Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 578 The mystery of [Black Lotus Pill], the death of Ukuru [Please subscribe]

Zhou Chun was also a little curious and wary about why Ukuru asked for more transactions of [Black Lotus Pill].

Therefore, after separating from Ukuru and agreeing on a date to meet and hand over, Zhou Chun quietly went to the Black Spear Tribe and secretly captured a second-level warlock who was out leading a hunting team to search for souls.

After a detailed soul search, Zhou Chun easily understood the true purpose of the [Black Lotus Pill] for the scaled frog aliens.

"Is that so? [Black Lotus Pill] can actually strengthen the blood of the aliens of the scaled frogs, and even stimulate the power of the bloodline, allowing some of the aliens of the scaled frogs who would have been difficult to become warlocks to become sorcerers!"

Zhou Chun's eyes narrowed, and he finally understood why Wukuru did what he did.

Fortunately, he had an extra eye and discovered this. Otherwise, not only would the scaled frog alien race have greatly increased their overall strength due to obtaining a large amount of [Black Lotus Pills], but the Zhou family would also have been taken advantage of.

A simple example, if there is a certain elixir in the world of immortality that can allow mortals without spiritual root qualifications to develop spiritual roots and embark on the path of immortality, and it is not difficult to refine, then this elixir can definitely change the entire cultivation. The pattern of the fairy world changes the pattern of the entire human race!

Although spiritual roots and bloodline are not the same thing, the significance of [Black Lotus Pill] to the scaled frog alien race is as important as the pill in the example.

So after understanding this, Zhou Chun not only could no longer trade [Black Lotus Pill] in large quantities to the scaled frog aliens, he also had to significantly increase the sales value of this elixir.

He was not in a hurry to reveal the matter, but first returned to his family to investigate the situation of the [Black Lotus Pill].

After the lotus seeds Zhou Chun brought back from the secret island were planted, a total of four kinds sprouted and grew, two of which were the [Qing Fire Lotus] and the [Golden White Jade Lotus] recorded in the Zhou family's collection of classics.

The other two types have not been included by the Zhou family. They may be some kind of mutated lotus species, or they may be unknown lotus species.

The black lotus used to refine the [Black Lotus Pill] is one of them, and the other grows very slowly and has not yet bloomed or bear fruit.

The black lotus has also been studied by the alchemists of the Zhou family and the Su family. Apart from the fact that it contains relatively pure water-based spiritual power and is suitable for use as the main medicine for refining the [Water Lotus Pill], no special effects have been found. The emphasis is not as high as [Qing Fire Lotus] and [Golden White Jade Lotus].

The former can be used to refine the [Fire-clearing and Poison-Reducing Pill], which has a very good effect on resolving fire poison. The Yanyang Sect purchases large quantities of this type of elixir all the year round for the training of its disciples.

Although the latter's lotus seeds are not a rare thing, the golden thread produced in the stem is a rare spiritual thing, which is very suitable for making flags and robes of formation flags. At the same time, the white jade lotus root is also sweet and delicious, that is, It can be eaten raw as a spiritual fruit or cooked into soup as a spiritual meal.

Therefore, the Zhou family now has limited land suitable for planting these spiritual lotuses. There are more two kinds of spiritual lotus, [Qing Fire Lotus] and [Golden White Jade Lotus], and the number of black lotus is relatively small. The same is true for the Su family.

After investigating the relevant situation in this way, Zhou Chun did not rush to order the family to increase or reduce the production of black lotus cultivation. He only waited to meet with Ukuru again before making a decision.

Two months later, Zhou Chun met Ukuru and his chosen successor again.

"Senior Zhou, this is the Bahar that Ukuru told you before. He will be the new high priest of our family. In the future, he will be responsible for trade and mutual assistance with your family!"

It was in the water palace that Lu Ran originally built that Zhou Chun met with two third-level warlocks.

After listening to Ukuru's words, he couldn't help but look at Bahar.

This person is similar to Ukuru who just took over as the high priest of the Scaled Frog alien race. He is a third-level low-grade warlock and should be a rising star trained by the Black Spear Tribe and a direct subordinate of Ukuru.

Facing Zhou Chun's inspection, the high priest Bahar quickly leaned over and saluted him: "Junior Bahar, pay your respects to senior Zhou."

The human language was quite correct, and it seemed that he had put in hard work.

Zhou Chun did not give the other party any power or anything. He smiled very kindly and said: "Fellow Taoist Bahar, you are so polite. I would like to ask fellow Taoist to pay more attention to the future trade exchanges between our two clans."

After hearing this, High Priest Bahar immediately responded seriously: "This junior will definitely do his best."

After the two of them had met, Zhou Chun turned his attention to the high priest Wukulu again, looked at each other with deep meaning and said: "Fellow Taoist Wukulu, what you said last time about the [Black Lotus Pill] is specific. It’s useful because you probably didn’t tell the truth. According to Zhou’s understanding, the facts are quite different from what you said!”

Hearing his words, Ukuru and Bahar couldn't help but change their expressions, and their eyes suddenly showed a look of panic that was difficult to conceal.

The two of them couldn't help but look at each other, and then Ukuru immediately saluted Zhou Chunshen and said, "Junior is guilty and should not have deceived Senior Zhou. Please forgive me, Senior Zhou."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun waved his hands and said: "In business, it is normal to deliberately conceal product information in order to buy low and sell high. Zhou has no intention of blaming fellow Taoist Wukuru."

He changed the topic again and continued: "However, since the real function of [Black Lotus Pill] is not to simply improve mana cultivation, then this price cannot be exchanged for the low price before."

"And if you want to exchange for such treasures, the nobles will have to come up with some sincere treasures. Otherwise, it will violate the principle of fair exchange!"

From what he meant, it was obvious that there was no complete ban on selling [Black Lotus Pill] to the scaled frog aliens.

After Ukuru and Bahar realized this, they felt relieved.

What they were most worried about was that after Zhou Chun knew the true effect of the [Black Lotus Pill], he would not sell it to the Scaled Frogs for any reason.

Since everything still needs to be discussed, it's easy to say.

Wukuru immediately nodded and said: "Yes, yes, what senior Zhou said is absolutely true. I completely agree with senior's views."

Then he looked at Zhou Chun cautiously and said, "But I don't know what senior Zhou thinks is the appropriate price for a [Black Lotus Pill]?"

"Then how much does Fellow Taoist Wukuru think is appropriate?"

Zhou Chun looked at the other party with a half-smile, but threw the question back.

"This, this..."

Ukuru stammered and opened his mouth, saying "this" for a long time, but did not say a complete sentence.

Of course he wanted to set a low price, but he also knew in his heart that Zhou Chun would never let them take advantage of this again.

But for a while, he really didn't dare to make a decision as to how high the price should be.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately said with a smile: "It seems that fellow Taoist Wukuru also knows that these treasures cannot be easily measured by money!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ukulu to deny it, he immediately continued: "In that case, Zhou has a preliminary plan. Fellow Daoist Wukulu will see if it is feasible!"

Hearing what he said, Ukuru suppressed the denial words that reached his mouth again. He could only look at him helplessly and said, "Please give me some advice from Senior Zhou."

But Zhou Chunyi raised his finger and said: "Zhou's plan is very simple. My Zhou family does not want the Scaled Frog Clan to pay a very high price for this [Black Lotus Pill], but adds it as a gift every time." In the midst of trade exchange.”

"The more rare things the Scaled Frog clan brings out in each trade exchange, and the more precious they are, the more gifts our Zhou family will give. On the contrary, there will be fewer gifts, or even no gifts at all!"

As soon as these words came out, both Ukuru and Bahar frowned, thinking about the pros and cons.

Then the two people's expressions changed quickly, and they figured out the key.

I saw Ukuru immediately saying with a mournful face: "Senior Zhou, can you change the plan? Our clan is willing to exchange for [Black Lotus Pill] ten times the original price. I just hope that the Zhou family can give more purchase quotas!"

But he also understood the "sinister intentions" of Zhou Chun's plan.

If Zhou Chun's plan is followed, not only will it be difficult to guarantee the amount of [Black Lotus Pill] obtained by the Scaled Frog Clan, but they will also have to sacrifice their clan's warlocks to obtain precious spiritual objects from dangerous areas in Longyuan Ze for the sake of [Black Lotus Pill]. , weakening the power of ethnic groups in disguise.

But now that Zhou Chun understands the true use of [Black Lotus Pill], it is definitely impossible to sell it to the Scaled Frog Clan in large quantities.

So at this time, he changed his pleasant expression and said with a straight face: "Fellow Taoist Wukuru is joking, if you can come up with a pill that allows me, a mortal human race, to develop spiritual roots and the qualifications to practice immortality, let alone Ten times the original price of [Black Lotus Pill] is a hundred times or a thousand times the price. Zhou can buy as much as he wants without even half a cent of counter-offering!"

Hearing what he said, Ukuru suddenly became anxious and quickly defended: "But [Black Lotus Pill] cannot make every ordinary member of the clan become a warlock, it just has a very low probability!"

Then he added: "And the tribesmen who rely on [Black Lotus Pill] to become warlocks have almost no possibility of breaking through to the second level!"

But no matter what he said, Zhou Chun had already made up his mind.

After all, the Zhou family does not necessarily need to use the [Black Lotus Pill] to earn the wealth accumulated by the Scale Frog Clan. Even if they do not sell the [Black Lotus Pill] to the Scale Frog Clan, they can still earn the wealth they should earn through other things.

So he doesn't look down on the little profit he can get from directly selling [Black Lotus Pill].

Immediately he just shook his head slightly and said: "Fellow Taoist Wukulu, there is no need to say more. I have made up my mind. Either do as I said, or the elixir [Black Lotus Pill] will be eliminated from the trade supplies in the future. Taoist friend, you can do it yourself." Choose one!”

After saying these words, both Ukuru and Nabahar's expressions became extremely ugly, and they fell silent for a while.

Zhou Chun was not in a hurry, he believed that the two of them had no better choice.

In terms of trade between the two clans, it has always been the Scaled Frog clan who seeks help from the Zhou family, rather than the Zhou family seeking help from the other party.

Even if trade is cut off, the Zhou family will only lose a financial source.

Sure enough, after being silent for a while, Ukuru said hoarsely: "In that case, then everything will be carried out according to Senior Zhou's decision!"

"Very good, then it's settled. Zhou will explain this matter clearly to his tribe when he returns, and it can be implemented next time the two tribes conduct material trade!"

Zhou Chun nodded with satisfaction and settled the matter in a few words.

After that, he didn't pay much attention to the two frustrated alien warlocks from the scaled frogs, and directly returned to his family to practice cultivation.

"High Priest Ukuru, the Zhou family is really bullying people this year. We have sacrificed so many lives of our clansmen and dedicated so many water treasures to them over the years, but now we are still being teased and insulted by them at will. It is simply too much. Too much!"

In the Black Spear Tribe, High Priest Bahar, who returned to the tribe, remembered his previous meeting with Zhou Chun in the Water Mansion. He could no longer conceal his resentment and complained loudly to High Priest Ukuru. .

Ukuru, who didn't want to hear his complaining words, immediately changed his expression. He looked at him with cold eyes and scolded: "Bahar, shut up! Have you forgotten what I warned you? Forget you." Did you promise me before?"

"I didn't, I just..."

Bahar quickly opened his mouth and waved his hands to defend, but Ukuru waved his hands and interrupted him, "Okay, don't explain, you go and face the wall for three months now, and recite what I said to you before. Teaching, this is also for the good of you and the tribe!"

The words are full of undeniable meaning.

"Yes, Bahar will obey the orders of the high priest!"

Bahar opened his mouth, and finally agreed in a dejected voice.

But just when he was about to face the wall and think about his past, Ukulu stopped him again, "Wait a moment."

I saw Ukuru looking at Bahar with a serious face, and said in a very solemn tone: "Bahar, remember, the Zhou family is not something that we, the Scaled Frog Clan, can offend, at least until a fourth-level warlock appears in the clan. We must not offend them in the slightest!"

"You must know that only through trade exchanges with the Zhou family can our clan obtain those elixir magic weapons, and can we hope to have a fourth-level warlock in our clan!"

"So I hope you must remember one thing. As long as the Zhou family is still willing to trade with us and provide us with what our family needs, no matter how much humiliation you personally endure, you must endure it. Absolutely Don’t offend the Zhou family, otherwise you will be the sinner of the entire tribe and will definitely be spurned by all the Scaled Frog tribe members!!”

Having said this, Ukuru also raised his palm and gently placed it on Bahar's head, and then whispered: "Do you understand what I said?"

"Yes, Bahar understands, Bahar will definitely remember the teachings of High Priest Ukuru!"

After Bahar looked at Ukuru for a while, he couldn't help but nodded heavily and responded in a serious tone.

Then he went to face the wall and think about it.

And looking at Bahar's leaving back, Ukuru's eyes suddenly became dark.

Only half a year passed before Zhou Chun received the "sincerity" from the Scaled Frogs.

"This [Renshui Mysterious Pearl] is the most precious spiritual object brought out by the scaled frog aliens in this trade. It is said that it was obtained from the depths of Longyuanze by the high priest Ukuru at the expense of his own life. treasure!"

"According to the standards set by you, the patriarch, including other rare spiritual objects, Xu Fu, who is in charge of the trade, gave the other party fifty-five [Black Lotus Pills] as a reward!"

In Zhou Chun Cave Mansion, Zhou Xinyan held up a jade box containing a water-white spirit bead and handed it over to him. In a respectful tone, he reported on the trade situation between the Zhou family and the Scaled Frog alien race.

Originally, there was no need to ask Zhou Chun for instructions and reports on this kind of matter. His authority was fully sufficient to handle it.

But the [Renshui Mysterious Pearl] obtained this time was too precious. In order to show his merit, Zhou Xinyan made a special trip to visit and report the matter.

When Zhou Chun saw the water-white spirit bead, his eyes lit up, and he immediately raised his hand to take it in and taste it carefully.

After such a tasting, he nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face and said: "Yes, yes, this [Renshui Xuanzhu] is indeed a rare water attribute spiritual object, and it will be of great use to me!"

After saying that, he nodded slightly to Zhou Xinyan and said, "You have done a good job in this matter. You are serious about it."

The words "I'm interested" immediately made Zhou Xinyan smile. She quickly lowered her head and respectfully replied: "It is an honor for this junior to serve the clan leader."

Then he took the initiative to say goodbye and left very wisely.

After he left, Zhou Chun looked at the [Renshui Xuanzhu] in his hand and became more and more satisfied.

This object contains extremely pure power of Renshui, and is a very rare magic weapon and spiritual material level water attribute spiritual object.

But more importantly, this item can also be used as an auxiliary material required for the third level of cultivation of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light".

In this way, Zhou Chun now has the wood-attributed [Bimu Spiritual Heart] and the water-attributed [Renshui Xuanzhu] in his hands. As long as he gathers the three attributes of gold, fire and earth spiritual objects, and combines the "Little Five Elements Breakthrough" After completing the second-level cultivation of "Forbidden Mysterious Light", you can practice the third-level secret technique that even Lin Canghai has never set foot on.

And with the [Black Lotus Pill], a treasure that can control the scaled frogs, the Zhou family will not have to worry about the scaled frogs being unwilling to exchange rare spiritual objects in the future.

Perhaps spiritual objects of this level like the [Renshui Xuanzhu] can be encountered but cannot be sought, but the number of spiritual objects of the next level will definitely increase a lot in the future.

On a ring covered by a formation, two young monks, a man and a woman, were fighting fiercely.

This pair of young men and women both look very young. The man is handsome and the woman is dashing. Judging by their appearance, they both seem to be in their early twenties, but their cultivation is already in the foundation-building stage.

Just as the young man was making seals with his hands, a vast white mist flooded the vast arena. Then the magic in his hands changed, and several feet long white water snakes screamed and pounced into the mist. Female nun.

The female cultivator in green clothes suddenly saw the mist rising, but she was not panicked at all. Instead, there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

She also never used any magic weapon, she just made a secret with her hands and flicked her sleeves.

Immediately, a green gust of wind emerged out of thin air, blowing away most of the water mist in the arena in the blink of an eye.

Several white water snakes that rushed towards them were blown away by the strong blue wind.

Seeing such a scene, the young man was also slightly stunned.

Then he looked at the female cultivator in green across from him and said, "Fairy Zhou has such a powerful wind attribute spell. Su has met her opponent today!"

But after hearing what he said, the female cultivator in green just replied calmly: "You are okay, you are barely qualified to fight with me."

As soon as these words came out, the always arrogant young man suddenly felt that he was losing face, and he shouted loudly: "In that case, let Su come and learn from Fairy Zhou's clever tricks!"

Before his voice fell, he chanted the mana seal, and in a blink of an eye, he completed the casting of a second-level mid-level spell, directly summoning a five- to six-foot-long white water shark to pounce on the female cultivator in blue.

Facing his somewhat angry attack, the female cultivator in green casually pinched the spell with both hands with a smile on her lips, and a blue wind dragon of the same size roared towards the white water dragon.

But seeing two dragon shadows colliding with each other in mid-air, the green wind dragon soon tore the white water dragon into pieces from head to tail, and then the green wind dragon, which had shrunk by more than half, continued to pounce on the young man.

Seeing this scene, the young man's face darkened. He hurriedly waved his hand and activated the magical power attached to the technique, and laid down a white water wave shield to protect himself.

But he soon discovered that the female cultivator in green across from him was far more accomplished in spells than he expected, and the power of her spells was even more inexplicably powerful.

He had just blocked the much weakened cyan wind dragon when a cyan wind gun shot towards him again.

Such attacks, which had a powerful effect on the shield, made the young man dare not rely on the shield to resist, so he had no choice but to sacrifice the magic weapon first.

But he didn't expect that he had just used a black turtle shell magic weapon to block the cyan wind gun, and more than a dozen cyan wind blades were shooting towards him.

Then the young man discovered that he seemed to be the target of his opponent's spell practice. Wind-attribute spells came at him one after another without repetition, without giving him the slightest chance to counterattack.

In the end, the young man tried his best, but only forced the opponent to reveal a cyan spear weapon, and then lost!

"Zhou Zhiying wins!"

As Zhou Zhengyong, the elder of the Zhou family who served as the referee, announced the result, the two people in the ring flew away and handed the ring to the next pair of monks.

Then the two of them flew to the main stand and landed next to Zhou Chun and the ancestor of the Su family, two golden elixir monks above.

It turned out that today was a martial arts competition held by the Zhou family. The Su family and other immortal cultivating families were invited to participate, and foundation-building monks who met the age requirements were also allowed to compete on stage.

And just now there was a confrontation between the young foundation-building monks of the Zhou family and the young foundation-building monks of the Su family.

At this time, he saw his juniors were like eggplants beaten by frost, with their heads pulled back and not daring to look at themselves. The ancestor of the Su family also looked at the juniors with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and lectured: "Look, ancestors have long been with us." You juniors have said that there are people outside the world, and you must not underestimate the world's heroes just because you have some achievements and are ahead among your peers in the family!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun with envy and said, "Zhengchun, you are really an amazing disciple. At such a young age, you have reached the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and you also have such profound attainments in magic. It's really amazing." I’m amazed and envious!”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately waved his hands and said: "Ancestor, please don't praise this girl. The more you praise her, the prouder she will be! It was because of the lax supervision of the younger generation that this girl secretly swallowed a third-level [Phoenix Yuan Fruit]. Although it was a fluke My cultivation has skyrocketed and reached the mid-stage of foundation building, but I have overdrawn my potential, which is really annoying!"

The [Feng Yuan Fruit] he mentioned was naturally made up to cover up the reason why Zhou Zhiying broke through to the middle stage of foundation building so quickly.

Speaking of which, he originally disapproved of his apprentice's participation in this martial arts competition, but the Zhou family's monks had failed to live up to their expectations before, and no one could suppress the Su family's popularity.

So this girl Zhou Zhiying was so angry that she took action to help the tribe regain their position despite his previous objections. As a result, he could only make up stories about [Feng Yuan Guo], a strange fruit in the world of immortality, to help him hide his true talent.

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