Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 579 The troubles of the ancestor of the Su family [Please subscribe]

The world is pure, the world is pure, the Tao is respected, the family is respected, the mind is right, and the ambition is high. These sixteen characters were originally set by Zhou Mingde.

Now it has been nearly three hundred years since the Zhou family moved to Jingguo, and the newest monk born has already reached the "high" generation.

When the monks of the "yuan" generation appear, these sixteen generations will not be enough.

Therefore, Zhou Mingde has already thought of renewing more characters for the naming of future generations.

Originally, he wanted to leave this important task to Zhou Chun.

Because this also represents a kind of inheritance.

At the beginning, he, Zhou Mingde, led the monks of the Zhou family to Jiufengling, Jingguo, and overcame all obstacles to establish the family foundation, so he decided on sixteen generations.

Now, with the strength of the sixth generation of the Zhou family, finally under the leadership of Zhou Chun, the family has prospered and developed to its most prosperous period since the founding of the clan. It has accomplished things that none of its ancestors have done before, and the family is unprecedentedly powerful.

This matter of revising the genealogy and continuing the generation should be completed by Zhou Chun.

However, Zhou Chun believed that since elders such as Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi were still alive, it would be inappropriate for him, the younger generation, to take over matters related to family inheritance.

Therefore, he only said that he could help with the details, but only for details.

And I don’t know if the appearance of Zhou Zhiying, a tribesman with the best spiritual root qualifications, sucked away the luck of one or two generations.

The "Cun" and "Gao" generations after her have yet to find a clan member whose talent is worth mentioning. Compared with the previous generations, the gap is clearly visible.

For this kind of thing, Zhou Chun and other senior family officials have no solution.

So at this time, we can see the benefit of having a Golden Core monk in the family.

Golden elixir monks have a long lifespan, and a family with a golden elixir monk is in charge. Even if there are no worthy talents in the family for two or three generations, the impact on the entire family will not be too great, and the error tolerance rate can be said to be It's extremely high.

On the other hand, for those families that do not have Golden Core monks in charge, once the second and third generations are mediocre and untalented, the family is likely to have no successors, which will directly lead to the decline of the family!

Several golden elixir stage monks of the Zhou family are still in their prime, and if nothing unexpected happens, they can still protect the family for hundreds of years, or even longer.

Among the younger generation clan members who are much younger than them, there are also outstanding clan members such as Zhou Xinyuan, Zhou Yuanyuan, Zhou Yuanlian, Zhou Zhiqian, etc., who are expected to form elixirs.

Not to mention Zhou Zhiying, a top-notch spiritual root genius who can definitely form a golden elixir.

Therefore, the newly born second and third generation clan members do not have many talents and will not have much impact on the family. In a sense, it can even be said that they help the family save some expenses.

After all, if the qualifications are relatively good, the family must find ways to support them and not waste their qualifications.

But if you are mediocre, you can't blame your family for not supporting you.

This martial arts competition organized by the Zhou family was precisely because the Zhou family monks from the "Cun" generation and the "Gao" generation were not very successful, which made many of the Zhou family elders who were watching the battle a little angry.

After all, when the Zhou family held similar events before, they always came out on top, outperforming other families.

Especially this time there are golden elixir stage monks watching the battle.

But Zhou Chun doesn't care much about this face, as long as the Zhou family is not at the bottom.

Zhou Zhiying's action was purely unexpected and unruly.

At this time, after patching up Zhou Zhiying's cultivation base, Zhou Chun also looked at the ancestor of the Su family and smiled softly: "It's rare for ancestors to go out, so this time I have to stay in my Zhou family for a few more days. This junior also has some good tea and wine that I got from my previous travels, and I would like to invite my ancestors to taste them together."

"Really? I'm going to taste it carefully, ancestor."

The ancestor of the Su family raised his eyebrows and immediately responded with a smile.

In the next few days, the ancestor of the Su family stayed at the Zhou family as a guest, drinking tea and drinking with Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde every day, and talking about life.

After five days like this, seeing that they had tasted all kinds of spiritual teas and spiritual wines from the Zhou family, and seeing that the two golden elixir stage monks from the Zhou family looked calm, the ancestor of the Su family could only smile bitterly. He shook his head and said: "Come on, since you don't speak, then I can only speak on my own!"

Seeing him like this, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but laugh and said: "Hehehe, fellow Daoist Su, if you have anything to say, you can just say it directly. Is there anything else that is not convenient to say about the relationship between our two families?"

Zhou Chun also nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, ancestor, if you have anything bothering you, just say so. Even if I can't help, I can still give you some advice!"

Hearing these two people's words, the Su family ancestor's face became even more bitter.

He couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said: "Hey, this matter can be said to be a family scandal. If I have other options, I will never mention it to outsiders!"

After that, he talked about his troubles.

It turns out that what he is worried about now is not the internal affairs of the Su family, but what happened to Su Yunniang!

When Su Yunniang failed to successfully form the elixir, she was the lover of the current leader of the Moon Lun Sect, Master Bai Yue. She was able to successfully form the elixir because of this person's help.

Seeing that her former lover had now taken a step further and became the real head master of the Moon Lun Sect, Su Yunniang started to think about becoming the wife of the head master!

Originally, with her cultivation at the Golden Core stage, and having been the lover of the current Master of the Moon Worshipers, she became a Taoist companion of the current Taoist Master, which can be regarded as her attainment of enlightenment.

But the problem is that the current Taoist worshipper originally had a Taoist companion, and his original Taoist partner was a descendant of the deceased Nascent Soul Realm.

Although her Taoist companion had already fallen into the process of forming the elixir, with this relationship, it would be difficult for Su Yunniang to become a regular person.

After all, as a true leader, you must lead by example and put the overall interests of the sect first.

If the current Master of Worshiping the Moon were to support Su Yunniang as his Taoist companion, he would definitely offend the family of the original Taoist companion.

Although that family has fallen due to the death of the real person in the Yuanying stage, and now there is only one monk in the early stage of Jindan who plays the leading role, after all, the love left by the ancestors is still there, and he still has a lot of power and voice in the Yuelun Sect.

Moreover, the current Master Baiyue's eventual success in ascending to the throne was due to the afterglow of the fallen Master in the Nascent Soul stage. It can be said that he owes a debt to the family of the original Taoist companion.

Under such circumstances, Su Yunniang's request to become a full-time official was naturally rejected by the other party.

But Su Yunniang is not so easy to give up!

She believed that the reason why the current worshiping master rejected her was because he was worried about the pressure from the family of the original Taoist couple, although this was indeed the case.

And this made her feel that both she and the Su family were underestimated.

So she found the ancestors of the Su family and Su Yuzhen, and asked the Su family to fully support her in taking the position of the headmaster's wife, and promised that as long as she could sit in this position, she would do her best to seek benefits for the Su family in the future.

But the Su family alone was obviously unable to influence the will and thoughts of the real person worshiping the moon.

Therefore, Su Yunniang invited the ancestors of the Su family to come to the Zhou family to find Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde, and persuade the Zhou family to support her ascension.

In this way, including herself, there are seven golden elixir stage monks and a fourth-level thunder dragon.

And the current number of Golden Core Stage monks in Yuelun Sect is less than thirty!

Su Yunniang herself felt that if the Zhou family and the Su family were willing to fully support her ascending to the throne, they would be able to force the current Master of the Moon Worship to compromise.

So the ancestor of the Su family made this trip to the Zhou family.

After listening to the Su family ancestor's story, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde couldn't help but look at each other, shocked.

Good guy! Zhou Chun called out in his heart what a good guy!

He never thought that Su Yunniang could stage such a palace fight.

Although he had known before that Su Yunniang had an affair with a certain Jindan elder in the Yuelun Sect before she formed an elixir, he never thought that the person she had an affair with was actually the current Moon Worshiper!

Su Yunniang obviously concealed this matter deeply, and it is estimated that Su Yuzhen may not have known about it before.

But in Zhou Chun's opinion, Su Yunniang's idea of ​​wanting the mistress to take over this time was really too far off the mark!

From a man's perspective, if he were the current Moon Worshiper, he would never compromise with Su Yunniang.

After all, in terms of cultivation strength and power, Master Baiyue is stronger than several golden elixir stage monks from the Su family and Zhou family. Is it possible that the golden elixir stage monks from the Su family and Zhou family really dare to risk their lives for the sake of Su Yunniang? But disobeying the order of the emperor is not allowed!

Zhou Chun didn't know whether Su Yunniang was confused by the words "Madam of the Headmaster" or whether she was resentful because she couldn't get what she asked for, and came up with this idea out of resentment.

But he knows that this is something that must never be done. If he does it, the harm will far outweigh the benefits!

If nothing else, he just said that in the history of the previous dynasty that he knew, there were only a few cases where the concubines in the palace used the power of their natal family to force their way to power, and in the end, their natal family's power ended well.

So he will never let the Zhou family get involved in such dangerous things.

However, although Zhou Chun had an immediate decision in his mind, he did not express his position immediately.

Instead, he and Zhou Mingde looked at each other first, communicated privately, and reached an agreement among themselves first.

After agreeing with Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chuncai looked at the ancestor of the Su family with a calm face and asked: "Ancestor, what do you think now? Are you ready to fully support her?"

"I am also in a dilemma about this matter!"

The ancestor of the Su family sighed and couldn't help but said helplessly: "Yun Niang is determined to accomplish this thing now. If I don't support her, I'm afraid she won't pay attention to me anymore in the future. This kind of thing She can definitely do it!"

"But I also know that this kind of thing is just too much. Not to mention that the chance of it being done is low, even if it is really done, it will be equivalent to a thorn in the heart of the real head teacher. , and it will deeply offend a powerful Qu artist!"

Having said this, he looked at Zhou Chun with a sad face and said: "Zhengchun, you usually have the most ideas, but this time, ancestor, I have no choice. I just hope you can help me think of a best-of-both-worlds solution to resolve this matter! "

Obviously, he also knew in his heart that it was simply unrealistic to expect the Zhou family to fully assist Su Yunniang.

And his attitude also made Zhou Chun feel relieved.

In Zhou Chun's view, the most troublesome part of this matter was not how to persuade Su Yunniang to give up her plan, but the opinion of the ancestor of the Su family.

If the ancestor of the Su family couldn't figure it out for a while, was blinded by the benefits of Su Yunniang becoming the head teacher's wife, and wanted to fully support Su Yunniang's advancement, it would be very difficult for him and the Zhou family.

After all, in order to kill the traitor Yu Jinghua, the ancestors of the Su family and Su Yuzhen had also made great efforts, and they could be said to be very kind to the Zhou family.

Now that the ancestor of the Su family is awake, everything is easy to talk about.

I saw Zhou Chun immediately express his position and said: "This junior believes that this matter must not be done forcefully, otherwise it will be a temporary success, and the backlash in the future will sink our two families into a place of no return!"

"Yes, I think so too."

The ancestor of the Su family nodded and agreed with Zhou Chun's statement.

Seeing that he agreed, Zhou Chun took advantage of the situation and asked him: "Aunt, has she ever told the ancestors why she wants to become a Taoist couple with Master Baiyue at this time? Is it really just for the so-called wife of the leader?" False name?"

Hearing Zhou Chun's question, the ancestor of the Su family immediately smiled bitterly and replied: "She has already said this. She had this idea before after she successfully formed the elixir. However, the real person was still alive at that time, so she naturally did not dare to mention it. This matter!"

"Now that the real person has fallen for decades, she thought that the affection and lingering power left by him during his lifetime should also be weakened. In addition, the real person Bai Yue was promoted to the headmaster and his status increased greatly, so she decided to officially push forward the completion of this project. thing!"

This answer was not what Zhou Chun expected. If there were no real feelings, there was no need for Su Yunniang to do this for the sake of her status as the head teacher's wife.

After all, as an elder of the Yuelun Sect, she already has a very high status in Jingguo.

It's a pity that the Moon Worshiping Master is obviously not an emotional person, and he will not sacrifice his own feathers for this matter like Su Yunniang.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, supporting Su Yunniang to successfully form the elixir was already considered worthy of this relationship and worthy of Su Yunniang!

In short, from the perspective of Zhou Chun today, Su Yunniang's feelings were wrongly paid after all!

At that moment, he couldn't help but said to the ancestor of the Su family: "But my aunt should also know that since Master Baiyue disagrees with this matter, he has no idea of ​​becoming a Taoist companion with her. She is also a dignified Golden Core monk. Do you have to stick to me like this regardless of your face?"

Hearing this, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't help but clapped his hands and shouted: "Now the problem lies here. The person worshiping the moon is ambiguous in her tone of voice. He did not reject her directly. He only expressed his worries and let her Just wait a few more years!”

"This caused her to still harbor illusions and create intellectual barriers. She thought that Master Baiyue felt that she could not provide any help, so he hesitated and did not agree to become a Taoist partner with her, so he wanted to bring our two families together. Support her platform!"

Speaking of this, the ancestor of the Su family also said with a depressed face: "It can be said that I and Yuzhen have analyzed the whole story in detail to her, but she, who has always been smart, cannot listen at all now. On the contrary, I suspect that I am timid and unwilling to help her!"

"Then this is really difficult to handle!"

Zhou Chun murmured, feeling a little embarrassed.

Zhou Chun had heard of many similar cases like Su Yunniang's in his previous life, and it was true that they all ended up harming a bunch of relatives, friends and himself.

And to solve this matter, it is not difficult to say it is difficult, but it is not easy to say it is easy.

The best and easiest way is undoubtedly to let the real person worshiping the moon reject her directly, or marry her directly.

But obviously both of these things are difficult to do now.

The Moon Worshiping Master was not ignorant of Su Yunniang's temperament. The reason why he did not refuse directly was probably because he was worried that after the rejection, Su Yunniang would hate her out of love and cause trouble for himself.

After all, Su Yunniang is also a Golden Core Stage cultivator now, and she is also an elder of the same sect. If she focuses on revenge against herself, she will also give herself a headache.

It would definitely be useless for him to directly marry Su Yunniang as a Taoist companion.

Zhou Chun didn't believe that the other party would destroy the Great Wall, offend those who supported him and tarnish his reputation not long after he took office.

This simplest route doesn't work. It's really hard to make Su Yunniang give up her idea without letting her be blinded by hatred and try her best to get revenge on the Moon Worshiper.

After Zhou Chun thought hard for a while, he still couldn't think of any good solution, so he looked at the ancestor of the Su family and said, "Maybe you should ask a professional for professional matters!"

"None of us are people burdened by emotions. We may not be able to think of any way to get the best of both worlds. Why not turn this into a story and ask those who have rich experience in relationships for their opinions and views. Maybe we can It works wonders!”

As soon as these words came out, the reactions of the ancestor of the Su family and Zhou Mingde were completely opposite.

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