Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 559 Seeking skin from a tiger【Please subscribe】

Underground palace.

After the Chongxuan Demon King left with his golden armor and mountain turtles and stones, Zhou Chun never gave up on breaking free from his imprisonment.

He probably understood the other party's intentions and plans in his heart.

Judging from the information revealed in his previous words, he must have met a demon king whose body is a negative mountain turtle, and the demon king named "Sky-supporting Demon King" must be stronger than him. People are much stronger.

Otherwise, the demon king, Chongxuan Demon King, would not be so respectful when he mentioned the "Sky-supporting Demon King".

And from the fact that the "Sky-supporting Demon King" would leave a piece of his tortoise shell to the Chongxuan Demon King to use to identify the bloodline of the Negative Mountain Turtle clan, it is not difficult to see that he still has a certain interest in the descendants of the Negative Mountain Turtle clan who will appear in the future. The idea of ​​promotion.

Therefore, Zhou Chun guessed that the Chongxuan Demon King took away the golden armored mountain turtle stone at this time, probably because he wanted to help it break through the realm and advance to the fourth level.

It's even possible that the "Sky-supporting Demon King" left some powerful treasures for the descendants of the Negative Mountain Turtle clan like the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Shitou!

And after receiving the inheritance from the ancestors of the clan, and experiencing the benefits of following a demon king, no one knows whether Golden Armor, Mountain Turtle, and Shitou's thoughts will change.

But Zhou Chun was full of confidence at this time.

He firmly believed that the deep relationship between him and the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle and the Stone, which had been together for hundreds of years, was definitely not something that the Chongxuan Demon King could shake at the moment with some benefits.

If the Chongxuan Demon King wanted to change his mind and drive a wedge between his master and his servant by giving him a golden armor, carrying a mountain turtle, and a stone, he would be totally wrong.

The final result must be to lose his wife and lose his troops!

It's just that the confining seal left by Chongxuan Demon King is not so easy to break away from.

For half a month, Zhou Chun was unable to break free from the restraint of the boulder on his back.

However, with the passage of time and his struggles, it is obvious that this suppression and imprisonment has begun to loosen.

As long as you give him some more time, he may not be able to break free.

However, just when he thought he saw hope, the Chongxuan Demon King returned to the underground hall.

After he returned, he just glanced at Zhou Chun, then opened his mouth in slight surprise and said, "Oh, you, a junior from the human race, seem to be pretty strong, and you actually managed to shake the seal that I randomly arranged!"

"Senior Chongxuan Demon King, please tell me clearly what your plans are. Why humiliate this junior like this!"

Zhou Chun tried hard to raise his head and look at the rock giant, but he could only see the other person's chest. In the end, he had no choice but to give up and lower his head, feebly expressing his inner feelings.

He felt that Demon King Chongxuan had no killing intention towards him, and the other party had no intention of killing him.

At least it shouldn't be that way right now.

So some words can be spoken boldly.

Hearing his words, Chongxuan Demon King also looked at him slightly surprised and said: "You, a junior from the human race, are quite courageous. Ordinary human race golden elixir stage monks would usually beg tremblingly if they see this king. Either ask me to spare my life, or bring out the elders of the Nascent Soul stage monks behind me to scare me, but you are the only one who refuses to do either of those things!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but smiled bitterly and replied: "If begging senior for your life can be useful, then it's okay to ask junior to kneel down and beg! But junior doesn't think that will be of any use!"

Having said this, he continued with a look of helplessness: "As for bringing out the elder monks from the Nascent Soul stage to intimidate you, senior, not to mention whether doing so will be counterproductive, even if it is really useful, the junior doesn't seem to be that close and powerful. elder!"

Finally, he said truthfully and calmly: "The reason why I can face you, senior, calmly is because you are not the first demon king I have ever seen. I have even seen the Lord Transformation God from a distance. Now that I’ve seen more, I’m naturally not as scared as I was at first!”

"What? You have also seen the human race's God-Transforming Lord!"

Chongxuan Demon King's eyes narrowed and he looked at Zhou Chun with surprise and disbelief in his tone.

No wonder it is like this, for today's monks and demon kings, sixth-level strong men are really too rare!

Due to special reasons, the Chongxuan Demon King has lived for six to seven thousand years, and the time he became the Demon King has exceeded four thousand years!

But even so, it has never seen a real God-Transforming Lord, or a sixth-level saint of the demon clan.

For existences of that level, it had only heard some rumors from other demon kings and strong human beings of the same level.

So now that I heard that Zhou Chun, a monk in the early stage of Jindan, had actually met the Lord Transformation God, how could he not be shocked?

Seeing its reaction was so great, Zhou Chun's heart suddenly moved, and he was keenly aware of the opportunity. He even murmured with admiration: "This junior has only seen the Lord Transformation fight with others from a distance, but has never seen the beauty. !”

As he expected, when he heard him talk about this, Demon King Chongxuan became even more excited. He couldn't help asking repeatedly: "Master Huashen is fighting with others? Who is he fighting with? Is he fighting with the saint of my demon clan?" ?”

But at this time Zhou Chun stopped talking and chose to remain silent.

Such behavior immediately made him very unhappy. He couldn't help but look at him coldly and said, "Junior, have you forgotten the lesson you learned before? If you dare to play tricks on me again, I will search for your soul myself!"

But Zhou Chun replied in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "I am not talented, I have also practiced the secret technique to avoid being searched for my soul, and I am born with a powerful soul, which is different from ordinary people. Senior Chongxuan Demon King, if you want to search for this junior?" Soul, I’m afraid it’s not that easy to get the information you want to know!”

After speaking, he said with sincerity: "Besides, how dare this junior to play tricks with my senior? I just want senior to give you an accurate answer. What are you going to do with this junior? You might as well tell this junior earlier so that he can No more worrying about it every day!"

After hearing his words, Chongxuan Demon King stared at him with a fierce look for a long time, and even suppressed his consciousness, trying to forcefully knock on the door of his Zi Mansion!

But after testing it like this and confirming that Zhou Chun's Purple Mansion Sea of ​​​​Consciousness was indeed extremely strong, the Chongxuan Demon King put away the test and became silent.

After being silent for a long time, he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Junior, if you have the sense to terminate the contract with that little turtle, I can let you go and let you leave the Mystic Ridge!"

This is the first time that it has officially stated the conditions for letting Zhou Chun leave. This shows that Zhou Chun's previous words and actions still have an impact on it.

But Zhou Chun is not someone who is easily satisfied, and he does not want to exchange the freedom of loving pets for his own freedom.

So he quickly answered: "There is a saying in our human race that a melon that is forced is not sweet!"

"If the stone itself has no intention of staying here, so what if you, Senior Chongxuan Demon King, forced me to terminate the contract with it? Its heart is not here, can you still force it to stay?"

"If you use some secret method to control it in order to force it to stay, wouldn't you really treat it as a slave? Do you think it will understand and thank you for enslaving it, or will it resent you?"

"Forcibly controlling and enslaving it under the guise of 'for its own good' is probably not the original intention of the Sky-supporting Demon King you mentioned when he left you the inheritance of the Fushangui Clan!"

At this point, without waiting for the Chongxuan Demon King to refute, he immediately continued: "Senior, don't you want to know how this junior saw the Lord Huashen fighting with others? This matter is still related to this junior!"

As he spoke, he told the story of how the thunder dragon broke through the fourth level in vain, attracted the fifth level thunder dragon to come to the door to snatch the dragon, and then fell into the scheme of the Lord Transformation God.

After he finished speaking, he said loudly: "Now Lei Jiao Baibai still chooses to follow the junior to practice. His growth and cultivation speed has never been slowed down by following the junior. Instead, he and the junior complement each other and work together." growing up!"

After listening to his long talk, Chongxuan Demon King was still thinking about what he just said in his heart.

The land of Liang Kingdom is really far away from Jing Kingdom, and the Chongxuan Demon King rarely goes out because he is trapped in the Mystic Ridge.

Most of its interactions with other demon kings are due to other demon kings taking the initiative to visit and befriend it after hearing about its name.

Or when the demon kings pretended to be human monks and traveled around human countries, they occasionally passed by the Liang Kingdom and communicated with it by chance.

Therefore, its knowledge of intelligence outside Liang Kingdom is very limited.

The Golden Horned Dragon King of Long Yuan Ze, with a cultivation level of less than sixth level, was actually able to fight head-on with the human race's God-Transforming Lord and escape safely back to Long Yuan.

This fact really shocked him when he heard it for the first time!

Even if it is it, because of its special roots and feet, even the great monks in the late Yuanying stage dare to fight in this Mystic Ridge, but facing the Lord Transformation who has a higher level of cultivation, he will definitely not be able to make it. A few moves will kill your body and soul.

Even if it is promoted to a fifth-level high-grade demon king in the future, it cannot change this result!

In fact, the realm barrier of the fifth-level high-grade has been stuck for thousands of years, and it was only recently that we saw the slightest opportunity for a breakthrough.

It couldn't imagine how amazingly talented the Golden-horned Demon King was, to be able to fight head-on with the Master of Transformation God when he was in the fifth-level high-level realm!

For a moment, I was quite fascinated and wanted to make friends with him.

After being silent like this for who knows how long, Chongxuan Demon King came back to his senses and thought about the meaning of Zhou Chun's previous words.

After pondering for a while, it smiled contemptuously and said, "Junior, you are very talkative, but it's a pity that only power is the most persuasive in this world!"

"I have lived for thousands of years and have witnessed the entire process from birth to death of generations of monsters in this Immortal Ridge. I know better than a junior like you what monsters care about and what they care about!"

"You may indeed have the skills and luck to be able to cultivate such talented monsters as the Four-clawed Thunder Dragon and the Mountain-bearing Turtle one after another, and you may also be able to capture the wooden charm as a spiritual pet, but your cultivation is not strong enough, so it is impossible. Really let the potential of these monsters be realized and become their strength!"

"If that little turtle follows me here, I can ensure that it grows to the peak of the fourth level within five hundred years, and ensure that it has a half success rate of surviving the thunder tribulation of heaven!"

"If it follows a junior like you, even if you run out of longevity and die, it won't be able to grow to that point!"

At the end of the sentence, his words were full of disapproval of Zhou Chun, and he was not optimistic about his ability to break the pill and form a baby!

But Zhou Chun didn't care at all about its disapproval, he just wanted to work hard to get what he wanted.

At that moment, he slowly said: "Senior, what I have seen and happened in my long life, I naturally dare not say whether it is true or not, but I have also lived for hundreds of years and witnessed the true love and immortal things, and I believe that the relationship between me and the stone is more... The relationship between us cannot be destroyed by mere foreign objects!"

"Since you, senior, and this junior have different opinions now, and it seems that no one can convince the other, why not let time decide who is right and who is wrong?"

He had said similar words before, but was suppressed and imprisoned by the Chongxuan Demon King, and now he is still lying down talking.

However, after he mentioned the matter again, Chongxuan Demon King's reaction was no longer as intense as before.

This may be the impact of his previous words.

After Demon King Chongxuan pondered for a moment, he looked at him and said, "I have absolute dominance now, why do I want to bet on this with you? What chips do you have to bet on this with me?"

Although it said this, its tone was obviously loose.

After Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately knew something was going on, and hurriedly replied: "This junior has a low cultivation level, so naturally he has nothing to use as a bargaining chip to bet with his senior. But if the senior has his eye on something in the junior, even if it is the junior's It’s not like your life cannot be used as a bargaining chip to gamble with your seniors!”

"Oh, using your own life as a bargaining chip, it seems you are not generally confident!"

Chongxuan Demon King's eyes flashed, and his gaze towards Zhou Chun also changed slightly.

"Junior said that I have great confidence in the relationship between myself and the stone, and I never believe that it will ignore the relationship for many years and abandon me because of some foreign objects!"

Zhou Chun's words were eloquent and full of strong confidence.

Seeing this, Chongxuan Demon King immediately shouted: "Okay, then I will make a bet with you. If you lose, you don't have to leave your life here. You just need to run for me." Long Yuan in your mouth can just send a message to the Golden Horned Dragon King on my behalf!"

"No problem, just bet as Senior said!"

Zhou Chun agreed without hesitation, feeling relieved inside.

Then he continued to say: "Since the senior has agreed to the bet, can I let the junior go now? And if Shitou wants to advance, it will take a long time. Can the senior let the junior go first? Leave and say hello to your companions waiting outside!"

After hearing what he said, Demon King Wuwan Chongxuan said in a calm tone: "It's not urgent to let you go. Since the little turtle's matter has come to an end for the time being, it's time to talk about your wooden charm. Something happened!"

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and lifted the suppression and imprisonment of Zhou Chun.

But at this time, Zhou Chun no longer had the surprise after getting out of trouble. Instead, he looked at him nervously and said, "Junior doesn't understand what senior means, why did he involve Mu Sang again?"

Still outside! ! !

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