Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 572 A surprising harvest [Please subscribe]

After learning the secret buried deep in Guo Kaitai's mouth, Zhou Chun suddenly became interested.

Let’s not talk about the treasures in the secret area of ​​the formation he mentioned.

Since Guo Kaitai was able to break into and then successfully exit, it shows that the danger inside is not very great.

At least with Zhou Chun's current strength, it is unlikely that anything will go wrong.

Since there is no need to worry about his own safety, Zhou Chun is naturally very interested in exploring this secret realm of formations.

So after questioning Guo Kaitai in depth and learning about his experience in exploring the secret realm of formations, Zhou Chun decided to go to the secret realm of formations to find out what he had promised. Those ransoms were collected.

Of course, before that, Zhou Chun had to take stock of this harvest.

After spending some effort, Zhou Chun opened the storage bag obtained from the sackcloth old man Lin Canghai.

This Lin Canghai is worthy of being a golden elixir-level monk who was born as a casual cultivator, and he is in line with the style of casual cultivators who carry all their wealth with them.

In his storage bag, there are more than 800,000 spiritual coins of various styles alone!

In addition, there are four thousand-year-old elixirs, five elixirs that are over two thousand years old, and more than thirty thousand-year-old elixirs!

Zhou Chun was quite surprised to have so many elixirs on his body.

But after listening to Guo Kaitai's subsequent explanation, he was not surprised.

According to Guo Kaitai, Lin Canghai was a bandit cultivator in the early years. After forming the elixir, he often appeared as a bandit cultivator. He also liked to sneak into the big immortal cultivators who did not have golden elixir stage monks and steal the elixirs in their gardens. Millennium elixir!

And this person's collection of so many elixirs was certainly not in vain.

In his storage bag, Zhou Chun found a precious elixir called [Four Spirits Barrier-Breaking Pill], which turned out to be a rare elixir that could help break through the late barrier of the golden elixir!

The refining of this elixir requires the use of four extremely rare thousand-year-old elixirs, as well as thirty-two thousand-year-old elixirs, including 16 elixirs that are more than two thousand years old, and several other auxiliary medicines.

Among the elixirs in Lin Canghai's storage bag, he actually had two main medicines and seventeen auxiliary medicines!

After discovering this, Zhou Chun was also extremely pleasantly surprised, a kind of unexpected surprise.

He is now only one step away from the middle stage of the golden elixir. Now he has obtained the recipe and half of the materials for the [Four Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill]. When he reaches the middle stage of the golden elixir in the future, he can continue to cooperate with Luo Qingni to collect materials and refine it. Make elixir.

At that time, as long as he refines the [Four Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill] before his cultivation reaches the barrier of the late Golden Core, he can directly attack the late Golden Core!

Thinking about this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but sigh with joy: "This Lin Canghai is really a treasure-giving boy! Not only did he give me a high-grade magic weapon, he also gave me an opportunity to lead to the late stage of the Golden Elixir. It's really What a kind man!"

Isn't that true?

During the subsequent inventory, Zhou Chun counted five third-level magic weapons, seventeen third-level magic talismans, a number of various elixirs, two magic weapons and spiritual materials, and several sets of formations from Lin Canghai's storage bag. , and a number of various classics.

Among these things, the most noteworthy thing is the silver-blue flying boat weapon.

This third-level high-grade flying magic weapon named [Blue Sea Silver Boat] is made of extremely high-end materials. It is made from several magic weapons and spiritual materials combined with the bones of a certain fourth-level monster beast. It not only flies extremely fast, but can also Flying at high altitudes in strong winds.

Lin Canghai and Guo Kaitai used this object to fly into the high-altitude strong wind layer to avoid being discovered by Zhou Chun and his wife.

After all, golden elixir stage monks usually do not fly to such places to avoid increasing their own mana consumption.

Zhou Chunzheng felt that flying with a sword was not comfortable enough. After discovering the magical effect of this [Blue Sea Silver Boat], he immediately took action to refine it, preparing to use it to fly in the future when it was inconvenient to expose his spiritual pet.

In addition to the treasures in the storage bag, Lin Canghai, an old man in sackcloth, also contributed three other magic weapons to Zhou Chun.

These three magic weapons are the long black knife that he used in his previous fight with Zhou Chun, a blue disk magic weapon for defense, and a black orb magic weapon.

Among the three magic weapons, only the black orb magic weapon is ranked in the middle grade because it is Lin Canghai's natal magic weapon.

This black orb magic weapon is called [Xuanming Black Water Bead], and it can refine and cast a kind of cold-attribute true water called [Xuanming Black Water], which is the kind that Lin Canghai used to resist [Glaze Pure Fire] before. Black real water.

Later in the battle, he used this black true water cloth to cover the true water shield to resist the attacks of Lei Jiao Baibai and Zhou Chun.

This treasure is similar to the [Three Yang True Fire Bottle] in the hands of Zhou Mingde. It can only exert its maximum power in the hands of Lin Canghai, who has practiced the "Xuanming Black Water Skill". If it falls into the hands of others, its power will be reduced a lot. .

The Zhou family did not have a golden elixir-level monk who practiced water-attribute skills. After Zhou Chun studied the object for a while, he put it away.

It's not that he intentionally ignored Taoist companion Su Yuzhen, but that even though Su Yuzhen owned the [Water Dragon Orb], he was not interested in the [Xuanming Black Water Bead] at all and had no intention of wanting it.

Zhou Chun gave her the black long sword magic weapon, which made up for her shortcoming of not having the magic weapon to fight head-on.

As for the most valuable thing in Lin Canghai's body, it must be that high-grade magic weapon.

This high-grade magic weapon is called [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase]. It is not a natal magic weapon refined by some immortal cultivator, but a real high-grade magic weapon made by a master refiner!

It is unknown how many magical powers this treasure possesses. Because a corner of the bottle mouth is missing, other magical powers cannot be used.

The only magical power that can still be used now is the move that Lin Canghai used before, called [Double Dragon Chasing the Sun]. It is very powerful and can exert more than 70% of the power of this high-grade magic weapon when it was at its peak!

However, it was also because the magic weapon was missing a corner. After this magical power was used once, it could no longer be used in a short period of time.

Otherwise, if Lin Canghai frequently activates this magic weapon with his mid-stage Golden Core cultivation level, it would be impossible for Zhou Chun to kill him. It would be great if he doesn't beat him into a panic and escape!

Originally, the attributes of this treasure should be the most suitable for Su Yuzhen.

But Zhou Chun finally obtained a powerful magic weapon that could be used openly and honestly. Naturally, it was impossible to let it go. Su Yuzhen didn't have the nerve to take such a treasure.

Moreover, Zhou's pure metallic mana does not conflict with this treasure. He can still exert the power of this treasure, but it is not as compatible as Su Yuzhen.

After counting and distributing all Lin Canghai's things, Zhou Chun asked Guo Kaitai to open his storage bag and check the contents of his storage bag.

Compared to Lin Canghai, the contents in Guo Kaitai's storage bag were pitiful.

Apart from a few thousand-year-old elixirs and a few more common magic weapons and spiritual materials, the most precious thing was the broken top-grade magic weapon.

This is also in line with the other party's identity. As a Golden Core monk with a family, he will definitely not take all his wealth with him when he goes out.

Zhou Chun took the broken top-grade magic weapon in his hand and tested it, and found that he could use the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] to refine it, but it was best to wait until his cultivation reached the middle stage of the Golden Core before doing this.

So he collected the relevant things and concentrated on refining the treasures he had obtained.

After half a year of this, Zhou Chun finally completed the refining of the two magic weapons [Mountain Shield] and [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase].

It is worth mentioning that because the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase] is missing a corner, Zhou Chun does not need to put it into his body to cultivate it, so although he has sacrificed two more magic weapons, it will not affect his ability to [Pure Purity]. The essence of the three treasures, the Heaven and Earth Divine Jar], the Moon Toad Orb, and the Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron.

For Zhou Chun, other magic weapons are things that can be updated and iterated as the cultivation strength increases. Only these three treasures can be used until the late Nascent Soul stage, and even the God Transformation stage!

Therefore, he is only most concerned about cultivating these three treasures. As long as the other treasures are not damaged, he will basically not expend energy to cultivate them.

In addition, during the past six months, Zhou Chun also classified and read through the classics in Lin Canghai's storage bag, and gained a lot.

Lin Canghai is a casual cultivator in the Golden Core stage, and he is also a bandit cultivator. He has a collection of various classics.

Many of them are classics that involve the inheritance of immortal cultivation techniques such as alchemy and talisman formations. Although the inheritance is not very advanced and may not be complete, it is undoubtedly very helpful in enhancing the Zhou family's accumulation of knowledge in these aspects.

The other thing is the magical powers and secret arts that he cultivates.

Almost everyone who can become a golden elixir through casual cultivation has a unique skill or secret magic power.

Lin Canghai has mastered two very exciting secret techniques.

These two secret techniques are "Thousand Fantasy Treasure Book" and "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light".

Among them, "Thousand Illusions Book" can be said to be a relatively advanced secret technique of breath-containing and disguise, which can make it difficult for monks of the same realm to discover their hidden cultivation and disguise.

The "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" is very remarkable. It is a secret technique that specifically breaks the restrictions of formations!

This "Little Five Elements Breaking Forbidden Mysterious Light" has a total of three levels, corresponding to the three realms of foundation building, purple mansion, and golden elixir. After completing the third level, even many forbidden formations can be freely entered and exited!

In the past, Lin Canghai often relied on the "Thousand Fantasy Treasure Book" to disguise himself and sneak into the gates of certain immortal cultivating families or sects, and then relied on the special effect of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" to crack the formation restrictions, quietly Stealing treasures from other people's medicine gardens and other important places in the mountain gate.

Since he didn't do this kind of thing in a certain country for a long time, he just shot a few times and moved to another place, and he was never caught doing it.

It is precisely with the help of these two secret techniques, and the ruthless way he often transforms into a bandit cultivator to rob and kill other cultivators, that Lin Canghai can accumulate enough cultivation resources as a casual cultivator and finally form a golden elixir!

Zhou Chun attaches great importance to the secret technique "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light", and he knows how valuable this secret technique is.

Although this secret technique cannot completely disintegrate the formation and can only allow individual monks to enter and exit the formation freely, it does not affect its great value in adventures and wars.

Once you master this secret technique, you will have an extra talisman when you explore the caves and monuments left behind by the senior monks. It will be much easier to enter and exit. Even if you are plotted against someone and trapped in a formation, you can rely on this talisman. Escape successfully!

In war, once a monk with a high level of cultivation masters this secret technique, he can enter the enemy's formation stronghold alone, kill enemy monks and destroy the formation base by surprise.

However, "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" is very powerful, and it seems to be quite difficult to practice.

To practice this technique, you need to find five five-element spiritual objects at each level to lay the foundation for getting started. When you reach the third level, the five spiritual objects you need are all very rare magic weapons and spiritual materials.

Lin Canghai has acquired this secret technique for many years, but he has never reached the third level. Even the five elements of spiritual objects he has collected are only one [Blue Wood Spiritual Heart].

After Zhou Chun studied the two secret techniques, he decided to list "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" as a key secret technique to practice in the future. At least the first two levels must be successfully practiced first!

As for "Thousand Fantasy Treasures", it depends on whether you have time to practice.

But these are things after returning to the family.

What Zhou Chun wants to do now is to take Guo Kaitai to explore the secret realm of the formation and collect the ransom promised by the other party.

So after talking with Taoist companion Su Yuzhen, Zhou Chun took her and set off together.

In order not to be too conspicuous, Zhou Chun did not use the fourth-level monster to travel when he was on the road. Instead, he flew the [Blue Sea Silver Boat] all the way through the air. The speed was not slower than his sword flying. Save more mana.

After traveling for more than a month, Zhou Chun finally entered the territory of Di Kingdom.

After arriving in Di Kingdom, Zhou Chun first asked Guo Kaitai to write a letter and pass it to the Guo family through other people's hands to raise money.

Then he took Guo Kaitai, whose cultivation was sealed, to the ancient battlefield he mentioned.

The area where Di Country is located was once said to be the territory of a powerful alien race. It was the human race that destroyed that alien race and opened up this territory.

That ancient battlefield was probably the central location of the alien race back then!

This place is quite famous in Di Kingdom. Although it has little value for exploration now, it is still one of the must-visit places for monks traveling in Di Kingdom.

And the coverage of this ancient battlefield is also extremely broad, covering a thousand miles!

Speaking of the situation in this area, some like Lingzhou, where the Tianlingmen ruins are located, are all because the war destroyed all the spiritual veins in the area, causing the land to become barren and desertified.

But what is better here than Lingzhou is that because time has passed, the earth has repaired itself more completely, and there are still mountains, rivers and forests, but the spiritual energy is thin.

Under the leadership of Guo Kaitai, Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen quickly arrived at a broken mountain range deep in the ancient battlefield.

This place was supposed to have rolling majestic mountains and rivers, but now it is separated by various peaks and the mountains and rivers are broken.

Some peaks are as if they were flattened with a sword, with a large portion of the top missing out of thin air!

There are also some mountain peaks that have been cut in half by sharp blades, leaving one side higher and the other lower.

Some peaks have become isolated islands in the lake, and the surrounding areas are full of water because the terrain is too low.

It was originally a blessed land in the Lingshan Mountains, but due to too many strong men fighting fiercely here, the earth was shattered, life was extinct, and it became a broken land.

The secret formation formation that Guo Kaitai discovered was located underground in a shattered mountain and river.

The secret formation here was originally hidden underground. It may have become loose due to changes in the earth's veins, causing some of the things inside to fly out.

The clever formations have the ability to self-repair. After the ground veins stabilize, the original gaps have been repaired, so they have never been discovered.

Of course, these are Guo Kaitai's own speculations. No one can tell what the actual situation is, and Zhou Chun won't care either.

"It's just ahead. When we get here, without Guo having to say anything, fellow Taoist Yan will be able to discover the secret realm of the formation by himself, right?"

In an underground cave, Guo Kaitai led Zhou Chun and his wife to walk through it for a while, and then suddenly pointed to a dark area ahead to clarify the direction.

This underground cave was dug by him before, and the dark area is where the secret realm of formation is located.

He once entered it from here, but later returned home seriously injured.

Now that he returns here, his heart is extremely complicated.

And just like what he said, after arriving here, Zhou Chun could already feel the abnormalities in that dark area without his guidance.

With Zhou Chun's powerful spiritual consciousness, after touching that dark area, all of them were swallowed up, making it impossible to detect any useful information!

After he stood outside and looked at it for a while, he whispered to Su Yuzhen: "I'll go in and take a look first. Madam, you stay outside and take care of Fellow Daoist Guo!"

Of course Su Yuzhen understood what he meant by "taking care of", and immediately nodded with a clear face and said: "I understand, husband, please be more careful. If something cannot be done, don't show off!"

"Don't worry, my husband knows what's going on."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, and immediately activated the magical power of "Taiyin Body Protecting Immortal Clothes" to protect himself, and activated the defensive magic weapon "Mountain Shield" to fly around him, and then stepped into the dark area.

As soon as he entered the dark area, a cold and decaying aura hit his face, giving Zhou Chun the feeling as if he had entered an ancient tomb.

And he also knew that this place was not a good place, so after confirming that Guo Kaitai outside could no longer see the situation inside, he immediately patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released both the Thunder Dragon Baibai and the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

With dragons on the left and phoenixes on the right guarding both sides, Zhou Chun suddenly felt a sense of security in his heart.

However, the two demonic beasts seemed to be very uncomfortable with the aura of this place. After they came out, they were a little restless. Fire emerged from one's body and burned out all the cold and rotten aura that was wrapped around it. The other's body was struck by thunder and lightning, which also defeated all the alien auras. Blast away.

Just doing this seemed to anger a certain being, and soon the killing move within the formation came.

A heart-stopping aura suddenly emerged in the darkness, and then a black spear appeared in front of Zhou Chun.

The [Mountain Shield] flying around him was pulled by the Qi machine and immediately erupted into a dazzling yellow light to block the spear.

Then Black Light and Huang Xia were seen clashing. In the end, Huang Xia became more tenacious and successfully resolved the attack.

At the same time, Thunder Dragon Baibai and Flame Hell Fire Phoenix also suffered the same attack at the same time, and were defeated by their magical powers.

But this is just the first wave of attacks!

As Zhou Chun stepped forward, various attacks swept towards their master and servant non-stop.

The dark black magic flame!

Black storm!

And black lightning!

Attacks of different forms rushed towards Zhou Chun's master and servant, and the power of each attack was comparable to that of a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core.

It is also because their masters and servants are far stronger than monks of the same level that they can survive the successive attacks without being injured.

Guo Kaitai only stayed here for a stick of incense before he was seriously injured and had to retreat and run away.

It's just that although Zhou Chun's master and servant can be protected from harm for the time being, it is obviously not the right way to be beaten blindly like this.

Therefore, after adapting to the attack strength of this formation, Zhou Chun released Mu Mei Mu Sang, and the master and servant attacked the formation together.

But seeing the thunder and lightning gathering above the head of the thunder dragon Baibai, he quickly condensed a destructive thunder sword and slashed towards somewhere in front.

The sword moved forward all the way, and finally seemed to encounter some kind of barrier, and exploded into a ball of silver lightning!

Before the silver thunder light stopped, a cyan divine thunder also landed on that spot, adding a fire.

Of course, the real fire still comes from the Fire Phoenix.

But I saw a colorful fireball that exuded the luster of glass and flew forward in a parabola. In the blink of an eye, it landed in the area of ​​silver lightning and exploded into a sea of ​​colorful fire.

With such a continuous bombardment of thunder and fire, the darkness in that area seemed to fade, and a wall was vaguely visible.

But it was just a glimpse. Soon as the power of the thunder and fire faded, darkness took over the theme of this place again.

But for Zhou Chun, this is undoubtedly exciting good news, indicating that there is indeed the possibility of breaking the formation here.

Therefore, he no longer held back, and soon ordered the three spiritual pets to attack with all their strength, and he also activated his magical power to join the offensive.

The effect of this was very significant, and Zhou Chun soon discovered that the sudden glimpse was not a dazzling sight, but that there was indeed a wall with obvious traces of man-made construction.

After making this discovery, he suddenly felt energetic, and he continued to work hard with his spiritual pet, attacking crazily to make a breakthrough.

After the continuous output bombardment for half an hour, as the thunder dragon Bai Bai launched another move [Heavenly Thunder Silence Slash], the formation barrier was finally broken, and a gap appeared for passage.

Zhou Chun seized the opportunity and immediately rushed out of the gap with the spiritual pets.

After breaking out of the formation, Zhou Chun looked around and saw a dilapidated underground city in front of him. That wall was just a part of the original city wall!

Looking at the architectural style of this underground city, as well as the many strange-shaped skeletons and corpses inside, it is obvious that it is not a human city, but most likely the alien city that was massacred by the human race.

If this is the case, the formations outside may not be arranged by human monks, but by strong aliens to protect the city!

It's just that the city defense formation is still functioning, why are all the aliens inside dead?

As soon as this thought flashed through Zhou Chun's mind, he suddenly made a discovery with a sweep of his consciousness.

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