Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 567 Conquer! Fire Phoenix【Please subscribe】

In the underground fire cave.

When the Nirvana evolution of the Flame Hell Peacock was confirmed to be completed, and after absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth to replenish itself, Zhou Chun knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.

Therefore, he flew forward without hesitation, opened his mouth and spat out the [Moon Toad Orb].

The purpose of sacrificing this spiritual treasure at this time was not to kill the Flame Hell Peacock, but to use the "Taiyin Moon Toad" demon soul and soul in it to frighten the opponent.

In order to prevent Qin Yang from discovering that he had the spiritual treasure, Zhou Chun also shot out a burst of magic power to knock him out.

Qin Yang was not prepared for him, and since he was a Golden Core monk, he succeeded easily without any surprise.

At this time, after offering the [Moon Toad Orb], Zhou Chun immediately distracted himself and formed a seal, and used the secret technique of "Tian Luo Zi Mu Concentric Curse" on the flame dome that was already beginning to break.

A ball of essence and blood flew out of his mouth, turned into blood-red runes, formed a bloody halo, and flew towards the Flame Dome, and soon disappeared into the head of the Flame Hell Peacock inside.

At this moment, a strange roar that sounded like a cow's roar resounded throughout the underground fire cave.

Facts have proved that Zhou Chun's move of using the [Moon Toad Orb] is definitely a coup.

After the power of the "Tian Luo Zi Mu Concentric Curse" was absorbed into the body of the Flame Prison Peacock, it encountered strong instinctive resistance from the opponent, and there was no chance of success at all.

But after that roar, the body of the Flame Hell Peacock suddenly trembled, and his will to resist instantly softened a lot.

What Zhou Chun felt was that this newly born fourth-level Flame Hell Peacock seemed to regard his consciousness as the will of the Demon King, so he felt instinctive awe.

If the fire phoenix bloodline in his body hadn't awakened at this moment and condensed the fire phoenix true feathers, perhaps just the roar of the demon king would have been enough to make him surrender completely!

But as the Flame Prison Peacock's will to resist weakened, Zhou Chun immediately saw a good opportunity to conquer the opponent.

While concentrating most of his mind on suppressing the Peacock's consciousness, he also slightly activated the power of the [Moon Toad Orb], unleashing a pure and powerful cold energy that surged towards the Peacock.

As soon as this cold air of extremely high quality, which was completely incompatible with his own attributes, came close to him, the Flame Hell Peacock, who had lost his original memory and only retained his instincts, immediately felt extremely uncomfortable, and panic emerged in his heart.

"Surrender or die!!"

Zhou Chun's consciousness shook, releasing a sharp and cold chill.

Suffering from both internal and external oppression, the Flame Hell Peacock, who had just achieved nirvana and had a consciousness as pure as a newborn baby, finally, under the influence of the instinct to survive, whined and gave up resistance and chose to surrender.

Only a phoenix cry full of grievance was heard in the underground fire cave, and the Flame Hell Peacock lowered his head.

And the power of the "Tianluo Zimu Concentric Curse" that it had been resisting and repulsed turned into a halo, and soon trapped its demon soul, and then directly submerged into its demon soul and disappeared.

At the same time, a special feeling of heart-to-heart surged in the hearts of Zhou Chun and Yanjing Peacock.

As a maternal body, Zhou Chun could even vaguely sense what the Flame Hell Peacock was thinking about at the moment.

This feeling was clearer than the spiritual pets he had contracted with for hundreds of years, such as Lei Jiao Baibai, and it was extremely mysterious.

After briefly adapting to this special feeling, Zhou Chun quickly released his gentle kindness and comforted his fifth spiritual pet, allowing it to continue to absorb the fire vein spiritual energy to replenish itself.

When Qin Yang woke up, everything had settled, and he only saw the Flame Hell Peacock, who had been reborn from the ashes, standing obediently next to Zhou Chun.

I saw that the Flame Hell Peacock at this time was less than two feet long from head to tail, and its size was several times smaller than before Nirvana.

But the biggest change is the feathers on its body. The original cluster of feathers on its head has not only increased in number, but also looks much more gorgeous, like a fiery red phoenix crown.

The fiery red feathers on its body are all crystal clear, with mysterious and complex charming patterns naturally formed on them, exuding a fiery red halo, as if every feather is a treasure.

The biggest change is its tail.

The tail that used to have many tail feathers and could be spread out like a screen now only has five tail feathers!

But the value of these five tail feathers far exceeds the original numerous feathers.

Because they are all rare fire phoenix feathers, and each one possesses great magical powers!

These fire phoenix true feathers are like the most beautiful feathers in the world, attached to the tail of the Flame Hell Peacock like burning flames. If the Flame Hell Peacock spreads its wings and soars at this time, you can clearly see a beautiful fireworks swaying up and down on its tail.

The importance of the Fire Phoenix True Feather to the Flame Hell Peacock is comparable to the reverse scales on a dragon. It is the condensed essence of its phoenix blood. Losing any one of them will cause its cultivation to regress and its strength to plummet!

But this thing also gives it unparalleled power, giving it the ability to burn the sky and boil the sea.

Apart from other things, the magical power of [Glaze Pure Fire] that he has mastered due to this is enough to make countless fire-attribute skills and golden elixir-level monks extremely envious.

[Glazed Pure Fire] is the unique flame magical power of the Fire Phoenix clan. Together with [Nanming Lihuo] and [Destroying Flame], it is listed as the three major natal magical powers of the Fire Phoenix clan, each with its own uniqueness.

Take [Glass Pure Fire] as an example. This fire has an extremely high temperature, comparable to [Samadhi True Fire]. It can melt gold and iron, incinerate all tangible things, and at the same time, it can also burn intangible things such as spiritual consciousness. Things!

If a cultivator encounters a fire phoenix who possesses such magical powers, as long as his spiritual consciousness leaves the body, he will have to endure the constant burning of the [glazed pure fire], and he will be injured before he even takes action.

If Zhou Chun had to choose, he would rather be an enemy of a dragon like Thunder Dragon than an enemy of the Flame Prison Peacock who controls the [Glass Pure Fire], because it is too painful!

In addition to [Glass Purifying Fire], Yanjing Peacock also mastered another natal magical power of the Fire Phoenix clan this time [Fire Nirvana].

With the magical power of [Nirvana in Fire], as long as all the fire phoenix feathers on the Flame Hell Peacock's body are not chopped off, no matter how severe the trauma is, he can recover through [Nirvana in Fire]!

However, because it is not a pure fire phoenix, each use of this magical power will consume a fire phoenix true feather, and cannot be used continuously.

But even so, the existence of the magical power [Nirvana in Fire] is almost equivalent to giving the Flame Prison Peacock two lives!

And after mastering these two iconic magical powers of the Fire Phoenix clan, and condensing the Fire Phoenix True Feather, the Flame Prison Peacock actually belongs to the Fire Phoenix clan in a broad sense, or can be called the Flame Prison Fire Phoenix. !

It is worth mentioning that the Fire Phoenix Clan, like the Jiaolong Clan, is just a collective name for a large race.

The iconic item of this clan is the Fire Phoenix True Feather.

Any bird monster that can condense the true feathers of the Fire Phoenix will be recognized by the Fire Phoenix clan and regarded as a member of the clan.

The more condensed fire phoenix true feathers, the stronger the bloodline is.

Generally speaking, if there are less than four fire phoenix true feathers condensed, it means the bloodline is ordinary; if four or more fire phoenix true feathers condensed, the bloodline will be average; if there are seven or more fire phoenix true feathers condensed, the bloodline will be excellent; if ten fire phoenix true feathers condensed or more, the bloodline will be good. The fire phoenix's true feathers can be called true phoenixes!

The Flame Hell Fire Phoenix has five true feathers of the Fire Phoenix, and its bloodline qualifications can be said to be very good, and it is expected to reach the fifth level in the future.

If you meet another opportunity in the future, it might be impossible for you to condense one or two more Fire Phoenix True Feathers to further enhance your bloodline qualifications.

Compared with the unified Jiaolong clan, the Fire Phoenix clan is much more loose. At least Zhou Chun has never heard of the settlement of this clan until now.

This means that even if word spreads about his contract with the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, it will not bring him any trouble like when he contracted with the Thunder Dragon in vain.

Of course, given the strong attraction of the Fire Phoenix True Ling to some fire-attribute martial arts cultivators, Zhou Chun would definitely be able to avoid exposing this matter, and would try his best not to expose it.

Lest he be like the thunder dragon who was forced to hand over his dragon scales in vain, or be spotted by a Nascent Soul stage monk who wants to pluck the feathers from the Fire Phoenix of Hell!

Thinking of concealing the matter of Yan Yu Huo Feng, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look at Qin Yang who had just woken up.

He smiled slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist Qin is awake. Thank you to Daoist Qin for your help this time. Zhou was able to conquer this Hell Fire Phoenix. You know how hard Daoist Taoist has contributed. Xiaolian will definitely help you when you turn around." Get rid of stubborn illnesses and restore health!"

Hearing his words, Qin Yang suddenly became energetic. He no longer thought about why he fell into a coma, and directly saluted him with a happy face and congratulated him: "Congratulations to Senior Zhou for achieving his wish and conquering another man." Only powerful spiritual pets.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at the Hell Fire Phoenix and suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Actually, with its current cultivation strength, if it wants to detoxify the toxins in this junior's body, perhaps only a few drops of bile will be enough!"

The best way to detoxify the poison of the Hell Peacock in his body is to use the bile of the Hell Peacock.

But now that the Flame Hell Peacock has been subdued by Zhou Chun, harvesting the bile alive will do great harm to it. How could Zhou Chun agree?

At that moment, he shook his head and said: "This may disappoint Fellow Daoist Qin. After the Flame Hell Peacock evolved into the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, all the toxins in its body have been purified by the fire of Nirvana. Now I want to use its bile to cure it." I’m afraid it won’t work if you detoxify!”

This is actually half true and half false.

After the Flame Hell Peacock evolved into the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, the fire of Nirvana indeed incinerated all the toxins accumulated in its body.

However, the original poisonous power of the Hellfire Phoenix has not completely disappeared. Instead, it is now concentrated and stored in the body, and merged with its own flame magical power to form an extremely powerful poisonous flame magical power!

Moreover, Zhou Chun had known for a long time that the toxins in Qin Yang's body actually promoted Zhou Yuanlian's practice of the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual". Naturally, he would not ruin the opportunities of his descendants because of this.

After all, he is a golden elixir stage monk, and the deal is now done. Even if Qin Yangming knows that his reasons are a bit far-fetched, after being rejected by him at this time, he can only accept the reality helplessly.

In the end, he could only sigh softly and said: "Junior understands, then I can only wait for fellow Taoist Xiaolian to break through to the later stage of foundation building!"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Qin, Xiaolian is about to reach a breakthrough in cultivation. Fellow Daoist, you only need to wait for another three to five years, and good news should come."

Zhou Chun thought about it for a while, but decided to give Qin Yang some reassurance to prevent him from doing anything out of the ordinary in his anxiety.

Then he glanced at the lair built using various fire-attribute spiritual materials.

A large number of precious spiritual materials were used in the construction of this lair, many of which are special spiritual materials in the earth fire magma. The total value is worth one hundred and eighty thousand spiritual coins.

But Zhou Chun had already taken advantage of it, but it was hard to keep these things to himself.

Then the thoughts in his mind turned, and he simply waved his hand generously and said: "Zhou is not a stingy person. This time, he was able to conquer the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix. Taoist Fellow Qin has done a great job. This fire phoenix nest is given to Taoist Friendship."

Sure enough, Qin Yang, who was originally in a bad mood, suddenly looked much better after listening to his words. He quickly bowed to him and said with a deep salute: "Senior Zhou is very righteous, I admire you, I admire you. Thank you senior for the reward."

If he plans to forge a pill in the future, the expenses will definitely be considerable. Now that he can get such an unexpected fortune, it can be regarded as a small supplement.

After dividing the harvest in this way and once again reminding Qin Yang to pay attention to confidentiality, Zhou Chun returned to the family with the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

When he returned to his family, he heard that Zhou Chun had successfully conquered the fourth-level demon beast, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix. Zhou Mingde was also overjoyed and was sincerely happy for him.

In this way, Zhou Chun alone has as many as three fourth-order monsters. If you include the golden-armored mountain turtle stone that is almost certain to break through the fourth level, there are four fourth-order monsters!

Even if these monsters are only fourth-level low-level cultivation, with their profound background and bloodline, and with their assistance, Zhou Chun is fully qualified to challenge those late-stage Jindan monks.

When Zhou Chun breaks through to the middle stage of the golden elixir, no one will dare to say that they can kill him within the golden elixir stage!

The stronger Zhou Chun is, the stronger the Zhou family is. If Zhou Chun can become invincible at the same level as he did in the Zifu period, then the Zhou family can even surpass Qinglian Temple and become the No. 1 member of the Jingguo. The four major forces!

From then on, Zhou Chun trained his disciples and the Fire Phoenix, which was like a newborn bird, while taking a [Yulu Jinxia Pill] every year to improve his cultivation.

Three years passed by in a flash, and all five [Yulu Jinxia Pills] in Zhou Chun's hand were taken and refined.

Everything was as he expected from the beginning. After the fifth [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill] was refined, Zhou Chun indeed touched the middle stage barrier of the Golden Pill, and his cultivation power could no longer advance further.

It's a pity that all the [Yulu Jinxia Dan] in his hand has been taken at this time, otherwise he might take another one to see if he can break through this realm barrier with the help of the medicine!

At the same time, his disciple Zhou Zhiying's cultivation level also increased by one level per year, reaching the twelfth level of Qi training period.

At this time, she was still under twenty years old!

Because she has the best spiritual root qualifications, and her cultivation has been achieved step by step through meditation, Zhou Chun did not ask her to polish her magic power and build a foundation.

He directly gave her a foundation-building pill and asked her to retreat in her cave to build the foundation.

More than two months later, Zhou Zhiying succeeded in building a foundation without any surprise, breaking the Zhou family's record for the fastest successful foundation building in history!

And this record probably won’t be broken again for many years!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Ying'er, a foundation-building monk who is less than twenty years old, if word of your cultivation speed spreads, I'm afraid it will shock the entire Jingguo!"

In the cave, Zhou Chun sighed unabashedly as he looked at the young girl in green who came out of seclusion after successfully building the foundation.

In other words, he has become accustomed to the soaring speed of this apprentice's cultivation over the years, and he can be said to be immune to it.

Otherwise, the current reaction would never be just so indifferent.

Only monks who truly understand the meaning of the Foundation Establishment Stage who are less than twenty years old know how terrifying it is!

With Zhou Zhiying's cultivation speed, as long as the Zhou family is willing to invest resources in him, it will not be difficult to open the Zi Mansion at the age of sixty or seventy.

You will definitely be able to cultivate to the late Zifu stage before you are one hundred and fifty years old!

"This disciple is able to achieve this achievement thanks to your teachings, Master. Without your teachings, Master, I would not have achieved this achievement today."

Zhou Zhiying looked at Zhou Chun gratefully and said without any hint of pride.

After being led by Zhou Chun to see the "people's suffering", she also knew clearly how rich her cultivation conditions were.

Although Zhou Chun never gave her any pills to improve her magic power, the cultivation environment he provided her, as well as the various spiritual fruits, spiritual wine, and spiritual meals he often gave her were beyond what ordinary monks in the Qi training period could expect in a lifetime. A precious spiritual thing that can only be eaten a few times.

There are also answers to the problems she encounters in various cultivations, which are benefits that ordinary monks cannot enjoy in their lifetime.

Therefore, she now respects and appreciates Zhou Chun from the bottom of her heart.

"Hahaha, being a teacher is just fulfilling the responsibilities of a teacher. Only by working hard can you achieve this achievement."

Zhou Chun chuckled and was very satisfied with his apprentice's lack of arrogance and gratitude.

Then he saw a flash of light in his eyes, and suddenly looked at Zhou Zhiying and asked: "Now that Ying'er has successfully established the foundation, you will change your major in Kung Fu. Do you have any ideas in your mind?"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Zhiying frowned slightly, then shook his head and said: "This disciple is very ignorant and has not considered this matter yet. Please give me some advice from Master."

"You are my disciple, and I will tell you the truth. There will be a big opportunity waiting for you to discover in the future. By then you will probably need to change your major in martial arts. Therefore, I do not recommend that you practice the top martial arts in the family now. As for the technique, you only need to practice the "Xunfeng Jue" like your father!"

Zhou Chun looked at the apprentice in front of him and stated his arrangement with a serious face.

The existence of the secret island must not be told to Zhou Zhiying now.

But for the sake of Zhou Zhiying's future, Zhou Chun had to reveal something to her to make her give up the idea of ​​practicing top-level skills now.

After all, although the top-level skills are easy to use, the consequences of abolishing them and practicing other methods in the future will be much greater than those of "Xunfeng Jue", which can quickly improve one's magic power.

Since it was determined that Zhou Zhiying would accept the mantle of the owner of the secret island in the future and practice the top-level techniques left by him, there was certainly no need for Zhou Chun to make her suffer more and affect her future practice.

In any case, he would not let Zhou Zhiying fight to the death with monks of the same level until he reached the later stage of Zifu. There was no need to care about her level of fighting skills.

After listening to Zhou Chun's arrangement, Zhou Zhiying only thought for a moment, then nodded to him and said: "Okay, then I will listen to your master and practice "Xunfeng Jue"!"

She agreed so simply that it actually made Zhou Chun a little curious.

He couldn't help but look at her and said, "Did you decide so quickly? Aren't you curious about what the great opportunity that Master mentioned is?"

"Master, you will definitely not harm your disciples. Since you arranged for your disciples to practice "Xunfeng Jue", you must have considered them for your own purposes. All you have to do is follow your master's orders!"

When Zhou Zhiying said this, he couldn't help but wink at him playfully and said: "As for the great opportunity you mentioned, based on my understanding of you, even if my disciple asked, you would definitely not tell me!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun felt both relieved and a little embarrassed. He couldn't help but reached out and flicked the girl's head and said: "How dare you guess the master's intention, little girl? I'm asking for a beating!"

Regarding Zhou Zhiying's successful foundation building, Zhou Chun only revealed it to Zhou Mingde. Not even her parents told her anything else, and they didn't let her.

Otherwise, once this matter is leaked, big forces such as the Moon Wheel Sect will definitely guess that she has the highest spiritual root qualification.

At that time, whether the Zhou family sends her to the sect or secretly assassinates her, it will be unacceptable to the Zhou family.

For this reason, Zhou Chun also specially collected several second-level magic weapons with breath-condensing effects for her, and asked her to practice an exquisite breath-condensing secret technique to ensure that even the Zifu period monks in the clan would be able to see her. , and it is difficult to discover her true cultivation level.

Even so, Zhou Chun told her to concentrate on practicing in her cave and not to show up in front of others.

In a few years, when she turns twenty-five and announces the success of her foundation building, it won't arouse people's suspicions.

After all, high-grade spiritual root qualifications can be successfully established at this age if the cultivation resources are full.

Having thus dealt with matters after Zhou Zhiying established the foundation, Zhou Chun went to the Great Zhou Kingdom again.

The only difference from the past is that this time he did not go alone, but brought with him the family elder Lin Wan'er, three core tribesmen with foundation-building cultivation, seven elite tribesmen with Qi-training period, and himself. Su Yuzhen, a Taoist monk.

Among them, Lin Wan'er and others assisted Zhou Daoyi in running the store in the past. In the future, Zhou Chun or Lin Hongyu would often transport various goods between the two places for sale in the store.

Su Yuzhen simply followed Zhou Chun to travel to the Great Zhou Kingdom, wanting to see the prosperity there.

Before that, she had traveled to several countries around Jingguo, which could be regarded as making up for some of her previous shortcomings.

And Zhou Chun thought that he had indeed neglected to care about the person next to him over the years, and this time he planned to take him on a good trip to make up for it.

After all, counting the time, it should be a few years before Su Yuzhen's "Desire Catastrophe" cannot be suppressed and comes!

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