Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 575 A mixed harvest [8,000-word chapter please subscribe]

The ghost of the middle-aged man in front of him was not a ghost cultivator. Zhou Chun was very surprised by this situation.

Because in his understanding, only the legendary ghost cultivators can survive for thousands of years and still maintain their own consciousness!

As for the information about ghost cultivators, Zhou Chun had seen it from the classics he had obtained by killing the demon cultivators before.

It is said that this is an alternative form of immortality. The lifespan of ghost cultivators of the same level can often be more than ten times that of immortal cultivators of the same level!

However, the method of ghost cultivation is very rare. If you want to become a ghost cultivator, the requirements for the cultivation level of the immortal cultivator are also very high. The minimum level must be the Zifu stage!

But in fact, according to the records in the classics, even if the Zifu period monks have the method of ghost cultivation and gather the spiritual objects for transformation, the success rate is less than 10%!

The monks who are relatively easy to successfully switch to ghost cultivation are the Nascent Soul stage monks.

After the cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul stage, as long as there are suitable conditions and ghost cultivation methods, the success rate of transformation is as high as 70%. Once successful, the lifespan can last for tens of thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years!

However, although the ghost cultivator has a long lifespan, it also has many shortcomings.

First, every time you break through a major realm, it will lead to a powerful catastrophe. The power of the catastrophe is several times stronger than that of the demon clan of the same level!

In this case, once you change to a ghost cultivator, you basically lose the possibility of pursuing the path. No ghost cultivator can survive such a terrifying catastrophe!

The second is that ghost cultivators can only stay in the land of Yin evil. Once they leave the land of Yin evil, the ghost body and legal body will collapse due to the loss of the support of Yin evil energy. Not only will their strength plummet, but the ghost body and legal body will also collapse. After the collapse, both body and soul were destroyed!

Such restrictions lead to the fact that once a monk turns to ghost cultivation, he becomes a real "earth-bound spirit". In the future, he can only move around in a small area and is not allowed to be free. This is incompatible with the freedom of immortality pursued by the Legend of Immortality. It's putting the cart before the horse.

In addition, ghost cultivators have other shortcomings, big and small, such as being afraid of sunlight, being restrained by lightning and Yang attribute real fire, being unable to truly enjoy food and wine without a physical body, and being unable to have offspring, etc.!

To sum up, even those monks who master the method of ghost cultivation may not be willing to truly transform into ghost cultivation.

Master Xuansha was a monk in the Nascent Soul stage during his lifetime. If he mastered the method of ghost cultivation and transformed into a ghost cultivator before his death, it would not be a surprise to be able to live to this day and retain the memories of his life.

So when Zhou Chun discovered that the Yin Ling evil ghost gradually gained independent consciousness under the thunder and fire, and his aura began to change, he thought of the ghost cultivator and thought that the ghost of the middle-aged man in front of him was transformed into a ghost cultivator. Xuansha Zhenren.

Who would have thought it wasn’t!

Surprised at this moment, Zhou Chun couldn't help but ask directly: "Since you have not followed the path of ghost cultivation, how can you, a real person, retain your consciousness now?"

This was somewhat offensive.

But the remnant soul of Master Xuansha in front of him was no match for him at all. It could even be said that life and death were already in his hands, so Zhou Chun didn't need to worry about anything.

The ghost of the middle-aged man seemed to understand this, and did not express any response to Zhou Chun's offense. He just replied lightly: "I don't know this either. It may be that the special environment here allows my residual soul to possess If you have some characteristics of a ghost cultivator, it may be that I have practiced some mysterious techniques during my lifetime!"

He didn't look like he was lying, and there was no need to lie.

This forced Zhou Chun to re-evaluate the situation here.

If the souls of monks can really undergo some natural transformation here, similar to ghost cultivation, then this place can also be called a treasure.

However, Zhou Chun believes that the real situation favors the latter.

After all, the ghost of the middle-aged man in front of him also said that he was just the remnant soul of Master Xuansha and had lost many memories.

Perhaps Master Xuansha had actually seen the method of ghost cultivation, and chose to switch to the method of ghost cultivation when he died.

But don’t dwell on this now. After all, since the ghost of the middle-aged man in front of you said he didn’t know, there’s no point in asking any more questions.

It’s better to ask something realistic!

So Zhou Chun quickly looked at the ghost of the middle-aged man and asked: "Does the real senior still remember the experience of giving birth to a baby? Is there any magical power and secret technique that can be taught to this junior? Do you know where to go with the storage bags and other relics from your lifetime? Where?"

The ancestors of the Zhou family also produced several golden elixir stage monks, so they left behind a lot of experience in elixir formation.

But there is no more notes on the experience of transforming the elixir into a baby.

These things are the secrets of all major forces, and even if they are about to be wiped out, they will not be leaked to benefit the enemy.

Perhaps after Zhou Chun reaches the late stage of Jindan, he can collect some experiences on childbirth summarized by monks in the Nascent Soul stage at a high cost, but whether the exchanged experience on childbirth is true, and how much of the real situation is recorded , there is no way to tell clearly.

Therefore, it is now a rare opportunity to obtain the experience of transforming elixirs into infants, so Zhou Chun naturally wants to obtain this item first.

"How do you feel about the birth of a baby? I do remember some of it!"

After the ghost of the middle-aged man said this, he asked Zhou Chun for a blank jade slip, imprinting his own experience of transforming elixirs into infants into it.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and said: "As for magical powers and secret arts, I can only remember a few of the most commonly used secret arts and magical powers during my lifetime. If you want to practice, it is a good thing and it can be considered as continuing this inheritance. Got it!"

Then he asked Zhou Chun for a few blank jade slips, and left behind a technique and four methods for cultivating magical powers and secret arts, as well as his cultivation experience.

After doing this, he sighed softly and said: "As for the relics of my lifetime, they should be in the dark room under the ruins of the temple, but I don't know how many things are still available. Got it!"

Speaking of this, he also looked at Zhou Chun with blank eyes and said, "Can I ask Fellow Daoist Zhou for a small favor? Can Fellow Daoist send me and the remains of those comrades back to the human area to find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters?" Buried in the ground!”

Hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately nodded without hesitation and said: "This is natural! Senior Zhenzhen sacrificed his life for the great cause of our human race. Since this junior is lucky enough to be here, it is natural that the senior's remains should be sent back to his hometown for burial! "

"This will be a big help to you, fellow Taoist!"

The middle-aged man's ghost suddenly saluted Zhou Chun, and then without waiting for Zhou Chun's response, his body suddenly ignited with dark black flames, and he took the initiative to set himself on fire.

"You are so decisive! Do you really dislike living too long and want to be freed as soon as possible?"

Looking at the embers left behind after the middle-aged man's ghost self-immolated, Zhou Chun couldn't help but sigh deeply.

He actually somewhat understood the other party's thoughts.

Since he is not following the path of ghost cultivation, and there is only a remnant soul left, and he has been fighting for a long time with the soul of his enemy in life for tens of thousands of years, I guess he has no idea about living, but his instinct is not to let the soul of his life be lost. The enemy's soul just devours you!

Now, with the help of Zhou Chun, he finally gained the upper hand, regained the dominance, and retrieved his past memories. Naturally, he wanted to take the initiative to end everything when he was awake.

Otherwise, if we continue to delay and wait for the soul body to gradually begin to recover under the nourishment of the evil spirit here, the soul thoughts of the "Earth Dog Clan" people in the body that have not been completely wiped out will definitely come back and compete with them for the dominance of the soul body again. Make his consciousness sink again!

Just understanding is one thing. If it were him, Zhou Chun really didn't dare to guarantee whether he could be as decisive as the other party.

He has always been afraid of death!

After sighing, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to search the dark room under the temple. Instead, he first read the information on a few jade slips in his hand, the focus of which was naturally the experience of transforming elixirs and forming babies.

"So that's it, is this the process of transforming elixirs into babies? So, in addition to the [Infant Transformation Pill] and other auxiliary baby-making treasures, I also need to try my best to collect some things that can help overcome the 'Inner Demon Tribulation' Only treasures!"

After reading Master Xuansha's notes on how to have a baby, Zhou Chun suddenly felt that he had gained a lot and knew many details and secrets.

For example, the process of transforming elixirs and forming babies is not necessarily as fast as possible. Some powerful forces in the world of immortality will master secret methods that are helpful in forming babies. Such secret methods often delay the process of transforming elixirs and forming babies to increase the success rate.

In addition, the "Heart Demon Tribulation" is not completely traceless. Before cultivating immortals, they try their best to settle the past grudges and hatreds to make themselves in a perfect state of mind, which can make their "Heart Demon Tribulation" stronger. .

At the same time, some special heaven and earth spiritual objects and magical powers can also have the effect of reducing the power of the "Heart Demon Tribulation".

Moreover, overcoming the "inner demon tribulation" must be done in one go, and cannot be done forcefully.

Otherwise, if you make yourself exhausted mentally and physically when going through the "Inner Demon Tribulation", you will not be able to use all your strength to deal with the subsequent thunder tribulation of heaven.

Except for a few of the Yingying cultivators who fell under the thunder tribulation of heaven, most of them barely survived the "Heart Demon Tribulation" due to bumps and bumps in the process. Use all your strength to overcome the disaster.

These details are not known by a force like the Zhou family that has never had a Nascent Soul stage monk.

It is impossible to record such things in those cultivation classics. At most, they only briefly describe the process, and most of them are vague and have little reference value at all.

To Zhou Chun and the Zhou family, the value of such a baby-making experience is greater than a top-grade magic weapon.

After all, high-grade magic weapons can only increase the fighting strength of the Golden Core monks, but the experience of forming a baby can give the Golden Core monks the hope of turning the elixir into a baby!

After gaining a lot of experience in forming a baby, Zhou Chun became more curious about the exercises and magical powers and secrets recorded on the remaining jade slips, and immediately started to check and study them one by one.

The skill is the skill practiced by Master Xuansha, called "Hundred Shas Xuan Gong". Judging from the nature of the skill, it is somewhat similar to the skill "Jinsha Sword Sutra" practiced by Zhou Zhiqian, a member of the Zhou family who is a swordsman. , are all about attracting evil spirits into the body for practice, so as to use evil spirits to enhance combat power and break through bottlenecks.

But in this way, these exercises have very high requirements for practitioners. If you are not careful, evil spirits may enter your heart and become possessed!

After reading the records of this technique, Zhou Chun seemed to understand why the soul of Master Xuansha could persist for so many years.

Because the other party most likely used the Yin evil energy to temper his physical body and soul before he was alive. At the same time, he was able to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage by relying on this technique, so he must be the kind of person with an extremely tenacious will.

It should be said that this technique is indeed a good optional technique because it comes with a lot of Xuan Sha's own training experience.

But after reading it, Zhou Chun decided not to put it into the Zhou family's secret treasury for the clan members to choose from, lest someone be greedy for the power of the technique and practice it and become obsessed with it, ultimately harming themselves and others!

Looking at the remaining four secret arts and magical powers, two of them are secret arts and magical powers that can only be practiced by monks who practice "Hundred Sha Xuan Gong". They are both great offensive skills.

There are two remaining ones, one is the secret technique called "Evil Origin Diamond", which can absorb and condense evil energy, and cultivate a special "Evil Origin Diamond" in the body, which can be shot out in a sudden sneak attack when fighting the enemy.

This "evil element diamond" generally has different characteristics according to the type of condensed evil energy, but the characteristic it definitely has is to break the shield, which is specialized in breaking all kinds of shield-type magical spells!

The long black cone used by the Yin spirit evil ghost to sneak attack Zhou Chun before was condensed from the secret technique of "Evil Yuan Diamond".

Although Zhou Chun has not practiced the "Hundred Evils Mysterious Technique", he can also condense the "Evil Elemental Diamond" by absorbing the golden evil energy and exert the effect of this secret technique.

He carefully studied this secret technique and found that its cultivation method is actually not difficult. What is difficult is how to continuously absorb the evil energy to increase the power of the "Evil Elemental Diamond" while the physical body's magic power can withstand the limit.

This will lead to the same secret technique and the same level of cultivation. After different people use it, the power will vary greatly!

From this point of view, monks who practice "Hundred Evils Mysterious Technique" will definitely have great convenience and advantages, and can maximize the power of this secret technique.

The other is the secret blood escape technique called "Blood Escape", which can burn Shou Yuan essence and blood to achieve an escape speed that far exceeds the level of cultivation.

Zhou Chun did not consider practicing this kind of secret technique. Now that he had the thunder escape technique that he mastered after transforming into a human-faced thunder dragon, there was no need to practice and use such secret techniques of self-mutilation.

After checking all the secret arts and magical powers he had obtained, Zhou Chun was satisfied and put away all the jade slips and began to work on the ruins of the temple.

With a thought in his mind, the [Taibai Dragon-Slashing Sword] slashed open the ruins of the collapsed temple, creating a crack dozens of feet deep.

As for whether doing so would destroy the treasures that might exist below, Zhou Chun wasn't worried at all.

If it can't even withstand the power of such a sword and is destroyed, then that's not what he wants!

After a while, Zhou Chun came to a gloomy and dark underground chamber.

This may have been an underground refuge room in the temple originally. The materials used were very solid. Zhou Chun cut three swords in order to break through the stone wall and enter.

After entering here, the most common things he saw were various ores and bones.

Needless to say, the bones may be replacement parts of the previous two-headed white-bone giant.

Those ores may be due to the natural love of the "Earth Dog Tribe" people for ores, which led to the evil spirits collecting them here.

It's a pity that many years have passed, and due to the erosion of the strong evil spirit here, most of the precious ores have lost their spirituality and become a piece of waste rock.

But there are also some ores that have become extremely rare yin-attributed ore materials after being fused with the evil spirit. This kind of material is an excellent material for demon cultivators and ghost cultivators to make magic weapons and magic weapons. It will be worth more to those who need it. Many times!

Zhou Chun collected all these ores, maybe he could use them in the future.

However, the goal of his coming here is naturally not some dirty mines, but the relics left by Master Xuan Sha, the Nascent Soul Stage Master.

As his powerful consciousness swept through the underground chamber, he found all the possible relics.

But after seeing the pile of relics in front of him, Zhou Chun couldn't help but fell silent.

He seemed to understand why the remnant soul of the real Xuansha didn't pay much attention to these things before, because there really was nothing to say.

After tens of thousands of years, and after spending tens of thousands of years in such a place with strong Yin evil energy, things that may have been treasures back then have either lost their spirituality, or have been integrated into the Yin evil energy and cannot be used anymore.

The most useful harvest among them is a small pile of extremely high-quality Yin-attributed ores. They are probably the rare ores obtained by Master Xuansha from conquering the "Earth Dog Clan" during his lifetime. They were transformed in these long years before they could be used. It became a negative mine.

The other thing is a broken gun tip.

This broken spearhead is the fragment of the natal magic weapon [Xuansha Soul-Destroying Spear] that Master Xuansha calls "Xuansha Soul-Destroying Spear". It is the same treasure as the gun barrel in Zhou Chun's hand. With the powerful essence of the best magic weapon, he has been able to resist until now. Not yet completely corrupted.

After Zhou Chun checked it, he found that there should be a lot of Geng Gold refined into the spear head. In this way, it could supplement his natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], which was the only harvest that could be used.

The rest of the things that can be useful are some books and other items.

Tens of thousands of years later, the original storage bag of Master Xuansha has long gone. It may have been opened by the evil spirits.

The various things stored in it are now scattered in the underground dark room, including various classics.

And many classics have been damaged due to various reasons over the long years.

At this moment, Zhou Chun was collecting and comparing the classics and miscellaneous materials scattered in the underground darkroom, and it took a lot of effort to collect and organize these things.

However, after sorting it out like this, he quickly discovered something unusual.

It was a purple-black wooden token engraved with a pattern of evil spirits. Even though tens of thousands of years had passed, the object's spirituality remained intact.

This is because its material is the best [soul-nourishing wood], a top-quality spiritual wood that can be called a fifth-level spiritual wood!

But this object is not some kind of magic weapon that cannot be sacrificed, but rather like some kind of carrier that stores information.

"It's a pity that the remnant soul of Master Xuansha has been extinguished. Otherwise, if I showed it to him, he might be reminded of the origin of this thing!"

Zhou Chun looked at the evil ghost token made of the top-quality [Soul-nurturing Wood] in his hand, and couldn't help but scream in his heart that it was a pity.

It is conceivable that if such spiritual objects can be used as carriers, the information contained in them must be very unusual, which makes Zhou Chun impossible not to be curious.

Apart from this thing, Zhou Chun didn't dare to have any hope for other classics and the like.

Most of them are missing pages or corners, or are damaged by filth. Maybe some of the biographies can still be used, but the ones on skills and secrets are completely worthless.

Zhou Chun collected them all based on the idea of ​​using waste.

After checking the underground chamber several times to make sure there were no missing treasures, Zhou Chun left the place.

Arriving in the ancient city outside, Zhou Chun first collected the remaining skeletons of Master Xuansha and other human monks and put them into storage bags, and then walked around looking for things worth collecting.

Not to mention, compared to the underground darkroom, there are actually many things in this underground ancient city that are eye-catching.

Thanks to the strong Yin evil spirit here, many Yin-attributed spiritual creatures grow in some places in the ancient city.

Next to an ancient well, Zhou Chun even discovered a Yin Yuan Zhi as big as the Eight Immortals' Table!

"Such a big Yin Yuanzhi must have been used for medicine for tens of thousands of years! If some Nascent Soul stage ghost cultivators or Yuan Ying stage old monsters from the Yin Ghost Sect saw this, I'm afraid they would go crazy! "

Zhou Chun looked at the pitch-black Ganoderma lucidum on the ground with a shocked expression, and couldn't describe his mood for a moment.

This should be the most precious elixir he has ever obtained in his life. In terms of rarity, it is even more rare than the Jasper Ganoderma lucidum in his hand that is over 5,000 years old.

However, as a yin attribute elixir, this Yin Yuanzhi can be said to be highly poisonous to immortal cultivators. Once the pure yin attribute spiritual power in it is contaminated, even Nascent Soul stage monks will have to spend a lot of effort to get rid of it!

Therefore, no matter how precious this thing is, it will not be able to play any role in his hands unless he exchanges it with other ghost cultivators or demon cultivators in the future.

But let’s not talk about whether he is willing to make exchanges with ghost cultivators and demon cultivators. Even if he is willing, these two existences are not easy to talk to. Without the equal strength to make him fearful, there is no way he can even think of making equal exchanges with them. .

"Put it away first. After all, it is a rare treasure-level spiritual object!"

Zhou Chun took a deep breath and immediately dug out the Yin Yuan Zhi from the ground. He made a jade box with a piece of Yin Yuan Zhi found in the ancient city and put it in it.

Such Yin attribute spiritual objects cannot be contained in normal jade boxes. The Yin energy leaking out of them will easily erode the spirituality of the jade box, so they must be contained in Yin attribute spiritual jade and spiritual wood containers.

After searching the entire underground ancient city in this way, Zhou Chun obtained no fewer than thirty various Yin-attributed spiritual objects, the worst of which were the thousand-year-old treasure-level spiritual objects!

If these things fall into the hands of a Yin Gui Sect Golden Core monk, their personal cultivation and strength will definitely improve a lot, and even the Nascent Soul Stage Old Demon will be of great benefit.

It's a pity that in Zhou Chun's hands, these things are just collections for now, with no value at all.

Therefore, he no longer searched as carefully as before, and quickly left this underground ancient city and returned to the underground cave outside.

"How's it going? From the way Fellow Daoist Yan looks this time, it seems that the exploration inside has been completed? Can you tell me the general situation?"

In the underground cave, Guo Kaitai immediately became energetic after seeing Zhou Chun come out of the secret realm of the formation with a calm expression. He immediately looked at him eagerly and asked about the harvest.

Although he knew in his heart that no matter what Zhou Chun got inside, it had nothing to do with him.

But for him, who had spent a lot of effort on this secret realm of formations, being able to know what was inside could also make him feel at ease and put an end to his worries.

But this time Zhou Chun did not give him any more expressions. Instead, he looked at him deeply and said: "To talk about the situation, Fellow Daoist Guo, you really have to thank Yan this time. Otherwise, if you really enter the formation yourself, In the secret realm, it can be said that death is inevitable! And I’m afraid it’s the kind of death that won’t rest in peace!”

"Where do you start talking about this? Fellow Taoist Yan, what exactly did you experience inside?"

Guo Kaitai's expression changed, and he looked at Zhou Chun with surprise and uncertainty, as if he suspected that he was deliberately intimidating him.

"Fellow Daoist Guo, do you think Yan is lying to you? Then you will know what's going on inside if you look at these things!"

Zhou Chun glanced at Guo Kaitai and immediately took out a few pieces of Yin attribute ore and Yin attribute elixir for him to look at.

Then he said lightly: "You see, there is an ancient city of the 'Earth Dog Clan' alien race inside, but it has long been turned into a Yin evil place, and even produced a fourth-level high-level Yin spirit evil ghost. If it were Guo Daoyou, If you go in, can you come out alive?"

After saying that, he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It's really unlucky this time. It cost Yan so much money and effort, and in the end he only got some unusable yin mines and elixirs. What a big loss!!"

After hearing what he said and looking at the yin mines and elixirs he took out, Guo Kaitai's mood suddenly felt like a roller coaster, going straight up and down, ups and downs violently.

But overall, my heart is still filled with joy.

As Zhou Chun said, if he was lucky enough to enter that underground ancient city, he would definitely die!

But while he was feeling lucky, he remembered something again and couldn't help but blurt out: "Then how can we explain that broken top-grade magic weapon? Isn't there any relic of a Nascent Soul monk in it?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately said without any concealment: "Of course there are, but Fellow Daoist Guo feels that so many years have passed and we are in a sinister place. How much value does the so-called relic still have?"

As he spoke, he took out the collected broken books and the remains of several damaged magic weapons.

After seeing these things that were corroded and damaged by the evil spirit, Guo Kaitai couldn't help but open his mouth, and his face was suddenly filled with disappointment.

He never imagined that the treasure opportunity he thought he had would turn out like this!

Seeing that his face was full of disappointment and speechless, Zhou Chun also shook his head with an unlucky look and said: "This time, Yan is unlucky. I helped you get through this mine. In this way, your family's ransom money will be lost." It’s even more important to collect it, I hope those younger generations in your family won’t be ignorant!”

Hearing this, Guo Kaitai's expression suddenly changed, and his heart became excited again.

He asked himself that if he were Zhou Chun, if he encountered this situation, he would probably kill himself.

At that moment, he nodded his head to please and said: "Yes, yes, friend Daoist Yan, you understand the righteousness well and have great virtues. Naturally, you will not be as knowledgeable as me. I will definitely let the clan do its best to meet your request, not less than one spiritual coin!"

"It better be this way!"

Zhou Chun glanced at him, immediately put away those things, then nodded to Taoist companion Su Yuzhen, and left the underground cave with Guo Kaitai.

After that, they found a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters in Di Kingdom, buried the remains of Master Xuansha and others, and worshiped them.

Half a month later, at a place designated by Zhou Chun, the second elder of the Guo family, who had a middle-level cultivation in Zifu, came here with a ransom and ransomed Guo Kaitai back.

After Zhou Chun accepted the ransom, he left Di Kingdom with his Taoist companion Su Yuzhen and returned directly to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

As for whether Guo Kaitai would dare to think about revenge after returning home, Zhou Chun believed that there was a high probability that he would not.

Not to mention that he is strong enough to kill the opponent easily, the current strength of the Zhou family alone is not something that the Guo family can match.

As a Golden Core monk from a family with a family, Guo Kaitai could only suffer the loss of being dumb even if he investigated Zhou Chun's situation clearly.

Unless he and the Guo family don't want to live anymore, they will provoke Zhou Chun and the Zhou family again!

Without this confidence, Zhou Chun would not have let Guo Kaitai go and would have killed him right then and there!

By the time Zhou Chun and his wife returned to the Great Zhou Kingdom, Luo Qingni had already gone into seclusion and was entering the middle stage of Golden Core.

Zhou Chun had no choice but to write a letter about his experiences in the Canglan Sect of the Yan State and store it with Zhou Daoyi. He would hand it over to Luo Qingni after she left the country, so that she could have an idea of ​​the changes in the Canglan Sect.

Then I also summarized the gains this time.

Generally speaking, his harvest this time was extremely generous.

The various treasure spirit coins contributed by Lin Canghai and Guo Kaitai are of huge value. They are definitely Zhou Chun's biggest harvest in recent years!

And I also got something very important, such as the experience of having a baby.

With these gains, it can be said that Zhou Chun will not have any special pursuits in the future, whether it is treasures or magical powers. What he has now is enough for him to use the golden elixir in the later stage.

What he will focus on in the future is to collect materials for refining the [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill] and the [Four Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill], as well as worry about the Golden Winged Tiger breaking through to the fourth level.

After careful calculation, Zhou Chun immediately wanted to return to his family.

Even if his cultivation is stuck in the realm barrier and he cannot break through it for the time being, he can still practice the newly obtained mysterious magical powers such as "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" and "Sha Yuan Diamond" without wasting time.

The key is that he still has a young apprentice who needs to be taken care of, which will determine whether he can reach the Nascent Soul stage in the future!

However, when I came out this time, I said that I would accompany my Taoist companion Su Yuzhen to travel around the prosperous places in the world of immortality such as the Great Zhou Kingdom. But going back like this now is a broken promise.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun thought about it, he decided not to go back yet, but to take Su Yuzhen around to visit various places and discuss Taoism with other Jindan monks.

If we can collect some materials for refining two precious elixirs, that would be a great thing!

After making up his mind, starting from Tianyuan Immortal City, Zhou Chun took Su Yuzhen with his true identity and began to visit various Jindan monks, seeking opportunities to communicate with each other and exchange treasures.

This is also a tradition for high-level monks to travel to the world of immortality. Most golden elixir stage monks will receive them whenever they are free and make them familiar with each other.

Of course, some middle-stage Golden Core monks and late-stage Golden Core monks may feel that there is nothing to talk about with these new Golden Core monks, and therefore refuse to talk about Taoism.

I’ll finish 8,000 words today, and strive for another 8,000 words tomorrow!

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