Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 556 Exchange Conditions

Heishanfang City.

Just as Zhou Chun expected, even if sects such as the Jackdaw Sect were closed down, they would still leave people with sufficient status outside to take charge of liaison.

As the largest city in Liang Kingdom, Heishanfang City naturally has monks from the Jackdaw Sect.

After being introduced by Gu Lie, Zhou Chun quickly met a middle-level Zifu disciple from the Jackdaw Sect.

"Junior Jackdaw Sect disciple Zhou Shijie pays homage to Senior Yan."

In a private room of a certain teahouse, a mature-looking man in black came in and bowed respectfully to Zhou Chun.

After hearing the other party's self-reported name, Zhou Chun's expression also changed, and then he smiled kindly and said: "You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Zhou, please sit down and talk first."

"Thank you, senior, for the seat."

The man in black responded respectfully and sat down without being too polite.

After he sat down, Zhou Chun did not go around in circles and went straight to the topic: "Did Fellow Taoist Gu ever tell Fellow Daoist Zhou about the reason for meeting with Fellow Daoist Zhou today?"

"Senior Gu has mentioned something, saying that Senior Yan wants to exchange the 3,000-year-old Dendrobium golden thread elixir with our sect?"

When Zhou Shijie said this, he looked at Zhou Chun as if seeking confirmation.

But Zhou Chun nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I wonder if your family still has such elixirs? Are you willing to accept the exchange?"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Shijie immediately lowered his head and replied: "Since Senior Yan is the person recommended by the ancient seniors, I will not hide it from the seniors. Our sect does have Dendrobium golden thread with a medicinal age of three thousand years, but such spiritual items are precious. Extraordinary, only after the elders and the sect master discuss it can they decide whether to exchange with others!"

This answer was also expected by Zhou Chun, and he immediately said: "Then please convey this matter to fellow Taoist Zhou as soon as possible. Yan is waiting for good news from fellow Taoist in the market."

"Senior Yan, please rest assured. This junior will convey this matter to the door as quickly as possible."

Zhou Shijie replied solemnly, and then their first meeting ended.

At the same time, when Zhou Chun and Zhou Shijie were meeting, Gu Lie was also talking about his affairs with another Jindan elder of Zhenyang Sect in Fang City.

I saw Gu Lie first ask: "Senior Brother Yu asked me to agree to help contact the people from the Jackdaw Sect. What are your plans?"

The "Senior Brother Yu" he refers to is a gray-haired old man with a middle-stage Golden Core cultivation level.

Facing his inquiry, Senior Brother Yu replied calmly: "Junior Brother Gu also knows the reason why the Jackdaw Sect closed the mountain this time. They came to our sect for help, but although our sect didn't want the Fire Sect to be extinguished, They don’t want to offend the Dihuo Sect because of them.”

"It's rare that there are foreign Golden Core Stage monks coming here to ask for help from them. Why don't we be a favor and give them a chance to find foreign help!"

However, this answer did not seem to satisfy Gu Lie, and he looked at him with some displeasure and said, "Senior brother, why are you trying to trick me? I am just a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core. Even if I have extraordinary strength, how can I help the Jackdaw Sect get out of trouble?"

Seeing this situation, Senior Brother Na Zai couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "Hey, Junior Brother Gu, you are good at everything, but you have a bit of a serious temperament!"

After saying that, he said helplessly: "Okay, to tell you the truth, according to the information revealed by the Jackdaw Sect, Zheng Daoyou from the Earth Fire Sect should have died at the hands of the fourth-level monster in the Mystic Ridge. They hope that our sect can Help find the relics of the deceased Daoist Zheng to prove this matter, so the Earth Fire Sect will become untenable morally!"

"Just Junior Brother Gu, you also know that there are fifth-level demon kings in the Mystical Immortal Ridge. If we Jindan Stage monks enter it and make a little big noise, we may alert those existences, and life and death will not be the same at that time. It’s in your own hands!”

"That's why the head junior brother doesn't dare to easily agree to the Dihuo Sect's request. Now he is worried about this matter!"

After hearing what he said, Gu Lie suddenly murmured to himself with a look of confusion on his face: "So Senior Brother Yu asked me to help the fellow Taoist Yan, because he wanted Jackdaw Sect to use the three-thousand-year-old Dendrobium golden thread as a deal condition. , let that Fellow Daoist Yan enter the Lost Immortal Ridge to search for the relics of the fallen Fellow Daoist Zheng?"

"That's right. If the Jackdaw Sect isn't stupid, they should have understood what I'm waiting for!"

Senior Brother Yu nodded slightly and confirmed his statement.

"But will that Fellow Daoist Yan agree to this? It's impossible for him not to know how dangerous the Mystic Ridge is!"

Gu Lie frowned again, seemingly unconfident.

Senior Brother Yu closed his eyes and said calmly: "Then it's none of our business. In short, we have given you the opportunity."

Seeing his appearance, Gu Lie couldn't ask any more questions, and the conversation between the two could only come to an end.

On the other side, Zhou Chun met Zhou Shijie again after waiting in Heishanfang City for seven days.

"What? Your clan wants Yan to enter the Mystic Mountains to find for you the relics of the missing Golden Core cultivator from the Fire Sect!"

In the private room of the teahouse, Zhou Chun's expression changed after listening to what Zhou Shijie relayed, and he felt speechless at the Jackdaw Sect's request.

He looked at Zhou Shijie with an ugly face and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, Yan also sympathizes with Guimen's current situation, but with only a mere elixir, he wants Yan to risk his life and enter a dangerous place to do something for him." Is it too much for your family to sacrifice your life? Do you think Yan’s life is worth such a magical elixir? "

At the end of the sentence, there was some anger in his tone.

This made Zhou Shijie, who was facing his anger, feel on pins and needles. He quickly stood up, bowed and saluted and explained: "Senior Yan, please calm down. This junior is just passing on the meaning of the sect. If you are not satisfied, this junior will react to the sect." This matter!"

In fact, he felt in his heart that this request was a bit too much, but since the sect asked him to tell it like this, he had no choice.

But he would never face the wrath of a golden elixir monk over sect matters!

"Hmph, if this is just a test by your sect, then please tell the elders of your sect that it is true that Yan asked for the elixir, but a thousand-year-old elixir is not so rare that only your sect has it. If your sect If you really don’t want to exchange, then Yan doesn’t want to waste any more time in Liang Country!”

After Zhou Chun said these words with a gloomy expression, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and left the private room, not giving Zhou Shijie, a fellow monk of his family, a chance to say anything more.

Nine days later, Zhou Shijie, with the will of the Jackdaw Sect's senior officials, invited Zhou Chun to the private room of the teahouse again.

After Zhou Chun was invited to come, he immediately came up to him and saluted respectfully: "Thank you, Senior Yan, for waiting for a long time. I am here to apologize to my senior on behalf of my sect!"

But Zhou Chun didn't buy it, and just said with a cold face: "Stop talking about these useless nonsense, your Jackdaw Sect has been discussing for so long, what is the result? Although Yan has a good temper, it does not mean that he has no temper. !”

To this, Zhou Shijie could only respond with a flattering look on his face: "Yes, yes, yes, senior Yan, please calm down. Please sit down and have a cup of tea first. I will inform my senior about the results of the discussion in the sect!"

After inviting Zhou Chun to sit down, he first poured Zhou Chun a cup of tea himself, and then said respectfully: "Senior Yan clearly knows that after many discussions among the elders in the sect, we have reached a consensus that as long as Yan Senior was able to find and bring back the useful relics of Senior Zheng of the Dihuo Sect, proving that they fell into the hands of the fourth-level monsters, so our sect will give two Dendrobium golden threads that are over three thousand years old to Senior Yan as a reward!"

But it directly doubled the reward!

However, after hearing Zhou Shijie's words, Zhou Chun still frowned and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Why are you still on this condition? You Golden Core monks from Jackdaw Sect are all so afraid of death. No one dares to go to the Mysterious Palace for the sect. A trip to Xianling?"

The words were full of sarcasm, mocking the elders of the Jackdaw Sect for their greed for life and fear of death.

When Zhou Shijie heard this, he naturally wanted to defend the elders of his sect, and quickly explained: "Senior Yan's words are serious. It's not that the elders of our sect are unwilling to take risks, but that the Earth Fire Sect is now bent on destroying our sect. Elders, Only by sitting inside the mountain gate and working together to preside over the mountain protection formation can the Earth Fire Gate be feared. We really can’t spare the manpower to do this!”

Having said this, he looked at Zhou Chun sincerely and said, "Senior Yan, please don't be deceived by the rumors outside. Although the Mystic Ridge is dangerous, it is not dangerous for Golden Core Stage monks like you." The rumors are not that exaggerated, otherwise Elder Hu of our sect would not dare to invite Senior Zheng of the Earth Fire Sect to enter and take risks together."

"As long as you are willing to accept this matter, we will provide you with the most detailed map and intelligence information in the Mystic Ridge, so that you can complete the task in the easiest way!"

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but fell silent.

Originally, if it were just a three-thousand-year-old Dendrobium spp., he would definitely not be willing to take the risk.

But with the two elixirs, he was indeed a little tempted.

Because Luo Qingni had said before that she knew that more than one force owned [Qionghua Jade Dew], and even if one was exchanged, she could still find a way to exchange for another.

Once the two most important main ingredients are gathered together, the remaining auxiliary ingredients of [Yulu Jinxiadan] will be relatively easy to find.

Zhou Chun couldn't guarantee how many pills Luo Qingni could produce when he refined the [Yulu Jinxia Pill] for the first time. If the number of pills produced was smaller, it might not be enough for him to take it directly to the middle stage of the Impact Golden Pill.

But if he can refine two furnaces of [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill], then he will definitely be able to rely on the power of the pill to reach the middle stage of the Golden Pill. He may even leave one or two pills for Lin Hongyu and Su Yuzhen to use.

Therefore, after pondering for a while, he looked at Zhou Shijie and said: "Yan wants to take a look at the information prepared by Guimen first, and then inquire about the information about Mystic Ridge in detail, so that he can decide whether to agree. This deal!”

After hearing what he said, Zhou Shijie hesitated for a moment, then quickly nodded and said: "This junior can agree to this on behalf of our sect, but the pressure from the Dihuo Sect is very tight now. I also ask senior Yan to give it to me as soon as possible." Affirmative answer!”

"Then let's do this for now!"

Zhou Chun waved his hand noncommittally and did not make any promise.

Seeing this, Zhou Shijie, although still worried in his heart, could only hand over the relevant information to Zhou Chun honestly, and then resigned and left.

In the next few days, Zhou Chun also checked the intelligence information about Myxian Ridge given to him by Zhou Shijie, and asked Luo Qingni to help him inquire about relevant information from other people.

After five or six days of research and investigation, Zhou Chun had a relatively in-depth understanding of Mi Xianling, a forbidden land in the Liang Kingdom.

Judging from the intelligence data, the forbidden area of ​​Misian Ridge should be a natural and dangerous place as a whole.

The mountain range known as "Mystic Ridge" is a lofty mountain range eight hundred miles long and more than five hundred miles wide.

The high mountains and ridges here are rich in aura, the terrain is complex, and many rare birds and animals and poisonous insects live there.

Most of these areas will be shrouded in fog most of the time, and only at noon and midnight will the fog dissipate, making it easier to enter and exit.

But the fog is just a manifestation, and this is not the real reason why the mountains here are honored with the word "mysterious".

According to the exploration and speculation of the senior monks of Liang Kingdom, there may be a fragmented super-large "Chaos God Stone" vein below the Mystical Immortal Ridge, and then the mineral veins amplified each other to form a natural super-large Mystical God Formation!

In the world of immortality, the "Chaos God Stone" is not a precious thing, it is just a relatively rare stone.

This kind of stone is not particularly hard, but it has a characteristic that naturally confuses the spiritual consciousness of the cultivators.

If a cultivator is thrown into a house built with the "Chaos God Stone" and he releases his spiritual consciousness to observe the outside world, the final result will be basically wrong!

The natural Mystic Formation in Mystic Ridge is very powerful, and even a real person in the Nascent Soul stage will be greatly affected if he enters it.

For immortal cultivators, once their spiritual consciousness is disturbed and they make mistakes in judgment, their strength will be seriously weakened.

But there is still a fifth-level demon king lurking in the Mystical Mountains!

I dare not say that the fifth-level demon kings are not affected by the natural Mystic Formation, but the monsters' powerful physiques and natal magical powers undoubtedly give them great convenience in the Mystic Ridge.

Therefore, naturally no Nascent Soul monk would risk his own death by going deep into it to kill the demon king and level the area.

Over time, Misian Ridge has become a special forbidden area in Liang Kingdom and an adventure playground for middle and low-level monks in Liang Kingdom!

However, this is just a statement in the classics. No one knows whether the formation of Mystic Ridge is really the case, at least Zhou Chun does not know.

He didn't care about that either.

What concerned him was the various rare elixirs and rare birds and animals in the Mystic Ridge recorded in the intelligence materials provided by the Jackdaw Sect.

I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but the intelligence information provided by the Jackdaw Sect recorded many treasures that monks from the Liang Kingdom had brought out from the Mystic Ridge.

For example, he had only seen the rare elixir [Nine-Leaf Huiyang Grass] recorded in classics, which was a necessary main material for refining [Huiyang Lingshui].

And [Huiyang Spiritual Water] is a legendary spiritual object. It is said that even if the physical body is destroyed, as long as the body is still intact, taking this object can bring you back to life!

This object can be said to be a sacred object for monks below the Nascent Soul stage!

Keep such a spiritual object with you. Even if you are suddenly stabbed through the heart or decapitated one day, as long as your soul consciousness is still there and you use this object in time, you can instantly bring you back to life!

For Nascent Soul stage monks, the effect of [Returning Yang Spiritual Water] is even greater.

As we all know, under normal circumstances, even a Nascent Soul stage monk can only seize a body once!

If the physical body is destroyed after taking the body, there will be no chance of taking the body.

And once this happens, and there are no rare spiritual objects such as [Huiyang Spirit Water], the Nascent Soul Stage monks can only choose to parasitize among the refined corpses or puppets.

In that case, not only will one's strength be unable to be fully utilized and one can no longer continue to practice, one's lifespan will be greatly reduced, and one's soul may be extinct within a few years!

However, if you have [Returning Yang Spiritual Water] in hand, you can use this object to create a pure Yang body to accommodate the Nascent Soul.

Although the Pure Yang Dharma Body has no possibility of upward breakthrough once it is formed, it can allow the Yuanying Stage monks to fully display their own strength. There is no need to worry that the Yuanying Soul will not have a suitable body to accommodate it and will continue to lose its essence and life span will be greatly reduced!

Therefore, when the [Nine-leaf Huiyang Grass] was discovered in the Misian Ridge, it even attracted several Nascent Soul stage monks from the Liang Kingdom to join forces to enter it to retrieve the treasure. No one knows whether they succeeded in the end.

In addition, someone has discovered the rare spiritual bird Fenghuo Luan in the Misian Ridge. It is a spiritual bird with the blood of Qingluan, and it is even rarer than the dragon!

At the same time, in the history of Jackdaw Sect, there were monks who killed the rare and exotic beast Fire-proofing Rhinoceros in the Mystical Immortal Ridge, and refined a very powerful fire-proofing magic weapon with its rhinoceros horn.

All in all, in addition to dangers, there are indeed many good things in the Mystic Ridge.

As for what the Jackdaw Sect asked Zhou Chun to do.

According to their own statement, the Jindan cultivator surnamed Zheng from the Earth Fire Sect originally entered the Immortal Valley to collect herbs in cooperation with a Jindan elder from their sect, intending to take a plant from near the lair of a fourth-level monster. A rare and thousand-year-old medicine that has just matured.

As a result, as soon as they defeated the monsters, they got into a fight over distribution issues.

The elder of the Jackdaw Gate behind was no match for the opponent, so he had no choice but to give up the treasure and run away.

But he didn't expect that the escaped monster came with helpers and killed the monk named Zheng who had no time to escape.

"A mutated mountain-moving bear with a fourth-level low-level cultivation level, and a fourth-level monster beast with an unknown level of cultivation. Are these the opponents I may encounter after entering the Immortal Valley?"

In the room, Zhou Chun looked at the information on hand and frowned slightly.

Judging from the description of the elder from the Jackdaw Sect, the mountain-moving bear was not only strong in physical combat and had rough skin and thick flesh, but also did not have very strong magical powers. It was not difficult for him to deal with it.

The only thing to worry about is the unknown fourth-level monster.

If it was a fourth-order mid-grade monster, or even a fourth-order high-grade monster, it would be difficult to handle!

"But I don't want to kill two fourth-level monsters, nor do I want to fight them to the death. I just want to see if there is a chance to get the relics of the unlucky guy from the Earth Fire Gate."

"I have Mu Mei Mu Sang responsible for the investigation, so we shouldn't be blocked by the fourth-level monsters!"

Zhou Chun thought about this and made a decision in his heart.

Immediately, he summoned Zhou Shijie and informed him of his decision.

After receiving the message from Zhou Chun, Zhou Shijie, who had been restless with anxiety these past few days, immediately came to see him and presented a map with a joyful face, "This is where the monks of our sect have entered the Mystic Ridge for many years. The detected map, including the route taken by Elder Hu and Senior Zheng of our sect, is also recorded in it, and I would like to invite Senior Yan to take a look at it!"

"Okay, just wait for news about Yan in Fang City!"

Zhou Chun accepted the map, waved his hand, stood up and left.

Before notifying Zhou Shijie, he had notified Luo Qingni in advance to pick him up somewhere outside the Misian Ridge.

He was naturally the one who went deep into the Lost Immortal Valley to look for the relics of the elders of the Dihuo Sect this time, but just in case, Luo Qingni would hide in the periphery of the Lost Immortal Ridge to meet him.

At this time, after rushing to meet Luo Qingni outside the Mystical Mountains, Zhou Chun also copied a copy of the map in his hand and handed it to her, and then plunged directly into the Mystical Mountains!

Since he did not enter between noon and midnight, after Zhou Chun entered the Mystic Ridge, his sight was completely blocked by the gray-white fog.

There is currently no definite answer as to how this fog was formed. We only know that even if it is dispelled by magical powers, it will quickly reappear, blinding people's vision.

Therefore, monks who usually venture into the Misty Ridge either practice secret techniques that enhance their eyesight and can see further in the fog, or they have tamed monsters that are good at early warning and tracking, which can help them avoid enemies and track prey. .

Although Zhou Chun has never practiced any spiritual power, as a golden elixir stage monk, he can vaguely see the scenery a hundred feet away even if he is in the fog.

However, this distance is obviously not enough for the golden elixir stage monks.

Therefore, he quickly patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released Mu Mei Mu Sang and Golden Winged Tiger.

After Mu Mei Mu Sang was promoted to the fourth level, her spiritual intelligence also improved significantly. Zhou Chun took out the map and gave it some instructions, then it took a copy of the map to explore the road first.

The Golden-winged Tiger, on the other hand, folded its wings, carried Zhou Chun slowly deep into the mountains, and chased after Mu Mei in the direction he was heading.

On the way, Zhou Chun also tried to use his spiritual consciousness to explore the path, but the experience was very bad.

The spiritual consciousness here is like a person's gaze looking at the position of fish in the water, with a huge deviation.

Part of the released spiritual consciousness may only stay on the upper half of a certain tree, but cannot see the lower half.

A deer was eating grass. When I scanned it with my spiritual consciousness, I only found a deer head. The deer's body seemed to be invisible!

This huge sense of deviation and distortion is very uncomfortable.

If ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, they will feel nauseated and vomiting soon.

But Zhou Chun could only endure the discomfort and force himself to adapt slowly.

Because if he encounters a battle next, he will still have to use his spiritual consciousness to fight. If he gets used to it more now, he will not let this uncomfortable feeling affect his performance.

Of course, it is limited to the environment here. When the fighting starts, the feedback from the divine sense detection cannot be completely trusted as it is outside!

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