Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 569: Exchange of treasures, encounter robbery [8,000-word chapter, please subscribe]

Canglan Sect.

At this moment, Zhou Chun couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the strange Yuanying stage monk who suddenly appeared outside the gate of Canglan Sect.

It is not difficult to tell from the words of the Nascent Soul Stage monk outside that he is obviously a bad person today.

But Zhou Chun couldn't figure out what kind of hatred would make the other party come out to disrupt the situation on such an important day and occasion.

You must know that today is the Nascent Soul Ceremony of Master Jin Lan, and it is also the 3,000-year celebration of the establishment of the Canglan Sect.

To disturb the situation on such an important day, for Jin Lan, it is no less than a slap in the face in front of thousands of monks, which is tolerable, but what is unbearable!

So let alone Zhou Chun who was stunned, even Jin Lan himself did not react or respond for a while.

However, the white-haired old man Xu Mao reacted faster and even exclaimed in a low voice, "This is the Fire Dragon Master from the Oven Valley. Xu once met him at a grand event!!"

Henglu Valley is also a major sect in the Yan Kingdom. There are two Nascent Soul stage monks. Before this, their strength was one level higher than that of the Canglan Sect.

Moreover, these two factions had a war more than a hundred years ago, and each had a golden elixir stage monk who died.

Zhou Chun also learned about this information when he traveled to Yan State. After hearing Xu Mao's words, he was slightly startled and felt something was wrong.

Two sects who had a grudge against each other directly came out to provoke the other sect on a very important day. This was obviously because they felt that the hatred was not big enough and they wanted to add fuel to the fire and make a big fuss!

In this way, if today's affairs are not handled well, the two sects may start an even more intense war.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun almost immediately wanted to leave Canglan Sect, not wanting to be involved in this muddy water.

It's just a thought, but it's actually impossible.

If he really did that, it would be a direct slap in the face of Canglan Sect.

Although he is not a monk from the Yan Kingdom and is not afraid of the Canglan Sect's retaliation afterwards, there is no need to offend a sect like this for no reason.

So after all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, Zhou Chun calmed down and watched the situation develop.

But he saw that Master Jin Lan was stunned for a while, then his face darkened, and he suddenly stood up, opening his mouth as if he was about to say something in reply.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, an old voice full of irritation sounded first.

"Old man Fire Dragon, if you want to fight, I'll come with you. How about we fight to the death!"

As soon as the words fell, a stream of green light flew out from the depths of the Canglan Sect's mountain gate and flew directly out of the mountain-protecting formation, revealing the figure of an old woman in green.

Although this was the first time he saw this green old woman, Zhou Chun, who had some knowledge of the Canglan Sect's intelligence before, recognized this person's identity immediately and knew that she was the only Nascent Soul stage member of the Canglan Sect. Monk Bihua Zhenren is a very rare female Nascent Soul stage monk.

Master Bihua was obviously very angry at this time, and even said the words "I will fight until death".

Facing her such cruel words, Huolong's aura could not help but stagnate, but soon he saw her sneer and said: "Old pious woman Bihua, you are hundreds of years older than me, and now you are already long-lived. In less than two hundred years, you think you have lived enough, but I haven’t lived enough yet!”

These words were a little self-deprecating, but they also pointed out something that worried everyone in the Canglan Sect, that is, the grand occasion of their Dual Yuan Ying sect could not last long at all.

Master Jin Lan’s success in conceiving a baby was actually just a matter of continuing the Cang Lan Sect’s Nascent Soul inheritance and keeping the sect’s status intact!

These words obviously touched the pain point in Master Bihua's heart again. Immediately, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted sternly: "If you don't dare, then get out of here. When I am forming pills, you kid is still playing in the mud." Woolen cloth!"

Such words are quite insulting to a real person in the Nascent Soul stage who has been famous for thousands of years.

The face of the Fire Dragon Master immediately turned dark, and the firelight emanating from his body suddenly increased a lot.

She looked shameful and angry and shouted repeatedly: "Okay, okay, Bihua, since you, an old pious woman, want to seek death, I will help you!!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and waved, and the fire surged from his body, instantly turning into a fire dragon dozens of feet long and pounced on Master Bihua.

He just started taking action after saying something different!

Seeing that Master Bihua and Master Huolong were starting to fight, Master Jin Lan certainly couldn't stand by and decided to go out to help.

Unexpectedly, Master Bihua seemed to have expected that he would be like this. Before he took action, he sent a message to him in a deep voice and said: "Junior brother Jin Lan, you can just sit in the sect with peace of mind. The fire dragon alone can't do anything to me!"

Hearing these words, Master Jin Lan couldn't help but change his face slightly, and then he just said "Senior sister, be careful", then he calmly sat back down.

At the same time, Zhou Chun and other guests also looked at each other in surprise as they looked at the two Nascent Soul Stage masters who suddenly started fighting over a disagreement outside.

It can be said that no one expected that things have developed to this point.

Now, even Master Jin Lan, the real owner, doesn't know how this grand ceremony will proceed.

Zhou Chun's mind was also full of thoughts at this moment, and various thoughts flashed through his mind.

In the end, he quietly sent a message to his new acquaintance Xu Mao, a local snake, and asked: "Fellow Taoist Xu, in your opinion, will the next exchange meeting continue as normal?"

"Oh, fellow Taoist Yan came to attend the grand ceremony. Did he come for the exchange meeting?"

Xu Mao turned his head and glanced at Zhou Chun, seeming a little surprised.

Zhou Chun did not defend this, but nodded noncommittally and said: "That's not entirely true. Just looking at the current situation, Senior Jin Lan probably has no intention of preaching. If the exchange meeting is also cancelled, the two of Yan It’s better to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible!”

Xu Mao deeply agreed with his use of the words "a place of right and wrong" to describe the Canglan Sect's mountain gate at this time.

However, the Xu family is a vassal of the Canglan Sect. Even if he had the same thoughts as Zhou Chun, he would not be able to just leave like Zhou Chun did when he saw that the situation was not good.

At the moment, he could only answer vaguely: "Xu does not dare to speculate on the thoughts of Master Yuanying Stage, but if the sermon meeting and exchange meeting are really cancelled, I am afraid it will be even more detrimental to the Canglan Sect. , so as long as things don’t deteriorate to the extreme, there should be a chance!”

His answer made Zhou Chun feel a little more at ease, and he also thought that what he said made sense.

So he didn't talk about the matter in depth, and just continued to patiently watch the fight between the two Nascent Soul stage masters outside.

I saw that the two Nascent Soul stage masters were already showing their true fire at this moment, and each of them used Lingbao-level inherited treasures to fight.

The spiritual treasure of the Fire Dragon Master is a red bronze mirror that can release red fire that burns everything.

A ray of fire fell on a mountain peak dozens of miles away from the Canglan Sect's mountain gate. The hundred-foot-high mountain turned into dust and ash drifting in the wind on the spot, leaving a deep pit dozens of feet deep!

The spiritual treasure activated by Master Bihua is a cyan orb. When turned, it can release a giant wind blade or wind dragon that tears and cuts everything.

One time, a giant wind blade that was more than ten feet long fell on the ground, and immediately left a terrifying crack that was dozens of feet long and unknown how many feet long!

Even the two Nascent Soul stage masters themselves did not dare to easily resist the attacks released by these two spiritual treasures.

This is also the first time Zhou Chun directly sees the power of Lingbao in the hands of Yuanying Stage monks, and the power of the [Moon Toad Orb] in his hands is indeed very different.

With the same magical power, if he also has the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul stage, if he displays a "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light", he can also freeze and annihilate an entire mountain peak!

And when both of them possess spiritual treasures, it is naturally not that easy to decide the winner in a battle between two Nascent Soul stage masters.

Looking at the fight between the two, Zhou Chun estimated that if this continues, even if the fight lasts for a day and a night, it may not be able to end.

If it really turns out to be like that, this festival will probably become a big joke!

So after Master Bihua fought with Master Huolong for a while, he yelled in a fierce and angry voice: "Old Fire Dragon, what are your plans? If you really just want to fight with me, I will live long in the future. Before the end of my life, I will definitely go outside the Furnace Valley to discuss life and death with you!"

The threat contained in her words made Master Huolong's expression change.

A real person in the Yuanying stage wants to drag another real person in the Yuanying stage to die together. It is difficult to say, easy to say.

As long as he is willing to sacrifice his life, the Yuanying will leave the body and use teleportation to approach the opponent, and then self-destruct the Yuanying.

When being held close to one's body, almost no one in the Nascent Soul stage can withstand the power of the Nascent Soul self-destruction of another Nascent Soul stage master who has the same cultivation level as himself!

If Master Bihua really plans to bring a Master from Nascent Soul Stage from Henglu Valley to the underworld together before his life is over, then he really has a good chance.

Of course, she is probably just talking about it. After all, once this sets a precedent, the Oven Valley will definitely follow suit in the future. In this case, no one will really have an easy time!

But regardless of whether it is true or not, as soon as this statement comes out, Master Huolong must consider the consequences if it comes true.

As a result, he couldn't help but restrain some of his strength and weighed it in his mind.

At this moment, another golden escaping light suddenly flashed and appeared near the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

"Golden Escape Technique!!"

Inside the Canglan Sect's mountain gate, Zhou Chun couldn't help but let out a low cry after discovering the golden escaping light.

He looked at the visitor with bright eyes, feeling very excited inside.

This was the first time he saw someone displaying the real "Golden Escape Technique" magical power, and it seemed that he had even reached a small level of cultivation!

As for how difficult it is to practice this "Golden Escape Technique", Zhou Chun, who has invested many years of energy in it, undoubtedly knows very well.

He has been studying this escape technique for decades, but he has not officially started yet, which shows how difficult it is.

The reason for this is that firstly, this escape technique is extremely difficult to practice, but there is no one to guide you, and there is no experience to refer to, so you can only explore everything by yourself.

If he could find someone with considerable attainments in the "Golden Escape Technique" for guidance, Zhou Chun estimated that with his current accumulation, it wouldn't be too difficult to get started and master this magical power!

At this moment, he looked intently and saw the golden light falling outside the battlefield, and soon a lean old man wearing a golden robe appeared.

With the appearance of this person, Bihua Zhenren in the sky immediately took the initiative to retreat and returned to the sky above the Canglan Sect's mountain gate protective formation. He could retreat to the mountain gate at any time with a thought.

This shows her fear of the lean old man!

"Fellow Daoist Xu, which senior from your country is that?"

After Zhou Chun looked at the lean old man for a few times, he couldn't help but turn his attention to Xu Mao, a local snake, and asked him for information about him.

After all, his travel time in the Yan Kingdom was very short. Although he had heard the names of some Yuanying Stage monks in the Yan Kingdom, he had never seen the real person before, so he could not recognize the identity of the lean old man for a while.

"It seems to be Jin Guangzhen from Jinshui Sect. Xu heard that this senior has mastered the rumored Golden Escape Technique. His magical power of Golden Escape Technique has even been praised by a certain late Nascent Soul cultivator!"

Xu Mao was indeed a local snake in the Yan Kingdom. After thinking for a while, he revealed the identity of the lean old man.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun was slightly shocked and couldn't help blurting out: "Jinshuimen is the second sect in the Yan Kingdom. Could it be that they are also involved in this incident?"

When the words came out, he also realized his gaffe. He opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to explain something, but in the end, nothing came out.

Gai Yin also knew in his heart that there was no point in explaining at this time.

Xu Mao just looked at him with a strange expression, then looked at him with concern, and said no more.

Looking at the three Nascent Soul Stage cultivators outside, the fighting had completely stopped after Master Jinguang appeared, and then the three Masters of the Nascent Soul Stage began to communicate through sound transmissions.

Zhou Chun didn't know what the three of them talked about. Anyway, after a long conversation, Master Huolong and Master Jinguang left separately.

Only Master Bihua returned to the mountain gate with a straight face, and then exchanged messages with Master Jin Lan before returning to his cave alone.

I don’t know what Master Bihua said. After Master Jin Lan finished talking to her, his expression became obviously worse.

But what people didn't expect was that he quickly said: "Fellow Taoists also saw it just now, and some unpleasant things happened. I have no intention of talking about my experience in Taoist practice now, so I will share it with you at will. Some personal experience in practicing and using wind-attribute magic powers!"

As he said this, he gave some examples of some of the more common second- and third-level wind attribute spells.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also hurriedly concentrated on listening to the lecture.

He has not learned many wind attribute spells, but his apprentice Zhou Zhiying has the best wind attribute spiritual root qualification. Now he can listen more to the experiences of real people in the Nascent Soul stage, and it will be much easier to teach his disciples in the future.

Furthermore, the Zhou family also has many other clansmen with wind-attribute spiritual roots. In the future, the experiences and insights I heard today will be compiled and put into the family library, which will also benefit the descendants of these clansmen.

After explaining this for more than an hour, and after explaining the training and application techniques of nine wind-attribute spells, Master Jin Lan waved his sleeves and said: "Okay, that's the end of my sermon today. What's next? I invite all fellow Taoists to enjoy the spiritual meal carefully prepared by our sect."

Hearing what he said, many monks who still had unfulfilled feelings sighed regretfully, feeling extremely annoyed with the real Fire Dragon who was causing trouble.

If Master Huolong hadn't disrupted the situation, perhaps Master Jin Lan would have followed the ancient ritual and preached for several days in succession, giving them the opportunity to listen to more of Master Yuanying's cultivation experience.

But no matter how unhappy they were, they couldn't change Jin Lan's thoughts at the moment.

So next, everyone could only wait for the Canglan Sect disciples to bring all kinds of delicacies and enjoy this sumptuous meal.

It can be seen from the delicacies served that the Canglan Sect has indeed invested a lot of money and effort for this grand ceremony.

In the spiritual meal in front of Zhou Chun and other Golden Core monks, two dishes, one soup and three main dishes were cooked with very rare monster meat and elixirs. Not only did they taste unique, but they also had a certain influence on their cultivation or The spiritual body has a nourishing effect.

The other side dishes also have different flavors and are well worth trying.

The spiritual wine that goes with the food is even more outstanding. It is a unique medicinal wine produced by Canglan Sect. It is said that it has been stored in cellars for more than five hundred years. Drinking it can greatly replenish qi and blood, strengthen menstruation and bones, and is good for the body. The physical body is quite nourishing.

All in all, the value of this meal of food and wine is not much worse than the thousand-year-old elixir given by Zhou Chun.

This shows how much hard work the Canglan Sect has put into this aspect!

It's a pity that what happened before, the effect of this hard work is destined to be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, compared to Xu Mao and other local monks from the Yan Kingdom who were full of worries and had no taste for their food, Zhou Chun and his wife could just pat their butts and leave after that. At this time, they all tasted the food and wine carefully, and also Take the time to comment on the features and flaws of each dish.

After such a feast, Master Jin Lan looked at everyone again and said: "This grand ceremony is over now. Fellow Taoists who are interested in participating in the exchange meeting can continue to stay. Those who are not interested in this matter can continue to stay." , you can leave now."

Upon hearing this, more than one-third of the Golden Core Stage monks stood up on the spot and expressed their intention to leave.

Most of these people were local Jindan monks from the Yan Kingdom. They were afraid that if they continued to stay, they would be mistaken for being on the side of the Canglan Sect, so they would rather miss this exchange meeting than leave first.

However, monks like Xu Mao who were originally attached to the Canglan Sect, or monks whose own faction had a close relationship with the Canglan Sect, as well as monks from outside the Yan Kingdom such as Zhou Chun and his wife, all chose to stay. I want to gain something from the exchange meeting.

As expected, Master Jin Lan kept his word. He did not stop any of the Jindan monks who said goodbye and left, and all of them were allowed to leave.

After all those who wanted to leave had left, Master Jin Lan stood up and led the cultivators to another quiet and spacious palace, where they held an exchange meeting.

"The rules of this exchange meeting are roughly the same as other exchange meetings. Fellow Taoists take turns to display their treasures. Finally, I will bring out a few treasures for fellow Taoists to exchange."

In the main hall, Master Jin Lan glanced at the dozens of Jindan monks present. After briefly explaining the rules, he looked at a man in black robes who had cultivated in the late Jindan stage and said: "Now let's start with the Xuan Nephew Feng, let’s get started!”

"Yes, nephew, I obey."

The man in black robe nodded, and immediately raised his hand to pat the storage bag on his waist, took out seven or eight treasures and placed them in front of him. While introducing the magical uses of each treasure, he also named the treasures he needed.

Zhou Chun has also participated in this kind of exchange meeting many times, and there is no longer the freshness and want for everything at the beginning.

Nowadays, only when you see something that is useful to you, will you pay a little attention to it.

On the other hand, Su Yuzhen beside him looked very interested because he did not participate in such exchange meetings many times.

It's a pity that although she is favored by the Su family, she does not have all kinds of opportunities like Zhou Chun, and her wealth is comparable to that of many veteran Jindan late-stage monks.

Even though I was very interested in some treasures, I had nothing suitable for exchange, so I could only regret that I missed them.

Although Zhou Chun also wanted to help the Taoist companion, it was impossible for him to buy whatever he liked.

Unless it is a treasure that is really of great use to him, it is impossible to help him just because he likes it.

At the same time, Su Yuzhen is not that kind of little girl. She clearly distinguishes between likes and needs, and she will not ask Zhou Chun for help easily.

In this way, he watched each golden elixir monk display his treasure. It was not until more than ten people passed by that Zhou Chun encountered something that moved his heart.

After he pondered for a moment, he sent a message to a white-faced man with a middle-level Jindan cultivation level who was showing off his treasure: "Yan is very interested in this third-level high-grade wind-attributed demon elixir in the hands of my fellow Taoist. I wonder if it is okay?" Accept other conditions in exchange? Although Yan does not have several spiritual objects that fellow Taoists need, he does have many spiritual objects that may be suitable for fellow Taoists to use!"

Hearing what he said, the white-faced man couldn't help but glance at the couple. He didn't refuse directly, but said lightly: "Oh, fellow Taoist, please tell me what kind of spiritual objects there are?"

Seeing the other party acting like this, Zhou Chun suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he reported the names of some of the rarer elixirs and magical materials in his hand.

After listening to the names of more than twenty kinds of spiritual creatures that he announced in one breath, the white-faced man's eyes flashed with light. He looked at him after thinking for a moment and said: "If fellow Taoist is willing to use [Wind Breathing Grass], [Wind Breathing Grass], If these three treasures, Zixia Jade and Soul Condensing Balsam, are exchanged, it is not impossible for Ye to agree."

"If these three treasures are added together, they are worth almost 160,000 to 70,000 spiritual coins. Fellow Taoist, this appetite is too much!"

Zhou Chun frowned slightly, seeming a little angry at the white-faced man's excessive demands.

But the white-faced man seemed to be convinced of him, and immediately replied calmly: "If fellow Taoist is unwilling to exchange, Ye will not force it."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also felt helpless.

He knew in his heart that the other party had probably guessed his intention of exchanging the third-level high-grade demon pill, so he was so confident that he wanted to take advantage of him.

Of course he doesn't have to be fooled, but the other party won't suffer any losses. The third-level high-grade demon pill is indeed something he doesn't have to worry about taking action.

So after just a moment's hesitation, he nodded and said, "It's just according to fellow Taoist's conditions."

After saying that, he took out three spiritual objects and exchanged them with the other party.

And with the acquisition of this third-level high-grade demon pill, Golden-winged Tiger's path to the third-order high-grade demon beast realm has been cleared. All he has to do is digest the power of this demon pill!

With this guaranteed harvest, Zhou Chun's exchange meeting was not in vain.

However, with the exchange meeting involving dozens of Golden Core monks, the good things naturally don’t stop there.

Not long after, another treasure caught Zhou Chun's attention.

"A broken top-quality magic weapon. Although it can no longer be used, the materials used are very rare. If a master refiner takes action, it may not be impossible to repair it and re-refining it!"

I saw a big man in black speaking while holding up the broken top-quality magic weapon in his hand to display it.

It was a broken gun, with only a golden gun shaft without the tip remaining, about two feet long, and the gun shaft itself was covered with cracks.

Even though it was in such a broken state, this object gave the Golden Core Stage monks present a faint sense of danger, as if it had the power to threaten their lives at any time.

This is normal, after all, the natal magic weapons of most Nascent Soul Stage monks are also the best magic weapons.

There is a 80% chance that this object was once the natal magic weapon of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. It’s just that I don’t know what kind of opponent I encountered that caused this top-quality magic weapon to be damaged like this!

After showing the broken gun in his hand, the big man in black quickly said: "I only want to exchange this item for a low-grade magic weapon, whether it is an offensive magic weapon or a defensive magic weapon. Interested fellow Taoists can now exchange it with me." We communicated via voice transmission.”

"I want to exchange a piece of the magic weapon that can't be used for a intact magic weapon, but this person has a good plan!"

Su Yuzhen's beautiful eyes widened, and a look of disbelief flashed across her face as she spoke to Zhou Chun.

Although she rarely goes out, she still knows how precious the magic weapon is.

It is for those early-stage Jindan monks who came from the sects. In addition to their own natal magic weapon, it would be good to have another magic weapon for self-defense.

The kind of monks who have three or four magic weapons at their disposal are usually those who have cultivated in the middle or late stages of the Golden Elixir.

Even with so many magic weapons, these people are definitely not willing to exchange the magic weapons they use for a broken magic weapon.

"This person is indeed a little greedy!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and gave up the thought that had arisen.

It's not that he can't afford the price. The white mirror magic weapon left by the Ice Prison Gate killer is still in his hand and can be used in exchange for it.

But this item is also a high-quality item among low-grade magic weapons, and Zhou Chun is not willing to exchange it for just such a fragment.

Obviously no one else is willing to make such an exchange.

Zhou Chun noticed that the big man in black often looked at Jin Lan, the Nascent Soul stage master, and he obviously had some thoughts.

It's a pity that Master Jin Lan, a master of the Nascent Soul Stage, obviously doesn't like a piece of a top-quality magic weapon. In the end, he could only take it back with regret.

Such monks took turns to appear one after another. After two-thirds of them had displayed their treasures, it was finally Zhou Chun's turn.

He immediately took out a bunch of spiritual materials and elixirs, and opened his mouth to say what he wanted to exchange.

The things he wanted to exchange were simple, which were the materials for refining [Guchen Pill], [Yulu Jinxia Pill], and third-level demon pills with metallic and wind attributes.

Because there were many types of things to be exchanged, compared to many previous monks who returned empty-handed, Zhou Chun successfully completed several exchanges, including a third-level low-grade metallic demon pill.

With two demon pills in his account, plus several elixirs that can be used as medicine, Zhou Chun's harvest from this exchange meeting is pretty good.

Later, when Su Yuzhen showed off the treasures, she was short of money and just took out a few thousand-year-old elixirs for a formality.

"Okay, now that you have all shown your treasures, let me finish it off!"

As Master Jin Lan suddenly spoke, the spirits of all the cultivators in the hall suddenly rose, and they all looked at the new Nascent Soul Master, wondering what kind of treasures he would bring out.

Master Jin Lan raised his sleeve and waved, and three more treasures appeared in front of him. They were a magic talisman exuding a misty green light, a black jade bottle with unknown contents, and an earthen treasure exuding a heavy aura. Yellow shield magic weapon.

"The fourth-level high-grade magic talisman [Nine Heavens Magic Talisman] can be used to increase the flight speed of early stage monks by 50% out of thin air. For each small realm of cultivation, the effect is weakened by 10%, and the duration remains unchanged, all for one hour. !”

"A fire seed from the alien spiritual fire [Bone Spirit Demon Fire]!"

"A low-grade defensive magic weapon [Mountain Shield]!"

While introducing the information about the three treasures in front of him, Master Jin Lan looked at everyone calmly and said: "If you are interested in any treasure, you only need to send a message to tell the treasure you want to exchange, and I will do it myself." Will judge whether it can be traded!"

After the words fell, many monks present showed expressions of excitement.

Although these three treasures are of no use to the Yuan Ying stage monks, for the Golden Core stage monks, they are all very good things and can be said to be very practical.

Zhou Chun also immediately thought about it, and couldn't help but heard that Jin Lan made a quotation.

What he valued was nothing else but the defensive magic weapon [Mountain Shield].

The exchange item was naturally the white mirror magic weapon.

The final result also made Zhou Chun very happy. Master Jin Lan agreed to his exchange proposal, and the two parties completed the exchange on the spot.

And the other two spiritual objects were quickly replaced.

After all three treasures were exchanged, Master Jin Lan waved his sleeves and said: "Okay, today's exchange meeting ends here. I would like to thank all fellow Taoists again for attending this sect and this celebration. I hope to see you again in the future." A chance to meet!"

After saying these words, he left directly.

Zhou Chun, who had gained a lot, did not want to stay in the place of right and wrong any longer, so he quickly left the mountain gate of Canglan Sect with his fellow Taoist Su Yuzhen.

After the couple left the Canglan Sect's mountain-protecting formation together, they declined the invitation of Xu Mao, a local snake, and immediately flew out of the Yan Kingdom together, but they did not want to stay in this country for a moment longer.

But after flying a certain distance like this, when he was about to leave the Yan Kingdom, Zhou Chun's expression suddenly changed slightly and he hurriedly stopped flying.

"What's wrong? Why did your husband suddenly stop?"

Su Yuzhen looked at Zhou Chun with a puzzled expression, not understanding what he meant by doing this.

But Zhou Chun said with a solemn expression: "Someone is targeting us, get ready to fight!"

As soon as the words fell, it seemed that the person in the dark knew that his whereabouts had been exposed.

Soon there was a sound of breaking through the sky behind the two of them, and a silver-blue flying boat appeared.

That flying boat was obviously only a third-level high-grade magic weapon, but it was able to carry people flying above the fierce wind in the sky, which was also very miraculous.

But at this moment, there are two golden elixir stage monks standing on the flying boat, one of whom is still at the middle stage of golden elixir cultivation!

"It's you!"

Zhou Chun glanced at the two people on the flying boat and instantly recognized them as monks who had appeared at the previous exchange meeting.

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