Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 564: Flame Prison Peacock【Please subscribe】

As the saying goes, plans are not as fast as changes.

Zhou Chun's initial thought was that Zhou Yuanlian might be captured by a family of cultivators or a powerful lone cultivator.

No matter what the situation is, he and the Zhou family can simply use people to break the formation without caring about their backgrounds.

But the person who captured Zhou Yuanlian was a monk from Yanyang Sect.

When Zhou Chun discovered this, it was too late to stop.

With Zhou Xinyan and others exposed, if he didn't capture the late-stage cultivator from the Yanyang Sect's Purple Mansion in time, not only would Zhou Yuanlian's safety not be guaranteed, but he might also be beaten up.

So he just thought about it briefly for a few breaths and then immediately decided to take action to capture the opponent.

It's just that although he chose the lesser of two powers, the harm is still real!

He knew very well that if today's matter was not handled well, it would bring big trouble to the Zhou family.

Therefore, after entering the phantom formation, Zhou Chun quickly called Zhou Xinyan and others outside and asked them to take care of the Yanyang Sect disciples first and try not to let the Yanyang Sect's senior officials know that something was going on here.

Zhou Chun then interrogated the captured late-stage monks from the Yanyang Sect’s Zifu.

I saw that after he used his secret technique to seal this person's cultivation, he threw the ugly man with dark red pimples the size of soybeans on his face to the ground, and then said coldly: "Who am I here?" You also know that you also know the reason why I am here today. If you don’t want hundreds of years of practice to be wasted in one day, release that member of my Zhou family immediately!”

This ugly man was worthy of being a disciple of the great sect, or he knew in his heart that Zhou Chun would not harm his own life easily.

Therefore, even though his cultivation level was banned, he calmly said without panic: "Senior Zhou's name is naturally heard by this junior. The junior Taoist friend of your family did not hurt her at all, and he never had the idea of ​​harming her. He just wanted to Just ask her to help with something!”

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun immediately sneered and said: "If you want to ask her to help with something, just hire her directly. I believe that as long as the remuneration you give is appropriate, she will not refuse. If it doesn't work, you can do it yourself." You went to my Zhou family to ask me and other elders to speak out, but why did you forcefully take people back to this place to be imprisoned? Could it be that you think that since you are a disciple of the Yanyang Sect, you can ignore my Zhou family?"

At the end of the sentence, I couldn't help but feel angry.

How could Zhou Chun not be angry?

If today's affairs are not handled well, it will be a big trouble for the Zhou family.

The source of all this trouble is undoubtedly the ugly man in front of him.

"This junior never meant this! It's just that the matter involves junior's privacy and I don't want too many people to know about it!"

The ugly man shook his head repeatedly, not daring to admit this.

He is not stupid at heart. If he admits this, even if the Yanyang Sect's Golden Core Stage monks come forward, it will be difficult to save him.

After all, the Zhou family is now the fifth largest force in the Jingguo, and even the Jindan monks of Yanyang Sect do not dare to bully the Zhou family at will.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately snorted coldly and said: "Humph, I am too lazy to argue with you about this. You take me to free the person first. What is the truth? After I asked the younger members of the clan, I naturally knew everything. It’s clear!”

Then he ordered the ugly man to lead the way.

At this point, the ugly man could no longer take any chances. He knew that if he didn't cooperate, he would only suffer more in vain.

Therefore, he could only lead Zhou Chun to a quiet and remote place in the mountains.

Not long after, Zhou Chun saw Zhou Yuanlian in a quiet valley.

Judging from his appearance, the ugly man did not lie or abuse her, he just restricted her freedom.

But Zhou Chun still looked at this junior with a concerned look and asked: "Xiao Lian, are you okay? If this guy has abused you in any way, just tell me and I will definitely seek justice for you!"

"Junior is fine. Thank you clan leader for coming all the way to rescue me. I have caused you trouble!"

Zhou Yuanlian shook her head gently and responded to Zhou Chun's concern in a calm tone.

It is said that she was somewhat close to Zhou Chun because she was brought back to Zhou's family by Zhou Chun.

But since she has been practicing the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" for longer and longer, her personal temperament has become very indifferent. In addition, Zhou Chun often retreats or goes out, so she cannot meet and give her guidance as often as before. The relationship between the two The relationship has become much weaker.

Moreover, Zhou Chun also knew that Zhou Yuanlian had left her family many times since she successfully established the foundation to hunt down and hunt down demon cultivators who practiced demonic arts. The number of demon cultivators, large and small, who had died under her hands totaled hundreds. !

And she was very ruthless. Even the eight or nine-year-old child who was led to the path of demon cultivation in ignorance would be poisoned and killed without mercy.

Many Zhou family monks may not be able to do this.

Zhou Chun felt that her spirit might be a little abnormal, but it was hard to say anything.

After all, she was already mentally prepared for this when she was asked to practice the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual".

As long as she can still control herself and not take action against the Zhou family monks or kill innocent people at will.

Therefore, Zhou Chun quickly put aside his distracting thoughts, looked at the junior in front of him with a serious face and asked: "This guy said he wanted you to come here because he wanted you to do something for him. What exactly was it? How did you get captured by him? ?”

Hearing this, Zhou Yuanlian couldn't help but glance at the ugly man, and then replied in a low voice: "To tell the clan leader, this junior was captured by this man when he was collecting medicine to fight monsters in Huo Chi Valley. As for the reason why he captured this junior. , firstly, he wants the junior to help him resolve the poison of the Flame Hell Peacock in his body, and secondly, he wants junior to help him lure out the Flame Hell Peacock and kill it!"

"Defuse the poison of the Flame Hell Peacock?"

Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at the dark red pimples on the ugly man's face, showing a look of surprise.

He just said that with the cultivation of this ugly man in the late Zifu, it would be impossible for him to have so many poisonous acne on his face unless he had a perverted personality.

In this current situation, it is obvious that with his cultivation and ability, he cannot completely remove the poison in himself, so he can only seal the poison in this way.

But soon Zhou Chun seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "No, if he just wants you to help him detoxify and lure out the peacock from the Hell, he doesn't have to continue to detain you after knowing your true identity. You're not telling the truth!"

"Junior thinks so too, so he has always treated him like a snake and never dared to help him completely eliminate the toxins in his body!"

Zhou Yuanlian nodded, deeply agreeing with Zhou Chun's words.

And the ugly man's expression changed drastically as he listened to the conversation between the two.

After his expression changed for a while, he suddenly looked at Zhou Yuanlian and asked, "Did you tell the truth just now? Can you really detoxify the peacock poison from the Hell Hell in Qin's body?"

"So what if it is? So what if it's not? Do you still expect me to help you?"

Zhou Yuanlian looked at the ugly man with an indifferent expression, her tone full of sarcasm.

Zhou Chun also looked at the ugly big man coldly. Although he didn't speak, the coldness in his eyes was equally heart-stopping.

Unexpectedly, the ugly man showed strong confidence at this time. He looked at Zhou Chun calmly and said, "Junior and Senior Zhou, how about you make a deal? You just need to let this fellow Taoist help this junior to get rid of the inflammation in the body." The poison of the Hell Peacock, I will help you tame a fourth-level low-grade Flame Hell Peacock as your spiritual pet!"


Zhou Chun looked at the ugly big man in surprise, and was shocked by what he said.

After being shocked, Zhou Chun couldn't help but shouted in a deep voice: "Are you crazy? You can't even get rid of the poison of the Hell Peacock in your body, so how can you help Zhou conquer a fourth-level peacock?" Flame Hell Peacock? And if it was really the poison of the fourth-level Flame Hell Peacock, you would have turned into ashes long ago!"

But even though he said this, he felt vaguely in his heart that the ugly man might not be lying, but might be telling the truth.

Sure enough, in the face of his doubts, the ugly man said very calmly: "Junior is not exaggerating. Senior Zhou, you will know the truth and falsehood if you listen to this junior tell me in detail."

Then he told Zhou Chun and Zhou Yuanlian the whole story.

It turns out that the poison of the Flame Hell Peacock in his body was contracted during a battle with a third-level high-grade Flame Hell Peacock.

The Hell Peacock, a demonic beast, lives near the crater and has the ability to penetrate deep into the volcanic lava. At the same time, it likes to eat centipedes, scorpions, poisonous snakes and other poisonous insects, snakes, ants, and poisonous weeds.

Over time, the Hell Peacock's demonic fire became extremely toxic, and even the blood of its minions contained special toxins.

Once injured by it, the strange Hell Peacock poison will be in the body. This poison contains hundreds of poisons and is very complicated and difficult to solve.

During the fight with the Hell Peacock, the ugly man was injured by its demonic fire and contracted the poison of the Hell Peacock.

Fortunately, the technique he practiced was also very effective in refining toxins, and he took the antidote pills in time, so he was able to dissolve some of the toxins and did not die from this strange poison.

However, he was poisoned by a strange poison, so he did not dare to continue fighting, so he could only use the fourth-level magic talisman in a panic to escape.

After escaping back to the sect, the ugly man discovered that because of the long delay and because he was only focusing on refining the toxins with his natal true fire, he did not realize that the toxins had invaded his Dantian Qi sea along with his natal true fire!

As a result, the toxins took root in his body, and with his magic power and essence as tonics, the toxins recurred and grew again, becoming a stubborn disease that was difficult to eliminate!

Even if he begged those Jindan monks from the Yanyang Sect, no one could really completely eliminate his stubborn illness.

In the end, we can only use secret methods to gather the toxins growing in the body to various parts of the body surface to form poisonous pox, and then pop the poisonous pox every few days to release the poison.

Although this saved his life, it also caused him a lot of pain, and there was almost no possibility of ending the pill!

This situation was unbearable for him.

Therefore, in the following days, he began to search through ancient books and documents to research information on monsters such as the Flame Hell Peacock.

This allowed him to discover a way to detoxify.

The method is quite simple, just kill the Flame Hell Peacock and take its bile to detoxify.

But when he asked a golden elixir stage elder to help him and went to slay the demon, he failed in the end and allowed the Flame Prison Peacock to escape into the volcanic lava!

But a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.

During that battle, the ugly man discovered that the Fire Phoenix bloodline contained in the Flame Prison Peacock was very good. It was very likely that when he broke through to the fourth level, he could condense the Fire Phoenix True Feathers and awaken the Fire Phoenix inheritance!

And he happened to have read in an ancient book that if the Flame Prison Peacock could break through the fourth level and condense the Fire Phoenix True Feather, it would most likely undergo Fire Phoenix Nirvana and reshape its bloodline!

At the time of Nirvana, all memories of the Flame Prison Peacock's past will be erased on their own, and the demon soul will be reborn along with the physical bloodline.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, as long as you have the ability to get close to the Hell Peacock when it is in Nirvana and withstand the fire of Nirvana burning on its body, you will have the opportunity to forcibly contract with it!

Such a successful example was recorded in the ancient books that the ugly man had read.

So he was excited at that time!

He quickly made two preparations. First, he continued to look for opportunities to kill the Flame Hell Peacock and use its bile to detoxify himself.

If this matter really couldn't be accomplished, he would help the Flame Hell Peacock break through to the fourth level, and then look for an opportunity to fight to the death!

Once he succeeds, he will be able to obtain an extremely powerful fourth-level Flame Hell Peacock spiritual pet. If he fails, he will die at most!

However, the ugly man had invited his friends several times to kill the Flame Prison Peacock, but he failed to succeed and even caused the death of a fellow junior.

Moreover, after the Flame Hell Peacock was attacked by him several times, it no longer easily left the vicinity of the crater, making it difficult for him to have another chance to deal with it.

But it seems that this person, Tian Bujue, happened to meet Zhou Yuanlian, who practiced pure poison skills, when he went to Huo Chi Valley to capture some fire-attribute poisonous insects that the Flame Hell Peacock loved to eat.

What happens next is simple.

The ugly man hoped that Zhou Yuanlian could help him resolve the poison of the Flame Hell Peacock in his body, and at the same time he wanted to use Zhou Yuanlian to help him collect various poisonous insects, snakes and ants to help the Flame Hell Peacock break through to the fourth level.

Now seeing Zhou Chun knocking on his door and becoming a prisoner, and knowing that Zhou Yuanlian can help him cure the poison of the Hell Peacock in his body, the ugly man knew that if he didn't come up with benefits, Zhou Chun would definitely not give up, and The sect may not be willing to stand up for him who has become an outcast.

So he wanted to use the opportunity to conquer the Flame Hell Peacock in exchange for his own safety.

He knew in his heart that Zhou Chun, who was famous in Jingguo and surrounding countries for his skills in controlling beasts, was basically unlikely to refuse this temptation!

I have to say, this time he was really accurate at reading people!

After listening to his story, Zhou Chun was indeed moved.

Zhou Chun has always wanted to have a fire attribute monster spirit pet and a pure bird monster spirit pet.

At the exchange meeting held by Huang Yunren, a casual cultivator in the Nascent Soul period of the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Chun was upset because he missed an egg from the high-level monster "Phoenix Tail Flame Sparrow".

Now that he heard that he had the opportunity to contract a fourth-level Flame Hell Peacock that also had the blood of the Fire Phoenix and could condense the True Feathers of the Fire Phoenix, how could he not be tempted!

If this matter can be accomplished, he will be able to gather together two dragon and phoenix racial spiritual pets, the fire phoenix and the thunder dragon, both of which are fourth-level monsters.

This shouldn't be too tempting for him who has a special plot.

It's just that his heart is beating, but Zhou Chun doesn't immediately believe it because of someone else's words.

When he stared at the ugly man and said, "Where is the ancient book you mentioned? I have to see it with my own eyes before I can believe your words."

Then he added: "And how can you help that Flame Hell Peacock break through the fourth level? Do you know how difficult it is for a monster to break through the fourth level!"

After hearing this, the ugly man immediately replied: "The ancient book is in this junior's storage bag. Senior Zhou only needs to unlock some seals for me, and then he can take it out for senior to have a look at!"

After saying that, he continued: "As for how to help the Flame Prison Peacock break through, I will not hide this from the seniors. The juniors know that somewhere in the courtyard of the Ma family of the great Yanzhou clan, there is a [Eichhornia phoenix-eye fire cloud grass] with a medicinal age of more than three thousand years. 】, although this spiritual herb is a thousand-year-old treasure, because it grows near a volcano, it has accumulated a large amount of fire poison. Even the alchemy master dare not say that it will definitely be able to make elixirs with this medicine!"

"So whether the junior comes forward to exchange for it, or Senior Zhou comes forward in person, as long as the price is right, the Ma family will give it a face!"

When he said this, he also said with confidence: "The Flame Hell Peacock has already accumulated a lot of savings, but it has never found a breakthrough opportunity. If we can give it this [Eichhornia Fire Grass] that suits it very well, If you give it a dose, it will definitely have a 60-70% chance of breaking through successfully!"

A 60-70% certainty is already very high.

At the beginning, Zhou Chun had many pill-forming spiritual objects such as the [Five Elements Spiritual Fruit], but he did not have such a high success rate for forming pills.

However, this is only the judgment of an ugly man and a late-stage cultivator of the Zifu. The actual situation is estimated to be greatly discounted by Zhou Chun.

But if he is not exaggerating, the fire phoenix bloodline in the Hell Peacock is really as pure as he said. With the help of [Enchon Eyes Fire Grass] which is more than 3,000 years old, there is indeed a very high chance of successfully breaking through the fourth level. level.

"I'll wait until I read the ancient book you mentioned."

As Zhou Chun spoke, he slightly unlocked some of the seals in the ugly man's body, allowing him to use some of his magic power and consciousness.

Naturally, the ugly man didn't dare to play any tricks in front of him, so he quickly took out an ancient animal skin book and handed it to him.

This ancient animal skin book looks really old. It even has traces of being burned by insects and fire, and some pages are missing content.

But fortunately, the part about the Hell Peacock is not missing.

I saw that ancient books recorded the life legends of many Golden Core monks. The chapter about the Flame Prison Peacock was about a certain Golden Core monk who was on the verge of death in his later years. He told the story of how he conquered the Flame Prison Peacock. A legendary story that was revealed to the descendants of the disciples and then spread somewhere.

Judging from the situation recorded in this ancient book, as long as the ugly man did not lie about the purity of the bloodline of the Flame Hell Peacock, there is something to be done about directly conquering the fourth-level Flame Hell Peacock!

After reading this ancient book, Zhou Chun was completely moved.

After some calculations in his mind, he looked at the ugly man and said, "I have another question. You also said that the Flame Hell Peacock can penetrate deep into the volcanic magma. After Xiacao], what should I do if I evolve deep into the magma while sleeping? I don’t have the ability to go deep into the magma to find it!”

Hearing what he said, the ugly man looked at him with a strange expression and said, "Don't you know, Senior Zhou? Unless it is a real pure-blooded fire phoenix, or some fourth-level monster with special bloodline, most of them will Most monsters that can travel through volcanic magma can only travel through it, but cannot completely inhabit the magma!"

"Moreover, the volcanic magma is dangerous and unpredictable. Not only may there be powerful fire spirits and monsters, but you may also encounter magma eruptions at any time. If the Flame Hell Peacock does not want his nirvana evolution process to be interrupted or even die in it, You definitely don’t dare to make breakthroughs in evolution inside!”

Didn’t you say that the fire phoenix bloodline in the Flame Hell Peacock was very strong?

Zhou Chun glanced at the ugly man with an unhappy expression, and decided not to argue with him.

Then he turned to Zhou Yuanlian and asked, "Xiaolian, are you really sure that you can remove the toxins from his body?"

Hearing this, the ugly man suddenly became nervous and couldn't help but look at Zhou Yuanlian expectantly.

Seeing this, Zhou Yuanlian immediately replied: "I may not be completely sure yet, but if I use the toxins in his body to reach the later stage of foundation building and successfully refine the [Hundred Poison Orb] magical weapon, it should be stable done!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a look of ecstasy on the face of the ugly man. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would probably laugh wildly.

Over the years, he has indeed been tortured by the poison of the Hell Peacock in his body. If he can get rid of the poison and regain his health, he will be willing to bear no matter how high the price is!

Anyway, he didn't have much confidence that he could conquer the fourth-level Flame Prison Peacock.

If he hadn't met Zhou Yuanlian, maybe in his final despair, he would have taken the risk and found a golden elixir-level monk from his sect to give it a try!

After receiving Zhou Yuanlian's affirmative reply, Zhou Chun turned to look at the ugly man with satisfaction and said, "You heard what Xiaolian said. If you are willing to fully cooperate with me to conquer the Flame Prison Peacock, you can capture and imprison her." I will not pursue the matter, and will let her help you get rid of your stubborn illness and regain your health!"

"No problem, as long as we can get rid of the stubborn disease, I will definitely cooperate with Senior Zhou unconditionally!"

The ugly man immediately agreed, and even took the initiative to say: "And in order to express my apology to fellow Taoist Xiaolian, I am willing to bear all the expenses for her to break through to the later stage of foundation building, and give her a third-level low-grade magic weapon! "

Seeing that he was on the right track, Zhou Chun felt relieved.

Then he pondered for a while, then looked at this person and said: "Then it's settled, you will deal with the aftermath of what happened here today, and you will also exchange for the [Enchon Eyes Fire Grass]. When you prepare the things , come find me again and let’s go look for that Flame Hell Peacock!”

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