Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 561 Returning home after success, Tao Yi gives gifts [Please subscribe]

Zhou Chun went to Misian Ridge for two months.

Luo Qingni was definitely not the only one who was worried about him.

Zhou Shijie, his family member, was also worried about him in Heishanfang City!

In the past two months, the Dihuo Sect did not restrain themselves because of the Jackdaw Sect's grievances. Instead, they launched fierce attacks on their mountain gate formation several times.

Although due to the mediation of the Zhenyang Sect, the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator from the Earth Fire Sect has not yet taken action, the pressure on the Jackdaw Sect has already been extremely great.

Therefore, Zhou Shijie would receive messages from the headmaster and elders almost every one or two days, urging him to inquire about his progress.

The further back he went, the more anxious the wording of the summons made him.

I even wanted to go to the Mystic Ridge to look for Zhou Chun in person!

In this case, after receiving Zhou Chun's summons, he only hesitated for a few moments and then immediately left Heishanfang City.

After leaving Heishanfang City like this and flying hundreds of miles in a certain direction according to what was stated in Zhou Chun's transmission, Zhou Shijie saw Zhou Chun sitting cross-legged on a mountain peak waiting for him.

Seeing this scene, he quickly got down. After landing, he bent down towards Zhou Chun and gave a deep salute: "Zhou Shijie pays homage to Senior Yan. Congratulations to Senior for your safe return."

"Yan has been away for dozens of days. Fellow Taoist Zhou must have been waiting impatiently."

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and understood Zhou Shijie's inner thoughts with just one word.

Seeing this, Zhou Shijie did not deny it. He just nodded with a wry smile and said: "More than a little anxious, if the senior does not show up again, in order to give an explanation to the head and the elders, the junior has no choice but to go to the Mystic Ridge to look for the senior in person. !”

Hearing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but laugh and said: "Hehehe, it seems that the pressure from Dihuomen is really quite big."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Shijie with a serious face and said, "Yan has been hanging around in the Misian Ridge for dozens of days, and finally lived up to his trust and found the Earth Fire Sect from the Mountain Bear's lair. In the storage bag left by the elder, the spiritual mark of Fellow Daoist Zheng is still there, I think this thing is enough for your clan to explain to the Earth Fire Sect!"

After Zhou Chun finished speaking, he raised his hand and took out the blood-stained storage bag and handed it to Zhou Shijie for inspection.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Shijie suddenly looked happy and responded hurriedly: "Junior is offended."

Then he took the storage bag and inspected it.

After holding the storage bag and inspecting it for a while, the person said with a happy face: "Senior Yan is right, this item is indeed the item that Elder Zheng carries with him!"

After saying that, he said happily: "This junior will send a message to the head and the elders!"

But Zhou Chun suddenly waved his hand and said, "There is no rush now."

"Senior Yan, do you have any other instructions?"

Zhou Shijie was stunned for a moment, then realized something and asked proactively.

Zhou Chun glanced at him appreciatively, and then said: "Since Zhou Daoyou has verified the authenticity of this storage bag, let's send a message to the senior officials of your sect. If you want to take this storage bag, send someone to take it with you first. The elixir will go to the place designated by Yan to complete the exchange with Yan. When the time comes, our money and goods will be cleared and we will not owe each other!"

"Junior understands, this junior will convey Senior Yan's original words to the leader!"

Zhou Shijie nodded, and returned the storage bag to Zhou Chun in a sensible manner, then said goodbye and left.

It has to be said that under such circumstances, this person was able to be left outside by the Jackdaw Sect to be responsible for external communication and communication, which is indeed very outstanding in terms of human behavior.

At least he is very good at controlling the scale of dealing with Golden Core Stage monks, so he won't make people bored.

On the other side, the Jackdaw Sect's top management may have been forced into a panic by the Earth Fire Sect. After receiving the message from Zhou Shijie, the top management of the Jackdaw Sect made the decision without hesitation.

They communicated with the Zhenyang Sect in advance and asked the Zhenyang Sect to help watch over the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator from the Dihuo Sect to prevent him from taking action.

Then, taking advantage of the lull after the Dihuomen attack, an elder with middle-level Jindan cultivation was arranged to break out with the elixir and go to the place designated by Zhou Chun for trading.

This trading location is located on the border between Liang Kingdom and neighboring countries, and was specially selected by Zhou Chun.

And when the elder of the Jackdaw Sect came over, Zhou Chun appeared together with Luo Qingni, who showed his cultivation at the Golden Core Stage.

Under such circumstances, the transaction process seemed to be very smooth, and Zhou Chun soon got what he wished for, two Dendrobium golden thread elixirs that were more than three thousand years old.

Even after the transaction was completed, the Jackdaw Sect elder was still worried that they were plotting against him, so he hurriedly took the initiative to say goodbye and headed to Heishanfang City as quickly as possible.

For the Jackdaw Sect, getting the storage bag of the Earth Fire Sect elder is not enough to eliminate the danger. They also need the mediation and help of the Zhenyang Sect to make the Earth Fire Sect admit that their elder died at the hands of the monster. , stop and withdraw your troops.

If you want to achieve this, you will definitely not be able to do it without bleeding a lot.

But this is the world of immortality, where the strong make the rules and break them, and the weak can only obey the rules!

But this has nothing to do with Zhou Chun.

After he obtained the elixir, he returned to the Great Zhou Kingdom with Luo Qingni, preparing to start refining the elixir.

The journey was uneventful. After returning to the Great Zhou Kingdom, Luo Qingni first took the three-thousand-year-old [Chalcedony Zhizhi] given by Zhou Chun, and exchanged it for [Qionghua Jade Dew], which was more than three-thousand years old. Then she mobilized her network to get together. Collected the remaining auxiliary elixirs.

After all the elixirs were collected, she began to retreat again, and deeply understood and studied the refining method of [Yulu Jinxia Dan].

At this time, Zhou Chun returned to the Zhou family first, preparing to complete the agreement with Zhou Daoyi and take Zhou Zhiying to meet him at Bamboo Leaf Island in Leguo.

After returning to Zhou's house, Zhou Chun discovered that he had only been away for a few months, but Zhou Zhiying's cultivation had already taken a step further, breaking through to the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage!

Calculating like this, it won't take five years at all, just a little more than four years, before she can break through to the late stage of Qi refining.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun is now used to the fact that his apprentice's cultivation level has soared, and he has developed a considerable immunity to this.

After praising him as usual and giving him some delicious spiritual fruits brought back from the Great Zhou Kingdom, he talked about taking him abroad to inspect the family territory.

With Zhou Zhiying's talent, Zhou Chun would not let her take any pills to improve her cultivation before she succeeded in building her foundation, lest her foundation would become weak. After all, her own cultivation breakthrough speed was too fast.

But in order for her to build her foundation in the safest and fastest way, Zhou Chun often asked people to buy various spiritual fruits that were beneficial to monks in the Qi refining stage for her to take.

Anyway, the consumption of purchasing this kind of spiritual fruit is just a drop in the bucket for Zhou Chun and is not worth mentioning at all.

After all, Zhou Zhiying is still young, and it is inevitable that she loves to eat and play.

At this time, I got some spiritual fruits that I had never eaten before, and I heard that I could go abroad to play. I was so happy that I immediately threw myself into Zhou Chun's arms and shouted with joy: "That's great, Master, are you right?" Disciple is so good, I like master the most!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun pushed her away after giving her a little hug, and then taught her earnestly: "Okay, okay, you are not a child anymore. You must pay attention to your words and deeds, and don't be too wild."

Because Zhou Zhiying's future growth is related to whether she is expected to have a baby, Zhou Chun has always paid great attention to her ideological education.

He hoped that in the future, Zhou Zhiying would hand over the many resources in the secret island to him and the family out of filial piety to him and loyalty to the family, instead of using oaths to restrain and force him to use them. .

Therefore, when Zhou Zhiying is still young, we must establish in her the concept of respecting her teachers and being loyal to her family. If this continues subtly, she will surely reap fruitful fruits in the future!

After staying in the family for almost two or three months, Zhou Chun took Zhou Zhiying to Bamboo Leaf Island in Leguo to inspect the family enclave.

Zhuye Island, the enclave of the Zhou family, has been exchanged for decades, but Zhou Chun has never been there before.

The main reason is that this island is really not big, and the spiritual veins on it are not very good. It can barely accommodate a Zifu Stage monk.

Zhou Chun naturally didn't take it too seriously. He just regarded it as a candidate for family refuge. In previous years, he would arrange for one or two foundation-building monks and some Qi-refining monks to sit here.

After taking Zhou Zhiying away from Tuyunling at this time, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry. He stopped and stopped along the way, taking her to experience the customs and customs of various places, or helping her understand the dangers of the world of immortality.

Outside many cities and towns in the world of immortality, there are bandit cultivators ambushing, ready to kill people and seize treasures at any time.

Zhou Chun took Zhou Zhiying and hid high in the air to watch how the bandit cultivators attacked and killed other monks who were passing by, allowing her to see the most common and cruel side of the world of immortality.

This kind of on-the-spot teaching is much more effective than the warnings from teachers in the family school. After watching it a few times, any young monk will become vigilant in this regard.

If Zhou Zhiying wasn't really too old, and Zhou Chun didn't intend to let her leave the family and go out on adventures before she completed her mission, Zhou Chun would have to spend some time taking her deep into the low-level monks, so that She truly experienced all kinds of intrigues in the world of immortality and gained life experience.

After walking like this for almost half a year, Zhou Chun arrived at his family's enclave of Bamboo Leaf Island in Leguo.

Just like its name, Bamboo Leaf Island is like a bamboo leaf floating on the water. Looking down from the air, this alluvial island located at the mouth of a river into a lake looks like a flat boat.

After Zhou Chun looked at the island from the air, he took his apprentice Zhou Zhiying and landed on the island.

There are no ordinary people on Zhuye Island, and the Zhou family only set up formations on the island where the spiritual veins are located, and arranged dozens of monks to guard them.

Zhou Chun had not concealed his figure before, so the whereabouts of their master and disciple had long been discovered by the monks of the Zhou family on the island.

At this time, seeing their master and apprentice land on the island, the two Zhou family foundation-building monks guarding the place, Zhou Sijun and Zhou Yuanxia, ​​hurriedly came forward to pay their respects.

"Juniors Zhou Sijun and Zhou Yuanxia pay homage to the clan leader and welcome the clan leader to visit Zhuye Island!"

Two Zhou family foundation-building monks, a man and a woman, bowed deeply and paid homage to Zhou Chun, with expressions on their faces full of surprise.

For the two of them, Zhuye Island is undoubtedly a remote place. After being arranged by the family to sit here, the two of them knew that they would be far away from the real center of power of the Zhou family.

Although the two of them knew that with their qualifications and abilities, it was unlikely that they would reach the top of the family, they would inevitably feel sad and unwilling after encountering this situation.

Now that the clan leader Zhou Chun suddenly arrived on Zhuye Island without warning, a glimmer of expectation and hope arose in the hearts of the two of them.

They all knew that the clan leader Zhou Chun, who was a monk at the Golden Core Stage, couldn't just be idle and suddenly come here on a whim. There must be some deep meaning.

If they can seize this opportunity and perform well and gain the respect of the clan leader, they may have a chance to be transferred back to the clan.

But Zhou Chun's next words quickly disappointed them.

"I'm just here to inspect the family territory. You all can return to your places and everything can proceed as usual."

As Zhou Chun spoke, he waved his hand and took Zhou Zhiying to wander around the island.

Of course, there is nothing interesting to see on Bamboo Leaf Island. There are no special spiritual objects on the island, and the scenery is not very beautiful.

Zhou Chun did this just for show, so that he could meet with Zhou Daoyi later.

After all, Zhou Daoyi's current identity cannot be exposed, and he cannot meet Zhou Zhiying with his true face.

But if they were to meet in the large formation on Zhuye Island, there was no guarantee that the two Zhou family foundation-building monks who had met Zhou Daoyi many times would not notice anything unusual.

So we can only look for opportunities to meet outside.

Zhou Chun did not hide his figure before, just to notify Zhou Daoyi who had come in advance.

Sure enough, after taking Zhou Zhiying around the island for a while, he met Zhou Daoyi who turned into a white-haired old man and was fishing on a beach near the lake.

"Ying'er, this is fellow Daoist Yi who I met while I was a teacher. Just call me Senior Yi."

On the beach, after Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi nodded to each other, he smiled and patted the girl next to him on the shoulder, took out a tea set and asked her to make tea for them.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiying was very sensible and didn't ask any questions. After bowing to Zhou Daoyi as Zhou Chun said, he obediently knelt down and brewed some spiritual tea for the two of them.

At this time, Zhou Daoyi looked at this talented descendant of the family openly and honestly. After Zhou Zhiying served him some boiled tea, he smiled kindly and said: "Is this the disciple of Daoyou Zhou? Judging from his age, he should be He must be less than twenty years old. With such cultivation at such a young age, he is really young and promising, and his future achievements will be limitless!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhiying couldn't help but reveal a proud smile.

Then he quietly looked at Zhou Chun, stuck out his tongue and said, "Senior Yi, thank you very much. The reason why this junior can achieve this level of cultivation is because of Master's good teaching. Ying'er will never forget Master's teachings and upbringing." kindness!"

Hearing her words, even knowing that she was deliberately trying to please him in front of outsiders, Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, and Zhou Daoyi felt extremely relieved and happy for him.

At that moment, he laughed and said: "Hahaha, you are such a sensible and good girl. I am really envious of fellow Taoist Zhou being able to accept such a disciple!"

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade box and handed it to Zhou Zhiying.

At the same time, he said: "I have received great kindness from fellow Taoist Zhou, and Xihu has never had the opportunity to repay me. Today, I have fallen in love with you, a little girl, so I will give this gift to you. I think Taoist Zhou will not mind my way of repaying your kindness." !”


Zhou Zhiying couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun and didn't dare to make any decisions.

Although Zhou Chun was curious about what Zhou Daoyi had given him, he immediately nodded and said, "Since it is your heart and soul, Ying'er, just accept it!"

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiying immediately said happily: "Then junior, thank you very much for Senior Yi's gift!"

Then he took the jade box from Zhou Daoyi's hand without hesitation and opened the lid in front of Zhou Chun.

Inside the jade box, there was a white monster egg covered with green and silver patterns.

Judging from the strong aura of life contained in this monster egg, it turned out to be a high-level monster egg!

Okay, everything is done, I will resume updating tomorrow, and try to slowly make up for the few words that I have lost in the past few days! ! !

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