Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 576 The method of ghost cultivation and the breakthrough of the golden-winged tiger [Please

Di Country, Valley of Resentful Souls.

The Valley of Resentful Souls is a dangerous place in the Di Kingdom where all life is extinct, because it is a place of evil spirits, and ordinary creatures can easily be eroded and killed by the evil spirits when they enter it.

Only some immortal cultivators in the Qi training period will occasionally enter it, trying to find some useful spiritual objects.

But no one expected that there would be a Golden Core Stage monk practicing in the Valley of Resentful Souls at this time!

Zhou Chun sat cross-legged on a broken stone tablet in the Valley of Resentful Souls. He pinched the spell with both hands and inhaled wisps of Yin evil energy into his body, slowly refining it into Yin attribute magic power.

After an unknown amount of time passed like this, he suddenly exhaled a breath of white hot air and murmured to himself: "I have been practicing hard for three months, and now it is finally done. I hope my hard work will not be in vain!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out something and placed it in his hand.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be the Ghost Face Token he had previously obtained from the "Earth Dog Clan" ancient city.

It turned out that just over four months ago, when Zhou Chun and his wife traveled to Di Kingdom, when they visited a golden elixir monk from Di Kingdom, Zhou Chun, as usual, took out some yin minerals and yin attributes. Spiritual objects as objects of exchange.

Unexpectedly, the golden elixir stage monk was really interested in these things, so he exchanged a Yin-type elixir with a thousand-year-old treasure-level elixir with him.

Seeing that the other party seemed to have a way to use the Yin attribute elixir, Zhou Chun also had an idea at that time. He took out the ghost face token and asked the other party to help him identify it with his palm eyes.

In the end, we found the right person!

The identification result of the Golden Core monk was not much different from Zhou Chun's own judgment, and he believed that this was an object recording information.

In order to activate this object and read the information recorded inside, it is necessary to inject Yin attribute mana.

Originally, the golden elixir-level monk wanted to help Zhou Chun read the information recorded inside, and he seemed to have a way to inject Yin-attributed mana into the token.

But it was naturally impossible for Zhou Chun to agree to such a thing.

After paying the other party's appraisal fee, he left with Taoist companion Su Yuzhen, and deliberately released Mu Mei Mu Sang and rode away.

With such a combination of two Golden Core monks and a fourth-level monster, even if the late Golden Core monk wanted to do harm to them, he would have to think twice before doing anything.

So there was no robbery or murder later.

Then Zhou Chun came to the Valley of Resentful Souls after some inquiring, and began to practice a Yin Ghost Sect demonic skill.

Immortal cultivators can of course practice other techniques in addition to their main practice.

But under normal circumstances, almost no one would do that.

Because practicing Kung Fu at the same time is not only time-consuming and laborious, but also the mana gained from practicing can easily conflict with the mana gained from practicing the Kung Fu as your main practice, affecting the improvement of your cultivation level.

Not to mention cultivating both immortals and demons!

Only now that Zhou Chun's cultivation reached the Golden Core stage, did he dare to try it a little bit.

After all, he only needs to have Yin attribute magic power, and does not need to upgrade the level of magic power to foundation building or even Zifu!

After he reads the information in the Ghost Face Token, he will dissipate the magic power on his own.

When the time comes, use the "Pure Yuan Spiritual Water" to cleanse the meridians in the body, and the impact of practicing magic skills on oneself should be completely negligible.

At this moment, after more than three months of hard training, the Yin attribute magic power in Zhou Chun's body was roughly equivalent to that of a fifth-level monk during the Qi training period.

Compared to his cultivation level at the Golden Core stage, this magical power cultivation level is naturally inconspicuous.

But if you want to advance to the foundation building stage, it will take at least a year. For now, Zhou Chun doesn't want to spend so much time on this.

So if trying now doesn't work, he can only give up temporarily and let other clan members try for him when he returns to his family.

At this time, he was holding the token in his hand and slowly injecting the Yin attribute magic power cultivated in his body into it.

Sure enough, the Ghost Face Token that had not responded no matter what he tried before, now responded quickly after the Yin attribute mana was injected into it.

The ghost face pattern on it suddenly seemed to come to life. It smiled ferociously at him, then opened his mouth and sucked in. Zhou Chun's consciousness was immediately consumed rapidly, and he was swallowed by the ghost face.

After the spiritual consciousness he devoured reached the entire spiritual consciousness level of a Zifu stage monk, it seemed that he had finally fed the ghost face, and a vast amount of information poured into Zhou Chun's mind.

Thanks to Zhou Chun's powerful spiritual consciousness, otherwise, if a monk in the Zifu stage had experienced such a thing, his vitality would have been seriously injured on the spot, leaving damage to his soul that would be difficult to recover from.

And even if his consciousness is as powerful as him, after this experience, it will probably take a year and a half to recover the lost consciousness!

Fortunately, hard work will eventually pay off.

The vast amount of information that poured into Zhou Chun's mind was proof.

In order to digest this information, Zhou Chun also spent several hours.

"That's it, that's it. No wonder the remnant soul of Master Xuansha can persist for such a long time without losing his true spirit consciousness!!"

After a long time, Zhou Chun opened his eyes and sighed with wonder in his eyes.

He had made some guesses about the information recorded in the Ghost Face Token before, and now it was confirmed.

He was right. The information recorded in this ghost face token was indeed related to the rumored ghost cultivator. It contained a real set of ghost cultivator inheritance!

In addition to the secret techniques used by immortal cultivators who turned to ghost cultivation, and the techniques they continued to practice after converting to ghost cultivation, it also recorded many unique ghost cultivation secret techniques and soul path secret techniques.

Even how to refine ghost magic weapons, magic weapons and elixirs.

Among them, there is a secret technique of the soul path called "True Spirit Immortality Technique". The effect is to strengthen the ghost cultivator's true spirit consciousness and prevent the loss of true self consciousness in the long years and the erosion of evil spirits.

Because of the special nature of the Nascent Soul, monks in the Nascent Soul stage can also practice this technique to strengthen their true self-awareness, improve their resistance to charming magical powers, and prevent others from searching their souls.

Master Xuansha probably practiced this secret technique of the soul path during his lifetime, so that his true soul remained immortal after his death, and he has persisted until now.

Of course, it is more likely that after his death, he planned to switch to ghost cultivation, but he was not completely successful and only allowed himself to possess some characteristics of ghost cultivation.

What the specific situation is is now unknown.

All in all, for Zhou Chun, the biggest gain now is that he has obtained the method of turning to ghost cultivation and the method of practicing ghost cultivation.

In this way, both he and the high-level monks of the Zhou family in the future will have one more choice before their lifespan is exhausted.

Especially Zhou Daoquan, who is about to die at the end of his life, can use these things immediately.

In view of this, after Zhou Chun briefly studied and understood the ghost cultivation techniques, he quickly left the Valley of Resentful Souls and met up with his Taoist companion Su Yuzhen who was waiting for him in Yifang City.

Regarding the matter of obtaining the method of ghost cultivation, Zhou Chun did not hide it from Su Yuzhen this time, because it was not an undisclosed secret.

Moreover, the ancestor of the Su family is also very old, with less than two hundred years left to live, and he may also embark on the path of ghost cultivation in the future.

Selling favors at this time is beneficial to both families.

After all, although the ghost cultivator cannot leave the land of evil, he is still a high-end combat power. At critical moments, he can still protect some of the descendants of the clan before they are alive, so that they will not have no way out!

Su Yuzhen is also a woman who understands the general situation, not to mention that it has been two years since the two of them left Tianyuan Immortal City and continued to travel.

After she learned about the ghost cultivation technique, she understood and agreed to return to Jingguo.

Soon after, Zhou Chun returned to Tuyunling and immediately informed Zhou Daoquan about obtaining the ghost cultivation technique.

"Uncle, if you want to follow the path of ghost cultivation, I have all the spiritual objects you need now. With your cultivation level, although the success rate will not exceed 30%, if you succeed, you will have a soul comparable to the Nascent Soul stage. The monks have a long life, and in the future you can see with your own eyes how my Zhou family will reach a higher level and be promoted to the Yuanying family!"

In the courtyard, Zhou Chun looked at the family elders in front of him, who had white hair and wrinkles on his face, and gave him advice full of advice.

Naturally, he wanted Zhou Daoquan to embark on the path of ghost cultivation from the bottom of his heart.

Due to various reasons, Zhou Daoquan was unable to hit the golden elixir stage at the right age like Zhou Daoyi.

Zhou Chun has always felt indebted to him for this.

After all, this elder had taken care of him many times when he was weak and even saved his life.

Now that he had the opportunity to immortalize the other party's true spirit, embark on the path of ghost cultivation, and continue to survive in the world, he would of course work hard to facilitate this.

"Zhengchun, how can I not know your good intentions, uncle? But my uncle, I have also heard that the way of ghost cultivation is originally forbidden by heaven and earth. Once you switch to the way of ghost cultivation, you will never be able to reincarnate again in this life..."

Zhou Daoquan frowned and looked at Zhou Chun, expressing his inner worries.

Hearing his concern, Zhou Chun was angry and funny.

I can only lament that the older people get, the more they change, and the easier it is to become indecisive and lose judgment.

At that moment, he persuaded with a stern face: "Uncle, you are in trouble! Not to mention that the theory of reincarnation is illusory and it is not known whether it is true or not. Even if there is a theory of reincarnation, can you still be you after reincarnation? "

"If reincarnation has nothing to do with the previous life, then what does it mean to you?"

As a person who has traveled through time and space and been reborn, Zhou Chun dare not completely deny the theory of reincarnation.

But he also believed that even if there was reincarnation, it would have no practical significance at all if he could not retain all the memories of previous lives like him.

If it were him to choose, he would definitely choose the path of ghost cultivation that can survive for thousands of years, instead of thinking about reincarnation!

At this time, seeing that Zhou Daoquan was showing signs of being persuaded by him, he added another reason to persuade him: "Furthermore, if you become a ghost cultivator, wouldn't you be able to have plenty of time to study beast control and insect repellent in the future?" Do you have any skills? If you can research and cultivate several benign hybrid monsters like the Red Flame Monkey, the improvement to the overall strength and heritage of the family will be no worse than your actual success in forming a pill!"

With this reason to continue to contribute to the family, rather than to live for thousands more years, Zhou Daoquan seemed to have finally found a reason to convince himself.

Immediately, his eyebrows relaxed and he couldn't help but nodded and said: "Well, since you said so, Zhengchun, then I will risk my life and give it a try!"

"Great, then you first carefully understand this secret technique of transformation, and I will arrange a place for you to transform and related spiritual objects!"

Zhou Chun felt relieved, and handed over the secret technique of transforming into a ghost cultivator to Zhou Daoquan, and then hurriedly arranged for people to prepare related things.

It is not an easy task to transform into a ghost cultivator, especially since Zhou Daoquan himself is only in the later stage of Zifu, so the success rate can be said to be very low.

Zhou Chun must prepare the best training ground and spiritual objects for him to increase his success rate.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun had harvested a large amount of Yin-type elixirs and spiritual minerals in the ancient underground city before. He had abundant reserves of important materials, so there was no need to worry.

All that's left is to prepare other supporting materials.

According to the ghost cultivator inheritance record in the ghost face token, immortal cultivators at different levels of cultivation need to prepare different levels of spiritual materials to assist them in transforming into ghost cultivators.

Otherwise, even if the transformation to ghost cultivation is successful, it may lead to a decline in cultivation level.

Therefore, if a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage turns to ghost cultivation, although the success rate is higher, the requirements for relevant materials are also higher.

And the most important point is the size of the evil place.

The size of the evil place has a huge impact on both the success rate of converting to ghost cultivation and the future practice of ghost cultivation.

For example, if monks in the Nascent Soul stage want to change their cultivation to become ghost cultivators, they must at least choose a large Yin evil place like the ancient city of the "Earth Dog Clan". Ordinary Yin evil places simply cannot meet their needs.

Zhou Daoquan's cultivation level is only at the Zifu stage. After turning into a ghost cultivator, he will remain at the Zifu stage.

In this way, even sinister places like the Valley of Resentful Souls, where Zhou Chun had stayed in Di Country before, would be enough to support his transformation.

Of course, it would be better if he could find a higher-level Yin evil place, so that he might have the opportunity to try to hit the Golden Core stage ghost cultivation realm in the future!

The Zhou family currently knows of a lot of Yin evil places, but most of them are located in Fengguo. They are the scars left by the original Corpse Demon Cult and Yuan Demon Legion.

Naturally, it is impossible for Zhou Daoquan to go to places like that and switch to the path of ghost cultivation, otherwise if someone discovers him one day, he will easily be exterminated and protected by demons!

As for the evil place in Jingguo, the place where the Zhou family raised the green-faced ghost apes was barely usable, but choosing that place meant that Zhou Daoquan would basically have no way to advance in the future, and the small place made him feel like he was in prison.

In the end, Zhou Daoquan chose the sinister place in the wilderness, which was the original location of the Dragon Transformation Sect's Blood Dragon Division Mountain Gate.

There are almost no high-level monks in the wilderness, and monsters don't like to go to the evil land. Zhou Daoquan chose to cultivate there quietly, so he didn't have to worry about being disturbed.

The only inconvenience is that it is too far away from the family, and it will be quite troublesome if you want to meet the clan members in the future.

However, considering that his transformation into a ghost cultivator will be classified as a top secret in the family, there is no need to pay too much attention to this.

Time passed slowly, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, in the ruins of the Blood Dragon Division Mountain Gate, on a square altar with a unique shape, Zhou Daoquan sat cross-legged, with a pig, a python, and a wolf tied up in front of him. Three second-level high-grade monsters.

To transform into a ghost cultivator, you need to sacrifice blood to the Lord of the Netherworld, attracting a stream of ghostly energy from the Netherworld to cleanse your soul.

At this time, when the moon was in the middle of the sky and the time of day came, Zhou Daoquan, who had adjusted his condition, immediately stabbed his chest with a bone blade, piercing his heart, and then used the knife as a pen to write on his body. Each mysterious rune.

Wherever the blade passed, wisps of blood overflowed from the wound. Strangely, the blood did not flow directly along the wound, but strangely condensed into blood marks and remained on Zhou Daoquan's body.

Not long after, Zhou Daoquan's body was covered with ghostly patterns, and ghostly face patterns were faintly formed on his chest and back.

At this time, he was already extremely weak, but he still summoned up the energy to use the magic weapon to decapitate the three demonic beasts as sacrifices, causing their blood to flow all over the altar beneath him.

Then a desolate and low mantra sounded from Zhou Daoquan's mouth.

This low incantation sound seemed to awaken a certain consciousness in the dark, and soon a gust of cold wind appeared on the altar with a "woo-woo" sound.

Then a strange scene occurred.

After the dark wind blew over the altar, all the blood on the altar and on the three demonic beasts began to dry up and solidify quickly. Even the bodies of the three demonic beasts shriveled up to the naked eye, as if all their essence had been drained away.

After that, it seemed that the sacrifice was quite delicious, and the dark wind suddenly turned into a black vortex on the altar.

As the vortex turned, a dark black ghostly energy that was invisible to the naked eye came out of it and sank directly into Zhou Daoquan's Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After feeling this ghostly aura, Zhou Daoquan's heart was trembling, and he hurriedly used the Soul Movement Ghost Cultivation Technique to absorb it and integrate it into his soul.

As his soul accepted the ghost energy of the netherworld, the ghost marks on his body seemed to be activated all at once, and his whole body suddenly ignited with blood-colored flames. The essence of his body was rapidly consumed in the burning of the blood-colored flames.

At the same time, the evil energy around him seemed to be attracted by something, and began to flow towards Zhou Daoquan like moths to a flame.

Time passes slowly.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhou Daoquan's body had been burned to ashes in the blood flames, and the blood flames had long been extinguished.

There was only a faint human figure sitting cross-legged on the altar, constantly absorbing the evil spirit.

At this time, Zhou Chun suddenly appeared outside the altar, and then waved a black jade bottle out, causing it to fall on the head of the humanoid figure.

Immediately afterwards, a jet-black liquid dripped out from the jade bottle and fell on the human-shaped shadow.

After a while, as if he had taken something powerful tonic, the human figure, which was originally indifferent and invisible, began to become solidified visibly to the naked eye.

When all the black liquid in the jade bottle has finished dripping, the silhouette of the human figure can be clearly seen. Its appearance is exactly that of Zhou Daoquan, and he is still middle-aged.

From the looks of it, his transformation into a ghost cultivator this time was obviously a success!

"How is it? How do you feel, uncle?"

Zhou Chun looked at the slightly unreal figure in front of him and curiously asked Zhou Daoquan about his own feelings.

He had only read about the existence of ghost cultivators in classics. Only the person involved knew how different ghost cultivators were from normal immortal cultivators and even demon cultivators.

"It feels pretty good. Apart from the lack of physical sensation, it's not much different from using spiritual consciousness to perceive the outside world."

Zhou Daoquan replied in a low tone.

Since he has no physical body, his speech can only be simulated by vibrating the air with his spiritual consciousness or mana, or he can rely on his spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice.

After answering Zhou Chun's question at this time, he looked at Zhou Chun with gratitude and said, "It's really thanks to Zhengchun that bottle of pure Yin spirit liquid. Otherwise, it would have been just that ghostly energy and energy from the underworld." The evil spirit here will probably not be able to support my successful transfer to cultivation. It seems that it is too risky to transfer to ghost cultivation at the Zifu stage!"

The bottle of pure Yin spirit liquid in his mouth was made by Zhou Chun himself, consuming five Yin-type elixirs that were at the thousand-year-old level.

This kind of treatment is difficult for many golden elixir stage monks to enjoy when they switch to the path of ghost cultivation.

After all, although Yin-type elixirs are of little use to cultivators, finding elixirs of such a high age depends on chance.

However, Zhou Chun didn't feel reluctant to part with this. He waved his hands and smiled nonchalantly and said, "Uncle, you're welcome. As long as you can successfully change cultivation, a mere bottle of pure Yin spirit fluid doesn't mean anything."

"Since you have successfully transferred to cultivation, I will not disturb you to consolidate your cultivation. If you want to contact me and the Supreme Elder in the future, you can directly send a message to Elder Lin."

"After you have consolidated your cultivation, this junior will come visit you again!"

After saying that, he took the initiative to say goodbye and left.

After all, humans and ghosts have different paths. Ghost cultivators can be regarded as ghosts in a sense. The evil place they live in is really not a place suitable for normal immortal cultivators.

Moreover, Zhou Daoquan had just successfully transferred to cultivation, and his cultivation level was only equivalent to that of an early-stage monk in the Zifu, and he was not proficient in any ghost cultivation spells. At this time, he needed to seize the time to consolidate his cultivation level and practice spells diligently!

As for his safety here alone, Zhou Chun is not worried.

The ghost cultivator may have many flaws, but in his own territory, his life-saving ability is notoriously powerful.

Because they have no entity, they can hide in ghost caves deep underground when in danger.

Unless you have special means to restrain ghost cultivators, or the strength to destroy the evil place here, it is not that difficult to kill a ghost cultivator here.

It can be said that good things come in pairs. Not long after Zhou Chun returned to the family, several years after eating the third-level high-grade wind attribute demon pill that he exchanged at the Canglan Sect exchange meeting, the Golden Winged Tiger finally completely digested the entire demon pill. Dan's power has broken through to the third level of high quality.

Unlike Thunder Dragon Baibai and Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Shitou, it has a unique bloodline talent and can go straight to the fourth level without bottlenecks.

After reaching the third level of cultivation, the golden-winged tiger's road to progress has reached a checkpoint. If he wants to break through and evolve into a fourth-level monster, he must have another great opportunity.

It's just that Zhou Chun doesn't have time to help it find this opportunity for the time being, because there are really a lot of things to do, and they are all important things.

So for the time being, we can only let it practice slowly to accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity to come.

After solving the matter of Zhou Daoquan's conversion to ghost cultivation, Zhou Chun finally let go of his worries.

He immediately calmed down and while training his disciples, he began to practice several newly obtained secret arts and magical powers.

Among them, Zhou Chun had already collected the auxiliary spiritual objects needed for the first level of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" during his previous travels, and even the three auxiliary spiritual objects needed for the second level.

At this time, while he was practicing the first level of secret skills, he asked the family monks to help him look for the remaining two spiritual objects.

As for the golden evil energy required for the cultivation of the "Evil Element Diamond", Zhou Chun went directly to the place where he originally collected the "Earth Mother Black Gold" and collected a large amount, which was enough for him to slowly refine it for decades.

In this way, Zhou Chun now mainly practices several secret arts and magical powers, which are "God-killing Technique", "Geng Metal Splitting Sky Thunder", "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light", and "Sha Yuan Diamond". .

As for the "Golden Escape Technique" that he has been studying, since he has not yet started, there is no way to start practicing it.

Once a cultivator meditates quietly, he will not feel the passage of time.

When Zhou Chun reappeared in the eyes of the people, it was already seven years after Zhou Daoquan turned to the path of ghost cultivation.

Seven years ago, after Zhou Daoquan turned to ghost cultivation, the Zhou family held a grand funeral for him and erected a tomb in the family tomb.

Today, seven years later, Zhou Chun reappeared in front of the public to preside over another funeral, that of Zhou Xinyi, the acting patriarch of the Zhou family!

Over the past hundred years, Zhou Chun has devoted himself to cultivation, and all family affairs have been managed by Zhou Xinyi. It can be said that he has devoted his whole life to the family, and his hard work has made great achievements.

It's a pity that because he only has cultivation in the foundation-building stage, and even his soul has not been manifested and condensed, it is impossible to follow the path of ghost cultivation.

Now that he has passed away at the end of his life, the patriarch Zhou Chun made an exception and attended his funeral to commend him for his contribution to the family.

"Xinyi has been diligent and diligent in his life, working hard and serving the family without complaint. The family's current status and power are inseparable from his contribution. You and your descendants should follow him as an example in the future and always remember what he has done for the family." Contribution!”

At the funeral site, Zhou Chun looked solemn and concluded Zhou Xinyi's life achievements in front of all the clan members, fully affirming his contribution to the family.

After the funeral, Zhou Xinyan, who replaced Zhou Xinyi, was called to the cave by Zhou Chun to talk.

As the family elder, Zhou Xinyan took the initiative to take over Zhou Xinyi's position.

For this reason, he followed Zhou Xinyi several years in advance to learn how to handle family affairs.

This is obviously a scheming junior who has seen the power and convenience of the position of acting clan leader and wants to use this as his own way to advance.

Zhou Chun couldn't say he was disgusted by this.

After all, everything in the world is prosperous.

It is unrealistic to expect clan members to work for the family regardless of profit.

If Zhou Xinyan wants to serve as the acting clan leader, he can, provided that he has the ability and Zhou Chun is not allowed to discover that he is using his power to encroach on the family's interests!

If he can achieve these two points, Zhou Chun wouldn't mind taking more care of his practice in the future. Otherwise, don't blame him for being selfless.

After calling this junior into the cave at this time, Zhou Chun stared at the junior with a majestic expression and said: "Xinyan, you are willing to take the initiative to take on this responsibility. This is good. The family has reached the current stage. It is indeed the foundation period." My cultivation level is no longer enough to serve as the face of the family!"

"However, this responsibility is very important. It can be said that the livelihood of the eight hundred monks in the clan is in your hands, and thousands of monks are indirectly affected. The slightest mistake may have serious consequences. Do you know this? ?”

After the words fell, Zhou Xinyan responded with a respectful face and a deep voice: "This junior understands that this junior will definitely do his or her responsibilities conscientiously and will not let down your trust, clan leader!"

Hearing his answer, Zhou Chun immediately looked at him deeply, nodded and said: "Since you understand, I won't say anything more. I will first let you act as an agent for three years as an inspection period. If it is three years, If you do well within the year, you will officially assume this position, otherwise you should just go out and look for opportunities!"

"Yes, thank you clan leader for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely not let you down!"

Zhou Xinyan was overjoyed, and immediately prostrated herself to the ground, and left Zhou Chun Cave Mansion with satisfaction.

After all, Zhou Chun did not dare to neglect such matters easily. In the next one or two years, he paid more attention to family affairs and secretly observed Zhou Xinyan's every move to determine whether this person could be used.

Originally, I should have finished eight thousand words by twelve o'clock, but after thinking about it, there is no need to force it. It will be the same if I add a few hundred more words tomorrow!

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