Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 574 The line between life and death, the remaining soul of a real person [Please subscribe]

In the underground ancient city.

As Zhou Chun and Thunder Dragon Baibai merged into a human-faced Thunder Dragon, the battle in the city suddenly became much more intense.

The human-faced thunder dragon that is dozens of feet long appears to be extremely flexible with the blessing of thunder escape technique.

From time to time, a flash of lightning appeared behind the two-headed white-bone giant, waving its thunderous dragon claws to slap on its back.

From time to time, it appeared next to him, and a divine dragon swung its tail and struck him hard on the waist and abdomen.

During this flexible assault, the two-headed white-bone giant fell into a passive position of being beaten, and the bones on his body were broken and scattered many times.

But just like the evil python that was destroyed before, even if the bones on the two-headed white-bone giant are broken and scattered, the fragments can still be quickly recovered to repair itself, or other corpses left on the battlefield. Extract bones from the body for repair.

These characteristics, which are similar to those of an immortal body, also give Zhou Chun a headache.

He tried to let the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix use [Glass Purifying Fire] to burn and refine the broken bones, but the effect didn't seem to be good, and the two-headed white-bone giant would not sit idly by.

Although this two-headed white-bone giant does not look very smart and does not have a clear and rational consciousness, it is still an intelligent creature after all.

And it also has a power that can be said to be the fourth level limit!

When it found that it was difficult to hurt the human-faced thunder dragon, it immediately used its powerful ability to control the evil spirit to forcibly gather a large amount of evil energy and turned it into a thick fog of evil, shrouding itself in it.

As a result, it will no longer be possible for the human-faced thunder dragon's thunder escape technique to directly appear close to it through the dense fog.

At the same time, if thunder and lightning and flames want to fall on it, they must first be partially weakened by the dense fog.

This is purely taking advantage of the geographical advantage to bully Zhou Chun's master and servant!

But who allowed it to have this condition!

After Zhou Chun worked hard for a while, he knew that there was no hope of dismantling the skeleton this time.

So he decisively called on the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix and began to retreat.

Because after entering this underground ancient city, retreating was not as easy as Guo Kaitai's original process.

When Zhou Chun finally retreated into the underground cave despite being pursued by the two-headed white-bone giant, he looked extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately, the situation was as he expected. The two-headed bone giant could not leave the underground ancient city and was not pursued.

"What's going on, Fellow Daoist Yan? Could it be that with your strength, Fellow Daoist, you can't explore this secret realm of formations?"

In the underground cave, seeing the rather embarrassed Zhou Chun fleeing from the dark area, Guo Kaitai couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise and asked about the situation.

"It's nothing, I just encountered some trouble while exploring. After Yan takes a rest, the matter will be solved naturally!"

Zhou Chun replied calmly, and then left the underground cave, looking like he didn't want to say more.

After more than half a month passed like this, Zhou Chun, who had rested, entered the underground ancient city again.

This time they had experience and were able to break the formation very quickly. In addition, they no longer had to spend mana to clean up the corpses of the resurrected dead, so they were able to show off their full strength and start a decisive battle with the two-headed bone giant.

After a fierce and protracted battle, the two-headed white-bone giant was finally dismantled into bones and dregs by Zhou Chun's master and servant!

But that doesn't mean he's won.

Because the two-headed white-bone giant is actually just a puppet body, what is really fighting Zhou Chun's master and servant is an evil spirit composed of the soul of Li Xuangang, the real person of Xuan Sha, a monk in the Yuanying stage, and the soul consciousness of many people from the "Earth Dog Clan". ghost!

When the two-headed white-bone giant was dismantled by Zhou Chun's master and servant, this evil ghost revealed its true form.

Its original form looks very ugly and ferocious, like a humanoid giant composed of countless wronged souls. It is bloated and fat, and countless faces of the "Earth Dog Clan" can be seen on its body, wailing and screaming.

In response to this, Zhou Chun had reason to suspect that the souls of most of the "Earth Dog Clan" people who died in this ancient city were gathered in the body of the evil spirit ghost in front of him, which itself was formed by the fusion of countless souls. It has become a strange ghost!

After revealing his true form at this time, the evil ghost immediately became furious and launched a retaliatory counterattack against Zhou Chun's master and servant.

But seeing those ferocious faces suddenly open their mouths wide and howl, an invisible force suddenly rushed straight into Zhou Chunzi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Immediately, the golden lotus condensed from practicing the "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" in his Purple Mansion Consciousness Sea shook violently and became dim as if it was hit by a violent storm.

Even his golden elixir was shaking and trembling, and the soul inside was trembling!


The attack on the soul level made Zhou Chun unable to help but let out a miserable cry.

The thunder dragon Baibai and the Hell Fire Phoenix were also the same, their bodies were trembling with thunder and lightning flames, and they let out mournful screams.

Fortunately, the demonic beasts themselves have strong energy and blood and are extremely immune to soul attacks. Otherwise, if they were just ordinary early-stage golden elixir monks, their souls would probably be extinguished and they would die on the spot! !

Just when Zhou Chun's master and servant were attacked by the howls and cries of the ten thousand ghosts, their souls trembled, and they fell into a state of unconsciousness. Suddenly, a ball of dark evil energy surged out of the evil spirit ghost, condensed into a long black cone, and shot towards Zhou Chun. .

This blow was truly silent, without any dazzling brilliance, just like an extremely ordinary blow.

But from the way the Yinling Evil Ghost's breath became much weaker after he performed this move, it can be seen that this attack is definitely not as simple as it looks on the surface!

In the blink of an eye, the long black cone broke through the air and arrived in front of Zhou Chun.

[Mountain Shield] This defensive magic weapon with the function of automatically protecting the master responded to the situation and actively blocked the long black cone.

But the long black cone only swayed slightly, and instantly penetrated the yellow light shield formed by it, and quickly bypassed its body and stabbed Zhou Chun.

Suddenly, Zhou Chun's silver-white fairy clothes shone brightly, trying to block the long black cone.

But the two were only in a stalemate for less than two breaths. The "Taiyin Body Protective Immortal Clothes" that had protected Zhou Chun many times was pierced by the long black cone, and then stabbed into his chest without any hindrance!


With a soft sound, Zhou Chun's dragon scales, which were comparable to low-grade defensive magic weapons, were instantly pierced and penetrated, and a bright red blood flower bloomed from the breach.

It was only at this moment that Zhou Chuncai seemed to wake up due to the severe pain in his body, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

There are even some internal organs mixed in!

It was clear that his heart was broken!

But this is not a fatal injury, at least not for him who is currently using the fourth level of "The Secret of Dragon Transformation".

As long as his head was not chopped off, his Dantian was pierced, or his sea of ​​consciousness was shattered, with his vitality at the moment, he could still be saved.

After all, he is the one who carries the wet nurse with him!

For Zhou Chun, the real threat to his life was not a broken heart, but the evil spirit that actively dissipated after the long black awl penetrated his body.

This evil spirit was so pure and rich that he suspected that it had exceeded the fourth level.

If he relied solely on his own magic power, it would be impossible to refine and eliminate this alien power.

And if this evil spirit is not eliminated in time, his physical vitality will continue to be eroded and destroyed by it, thereby damaging his own foundation and endangering his life!

Fortunately, he is a professional in purifying and removing this kind of alien evil spirits.

Immediately, Zhou Chun forcibly suppressed the discomfort caused by the turmoil in his soul, and directly activated the heaven-sacrifice object in his body that had never been used before, the Pure Heaven and Earth Divine Jar, releasing the "Pure Spiritual Water" stored in it to wash his body.

This "purifying spiritual water" has the effect of purifying toxins and evil forces. The evil energy is the most typical evil force.

At this moment, the power of "Pure Yuan Spiritual Water" was circulating in the body for a week, and all the Yin evil energy in Zhou Chun's body was purified without leaving any trace.

And he quickly patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, summoned Mu Mei Mu Sang, and used his magical healing power for himself.

Under the treatment of [Ganlin Tianlu], the broken heart in Zhou Chun's body quickly reunited and became a complete heart.

At this time, both Lei Jiao Baibai and Yan Jing Huo Feng had recovered their consciousness, and they were extremely angry because of their master's injury and launched a crazy revenge against the evil ghost.

But I saw streaks of silver thunder and lightning falling from the sky. Every thunder and lightning strike on the Yinling Evil Ghost would cause many ghost faces on it to scream and turn into blue smoke and dissipate.

And then the seven-color pure fire attached to it burned the Yin Spirit Demon's body and made the thousands of ghost faces howl in agony.

Without the two-headed bone giant as a sustenance, this ghost's resistance to lightning and fire suddenly dropped to negative numbers. Every time an attack landed on it, it could deal critical damage!

And when its attack falls on Thunder Dragon Baibai and Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, it will be weakened a lot.

That method of directly attacking the soul cannot become a routine method, and it cannot be used continuously.

In this way, under the thunder and lightning and the burning of pure fire, the size of the Yin Ling evil ghost began to shrink sharply, the number of ghost faces on its body also decreased rapidly, and its aura plummeted.

After just half a stick of incense had passed, the Yin Ling evil ghost who had almost killed Zhou Chun before had already dropped to the middle level of the fourth level, and could no longer pose any threat to their master and servant.

After Zhou Chun was treated by Mu Mei Mu Sang and took the elixir to replenish blood, his complexion recovered a lot and he once again had the strength to fight.

He looked at the Yin Ling evil ghost who was favored by the dragon and phoenix in a mixed doubles match. His eyes flashed with strange colors, as if he had discovered something interesting.

After watching the two spiritual pets with cold eyes knocking the aura from the Yinling Demon back to the fourth level, Zhou Chun suddenly shouted to stop the two spiritual pets, making them stop attacking.

Looking at the Yinling evil ghost again at this time, its original bloated and fat ghost body has been completely broken up, and it has now turned into a humanoid ghost less than one foot tall. It can be said that it is finally the same as other ghosts Zhou Chun has seen. They look similar.

Zhou Chun looked at the humanoid ghost in front of him, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly said: "Can Zhou please call you Master Xuansha now?"

Hearing the words "Master Xuan Sha", the humanoid ghost suddenly shook its body.

Then the black energy surged across his face, revealing a somewhat stern face of a middle-aged man.

After the middle-aged man's face condensed, he suddenly stared at Zhou Chun for a while, and then said quietly: "I didn't expect to hear a human monk shout out the name of Master Xuansha again in this life! Fellow Taoist, I don't know what to do. call?"

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun immediately confirmed his suspicion.

Immediately, he solemnly bowed his hands and saluted him and said: "I, the human monk Zhou Chun, have met the senior Xuan Sha!"

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Zhou!"

The middle-aged man's ghost nodded slightly, then looked at Zhou Chun and asked: "What era is it now? How many years has passed since our human race's third conquest of the 'Earth Dog Clan'?"

"To tell you the truth, tens of thousands of years have passed since the destruction of the 'Earth Dog Clan'. Our human race is now the largest race in this world, and no other race from all over the world dares to compete with us!"

Zhou Chun answered the middle-aged man's question with a serious face, and his tone was full of pride.

Hearing his answer, the middle-aged man's ghost couldn't help but look shocked, and then sighed in a daze: "It turns out that tens of thousands of years have passed? What a vicissitude of life, it's so sad!"

Then he glanced at the alien city at his feet, turned to Zhou Chun and asked: "Since the 'Earth Dog Clan' has been destroyed for tens of thousands of years, Daoist friend Zhou appears here now, he must have come here to take risks to hunt for treasure!"

"That's right! This junior found this thing on the ancient battlefield outside, and then found this secret formation!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, then patted the storage bag on his waist and took out the broken top-quality magic weapon.

When he saw the broken gun barrel in his hand, the ghost of the middle-aged man couldn't help but look excited and nostalgic, and couldn't help but say: "This is the [Xuansha Soul-Destroying Gun] that I used during my lifetime, and it was sacrificed by me." Eight hundred years of natal magic weapon!"

After saying that, he murmured to himself: "Was the last battle so fierce? Even the [Xuansha Soul-Destroying Spear] was broken and shattered! No wonder I fell here!"

Listening to his words, it seemed that he had lost some memories and could not remember what happened in his last moments.

Zhou Chun also took advantage of the situation and asked, "Senior, don't you remember?"

"I don't remember. I can only be regarded as a remnant soul at best now. Being able to remember who I am and having some memories of my life is already very good!"

The middle-aged man ghost shook his head and replied in a sad voice.

Then I saw him raising his head and looking at Zhou Chun, and said in a calm tone: "Friend Zhou, you can be regarded as my benefactor. Without your help, my residual soul consciousness is still fighting with those evil spirits of the 'Earth Dog Clan' Fighting makes it difficult to regain your true self. Now while I can still maintain my remnant soul, if you have any requests, you can make them. As long as I can satisfy them, I will not refuse!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun was slightly startled. He couldn't help but look at him in surprise and said, "Senior, what do you mean by this? Haven't you transformed into a ghost cultivator now?"

"Ghost cultivator? No, I am not a ghost cultivator, and I don't understand the method of ghost cultivation at all!"

The middle-aged man ghost shook his head repeatedly, directly denying Zhou Chun's statement.

The state is not good, I will try to update 8,000 words tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!

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