Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 568 Canglan Sect【Please subscribe】

Tianyuan Fairy City.

After Zhou Chun arrived here with a group of people, he immediately began to arrange for those tribesmen to settle in the store.

According to the rules of Fairy City, the shop purchased by the Zhou family can get ten free permanent residence quotas in Fairy City. All of them need to be registered. If necessary, they can also pay to expand the quota.

Most of the tribesmen brought here by Zhou Chun, those monks in the Qi training stage, are skilled in martial arts. They came here to hone their skills and replenish the low-end products in the store.

The three members of the Foundation Establishment clan also have good attainments in weapon refining, alchemy, and talisman making. They can provide guidance to the family's younger generations while meeting the needs of the store's mid-range products.

Lin Wan'er is the real shopkeeper in the store, responsible for managing the operation of the entire store.

During this whole process, Zhou Daoyi did not show up. Except for Lin Waner, who was informed of the truth on the road, the rest of the Zhou family monks thought that the owner of the shop was Zhou Chun.

Even Su Yuzhen, who came with us, thought so!

In the future, Lin Wan'er will go to Zhou Daoyi to deal with matters that require the intervention of the owner behind the store.

After arranging the clan members to be brought over, Zhou Chun took Taoist companion Su Yuzhen with him to visit Luo Qingni.

It was also a coincidence that he came here. Luo Qingni was preparing to retreat into the middle stage of Jindan.

At this time, they happened to be in retreat and had time to entertain them.

"I haven't seen you in several years, but fellow Taoist Zhou's cultivation has improved to this level. It seems that the medicinal power of [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill] did not disappoint fellow Taoist!"

In the "Qingni Residence" cave, after Luo Qingni served Zhou Chun and his wife spiritual tea, she spoke with a smile and brought the topic to Zhou Chun's changes in cultivation.

Although she also has a [Jade Dew Jinxia Pill] in her hand, she has not taken it yet, and she really doesn't know the specific effect.

It was rare for Zhou Chun to come visit her before she broke through in seclusion, so naturally she wanted to ask Zhou Chun, the person who had taken advantage of her first.

"Hehehe, Fellow Daoist Luo wants to know how effective this elixir is!"

Zhou Chun chuckled and revealed Luo Qingni's original intention in one breath, and then said without reservation: "Based on Zhou's own medication situation, the first time was the best. At that time, one pill was worth more than ten weeks to Zhou." After years of hard work, the medicine is not violent and is very easy to refine."

"As for whether the effect of assisting in breaking through the realm barrier is really effective, Zhou has not tried it, so he cannot provide reference for Fellow Daoist Luo."

After hearing what he said, Luo Qingni frowned slightly.

But he saw him slowly speaking: "In terms of alchemy, for elixirs that improve mana cultivation, the milder the properties of the elixir, the better. This will cause the least damage to the body."

"But the pill that breaks through the realm barrier usually works in the opposite direction. The more domineering and violent the medicinal properties are, the better. In this way, we can use this overbearing medicinal power to forcefully break through the barrier!"

Listening to his words, it is obvious that he is not very optimistic about the auxiliary barrier breaking effect of [Yulu Jinxia Dan].

In order to break through the late stage of Zifu, Zhou Chun had taken [Yuye Liujindan], an elixir that helped break through the realm barrier, and understood that what Luo Qingni said was true.

Although he succeeded in breaking through the realm at that time, it was also because the powerful medicinal power brought by the elixir washed away his meridians, causing damage to his own meridians, and he was unable to make any progress in his cultivation for several years.

The medicinal properties of [Yulu Jinxia Dan] are indeed somewhat different from those of [Yuye Liu Jindan].

Seeing this, Zhou Chun quickly offered words of comfort: "Since the elixir prescription has this effect recorded on it, I think it shouldn't be a mistake. Perhaps this applies to the elixirs taken by monks in the golden elixir stage. Compared with those of middle and low-level elixirs, they are more effective." Different in some ways.”

"I hope so!"

Luo Qingni nodded lightly and did not hold on to this matter any longer, and soon talked about another matter.

She suddenly looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhou is coming here at the right time. Qing Ni happened to have received an invitation to a grand ceremony, but due to time conflicts, he hesitated whether to participate. If Daoist Zhou is interested, If so, Qing Ni can forward the invitation letter to fellow Taoist."

"Oh, I wonder what kind of ceremony it is?"

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he looked at Luo Qingni with some curiosity.

"There is a late-stage Jindan cultivator from the Canglan Sect of the Yan Kingdom who succeeded in transforming elixir into an infant. It also happened to be three thousand years since the sect was founded. Therefore, they prepared to hold a grand Nascent Soul Ceremony and invited all the fellow cultivators from the world of immortality to come and join in. There will also be Master Yuanyingqi will personally explain the way of cultivation, and you can also participate in the exchange meeting afterwards!"

"Qing Ni has some friendship with the second disciple of Master Jin Lan who successfully conceives a baby, so he sent two invitations, asking me to invite a colleague to congratulate his master."

"It's just that the celebration won't start for more than a year, but Qing Ni is already preparing to retreat and hit the middle stage of the Golden Core, but there is some conflict in time!"

When Luo Qingni said this, she patted the storage bag on her waist, took out two gilded invitations and handed them to Zhou Chun.

Looking at her like this, she seemed certain that Zhou Chun would not refuse.

This made Su Yuzhen on the side couldn't help but squint his eyes, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

After listening to Luo Qingni's explanation, Zhou Chun was indeed tempted.

He still remembers that when Master Tianjing held a Dharma conference, he benefited quite a lot.

Even if he can't benefit from it this time, there is still a swap meet to participate in.

However, his heart was racing, and Zhou Chun did not forget that there was a Taoist companion beside him. He looked at the Taoist companion Su Yuzhen and asked: "Yuzhen, what do you mean? What do you think of this?"

When Su Yuzhen heard the words, she immediately blinked and said: "Since it is Fellow Daoist Luo who has good intentions, we cannot let her down. It just so happens that I have not heard the sermons of Master Yuanyingqi yet, so this time I got the favor of Fellow Daoist Luo." Empty."

After saying that, he smiled at Luo Qingni and expressed his gratitude.

"Well, since Yuzhen you also want to go, then let's go!"

Zhou Chun nodded, then reached out to collect the two invitations.

Next, Luo Qingni told the two of them the general situation of the Canglan Sect, so that they could have an idea.

In this way, everything was properly explained. After Zhou Chun and his wife left, Luo Qingni sealed the cave and officially began to retreat to the middle stage of Jindan.

In the following time, Zhou Chun first took Su Yuzhen to travel around the Great Zhou Kingdom for several months, and then the two of them traveled all the way to the Yan Kingdom.

The Yan Kingdom is not very far from the Great Zhou Kingdom, only one country separates it. The world of cultivating immortals is quite powerful, and the number of Yuanying Stage monks in the country is also in double figures.

The Canglan Sect originally only had one real person at the Nascent Soul Stage in charge. Although it was considered a big sect, it was not ranked among the top five among the many forces in the Yan Kingdom.

Now, with the success of Jin Lan's birth, the Canglan Sect, which has two Nascent Soul stage monks, has the strength to compete for the top three.

When Zhou Chun and his wife traveled to the Yan Kingdom, it had been less than three months since Jin Lan's Nascent Soul Ceremony, and the whole Yan Kingdom was talking about this matter.

After traveling around the Yan Kingdom for more than two months, they arrived at the mountain gate of Canglan Sect on the eve of the Nascent Soul Ceremony.

Because the invitation was handed over by Luo Qingni, there might have been some misunderstanding. Zhou Chun also went to the mountain gate of Canglan Sect first to explain the situation.

Fortunately, the Canglan Sect sent out invitations and invited guests widely this time, originally to expand the sect's influence and show its strength.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun explained the situation and showed Luo Qingni's handwriting, the second disciple of Master Jin Lan readily changed the name on the invitation for Zhou Chun, and went to the market outside the sect for him. Zhou Chun and his wife arranged a courtyard to rest.

After resting at the place arranged by the other party for more than ten days, it was time for the Nascent Soul Ceremony.

On this day, Canglan Valley, where the Canglan Sect's mountain gate is located, was full of people, with thousands of cultivators coming to visit.

Monks with different levels of cultivation were either flying quickly with magical weapons or treasures, or were riding leisurely on birds, beasts and spiritual pets.

The Canglan Sect, which had been prepared for a long time, also arranged for disciples of various cultivation levels to receive visitors with different cultivation levels.

Foundation Establishment welcomes Foundation Establishment monks, Zifu welcomes Zifu monks, and Jindan welcomes Jindan monks.

As for the Nascent Soul monks, unless they have a very good relationship and are willing to be a green leaf for once, they will not appear on such occasions, so as not to steal the limelight of the host.

This is completely different from the Golden Elixir Celebration.

But this is normal. After all, the influence of Nascent Soul monks in the world of immortality is too great. Almost every one of them is a pillar of a major force. It is difficult not to attract attention whenever they show up.

As for the monks visiting today, regardless of their level of cultivation and whether they have an invitation or not, they will prepare a gift to send.

It's just that except for the monks who have invitations, no one will sing the song even if the other monks give gifts.

Naturally, all the monks who have the invitation are golden elixir stage monks.

"Feng Guo Sanxiu Yan Changfeng and Zhuo Yuzhen sent their congratulatory gifts, two thousand-year-old elixir [Water Jade Immortal Orchid]. They sincerely wish Jin Lan master Nascent Soul to achieve great success and his immortal path will be evergreen!"

As the clear voice of singing rang out, Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen, who had changed their names, also went to the celebration site in Canglan Valley under the guidance of a Canglan Sect Jindan elder.

And this singing sound also attracted the attention of many visitors.

Some low-level and middle-level monks with lower cultivation couldn't help but lower their voices and started talking.

"Which country is Fengguo? Why have I never heard the name of this country?"

"It's fake. For a Taoist monk with a golden elixir level, this thing is impossible to happen no matter how you think about it!"

"Regardless of whether their origins are true or false, their cultivation in the golden elixir stage cannot be faked. These are really a pair of gods and immortals!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that Canglan Sect is really capable. It even has friendship with the Golden Core Stage monks from such a distant place. It seems that my boy can really consider sending him to join Canglan Sect!"

Although the discussion of these middle and low-level monks is quiet, it is not difficult for the golden elixir stage monks to hear it, but no one will care.

Since Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen chose this way of appearing, they had already figured out how to face it.

The two people's true faces and true origins can be said to be innocent, so even if someone guesses that their identities as Fengguo monks are pseudonyms, they are not afraid of attracting the attention of any enemies.

However, after sitting down at this time, it was inevitable that this identity aroused the curiosity of some nearby Jindan monks, and some people even directly tried to talk to the two of them.

I saw a white-haired old man with middle-level cultivation of Jindan suddenly smiled kindly at the couple, and then said softly: "Xu Mou of Fengguo knows that it is a country in the Tianling Earth Realm. The Yuan Demon Earth Realm invaded before. In the world of heaven, spirit and earth, the battlefield seems to be in this country!"

Having said this, he continued with a curious look on his face: "Since Taoist friends Yan and Taoist friends Xian and his wife Zhuo have come all the way from this country, can you tell Xu about the situation of those demon cultivators? Xu heard that After the war, the remaining demon cultivators sneaked into various countries to spread the demonic arts. This has caused many casual cultivators and bandit cultivators who are greedy for the quick and convenient magic arts to switch to the magic arts. Perhaps Xu will encounter such demonic cultivators in the future. maybe!"

As soon as these words came out, many nearby Golden Core monks also looked over, obviously curious.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun did not answer hastily, but raised his hands towards the white-haired old man and asked: "I don't know what to call my friend? Where is the fairyland?"

Hearing this, the white-haired old man immediately bowed his hands in return and introduced himself: "I am Xu Mao, the supreme elder of the Xu family of the Yan Kingdom. If you, fellow Taoist Yan, have free time after the ceremony, welcome to my Xu family's Longevity Valley. After a visit, Xu will definitely sweep the bed and wait for it!"

He was very enthusiastic in his words and seemed to be a cheerful person.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Xu, whom I have admired for a long time."

Zhou Chun nodded politely, and then answered the other party's previous question softly, "Actually, the demon cultivators are not as powerful and evil as the rumors say. It's just that we and other immortal cultivators have less contact with them and don't know enough about their methods. It will appear a little passive and weak, but if you have enough understanding and prepare restraints and spells, it is not impossible to eliminate it."

As he spoke, he shared some of the characteristics and weaknesses of the five cultivators of the Yuan Demon Sect, and also talked about some magical weapons and magical powers aimed at these demon cultivators.

In this regard, he is undoubtedly an expert.

After all, there were many monks from the five sects of Yuan Demon who died under his hands.

And he didn't mind trying to show off to everyone. He didn't choose spiritual sound transmission when he spoke, nor did he lower his voice. Not only the Jindan monks nearby heard what he said, but also some Zifu monks who were far away. Even the monks can hear it.

After he finished talking about the relevant situation in one breath, the white-haired old man Xu Mao immediately nodded with a look of confusion on his face and said: "I see! Listening to your words is indeed worth ten years of reading!"

After saying that, he smiled kindly at Zhou Chun with a grateful face and said: "After listening to Fellow Taoist Yan's explanation, Xu has a good understanding of the methods of those demon cultivators. If he encounters them in the future, at least he will not panic. Make mistakes and give people opportunities to take advantage of them!”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately said with a righteous look on his face: "The demonic cultivators are cruel and cruel, and everyone will punish them. If Yan's words today can help fellow Taoist Xu in the future, Yan will be very relieved!"

"Hahaha, thank you Taoist friend Yan for your good words!"

Xu Mao couldn't help laughing and responded with a smile.

With this episode, Zhou Chun was recognized by these golden elixir monks. Xu Mao acted as a good old man and introduced him to several golden elixir monks from the nearby Yan Kingdom, and they exchanged their cultivation experiences on the spot. .

After a morning passed like this, by the time it was close to noon, almost all the invited guests had arrived.

Zhou Chun sat at the VIP table and looked around. He saw that the number of Golden Core Stage monks like himself had exceeded three digits, totaling 116 in total!

Among them, in addition to the dozen or so Golden Core monks from the Canglan Sect, there were nearly a hundred Golden Core monks who were invited guests.

These people are either the supreme elders of the vassal families under the Canglan Sect, or fellow monks befriended by the Canglan Sect monks, and some are people from other sects and families in the Yan Kingdom.

No matter how the Canglan Sect gathered so many Golden Core monks together, the fact that hundreds of Golden Core monks gathered here already illustrates the influence of the Canglan Sect.

Therefore, the faces of the Canglan Sect’s Golden Core Stage monks were all smiling, and they were all in high spirits.

"The auspicious time has arrived, and I sincerely invite Master Jin Lan to come!"

Suddenly, as the leader of the Canglan Sect bowed deeply in a certain direction, he sang.

Suddenly, a pale golden wind blew in the sky, and then a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe came riding the wind and landed at the celebration site.

"Disciple pays homage to Master Jin Lan and congratulates him on his great achievement of Nascent Soul and his everlasting immortality!"

As soon as the Canglan Sect monks present saw the majestic man, they all bowed down to pay homage.

Zhou Chun and other monks who were invited to attend the Nascent Soul Ceremony all stood up at this moment, bowed their heads slightly and saluted.

"All disciples and fellow Taoists are equal."

The majestic-looking Master Jin Lan raised his hand slightly and sat down on the main seat with a golden sword.

"Today is the celebration ceremony for the 3,000-year anniversary of the founding of our sect, and it is also my Nascent Soul Ceremony. I am deeply grateful that all fellow Taoists can come from all over the world to congratulate our sect and me!"

"Since the founder of our sect, Cang Lan Zhenren, founded the sect..."

On the main seat, Master Jin Lan talked eloquently, describing the achievements of the Canglan Sect's ancestors, and first congratulated the Canglan Sect's three-thousand-year sect establishment ceremony.

Then he delivered some generous words of encouragement to his disciples.

After this step was completed, he said in a deep voice: "In ancient times, monks would hold a Nascent Soul Ceremony to transform elixirs into infants, and share their experience of cultivation on the great path with fellow practitioners in the world of immortality. Jin Lan is not talented today, and is willing to follow suit. Sage, please share some of your cultivation experiences with fellow Taoists."

finally come!

Zhou Chun's spirit perked up, and he immediately braced himself to listen to the great talk of this Yuanying-level master.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly interrupted Jin Lan's words.

"Since Taoist Fellow Jin Lan wants to discuss Tao and share it, how about having a discussion with me? It just so happens that I can also see Taoist Taoist Jin Lan's magical powers!"

As the words fell, a figure with red fire all over his body suddenly appeared outside the gate of Canglan Sect.

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