Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 558 The Demon King Chongxuan, the secret of the Fushan Clan [Please subscribe]

Mystic Ridge.

Very few immortal cultivators know that there is a huge underground palace deep in the Lost Immortal Ridge.

Zhou Chun was currently inside this underground palace.

After he was captured by the mud and stone giant who was suspected to be the clone of the fifth-level demon king, he was taken to the deepest part of the Mystic Ridge together with his spiritual pet Mu Mei Mu Sang, and then came to this underground palace.

We don't know how big this underground palace is. We only know that it is located thousands of feet deep underground, and that the spiritual energy here is extremely rich, richer than any spiritual place Zhou Chun has ever been to!

It’s just that compared to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth elsewhere, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here contains too much earth attribute spiritual energy. Except for earth attribute martial arts monks or monster beasts who are suitable for practicing here, other monks may not be able to perform their best practice here. The effect of practice.

Zhou Chun's current location is a place similar to the meeting hall in the underground palace.

However, this discussion was obviously not a group of human beings, so the main hall seemed very big!

From the entrance to the deepest place where the throne is, it is a thousand feet long, the walls on both sides are also five or six hundred feet apart, and the top is a hundred feet high!

If such a huge palace appeared on the ground, it would not be easy to build it even with the methods of immortal cultivators.

However, here underground, the beams and columns supporting the palace only have a few symbolic dragon-carved columns. At first glance, it seems that they are not supported by these columns.

After the mud and stone giant brought Zhou Chun here, he made a pile of gravel and sand on his own, and then blended it into the ground quietly without any trace.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun and Mu Mei Mu Sang could only stand in the hall and wait in silence.

If he were outside, Zhou Chun might still think of a way to escape.

But now that he was deep in the lair of the fifth-level demon king, he had no idea at all.

The only thing he can comfort himself with now is that since the fifth-level demon king did not kill him, it means that he is still useful to him, and his life should not be threatened for the time being.

As for what the fifth-level demon king wants to use him to do, we have to wait until the other party's body is behind him.

In fact, Zhou Chun is now more curious about the identity of this fifth-level demon king.

Judging from the style of this underground palace, it seems that the opponent is a huge monster. But the problem is that Zhou Chun did not notice the smell of beasts here.

In addition, the other party's previous method of condensing mud and stone into clones was also very incredible, and it was beyond Zhou Chun's cognitive scope.

Even the Yuanying stage monks of the human race, who are famous for their exquisite magical powers and spells, feel that it is difficult to do this easily.

It's just that there are too many types of monsters in the world. At the fifth level, as long as they are not races with particularly strong natural bloodlines such as dragons, dragons, fire phoenixes, etc., many of them have gone through many mutations and evolutions. If you want to know their specific roots, sometimes you can Even if you see its true form, you may not recognize it!

After waiting in the hall for more than an hour, Zhou Chun finally waited until the master of the room appeared.

But seeing a yellow light emerging from the throne that could accommodate hundreds of people sitting side by side, a rock giant with a height of more than thirty feet sat on it.

This rock giant is green-black in color, with mysterious and complex silver-white patterns all over his body. His purple-black eyes are as big as lanterns, like a stone statue carved from a huge stone.

But the aura of spiritual life exuding from his body truly told Zhou Chun that this was not a stone statue, but a strange life, a fifth-level existence!

And judging from the aura on his body that is as thick as the earth, it is very likely that he is not just a fifth-level low-grade cultivation level.

"Junior Yan Changfeng, pays homage to Senior Demon King!"

After Zhou Chun observed the rock giant on the throne, he hesitated for a moment before bending down and saluting.

He was still not sure what the rock giant wanted to do by bringing him here.

But before the other party shows obvious hostility, trying not to offend the other party because of etiquette is the only thing he can do at the moment.

"My name is Chongxuan. According to your human monks, you can call me Chongxuan Demon King!"

The rock giant opened his purple-black eyes and looked down at Zhou Chun for a moment, then muttered his name.

His voice was just like his own body, thick, dull and majestic. When it echoed in the hall, it was like continuous thunder.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun is a Golden Core Stage monk. If he were a Foundation Establishment Stage monk here, the sound alone would probably rupture his eardrums and make it difficult for him to stand still.

After shaking his head slightly, he immediately replied: "Yes, junior Yan Changfeng has met senior Chongxuan Demon King!"

After the words fell, the Chongxuan Demon King said in a deep voice: "Where is the mountain turtle you put away? Release it, I want to take a look at its condition!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Chun was immediately shocked.

He didn't expect that the Chongxuan Demon King could see through the golden armor, mountain turtle and stone at a glance.

And listening to what he said, he seemed to be very interested in the golden armor, mountain turtle and stone.

This gave Zhou Chun a bad premonition, so he did not immediately release the spiritual pet as the other party said.

Then he felt his body sink, as if a huge mountain suddenly appeared on his shoulders, almost forcing him to his knees.

At the same time, there were also the impatient words of Demon King Chongxuan, "Did you hear what I said? Do you want me to say it again?"

"Junior doesn't dare, junior will release it now!"

Zhou Chun suppressed the panic in his heart, hurriedly patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and released the golden armor, mountain turtle, and stone.

When he saw the golden giant turtle, the invisible gravity pressing on Zhou Chun's body automatically dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

When Shitou Shitou, the golden-armored mountain turtle released by Zhou Chun, saw the Chongxuan Demon King, he immediately shrank his head and shrank into his shell with fear in his eyes.

Seeing this situation, the Chongxuan Demon King suddenly smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, little turtle. I have no ill intentions towards you. Just show your head."

Perhaps because of its size, its smile looked ugly, but its tone was very gentle, completely different from the way it looked to Zhou Chun just now.

The golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou also seemed to be affected by the kindness he released. After hesitating for a while, he gradually stretched his head out again.

However, his eyes did not look at the Chongxuan Demon King, but at the master Zhou Chun. His eyes were pitiful, as if he was seeking the master's protection.

It's a pity that Zhou Chun is now unable to protect himself and is completely helpless.

At the moment, he could only speak helplessly to comfort his pet and said: "Don't be afraid, Shitou. Since Senior Chongxuan Demon King has no ill intentions, you can just listen to his instructions with peace of mind."

Seeing the owner saying this, the golden-armored mountain turtle and the stone immediately lowered their heads dejectedly, as if they had accepted their fate.

At this time, the Chongxuan Demon King spoke again, "Little turtle, take out a drop of your natal essence blood and show it to me. I want to test the quality of your bloodline!"

Hearing what it said, Shitou Shitou, the golden-armored mountain turtle, couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun again.

This reaction seemed to make Chongxuan Demon King very unhappy, and a cold feeling suddenly surged from the bottom of Zhou Chun's heart.

He felt a chill in his heart and hurriedly said: "Shitou, please follow the instructions of Senior Chongxuan Demon King. Don't hesitate."

In my heart, I hurriedly gave my pet comfort and warning through mind-to-mind contact, so that it would not be a disservice because of its loyalty.

After receiving the master's order, the golden armored mountain turtle and stone no longer hesitated. He immediately opened his mouth and spit out a drop of natal blood essence and blood the size of a pigeon egg.

After this drop of natal essence blood came out, it automatically flew in front of Chongxuan Demon King without seeing any movement.

Then he saw the man open his mouth and spit out a piece of khaki armor.

Then the drop of natal essence and blood fell on the khaki armor.

Suddenly, a surprising scene appeared.

After the natal essence and blood of the golden armor-bearing mountain turtle stone fell on the earth-yellow armor, it blended directly into it, and then a dazzling yellow glow appeared on the armor.

As the glow gushed out, it automatically condensed into a mountain turtle carrying the mountain peak on its back, and let out a long, low neighing sound at the golden-armored mountain turtle stone.

Hearing the neighing, the golden-armored mountain turtle Shi Shi was stunned for a moment, and then neighed with joy.

But soon it discovered that the neighing tone of the mountain turtle condensed by the yellow glow did not change at all. It was like a dead thing and had no response to its words.

This made it look anxious, and its neighing sound became more rapid.

At this moment, Chongxuan Demon King suddenly waved his hand to scatter the mountain-bearing turtle, and explained softly to the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou: "Okay, don't waste your energy, this is just a moment to support the demon king." It’s just an incarnation manifested by a ray of spiritual consciousness. Because it’s too long ago and its spirituality has been too worn out, it can no longer reply to you!”

Judging from the meaning in its words, it seems that the phantom of the mountain turtle is also a powerful fifth-level demon king.

This made Zhou Chun's mind stirred, and he had some vague guesses in his mind.

After the Chongxuan Demon King explained the situation to the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou, he also looked at him.

Facing Zhou Chun, the demon king's attitude was obviously not so polite.

He looked directly down at him and asked: "Junior human race, where did you find this Mountain-bearing Turtle? I once heard the Demon King Zhitian say that there should be no Mountain-bearing Turtle clan in this world!"

Zhou Chun was shocked when he heard what he said.

Did the Negative Mountain Turtle clan become extinct?

This is actually the first time Zhou Chun has heard of this matter.

And he immediately realized the importance of this information.

If it is true that the Chongxuan Demon King said that the Mountain-Backed Turtle clan has become extinct in this world of immortality, then the remaining single seedling of the Golden-armored Mountain-Backed Turtle Stone is extremely valuable!

But although he had thousands of thoughts flashing through his mind for a moment, he did not dare to be negligent in reality. He immediately spoke respectfully: "Senior Demon King Mingjian, this matter is a long story."

As he spoke, he talked about how he hatched a rock turtle egg, how many difficulties he had to overcome, how much effort and resources he put in, and how he finally cultivated the golden-armored mountain turtle to where it is today.

I don’t know if the patience of this Chongxuan Demon King is really that good, or if he really cares about the experience of carrying a mountain turtle and stone in golden armor, and he was really patient and listened to Zhou Chun’s story from beginning to end without saying anything. Broken.

It never made a sound until Zhou Chun finished speaking and fell silent.

When Zhou Chun saw that it was thinking, he didn't dare to disturb it and just waited quietly.

After waiting like this for a period of time, he slowly said: "It turns out that he is a little guy who mutated and evolved from a rock turtle and returned to his ancestors. It seems that the Sky-supporting Demon King also expected this at the beginning, so he made it. This piece of tortoise shell that has fallen off is left to me!"

As he spoke, he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Junior of the human race, if I ask you to terminate the master-servant contract with this little turtle, how will you do it?"


Zhou Chun's heart skipped a beat, knowing that what he was worried about had finally appeared.

He had had this hunch long ago after discovering that the Chongxuan Demon King might have appeared to capture him because of the golden armor carrying a mountain turtle and stone. Now that the other party brought up this matter, his worries were confirmed.

His face suddenly changed, and he was silent for a long time before replying in a low voice: "Senior Chongxuan Demon King has great magical powers. I think I have no power to resist in front of my senior. However, if I want this junior to take the initiative to terminate the soul contract with my beloved pet, We still need to give the juniors a reason!"

"Give you a reason?"

Demon King Chongxuan narrowed his eyes, then looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Is it okay to use your life as an excuse? If you terminate the contract with this little turtle, I will let you leave this Mystic Ridge!"

Hearing what it said, Zhou Chun suddenly became a little angry, and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Why does Senior Chongxuan Demon King think that Stone will definitely want to terminate the contract with this junior? This junior has been dependent on it for hundreds of years, and together they have grown from weak to weak. When we have grown up to this point, our relationship with each other has long been as close as brothers, how can we separate brothers now just because of your words, senior!"

"Tsk, what kind of bullshit brothers? Would you human brothers also sign such an extremely unequal master-servant contract?"

Demon King Chongxuan sneered and sneered at Zhou Chun's emotional speech, not believing it at all.

Zhou Chun shouted loudly at this time: "Senior, if you don't believe it, you can ask the stone yourself to see if the junior has ever treated it badly? See if it is willing to go with you, senior?"

Having said this, he also said categorically: "If it voluntarily leaves this junior's side, this junior will immediately terminate the contract without any hesitation!"

Seeing him say this, Chongxuan Demon King was slightly startled, and then he smiled coldly and said: "Junior, you are so brave, you dare to use provocation against me! Are you really not afraid that I will kill you?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and waved, and a ball of earth-yellow aura suddenly turned into a confining aperture and imprisoned Zhou Chun in place.

Then a huge boulder hit his head, forcing Zhou Chun to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou was so frightened and angry that he immediately wanted to go up and help Zhou Chun move the boulder away.

But the Chongxuan Demon King waved his hand and suppressed it on the spot.

Then he said coldly to Zhou Chun: "Junior, please reflect carefully here first. I will soon prove to you that your small favors are not worth mentioning to a demon clan who is expected to become the demon king!"

After saying that, without waiting for Zhou Chun to respond, he forcibly left the hall with his golden armor, mountain tortoise and stone!

The scary thing is that even though the Chongxuan Demon King has left, the boulder that imprisoned Zhou Chun's magic power and suppressed his physical body still showed no signs of dissipating.

Zhou Chun was just like Monkey Sun at the foot of Five Fingers Mountain. Except for the parts above his neck that could move, the rest of his body was pressed to death!

People are out of town! ! 1

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