Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 565: The Peacock's Suspicious Trace and the Jade Dew Pills [Please subscribe]

After negotiating a cooperation plan with the ugly man Qin Yang, the turmoil was finally settled.

With the two parties involved having reconciled, even if Zhou Chun's attempt to capture the disciples of the Yanyang Sect alive was a bit excessive, due to his cultivation status, the Yanyang Sect would not care too much.

After all, in this matter, it was their side that was at fault.

After Zhou Chun brought Zhou Yuanlian back to his family, he asked her to stay inside the mountain gate and not go out, lest Qin Yang regret and kidnap her and hide her.

Next, Zhou Chun only needs to wait for Qin Yang to come to the door after preparing everything.

It concerns his own path, and he believes that Qin Yang must be more anxious than anyone else to handle this matter.

Sure enough, after Zhou Chun came back, he only had to wait for half a year, and Qin Yang had already exchanged [Phoenix Eye Fire Grass].

Then he personally came to Tuyunling to meet Zhou Chun, and wanted to take Zhou Chun to the habitat of the Flame Hell Peacock.

The volcanic zone of Jingguo is mainly located in the area controlled by the Yanyang Sect. The place where the Yanjing Peacock inhabits is located at the junction of Jinzhou and Shenguoyangzhou.

There are many volcanoes in this junction area. There are dozens of active volcanoes of various sizes, and volcanoes will erupt every few years.

Therefore, this place can be said to be completely depopulated, with no mortals settling at all.

But the figure of the immortal cultivator is extremely active here.

When a volcano erupts, the magma may bring out some spiritual objects that are only produced in the earth's fire magma. The value of these specialty spiritual objects is not low. If a monk in the Qi training period is lucky enough to find one or two spiritual objects, he can live a good life. It's been a good few years.

Therefore, a large number of treasure hunters often gather near the craters of volcanoes that have recently erupted.

According to Qin Yang's speculation, the Flame Hell Peacock appeared in this area after getting lost in the earth's fire magma.

Because according to the records of the Yanyang Sect, there has never been a demonic beast like the Flame Hell Peacock in this area before, nor even any other fire-attributed peacock demonic beast.

But now that the Hell Peacock has made its home here, it has brought chaos and danger to this place.

Monks who don't know the details often accidentally break into the nest of this Hell Peacock during the process of treasure hunting, and are then burned to ashes by its demonic fire!

At this time, under the leadership of Qin Yang, Zhou Chun and he soon came to a volcano with yellow and white sulfur smoke.

"This is it. The Hell Peacock now uses this volcano as its home base. Its activity range is about two to three hundred miles around, and it has the ability to emerge directly from other nearby volcanic craters through the earth's fire magma!"

"And this beast is now extremely alert and will basically not leave within a hundred miles of the crater. It has even subdued some middle and low-level monsters to help it capture poisonous insects, snakes and ants for food!"

On a hilltop about thirty or forty miles away from the crater, Qin Yang pointed to the smoking crater in front and explained the relevant situation in a low tone.

In order to collect information about the Flame Hell Peacock, he hired some casual cultivators who often moved in this area to help him monitor the Flame Hell Peacock from a distance.

And as long as there is no close contact, the Flame Prison Peacock will not deliberately kill those casual cultivators who are in the Qi training period in its eyes like ants.

After listening to his words, Zhou Chun immediately asked: "What do you think? How are you going to deliver the [Phoenix Eye Fire Grass] to the mouth of the Hell Peacock?"

Qin Yang has certainly thought about this question, and immediately replied after hearing the words: "After much thought, this junior, it is better not to make this matter too complicated, otherwise it may be self-defeating, so I am going to arrange for someone who dares to die." The soldier will bring [Phoenix Eye Fire Grass] and appear on the path that the Flame Hell Peacock must pass, and let it seize it on its own!"

"Well, that makes sense, so go ahead and prepare yourself!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, agreeing with his plan.

Anyway, he doesn't care about anything else, he only cares about whether the Flame Hell Peacock will evolve into Nirvana as Qin Yang said.

If there was no Nirvana evolution, Zhou Chun would have to wait until it had just evolved and kill it.

In this way, although you did not get a fourth-level spiritual pet with great strength and potential, you could still get the body of a fourth-level monster beast and the demon elixir, and the harvest was equally huge.

After agreeing with Qin Yang's method, Zhou Chun retreated two hundred miles away to avoid disturbing the Flame Hell Peacock.

Then an old monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment who was not long in his life was found by Qin Yang to be the one who dared to die.

After Qin Yang promised him a Foundation Establishment Pill as a reward, this mid-stage Foundation Establishment monk who only had a few years left in his life directly sold his life to him, and he could do whatever he wanted!

In the next period of time, the old foundation-building monk with a fatal ambition pretended to be an ordinary treasure-hunting monk and moved around the volcano where the Hell Peacock lived.

The picked [Phoenix Eye Fire Grass] was placed in a century-old flame jade box and carried on his back.

After about fifty days passed like this, the Flame Hell Peacock finally discovered this bold human being.

Since it was near the crater, it didn't get used to the human being. After observing it for a while, it took the initiative and burned the old man to ashes with a blast of demonic fire.

However, the jade box made of century-old flame jade could barely withstand the burning of the demonic fire, and allowed the Flame Hell Peacock to sense the aura of the [Enchon-Eye Fire Cloud Grass] inside.

Monster beasts are very sensitive to breath, and they are naturally able to sense which spiritual creatures are good for them to devour.

So after sensing the aura of [Phoenix Eye Fire Grass], the Flame Hell Peacock immediately neighed and put back the still burning demon fire, and quickly landed on the jade box and opened the lid with his claws.

When it discovered the [Eichhornia phoenix-eye grass] stored in the jade box, it couldn't help but let out a long hiss full of joy, and then directly took the [Eichhornia-eye firegrass] in the jade box on the spot. Pecking and swallowing.

After swallowing the [Eichhornia Fire Grass], the Flame Hell Peacock quickly flapped its wings and took off, flew towards the volcano, and then disappeared into the crater.

This scene happened to be seen by Zhou Chun, who was observing from a distance through the "insect puppet technique".

"Oops, Qin Yang's intelligence information is wrong!"

Zhou Chun's expression changed slightly, and he quickly went to Qin Yang who was observing further ahead to explain the matter.

Qin Yang himself also saw the Flame Hell Peacock disappearing into the crater through other means, but he seemed to have expected it and acted more calmly than Zhou Chun.

At this time, facing Zhou Chun's doubts, he just said in a solemn voice: "Senior Zhou, don't worry. According to the junior's speculation, the Flame Prison Peacock should only build a nest in the crater and not really go to the Earth Fire." The magma breaks through and evolves!”

Hearing his answer, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look at him deeply and said, "I hope your judgment is correct, otherwise..."

Otherwise, Zhou Chun didn't say it clearly, but Qin Yang knew it.

At that moment, he said solemnly: "Senior Zhou, don't worry, I will definitely find the Flame Hell Peacock!"

It was estimated that it would take some time for the Flame Hell Peacock to digest the medicinal power of [Phoenix Eye Fire Grass], so even though he was unsure, Qin Yang waited with Zhou Chun for another half a month before heading to the crater to look for him. .

But what made Qin Yang feel cold was that after the two arrived at the crater, no matter whether they searched with their spiritual senses or ventured down to search inside, they found no trace of the Flame Prison Peacock. Instead, they found an empty bird's nest inside.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, what else do you have to say now?"

In the empty bird's nest, Zhou Chun looked at Qin Yang's ugly face with a calm expression, and said in a slightly weird tone.

Qin Yang's face was now black and red, looking extremely ugly.

He had vowed before that nothing would go wrong, but now something did go wrong. He felt ashamed and panicked at the same time.

He knew very well that if he had not subdued or killed the Flame Hell Peacock, Zhou Chun would never have asked Zhou Yuanlian to detoxify him again!

After all, what he did before had greatly offended Zhou Chun and Zhou Yuanlian.

After his expression changed for a while, he suddenly took a deep breath and said, "Senior Zhou, don't worry, let this junior think about it more, and I will definitely give you an explanation!"

"Zhou is really not in a hurry. Even if this trip is really in vain, Zhou will only lose some time."

Zhou Chun said lightly, but he turned around and left the place.

For him who practices metallic skills, this crater is indeed not a comfortable place.

Now that he can't find the Hell Peacock, he certainly doesn't want to stay here any longer.

Although he said there was no rush, Zhou Chun still cared about the matter in his heart.

After all, he had already put a lot of expectations into this before. If he really got nothing, he would definitely be disappointed.

So after coming out, he also thought carefully about finding the Flame Hell Peacock.

In fact, Zhou Chun basically did not doubt Qin Yang's judgment that it was impossible for the Hell Peacock to evolve while sleeping in the earth's fire magma.

A mere third-level high-grade monster, even if it has innate magical powers, can survive in the earth fire magma, but once it falls into a deep sleep, it is unlikely that it can ignore the burning of the earth fire magma.

Just like ordinary people can take a bath in a high-altitude hot spring, but if they stay in it, not to mention boiling people, they will definitely get burnt or even die!

But now the Flame Prison Peacock is missing, and it can be determined that it has probably penetrated deep into the volcanic magma.

Now, facing the volcanic magma that even the Golden Core Stage monks have difficulty swimming in, it is so difficult to find him!

"Senior Zhou, this junior has just thought of a possibility. Do you think that Hell Peacock may have built a hidden nest elsewhere, and now it actually went through the sea of ​​magma and fire to sleep and evolve in that hidden nest!"

Just when Zhou Chun was thinking about the whereabouts of the Flame Prison Peacock, Qin Yang suddenly ran over and expressed his thoughts with excitement.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun was slightly startled, then nodded thoughtfully and said: "It is not impossible."

Then he frowned slightly and said, "Even so, how can we find its hidden lair?"

When Qin Yang heard this, he immediately said: "I think we can start from the nearby volcanoes. If the Hell Peacock wants to successfully evolve into Nirvana, it needs to be nourished by the underground fire vein aura, so its nests must be closely connected. Burning with lava and sea of ​​fire!"

"It makes sense, let's look for it!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, agreeing with this statement.

Then the two of them took action separately.

However, after the two searched the craters within hundreds of miles around them, they still could not find any possible hidden lairs.

Seeing this situation, Qin Yang spoke to Zhou Chun again and said: "Since there is no nest in the crater with surging magma, it must have placed its nest in some dark caves that are not easy to find. I know this area There are many dark caves that have erupted but have returned to death. As long as we slowly investigate them one by one, we will surely find traces of them!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun immediately frowned and said, "How long will it take to find it? Zhou doesn't have that much time to accompany you to find it slowly!"

This was not because Zhou Chun was trying to evade, but because he really couldn't stay here for a long time.

Qin Yang was much calmer now. After hearing Zhou Chun's words, he quickly said in a deep voice: "Senior Zhou, if something happens to you, let this junior do it. I will definitely find that beast." of!"

"In that case, I leave this matter to you."

Zhou Chun nodded, then looked at Qin Yang with deep meaning in his eyes and said, "Just in case something changes, I also need fellow Daoist Qin to swear a Taoist oath, not to reveal the advancement of the Flame Prison Peacock to more people!"

"No problem, I will make an oath now, junior."

Qin Yang agreed without hesitation, very decisively.

Of course he understood what Zhou Chun meant. He was just worried that after he found the Flame Hell Peacock, he would not look for Zhou Chun but instead look for the Golden Core Stage cultivator of his sect.

But in fact, to him, there is actually no difference between the two.

Even if he goes to find a golden elixir-level monk in his sect, the biggest benefit is probably to get rid of the stubborn disease in his body.

This will offend Zhou Chun for nothing!

And if he fails to conquer the Flame Hell Peacock by then, and another accident occurs, causing the Flame Hell Peacock to run away, then he will really suffer a big loss.

You must know that among the Jindan monks in Yanyang Sect, no one can help him get rid of the stubborn disease in his body!

After supervising Qin Yang's oath in this way, Zhou Chun returned to the family with peace of mind.

Two months after Zhou Chun returned to the family, Luo Qingni sent a letter to Zhou Chun, saying that the furnace could be started to refine the [Yulu Jinxia Dan].

After learning about this, Zhou Chun immediately put down everything at hand and rushed to the Great Zhou Kingdom in person to participate in this important event.

"[Yulu Jinxia Dan] is a high-level elixir. This elixir refining is expected to take ninety-nine and eighty-one days. If everything goes well, more than five elixirs should be produced!"

In the alchemy room, after burning incense and bathing, Luo Qingni entered the room with Zhou Chun and briefly explained the alchemy situation to him.

Zhou Chun was not good at alchemy. At this time, she listened as she said, and said, "Fellow Taoist Luo, just let go and do whatever you want. Zhou believes that your craftsmanship will not disappoint!"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhou, Qing Ni will definitely go all out."

Luo Qingni nodded, then activated the forbidden formation in the alchemy room and officially started refining the alchemy.

[Yulu Jinxia Dan] This high-level elixir requires a lot of materials.

In addition to the two main drugs of Dendrobium and Qionghuayulu, which are three thousand years old, there are as many as sixty-four other auxiliary drugs that need to be used, of which twenty-four are the thousand-year-old elixir!

With so many elixirs, even the early stage of refining and extracting the essence of the elixirs would take seven or eight days.

Alchemy is a profound knowledge, and elixir extraction is even more delicate. It is by no means as simple as melting the elixir into a liquid.

Different types of elixirs require different extraction methods, not just melting them with fire.

Moreover, some elixirs themselves contain toxicity, and the alchemist must use alchemy techniques to remove the toxicity before using them as medicine.

In order to retain the essence of some precious elixirs to the maximum extent, refining them requires the alchemist to be highly concentrated and use an extremely slow technique to peel off the impurities bit by bit.

Therefore, when refining high-level elixirs like [Yulu Jinxia Dan], it is a great challenge for the alchemist's own energy. Without the support of the golden elixir cultivation level, it will definitely be very reluctant, and even the energy will be exhausted. Large enough to cause alchemy failure.

Luo Qingni also made sufficient preparations for the success of this alchemy.

When she started to refine the elixir, she lit up a precious spirit-concentrating incense, relying on the effect of the incense to concentrate her energy and restore her spirit.

When tempering some elixirs, several specially prepared spiritual waters were taken out and the mildest "water refining method" was used to temper several precious materials such as Dendrobium golden thread and [Qionghua Jade Dew]. .

When she started to combine the medicine, she even used the "Great Replenishing Pill" while using the extremely mana-consuming secret alchemy technique to activate the alchemy furnace and improve the efficiency of combining the medicine!

During the subsequent process of accumulating elixirs, she also worked extremely hard, working tirelessly on the elixirs again and again, with all her energy focused on the elixir inside.

Zhou Chun couldn't help much and knew that he couldn't intervene, so he waited patiently.

After ninety-nine and eighty-one days of this, Luo Qingni opened the lid of the alchemy furnace with a flick of his sleeves and performed the pill collection method. Six golden glows flew out from the alchemy furnace, hovering in the air with great spirituality. It started to fly.

Zhou Chun looked intently and saw that inside these golden light groups were light golden elixirs the size of lychees.

And as Luo Qingni pinched the spell in his hand, the golden glow was immediately restrained and sent into each jade bottle, restoring the true form of the elixir.

After collecting all the elixirs, Luo Qingni, who was already looking tired, lifted the formation restrictions and walked to Zhou Chun.

"Fortunately, I have lived up to my mission. I have six pills in total, so I am performing normally!"

A faint smile appeared on her face, and with a wave of her hand, she handed five jade bottles containing elixirs to Zhou Chun.

According to the previous agreement between the two, if Zhou Chun produced two main medicines and most of the auxiliary medicines, she would only take one pill. At this time, she could be regarded as fulfilling her promise.

But after Zhou Chun looked at the five jade bottles in front of him, he only waved his sleeves and took away four of them, and sent the remaining jade bottle back to her.

At the same time, he said: "Fellow Daoist Luo has also worked hard this time in refining the elixir, and fellow daoist is now only one step away from reaching the middle stage of the golden elixir. Zhou is borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, and regard this elixir as a congratulatory gift for fellow daoist to break through the middle stage of the golden elixir! "

Unexpectedly, Luo Qingni shook his head and declined at this time: "Qingni understands Zhou Daoyou's good intentions, but there is no one who would accept a gift before he has broken through the realm. Since he had agreed to only take one pill, Qingni just took one. Pieces!"

"But if there is only one spiritual elixir, are you sure, Fellow Daoist Luo, to break through to the middle stage of the golden elixir?"

Zhou Chun frowned slightly and whispered his worries.

"My cultivation is almost reaching the mid-stage golden elixir barrier. If one elixir doesn't work, taking more of the same elixir will be useless!"

When Luo Qingni said this, she looked at Zhou Chun with a serious face and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhou, if you can take all five elixirs, you may be able to touch the middle stage of the golden elixir barrier!"

After hearing what she said, Zhou Chun no longer forced himself, and immediately nodded and said: "Okay, since Fellow Daoist Luo said so, then you're welcome."

After saying that, he put away the jade bottle.

Later, Luo Qingni went to rest and recover because her alchemy was too consumed. Zhou Chun also left her "Qingni Residence" cave and went to Zhou Daoyi's cave.

It is rare to come to Tianyuan Immortal City, and the Zhou family has now begun a full-scale development operation. Zhou Chun feels that it is time to take over the shops in Tianyuan Immortal City.

Therefore, after a long conversation with Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Chun handed over the million spiritual coins he brought over to him.

Thanks to the launch of "Tian Ling Morning News" and the successful sales activities previously carried out, the Zhou family's current financial situation is much better.

Of the million spiritual coins Zhou Chun brought this time, 400,000 were taken from the family treasury, and the remaining 600,000 were advanced and transferred by him.

In addition, Zhou Daoyi and Lin Hongyu also advanced about 300,000 spiritual coins.

With this huge sum of money, Zhou Daoyi quickly bought a store in the city that he had previously been promising.

This store is not located in the most prosperous area, but it is still an area with a large flow of people. The total purchase amount is as high as 2.6 million spiritual coins!

Zhou Daoyi first paid half of the spirit coins to obtain the house deed, and the remaining 1.3 million spirit coins need to be paid off within fifty years, otherwise the store will be repossessed!

It is also worth mentioning that, depending on the size of the store, the store must pay a tax of 3,000 spiritual coins to the Fairy City management department every year!

As for how Zhou Daoyi plans to run the store after taking possession of it, no one cares.

However, according to Zhou Chun's suggestion, Zhou Daoyi temporarily operates the store as a talisman shop, specializing in selling various mid- and low-level talismans. Occasionally, he will put a few third-level talismans to attract popularity.

Only after the Zhou family has stockpiled all kinds of materials to a certain extent will they officially continue to transport materials here for sale.

After watching Zhou Daoyi take care of the store affairs, Zhou Chun did not stay in Tianyuan Fairy City any longer and returned directly to his family.

He can't wait to try the effect of [Yulu Jinxia Dan]!

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