Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 581 Luo Qingni’s Repayment [Happy Mid-Autumn Festival]

Just as Zhou Chun expected, [Four Spirits Barrier-Breaking Pill] was extremely attractive to Luo Qingni.

Especially after her attempt to break through the realm barrier with the help of [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill] failed, she became even more eager for this elixir specifically used to break through the realm barrier.

Just like Zhou Chun said, with her talents and resources, it should only be a matter of time before she breaks through the mid-stage golden elixir barrier.

But the barrier in the later stage of the golden elixir that we will face in the future will become a very big problem!

There are many casual cultivators in the Golden Core stage in Tianyuan Immortal City, but only a handful of them can practice to the late Golden Core stage.

After Luo Qingni failed to break through the realm before, she no longer believed that she was really much better than others and that she was a special person.

Therefore, the preciousness of the [Four Spirits Barrier-Breaking Pill], a pill that assists in breaking through the late barrier of the Golden Pill, is immediately apparent.

If she can really refine this kind of elixir, and rely on this elixir to break through to the late stage of the golden elixir, in the future she can even rely on the advantage of mastering this elixir recipe to accumulate resources for herself to transform the elixir into a baby. !

Therefore, she knew what a great opportunity Zhou Chun had given her!

And she is a person who knows how to repay kindness and kindness.

After calming down, she frowned and thought for a long time. Then she looked at Zhou Chun with a serious face and said, "Qing Ni can't repay Zhou Chun's kindness. From now on, whenever Taoist friend needs Qing Ni's help in refining elixirs, , Qingni won’t charge even half a penny!”

She had made this promise before when Zhou Chun gave her the prescription of [Yulu Jinxia Dan], but it was Zhou Chun who took the initiative and it only lasted for a hundred years.

This time she took the initiative to extend the 100-year period to free for life, which can be said to be a truly sincere effort.

If Zhou Chun was more shameless and often asked her to make alchemy, then she might become the Zhou family's full-time alchemist!

Of course, based on her understanding of Zhou Chun, Zhou Chun probably wouldn't do such a simple thing.

But what surprised Zhou Chun even more was what she added next.

Luo Qingni hesitated for a moment, then looked at him and added: "And if there are descendants in Zhou Daoyou's family who are talented in alchemy in the future, they can come to Tianyuan Immortal City to learn the art of alchemy from Qing Ni, and Qing Ni will certainly not hesitate to teach him. My own experience!”

This almost means that he is willing to teach his alchemy skills to the Zhou family's alchemists!

After hearing her words, Zhou Chun suddenly burst into laughter, knowing that all his hard work had finally paid off.

With a smile on his face, he bowed his hands to Luo Qingni and said, "Then Zhou will thank Fellow Daoist Luo for the younger generations in the clan. Thank you Daoist Luo for your trust in Zhou!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhou's words are serious. It should be Qing Ni who wants to thank Fellow Daoist Zhou for his trust!"

Luo Qingni shook her head slightly and returned a salute to Zhou Chun.

After discussing the alchemy plan with Luo Qingni, Zhou Chun left Tianyuan Immortal City.

But after leaving the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Chun still did not go to the Bingyi Kingdom immediately. Instead, he went to the Liang Kingdom.

Liangguo, Mi Xianling.

Visiting this place again after so many years, Zhou Chun stood outside looking at the misty mountains in the distance with very complicated emotions.

He could feel that the golden-armored mountain turtle stone had successfully broken through to the fourth level.

It's just that the other party seems to be in a "negative mountain" state now, his consciousness is dormant and sleeping, and he is unable to communicate with him.

In order not to disturb the Chongxuan Demon King and the stone's cultivation, Zhou Chun did not dare to use secret methods to forcefully awaken it.

"Stone, Stone, don't worry, when you wake up, I will definitely come to take you home!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, and after standing outside the Mystic Ridge for a long time, he turned and left.

From the Liang Kingdom to the Bingyi Kingdom, the distance is tens of thousands of miles, spanning six or seven countries.

It also took Zhou Chun nearly two months to enter the territory of the Frozen Yi Kingdom.

This place is indeed as rumored. Most of the country's borders are covered with snow all year round. Most mortals live in a small area that can be planted and grazed.

Most of the various immortal cultivating sects and families in the Frozen Yi Kingdom are located in areas covered with snow all year round.

Possibly due to environmental reasons, the spiritual root attributes of people born in this country are mostly biased toward ice, wind, water, metal, etc. There are very few monks with the attributes of wood, earth, and fire, and they usually do not choose to practice in this country.

Most of the monks from surrounding countries who have the qualifications of ice and wind attribute spiritual roots will choose to come to Frozen End Country to practice.

Zhou Chun had previously had a relationship with the Ice Prison Sect, and this country was the stronghold of the opposing force. After he came to the Frozen Yi Kingdom, he specially used the [Hundred Illusion Beads] to change his appearance, turning him into the person he once was in the Great Zhou Dynasty. The identity of Zhang Liang used by the country.

I don’t dare to use this identity in the Great Zhou Kingdom, but there is no harm in using it in this distant Fengyi Kingdom.

After some inquiring, he quickly arrived at a place called Snow Lotus Valley in the Frozen Yi Kingdom.

This Snow Lotus Valley is the largest casual cultivator stronghold in the Frozen Yi Kingdom. There are as many as five casual cultivators in the Golden Core stage alone, and there is even a late Golden Core cultivator among them!

Under the protection of these five golden elixir monks, Snow Lotus Valley developed into a special place that is half city and half stronghold.

Many mid-level and high-level casual cultivators from the Frozen End Kingdom chose to settle down here to practice, exchange practice experiences and exchange items with each other.

However, according to the rumors heard by Zhou Chun, most of the five golden elixir stage monks in Snow Lotus Valley are not casual cultivators, but ice-attributed martial arts cultivators from some major forces in other countries.

Because the environment here in Snow Lotus Valley is particularly suitable for Ice Spirit Root Masters to practice, these people took over this place and established a practice place.

However, in order not to provoke the hostility of the local forces in the Frozen End Country, they did not dare to establish this place as a villa for their own sect or family. They could only establish a stronghold as casual cultivators, open to all cultivators.

This pattern is said to have continued for thousands of years.

And this is why Zhou Chun chose to come here.

For him, since the Golden Core Stage monks in Snow Lotus Valley only live here for a suitable place to practice, and are not local monks in the Frozen End Kingdom, it should be easier to deal with them.

Moreover, there are a large number of casual cultivators gathered here, which makes it convenient for him to collect information about the bloodline of the [Taiyin Moon Toad] monster beast.

Snow Lotus Valley got its name because there are many snow lotus growing in this valley.

After Zhou Chun entered this place, he saw that many places in the valley maintained their original landforms, and large areas of snow lotus elixirs grew on them, including some of the precious elixirs that were more than five hundred years old.

It is said that in the deepest part of the Snow Lotus Valley, there is even a thousand-year-old treasure-level snow lotus!

The place where the monks gathered in the valley was a fenced city.

The city is walled with ice, and is divided into two cities, the north and the south. The north city occupies two-thirds of the area and is a residential area. Monks who live in the city for a long time and a short time live and practice there.

Nancheng is a commercial district with various fixed shops and a free trading area.

"Senior Zhang, the third elder in the valley happens to be free now. If you have nothing else to do, I can take you to visit his old man now!"

Outside the Ice City, Zhou Chunzheng was sizing up the situation of the Ice City. A monk from the Purple Mansion of Snow Lotus Valley who was waiting for him suddenly raised his hand to receive a message light, and then told him the message he had just received with a respectful expression. .

"Then I'll ask you, fellow Taoist, to lead the way."

Zhou Chun withdrew his gaze and waved his hand, then followed this person around the ice city and headed straight to the deepest part of the Snow Lotus Valley where the caves of several Jindan elders were located.

The Snow Lotus Valley occupies a vast area, covering hundreds of miles. The Ice City area that Zhou Chun saw before only occupied one-third of the area.

Most of the rest of the area is the private cave territory of several elders, and even ordinary Snow Lotus Valley monks are not allowed to set foot in it easily.

Zhou Chun followed the person who led the way around the Ice City and went hundreds of miles deeper, before arriving outside an area shrouded in white mist.

As soon as the two of them landed outside the white mist area, a female cultivator in a white dress with a cold temperament walked out of the area.

She appeared behind her and immediately gave a salute to Zhou Chun and said: "Junior Zhang Xuening, I have met senior Zhang. The master has prepared tea in the cave and is waiting for senior. I also ask senior to move inside with junior to talk!" "

"Then I'll trouble you, Little Friend Zhang."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and followed the female cultivator, who only had the late-stage cultivation of Foundation Establishment, into the white mist ahead.

The white mist is formed by the power of the formation. Inside it are actually several snow peaks connected together. The highest one is about six to seven hundred feet high. The mountains are also planted with snow lotus, a specialty of the valley!

Zhou Chun followed the female cultivator in white skirt to an ice crystal palace on the top of the mountain. A figure suddenly flashed out of the palace and appeared on the steps in front of the palace door.

He looked intently and saw that this person was an old man in white with white hair and a boyish face. His cultivation level was in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir just like him, but he was just entering this realm for the first time, while the other person was already only one step away from reaching the late stage of the Golden Elixir. .

After a few steps out of the palace door, this person immediately bowed his hands to Zhou Chun and said, "A distinguished guest is coming to our door. I am sorry for not being able to welcome you from afar. I hope you will forgive me, Taoist friend Zhang."

"You are so polite, Taoist friend Zhang. It was Zhang who came to the door presumptuously and disturbed fellow Taoist Qingxiu. It is Zhang who should apologize to fellow Taoist."

Zhou Chun returned the greeting politely, and then followed the old man into the Ice Crystal Palace.

Since he chose to come to Snow Lotus Valley, he naturally had some knowledge about the five Golden Core Stage monks here before coming.

According to the information obtained by Zhou Chun, the third elder who is currently hosting him is named Zhang Mengde. He has been in Snow Lotus Valley for more than three hundred years. He also passed the assessment and certification of other elders at the Golden Core stage before successfully joining the group.

At this time, after introducing Zhou Chun into the hall, Zhang Mengde clapped his hands gently, and Zhang Xuening, the female cultivator in white dress who had brought Zhou Chun over before, came to the hall with tea and served fragrant tea to the two of them.

Then I saw Zhang Mengde took a sip of tea, smiled slightly at Zhou Chun and said: "This [Snow Needle Immortal Hao] is the specialty of my Snow Lotus Valley. It is a rare product out of this place. Daoist friend Zhang might as well try it. "

"Oh, I have to give Zhang a try."

Zhou Chun said, immediately picking up the tea and looking at it in front of his eyes.

Inside the tea cup, golden tea leaves as thin as silver needles were deposited, dyeing the tea into a golden color.

It turns out that this so-called [Snow Needle Fairy Hair] is actually made from the stamens of snow lotus.

After looking at it like this, Zhou Chun brought the tea to his mouth and took a sip. A refreshing fragrance of flowers immediately hit his mouth, nose and mind. His mouth was filled with the sweet fragrance of tea, which was quite similar to Zhou's honey flower tea. for similarity.

After drinking the whole cup of tea in several sips, he immediately nodded and praised with a smile on his face: "It is indeed a good tea! It has a pleasant aroma and leaves a fragrance on your lips and teeth. It really has a unique flavor!"

Seeing that he actually drank the tea, Zhang Mengde was slightly surprised, and then he laughed and said: "Hahaha, it's good that Fellow Daoist Zhang likes it."

After laughing, he said to his disciple Zhang Xuening: "Xue Ning, go to my tea room and get half a catty of high-quality [Snow Needle Fairy Hair]. It's rare for a Taoist friend to like this tea. I can't be stingy!"

"Yes, disciple, I obey."

Zhang Xuening knew that these were two golden elixir stage monks who wanted to have a private conversation, so he responded obediently and immediately withdrew.

After dismissing his disciples like this, Zhang Mengde looked at Zhou Chun with a calm expression and said, "Since Fellow Daoist Zhang has cultivated the power of the Golden Element, he probably came to the Frozen Yi Country to practice. I wonder if there is any place where Zhang can help Fellow Daoist!"

"Zhang Dao has a friendly eye. It is true that Zhang did not come to Frozen Yi Country to practice, but wanted to come here to find an ice attribute monster. I hope to use the power of Snow Lotus Valley to help issue a bounty among the casual cultivators!"

Zhou Chun nodded and frankly stated his purpose.

He is just looking for a kind of monster and will not have any conflict with anyone, so there is nothing unspeakable.

After listening to his words at this time, Zhang Mengde was slightly surprised and couldn't help but follow his words and said: "Oh, I wonder what kind of monster Zhang Daoyou is looking for?"

"A kind of monster with the bloodline of [Lunar Moon Toad]. The descendants of this monster must be toad monsters with ice attributes, and most of them have the talent to absorb the power of the Lunar Moon!"

Zhou Chun gave a rough description of the situation and told all the information he knew.

Zhou Chun also checked a lot of information about monsters like the [Taiyin Moon Toad], but there was very little recorded information.

All I know is that this is a very special kind of monster that seems unable to reproduce through normal means and can only mutate through bloodline regression.

And once such a monster appears, there will be no one with strength lower than level four!

But what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that as soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Mengde looked at him with a strange expression and said, "According to what Fellow Daoist Zhang said, Zhang really knows where there might be something that Fellow Daoist wants!"

"Really? Please ask Fellow Daoist Zhang to give you some advice!"

Zhou Chun perked up and immediately looked at the other party with bright eyes.

"I think Zhang Daoyou, the great sect of the Frozen Yi Kingdom, has come to Feixue Palace. He has also heard that in the snow mountain Tianchi inside the mountain gate of this sect, there is a toad-like monster named [Ice Moon Toad] living in it. There are many of the fourth level among them. !”

"As far as Zhang knows, the [Ice Moon Toad] has the habit of emerging from the ice at night to absorb the power of the moonlight, and it can also spit out pure cold air!"

Zhang Mengde didn't show off, and quickly informed Zhou Chun of the information he knew.

After hearing his answer, Zhou Chun's face suddenly lit up, and he was overjoyed.

Judging from Zhang Mengde's description, the so-called [Ice Moon Toad] is indeed very likely to have the bloodline of the [Taiyin Moon Toad]!

Immediately, he saluted the other party solemnly and thanked him: "Thank you, fellow Taoist Zhang, for informing me of this matter. Zhang has made a note of this."

"Fellow Daoist Zhang is serious. This matter is not a secret in Frozen Yi Country. Many fellow Jindan students know it. Daoist Zhang only needs to contact a few more people to find out about this matter."

Zhang Mengde waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that he did not dare to take credit.

Then he kindly reminded: "But what Zhang wants to tell fellow Daoist Zhang is that [Ice Moon Toad] is also extremely important to Feixue Palace. It is a very important source of wealth for their sect. I have never heard of such a thing being sold to outsiders." Monster!"

Zhou Chun easily understood the hidden meaning in these words.

He immediately nodded with a serious face and said, "Zhang understands, thank you Daoist Fellow Zhang for reminding me."

Then, in order to reciprocate the favor, Zhou Chun immediately suggested that the two of them exchange spiritual objects, and on the spot took out some elixirs and magical materials that were relatively rare in the Frozen Yi Kingdom and exchanged them with Zhang Mengde.

In this way, the two of them actually completed several exchanges, and each received some useful elixirs and spiritual materials.

Afterwards, Zhou Chun exchanged some cultivation experiences with Zhang Mengde and left the other party's cave with satisfaction.

Well, it’s the holidays, let’s be lazy! I went for a walk to admire the moon. Happy holidays everyone!

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