Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 562: Heavenly Wind Thunder Eagle, Sword Cultivator Zhiqian [Please subscribe]

Bamboo Leaf Island.

When Zhou Chun saw the meeting gift Zhou Daoyi gave to Zhou Zhiying, he was also slightly surprised.

It stands to reason that when elders see outstanding juniors, they should give them some greeting gifts.

But the meeting gift Zhou Daoyi gave now went beyond the scope of "meeting gift".

Even Zhou Zhiying could see that the monster eggs in the jade box were extraordinary, so at this moment, he felt that the things were a bit hot to the touch and couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun for help.

Although she is young, she is no longer ignorant. What she has seen and heard in the past six months has made her deeply understand that cultivation resources are not easy to come by.

So when she saw this "Senior Yi" in front of her giving such a valuable thing to her as a meeting gift, her first reaction was that he was being courteous for nothing and was either committing adultery or stealing!

He must have wanted to ask his master for help, so he gave him such a heavy gift!

After having this idea, she naturally did not want to cause injustice to her teacher because of her temporary greed.

From this aspect, Zhou Chun's teachings to her were undoubtedly effective.

Therefore, after seeing her little look for help, Zhou Chun was relieved and at the same time, he immediately smiled at her and said, "Since it is Fellow Daoist Yi's heart, please accept it, Ying'er."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Daoyi with deep meaning and said, "You might as well ask fellow Taoist Yi to tell you what kind of monster egg this is!"

How could Zhou Daoyi not understand what he meant? He immediately laughed and said: "Haha, this thing was obtained by Yi at an exchange meeting. It is a high-level monster produced on the Duolan Grassland, the Heavenly Wind Thunder Eagle." Eggs, it is said that the Tianfeng Thunder Eagle sometimes lays two eggs, but it is only willing to raise one offspring to grow up. Therefore, they often feed the weaker egg to the newly born chicks to replenish their origin and strengthen the chicks. bloodline!"

"However, once the multi-winged mages on the Dolan Grassland discover this situation, they will seize the weak eagle eggs to hatch into spiritual pets, or use the eagle eggs laid by their own spiritual pets to exchange spiritual objects with others. , so Yi has the opportunity to exchange for this item!"

The Tianfeng Thunder Eagle is a special monster beast on the Duolan Grassland. It is born with the ability to control wind and thunder. It is an extremely rare monster with dual attributes of wind and thunder.

This kind of monster is famous in the Great Zhou Kingdom for its flying speed. It is said that the third-level high-grade Tianfeng Thunder Eagle can escape at a speed that even the early Golden Core monks cannot catch up with!

Moreover, because this kind of monster possesses wind and thunder attributes, its combat ability is also very powerful, and it can compete with dragons of the same level.

It can be said that it is a powerful monster with almost no obvious shortcomings!

At various auctions in the Great Zhou Kingdom, there have been many auction records of Tianfeng Thunder Eagle's eagle eggs in the past. Each auction would attract some Jindan monks to bid, and the price could often be several times higher than that of other high-level monsters. The eggs of beasts.

After all, most high-level monsters, even if they are cultivated to the third level, are of no use to the Golden Core Stage monks.

However, Tianfeng Thunder Eagle can rely on its powerful flight speed to give the early Golden Core monks an extra trump card to chase the enemy and escape.

Even if it costs hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins, there are still people who are willing to do it.

Zhou Daoyi obviously took great pains to find this treasure, and he didn't know how much he paid for it!

Zhou Chun knew in his heart that he wanted to use this method to thank him for his help in forming pills, and he also wanted to use this method to support the family in producing future generations.

So it was hard for him to say anything, let alone for Zhou Zhiying to refuse.

At the moment, he could only look at Zhou Zhiying and said: "You heard what Daoist Fellow Yi said. This is a treasure that is hard to find. You must cultivate this spiritual pet well in the future, and don't forget the kindness of Fellow Daoist Yi." !”

After Zhou Zhiying listened to Zhou Daoyi's words, his heart was already filled with joy. His hands holding the jade box were harder, and he was extremely happy for this gift.

When he heard Zhou Chun's words, he hurriedly nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice and said, "Disciple knows, I must treat him well."

Then he bowed to Zhou Daoyi from the bottom of his heart and said, "Thank you, Senior Yi, for your love. Ying'er will definitely take good care of this Tianfeng Thunder Eagle and live up to Senior's love!"

"Hahaha, as long as you like it and are satisfied with it."

Zhou Daoyi smiled heartily and was very satisfied with Zhou Zhiying's performance.

Next, Zhou Chun personally guided Zhou Zhiying to identify the master of Tianfeng Thunder Eagle.

Previously, because Zhou Zhiying's own talent was too high, Zhou Chun felt that there were no varieties of monsters in the family that could match the growth rate of her cultivation, so she was not contracted with any monsters.

After all, the tradition of the Zhou family is that as long as you can support and help the monsters grow up after being contracted since childhood, you will definitely do your best to support them.

Since Zhou Zhiying is guaranteed to be able to form a pill successfully in the future, it is really unnecessary for her to contract a mid-level monster cub.

Even the kind of dragon-born monster with the potential to transform into a dragon is not necessary in Zhou Chun's opinion.

Not to mention the many resources required to cultivate dragons, dragons themselves are actually a double-edged sword. It is not a good thing to cultivate too many dragons when there are no Nascent Soul Stage monks in the Zhou family.

Not only is it easy to arouse the hostility of the Jiaolong clan, but it is also inevitable that sects such as the Moon Lun Sect and Yanyang Sect will take the opportunity to squeeze their blood.

Zhou Chun didn't want his apprentice to experience the same frustrating things as himself!

Zhou Daoyi obviously understood his thoughts, so he painstakingly found a Skywind Thunder Eagle egg and gave it to Zhou Zhiying to help her resolve the embarrassing situation of not having a spiritual pet.

As a monk of the Zhou family and the only disciple of Zhou Chun, it is really unreasonable that he does not have a spiritual pet of high quality to accompany him!

However, judging from the current situation, Tianfeng Thunder Eagle can only accompany Zhou Zhiying for hundreds of years. Her future path is destined to be different from other Zhou family monks.

When she goes to the secret island and inherits the mantle of the late Nascent Soul monk, she will definitely follow the Tao and focus on her own practice, and will not devote her energy to cultivating spiritual pets like Zhou Chun.

After all, since a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage has taken the initiative to arrange the affairs of the successor of the mantle, he will definitely not let the successor be distracted by external objects, whether it is a magic weapon to protect the body or a magical power to assist in breaking through the realm barrier. The panacea must be prepared!

What Zhou Zhiying needs to do then is to practice step by step to the Nascent Soul stage, completely inherit all the mantles of the great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, and strive to one day be able to fulfill his last wish and go to a higher realm to see the scenery above!

But these are things for the future. Now that she is a monk of the Zhou family and a disciple of Zhou Chun, she naturally wants to follow the Zhou family's style first.

Besides, after Zhou Daoyi met Zhou Zhiying, his inner wish was fulfilled. After spending two days with Master Zhou Chun and his apprentice on the shore of the lake, he returned to Tianyuan Fairy City with satisfaction.

Zhou Chun then took Zhou Zhiying into the stronghold on Zhuye Island, had a casual inspection, encouraged and rewarded the clan members who guarded the border for the family, and then returned to the family.

After returning to the family, Zhou Chun taught his disciples and at the same time commanded the monks of the Zhou family in the wilderness to expand outward, expand resource exploration and collection, and left the matter to Xu Fulai to take charge.

At the same time, at Xu Fu's request, Zhou Chun also agreed to expand the establishment of a mortal settlement.

After years of reproduction and growth, the mortals in the wilderness who originally took shelter from the Zhou family have now expanded to dozens of tribes, with a number exceeding half a million!

Now, there are as many as four or five children with spiritual root qualifications discovered every year among the children born to these mortals.

With the addition of these people, the Zhou family no longer even needs to capture and extradite monks from Jingguo to be incorporated into the death warrior camp. They can directly train self-sufficient batches of death warrior teams from there.

After Xu Fu saw this, he took advantage of the situation and put forward the suggestion of expanding the mortal settlement area.

According to what he said, now that the Hualong Sect has been completely destroyed, there are no human forces in the wilderness that the Zhou family needs to fear.

Therefore, even if those mortals were allowed to expand the tribe and attract monster attacks, the Zhou family would not be implicated.

At most, they are mortals who expand outwards, and the number of casualties will greatly increase!

But this can also be said to be their own choice!

It is better to choose to expand the living area outwards and sacrifice it than to promote birth control internally and stifle the reproductive instinct.

However, although Zhou Chun agreed to the matter, he also sternly warned Xu Fu that the Zhou family must not make enemies of some high-level monsters in order to protect those mortals.

The experience of hunting high-level monsters in the wilderness made Zhou Chun know that most of these monsters are in contact with the fourth-level monsters. If the monks of the Zhou family become enemies of them out of protecting mortals, there is no guarantee that they will not Report this matter to the fourth-level monster, and then spread it to the ears of the Dragon Clan.

Even if the Zhou family's side is not implicated, it will cause catastrophe to the family's stronghold in the wilderness.

Therefore Zhou Chun would not allow this to happen.

In addition to the large-scale development of the wilderness, Zhou Chun is also planning to upgrade the industry internally.

Nowadays, the Zhou family is not only full of talents, it is also full of talents. The four mainstream immortal cultivation skills of the alchemy and talismans have made great progress.

In terms of elixir refining, Zhou Xinlan, Zhou Simiao and others have been able to refine elixirs that can improve the mana cultivation of monks in the foundation-building period. The number of elixirs is quite good, and other elixirs such as healing and detoxification can also be refined in many varieties. , the effect is no worse than those bought from outside.

In terms of weapon refining, Zhou Mingde's success rate in refining second-level high-grade magical weapons is now as high as 80%, and he is expected to be able to refine third-level low-grade magical weapons in the near future. Several other Zhou family foundation-building monks who are learning the art of weapon refining have also Both can refine second-level low-grade magic weapons and second-level mid-grade magic weapons.

The best-selling magic weapon in the market is always a first-level magic weapon. These people are fully qualified to open an weapon refining shop dedicated to refining and selling magic weapons.

Needless to say more about making talismans, not to mention Zhou Daoyi, the talisman-making master. Among the younger monks, there is also a talented junior like Zhou Zhixiong who has extremely outstanding talent for making talismans. Now that he is only in the initial stage of foundation building, he has already A second-level mid-grade magic talisman can be produced!

There are four or five other Zhou family monks who can produce second-level talismans.

In terms of formations, Zhang Liang and his wife are both experts. Zhang Liang can be said to be a master of formations. Both the couple have the ability to refine formations and flags for sale. They can make money by selling some of the finished formations. Take profits.

And the Zhou family's traditional strength, beast control, is much better than before.

Let’s not talk about other things, just talk about dragon-born monsters. After the “Wind Thunder Dragon Lizard”, “Dragon Scale Water Deer”, and “Chipping Wind Electric Dragon Colt”, Lei Jiao Baibai relied on his own powerful bloodline to imbue Two dragon-born monsters were mutated, "Thunder Dragon Crocodile" and "Thunder Dragon Bird".

Among them, the original body of "Thunder Dragon Crocodile" is the low-level monster Black Scale Crocodile. After the alienation, a group of silver-white thunder runes appear on the top of the head, which can release thunder and lightning spells. The number of scales on the body also increases dramatically, covering the whole body. It was covered, and there were faint silver streaks on the black scales.

This alienated black-scaled crocodile has a very powerful ability to fight in water, and its amphibious abilities have been enhanced to the extreme.

The original body of the "Thunder Dragon Bird" is the Thunder Bird. This low-level monster that Zhou Chun brought back from the Hualong Cult Headquarters Mountain Gate finally lived up to his expectations and successfully transformed into the dragon in his mind. Descendants of monsters.

Compared with the ordinary Thunder Feather Bird, the "Thunder Dragon Bird" is one or two times larger in size, like a giant eagle, and has fine silver-white dragon scales growing on the soft part of its abdomen, protecting this delicate part. .

At the same time, the power of his thunder and lightning spells has also been greatly improved. He has mastered several thunder and lightning spells that he had never mastered before, and the chance of evolving into a second-level monster in the future is greatly increased.

Once these two dragon-born monsters with powerful combat capabilities breed into a population in the future, they will definitely become the first choice battle pets of many low-level monks in the Zhou family, which can greatly enhance their combat effectiveness!

In addition, the second-order high-grade demon beast Golden Feathered Eagle that Zhou Chun originally gave to Zhou Zhengyong has been successfully paired with the Golden-winged Iron Feathered Eagle, and a hybrid demonic beast "Golden-winged Iron Feathered Eagle" with greater potential and strength has been bred. .

Zhou Chun judged that after this "gold-winged iron-feathered eagle" grows into a second-level high-grade monster in the future, as long as it has the opportunity to swallow a third-level low-grade demon pill of the same attribute, it will have a high probability of breaking through to the third level and be promoted. For high-level monsters!

Nowadays, the Zhou family has more than a dozen dragon-born monsters, dozens of powerful monsters of various practicalities, and some good-looking and practical monster species. As long as a cub is born, they will be quickly replaced by their own monks. Or he was ordered to be taken away by outside monks.

The various monster beasts produced by the "Spiritual Beast Zhou Family" have become a golden brand, and monks from other places often come to order them!

Under such circumstances, Zhou Chun naturally came up with the idea of ​​​​"industrial upgrading" and planned to rely on the golden signboard of "Spirit Beast Zhou Family" to drive the sales of other products of the family.

First up is the bundle!

Monks who want to order those well-known monsters from the Zhou family must purchase a certain amount of supporting spirit beast rations and elixirs, as well as saddles, vests, horseshoes and other animal equipment refined and produced by the Zhou family!

As we all know, once a monster gets used to eating a certain food, it will only like to eat that food in the future and will develop dependence.

Then there’s the lottery to get a spot!

If you want to buy those popular monsters from the Zhou family, you need to buy magic weapons, magic talismans and other items in the shops opened by the Zhou family. Only by spending a certain amount can you get the number of lottery draws. After you get the purchase quota in the lottery, you can purchase the designated monsters from the Zhou family. Variety of monsters.

Finally, group sales!

The purchase quota for certain special monster cubs is not open to the public. If you want to obtain the purchase quota, you can only get it by recruiting people to buy other ordinary monster beasts from the Zhou family. Only monks who have recruited a certain number of people can finally buy it. Walk the monster you want!

It is said that when Zhou Chun decided to implement these sales methods, some elders and core members of the family were worried about whether it would cause resentment and backfire.

But the actual situation proved that their worries were in vain.

When the Zhou family's rare species of monsters, such as the Cloud-Stepping Dragon Colt, the One-horned Wind Chasing Colt, the Horned Winged Snake, and the One-horned Dragon Lizard, were released for purchase, many sect monks and family monks came over to inquire about the prices.

Even after learning about the methods used by the Zhou family to sell these monsters, many people still seemed to be interested and wanted to buy one.

This is human nature!

For some people, the rarer something is, the more powerful they can become when they get it.

They were not afraid that it would be difficult to meet the requirements of the Zhou family to purchase monster cubs, but they were afraid that the conditions set by the Zhou family would be too easy, allowing many people to buy them, and they would not be able to show off their abilities.

Most of the Zhou family's top brass have come from hard times, so it is naturally difficult for them to understand their thoughts.

But Zhou Chun knew it clearly.

After Zhou Chun's integration, the Zhou family's store has gained a second lease of life, and its sales volume has increased significantly.

But the real reason why Zhou Chun engaged in "industrial upgrading" was that he wanted his family to digest more raw materials obtained from the wilderness.

He would rather sell some finished magical artifacts and elixirs at a discount than sell the raw materials at a low price.

On this day, after Zhou Chun finished his daily practice and walked out of the secret room, Zhou Zhiying suddenly reported to him that Zhou Zhiqian, a core member of the Zhou family, had been waiting outside for several hours.

According to the rules set by Zhou Chun, unless it is someone he has specifically allowed, family foundation-building monks can only visit him or other golden elixir-level monks once every five years to ask for advice on cultivation matters.

In addition, unless there is something very big that needs to be reported to the clan leader Zhou Chun alone, ordinary monks in the foundation building period cannot come to disturb his practice.

"What are you doing Zhou Zhi?"

Zhou Chun's mind turned and information about this junior suddenly emerged.

He didn't have many dealings with the descendants of this "Zhi" generation. He only knew that Zhou Zhiqian also had high-grade spiritual root qualifications. He successfully built the foundation at the age of thirty-eight, and then practiced the Zhou family's fighting technique "Golden Evil Sword Sutra" ", seems to have embarked on the sword cultivation route.

To be honest, Zhou Chun didn't particularly understand Zhou Zhiqian's choice.

With his high-grade spiritual root qualifications, Zhou Chun felt that there was no problem even if he was practicing a top-level technique, but he chose the fighting technique.

Zhou Chun had read the "Golden Evil Sword Sutra" before in his spare time. The cultivation speed can be said to be very slow, and it is even impossible to improve the cultivation level through ordinary mana elixirs!

Zhou Zhiqian chose to practice this technique. Even if he had a high-grade spiritual root qualification, Zhou Chun didn't think he had much chance of opening up Zi Mansion, let alone forming a pill.

If Zhou Chun hadn't always liked to interfere in the choices of his family's younger generations, and the Zhou family no longer had the same desire for monks with high-grade spiritual root qualifications as before, he would definitely not have allowed them to practice this technique!

And as far as Zhou Chun knew, Zhou Mingde had persuaded this junior, but the other party was determined and had no choice but to agree in the end.

At this time, after going through the information about Zhou Zhiqian, the junior, Zhou Chun nodded gently and said: "Master knows, go and bring him in!"

"Disciple, I obey."

Zhou Zhiying responded obediently, and soon brought a long-faced middle-aged man with a sharp breath into the cave.

"Zhou Zhiqian pays homage to the clan leader. Thank you very much for the visit."

After Zhou Zhiqian, who had a thin and stern face, came in, he just glanced at Zhou Chun, then meticulously bent down and bowed deeply to express his gratitude.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun had no intention of greeting him. He looked directly at him and asked, "Zhiqian, you came to see me today. Do you have any questions that you need to ask for advice?"

Hearing his question, Zhou Zhiqian replied very succinctly: "As for the clan leader, I came to see the clan leader today just to ask for one thing, and that is to ask the clan leader to give me a sword-sharpening stone!"

"Have you already mastered the second level of "Light Sword Technique"?"

Zhou Chun looked slightly surprised. He looked at the junior in front of him in amazement and was a little surprised by what he said.

As for the sword sharpening stone he got from Shen Jianxing, a late-stage Jindan sword cultivator, Zhou Chun did not put it into the family treasury, but placed it in his private treasury in his cave.

But on the second level of the "Hanguang Sword Technique" he obtained from the Great Zhou Dynasty monk Yu Chifei, he marked the standard for observing the sword-sharpening stone, which was to practice this sword art to the second level. layer.

Now that Zhou Zhiqian came to see him and made this request, it was obvious that he had reached the standard he set.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Zhou Zhiqian immediately responded: "Yes, this junior has already practiced the second level of "Light Sword Technique" half a month ago."

"In that case, please show me your sword skills!"

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he suddenly became interested. He looked directly at the junior in front of him and made the request.

"Yes, then please forgive me for offending, junior!"

Zhou Zhiqian said, and immediately patted the scabbard on his back, and a pale golden flying sword was immediately unsheathed.

I saw him slightly making a sword gesture, and the light golden flying sword suddenly flashed with sword light, shooting towards Zhou Chundong like a golden thread, as fast as lightning!

However, when the sword flew to a few feet in front of Zhou Chun, Zhou Chun suddenly reached out and clamped it, making it unable to move.

This scene immediately made Zhou Zhiqian's expression change, but when he thought that the person in front of him was a Golden Core monk, he felt relieved again, and his mind quickly returned to calm.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately looked at him with admiration and nodded in praise: "Yes, yes, is this the killing move 'Hanguang Yizhen' recorded in the "Hanguang Sword Technique"? It is really somewhat of a 'sword transformation'" It’s the meaning of silk!”

"You are only in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, but you can slash out a sword that is comparable to that of a monk in the later stage of Foundation Establishment. It seems that you do have some talent in sword cultivation!"

After saying that, he released the fingers holding Feijian, then shook his head slightly and said: "It's just that although you have mastered the second level of "Light Sword Art", you want to observe the sword whetstone, but it's not the time yet!"

Um, let’s update normally today, let’s check the status!

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