Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 566 Peacock Nirvana【Please subscribe】

[Jade Dew Jinxia Dan] is a great medicine taken by Golden Elixir monks. This medicine is so powerful that even Golden Elixir monks cannot refine it in three or two days.

Therefore, before Zhou Chun took the medicine, he specifically explained it to his apprentice Zhou Zhiying.

After all the matters were explained, Zhou Chun took out a jade bottle containing the elixir, poured out the elixir inside and swallowed it in one gulp.

As soon as the elixir is taken into the mouth, it instantly turns into a sweet liquid that flows down the throat, as cool as the dewdrops in the morning.

Immediately, the rich medicinal power was continuously transformed into his own magical power under the refinement of Zhou Chun's luck.

Every time Zhou Chun refined a bit of this pure and rich medicinal power, the effect was comparable to that of meditating for several days.

The long-lost pleasure of soaring cultivation surged in his heart again, and it was so satisfying.

Time passed slowly, and two months flew by.

On this day, after sixty-seven days of seclusion, Zhou Chun finally refined all the medicinal power of the [Yulu Jinxia Dan] and successfully came out of seclusion.

The effect of taking the medicine this time also made him feel extremely satisfied.

The effect of just one elixir was worth more than ten years of hard work!

It's not in vain that he spent a lot of energy and money to collect materials and refine the elixir.

According to this calculation, after taking the remaining four elixirs, he only needs to achieve 90% of the effect of the first elixir as a whole, and he will really have a chance to touch the mid-term barrier of the golden elixir.

"If I hadn't been stuck by the realm barrier for too long, maybe I would have entered the middle stage of the Golden Core a little later than Fellow Daoist Luo, and would have entered the same starting line with her again!"

As soon as he thought about this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but show a proud smile on his face.

However, after your cultivation and mana have surged once in a short period of time, it is not suitable to continue taking medicine.

Zhou Chun plans to spend a year adapting to the surge of mana in his body, and then continue taking medicine after he is fully adapted.

At this time, Zhou Zhiying was already in the late stage of qi training. Her mother Zhou Yuanyuan had also taken the "Purple Dust Pill" to successfully open up the Zifu some time ago and was promoted to the elder of the Zhou family.

But the bad news is that Zhou Daoquan, a distinguished veteran of the Zhou family, does not have much life left.

Zhou Daoquan was originally the oldest person in the Zhou family except Zhou Mingde. He had been seriously injured many times in the early years, which had an impact on his longevity, and he could not really live to the end of his life as a monk in the Zifu period.

In recent years, his body has aged significantly faster, and he has reached the end of his life.

Zhou Chun also felt very regretful and uncomfortable about this. After all, this elder used to love him very much. Without this elder, he would never have been able to obtain spiritual pets like Thunder Dragon Baibai.

Therefore, he was specially recalled to Tuyunling for retirement, hoping to spend more time with this old man in the remaining time, so that he could complete the last journey of his life without regrets.

At the same time, Zhou Chun was also thinking that it was time to release the news about Zhou Daoyi's death while traveling.

In recent years, many talented people have emerged among the younger generations of the Zhou family, and monks from the Zifu period have emerged one after another, which is indeed a bit eye-catching.

If the news that Zhou Daoyi died while away from home were released at this time, and that Zhou Daoquan was old and had a short lifespan, it would probably offset a lot of the attention he received.

However, this matter needs to be arranged for people to act out a play, so that it can be more realistic.

Half a year later, there was a sudden explosion in the Zhou family's ancestral temple, and Zhou Daoyi's natal soul tablet left in the family's ancestral temple suddenly exploded into countless pieces.

This incident immediately alarmed an old monk who was responsible for guarding these natal soul tablets, and then he passed the news to Zhou Xinyi, Zhou Mingde and others in great panic and grief.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chun, Zhou Daoquan and other senior officials of the Zhou family came to the ancestral temple to check on the situation, and then the heartbroken roars of Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde rang out from half of Tuyunling Mountain Gate.

Soon, the news about the death of Zhou Daoyi, the previous generation patriarch of the Zhou family, quickly spread throughout Lingzhou, and then spread to the surrounding states.

After learning about this incident, families such as the Su family in Jiangzhou and other families who had good relations with the Zhou family sent letters to express their condolences and said that they would do their best to help find the murderer if necessary.

Some forces that harbored ill intentions towards the Zhou family, or were jealous of the Zhou family's rapid development over the years, were extremely happy about this matter and celebrated.

Inside the Zhou family, there was a state of grief.

Zhou Daoyi was fair and tolerant. He was an elder who was highly respected by his tribe. When he was in the family, he often gave guidance to his younger generations on their practice. He would occasionally give talismans he made to some younger generations who liked them, so he was very popular. .

Now that they were shocked to hear the bad news, those Zhou family monks who had been favored by him but did not know the truth, including some core tribesmen and elders, were extremely sad and asked the family to trace the identity of the murderer and avenge the fallen elder!

Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde naturally agreed to this, while taking the opportunity to observe these juniors to see which ones were showing true feelings and which ones were just pretending to be sad following the crowd.

They will not punish those tribesmen who pretend to be sad, but in the future, under the same circumstances, they will definitely take more care of those who show their true feelings.

After all, no one wants his descendants to show any gratitude to him.

Zhou Chun can show kindness without repaying it, but he will never show kindness in vain to those who are not grateful!

Half a month later, Lin Hongyu returned to Zhou's house with a sad face and an urn, and at the same time explained the "cause" of Zhou Daoyi's death.

It turns out that Zhou Daoyi was not killed by anyone, but after encountering an opportunity to form an elixir outside, he forcibly attacked the elixir and caused his death.

After learning about this incident, the atmosphere of grief within the Zhou family immediately eased greatly. Most people felt sorry for Zhou Daoyi and lost their sadness.

After all, for the Legend of Immortality, dying on a breakthrough to a great realm is only a little worse than sitting at the end of one's life. It can be said to be a joyful death!

There are even some strong monks who would rather die during the breakthrough process than wait for the end of their lives.

Zhou Daoyi died while breaking through the great realm, which shows that he was infinitely close to the golden elixir stage. In a sense, it was worth it!

Then the family held a grand funeral for Zhou Daoyi and buried his ashes in the family tomb.

After this incident, Zhou Chun, Lin Hongyu and other high-level family officials stayed secluded and rarely appeared in public to avoid being seen through their emotional changes.

After more than a year passed, few people talked about Zhou Daoyi's death, and all the grieving people returned to their normal lives, before Zhou Chuncai reappeared in front of people.

At this time, Zhou Chun had already refined the second [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill], and his magic power had further increased. This would inevitably make people see that his cultivation level was abnormally increasing. He also tried his best to avoid meeting other Golden Pill stage monks.

It wasn't until this day that Qin Yang suddenly visited the Zhou family, and Zhou Chun made an exception and left the family and went to Jinzhou again.

"Senior Zhou, please look, this is where it is. In the past year or so, this junior has searched the entire area thousands of miles away. Finally, his hard work paid off and he succeeded in finding this place in this deserted dark cave. Found the Flame Hell Peacock!"

After Xu Yang and Zhou Chun landed on a hilltop covered with lush green shrubs, they pointed at a cave in the mountain and talked about their discovery vividly.

Zhou Chun looked around and saw that the mountains at his feet and the landform below were indeed typical volcanic rock landforms formed after volcanic eruptions. There were no tall trees, but they were covered with various shrubs and weeds.

From the looks of it, at least hundreds of years have passed since the last eruption here.

Xu Yang was able to find this place and not even miss such a place, which shows that he was indeed forced into a desperate situation.

And placing the hidden nest under such a place also shows the caution of the Flame Hell Peacock.

After looking at it at this time, Zhou Chun also affirmed his contribution, "This place is so remote and inconspicuous, but you never let it go. You are really careful."

After saying that, he restrained his breath and started walking down the hole together with Xu Yang.

This cave was opened by Xu Yang in order to find the Flame Hell Peacock, but it was actually blocked long ago.

Zhou Chun and he walked down the cave dozens of feet deep before entering a natural cave that was truly formed by a volcanic eruption.

The two of them walked for another distance in the natural cave. The temperature in front of them was getting higher and higher. It was obvious that they were getting closer to the magma.

After continuing to move forward like this for half a quarter of an hour, a light red light appeared in the originally dark cave.

Moving forward, Zhou Chun soon saw a surprising scene.

In the wide cave hall, there is a circular bird's nest made of fire jade, flame iron, purple fire copper, flame crystal stone, century-old flame jade and other fire-attribute materials!

Under the bird's nest, there is a magma fire pool three feet in diameter. From time to time, magma bubbles explode and burn in the air.

Inside the bird's nest, there is a huge fiery red luminous body.

The fiery red luminous object looks like a fiery red giant egg standing upright from a distance. Only when you look closely can you find that inside it is actually a fiery red peacock with its head covered by its wings and nestled in a bird's nest.

The fiery red brilliance is actually caused by the red flames burning on its body.

This is the Flame Hell Peacock!

At this time, the Flame Prison Peacock was in the state of Nirvana.

This state is extremely special. When it is in the Nirvana state, its aura is completely restrained. It is impossible to tell whether it is a third-order monster or a fourth-order monster based on its aura alone.

At the same time, because it is in the state of nirvana, the Hell Peacock has almost no perception of the outside world at this moment. Even if Zhou Chun and Xu Yang are located dozens of feet away from it, it has no reaction at all.

It was precisely because he knew this that Qin Yang dared to bring Zhou Chun over directly.

At this time, after looking at the Flame Prison Peacock, Zhou Chun turned to look at Qin Yang beside him and asked: "Fellow Daoist Qin, do you know how long its nirvana state will last?"

Hearing this question, Qin Yang immediately showed a troubled look and hesitated for a while before replying in a low voice: "This junior is not sure, but I estimate that it will be over within three to five years!"

"Three to five years? It's pretty much what Zhou thought."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and agreed with this.

As a monk with two fourth-level spiritual pets, Zhou Chun also has a say in the monsters' breakthrough to the fourth level.

The Flame Hell Peacock was originally the kind of third-level high-grade monster that had enough savings to break through with just a little chance.

After swallowing [Eichhornia phoenix grass], the little opportunity it lacked will be made up, and it can immediately start to make evolutionary breakthroughs.

In most cases, this kind of evolutionary breakthrough process can produce results within three to five years. For example, Lei Jiao Baibai's successful breakthrough in more than two years was a special case.

The current Nirvana state of the Flame Hell Peacock is actually burning its own flesh and blood essence, and it cannot continue to burn for a long time.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun looked at Qin Yang again and asked, "As for the timing and method of contracting the Flame Hell Peacock, do you have any suggestions, Fellow Daoist Qin?"

Hearing his words, Qin Yang couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Senior Zhou, you are the expert, how dare I show off my knowledge in this area in front of you!"

Zhou Chun frowned, but he couldn't force him any more.

Zhou Chun himself read the ancient book, and it only recorded that he could take advantage of the special state of the Flame Hell Peacock after its Nirvana evolution to make a contract with it and claim it as its owner.

The specific time at which the contract should be made and the secret contract technique to be used were never mentioned.

So it's normal for Qin Yang not to know the details.

But in this way, it will be a test of Zhou Chun's own luck, vision and strength.

He probably only has one chance, and if he doesn't succeed, he may never get another chance.

"Zhou needs to think about this matter again and again."

As he spoke, he immediately sat down on a plate and carefully observed the condition of the Flame Hell Peacock.

When Qin Yang saw this, he could only stay by his side and wait for him to make up his mind.

After observing like this day after day for nearly two months, Zhou Chun gradually came up with ideas on how to contract this bird by observing the changes in the state of the Flame Hell Peacock.

According to Zhou Chun's opinion, the Flame Prison Peacock is still in the process of transformation of its physical body and bloodline, and its demon soul has not truly transformed yet. The memory still exists, but its consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to contract with the other party at this time.

If you really want to make a contract with the Flame Hell Peacock, you have to wait for the other party to achieve complete nirvana and truly rise from the ashes.

The specific timing of taking action may not be determined until the opportunity arises.

And if you contract with the other party like this, you probably won’t be able to use ordinary contract methods.

It just so happened that when I killed Yu Jinghua, I got a secret contract technique of Yulingmen from his storage bag, which was suitable for contracting with such an adult monster.

Zhou Chun can now take the opportunity to study and practice for future use.

After he had the idea, he quickly said to Qin Yang: "When Zhou returns to his family, he will first learn and practice a secret technique. It will take about a year and a half. I will have fellow Taoist Lao Qin here to help look after him. If there is anything abnormal, If the situation arises, Taoist friends can immediately activate this talisman to notify Zhou!"

After saying that, he gave the other person a "Mother-Mother Connecting Heart Talisman" that could sense each other.

This "Mother and Child Connecting Heart Talisman" is a third-level high-grade magic talisman. It is a unique magic talisman of a major sect in the Great Zhou Kingdom. A set is divided into two talismans, the son and the mother. After activating the child talisman, it can be held within ten thousand miles. Anyone with the mother talisman will feel it and will not be blocked by many forbidden formations.

Zhou Chun only had three sets of these talismans in his hands, which he had previously spent a lot of money to ask Shopkeeper Sun of Tianbao Pavilion to buy for him.

As for Zhou Chun's arrangement, Qin Yang didn't feel dissatisfied at all.

He has no other way to go now. He can only follow Zhou Chun's path to the end and satisfy Zhou Chun. Only then can he have the opportunity to eliminate the stubborn disease in his body and have the possibility of going further.

Therefore, he quickly took over the talisman and waited patiently in the underground cave to guard it.

Besides, after Zhou Chun returned to the family, he briefly told Zhou Mingde what he was busy with, and asked him to help teach and discipline his apprentice Zhou Zhiying, and then he concentrated on practicing the secret contract technique of Yuling Sect in seclusion.

The secret contract technique of Yulingmen is called "Tianluo Zimu Concentric Curse". It is a curse seal technique. In fact, it can not only be used to contract monsters, but also human monks can use this secret technique to contract and control. .

But the problem is that once this curse seal is successfully cast, the mother and son will lock together with each other. If one of them dies, the other will be traumatized, and the consequences are comparable to the destruction of the natal magic weapon!

If something like this happens in a life-and-death battle, the owner is likely to die as a result of the death of his spiritual pet.

Therefore, basically no one would use this secret technique to control human monks to avoid being exchanged for lives by the other party and plotting against them at critical moments!

But monsters are different. Monsters are generally unwilling to accept the contract. Once they accept the contract, their will to resist is not as firm as human monks. Unless they have been suffering inhuman abuse, it is basically impossible to deliberately commit suicide. The master's business.

Similarly, because this "Tianluo Zimu Concentric Curse" also has a certain binding force on the owner who is the "mother body", when using it to contract those adult monsters, it will be easier to be accepted by them.

Although it was said in that ancient book that after the Flame Hell Peacock evolves into Nirvana, its memory will be erased and it will appear as if it is reborn.

But Zhou Chun knows that even if this happens, the powerful instincts of the fourth-level monsters will strongly resist those who try to enslave them. It is simply impossible to contract with the other party as easily as contracting with a spirit beast egg.

In that case, the other party with a pure heart will definitely be more accepting of contractual techniques such as the "Tianluo Zimu Concentric Curse" that is binding on both parties.

Zhou Chun has always been very protective of his spiritual pets and has never abused his spiritual pets. Therefore, even if the "Tianluo Zimu Concentric Curse" restricts him, he does not care. He believes in the spiritual pets contracted with him. , will not use his life to plot against himself.

This kind of secret technique can be practiced and performed in the foundation building stage. It is not difficult for a monk like him in the golden elixir stage to master it.

It only took about four months for Zhou Chun to master this secret technique.

After achieving this, although Qin Yang did not activate the "Mother-child Heart Talisman", Zhou Chun took the initiative to go to Jinzhou in order to feel at ease and save this set of talismans.

After returning to the underground crater, Zhou Chun discovered that a few months had passed and the Flame Hell Peacock had undergone considerable changes.

Its size has begun to shrink, and it has shrunk by almost one-fifth compared to when Zhou Chunyi first saw it.

At the same time, the originally bright feathers on its body are also gradually disappearing, and it is likely to burn all the feathers on its body.

All these can prove that its nirvana evolution process has entered a new stage.

Such spectacles were also rare, so Zhou Chun calmed down and slowly observed the process of Nirvana of the Flame Hell Peacock.

Gradually, Zhou Chun discovered something that shocked him.

That is when Qin Yang was observing the process of the Nirvana of the Flame Hell Peacock, he seemed to have an epiphany, and could clearly feel some changes in his aura.

"Is it because this person practices fire-attribute skills?"

Zhou Chun was thinking secretly in his heart, and even considered whether to let Zhou Mingde and Lin Hongyu come over to see if they had any understanding.

But after thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Chun gave up the idea.

It's not that he can't trust these two elders, but he feels that based on their cultivation level, even if they really have some understanding, the effect may not be very good.

On the contrary, several golden elixir stage monks from the Zhou family have disappeared, which easily attracts attention from the outside world and adds to the uncertainty.

After waiting like this for more than a month, seeing Qin Yang seem to have recovered from the state of enlightenment, Zhou Chuncai looked at him with some curiosity and asked: "Looking at you these days, it seems that you have gained a lot, can you Do you want to talk to Zhou?"

"The juniors have indeed gained something, mainly because they have understood the direction of their own skills and gained some new understanding of the magical powers and secrets practiced by Zhang."

Qin Yang talked about his gains in a slightly vague tone, and then couldn't help but sigh: "This Nirvana magical power is indeed a magical power that can only be mastered by the legendary Fire Phoenix clan. It is indeed extraordinary!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also understood that he didn't want to reveal too much, so he didn't continue to investigate and just nodded slightly.

Seeing that Zhou Chun didn't ask any more questions, Qin Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he gained a lot this time. From observing the Nirvana evolution of the Flame Prison Peacock, he had a vague glimpse of his own opportunity to form a pill.

If he could eliminate the poison of the Flame Hell Peacock in his body, and then find the help of the elixir-forming spiritual creature, he would be more than 30% sure that he would be able to successfully form the elixir.

This success rate is definitely not low, so I am really very excited at the moment.

Time passed slowly, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

By this time, the Hell Peacock in Nirvana had turned into a naked, hairless white chicken, and its body had shrunk to the size of an ordinary peacock.

But on the contrary, the fire of Nirvana burning on its body was even more dazzling, and even Zhou Chun could hardly see clearly the appearance of the Flame Hell Peacock inside!

At this point, the Nirvana evolution of the Flame Hell Peacock has come to an end, and the next step should be the most important transformation of the demon soul.

Zhou Chun, who had been waiting for a long time, became nervous at this time. He even stopped his daily study of other magical powers and concentrated on the changes in the Flame Prison Peacock.

In this way, after waiting for nearly a month, the fire of Nirvana outside the Flame Hell Peacock suddenly changed again, and suddenly turned into a layer of flame eggshells to completely cover up the Flame Hell Peacock inside, allowing everyone to Zhou Chun completely lost his ability to detect the true nature of the Flame Hell Peacock.

This scene made his expression change slightly, and he almost couldn't help but take action.

But in the end he calmed down and continued to wait patiently.

If you don't want to wait, it will take another nine months!

One day more than nine months later, a loud and clear sound suddenly rose from the flame dome, and then the magma in the magma pool seemed to be seduced by some kind. Pure and violent fire-attributed spiritual energy burst out from the magma pool. They surged out and rushed towards the flame dome.

It's now!

Zhou Chun, who had been waiting for a long time, had a flash of light in his eyes, and he saw the opportunity as if he was blessed, and he immediately took action decisively.

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