Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 580 In the middle stage of the Golden Elixir, magical power increases greatly [Please subscr

The ancestor of the Su family initially disagreed with the idea of ​​telling others stories about what happened to Su Yunniang.

Because family scandals should not be publicized, he did not want this matter to spread and make a big joke!

But after some persuasion from Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde, and the assurance that people would not associate the Su family and Su Yuniang with the characters in the story, he reluctantly agreed to give it a try.

The next thing was simple. Zhou Chun found some love masters among the family monks and ordinary people, told them the story of Su Yunniang, and asked them to think about how to get the best of both worlds.

In this way, after a group of "experts" made suggestions, we did get a few methods that seemed to be quite feasible.

In Zhou Chun's opinion, there are two most likely ways to do it.

One is to design the Moon Worshiping Master to reveal her true face. After Su Yunniang sees her true thoughts clearly, she will no longer think about being the wife of a headmaster.

But this matter is not easy to do, especially the degree of control. Once you use too much force, you will severely offend the Moon Worshiper, making it difficult for both the Su family and the Zhou family in the future.

Another way is to use the power of the real person worshiping the moon and negotiate with him to put on a play, so that Su Yunniang knows that even if the Su family and the Zhou family help, they cannot force the real person worshiping the moon to marry her as a Taoist companion immediately, thus delaying the time. effect.

Of these two methods, the former treats the root cause and can be said to be once and for all, but if not done properly it will backfire on oneself.

Although the latter cannot cure the root cause, it is more reliable and has a high success rate.

As for the final choice, Zhou Chun left it to the ancestor of the Su family to make the choice.

Originally, he thought that this would embarrass the ancestor of the Su family for a while.

But what I didn't expect was that the ancestor of the Su family directly chose the second method without any hesitation.

"I'm going to talk to Master Bai Yue about this matter, but in order to increase my leverage, Zhengchun, you and fellow Daoist Zhou have to jointly issue a letter to me!"

The ancestor of the Su family expressed his choice with a heavy face.

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde looked at each other and quickly nodded in agreement.

At that time, the two Jindan monks of the Zhou family issued a letter in person, in which they sincerely requested Master Baiyue to work with the Su family and the Zhou family to persuade Su Yunniang to give up her idea.

In short, it was just a statement to show that the Zhou family and the Su family would advance and retreat together on this matter.

After getting the letter in this way, the ancestor of the Su family finally felt a little relieved, and then led the team back to the Su family the next day to take action on this matter.

However, the subsequent development of things was far beyond Zhou Chun's expectation.

He had already made preparations. When the time comes, several Jindan monks from the Zhou family will go to the Yuelun Sect to visit Master Yue Worshiper, in order to show the sincerity of the Zhou family to Su Yunniang. Then they will just have a formality with Master Yue Worshiper. .

But in fact there is no need to go to this step.

I don’t know what the ancestors of the Su family talked about with Zhenyue Worshiper. In short, less than a month after the ancestors of the Su family left the Zhou family, they received the Yuanying decree from the Yuelun Sect.

This Nascent Soul decree comes from Master Yinyue, ordering the ancestors of the Su family to be banned from the mountain gate for a hundred years, and not to leave the Su family mountain gate even half a step without being summoned!

Strictly speaking, this is not an excessive punishment.

However, allowing Master Yuanyingqi to personally issue decrees and impose punishments shows that the ancestor of the Su family has offended Master Yuanyingqi in some way, and the signal this sends to the outside world is worth thinking about.

Su Yunniang, who had originally planned to become the headmaster's wife, was suddenly overwhelmed by this sudden turn of events.

He hurriedly went to find the real person Baiyue to find out the details.

However, she didn't expect Master Baiyue to suddenly announce that she would be in seclusion for a short period of time and shut herself away from her.

This made her even more panicked.

So he quickly returned to the Su family to ask the Su family ancestor.

The ancestor of the Su family was certainly prepared for this. Facing Su Yunniang's inquiry, he sighed softly with a sad expression on his face: "Hey! Yunniang, it's really not that I don't want to help you this time, but this matter. There’s really no room for maneuver!”

"I just went to find a Taoist friend from the Qu family to mention this matter, and because of this I angered senior Yinyue Zhenren. Do you think we, the Su family and the Zhou family, can really influence the thoughts of senior Shangzong? "

At this point, he also persuaded with sincerity: "We cultivators should focus on cultivation. All the titles and powers are just empty names and external things. Why bother to try so hard and risk our lives to force it!"

However, Su Yunniang didn't seem to have any reaction to his words. She just replied in a calm tone: "Ancestor, I understand everything you said, but I know even more clearly that with my qualifications and talents, I will be a middle-stage Jindan city in the future." It may not be possible to break through, and there is a high probability that like you, you will be stuck in the early stage of the golden elixir for life, so why should you be so anxious about practicing like this!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said: "Anyway, I have my own plan for this matter, so don't say any more!"

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Su family shook his head helplessly and said: "Come on, you are also a golden elixir monk who has lived for hundreds of years. There is really no need for my ancestor to teach you these principles. I just hope that you Don’t be too extreme in doing things, think more about how difficult it is for you to cultivate to this point, and think more about how difficult it is for Yuzhen and his family to reach this point!!"

"This junior will do it, this time I will cause my ancestor to be punished for me!"

Su Yunniang nodded slightly, bowed deeply to the ancestor of the Su family and expressed her apology, and then left without staying in the Su family longer.

Seeing her like this, the ancestor of the Su family knew that she had not given up yet.

But as long as she doesn't resent herself and the Su family because of this matter, the ancestor of the Su family is satisfied.

As for how she will deal with it later, the ancestor of the Su family really can't control it, and he doesn't want to get involved too deeply.

Now that Su Yuzhen is continuing the family legacy, and the Zhou family is a reliable ally outside, the ancestor of the Su family is not worried that after his death in the future, the Su family will fall into the ranks of the Jindan family.

Under such circumstances, he was naturally unwilling to risk the fate of his family for Su Yunniang's selfish interests.

Zhou Chun also breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that the matter was temporarily resolved, and he continued to attack the middle stage of Jindan with peace of mind.

Two more years passed like this, and Zhou Chun collected all the five-element attribute spiritual objects needed to practice the second level of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light", and he took advantage of the situation to practice the second level of this secret technique.

The training of the second level of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" is much more difficult than the first level. Even after Zhou Chun gathered the supporting materials and had the first level as a basis, it still took him three years to get started.

But once you reach the second level, the power of breaking the forbidden mysterious light becomes even more powerful.

If Zhou Chun activates it with all his strength, even a truly forbidden formation like the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation] can weaken most of its power, and then forcefully break through the formation!

Based on this calculation, once he completes the second level of cultivation of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light", it is impossible to break through the barriers of forbidden formations such as the "Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation" without alerting anyone.

This discovery also surprised and delighted Zhou Chun. He was much more convinced of the value of the secret technique "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light", and directly listed it as the highest inherited secret technique of the family. Only the golden elixir stage monks Only then can you check the practice!

At this time, the realm barrier that had blocked Zhou Chun for many years was full of cracks and was about to be completely broken.

Seeing this, he immediately announced his retreat and went all out to attack a higher realm.


After about two years of seclusion, when Zhou Chun once again hit the invisible realm barrier with all his strength, it was like a flood that finally broke the dam, making a loud roar.

Then a sense of extreme pleasure surged from his heart, and he felt that the sea and sky were vast in front of him, allowing him to roam freely.

At the same time, there was a surge of spiritual energy from the nearby heaven and earth, rushing towards his body. He also took out several bottles that stored pure gold energy in time, and released all the gold energy inside that could have been used for several years of practice. out.

After several months of silent cultivation, Zhou Chun finally completely stabilized his realm of the middle stage of Jindan.

Although he just broke through not long ago, compared with his previous breakthrough, his total mana has increased by nearly 50%. It is expected that it will be doubled in the future without any problem.

Naturally, the quality of mana is far from comparable before. The same mana used to activate the magic weapon can exert the power of the previous two mana!

At the same time, although he has not compared it with others, judging from his own experiments, the coverage of his spiritual consciousness has exceeded eighty miles!

According to the information he had learned from previous exchanges with other Golden Core monks, if the average late Golden Core monks had not practiced particularly powerful secret techniques to enhance their spiritual consciousness, their spiritual consciousness would only cover sixty or seventy miles!

As for ordinary early Jindan monks, the coverage area of ​​their spiritual consciousness may only be about thirty miles.

Such a powerful spiritual consciousness not only allows Zhou Chun to have an attack distance far beyond that of monks of the same level when fighting with others, but also greatly increases the power of the "God-killing Technique" he practices.

At the same time, the stronger the spiritual consciousness is, the easier it will be to practice certain secret arts and magical powers.

After Zhou Chun consolidated his cultivation, he was not in a hurry to get out of seclusion, but immediately understood the "Golden Escape Technique" that had always been elusive.

as expected!

With his breakthrough in cultivation, he was able to master the "Golden Escape Technique" that he had been unable to master before.

I saw Zhou Chun inside the cave making magic with his hands, and his figure instantly turned into a golden light and escaped from the cave, appearing by a stream somewhere in the back mountain of Tuyun Ridge.

This place is more than thirty miles away from where his cave is!

"Ignoring the terrain and most restrictions, this 'Golden Escape Technique' is indeed the most difficult and most powerful escape technique among the Five Elements Escape Techniques!"

On the bank of the stream, Zhou Chun raised his head and glanced in the direction of his cave. He couldn't help but turn up the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a proud smile.

He is undoubtedly very satisfied with the effect of "Golden Escape Technique".

In addition to being difficult to perform in fire, the "Golden Escape Technique" can be performed freely whether underground, in the air, or in water. It is definitely an excellent magical power for self-defense, life-saving, and fighting.

As for the fact that he can only escape for thirty miles now, Zhou Chun is not very worried.

As he masters this magical power more deeply, this distance will definitely continue to increase.

What he needs to worry about is the consumption of mana by this magical power.

With his current deep and pure mana, it would take almost two percent of his mana to use this magical power once, and he could only use all his mana more than fifty times!

In this way, if you want to use this magical power to escape, I am afraid it is not enough. You must also pay attention to saving mana when using it in battle.

Seeing that the breakthrough in the realm was of such great benefit to the cultivation of secret arts and magical powers, Zhou Chun went back and continued to practice other secret arts and magical powers, while not forgetting to strengthen and refine the natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron].

After practicing like this, except for the special "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", the power of secret techniques such as "Gengjin Sky-Splitting Thunder", "Sha Yuan Diamond", and "God-Slaying Technique" have greatly improved, even "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" feels a lot easier.

This made Zhou Chun finally understand why cultivators wanted to break through the realm so much.

Sometimes it’s really not that you don’t work hard enough, or that you’re not talented enough, but that your level of cultivation is not enough, causing your efforts to fail to have the desired effect at all!

In addition to the secret magical power, the natal magic weapon [Wanhua Golden Cauldron], which was smelted by Zhou Chun and the broken top-grade magic weapon [Xuansha Soul-Destroying Spear], also increased in power, adding another extremely powerful killing magic power. .

As a result, Zhou Chun's personal strength has skyrocketed!

But after suffering losses before, Zhou Chunxue became smarter this time.

Except for a few people closest to him, not many people knew about the news that he had broken through to the middle stage of the Golden Core. Not even many elders of the Zhou family and the Purple Mansion knew about it.

And as long as he doesn't meet other golden elixir stage monks, he won't be afraid of others seeing through his abnormal cultivation.

"Zhengchun, you want to travel to Frozen End Country? Why is this? Is it because of the assassination by the Ice Prison Gate killer?"

In Zhou Mingde's cave, after hearing the purpose of Zhou Chun's visit, he couldn't help but be stunned, feeling a little overwhelmed by Zhou Chun's sudden decision.

"Investigating and understanding the Ice Prison Gate is just a matter of course. The real reason why this junior traveled to the Frozen End Country is to find the bloodline of monster beasts like the [Taiyin Moon Toad] in order to obtain its essence and blood to cultivate the "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit·Moon" The secret technique of "Toad Chapter" fully unleashes the power of the "Moon Toad Orb"!"

"And if this junior has been in the family, I am afraid that the matter of breaking through to the middle stage of the Golden Core cannot be kept secret forever. Traveling out can avoid premature exposure of the matter!"

Zhou Chun stated his plan calmly, as if he was well prepared.

He had indeed planned this matter a long time ago, and he had never thought that he could break through the middle stage of the golden elixir so quickly, so his initial plan was to help Su Yuzhen survive the "Desire Tribulation" before setting off.

Only after cultivating both soul and spirit later, he found an opportunity for a breakthrough, so he changed his plan and prepared to break through first.

After his cultivation reached the middle stage of the golden elixir, and when he once again used the "Spiritual Treasure Art" to refine the [Moon Toad Orb], he faintly discovered the incompatibility between himself and this spiritual treasure, and understood that it was because he did not have it. Practicing the "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter" has resulted in the inability to truly unleash the power of this spiritual treasure.

Otherwise, with the power of a complete spiritual treasure, even if he can only exert 10% to 20% of its power due to insufficient cultivation, it should be far superior to the incomplete high-grade magic weapon [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase]. !

In view of this, for Zhou Chun, finding the bloodline of the [Taiyin Moon Toad] demon beast has become the most important thing to do now.

If you can successfully practice "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter", with the power of the secret technique itself and the power of the spiritual treasure "Moon Toad Orb", even ordinary late-stage golden elixir monks will have a chance to kill him!

At that time, there would be no need for him to be afraid of killer organizations like Ice Prison Sect.

After all, it is almost impossible for a real person at the Nascent Soul Stage to come over and act as an assassin to assassinate a monk at the Golden Core Stage!

There is no need to talk to Zhou Mingde about this, lest it only increase his worries.

All he needed to do was let Zhou Mingde know that he didn't make this decision impulsively.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhou Chun's explanation, Zhou Mingde didn't offer any more advice.

Zhou Chun's strength has long surpassed him, and now his cultivation level has also surpassed his. He thinks that he has nothing to teach Zhou Chun, and will not easily interfere with Zhou Chun's decision.

In the end, he just nodded and said: "In that case, you can go if you want. The family will watch."

"Then the family will do everything for you to worry about!"

Zhou Chun bowed his hand and set out on the journey within a few days.

But before setting off, he still went to the wilderness and brought the [Skyfrost Cold Bee] which he had not used for a long time.

Places like Frozen End Country might be useful in getting these strange insects.

After years of reproduction and growth, the population of [Sky Frost Bees] now exceeds 500, and the number of mature [Sky Frost Bees] has reached more than 150.

If an ordinary early-stage Jindan cultivator encountered such a large group, he would be in trouble even if he were not careful!

After Zhou Chun left Jingguo, he did not go directly to Bingyi Kingdom. Instead, he went to Great Zhou Kingdom first.

"I didn't expect that I was stuck in front of the barrier for a long time and had not broken through, but Zhou Daoyou took one step and walked in front of me. It is really incomparable with others!!"

In the "Qingni Residence", Luo Qingni looked at Zhou Chun who was visiting as a guest with a middle-stage Jindan cultivation level. His mood was ups and downs for a while, and he sighed with a look of loneliness on his face.

She formed the elixir many years before Zhou Chun, and she also touched the mid-stage golden elixir barrier earlier than Zhou Chun. She also had the opportunity to take the [Jade Dew Jinxia Dan] to break through the realm barrier.

As a result, she made all kinds of preparations but failed. On the contrary, Zhou Chun succeeded without saying a word and achieved a breakthrough in cultivation.

This makes her, who has witnessed Zhou Chun's growth all the way, how can she not feel extremely complicated!

But this is her. Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi, who have long been accustomed to this situation, are no longer surprised at Zhou Chun's rapid breakthrough in cultivation. They just think it is natural, because they were surprised so many times before. Too much.

Naturally, Zhou Chun would not be as casual with her as he was with the two elders. He immediately waved his hand with a humble look on his face and said, "Fellow Daoist Luo's words are serious. Zhou also got lucky for a while and came across the opportunity for breakthrough. Zhenlu's talent and qualifications. Zhou is far inferior to fellow Taoist!"

As he spoke, he looked at Luo Qingni with a serious face and said: "And with your talents and qualifications, Fellow Daoist Luo, you will definitely not be trapped by this mere mid-Jindan realm barrier forever. I think it won't be long before you hear the news about Fellow Daoist Luo's successful breakthrough!"

But Luo Qingni only thought that these were words of modesty to comfort herself, but how could she take them seriously.

At this time, with his emotions agitated, he couldn't help but look at him and ask: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, can you tell me how you made a breakthrough?"

After saying that, he hurriedly added: "Of course, if you feel embarrassed, just pretend that Qing Ni never said this!"

"Well, it's not that you can't say it, it's just that you may not be able to learn it, Fellow Daoist Luo!"

Zhou Chun said with a look of embarrassment on his face, and then told him about the opportunity for breakthrough because of his "dual cultivation of soul and spirit" with his Taoist companion.

He didn't talk about the "desire robbery" because it involved Su Yuzhen's own privacy and had nothing to do with the subject.

But even so, Luo Qingni couldn't help but blush, knowing why he said he couldn't learn anymore when he heard that he had obtained a breakthrough opportunity by relying on "Double Cultivation of Soul and Spirit".

Not to mention that she is still a Yunying herself, and she does not have a double cultivator.

Even if you really want to break through the realm barrier and find a golden elixir stage monk as a dual cultivator, you may not be able to enter the mysterious state of "dual cultivation of spirit and soul"!

"So that's the case, but it was Qing Ni who was abrupt. Please forgive me, Fellow Daoist Zhou!"

After all, he was a successful Golden Core cultivator. Luo Qingni quickly smoothed her complexion and apologized to Zhou Chun with a serious look on her face.

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Luo, let's talk about another matter!"

Zhou Chun waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care, and took the initiative to change the topic.

He raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, then took out the prescription of [Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Pill] and handed it to Luo Qingni.

"This is……"

As soon as Luo Qingni picked up the prescription and took a look, she looked at Zhou Chun with her mouth wide open in surprise, her eyes full of shock.

This expression was the same as when Zhou Chun took out the prescription of [Yulu Jinxia Dan] and gave it to her.

After Zhou Chun admired her rare expression of shock, he said with a smile: "This is what Zhou gained after participating in the Canglan Sect's grand ceremony. In total, it is also due to you, Fellow Daoist Luo."

After that, he broke another shocking news, "And the original owner of the materials above has already collected two main drugs and a variety of auxiliary drugs. We only need to collect the remaining materials in the future to try to open the furnace." Alchemy is done!”

As expected, after hearing his words, Luo Qingni's eyes suddenly widened a bit.

Then after staring at him with wide eyes for a while, he said in a long breath: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, you are really a blessed person!"

As he spoke, he shook the elixir recipe in his hand and said: "For an elixir recipe of this level, those sects and families that have never had a Nascent Soul Stage monk would be hard-pressed to collect one even if they passed it down for thousands of years, but you have been able to do so in just a short period of time." I took out two copies within a hundred years, and both brought some alchemy materials with them!"

After saying that, he couldn't help but tease Zhou Chundao: "If Qing Ni didn't know the details about you, Taoist friend Zhou, and understand that your family is not good at alchemy, I'm afraid I can't help but wonder if your family has ever had a child." The master of alchemy has left behind a complete master inheritance!"

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