Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 570: The Fire Phoenix Shows Its Power, the Highest Grade Magical Weapon [Please subscribe]

Being robbed and killed after participating in an exchange meeting is not uncommon in the world of immortality.

There are always some monks who are very confident in their own strength, but also covet the treasures of others and want to kill people and seize treasures.

They may not be professional gangster cultivators, but they don't mind making a cameo once in a while.

The two golden elixir monks who are currently eyeing Zhou Chun and his wife are such people.

Speaking of which, Zhou Chun was somewhat impressed by these two people.

Among them, the early Golden Elixir monk was the man in black who had previously taken out the broken top-grade magic weapon.

Another old man in linen with fine eyes who was in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation took out two thousand-year-old elixirs at the exchange meeting in an attempt to exchange for the elixir he needed.

It's a pity that Zhou Chun doesn't know the slightest bit about the specific origins of the two of them.

But thinking about it, he is definitely not a monk from the Yan Kingdom!

"What do these two fellow Taoists secretly follow my husband and me?"

Zhou Chun looked coldly at the two golden elixir stage monks on the silver-green flying boat and shouted, but secretly he had already given instructions to the Taoist monk Su Yuzhen for the sound transmission.

"Hehehe, what do you think, fellow Taoist Yan?"

The old man in sackcloth chuckled, narrowed his slender eyes, and said in a leisurely tone: "Don't blame me for not giving the Xian couple a chance to survive. Hand over the [Mountain Shield] magic weapon and the storage bag you are carrying, and I will let you go." Leave, or I will make you two become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks today!"

"What a loud tone!"

Zhou Chun's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said with a sneer: "It's not impossible to ask Yan to hand over the storage bag, but it depends on how many pounds you have!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix and Mu Mei Mu Sang flew out and appeared beside him like guardians on the left and right.

As soon as these two fourth-level monsters appeared, the smile on the face of the old man in sackcloth suddenly froze.

Even Su Yuzhen's eyes widened as she saw the fourth-level Hell Fire Phoenix for the first time, and her mouth opened slightly in shock.

After the expression of the old man in sackcloth changed drastically for a short period of time, he suddenly shouted repeatedly: "Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!"

After saying that, he smiled at Zhou Chun with a flattering look on his face and said, "Fellow Taoist Yan, calm down, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now!!"

"But what should I do if I'm angry now?"

Zhou Chun smiled coldly and gave an order. Yan Jing Huo Feng and Mu Mei Mu Sang acted at the same time and began to surround the two old men in Mai.

Seeing this scene, the expression of the old man in sackcloth suddenly changed, and he shouted angrily: "Fellow Taoist Yan, don't bully others too much! I have already told you that it was a misunderstanding and apologized to you, what are you waiting for?"

Seeing that he was still angry at himself with a look of righteous indignation, Zhou Chun was immediately amused and couldn't help but sneer and said: "So this is your way of life? Then after Yan kills you, he will also say to you It would be nice if your body apologized!"

"The boy is crazy!"

The old man in sackcloth had an angry look on his face, and immediately shouted angrily, and with a wave of his hand, he used a long black magic sword to kill Zhou Chun.

As he took action, the silent man in black suddenly activated an earth-yellow seal magic weapon and smashed it towards Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun had already been guarding against the two of them. At this time, he raised his hand to lead, and used the [Taibai Dragon Sword] to face the black long sword magic weapon, and they fiercely clashed with each other in the air.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spat out, and a golden light flew out, turning into a golden cauldron floating above his head. The golden light surged from the mouth of the cauldron, and in the blink of an eye, several golden sword rainbows flew out, crushing the earth-yellow giant in the sky. Yin fought back.

Su Yuzhen, however, did not take part in the attack. He only used his own magic weapon [Shui Yun Ruyi] to activate a white light blessing on Zhou Chun, and then used all his strength to activate another magic weapon [Water Dragon Orb] to release a blue light. The color shield protected him within it.

This was Zhou Chun's secret message before. She did not need to participate in the attack. She only needed to assist him in fighting and concentrate on defending himself.

At the same time, just as several Golden Core Stage monks took action one after another, Yan Jing Huo Feng and Mu Mei Mu Sang also took action.

But when the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix made a clear cry, a stream of colorful flames suddenly emerged from its body, burning fiercely and emitting the light of glazed fire.

In an instant, the old man in sackcloth and the big man in black, who had been paying attention to it with their spiritual consciousness, let out a painful groan and a low cry from their mouths, their consciousness was already burned.

"Damn it, it's [Liu Li Jinghuo], this fire phoenix cannot be underestimated!"

The old man in sackcloth let out an angry roar, and when he waved his sleeves, a ball of black water exuding an icy cold air immediately turned into a black water dragon and rushed towards the Hell Fire Phoenix.

There's no way around it, the name of [Liu Li Jinghuo] is really too great. The characteristics of this magical power and the characteristics of the fire phoenix are easy for people to recognize and take seriously.

However, even if the old man in sackcloth and the big man in black were prepared at this time, they still could not get rid of the interference and damage caused by [Glass Pure Fire].

I saw the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix flap its wings, and the colorful flames exuding glazed fire light turned into a colorful fire phoenix and rushed towards the black water dragon.

Then it opened its mouth and spat out, and a stream of black-red flames spurted out from its mouth, turning into a torrent of flames and sweeping towards the big man in black.

And seeing the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix displaying its power, Mu Mei Mu Sang didn't want to let this later Lao Wu steal his limelight.

He let out a long deer cry from his mouth, and the cyan lightning surged on the antlers, and instantly a thick cyan lightning burst out and struck the big man in black.

Then streaks of green spiritual light surged out from his mouth, rising in the wind, and in the blink of an eye they transformed into [Celestial Wood Dao Soldiers] several feet tall, wearing armor and holding blades. There were nine in total!

Of these nine [Tianmu Taoist Soldiers], three are third-level high-grade Taoist soldiers, and the rest are all third-level mid-level Taoist soldiers.

The nine Dao soldiers are connected with each other, and their magic power comes from the same source. Under the unified control of the [Tianmu Dao soldiers] magical power, they can be regarded as a fourth-level combat power!

They spread out in formation and surrounded the big man in black. As they waved their spears and spears, sharp green streams of light shot towards the big man in black.

The poor man in black was only an early-stage Jindan cultivator. Who would have thought that Zhou Chun would set himself as the main target of the attack.

At this time, the natal magic weapon was not around, so I could only exert my natal golden elixir magical power with all my strength, condensed a brilliant yellow earth-yellow light shield to protect myself, and shouted for help to the old man in sackcloth: "Friend Daoist Lin, help me!"


There was only an explosion, and the cyan thunder and lightning first bombarded the light mask condensed by the big man in black, exploding the light mask, and the remaining power of [Yi Mu Shen Lei] stuck to the light mask and continued to be consumed. Mask power.

This type of wood-attributed attack is the most difficult and uncomfortable for the earth-attributed martial arts cultivator, the big man in black.

Including the subsequent attacks from [Tianmu Taoist Soldiers], they also dealt excessive damage to him.

But what's even more terrible is actually the torrent of black and red flames!

As soon as the fire fell on the khaki mask, it turned into a sea of ​​fire and submerged the man in black. Under the extreme high temperature, the thickness of the khaki mask was visible to the naked eye.

And even though there was a protective shield, the big man in black soon discovered that he had been poisoned!

Fortunately, because of the isolation of the shield, he was only slightly contaminated with toxins, and he was able to suppress the refining with his deep magic power.

But in this case, he did not dare to let the black-red flames touch him, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

But he wanted to count on the old man in sackcloth, but he couldn't count on him at all.

Zhou Chun is now at the peak of the early stage of the Golden Core, but he is blocked by the realm barrier and cannot break through, and his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations] has already been cultivated and cultivated by him to the level of a middle-grade magic weapon.

There is no difficulty at all in holding down the old man in Mai, a monk in the middle stage of Golden Core.

Not to mention that he also has the auxiliary amplification magical power used by Taoist companion Su Yuzhen.

Speaking of which, Su Yuzhen's natal magic weapon [Water Yun Ruyi] is very interesting.

As a rare auxiliary natal magic weapon, this treasure has two very unique auxiliary amplification magical powers.

One is the increased magical power on Zhou Chun at this moment, which can save the mana consumed by him in using his magical power and at the same time increase the power of his magical power.

The other is to directly increase his mana cultivation, which can directly increase his mana by up to 30%!

Su Yuzhen, who has these two magical powers, can be said to be an ace support who can greatly enhance the strength of his teammates.

At this time, Zhou Chun was under the amplification of her magical power. While activating two magic weapons to fight fiercely with the old man in Mai, she raised her hand from time to time to condense the golden sword and displayed the [God-killing Golden Ge] magical power against the old man in Mai. The harassment made it impossible for him to spare much energy to help the big man in black.

And even if the old man in Mai still has some energy left, he doesn't dare to use it all to help others.

Not to mention the continuous burning damage of consciousness brought to him by the [Glass Purifying Fire], Su Yuzhen had not yet attacked him, so he had to save some trump cards for himself to defend himself.

Who knows whether Su Yuzhen is deliberately showing weakness to the enemy and then delivers a fatal blow to him at the critical moment!

I saw him fighting with Zhou Chun while saying in a deep voice: "Friend Taoist, why do you have to be aggressive? The so-called mercy should be spared. Even if it is the fault of the two of you today, you can scold or beat me now." After the fight, it’s time to calm down!”

"How funny!"

Zhou Chun was also laughed out of anger, and couldn't help but sneered in response: "It was obvious that you two wanted to do something evil first, and wanted to kill people, seize treasures, and rob Yan and his wife. Now that the matter has been exposed and you are unable to do anything, you want to There is no such thing as a good thing if you want to put things to rest!"

After saying that, he shouted loudly: "Stop talking nonsense, if you don't leave anything behind today, you can't get away!"

Thinking that Zhou Chun had three fourth-level spiritual pets and spiritual treasures at his side, when he wanted to obtain magical treasures, he only wanted to buy them or exchange them with others. He had never thought of killing people to seize the treasures.

Now, someone was trying to take advantage of his magic weapon. How could this not make him angry?

At this time, he just wanted to keep these two blind guys and let them pay for their stupid behavior.

Seeing that Zhou Chun had no intention of giving up, the old man in Mai also felt his heart sink, and he immediately had the idea of ​​breaking out.

Fortunately, he was quite moral. Before breaking out, he sent a message to the big man in black: "Fellow Daoist Guo, things are not going well. You and I should use our methods to break out!"

But the big man in black was now being stared at by two fourth-level monsters, including a Fire Phoenix that was good at flying and escaping. Since his speed was not his strong point, he could almost predict his end once he broke through.

Therefore, after listening to the words of the old man in sackcloth, he immediately panicked and hurriedly sent a message to him and begged: "Please also ask fellow Daoist Lin to help Mr. Guo. Mr. Guo will definitely be richly rewarded in the future!"

"Hey! I'll do my best!"

The old man in sackcloth sighed and did not dare to make a guarantee.

He suddenly tapped the storage bag on his waist, and a ray of yellow light emerged, turning into a blue-white jade bottle with a corner missing.

Then he used his hands to cast a magic spell on the blue and white jade bottle. The two dragon patterns, one white and one blue, tattooed on the blue and white jade bottle suddenly shined brightly, creating a wave of energy that made Zhou Chun extremely pale. Powerful breath.

"High-quality magic weapon!"

He murmured to himself, feeling a little surprised.

It should be noted that high-grade magic weapons are rare. Generally, only late-stage Jindan monks can cultivate their own natal magic weapons to this level, and only those who have been experienced in the late-stage Golden Elixir can do it.

Even so, after they sit down and pass away, this high-grade magic weapon will easily degenerate into a middle-grade magic weapon!

The high-grade magic weapon in the hands of the old man in sackcloth obviously has flaws. After one corner is missing, its power is estimated to have dropped by at least 20 to 30%.

But even so, it is better than many middle-grade magic weapons.

Moreover, the mysterious power of high-grade magic weapons cannot be compared with that of mid-grade magic weapons and low-grade magic weapons.

But as the old man in sackcloth activated his magic power, two rays of blue and white light suddenly flew out from inside the blue and white vase, chasing each other like two dragons and rushing towards Zhou Chun.

After feeling the powerful aura emitted by the two divine lights, Zhou Chun also felt a chill in his heart. He hurriedly activated the magic weapon that turned into a golden shield to block it in front of him. At the same time, he no longer hesitated to activate the [Moon Toad Orb]. The "Taiyin Body Protecting Immortal Clothes" came out with magical power to protect the body.

In the end, he even secretly used the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" to condense silver dragon scales to act as the last layer of protection.

However, the blue and white divine light first fell on the shield transformed by the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], and directly dispersed the defensive light curtain released by this mid-grade magic weapon, sending the magic weapon itself flying away.

Then the two divine lights disappeared into the golden glow of the [Qianyuan Jinxia] magical power, plowing out two channels in the golden glow like a broken bamboo.

Finally, they all fell on Zhou Chun.

Immediately, the aura of Zhou Chun's "Taiyin Body Protective Immortal Clothes" exploded, blooming a brilliant silver-white aura that clashed with the blue and white divine light.

After this continued for a while, Lingbao's magical power was superior after all, and he successfully wiped out the blue and white divine light!

This scene also caused the expression of the old man in sackcloth to change drastically. His eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty as he looked at the silver-white fairy clothes on Zhou Chun's body.

As the master of the magic weapon, and having used it to kill his opponent more than once, he knew best how powerful the blow just now was.

To put it bluntly, even if he wanted to block it, he would have to pay a high price. It would never be possible for him to be as harmless as Zhou Chun!

"This kid must have a top-grade defensive magic weapon to protect him. Is he a direct descendant of a certain Nascent Soul old monster who values ​​​​them very much?"

When I think about it this way, the more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

Whether it is from the perspective of a Taoist monk at the Golden Core stage or a fourth-level monster beast spiritual pet, it is not something that ordinary Golden Core cultivators can have.

Now that a high-grade defensive magic weapon is included, people have to think about the real person in the Yuanying stage.

Under such circumstances, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. The old man in sackcloth no longer cared about his promise to the big man in black. He even waved his sleeves to put away the blue and white jade bottle magic weapon, and directly raised his hand to use a fourth-level low-grade attack spell. Fu hit Zhou Chun.

Then, taking advantage of the flaming dragon transformed into a magic talisman to attract Zhou Chun's attention, Dang even took the black long sword magic weapon and transformed into a black stream of light soaring into the sky, breaking out first to escape!

"Where can I go, old thief!"

After Zhou Chun dispersed the blazing fire dragon, he let out a long roar and turned into a golden light and chased after the old man in sackcloth.

The two of them chased each other and quickly disappeared from Su Yuzhen's sight.

Seeing Zhou Chun chasing the old man in sackcloth, the big man in black seemed to have found an opportunity to break out of the encirclement. He used the earth-yellow seal magic weapon to force a way out and fell to the ground, trying to break out of the encirclement through the earth escape technique he had practiced.

But before he landed, he was slapped into the sky by a fiery red figure that suddenly approached. It turned out that the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix understood his intention and used the fire escape technique to stop him.

What has to be said is that after the Flame Hell Peacock evolved from Nirvana into the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, although it lost its original memory, its intelligence has been greatly improved.

After Zhou Chun's training over the years, Yan Jing Huo Feng has become extremely skilled at least in fighting against Xiuxian Chuan, and he also knows how to make full use of his own strengths and magical powers.

Zhou Chun had previously told it to be on guard against the big man in black escaping through the earth escape technique.

After all, Zhou Chun himself had relied on this magical power to escape from golden elixir stage monks and fourth-level monsters many times before.

At this time, forcing the big man in black back into the sky, the Flame Hell Peacock directly activated the [Glass Pure Fire] magical power that had previously dealt with the old man in sackcloth to burn him.

This [glazed pure fire] has the effect of burning the monk's spiritual consciousness. It is the best magical power to interrupt the escape method. When enduring the burning of the spiritual consciousness, you still want to concentrate on performing the escape method. For cultivators who want to pass on personal magic Knowledge and mastery of escape techniques are both great tests.

What made the big man in yellow even more desperate was that Su Yuzhen soon got involved in the battle besieging him.

Just like the straw that broke the camel's back, although Su Yuzhen's offensive ability was very average, her joining became the straw that broke the big man in yellow, both in terms of morale and actual pressure!

After resisting for a while, the man in yellow found that there was no hope of breaking through, and he desperately chose to surrender.

"Fairy, spare your life. Guo is willing to surrender. As long as the fairy spares Guo's life, I will admit it if you want to beat or punish him!!"

With a face full of despair, he expressed his intention to surrender to Su Yuzhen, and in order to gain Su Yuzhen's trust, he directly took off the storage bag from his waist and threw it out.

Seeing this situation, Su Yuzhen was both surprised and not surprised.

Thinking about it carefully, the hatred between the two parties does not seem to be to the point where life and death must be separated.

Although the big man in black originally intended to rob and kill the couple together with the old man in sackcloth, he failed to hurt them after all. At first, he just wanted to covet their belongings.

At this moment, we are facing a desperate situation of life and death. If we choose to surrender, we may still survive, but if we resist, we will definitely die!

And a prisoner who voluntarily surrenders to the golden elixir stage monks, whether it is to extort ransom from the force he belongs to, or let him do something for himself, can get very good benefits.

When you are sure of victory and have no fear of the other party's retaliation, it is not impossible to surrender to the other party!

But Su Yuzhen was also afraid that the big man in black was pretending to surrender, because she did not have the strength to imprison him, and she did not dare to get close to him and use such methods.

So after pondering in his heart, he looked at the big man in black and said: "It's okay for you to surrender, but I don't have the strength to surrender you, and I don't dare to believe you easily. You should hold on for a while and wait for my husband to come back." Let’s talk about it later!”

After saying that, he stopped attacking and also interceded a few words with Mu Mei Mu Sang to slow down his attack.

As for the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, she had just seen this fourth-level monster for the first time today. There was no friendship between the two parties, so she couldn't say much.

However, with the help of her and Mu Mei Mu Sang, even if the big man in black was no match for the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, he could continue to endure the hardships by relying on the characteristics of earth-attribute Kung Fu cultivators who were good at defending.

But he could clearly feel that neither Su Yuzhen nor Mu Meimu Sang had ever truly trusted him, and were all on guard against him breaking out.

This made him groan secretly in his heart, so he could only continue to carry out the output of the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

On the other hand, after Zhou Chun chased the old man Mai for hundreds of miles, he found that he couldn't catch up with him just by relying on his own flight speed.

But he didn't want to really let the other person leave like this.

The main thing that attracted him was the blue and white jade bottle magic weapon. It was indeed quite rare for a high-grade magic weapon that could still use most of its power with a missing corner.

Generally speaking, this kind of magic weapon has great possibility of repair.

Zhou Chun had seen and experienced many magic weapons, but this high-grade magic weapon could only be obtained when he killed Wang Jun.

But at that time, he was afraid of being caught up by Master Kuang Lei, so he reluctantly gave up this opportunity in the end.

Every time I think about this later, I feel extremely regretful.

Now that he had the chance to get a high-grade magic weapon again, one that was more inclined to attack attributes, he certainly didn't want to give up easily.

So after a brief hesitation, he patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the thunder dragon Baibai.

He had not released the thunder dragon Baibai before because he was worried that exposing the fourth-level thunder dragon would attract the attention of Lei Yagu.

After all, the Yan State and the Great Zhou State are separated by only one country, and the high-level monks of the two countries communicate closely. Once the news of the fourth-order thunder dragon appears in the Yan State, it is likely to spread to the Great Zhou State through the exchanges between high-level monks. go.

But considering that Leiya Valley was now closed to protect itself, high-level monks were completely cut off from external communication, and Master Kuang Lei was still seriously injured, Zhou Chun decided not to miss this opportunity.

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