Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 573: Earth Dog Tribe, Two-headed Bone Giant [Please subscribe]

In the gloomy and dark underground ancient city strewn with corpses, Zhou Chun felt as if he had entered a kingdom of death.

Judging from the known intelligence information, the alien race in this underground ancient city should be the "Earth Dog Race" that was exterminated by the human race, a semi-upright humanoid race with canine teeth and tails, and is good at earth-attribute magic powers.

The people of this "earth dog tribe" like to live in caves and underground caves. Their joints are wide and hard, and their stature is slightly short.

It is said that their family has a strong ability to find ores. They like to dig ores to create various magical artifacts and treasures. They are also very good at carving and mountain construction.

When Zhou Chun was walking in the ancient underground city, he could see many carvings left by the "Earth Dog Clan".

For example, there is a giant statue carved in the shape of a person from the "Di Dog Clan". It is the image of a warrior holding a big axe, and its big mouth with interlocking canines is impressive at first glance!

On other walls or stone pillars, you can also see reliefs of various beasts and snakes. Even though the years have passed, they are still very exquisite.

Of course, the most numerous corpses in the city at this time were the corpses of the "Earth Dog Clan" people.

There were corpses everywhere on the streets, in the houses, and even in the cellars.

In addition to the corpses of these "Earth Dog Clan" people, there are also many corpses of various beasts in the city, including the corpses of some huge monster beasts.

Most of these corpses appear to have intact bones and no fractures, as if they were not killed with a sharp blade.

Zhou Chun did not pay much attention to these corpses from who knows how many years ago. Soon he took his spiritual pet to the depths of this underground ancient city.

This place, which was supposed to be a temple, is now in ruins.

Most of the corpses around were incomplete and were obviously different from other corpses outside.

The key is that Zhou Chun also found some human corpses here.

Some of the humans only left a few parts such as the hard skull, but one human corpse was relatively completely preserved, and even the bones still radiate a glimmer of light!

The jade bones are shining, this is a characteristic that only the remains of real people in the Nascent Soul stage can have!

When Zhou Chun saw this scene, he was also shocked.

But what was the reason that caused a real person from the Nascent Soul Stage to die here?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, his expression suddenly changed.


Since the Nascent Soul Master died here, and a broken top-grade magic weapon was found nearby, why are the storage bags and other relics of the Nascent Soul Master not seen at the scene?

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun quickly spread his consciousness, trying to find more clues.

But at this moment, a black evil tide suddenly burst out of the ruins of the temple and quickly swept towards their master and servant.

Seeing this, before Zhou Chun could react, the two guardian spiritual pets on the left and right had already responded quickly.

I saw the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix suddenly raised its head and let out a clear cry, suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a stream of colorful flames to meet the evil tide, and directly built a flame defense line in front.

The Thunder Dragon Baibai let out a dragon roar and spit out a huge silver thunder ball directly towards the Yin Evil Frenzy.


After the [Tiangang Divine Thunder] that had just reached the sun exploded in the Yin evil craziness, the blazing thunder light immediately washed away all the Yin evil spirits, swept away all ghosts, and directly extinguished the overwhelming Yin evil craziness.

But the good times did not last long, as the continuous evil energy continued to surge in, the remaining power of thunder was quickly submerged and annihilated.

Immediately afterwards, even the sea of ​​fire defense line set up by the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix with [Glaze Pure Fire] quickly collapsed under the impact of the Yin evil craziness!

After all, [Glazed Purifying Fire] is not [Nanming Lihuo] and has no special function in refining demons and killing evil spirits.

But Zhou Chun had already reacted at this moment.

I saw him directly displaying the fourth level of "The Secret of Dragon Transformation", and his whole body was covered with silver scale dragon armor.

In this state, his body is also filled with the power of thunder and lightning, and his resistance to the evil spirit is even stronger.

Then he jumped onto the back of Thunder Dragon Bai Bai and transformed into a dragon knight.

Seeing that he no longer needed to protect Zhou Chun, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix quickly flapped its wings, and its body instantly ignited with colorful pure fire, transforming into a real flaming fire phoenix.

"Don't rush to attack yet, let's see what is causing trouble!"

Through the connection between his mind and his mind, Zhou Chun first calmed down the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix who was eager to rush into the Yin Sha craze to find out what was going on, and decided to remain unchanged in the face of all changes.

As the endless evil energy surged out, the entire underground ancient city suddenly seemed to have turned into a hell, gloomy, cold, and terrifying!

Click, click!

Suddenly, the sound of bones rubbing together sounded from all over the city, one after another, resounding throughout the entire underground ancient city.

Then a horrifying scene occurred.

I saw that all the corpses in the city were "alive" under the infusion of evil energy!

These corpses, driven by the awakening of unknown forces, soon seemed like an army of the dead pouring towards Zhou Chun's master and servant from all directions.

And on the way there, they continued to absorb the evil energy to strengthen themselves.

An undead member of the "Earth Dog Clan" whose original aura was not as good as that of a third-level monk in the Qi-training stage, was strengthened by the evil energy in just a few dozen breaths to the point where it was comparable to a perfect monk in the Qi-training stage!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun couldn't help but change his color.

The number of corpses of the "Earth Dog Clan" in this city exceeds 10,000!

If every corpse really had the strength of the Foundation Establishment Stage or even the Purple Mansion Stage, not to mention him, even the late Golden Core monks would probably feel numb.

"Fire Phoenix, go deal with those undead souls first and burn them all to ashes for me!"

Zhou Chun said, and put out the Mu Mei Mu Sang that he had put away before, and asked him to use his [Tianmu Taoist] magical power to clean up the undead.

The Flame Hell Fire Phoenix behind the command let out a clear cry, and immediately leaned over and dived towards the densely incoming undead army.

It was like the God of Death spreading natural disasters. Wherever it passed, flames swayed down, burning all the corpses of the resurrected dead to ashes!

In order to save mana, after burning the undead in an area, the Hell Fire Phoenix will come back again and take back the flames still burning on the ground into its body.

On the other side, Mu Mei Mu Sang also released his condensed Nine Dao Soldiers in one breath, driving them to transform into "Bone Crusher", smashing the undead corpses that rushed towards them into pieces.

Relying on the hard work of the two spiritual pets, most of the undead corpses that came up were burned and crushed before they could attack Zhou Chun.

If this situation continues, all those undead corpses will be exhausted, and at most they will consume the mana of Zhou Chun's two spiritual pets.

And this obviously does not satisfy the secret peeper!

So it soon revealed its true killer move.

I saw a flash of white shadow in the sky, and a white figure quickly approached Zhou Chun.

The [Mountain Shield] beside him responded and instantly erupted with dazzling yellow light, blocking the white figure.

Then there was an explosion, and the magic shield, which was as thick as a mountain, was blown away!

Fortunately, Thunder Dragon Baibai also reacted at this time, and shot out a silver lightning bolt in time to fall on the white shadow.

This evil-proof thunder and lightning seemed to have a restraining effect on Bai Ying, and instantly made him freeze in mid-air, revealing his true form.

I saw that it was the corpse of the Nascent Soul Stage monk whose jade bones glowed!

At this time, while the Nascent Soul corpse was paralyzed by thunder and lightning, Zhou Chun activated the [Taibai Dragon Sword] and slashed hard at the corpse.

But what surprised him was that this sword, which could even cut open the body of a dragon, failed to cut into pieces the Nascent Soul corpse with one sword stroke. It only cut off some unimportant ribs!

Is it because he was tempered by the evil spirit?

Zhou Chun quickly thought of the reason why Yuanying's corpse was so hard.

If not, let alone a mere Nascent Soul corpse, even a true Nascent Soul monk would definitely not be able to escape being cut in two by a sword without using his defensive powers!

After being chopped away by his sword, the Nascent Soul corpse finally had the power of thunder and lightning removed from its body and resumed operation.

As soon as it moved, it quickly retreated into the ruins of the temple, which was full of sinister aura, and did not launch another attack.

But Zhou Chun instinctively felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, his feelings quickly turned into reality!

But suddenly there was a "click, click, click" sound coming from the ruins of the temple that was full of sinister aura, and then a two-headed white-bone giant walked out of it!

This two-headed white-bone giant has two skulls of different shapes. One is the skull of the Yuanying corpse that just disappeared, and the other is the head of the "Earth Dog Clan". Its body of bones, which is more than ten feet high, is also made of Yuanying. The bones on the corpse were spliced ​​and fused with the bones of the "Earth Dog Clan" people and the bones of monster beasts.

It is this two-headed white-bone giant that looks extremely weird and uncoordinated. The aura exuding from his body is as high as the fourth level of high-grade, which is equivalent to that of a late-stage Jindan monk!

Even in terms of mana alone, it was more powerful than any late-stage Jindan monk Zhou Chun had ever seen.

But Zhou Chun is still full of doubts about what kind of existence this is.

He immediately looked at the two-headed white-bone giant and shouted in a deep voice: "Does your Excellency have a name?"


The heads of the "Earth Dog Clan" suddenly surged with a dark fire, and they let out a deafening roar.

But just when Zhou Chun thought this was its name, the head of the Nascent Soul corpse was flashing with green fire and let out a low roar.

"I am Li Xuangang, the real person of Xuan Sha..."

What's happening here? Two souls in one body?

Zhou Chun looked at the two-headed bone giant with a surprised look on his face, and was also very surprised by the condition of his body.

But before he could ask further, the two-headed white-bone giant roared and attacked him.

He casually removed a rib from his chest, and the object quickly turned into a bone spear and was thrown towards Zhou Chun.

In an instant, Zhou Chun felt the fatal danger from the bone spear. He hurriedly activated the defensive magical power of the [Mountain Shield], and directly used the shield as a fulcrum to form an earth-yellow mountain peak in front of him.


As a loud noise rose, the earth-yellow mountain peak in front of Zhou Chun was directly blown open by the bone spear, and the [Mountain Shield] itself was also blown away.

But the bone spear just exhausted its power and flew back to the two-headed white bone giant, and then turned into a rib and returned to its original position.

At this time, the two-headed white-bone giant removed two other ribs, turned into two bone spears, and threw them at Zhou Chun.

Seeing such a scene, Zhou Chun's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly let Lei Jiao Bai Bai use the thunder escape technique to dodge the blow with him.

However, the bone spear was not a magic spell. After the first blow missed, it quickly continued to change direction and fired at Zhou Chun under the command of the two-headed white-bone giant, with a rather unyielding attitude!

Seeing this, Zhou Chun had to take action with all his strength.

He activated the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] and slashed out with one sword, directly cutting out a mouthful of "Taibai Xin Sword Qi" contained in the sword.

I saw a silver-white sword energy flashing through the air, hitting a bone spear in the middle. When the two collided, most of the power contained in the bone spear was immediately consumed by the sword energy, and then a fierce battle followed. The silver-black flying sword was slashed back to its original shape.

At the same time, Zhou Chun's magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations] was also filled with sword energy. A golden sword energy flashed through the air and hit another bone spear. It also knocked it back to its original shape and returned to the two-headed white bone giant. On the body.

And how could Thunder Dragon Baibai watch his master face the enemy alone? He immediately used the [Tiangang Divine Thunder] magical power again, opened his mouth and spit out a huge silver thunder ball and blasted it towards the two-headed white-bone giant.

As if feeling the danger, the two-headed white-bone giant suddenly roared and roared with both heads. The sinister energy emerged from his body, and instantly condensed into a jet-black armor and wore it on his body. At the same time, there was a jet-black rune shield protecting it. Protected in it.


The silver thunder ball landed on the black rune shield, causing a violent explosion. The surging silver lightning instantly drowned the two-headed white-bone giant.

But only a few breaths passed before it rushed out of the sea of ​​thunder, wearing a pitch-black armor.

However, before it could launch a counterattack, a colorful fireball flew through the air in a parabola, landed on it, and exploded.

The damage caused to the two-headed white-bone giant this time seemed to be more severe than the [Tiangang Divine Thunder] used by Thunder Dragon Baibai just now, causing both of its heads to howl and roar.

It turns out that although [Glazed Purifying Fire] does not have the properties of refining demons and killing evil spirits, it can burn the consciousness and soul.

It's hard to say what kind of existence this two-headed white-bone giant is, but its soul protection is obviously not as good as that of a cultivator with a physical sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, being touched by the [glazed pure fire] burned it, causing its soul to shake and its consciousness to become confused.

This discovery also made Zhou Chun's eyes light up, and he pretended to have assigned tasks to the two spiritual pets.

It's up to him and the Thunder Dragon to break the protection of the two-headed bone giant, and then the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix will offer the killing fire!

Naturally, the two-headed bone giant will not sit still and wait for death.

It quickly found a way to resist [Glass Pure Fire], which was to completely wrap its head into a sphere with white bones, and lay a thick protective layer of Yin evil energy.

In this way, although it cannot completely resist the burning of the soul by [Glass Pure Fire], it can minimize the damage suffered by oneself.

And it was also angered by Zhou Chun's master and servant's attack, and soon launched a more fierce counterattack.

A black aura suddenly burst out from its body, and the Yin evil energy around it was immediately attracted, and they merged into the black aura like moths flying into the flame. Soon a black Yin evil giant python took shape.

This evil python is a hundred feet long, and it even has substantial black snake scales on its body, as if it is alive.


There was a hissing sound of a snake, and the Yin evil python immediately rushed towards the thunder dragon Bai Bai and Zhou Chun on his back with a sinister wind.

Before it could get closer, a ray of silver lightning suddenly fell on it.

But although this blow broke apart part of its snake body, the strong Yin evil energy from this place quickly poured into its body to repair the missing part.

In a sense, it can now be said to be immortal!

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately flew away from Lei Jiao Baibai's body, allowing him to unleash his close combat abilities without any scruples.

I saw thunder and lightning bursting out in the void, and the thunder dragon was surrounded by thunder and lightning. It faced the sinister giant python head-on with its teeth and claws open!

There is a big difference in size between the two, but after fighting against each other, the Thunder Dragon, surrounded by thunder and lightning, has the upper hand. Every collision can tear apart the body of the Yin Evil Python.

It's just that the opponent's immortal body is really difficult to deal with, and he can always take advantage of the geographical advantages and continuously absorb the evil energy to recover.

And because the Yin evil spirit here is strong and deep underground, Thunder Dragon Baibai is unable to activate the power of thunder to bless his body. It can be said that the more he uses, the less his magic power becomes.

The same situation also happened to the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

It had previously spent a lot of mana on cleaning up the corpses of the dead. In addition to the mana consumed in breaking the formation in the first place, it now had less than 30% of its mana left.

On the contrary, Zhou Chun, because he took fewer shots and kept taking the [Big Replenishing Pill] to restore his mana, now he still has more than half of his mana left, and he is the one in the best condition.

"We can't continue like this. It seems we need to fight quickly!"

After receiving the message from his spiritual pet, Zhou Chun's face condensed and he felt quite stressed.

He is now dealing with this two-headed white-bone giant, and his two spiritual pets are his biggest helpers. If any one of them loses their combat effectiveness, the battle will collapse directly, and it will even be difficult for him to leave here in the end!

After weighing it in his mind, Zhou Chun quickly made a decision.

I saw him quickly making seals with his hands, and directly used the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" to merge with the thunder dragon Bai Bai and transform into a human-faced thunder dragon.

In this way, the thunder dragon's lack of mana has been completely improved, and it can freely use its thunder and lightning powers.

The effect was also obvious. In the blink of an eye, through several consecutive waves of fierce offensives, the human-faced thunder dragon quickly dismantled the Yinsha Giant Python and completely annihilated the black aura in it that supported its continuous recovery.

As soon as this black aura was extinguished, it seemed to have dealt a big blow to the two-headed white-bone giant. The mana aura on his body dropped back a bit in an instant, but it still remained at the level of the late Golden Core.

Immediately afterwards, the human-faced thunder dragon swung its dragon tail and charged directly towards the two-headed white-bone giant.

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