Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 560 Escape [Please subscribe]

Mu Mei Mu Sang is the most special one among Zhou Chun's four spiritual pets.

The other three spiritual pets, whether it is the eldest golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou, the second eldest thunder dragon Baibai, or the golden-winged tiger, they have followed Zhou Chun since they were a spirit beast egg or cub.

For a long time, when their intelligence was still low, they regarded Zhou Chun as their mother.

Therefore, Zhou Chun's status in the hearts of the three of them is very special. Basically, they will not betray Zhou Chun.

But Mu Mei Mu Sang is different.

It had fought with Zhou Chun before, but lost to Zhou Chun and was captured by mistake.

Later, in order to subdue it, Zhou Chun tortured it a lot and forced it to surrender.

In the end, it finally surrendered to Zhou Chun because it couldn't bear the torture anymore.

Therefore, if there is a better place to go, it is difficult to say whether Mu Mei Mu Sang will abandon Zhou Chun and join others.

So when Chongxuan Demon King mentioned Mu Mei Mu Sang, Zhou Chun suddenly became extremely nervous.

And listening to his somewhat tone-deaf words, Chongxuan Demon King also looked at him with deep meaning and said: "Although the Mumei clan is not like the Fushangui clan, which has disappeared from this world of immortality, but in the world of cultivation, It is also very rare in the fairy world, and most of them have difficulty growing to the demon king level!"

Having said this, he also asked him unceremoniously: "Junior, where did you get this wooden charm pet?"

"The junior met Musang in a forest in Shen State. At that time, it was hunted down and the forest where it was located was burned. The junior took it away from there, then cultivated it to the third level, and supported it to break through. Reached the fourth level!”

After Zhou Chun hesitated for a while, he felt that he could not hide it, so he gritted his teeth and answered the Chongxuan Demon King's question.

Hearing his words, Chongxuan Demon King couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and said: "Junior, you are still honest this time. If you say again that you raised it since childhood, I will kill you right now!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Chun's expression suddenly changed, and he was secretly grateful.

He didn't think Demon King Chongxuan was trying to intimidate him, and he could only be glad that he had made the right choice.

But he saw Demon King Chongxuan soon looked at him with a half-smile and said: "Don't worry, although the wooden charm is rare, I don't want it to stay in the Mystic Ridge, and this will not affect its growth. Not much help can be had!”

After saying that, he changed the topic and continued: "But if you, the boy, can really support it to practice to the fifth level one day, you need to take it to the Mysterious Immortal Ridge again to do me a favor!"

"No problem. If Mu Sang is lucky enough to survive the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation and be promoted to the fifth level in the future, I will definitely bring it to Meixian Ridge to meet Senior Chongxuan Demon King!"

Zhou Chun felt at ease and immediately agreed without hesitation.

If that day comes, he will definitely have successfully conceived a baby. When the time comes to meet Demon King Chongxuan again, the status of both parties will be reversed!

However, this statement from Chongxuan Demon King also made Zhou Chun discover an opportunity.

When even his heart moved, he bravely said: "Senior Chongxuan Demon King is well-informed, and he knows clearly that if a wood charm like Mu Sang wants to grow quickly, he needs to absorb more rare spiritual trees and elixirs. The power of the wood spirit contained in it, if the senior wants it to advance to the fifth level as soon as possible, why not let it absorb the power of the wood spirit deposited by the high-level spiritual trees and elixirs in the Mystic Ridge to help it grow !”

Hearing what he said, Chongxuan Demon King couldn't help but darken his face, looked at him with evil eyes and said, "Junior, you know how to push your limits. You just escaped a disaster and you dare to plot against me again!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "I don't dare, I am just making a suggestion for the sake of you, senior. If you don't intend to adopt it, just take it as a fart!"

"Humph, I don't need you to give me any advice, and I don't need you to teach me how to do things!"

Demon King Chongxuan snorted coldly, his tone was very unkind.

But the next moment it said calmly: "Of course I know better than you, a junior human race, what is needed for the growth of the wood spirit. You don't need to worry about this matter. I will take it to various parts of the mountain to absorb the power of the wood spirit!"

After saying that, he ordered Zhou Chun: "You should stay in my palace first and don't go anywhere. Otherwise, if something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Then, without waiting for Zhou Chun's response, he grabbed Mu Mei and left the underground palace.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun was also stunned, and then couldn't help but fall into silence.

To be honest, he felt very strange about this Chongxuan Demon King and couldn't understand it.

The other party's behavior is indeed that of a demon king.

However, through the conversation with the other party, Zhou Chun found that the other party seemed to know the human race very well, as if he had been a human being before.

And one thing that can be felt is that the other party does not seem to have a particularly strong murderous intention towards human monks. It is not like the demon kings recorded in those classics who want to kill and devour the bodies of human monks when they see them!

"Could it be that it once disguised itself as a human and lived in the world of immortality? Or was it once the spiritual pet of a certain monk?"

Zhou Chun thought secretly in his heart and felt that there were only two reasons.

At present, it seems that apart from the final choice of Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle and Stone, which still makes people a little worried, his life safety seems to have been guaranteed.

This is undoubtedly the best news.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Chun suppressed his distracting thoughts and meditated patiently to comprehend the magical power of "Golden Escape".

The underground palace is the lair of the Chongxuan Demon King, which would inevitably expose the existence of the [Jingtiandi Divine Jar]. Of course, Zhou Chun would not meditate and practice here.

Then the rest of the time can only be used to comprehend magical powers.

After waiting like this for more than a month, Mu Mei Mu Sang, who was well fed and drunk by Chongxuan Demon King, finally returned to the underground palace with him.

After returning to the underground palace, Chongxuan Demon King couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun a few times, then nodded slightly and said: "Junior, you are really sensible, you actually restrained yourself from moving around!"

"Senior, do you have any other instructions? Can I let this junior go?"

Zhou Chun whispered with lowered eyebrows and asked about leaving again.

Not to mention that Luo Qingni was still waiting for him outside, even with the Zhou family, he still had to go back and continue to teach his disciples, but he must not miss the best educational period.

So he is very eager to leave here now.

But I saw the Chongxuan Demon King said slowly: "It's not impossible to let you, a junior, leave. It's just to prevent you from playing tricks on the soul contract. I want to leave something on you!"

Hearing its words, Zhou Chun immediately became vigilant.

He immediately said: "Senior, you are worrying too much. This junior has always regarded the stone as a relative, how could he use the soul contract to do something to harm it!"

He also looked at Zhongxuan Demon King with a sincere face and said: "Besides, I know that doing this will anger you, senior. How could this junior do such an unwise thing again when he is already out of danger!"

"Hey, do you think I will believe your words? And even if you don't hurt the little turtle, you can still avoid me. Who will I find to break the soul contract on the little turtle?"

Demon King Chongxuan said with a sneer on his face, not believing Zhou Chun's words at all.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun had no choice but to say again: "Senior, if you are not at ease, I can make a vow of Taoism. If I don't come back to see you before the golden elixir is in the late stage, I will never be able to break through to the late golden elixir. That's okay." Bar!"

"Tao Xin's oath?"

Chongxuan Demon King looked at Zhou Chun and pondered.

It does have a deep understanding of human monks, otherwise it would not have been able to firmly grasp Zhou Chun before.

Therefore, it also knows that for some human monks with great potential, leaving certain restrictions on their lives and deaths will indeed have an impact on their Taoist minds, making it difficult for them to continue to be brave and diligent.

If it didn't care about Zhou Chun's future achievements at all, there would be no problem in doing so.

But now it really wants to use Zhou Chun to do something, and Zhou Chun's current cultivation level is not enough to help it do those things.

Therefore, it would not be in its interests if Zhou Chun's Taoist heart was dusted and he lost his courage and diligence because of the methods he left behind.

After pondering in its heart for a long time, it finally nodded and said: "Okay, then I will trust you, this junior, for once. You just need to swear the Dao Heart Oath."

Hearing its words, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief and immediately swore an oath in front of the Chongxuan Demon King.

After making the oath like this, Zhou Chun immediately looked at Demon King Chongxuan impatiently and asked: "Junior has already taken the oath. Can senior let me go now?"

Hearing this, Chongxuan Demon King immediately waved his hands angrily and said: "Okay, since you are in such a hurry to leave, I naturally don't have time to keep you longer!"

As he spoke, he looked at Zhou Chun with cold eyes and said: "But remember, it will definitely take less than a hundred years for the little turtle to break through the fourth level and successfully climb the mountain. So if you don't come here within a hundred years, don't blame me. This king has broken his promise!"

"Junior, please remember, I will never forget the agreement I made with you, senior."

Zhou Chun nodded solemnly and agreed to the matter.

"In that case, get out of here!"

As the Chongxuan Demon King spoke, he waved his sleeves and shot out a ball of yellow light that enveloped Zhou Chun, instantly cutting him off from all perception of the outside world.

When the yellow light dissipated, he was already on a mountain peak in the outer area of ​​the Mystic Ridge.

Besides Mu Mei Mu Sang, there was also a blood-stained storage bag at his feet!

"This is……"

Zhou Chun looked at the storage bag at his feet, a look of surprise and uncertainty flashed across his face.

Mu Mei Mu Sang, who was on the side, lowered his head at this time and explained some situations to him through mind contact.

It turned out that when the Chongxuan Demon King took it away to absorb the power of wood spirits contained in high-level spiritual trees, he also asked it some things about Zhou Chun, including why Zhou Chun entered the Mystic Ridge.

And now the storage bag at Zhou Chun's feet is the relic of the Jindan elder of the Dihuo Sect who died at the hands of Mountain Bear and Earth Armored Dolphin.

This was originally a rule set by the Chongxuan Demon King. All storage bags obtained by killing high-level monsters in the mountains by killing third-level human monks and above must be handed over to a fixed location outside his underground palace and handled by one of his cronies. Guard.

Then once it has time, it will open and inspect the accumulated storage bags.

The elder of the Dihuo Sect had a storage bag that the Chongxuan Demon King had not yet had time to open and inspect. The remaining spiritual imprint of the original owner was still inside.

Now that this object will appear at Zhou Chun's feet, it is obvious that Demon King Chongxuan intends to sell him a favor!

But Zhou Chun not only did not feel the joy of completing the task at this time, but looked at Mu Mei Mu Sang with a serious face and asked: "Mu Sang, what else did you say? You won't sell all my money, will you?"

The secrets about him are known to several spiritual pets.

Whether it's the [Jing Tian Earth Divine Jar], the [Moon Toad Orb], or the secret island, several spiritual pets know all about it.

If all these secrets are leaked, he will be in real trouble.

Fortunately, Mu Mei Mu Sang seemed to know the importance, or in other words, knew whose hands controlled her life and death.

At this time, facing Zhou Chun's questioning, it shook its head repeatedly and defended itself.

According to it, it only told some of Zhou Chun's origins and confirmed the things Zhou Chun had told the Chongxuan Demon King before. It did not reveal any secrets about Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun generally believed this statement.

If nothing else, if he really knew about the [Jingtiandi Divine Jar], Chongxuan Demon King would definitely not let Zhou Chun leave like this.

But even so, what Mu Mei Mu Sang did this time made Zhou Chun secretly wary.

He secretly decided in his heart that he would never let Mu Mei meet the Chongxuan Demon King again before he gave birth to a baby, and he should also try to prevent it from meeting other demon kings again, lest he be killed by this old deer one day. sold!

Even though his expression softened slightly, he who took the initiative to reveal the matter nodded and said: "You have also received huge benefits this time. After you go back, you should take a good retreat to digest what you have gained this time!"

After saying that, he put Mu Mei Mu Sang into the spirit beast bag, then left the Mystic Ridge with the storage bag belonging to the elder of the Earth Fire Sect.

Although it was extremely thrilling to enter the Lost Immortal Ridge this time and even temporarily lost a spiritual pet, fortunately, the final goal was achieved.

Moreover, the golden-armored Mountain-bearing Turtle Stone had a great chance this time, and he was lucky enough to receive the inheritance left by a strong member of the Mountain-bearing Turtle clan.

If he can digest that inheritance and return to Zhou Chun's side, his future strength and potential will be unlimited, and he will definitely be able to secure his position as the big brother in the team again!

In addition, Mu Mei Mu Sang has also gained great benefits, and it is estimated that he will have the foundation to be promoted to the fourth level mid-level in the future.

If you include the two Dendrobium golden thread plants that Zhou Chun is about to obtain from Jackdaw Sect with a medicinal age of more than 3,000 years, the harvest will be quite generous.

If nothing unexpected happens, his own door to the middle stage of Jindan is already halfway open!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun also breathed a sigh of relief when he walked out of Mystic Ridge.

No matter how tortuous and dangerous the process is, the result now is not too bad, and he can look forward to the harvest of [Yulu Jinxia Dan] in the future.

Not long after, Zhou Chun and Luo Qingni, who had been waiting anxiously, met together.

After seeing Zhou Chun return, Luo Qingni breathed a sigh of relief, but also looked at him with a look of surprise and asked: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, did you encounter any danger inside? Why haven't you heard from him for so long? Outgoing?"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but sigh with regret: "Isn't that true? Zhou almost died in it this time!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Qingni's face turned pale, and she immediately exclaimed: "What happened? Why did Fellow Daoist Zhou say that!"

"Hey, this matter is complicated to talk about, and Zhou has sworn not to reveal anything, so Fellow Daoist Luo should stop asking!"

Zhou Chun shook his head with a cryptic look on his face, changed the topic and said: "In short, although the process was tortuous and dangerous, fortunately Zhou was able to live up to his fate and successfully found the relics of the elder of the Earth Fire Sect. I think it is enough to give Jackdaw Just give us an explanation in exchange for what we want!"

Hearing his words, Luo Qingni was shocked, but also showed a hint of joy.

She is now more concerned about refining [Yulu Jinxia Dan] than Zhou Chun.

So when she heard that the mission had been completed, she was happier than anyone else.

At that moment, he was sensible and did not ask what happened to Zhou Chun in the Mystic Ridge. He just looked at Zhou Chun with a grateful face and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhou is affected. If you can practice [Yulu Jinxia Dan] this time, you will take the credit, Daoist Zhou." Zhiwei, Qingni has suffered this time!"

Hearing what she said, Zhou Chun was embarrassed to suffer any more misfortune, so he could only reply humbly: "Fellow Daoist Luo is serious. Without you to provide information and communicate with others, we wouldn't be able to get all the materials together, let alone practice. To become a spiritual elixir, you still need your wonderful hands, Fellow Daoist Luo!"

"Please rest assured, Fellow Daoist Zhou, Qing Ni will definitely go all out and never waste the elixir that Fellow Daoist Zhou risked his life to get!"

Luo Qingni nodded solemnly and issued a military order.

After being polite to each other, the two returned to Heishanfang City together.

When he arrived outside Fangshi, Zhou Chun did not go in directly. Instead, he used a messenger to send a message to Zhou Shijie, asking him to meet outside Fangshi.

This is naturally done to prevent the monks from the Zhenyang Sect from having any bad thoughts about themselves in the city after learning the news.

He has just emerged from the tiger's den, and he doesn't want to enter the wolf's den again!

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