Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 577 The realm is loose [Please subscribe]

After two years of observation, Zhou Chun found that although Zhou Xinyan was not as sophisticated and thoughtful as Zhou Xinyi, who passed away, he was still useful and at least met the basic requirements.

Moreover, the management of family affairs like this depends on experience. In the future, as you gain more experience, you will naturally become more proficient.

Another point is that the Zhou family has developed to this point. After many optimizations of the management structure at all levels, as long as the people at the top don't mess around, the family can run normally without major problems.

The requirements for the management capabilities of the people at the top are no longer as high as before.

Even if there is no acting clan leader, Zhou Chun, the clan leader, actually no longer has to worry about everything as he did before, taking care of every detail.

What's more, Zhou Mingde is always watching over there!

After more than nine years of latent cultivation, Zhou Chun has made great progress in several secret arts and magical powers.

Among them, the third level of the "God-Slaying Technique" has been successfully broken through, and now there are three "God-Slaying Swords" condensed. If used at the same time, a middle-stage Jindan monk can drink a pot.

In addition, the first level of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" was also completely successfully cultivated.

This secret technique is indeed very mysterious. The forbidden light generated by the first layer alone can pose a great threat to the [Five Directions Miluo Formation] in Jiufeng Ridge of the Zhou Family.

If you have the late-stage cultivation of Zifu, and with the forbidden light, you can forcefully break into and highlight this formation!

This made Zhou Chun look forward to the second level of secret techniques even more.

Unfortunately, in more than nine years, the Zhou family only helped collect one of the five elements spiritual objects he needed, and there was still one earth attribute spiritual object to collect all five.

At the same time, after more than nine years of practice, Zhou Chun has also made great achievements in the secret technique of "Sha Yuan Diamond". He has condensed a "Sha Yuan Diamond" with the golden evil energy as its origin in his body. From now on, he only needs to continue to use it The secret technique just absorbs the golden evil spirit and blends it into it to enhance its power.

The rest, such as [Geng Metal Cracking Sky Thunder] and "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", have also made their own progress, and the gains are not small.

Although these improvements are gratifying, the stuck cultivation level makes Zhou Chun feel worried.

Lin Hongyu, who had successfully formed pills long before him, had also been stuck in front of this barrier for a long time, and still couldn't see the slightest chance of breaking through.

Two years ago, there was also news from Luo Qingni that he did not achieve a breakthrough after taking [Yulu Jinxia Dan].

Coupled with the ancestors of the Su family who had been stuck for hundreds of years, the supreme elder of the Li family Li Jingxuan and others, Zhou Chun found that he might have really underestimated the difficulty of the realm barrier after the golden elixir stage.

No wonder that among the many Golden Core monks he has come into contact with, the ratio of the number of mid-Gold Core monks to late Golden Core monks is so small.

Maybe it's just like the ancestor of the Su family said, if there is no special opportunity, most of the golden elixir stage monks will only stay in the early golden elixir stage for the rest of their lives.

The Golden Core stage is already so difficult. How difficult it is to break through the realm barrier in the Nascent Soul stage, Zhou Chun simply dare not think about it!

This also made Zhou Chun pay more attention to the barrier-breaking elixir [Four Spirits Obstacle-Breaking Pill].

Now that the barrier in the middle stage of the Golden Core is already so difficult to break through, the barrier in the later stage of the Golden Core will only be much more difficult in the future.

When the time comes, he must use the help of such barrier-breaking elixirs to be able to successfully break through.

On this day, Zhou Chun received news that the leader of the Moon Wheel Sect, Master Baiyue, was preparing to retreat to the realm of Nascent Soul, and a handover ceremony between the old and new leaders was about to be held!

This news is a bit surprising, but it doesn't seem surprising.

As the only monk with the highest spiritual root qualification known to Jingguoming, Zhenren Baiyue has long been a late-stage Jindan monk.

It's just that even those with top-grade spiritual root qualifications don't have much advantage over ordinary qualified monks when it comes to transforming elixirs into babies.

Therefore, even though Zhenyue Worshiping Master reached the perfection of the late stage of the Golden Elixir at the age of less than 600 years old, he still did not rush to transform the elixir into a baby at that time, but waited for more than 200 years.

It was only now that he saw that Shou Yuan was running towards nine hundred, and that if he didn't transform the elixir and form a baby, the success rate would be hampered by the problem of Shou Yuan, he finally decided to take this desperate risk.

In fact, Zhou Chun also knew some inside information, that is, a certain Yuelun Sect's supreme elder in the Nascent Soul stage was not going to live long.

If the Moon Worshiping Master can break through the Nascent Soul stage before the Supreme Elder passes away, the Yuelun Sect will still be able to maintain its absolute advantage in the number of Nascent Soul Stage masters.

But if the supreme elder were to die first, the Moon Wheel Sect would only have two Yuanying-level real people in charge after the fifth-level thunder dragon blew itself up and took away a Yuanying-level monk.

This number is equal to the number of Yuanying stage monks in Yanyang Sect.

In that case, even if the overall strength of the Moon Wheel Sect is still stronger than that of the Yanyang Sect, it will actually lose a lot of the right to speak of the top monks, and it will give the Yanyang Sect hope to overtake!

Therefore, it is unknown to outsiders whether Master Baiyue chose to retreat to enter the Nascent Soul Realm at this time because he had to do so because he was old or because of the needs of his sect.

For the Zhou family, this matter can also be said to be neutral. Regardless of the success or failure of Zhenyue Worshiper, it has nothing to do with the Zhou family.

A few months later, Zhou Chun, the ancestor of the Su family and other leaders of important vassal families under the Yuelun Sect gathered at the main gate of the Yuelun Sect to attend and witness the leadership replacement ceremony of the Yuelun Sect.

According to the rules of the Lunar Sect, the person who takes over as the leader is the Moon Worshiper.

This new Moon Worshiping Master is not as stunningly talented as the previous one. Although his cultivation level is at the late stage of Jindan, it is said that he was forcibly promoted, which basically eliminates the possibility of conceiving a baby.

However, this person's face looks quite young, he looks like he is in his early thirties, his face is like a crown jewel, and he is handsome and elegant.

Zhou Chun also had a chat with the person who took over and found that he was not an easy person to deal with. At least he didn't feel as good as the previous Yue worshipper.

It's just that it's not Zhou Chun's turn to intervene in who the Moon Lun Sect chooses to be its leader, so even if he feels that the new Moon Worshiper is not good enough, he can only remind himself to be more careful in the future.

After the headmaster replacement ceremony, the incoming Master Moon Worshiper went directly to retreat, and Zhou Chun and other people who came to watch the ceremony also returned home.

However, not long after Zhou Chun returned to the family, Su Yuzhen suddenly came to the door, and it turned out that his "desire disaster" had begun to happen.

The "desire calamity" caused by practicing "Su Nu Xuan Gong" needs to be resolved through dual cultivation.

Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen have developed many strategies to deal with this disaster over the years.

At this time, Su Yuzhen's "desire calamity" broke out and came to her door. Zhou Cundang even sealed the cave and asked his apprentice Zhou Zhiying to practice at Zhou Mingde's place first, helping him resolve the calamity wholeheartedly.

It has to be said that since the "Desire Tribulation" is called a calamity, it is really completely different from the normal dual cultivation.

The self-control ability of Su Yuzhen, a dignified golden elixir monk, under the "Desire Tribulation" is not as good as that of a teenage girl!

In this state, she was like a female animal in estrus, completely dominated by instinct, and her rationality completely ceased to exist!

However, the most taboo thing for dual cultivators of immortality is to be completely indulged in carnal desires. This will not only consume the energy of the two of them, but will not gain any benefits.

Therefore, when Su Yuzhen has no wisdom, Zhou Chun, a Taoist monk, has a very important and arduous task. While adhering to his true intention, he is also responsible for smoothing out the chaotic mana in her body and guiding her to perform correct dual cultivation rituals.

Otherwise, it will just help her vent her desires, which will not help her survive the "desirable calamity" and will only increase the power of the calamity!

Therefore, when going through the "Desire Tribulation", the pressure actually falls entirely on Zhou Chun, the object of dual cultivation.

If the tribulation fails in the end, it is the incompetence of Zhou Chun, the target of dual cultivation, which can almost be said to be largely responsible for the Taoist companion's downfall!

From this we can see how strange the "Plain Girl Mysterious Technique" is, and how much the monks who choose to practice this technique value luck when choosing a pair of monks.

Su Yuzhen's luck is undoubtedly extremely good.

Not only is Zhou Chun's cultivation level always as good as hers, but his attributes in all aspects are also better than hers.

For example, at this time, Zhou Chun's powerful physical body allowed him to avoid breaking down his body when dealing with the unlimited demands from his Taoist companions.

You must know that Su Yuzhen's consciousness is sinking at this time, and he can't help but supplement the Taoist companions during the dual cultivation process. "Su Nu Xuan Gong", as a dual cultivation method, has this effect in itself.

If Zhou Chun were not one step ahead of her, her body might be broken down by her daily supply collection.

On the other hand, Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness is so strong that even if she works two jobs alone and is distracted by guiding her to perform dual cultivation rituals to help her heal the turbulent mana in her body, she can still persevere.

But what is certain is that after this experience, Zhou Chun will be a little insensitive to dual cultivation in the next few decades or hundreds of years.

After practicing dual cultivation in the cave for countless times, when Zhou Chun practiced dual cultivation with Su Yuzhen again on this day, his consciousness suddenly drifted and he instantly entered a strange state.

It was as if his soul had left his body and entered Su Yuzhen's Purple Mansion Sea of ​​Consciousness, where Su Yuzhen's soul was actually awake.

Seeing him come in, Su Yuzhen's soul immediately looked at him affectionately, and then took the initiative to kiss him.

Dual cultivation of spirit and soul is the most superior dual cultivation method that can be encountered but cannot be sought, and only high-level monks with cultivation levels above the Zifu stage can enter this wonderful realm when doing dual cultivation.

There are also many benefits to dual cultivation of soul and soul. The biggest benefit is that you can directly strengthen the origin of soul and enhance the intensity of spiritual consciousness through dual cultivation of yin and yang.

And after the dual cultivation of spirit and soul, there is a telepathy between Taoist couples. When one party encounters life danger and has strong emotional fluctuations, the other party will feel something even if they are thousands of miles away.

It is said that if both parties have high cultivation levels and have experienced many dual cultivations of soul and spirit, they can even use this telepathy to convey certain information across thousands of rivers and mountains.

In addition, the dual cultivation of spirit and soul is also very helpful for the stability of the relationship between Taoist couples. After experiencing the dual cultivation of spirit and soul, each other seems to have left a mark on each other's soul. It can be said that you are in me and I am in you.

Although Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen have been a dual cultivator for more than two hundred years, and they have practiced dual cultivation with each other many times in the past, because they did not have a deep relationship with each other before and were not destined to be destined, they have never had a dual cultivation of soul and spirit.

This time, I don’t know whether it was because the two of them practiced dual cultivation too frequently, or because Su Yuzhen was in a special state of "desire calamity". The two of them finally had the fate to enter the blissful realm that countless dual cultivators dream of, and embarked on the most superior dual cultivation. Way!

I don't know how much time passed before Zhou Chun's consciousness returned to his body.

He opened his eyes, and a spiritual light flashed in his eyes.

Looking at the Taoist monk Su Yuzhen sitting on top of him, he also opened his eyes at this moment, and his eyes were no longer filled with desire as before.

"Is this considered the 'Desire Tribulation' has passed?"

Zhou Chun asked softly, his tone a little hoarse.

"Well, it's over. I've worked hard these days, husband!"

Su Yuzhen nodded with a slight blush on her face, showing a rare shy look like a little daughter.

He probably remembered all the wild and ridiculous things he did when he was in the "Desire Tribulation".

But Zhou Chun didn't care about that. When he learned that her fate was over, he was relieved and truly happy for her.

Dang Ji said: "That's good. Madam, you should take a good rest first. My husband just needs some retreat to digest what he has gained."


Su Yuzhen responded in a low voice and immediately stood up from Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun also got up and put on his clothes, took the initiative to leave the bedroom and went to the cave training room.

Entering the practice room, Zhou Chun sat cross-legged next to the spring of spiritual eyes, meditating quietly to digest the gains he had gained from the previous dual cultivation of spirit and soul.

The dual cultivation of spirit and soul can be encountered but cannot be sought, and the best effect is the first time.

For monks above the Zifu stage, every time the source of the soul is strengthened, it will be of great help to improve their own cultivation.

Zhou Chun felt that after this dual cultivation of soul and soul, his originally strong and thick realm barrier had become loose.

That's why he was so anxious to retreat and digest his gains.

At this time, after some meditation and breath adjustment, Zhou Chun confirmed that his feeling was correct.

With the help of this dual cultivation of soul and spirit, his realm barrier has indeed begun to loosen.

This is undoubtedly very gratifying news.

If the realm barrier is a wall, then if it becomes loose now, it means that there are cracks in the wall and the wall bricks are beginning to loosen.

Every time Zhou Chun hits the barrier in the future, the bricks on this wall will become looser, until the wall collapses completely!

In other words, next he only needs to attack slowly and step by step, and it won't take long to break through the realm barrier and reach the middle stage of Jindan!

Compared with this huge benefit, the range of divine consciousness has been increased by one or two miles, but it is nothing.

At this time, I calculated with my fingers that in order to help Su Yuzhen survive the "Desire Tribulation", the couple had actually stayed in the cave for more than 500 days, nearly a year and a half!

When Zhou Chun walked out of the cave and saw his apprentice Zhou Zhiying again, this apprentice had already reached the middle stage of foundation building.

At this rate, she might be able to try to open the Zi Mansion before she turns fifty, which is even earlier than Zhou Chun's expected sixty or seventy years old.

"Now that Zhengchun is out of isolation, Yuzhen has already overcome the disaster?"

Seeing Zhou Chun come out, Zhou Mingde also asked with concern about Su Yuzhen's situation of overcoming the tribulation.

This matter was of great concern, and he was very concerned and attached great importance to it.

"Yes, Yuzhen has successfully overcome the disaster and will be able to return to the Su family soon."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, confirming his guess.

As for the matter that he and Su Yuzhen entered the state of dual cultivation of soul and soul, thus loosening the realm barrier, Zhou Chun did not say anything about it because it involved personal privacy.

Even if this matter is spoken out, it will not be of much help to others because it cannot be copied at all.

"That's good, that's good. Then I and fellow Daoist Su can rest assured."

Zhou Mingde applauded repeatedly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he talked about several important things that happened in the past year or so.

First, his spiritual pet Vulcan Jackal has finally broken through to the third-level high-grade monster. He can only wait a few years to swallow the fourth-level [Fire Lion] demon pill and try to reach the fourth level.

Second, the Zhou family has added a new Zifu period monk, Zhou Yuanlian, who practices the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual".

Third, Thunder Dragon Baibai successfully infected and mutated a dragon-blood monster, which was a dragon-turtle monster that was mutated from the intermediate monster [Blue-striped Water Turtle].

These three things can be said to be happy events worthy of joy.

After Zhou Yuanlian broke through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment in the early years, he helped Qin Yang, a monk from the Purple Mansion of the Yanyang Sect, to resolve the Flame Hell Peacock poison in his body. Thanks to the nourishment of this special toxin, he practiced the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" Very smooth.

After taking a [Purple Dust Pill] given to her by Zhou Chun, she successfully opened the Zi Mansion in one go.

In fact, it can be said that Zhou Chun had expected this.

After all, as a practitioner of the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual", she actually has a strong advantage in willpower and soul. The success rate of opening the Zi Mansion is higher than that of many monks with high-grade spiritual root qualifications.

On the other hand, the fact that Thunder Dragon Baibai actually infected and mutated another intermediate-level monster really came as a surprise to Zhou Chun.

The mid-level monster [Blue-striped Water Turtle] is not actually a very powerful monster in itself. It is just that it has a docile temperament and is good at defensive spells, so it can be called a good spiritual pet.

Now that it has been transformed into a dragon turtle monster by the thunder dragon in vain, it must have extra thunder attributes, its attack power is greatly enhanced, and its value as a spiritual pet has been greatly improved.

According to the rules, the names of this new breed of dragon-blooded monsters were chosen by Zhou Chun.

He also confirmed the name [Silver Electric Dragon Turtle] without hesitation on the spot.

Later, when Zhou Chun sent Su Yuzhen back to Su's house, he took advantage of the situation and rewarded Lei Jiao Baibai for his great achievements.

In fact, in addition to the fact that dragons can infect monsters with their breath and transform them into dragon-blood monsters, the Fire Phoenix clan can also create phoenix-blood monsters with fire phoenix blood by bestowing their natal essence and blood.

But the natal essence and blood is also very important to the Fire Phoenix itself, and it will not be given easily.

And there are many other factors involved in this. For example, the cultivation level of the monster that swallowed the phoenix blood is too high. There is a high probability that the phoenix blood will be directly refined by it to improve its cultivation level, making it difficult to successfully transform it.

Another example is that the monster beast that swallowed the phoenix blood was too low in cultivation and could not withstand the power of the phoenix blood, and was directly burned to ashes by the power of the phoenix blood.

In short, in actual operation, the difficulty is only more difficult than that of a dragon infiltrating the monster with its breath to mutate the dragon blood monster.

The most important thing is that Zhou Chun is afraid that after cultivating the phoenix-blood monster, someone will find out that he possesses the Fire Phoenix, which will cause endless trouble.

Based on various considerations, he has no plans to cultivate this phoenix-blood monster for the time being.

In the next two years, Zhou Chun would try to attack the realm barrier every few days to increase its looseness.

After two years, he obviously felt that the realm barrier had loosened a lot, and the effect of each impact became better the further it went.

If he continues at this rate, he should be able to break through to the middle stage of the Golden Core within a few years.

But just when Zhou Chun was about to break through the realm barrier in one go, news suddenly came from the wilderness. The high priest Ukuru of the Scaled Frog tribe asked to see him, saying that he had something important to discuss.

When he received the news, Zhou Chun also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But he couldn't help but think of an important thing he had asked Ukuru to do, and he was worried that something went wrong with that matter.

Then he hurried to Longyuanze to meet with Ukulu.

When he saw Ukuru, he was even more surprised by his appearance, and he felt even more worried.

At this time, Ukuru looked like he was about to die, with death energy already emerging from his body.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but take the initiative and asked: "What's wrong with you, Ukulu? Why did you suddenly become like this?"

Hearing what he said, Wukulu couldn't help but smile sadly and said: "Senior Zhou must have discovered it too. Wukulu is already dying. I'm afraid he won't be able to last more than a year!"

Then he talked about the reason why he became like this.

The reason was not what Zhou Chun was worried about, but that when he forcibly attacked the realm of the third-level high-grade warlock, he made a mistake, causing himself to fall into a state of obsession that is often said by immortal cultivators.

Although he finally managed to break free from his obsessive state with the help of a treasure, it also caused a great loss of life and he was already dead!

Hearing his explanation, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at him thoughtfully and said, "So you contacted Zhou this time to explain the funeral arrangements and elect a new high priest. ?"

"Yes, that's exactly what Ukuru thinks."

High Priest Ukuru nodded, confirming this.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately nodded and said, "Okay, as long as the people you choose are willing to continue to implement the friendly policy between the two races, we can remain the same in the future as we were before."

After speaking, he continued: "But you have to explain clearly to your successor what Zhou asked you to do in Longyuan, and you will ask him to take over your job in the future!"

After hearing what he said, Ukuru quickly responded solemnly: "Ukuru understands that Ukuru will definitely take him there personally before his life ends!"

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and hesitated for a moment, then spoke again: "In addition, Ukulu has something else to ask for, and I would like to ask Senior Zhou to agree to help!"

"Oh, come and listen."

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and then nodded noncommittally.

Seeing him like this, Ukuru couldn't help but whisper cautiously: "The thing is like this, the people of Ukuru discovered through experiments that the [Black Lotus Pill] exchanged by the Zhou family to us has the best effect on improving the cultivation level of our warlocks. , so Ukulu wants to ask Senior Zhou to agree to increase the number of [Black Lotus Pills] in the elixirs exchanged in the future, preferably to more than half of the total!"

"[Black Lotus Pill]?"

Zhou Chun recalled it carefully in his mind and quickly found information about this [Black Lotus Pill].

The real name of this [Black Lotus Pill] should be [Water Lotus Pill]. Originally, the pill was made with a water-attribute spiritual lotus as the main medicine, and was suitable for monks using water-attribute skills during the Qi training period.

Later, after the Zhou family planted a batch of the lotus seeds that Zhou Chun got from the secret island, a special black lotus was born. The [Water Lotus Pill] refined from its lotus seeds was blue-black in color, so it was used by the Zhou family. Also known as [Black Lotus Pill].

However, the Zhou family had used [Water Lotus Pill] to exchange things with the aliens of the scaled frogs before, but they never mentioned this matter. It seems that the special black lotus has some special help for the cultivation of these aliens.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun nodded calmly and said: "When Zhou knows about this, he will ask the family to refine more [Black Lotus Pills]. However, this pill is not easy to refine and the material output is small. , don’t have too much hope!”

Six hundred words have been made up! 6666

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