, they have now declined. There are only six Jindan stage monks in the sect, and the highest cultivation is in the late Jindan stage."

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately said: "It's not a problem to exchange the three-thousand-year-old [Chalcedony Mushroom] for [Qionghua Jade Dew], but how do fellow Daoist Luo plan to obtain the three-thousand-year-old Dendrobium golden thread?"

"This is exactly why Qing Ni asked fellow Taoist Zhou to come here."

Luo Qingni nodded slightly, then looked at Zhou Chun and said: "The Kingdom of Liang is also several countries away from the Kingdom of Zhou. Qingni only knew the general information about the Jackdaw Sect from a Taoist friend who traveled to the Kingdom of Liang. How to deal with it?" Exchange, but there is no charter.”

"So for the sake of safety, Qing Ni would like to ask Fellow Daoist Zhou to go to Liang Kingdom with me. Let's visit the Golden Elixir monks at Jackdaw Sect to see what conditions they want before they are willing to sell the elixir!"

From what she said, she had no connections to draw on this time, so she planned to use the most direct method to ask for medicine door-to-door.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the world of cultivating immortals. Many golden elixir stage monks will do this, either to buy elixirs or to purchase spiritual materials for refining magic weapons.

But if you don't have personal connections, traveling to a foreign country to buy precious elixirs is still risky.

In particular, Luo Qingni was still a casual cultivator with no one to rely on, and he was also a master of alchemy. There was no guarantee that there would be no evil forces.

So it was only natural that she wanted to enlist Zhou Chun to escort her.

After understanding this, of course Zhou Chun couldn't refuse, and immediately responded: "Zhou has no problem. I wonder when Fellow Daoist Luo is going to set off?"

"In half a month, it is expected that the trip will not be short. Qing Ni still needs to explain to all parties and deal with some things at hand!"

Luo Qingni pondered for a moment and then gave the answer.

"I will meet with fellow Taoists outside the city in half a month that week."

Zhou Chun nodded and agreed.

Then he said goodbye to Luo Qingni and went to Zhou Daoyi's cave.

Several years have passed, and Zhou Daoyi's injuries have completely recovered, and he is now living quite comfortably in Tianyuan Immortal City.

Zhou Chun came over, mainly to talk to him about the development of the family over the years, and to talk about some things worth mentioning in the family.

For example, the "Tianling Morning News" founded by the Zhou family was a hot seller, which attracted the covetousness of the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect.

Another example is the reason why I placed the Thunder Dragon Baibai's nest outside the gate of Sujiashan.

Of all kinds of things, Zhou Chung talked about the more important ones.

However, Zhou Daoyi was still more concerned about the situation of Zhou Zhiying, a junior with the best spiritual root qualifications, and specifically asked Zhou Chun about it.

Zhou Chun could only tell the relevant situation once.

As he talked, Zhou Daoyi's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened, and finally he couldn't help but said loudly: "Tsk, tsk, Zhengchun, I really want to meet this little girl Ying'er. Before you return to the family, I will hide my identity and meet her secretly?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but replied helplessly: "If you really think so, can this junior still stop you?"

Then after thinking about it, he continued: "Well, it is inappropriate for you to go back to Jingguo directly. After the junior returns to Jingguo, you first go to Bamboo Leaf Island in Leguo, and then in the name of patrolling the family territory, the junior brings Ying. I’ll go there and meet you!”

"Then it's settled."

Zhou Daoyi's eyes lit up and he immediately decided on the matter.

Then he also talked about his activities in Tianyuan Immortal City.

After his injury gradually improved, he followed Zhou Chun's suggestion and began to make friends with the Golden Core Stage monks in Tianyuan Immortal City.

Because Zhou Chun had accumulated experience and experience as a reference, the progress was quite smooth.

Moreover, he is also starting to investigate the purchase of shops in Tianyuan Fairy City. He has already taken a fancy to several places and plans to observe more and make a decision after considering all aspects.

After all, every inch of land in Tianyuan Immortal City is very valuable, and the transaction price of a shop can easily be millions or even tens of millions of spiritual coins!

Although he could also choose to pay in installments, the initial payment amount would not be less than one million spiritual coins, so he had no choice but to be careless.

Zhou Chun also advised him to be cautious about this. After all, the Zhou family's current finances are indeed not very wealthy, and the large-scale development of the wilderness has not yet been carried out, so there is no need to make a decision in such a hurry.

In this way, Zhou Chun stayed in Zhou Daoyi's cave for half a month, and then met Luo Qingni in the wilderness outside the city, and the two rushed to the location of Liang Kingdom together.

Liang Kingdom is a small country, and its overall strength is not as good as that of Jingguo. There are only four Nascent Soul Stage monks in the country, and they belong to three different forces.

But the land area of ​​this country is larger than that of Jingguo, and half of the country is an uninhabited desert!

The strength of the Jackdaw Sect is also among the top five in the Liang Kingdom, second only to the three major forces with Nascent Soul stage monks.

After Zhou Chun and Luo Qingni arrived in Liang Kingdom, they easily found out some information about this sect, and then they both frowned.

It turns out that based on what the two of them heard, the current situation in the Jackdaw Sect is quite bad.

This sect has recently offended the Huomen of the Liang Kingdom sect, and has been forced to close the mountain to protect themselves.

The ancestors of the Jackdaw Sect had Nascent Soul stage monks, and they were once richer. The Mountain Gate Mountain Guard Formation was quite powerful. Under the auspices of the late Jindan stage monks, and assisted by other Jindan stage monks and many sect disciples, even the Earth Fire Sect The Yuanying stage monks are not so easy to break through its mountain gate.

Moreover, this kind of thing of cutting down mountains and exterminating families is not the kind of hatred that requires life and death, and it is generally not carried out.

The other two major forces in the Liang Kingdom probably would not sit back and let the Dihuo Clan easily destroy the Jackdaw Clan.

However, in this case, if Zhou Chun and the others came to the door rashly, let alone whether the Jackdaw Gate would dare to open the mountain guard formation to let them in, even the Earth Fire Gate would probably not let them go easily.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Chun could only say to Luo Qingni: "It seems that we can only stay in Liang Kingdom temporarily to find out more detailed information."

Then he added: "Sects like the Jackdaw Sect, even if they are forced to close down the mountain to protect themselves, will still maintain some communication channels outside. Let's be patient and investigate slowly, and we should be able to get in touch with the senior officials inside their mountain sect. connect!"

Hearing his words, Luo Qingni could only sigh helplessly and said: "Hey, this is the only way we can do it now. Fellow Daoist Zhou, you are experienced in this field, so I will let you make the arrangements."

Zhou Chun did not refuse and accepted it without hesitation.

Later, following Zhou Chun's suggestion, both of them restrained their cultivation and transformed into a pair of late-stage Zifu monks. Luo Qingni also disguised herself as a man. The two claimed to the outside world that they were a pair traveling to Liang Kingdom. Their friends were named Zhang Peng and Li Qing respectively.

In order to find out more information, the two of them moved directly into Heishanfang City, the largest immortal cultivator city in Liang Kingdom.

Heishanfang City is controlled by the Zhenyang Sect, the largest force in the Liang Kingdom, but its location is very far from the mountain gate of the Zhenyang Sect, so that the Zhenyang Sect must station several Jindan elders here for a long time to ensure that the sect controls the place. right.

Less than five hundred miles away from Heishanfang City is the most dangerous place in the Liang Kingdom, Misian Ridge. It is said that even Jindan monks are in danger of life and death if they enter. There is even a fifth-level demon king in it!

However, although Misian Ridge is dangerous, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is rich in it, and many rare elixirs grow there. There are also many rare birds and animals that are rare in the outside world, and there are even ancient caves. Therefore, it has always been a battle for the monks of Liang Kingdom. Go to places of adventure.

Heishanfang City is the place that these monks must pass through when going to Misian Ridge and back. It is precisely by controlling the control of the city here that Zhenyangmen firmly occupies the throne of the largest power in the Liang Kingdom and has always maintained steady pressure. control other forces.

After Zhou Chun and Luo Qingni rented a temporary cave together in Heishanfang City, they began to contact local monks to collect information about the Jackdaw Sect.

Because Heishanfang City is very far from the mountain gate of Jackdaw Sect and is the territory of Zhenyang Sect, they are collecting information here without fear of attracting the attention of Dihuo Sect.

After several days of investigation, Zhou Chun and the others had a deeper understanding of the situation.

Judging from the information gathered, the Earth Fire Sect suddenly clashed with the Jackdaw Sect because the Golden Core monks from both sides ventured into the Mystic Ridge together. As a result, the two sides had different opinions on how to distribute the harvest, so they chose to fight.

The result of this big fight was that the golden elixir stage monk from Jackdaw Sect was seriously injured and fled back to the sect, while the golden elixir stage monk from Earth Fire Sect died in the Mystical Immortal Ridge!

Although the Jindan elder of the Jackdaw Sect swore that he would never kill the Jindan elder of the Earth Fire Sect, someone clearly saw the two of them fighting from a distance at that time!

So the Dihuo Sect stopped working and directly asked the Jackdaw Sect to hand over the Jindan elder to them for interrogation and disposal.

The Jackdaw Sect will definitely not do such things that undermine the power and humiliate the sect. Once it is done, what kind of reputation will the sect have in the future? How can the sect disciples trust the sect.

Therefore, after several fruitless negotiations, facing the threat of the Earth Fire Gate, the Jackdaw Gate directly opened the mountain protection formation and sealed the mountain. At the same time, it also sought help from the Zhenyang Gate to mediate the matter.

"This is all we can get out of the Jackdaw Sect's intelligence information at the moment. Fellow Daoist Zhou, do you have any ideas?"

In the elegant room of the tea house, Luo Qingni and Zhou Chun drank tea together and talked about the business of their visit to Liang Kingdom.

After listening to her question, Zhou Chun answered somewhat unreasonably and said: "I heard that the spiritual energy in the Mystic Mountain is as rich as that of the Great Sect Mountain Gate, and the terrain is complex and interspersed with various special terrains. It is rare for many outsiders to see it. Some of the rare and rare elixirs I have seen have been picked by people. As a master of alchemy, doesn’t Fellow Daoist Luo want to stay in Liang Country for a while longer to see if he can collect some rare elixirs?"

When Luo Qingni heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou is joking. Even if the Mystic Mountain is really producing all kinds of rare elixirs, the monks from the Liang Kingdom who have continued to venture into it for so many years will have long ago lost those who can get into our hands." We’ve finished picking the elixirs for our eyes, and although Qing Ni likes to collect all kinds of elixirs, she doesn’t just collect all the rags!”

At this point, she changed the topic again and continued: "Furthermore, with the existence of Heishanfang City and Zhenyangmen, even if someone really brought some rare elixir out of it, it would not be an outsider like Qing Ni. If you can get your hands on it, fellow Daoist Zhou won’t understand this, right?”

At the end of the sentence, there was a hint of complaint.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately laughed and said: "Hehehe, fellow Taoist Luo, don't be angry. Zhou just said it casually and had no intention of teasing fellow Taoist."

Then he said seriously: "Zhou plans to reveal his true cultivation and visit the Jindan elder of the Zhenyang Sect who is here to see if he can get some more important information from his mouth and get a way to contact the Jackdaw Sect."

Hearing what he said, Luo Qingni was slightly startled, then looked at him with a slightly changed expression and said, "Is it necessary to be so anxious? What if the Jindan elder of Zhenyang Clan doesn't want to speak?"

Zhou Chun replied with a calm face: "If the Jackdaw Sect is destroyed by the Earth Fire Sect, it should not be something that the Zhenyang Clan wants to see, so as long as the Jindan Elder of the Zhenyang Clan doesn't hate the Jackdaw in his heart, Door, there is a high probability that he will help me as a favor."

"If he is really not busy at all and refuses to help, then we can only go back to the Great Zhou Kingdom first and come back after the Jackdaw Sect has overcome this crisis!"

His tone was firm, and he clearly had a plan.

When Luo Qingni heard this, she couldn't persuade her any more and could only agree.

So after the two discussed it, Zhou Chun left Heishanfang City first, and then came back to Heishanfang City as Yan Changfeng, a Jindan monk.

Liang Kingdom is not the Great Zhou Kingdom, and Heishanfang City is not Tianyuan Immortal City.

There are only a few dozen Jindan monks in this country. Even if they have no friendship with each other, they have probably met each other or seen each other's portraits.

When Zhou Chun, a non-native Jindan monk from Liang Kingdom, came to Heishanfang City, the monks responsible for maintaining the order of entry and exit in Fangshi did not dare to let him in easily, but hurriedly informed the news to Zhenyangmen Jindan who was in charge of Fangshi. Elder.

So soon a bald man wearing a fiery red robe came out to greet Zhou Chun personally.

This person was also in the early stage of Jindan cultivation. After seeing Zhou Chun, he immediately took the initiative and said: "This fellow Taoist has invited me. I am Gu Lie of Zhenyangmen. I wonder what my friend is called? Where do you come from?"

"It turns out to be an ancient Taoist friend. You are so polite. I am Yan Changfeng, who comes from the Dayun Kingdom. I came here to collect elixirs."

Zhou Chun bowed his hand slightly in return, and in a calm tone told the origin and purpose of the fabrication.

After all, he had stayed in Dayun Country for some time before, and he had a clear understanding of the general situation in the country. If he encountered relevant questioning, it would not be a problem to deal with it.

It is unlikely that the Jindan monks who came to Liang Country knew much about a country tens of thousands of miles away.

Sure enough, the bald man Gu Lie didn't ask much about Zhou Chun's origins. He just nodded lightly and said: "Since he is an honored guest from Dayun Kingdom, Heishanfang City cannot neglect it, so Gu will take fellow Taoist there first. We have set up a line of Qizhenlou to see if there is anything that fellow Taoist needs. If not, it is not too late for fellow Taoist to go to the market to look for it. I wonder what fellow Taoist Yan thinks?"

"Then it's better for Yan to obey your orders and disturb the ancient Taoist friends."

Zhou Chun smiled lightly and agreed.

Next, the bald man Gu Lie personally led him into Heishanfang City, arrived at one of the most magnificent shops in Fang City, and directly called the store manager into a quiet room to accompany him.

In fact, Zhou Chun had come to this Qizhen Building before, asking for information about the elixir needed to refine [Guchen Pill], but he returned without success.

At this time, in order to fit his character, he also reported all the materials needed to refine [Ancient Chen Pill], [Purple Dust Pill], and [Yulu Jinxia Pill].

And listening to him telling the names of dozens of rare elixirs in one breath, the bald man Gu Lie also took a slight breath.

Then he couldn't help but ask: "Could Fellow Daoist Yan be a master of alchemy? Otherwise, why would he need to collect so many rare elixirs at once!"

"Although Yan is not an alchemist, she has a close friend who is, so during her travels, she was asked to help collect some rare elixirs!"

Zhou Chun replied with a slight smile.

"I see!"

Gu Lie nodded lightly, and then did not delve into it further. He just turned to look at the chief steward of the Qizhen Building and asked: "Master Nephew Xu, do you think this building has the elixir that Taoist Fellow Yan needs?"

The manager of Qizhen Building was a middle-aged beautiful woman. After hearing Gu Lie's words, she hesitated for a moment and then whispered: "There are a few elixirs in the store that meet the needs of Senior Yan. But those are all items used by our store to anchor the store and are prepared to be auctioned in the future!”

The so-called "store-building item", to put it another way, is that it is not for sale but is used to attract popularity.

Zhou Chun didn't know whether the chief steward was lying, but he immediately said: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Xu, Yan never takes advantage when exchanging elixirs with others. If you give Yan the elixir he needs, Yan will Someone must exchange it for a spiritual object of equal value!"

When the beautiful middle-aged woman heard this, she couldn't help but look at Gu Lie beside her.

After Gu Lie frowned slightly, he nodded slightly and said, "Since Fellow Taoist Yan has said so, Master Nephew Xu, please take out the things for him to see and listen to his quotation."

Hearing what he said, the middle-aged beautiful woman immediately stopped hesitating and responded respectfully: "Yes, I obey my orders."

Then they brought over five or six thousand-year-old elixirs, of which three happened to be the elixirs needed to refine the [Guchen Pill].

Waiting to see what was going to be served left Zhou Chun speechless.

However, although he was dissatisfied with this woman's behavior in his heart, he couldn't show it on his face. He just immediately reported some spiritual objects that he was willing to exchange.

Later, under the witness of Gu Lie, Zhou Chun changed all the elixirs needed for the three [Guchen Pills], and the remaining auxiliary drugs needed to refine the [Yulu Jinxia Pill], because he still had the other party in his hand. The price was too high, so he didn't insist on an exchange.

After exchanging the elixir, he didn't wait for Gu Lie to say thank you, and immediately looked at the other party and said: "By the way, Yan has one more thing to ask the ancient Taoist friend. Before Yan came to Liang Kingdom, he heard that Han Yamen has cultivated Dendrobium golden thread on a large scale. I wonder if fellow ancient Taoists know if there is Dendrobium golden thread that is three thousand years old in their medicine garden?"

"Dendrobium golden thread with a medicinal age of three thousand years?"

Gu Lie was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhou Chun with a confused look on his face and said, "I'm afraid this is the real reason why Fellow Daoist Yan came to Liang Country!"

Zhou Chun did not deny this, but just raised his hand and said, "I would like to ask fellow Taoist monks to do me a favor. If it comes to pass, Yan will definitely give me a thank you gift!"


Gu Lie couldn't help but show hesitation on his face, and he weighed it in his mind.

After a while of this, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately nodded to Zhou Chun and said, "Okay, Gu can lead the way for fellow Taoist Yan, but can fellow Taoist Yan persuade the other side of the Jackdaw Gate to talk to Taoism?" If we trade with friends, Gu can’t be of much help.”

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