Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 563 The Missing Zhou Yuanlian [Please subscribe]

The reason why Zhou Chun originally marked the second level of the "Hanguang Sword Technique" was that only those who have mastered the second level of the Sword Technique can observe the sword sharpening stone. His original intention was just to inspire the tribe and screen out the talented swordsmen. Just a tribesman.

In fact, the sword sharpening stone was used by Shen Jianxing, a late-stage Jindan swordsman who understood the meaning of the sword. It was an inspiration for the monks to understand the meaning of the sword. It was not something that Zhou Zhiqian, who was in the early stage of foundation building, could touch.

Viewing such treasures rashly is not only useless, but actually harmful.

Therefore, after explaining the situation to Zhou Zhiqian, Zhou Chun also took advantage of the situation and said: "My words are always valid. If you can successfully open up Zifu in the future, you can come and observe the sword-sharpening stone!"

After saying that, he warned and gave guidance to the thoughtful junior before him: "Furthermore, the most important thing in the way of sword cultivation is to discuss swords with other sword cultivators, and to hone your own sword energy and sword skills in sword fighting. You If you really want to continue on this path and achieve something, I’m afraid you have to start traveling earlier!”

"Junior knows. Thanks to the patriarch for your guidance. I will apply to the family for travel in a few days!"

Zhou Zhiqian's expression changed, and he immediately saluted Zhou Chun to express his gratitude, and then prepared to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, Zhou Chun spoke again.

"You wait first."

Zhou Chun first called out to Zhou Zhiqian, then patted the storage bag on his waist and handed a few third-level talismans to him, "Take these talismans. If you encounter danger on the road, don't be stingy with treasures." , as long as you can save your own life, you can give up any foreign objects!"

Zhou Chun has always been willing to help and support talented and motivated juniors.

Since Zhou Zhiqian is indeed talented in sword cultivation and has the courage to work hard to hone himself, Zhou Chun will certainly give him something to defend himself and save his life to prevent him from dying easily.

"Thank you to the patriarch for the treasure. The younger generation will definitely remember the patriarch's teachings!"

Zhou Zhiqian's eyes flashed with joy, he immediately took the talisman, bowed solemnly to express his gratitude with a grateful face, and then walked out of the cave firmly.

After Zhou Zhiqian left, Zhou Zhiying suddenly blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at Zhou Chun with blinking eyes and said, "Master, you don't seem to think highly of Brother Zhiqian?"

"Oh, why do you say that?"

Zhou Chun's expression changed and he looked at this disciple with some curiosity.

Zhou Zhiying immediately said with a serious face: "It's very simple. If you really like Brother Zhiqian, you wouldn't have given him a talisman, but a talisman. I heard that the talisman is more powerful than the talisman." The talisman is much stronger!"

Hearing what she said, Zhou Chun couldn't help but said with a bit of laughter and tears: "I'm just telling you, what can you, a little girl, say?"

Then he raised his hand and flicked the girl's forehead in the air and said: "What do you know, little girl? Although the talisman is powerful, but with his cultivation in the early stage of foundation building, how can he exert multiple killing powers? In fact, it is far away It’s not as useful as the third-level low-grade magic talisman I gave him!”

As he spoke, he looked at the apprentice angrily and lectured: "And what do you think the talisman is? Is it a piece of cabbage that can be picked up on the road? It will be harmful to a monk in the early stage of foundation building to hold such a treasure. It’s a recipe for disaster!”

"Oh, so that's what it is?"

Zhou Zhiying nodded thoughtfully, not sure if he really understood or listened.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun naturally wanted to give this apprentice a good lesson and let her know the value of money, rice, oil and salt!

Three months later, Zhou Zhiqian indeed applied to the family for travel, officially leaving the family and embarking on the path of honing his own swordsmanship.

According to the rules of the Zhou family, once a core member or elder of the family decides to travel and is away from the family for a long time, the corresponding family benefits will be suspended during the period of time they leave the family.

If it weren't for Zhou Chun's suggestion, Zhou Zhiqian might not have made this decision so quickly. After all, he had just successfully built the foundation and now he didn't have much money.

A few months later, Zhou Chun suddenly received a letter from Feng Guo. After reading the letter, he couldn't help but sigh, with a slightly complicated look on his face.

It turned out that the ancestor of the Jindan stage monk of the Formation You family had passed away. Now he sent a letter to invite Zhou Chun to attend his funeral.

The You family's move was obviously to use the Zhou family's power to intimidate others and prevent anyone from attacking the You family because of the death of their ancestor.

But in Zhou Chun's view, this move is of no use at all.

The Zhou family and the You family had indeed been friends for thousands of years, but since the split of the Sanjue Sect, the friendship between the two families has become increasingly weak.

Even when the You family and the Li family "returned home" together and reoccupied the blessed land of Sanxian Mountain, the Zhou family just sent an elder there casually.

And since these two families returned to Fengguo, the exchanges between the three families have decreased again.

This kind of thing cannot be hidden from anyone. Those who really want to take advantage of the You family can find out with a little investigation.

However, after Zhou Chun thought about it, he still went to visit Zhou Mingde and talked to him about the matter.

What was somewhat beyond his expectation was that after Zhou Mingde learned about this, he actually planned to go to Sanxian Mountain to attend the funeral of the ancestor of the You family.

Zhou Chun thought for a moment and understood Zhou Mingde's thoughts. Naturally, he would not stop this elder from wanting to "return home in glory".

"Then it's up to you to handle this matter."

He nodded with a smile on his face and fully agreed to the pull-down.

Then Zhou Mingde ordered two elders, took several foundation-building monks with him, and headed to Fengguo Sanxian Mountain surrounded by a group of juniors.

It took half a month to go there.

When he returned from Feng Country, Zhou Mingde's complexion was obviously rosy and he was obviously in a very good mood.

After seeing Zhou Chun, who was in charge of the family, he immediately smiled and said: "Hahaha, Zhengchun, you would never have imagined that this time the You family was attending a funeral, Li Jingxuan, one of the true masters of Sanxian Mountain, actually took the initiative to give in. I was sitting at the top, praising me and the Zhou family many times in my words, as if I was being humble!"

Having said this, his expression darkened again, and he smiled coldly and said, "There is just one thing that he may have forgotten, but I have never dared to forget it!"

"I think back then, when the traitor Yu Jinghua wanted to occupy the magpie's nest and seize the inheritance of my Zhou family's foundation, I went to see him all night long, but he turned out to be behind closed doors. He did not care about the thousand-year friendship between our two families and completely stayed out of the matter!"

"Now that our Zhou family has regained its glory and entered an unprecedented era of prosperity, he finally remembered the thousand-year friendship between the two families. How ridiculous!"

Zhou Chun really didn't know about this. It seemed that Zhou Mingde had been holding it in for a long time, and now he finally found a chance to avenge his past shame.

At this time, something suddenly occurred to him, and he suddenly said: "If I remember correctly, this junior, Li Jingxuan should have passed his 800th birthday. With more than 100 years left to live, he probably can't guarantee that he will be able to survive." He has trained a golden elixir-level monk for his family, and now that he sees the situation of the You family, he will inevitably feel that things harm others, and thus he will have some unrealistic ideas!"

"That's right, Masazumi, you hit the nail on the head with just one word!"

Zhou Mingde nodded repeatedly, appreciating and even admiring Zhou Chun's quick thinking ability.

Then he smiled and said: "Speaking of which, this time I also saw the twin brothers and sisters with high-grade spiritual roots of the Li family who were so envious of us at the beginning. Although one of them is already in the late stage of Zifu, and the other is in the middle stage of Zifu. Yes, but it seems like he doesn’t have much confidence in the success of forming the elixir!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Then this will be difficult to handle. With the Li family's background, it is not too difficult to prepare a set of pill-forming spiritual objects, but if the person who forms the pill himself is not confident enough, the success rate will be very low." But it’s hard to predict!”

"Hahaha, isn't that true? Li Jingxuan probably has a headache and can't even sleep now!"

Zhou Mingde laughed again, a little gloating about his misfortune.

It's just that the two of them were just laughing at the fact that the Li family had no heirs, but then they turned around and were completely distracted by an incident within the family.

It turns out that Zhou Sihan, who had previously offered the fifth-level thunder dragon tooth, failed to open up the Zi Mansion after taking the "Spirit Opening Pill" given by Zhou Chun!

His soul was severely damaged by this failure, and it is estimated that it will be impossible to attack Zi Mansion again in the future.

In fact, for the current Zhou family, having one more Zifu period monk or one less would not have much impact.

However, such a failure would be tantamount to destroying a clan member who had the potential to enter the Zi Mansion, and also wasting a valuable spiritual object that could assist in opening up the Zi Mansion.

How could such a double loss not make family leaders like Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde feel depressed and regretful.

If you have the Tao, blessings will come unparalleled, and misfortunes will never come alone.

Just after Zhou Sihan failed to open the Zifu, less than three months had passed, and something happened in the Zhou family that made Zhou Chun have to pay attention.

It turns out that Zhou Yuanlian, who went out to collect poisonous weeds and poisons for cultivation, has not returned for half a year beyond the expected time!

As the only Poison Cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage of the Zhou family, Zhou Yuanlian is qualified to leave a birth soul tablet in the family ancestral temple.

After Zhou Chun learned from Zhou Xinyi that Zhou Yuanlian was missing and had not returned, he quickly went to the ancestral temple to check the status of his soul card.

As a result, it was found that the soul card was all intact and there was no damage.

But this only means that Zhou Yuanlian's life is not in danger now.

If she is captured and imprisoned, or is trapped in a formation, or even trapped in a natural place, as long as her name is safe, it will not cause problems with her soul card.

And once there is a problem with the soul card, it is likely to be a fatal problem.

Therefore, Zhou Chun did not take it lightly, and immediately asked the clan elder Zhou Xinyan to take the lead and bring four core foundation-building clansmen and a dozen capable elite Qi-training clansmen to search for Zhou Yuanlian.

In Zhou Chun's eyes, Zhou Yuanlian, a junior poison cultivator who practices the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual", is more important than some family elders.

Because poisonous cultivators have one ability that even golden elixir stage cultivators like them cannot match, and that is the ability of mass destruction!

Zhou Yuanlian is currently in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. The poisonous smoke or gas she releases can kill hundreds or thousands of Qi-training monks or first-level monsters in an extremely short time.

This is something that many Zifu period monks cannot do!

Therefore, in wars involving many immortals or monsters, Zhou Yuanlian is a strategic killer that can directly determine the outcome of a war!

In view of this, Zhou Chun will never allow anything to happen to Zhou Yuanlian as long as there is a possibility of salvation.

So far, several members of the Zhou family with poor spiritual aptitudes have chosen to practice the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual", but none of them have been able to persist until the later stages of Qi training, and the losers have all been killed by the Poison Technique.

In this situation, Zhou Yuanlian, who was already in the middle stage of foundation building, definitely played an irreplaceable role.

Fortunately, because of Zhou Yuanlian's importance, Zhou Chun always had strict requirements on her going out, requiring her to report where she was going and when she would come back.

So if you want to look for him at this time, you won't be running around like a headless fly.

According to the information left by Zhou Yuanlian himself, this time he went to a place called Fire Red Valley in Jinzhou to look for several poisonous weeds and poisonous insects that only grew there.

Jinzhou is the territory of Yanyang Sect, adjacent to Yanzhou and Cangzhou. It is a relatively barren and desolate area.

There is not even a Jindan family in this state. There are only three big clans of cultivators who lead the world of cultivating immortals. The Zhou family sent an elder to lead a team to this place, and they are no longer afraid of any forces here.

But what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that Zhou Xinyan and others who were sent to Jinzhou searched for half a month but could not find any trace of Zhou Yuanlian.

According to the eagle news sent back through the intelligence station, his people almost searched the Huochi Valley and the surrounding areas, but Zhou Yuanlian was nowhere to be seen.

The only discovery was that a trace of battle was found deep in the Fire Red Valley. Judging from the traces of corrosion at the scene caused by the poison, it should be Zhou Yuanlian's fault.

This shows that he has indeed been there.

In this case, Zhou Chun could only take action himself.

He took out Zhou Yuanlian's soul tablet from the ancestral temple and took it directly to Huo Chi Valley in Jinzhou.

Less than a day passed before Zhou Chun appeared above Huo Chi Valley.

Zhou Xinyan was still staying in Huo Chi Valley at this time. When he saw Zhou Chun appear, he hurriedly came forward to salute.

"This junior has met the clan leader. This junior did not do things well this time. Please forgive me!"

Zhou Chun had no intention of exchanging pleasantries with him, he just waved his hand and said: "I can't blame you for this. You go and gather the clan members first, and I will cast a spell to find traces of Xiaolian!"

After saying that, he took out Zhou Yuanlian's soul card, and then used it as a medium to perform the secret technique of finding people.

As Zhou Chun cast the spell, the soul card in front of him suddenly shook slightly, and then the object spun around in mid-air, and then pointed the arrow in a certain direction.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun immediately grabbed the soul card and flew in that direction.

After that, Zhou Chun would cast a spell at intervals, and then move forward in the direction indicated by the soul card.

After casting the spell seven times, he had arrived at a mountain range at the junction of Jinzhou and Yanzhou.

"This place is more than 700 miles away from Huo Chi Valley. Xiaolian has no reason to come here on her own. It seems that she was captured by someone!"

"It's just that with her cultivation strength, she can capture her alive without hurting her. Even the early-stage cultivators of the Zi Mansion cannot do it. If she has such cultivation, why do she still hide in such a desolate place?"

Zhou Chun thought of this and immediately cast another spell to determine Zhou Yuanlian's true location.

I saw his figure flashing, and soon he flew over a pine forest in the mountains.

Looking down from the sky, below is an endless forest of red pine trees, with trees more than ten feet high growing there.

But in fact, these are all illusions. Someone has set up a very clever illusion array here. Even if a monk from the Zifu period comes, he may not be able to see through it.

But Zhou Chun is a golden elixir stage monk, and his spiritual consciousness is stronger than that of ordinary golden elixir middle stage monks. In his eyes, this illusion formation is naturally useless and can be seen through at a glance.

However, although he easily saw through this illusory formation, it did not mean that he could directly enter it without alerting the monks inside.

Such clever magic arrays all have early warning functions. Once someone enters, an early warning will be issued immediately.

Zhou Chun was worried about Zhou Yuanlian's safety, so it was not easy to rush into the battle at this time.

After observing outside for a while, he left the place first and found Zhou Xinyan and other family descendants.

Later, under Zhou Chun's arrangement, Zhou Xinyan and others slowly searched along the way and gradually found the area near the red pine forest.

Immediately after "accidental collision", Zhou Xinyan and others discovered the existence of the phantom formation, and together they took action to break the formation.

As expected by Zhou Chun, when he discovered that the only person attacking the formation was Zhou Xinyan, an early-stage cultivator from the Purple Mansion, the master inside immediately showed up to take him away.

What surprised Zhou Chun was that the late-stage Zifu monk who came out of the red pine forest was actually wearing the robe of the Yanyang Sect!

"What's going on? Why do the people of Yanyang Sect want to capture Xiaolian?"

Zhou Chun's face darkened, sensing the difficulty of the matter.

But he didn't hesitate when he started.

He quickly appeared and directly used the secret technique of [Concentric Golden Lock] to seal the cultivation level of the Yanyang Sect monk, eliminating the possibility of him sending a warning message to call people.

After capturing this person in this way, Zhou Chuncai carried this ugly Yanyang Sect monk into the formation.

Although he did not have a token of passage, he could easily pass through the phantom array and enter the inner room without being affected by the phantom array.

I saw that the interior of the phantom formation was not a red pine forest, but a mountain peak planted with large hexagonal fire maple spiritual trees. Judging from the richness of the spiritual energy, it was not inferior to the Zhou family's Jiufeng Ridge.

In addition to the ugly man captured by Zhou Chun, there are also many middle and low-level disciples of Yanyang Sect here.

At this time, because the ugly big man was captured instantly, all the disciples of Yanyang Sect were in a state of confusion and had not yet recovered.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun immediately knew that this should be a resource point of Yanyang Sect.

So he pondered for a moment, then suddenly shouted loudly: "I am Zhou Zhengchun, the patriarch of the Spirit Beast Zhou family. You don't need to panic. The purpose of my coming here today has nothing to do with you. You can just carry on as usual!"

Numb! I can’t say more about the unfortunate thing that happened today. I’ve already mentioned it in the group. Anyway, let’s slowly start filling up the word count tomorrow!

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