Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 571 Kill powerful enemies and ask for secrets【Please subscribe】

When the thunder dragon appeared in vain, the old man in sackcloth who thought he was safe suddenly trembled, with a look of helplessness and panic on his face.

What kind of monster did he provoke? ! !

At the early stage of Jindan's cultivation, he had three fourth-level low-grade monsters as spiritual pets, including powerful races such as the four-clawed thunder dragon and the flaming hell fire phoenix.

At this time, if someone told him that Zhou Chun was the son of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, he would believe it!

I think he has been walking in the world of immortal cultivation for seven or eight hundred years, and he has also dealt with some descendants and disciples who are valued by the monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

But counting down, none of the second-generation immortals he had dealt with could have such luxurious configurations as Zhou Chun!

At most, he just has a high-grade magic weapon and one or two magical secret talismans!

What's amazing is that there is also a fourth-level low-grade monster or puppet with him!

A person like Zhou Chun, who was in the early stage of Jindan cultivation, had three fourth-level low-grade demonic beasts and spiritual pets with him, as well as high-grade defensive magic weapons. He had never heard of it before, let alone seeing it before!

More importantly, he made some inquiries before coming. When Zhou Chun and his wife arrived at Canglan Sect, they did not ride a fourth-level monster, and the gifts they gave were ordinary.

It was after understanding this that he decided to rob and kill the couple!

"Despicable, insidious, shameless..."

At this moment, the old man in sackcloth could only curse Zhou Chun in his heart for his shamelessness, for actually pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger to lure him into the bait.

But he never thought about it. If he didn't get greedy, what happened now wouldn't happen.

This is human nature!

People always have double standards!

And some people always only think that they are right and others are wrong.

It’s not that they don’t know how bad their behavior is, but they just have their own set of theoretical logic that allows them to continue to do evil with peace of mind!

The old man in sackcloth is undoubtedly this kind of person.

This can be seen from his previous conversation with Zhou Chun!

In his mind, Zhou Chun's unobtrusive participation in the grand ceremony by riding a fourth-level monster, not revealing his identity as a descendant of the old monster Nascent Soul, and frequently showing off his wealth at exchange meetings, was a deliberate attempt to lure him into the trap, or to plot against him. !

It will never make sense to reason with this kind of people. They are typical of people who are convinced but not convinced at heart. Any time they are soft on the lips, they are just succumbing to force and temporarily compromising. Later, they will definitely find ways to retaliate.

Such as this moment.

When the old man in sackcloth saw the thunder dragon chasing up Baibai quickly through the thunder escape technique, he immediately shouted loudly: "Fellow Taoist, you have something to say. Lin has admitted defeat today. As long as Taoist friend lets Lin go, Lin is willing to tell Taoist." Please apologize!"

But the thunder dragon came out to fight for nothing, so how could he pay attention to his words.

When Zhou Chun remained silent, Lei Jiao only did one thing in vain, and that was fighting.


Thunder exploded in the sky, and streaks of silver thunder and lightning were generated in the void, blasting towards the old man in sackcloth.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the thunder dragon, the old man in Mai soon had to stop and concentrate on dealing with it.

And as Zhou Chun also chased him, he suddenly seemed to be in a difficult position even to deal with it.

Thunder Dragon Baibai is not a monster like Yanjing Huofeng who has just broken through the fourth level, nor is it a monster like Mu Mei Mu Sang who is not good at close combat.

At this moment, it has even completed the "Thunder Dragon Transformation Sutra" of the Thunder Dragon Clan, and its thunder and lightning magical power has reached the transformation state, reaching the realm of "divine thunder transformation".

But as it breathed, streaks of silver lightning sprang out of itself, blending into the thunderclouds gathering around it.

And as its dragon claw moves, the power of thunder and lightning in the thunder cloud will soon condense into thunder spears, thunder dragons, and thunder swords, and shoot towards the old man in Mai.

Not only are these attacks extremely frequent, their power is also comparable to fourth-level spells!

Even though the old man in sackcloth was protected by a defensive magic weapon, his own cultivation level was a little higher than that of Lei Jiao Baibai. Faced with such high-frequency indiscriminate bombardment, he looked quite embarrassed.

In addition, he had to be careful of the thunder dragon Baibai's sudden close attack. The elusive thunder escape technique was simply impossible to guard against, and every time he discovered it, it was almost too late!

Just one Lei Jiao Bai Bai was already too much for him to deal with. Adding Zhou Chun to the mix would really make his mentality worse and worse!

Soon, he couldn't help shouting again: "I admit defeat. Fellow Taoist Yan, just tell me what you want. As long as you can let me go today, I will definitely offer you a generous gift to apologize!"

"But I just want you to die!!"

Zhou Chun said silently in his heart, but he paid no attention to the words of the old man in Mai.

He didn't believe that the other party was willing to hand over the high-grade magic weapon, so naturally there was no need for peace talks.

Seeing that Zhou Chun had no response to his words, the old man in Mai quickly understood what he meant, and a look of resentment suddenly appeared in his eyes.

With a fierce look in his eyes, he suddenly took out a scarlet pill and swallowed it into his belly, and then his aura of mana surged.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his hands quickly forming seals, and when his magic power was activated, a large black water cloud suddenly gathered around him.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately realized that the other party was using some kind of powerful magical power that consumed extremely mana, so he hurriedly ordered Lei Jiao Baibai to use all his strength to interrupt.

But I saw the thunder dragon suddenly absorbing a large amount of thunder and lightning power from the thunder clouds around it into its body. Then it opened its mouth and spat out a dazzling silver lightning beam from its mouth, which went straight into the dark water cloud. .

At the same time, golden light surged from Zhou Chun's natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations], and in an instant, a golden beam of light formed and struck at the old man in sackcloth.

He himself also took advantage of the opportunity to add a [God-killing Jin Ge] magical power.

After the two light pillars, one gold and one silver, sank into the dark water clouds, they immediately exploded into two gold and silver light groups.

In the blink of an eye, most of the dark water cloud was torn apart by two light groups.

A mouthful of old blood suddenly spat out from the mouth of the old man in sackcloth. He hurriedly made a hand seal and tried his best to control the remaining power of the dark water cloud to turn into a huge water ball with a diameter of dozens of feet and hit the thunder dragon Baibai.

Looking at the black water polo that was not particularly fast, Lei Jiao Baibai seemed a little eager to pounce on it and scatter it.

But Zhou Chun knew that the old man in Mai would not do useless things, so he immediately stopped the spirit pet's adventurous behavior and directly let it avoid the edge for the time being.

Seeing that the thunder dragon failed to respond in vain, the old man in sackcloth could only change his move again, turning the giant black water ball into a long black river and sweeping towards Zhou Chun.

Then, without looking at the effect of the attack, he directly performed an escape technique that burned blood and essence, and his figure instantly transformed into a black stream of light that shot through the air and flew away.


There was a thunder in the sky, and a silver lightning struck directly on the black stream of light.

However, the escape method of the old man in sackcloth was not interrupted, and he was still flying away at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun hurriedly used the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" and merged with the thunder dragon Baibai to transform into a human-faced thunder dragon. He used the thunder escape technique and chased after the old man in sackcloth.

The two chased and escaped, and soon left the territory of Yan State and entered neighboring countries.

After chasing him for five to six hundred miles, the old man in sackcloth saw that he could not get rid of Zhou Chun, so he could only stop his escape and continue to fight fiercely with him.

But when he was at his peak, he was no match for Zhou Chun's master and servant, not to mention that at this moment, his mana was greatly reduced, and his essence, blood and vitality were severely damaged!

After another fierce fight between one person and one dragon, Zhou Chun repeated his old tricks and once again used the thunder escape technique to get close to the old man in sackcloth. He opened his mouth and spat out the [Moon Toad Orb] to display the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light".

With this move, Zhou Chun had already killed and captured two middle-stage Jindan cultivators, and it could be said that it was tried and tested without success.

This time is no exception.

The old man in sackcloth was pierced by the white cold light and froze into an ice sculpture.

Then Zhou Chun swung his sword, and the old man in sackcloth was shattered into pieces by the sword energy!

After killing the old man in Mai like this, Zhou Chun hurriedly packed up the man's belongings and quickly rushed back to the place where the previous battle took place.

By the time Zhou Chun returned to the place where the battle started, the big man in black had already passed out.

But it was because of the continuous burning of the consciousness by [Glazed Purifying Fire] and the accidental inhalation of too much toxins that he fainted directly.

If Su Yuzhen hadn't persuaded Yan Hell Fire Phoenix at the last moment, he might have turned into a pile of ashes at this moment!

After listening to Su Yuzhen's story, Zhou Chun didn't blame her for taking matters into her own hands.

"Madam, you are right. This person may actually have some effect!"

Zhou Chun first affirmed the Taoist companion's approach, then put away his spiritual pet and left the battlefield with the unconscious man in black.

After flying all the way until he entered the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Chun found a place to stop.

At this time, the big man in black was poisoned, his face was black, and he never woke up.

Looking at the situation, Zhou Chun realized that if he didn't take action, the other party would never wake up.

As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell must be tied to untie the bell. Zhou Chun immediately called out the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, took a few drops of the Fire Phoenix's spiritual blood from its body and fed it into the mouth of the man in black.

The Flame Hell Peacock once fed on hundreds of poisons. After evolving into the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, its blood has a strong detoxification effect and is even more effective against its own toxins.

This is something Zhou Chun has discovered over the years.

At this time, a few drops of the fire phoenix spirit's blood entered his abdomen. The face of the big man in black suddenly looked much better to the naked eye, and he soon woke up.

Of course, just a few drops of Fire Phoenix spirit blood were far from enough to completely remove the toxins from his body, and Zhou Chun would not be so kind as to help him completely remove the toxins now.

"Now that your Excellency is awake, let's have a good talk."

In a cave, Zhou Chun looked at the big man in black in front of him who had clearly woken up but deliberately did not open his eyes, and unceremoniously exposed his disguise.

When he saw that he had woken up, the big man in black could no longer pretend. He immediately opened his eyes and looked at him with a sad smile and said, "Fellow Daoist Yan is really a good trick! Guo wants to know how Daoist Lin is doing now." Already?"

"Of course it has been completely destroyed!"

Zhou Chun glanced at the big man in black and replied in a calm tone.

Hearing this answer, the big man in black's pupils suddenly shrank, his eyes full of shock.

After a long time, I saw him sighing with bitterness on his face: "That is a middle-stage golden elixir monk who possesses a top-grade magic weapon!!"

A middle-stage golden elixir monk who possesses a high-grade magic weapon has a good chance of escaping even if he encounters a late-stage golden elixir monk.

Now he died at the hands of an early stage Jindan monk like Zhou Chun!

This result is really incredible.

And this undoubtedly made the man in black completely give up his plan to be careful.

Not to mention that he is now riddled with poison and cannot use half of his strength. Even at his peak, he has no chance at all.

At that moment, he closed his eyes and gave up struggling completely and whispered: "Fellow Taoist Yan, if you want to ask anything, just ask. As long as Guo's life can be spared, Guo will definitely tell you everything!"

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Guo has figured it out. This saves Yan a lot of trouble."

Zhou Chun smiled with satisfaction, very satisfied with the performance of the big man in black.

Then he looked at the other person and said: "Fellow Daoist Guo, please first introduce the origins of yourself and fellow Daoist Lin."

Hearing this, the big man in black immediately replied: "Guo's name is Guo Kaitai, and he comes from a family of cultivators in Di country. There is only Guo in the family who is a Golden Core monk!"

"As for Lin Canghai, he is a casual cultivator from Qi Kingdom. He is quite famous in several surrounding countries such as Qi Kingdom and Di Kingdom. Guo must have some friendship with him!"

After hearing his answer, Zhou Chun's expression suddenly changed.

Dang Ji asked again: "You are from the Di Kingdom, but do you know the Qianling Sect?"

Zhou Chun remembered that the hometown of Han Yuan, the insect cultivator of Yang Kingdom, was Di Kingdom.

The Qianling Sect, where Chongxiu Han Yuan was born, had already been wiped out in Di Kingdom.

If the man in black in front of him, Guo Kaitai, lied, then he would definitely not know the details of Qianling Sect!

At this time, after hearing his words, Guo Kaitai also looked stunned, looked at him with some surprise and said: "Does fellow Taoist Yan know about Qianling Sect? This sect has been extinct for a long time!"

"Then tell me about the situation of this sect and see if it is the same as what Yan knows."

Zhou Chun glanced at the big man in black and said in an indifferent tone.

Hearing his words, Guo Kaitai only thought that he was verifying the authenticity of his words. He was frightened at the moment and hurriedly told the information he knew without any hesitation.

As a result, Zhou Chun learned a lot of things that he didn't know before.

According to Guo Kaitai, the destruction of the Qianling Sect was purely a suicide attempt and provoked the Xuanling Sect, the largest force in the Di Kingdom.

The Xuanling Sect has been passed down in Di Country for tens of thousands of years, and the Yuanying Stage monks have never been discontinued. Most of the time, they have been the strongest force in Di Country.

It is precisely because of this that when Chong Xiu Han Yuan returned and found that the Qianling Sect had been destroyed, he gave up revenge in despair and returned to the Yang Kingdom.

After confirming that Guo Kaitai had not lied, Zhou Chun did not bother to ask him and Lin Canghai, the old man in sackcloth, such boring questions as why they robbed and killed his wife. He looked at each other directly and said: "Fellow Daoist Guo is also a smart man, and Yan is not on good terms. You're going in circles, if you want to survive, you have to show sincerity!"

What is so-called sincerity, Zhou Chun did not say it clearly, it was up to Guo Kaitai himself to understand.

After hearing what he said, Guo Kaitai suddenly looked thoughtful and thought about the price he could pay.

After thinking like this for a while, he slowly said: "There are still thirteen thousand-year-old elixirs in Guo's family, seven of which can be transplanted, and three of which are more than two years old. millennium!"

"There are also four magic weapons and spiritual materials, which together are worth four to five million spiritual coins!"

"In the end, if all means are used, the Guo family can probably collect six to seven million spiritual coins!"

Having said this, he also looked at Zhou Chun with an uneasy expression and asked, "Fellow Taoist Yan, are you sincere enough in this?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately shook his head without thinking and said: "It's not enough. The combined value of these things is only worth the magic weapon you have. If you want to redeem your life, it's not enough!"

As soon as he said this, Guo Kaitai's face suddenly turned pale, his mouth opened as if he wanted to explain something, and finally he lowered his head in despair.

Although Zhou Chun's words were a bit unpleasant, they were also true.

The things he took out were indeed not equivalent to his life and his own magic weapon.

After he lowered his head and remained silent for a long time, he gritted his teeth, raised his head and looked at Zhou Chun again and said, "How about adding three more favors? Guo is willing to swear that he owes fellow Taoist Yan three favors, as long as Yan If fellow Taoist Guo needs to be used in the future, Guo will be unequivocal in his swordsmanship and sea of ​​fire!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said these words, he was ridiculed by Zhou Chun: "Fellow Daoist Guo is joking, if Yan can't do something, what can I do if I count you? These three favors of yours are real All things considered, Yan may not be able to use it at all!"

This was entirely a mockery based on his strength, which made Guo Kaitai unable to even get angry at all.

Indeed, regardless of whether Zhou Chun still has a strong backer behind him, just based on Zhou Chun's current revealed strength, he is indeed far superior to him, and it is only natural to look down on his favor.

But as a result, Guo Kaitai couldn't help but feel a sense of despair, and whispered helplessly: "But Guo really can't offer anything more! Even if the Guo family stops paying family benefits for the next few decades, At most, we can only scrape together a few hundred thousand more spiritual coins!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but look at him with deep meaning and said, "Is this really so? Fellow Daoist Guo, where did your broken top-quality magic weapon come from?"

"What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Yan? That broken top-grade magic weapon was purchased by Mr. Guo from an ignorant foundation-building cultivator."

Guo Kaitai's expression changed slightly, and he quickly explained and answered Zhou Chun's question.

"Is that so? That's such a shame!"

Zhou Chun sighed with regret, and then said in a cold tone: "If Guo Daoyou really can't come up with anything more that can impress Yan, then Yan can only say sorry!"

After saying that, there was already a silver-black long sword in his hand, which was the middle-grade magic weapon [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword]!

Seeing this situation, Guo Kaitai's eyelids suddenly twitched and he hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Taoist Yan, wait a minute, let Guo think again and think of more solutions!"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and said: "It's better not to use it! Rather than letting the Guo family you came from go bankrupt and ruin your family in order to redeem you, why not sacrifice your life and help the whole family!"

"No! Don't do it! Guo remembered it. Guo does know a secret clue left by a real person in the Nascent Soul Stage. Guo is willing to use this clue to pay for his life!"

Guo Kaitai screamed repeatedly with panic on his face, and finally couldn't bear the intimidation and confessed the biggest secret in his heart.

After Zhou Chun heard what he said, he immediately put away the flying sword in his hand, then spread his hands and said: "Look, if you had said this earlier, wouldn't it have been so troublesome?"

Hearing this, Guo Kaitai suddenly felt miserable in his heart. He could only nod and bow in a flattering manner: "Yes, yes, what fellow Taoist Yan said is absolutely true. It was Guo who was lucky. Guo made all the mistakes." Someone’s fault!”

"Then tell the truth!"

Zhou Chun said lightly, then looked at Guo Kaitai with a half-smile and added: "But Yan has to remind you that if you lie to others, you will die. You should think carefully before speaking!"

This face-to-face intimidation and threat made Guo Kaitai's eyes twitch again, and his heart couldn't help but rise.

Then he frowned and pondered for a while before finally speaking about the information he knew.

He had not completely lied before. He had indeed purchased the broken top-quality magic weapon from a foundation-building stage casual cultivator.

But like Zhou Chun, he didn't believe that such a treasure would be picked up by someone casually.

Therefore, after obtaining this object, Guo Kaitai secretly captured the casual cultivator, and through interrogation and soul searching, he learned about the other party's experience in obtaining the broken and top-quality magic weapon.

According to the information obtained through interrogation and soul searching, the casual cultivator obtained the broken top-quality magic weapon from an ancient battlefield in Di Kingdom. The ancient battlefield was formed in a great battle more than three thousand years ago. At that time, it was said that there was a Nascent Soul. Many monks had fallen there, and more than one of them had died.

However, under normal circumstances, even if a Nascent Soul monk died there, treasures such as broken top-grade magic weapons would usually be taken away by the Nascent Soul monks who cleaned up the battlefield afterwards, and it was unlikely to be missed.

Guo Kaitai sensed something fishy because of this, and afterwards he went to great lengths to conduct an in-depth investigation. After some painstaking investigation, he found out that this so-called ancient battlefield could actually be traced back to a terrifying battle thousands of years ago!

The broken top-quality magic weapon obtained by the foundation-building casual cultivator was probably not owned by the Nascent Soul monk who died in the war more than three thousand years ago, but was left by the powerful from an even longer era.

After learning about this, Guo Kaitai continued to spend his time investigating the place where the broken top-grade magic weapon appeared.

In the end, his hard work paid off, and he successfully discovered a hidden formation secret realm nearby.

It's a pity that although the secret realm of the formation is not as powerful as before due to the passage of time and damage to the formation, it is not something that Guo Kaitai can break into.

After taking a risk and being seriously injured, he could only temporarily put his thoughts aside and prepare to try again later when he was stronger.

The reason why he agreed to rob and kill Zhou Chun and his wife with Lin Canghai this time was because he valued the low-grade defensive magic weapon [Mountain Shield] that Zhou Chung had just exchanged.

If he could get this high-quality defensive magic weapon whose attributes were very suitable for him, Guo Kaitai would dare to venture into that secret realm of formations again.

It's a pity that what he never expected was that due to his greed, not only did he not get the treasure, but he almost lost his life. Now, even his savings and the secrets hidden in his heart have been stolen!

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