Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 583 Murderous intent in the snow [Please subscribe]

Poor parents in the world!

Wu Yishan's actions made Zhou Chun sigh.

He never denied the greatness of father's love and mother's love, and always knew that there were indeed many great parents in the world who were willing to sacrifice everything for their children.

But Wu Yishan, a monk in the middle stage of the Purple Mansion, is willing to work as a slave or a servant just because he sees the hope that his daughter will suffer less. It is indeed impossible not to be moved by it.

After being used to seeing all kinds of selfish cultivators, how could we not be moved by seeing such a loving and selfless cultivator?

He was just moved, but Zhou Chun had no intention of accepting any servants, let alone using this method to make people his servants.

At the moment, he could only shake his head and said: "Zhang understands what Fellow Daoist Wu means, but Zhang doesn't have time to treat your wife often, and has no intention of accepting Fellow Daoist as his servant. It's better not to mention this matter again!"


Wu Yishan wanted to say something else, but when he saw Zhou Chun's calm and distant eyes, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

In the end, he could only lower his head reluctantly and murmured in an obscure tone: "It's the junior who thinks too beautifully. How could a senior like me have no one to encourage me, and how could I be willing to gain something for myself for nothing?" What a burden!"

Although what he said sounded a bit unpleasant, it was also true.

In the world of immortality, most of the Golden Core monks are from sects and families. It is really not difficult for these Golden Core monks to force the Zifu monks to do things for them.

Wu Yishan's promise to be a slave seems to be sincere, but it is nothing more than sincerity.

Not many Golden Core monks would put a burden on themselves for nothing for a slave who was of no use to them at all.

"It's not exactly what you think."

Zhou Chun looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who had turned from hope to despair, and seemed to feel a little compassion, and immediately said: "Well, I will give you a volume of poison cultivation techniques as reward, and ask you to help lead the way in the ice field. "

"Poison cultivation technique? Senior means..."

Wu Yishan's expression changed, and he looked at Zhou Chun with some surprise.

Facing his surprised look, Zhou Chun also nodded slowly and said: "You are right. In your daughter's situation, unless we can find those Nascent Soul Stage real people who are proficient in medical skills to help, there is a high probability that she will not be able to survive." The method will help her completely remove the fire poison from her blood!"

"In this case, it's better to let her practice poison skills and use poison to fight poison to enhance her poison resistance."

"If you can survive it successfully, you might be able to turn this fire poison into a boost in the future and develop a very powerful poison magic power!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun also glanced at Wu Yuzhu next to him, and said in a deep voice: "Of course, practicing Poison Kung Fu can be said to be a narrow escape from death. It is difficult to achieve anything without great perseverance and great opportunities. If you are not willing to take risks, Zhang can also replace it with other spiritual objects as a reward."

"Junior is willing!"

Wu Yuzhu immediately agreed without waiting for Wu Yishan to speak.

She looked at Wu Yishan with a firm face and said, "Dad, you don't need to say anything more. My daughter has already suffered enough from the torment of the fire poison in her body, and she is even fed up with her own incompetence, which has brought trouble to you and your mother." Sacrifice your own path and life!”

"Now that there is hope to cure the poison that has destroyed our family, my daughter must try her best no matter what!"

Speaking of this, she also said loudly and excitedly: "If my daughter really dies in the process of converting to poisonous skills, then it is her fate, and it will just happen that she will no longer trouble daddy!"

In fact, compared to Wu Yishan, the pressure and pain she endured in her heart were not less at all!

When she personally watched her mother sacrifice herself with forbidden magic to save herself, which directly led to her mother's subsequent death, she was filled with self-blame and felt extremely painful.

Over the years, in order to earn himself spiritual objects that suppress fire poison, his father Wu Yishan has ventured deep into the ice fields again and again. Even when he was injured, he was reluctant to buy spiritual elixirs for treatment and did not dare to take long-term recuperation.

She saw all this and felt pain in her heart. She felt extremely remorseful and wished she could kill herself to free her father!

Since the first failed suicide was discovered, Wu Yishan told her very seriously that if she committed suicide, it would be equivalent to her mother's sacrifice being in vain, and she would have no purpose in living alone in the world!

Therefore, she could only endure the pain and self-blame in her heart again and again, watching her father Wu Yishan burn his life and path desperately for her.

Just like she said, she had already had enough of this kind of torture. She just couldn't bear her mother's sacrifice and couldn't bear to have her father buried with her, so she kept enduring it!

Now Zhou Chun's words gave her a glimmer of hope, a hope that she could take the lead in obtaining.

This immediately made her feel extremely excited and happy.

Because in this way, she is finally no longer a useless person, and no longer has to watch her dearest people take risks for herself!

Maybe she doesn't know how dangerous and difficult it is to practice poisonous skills.

But that didn't actually matter to her.

Because she just wants to be a useful person so that she can no longer cause trouble to her father!

Even if she really died from the poisonous power's backlash, she was still free.

As the saying goes, a wise daughter is better than her father.

Wu Yishan has taken care of his daughter for a long time and watched her grow up to this day. How could he not know what Wu Yuzhu is thinking now.

Naturally, he didn't want his daughter to take this risk, but looking at his daughter's current state, he knew that if he refused, he would probably force her to go to a dead end.

At the moment, I was in a state of confusion. I was touched by my daughter's sensibility, but I was also afraid that I would lose my daughter forever because of this.

After his wife passed away, his daughter was the person he cared about most, and now she is almost the driving force of his life!

He looked at his daughter in silence for a long time with a complicated expression, then suddenly turned to look at Zhou Chun and asked: "Senior Zhang, are you sure that practicing poison skills can really help Yuzhu dissolve the fire poison in her body? The fire poison in her body is a third-level demon It is mutated from the poison of beasts, can the poison technique in the Qi training stage really be effective against this kind of poison?"

Zhou Chun heard the words and immediately answered truthfully: "I don't dare to guarantee this Zhang, but the poison skill in Zhang's hand was created by a poison cultivator at the level of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul, and he has special abilities in transforming poisons." It has an extremely strong effect. If your love can successfully practice it, she will definitely be able to greatly enhance her own poison resistance. At the very least, there will be no problem in extending the duration of each poison attack!"

"If she can successfully build the foundation, then with the effect of the poison skill, she will most likely be able to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of fire poison, and even use fire poison as a foundation to improve her cultivation!"

A technique created by a poisonous cultivator at the level of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul?

Wu Yishan was shocked when he heard Zhou Chun's words, and he couldn't help but believe his theory of fighting fire with fire.

If Zhou Chun had not deliberately deceived him, then it was indeed possible to cure the fire poison in Wu Yuzhu's body.

Thinking of this, he looked at his daughter Wu Yuzhu's eyes full of expectation and pleading. After hesitating and struggling again, he finally nodded with difficulty and said: "Thank you, Senior Zhang, for your kindness!"

Hearing his words, Wu Yuzhu's face suddenly showed a happy smile of relief.

Then he knelt down and kowtowed three times to Zhou Chun with a grateful face, "Thank you, Senior Zhang, for your great kindness. I have nothing to repay, so I can only kowtow to thank you first!"

"You're welcome, little friend, please get up quickly."

Zhou Chun's expression moved slightly, and he quickly raised his hand to help pull the person up.

The next thing was simple. Zhou Chun made a rubbing of the pre-Golden Elixir Skills of the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" as a reward and gave it to Wu Yishan in advance.

After Wu Yishan carefully read this poisonous skill, he was impressed by its ingenuity and completely believed Zhou Chun's previous words.

However, he was still worried about the dangers of practicing this poisonous skill, and he was worried about whether his daughter Wu Yuzhu could withstand it.

On the other hand, Wu Yuzhu herself seemed confident and fearless.

Based on Zhou Yuanlian's original practice, Zhou Chun also expressed his opinion in a timely manner, "Your love has been tortured by fire poison for a long time, and she can persevere for so many years. It shows that she has extraordinary will in terms of will. My endurance and resistance should be stronger than others, but there shouldn’t be any big problem if I switch to poisonous skills during the qi training period!”

After hearing what he said, although Wu Yishan was still a little worried, he could only put this worry in his heart and go buy various poisons needed for the medicinal bath.

According to the agreement, he would not take Zhou Chun to the ice field until he saw with his own eyes that his daughter Wu Yuzhu was fine after the first three rounds of medicinal bathing.

Zhou Chun also felt pity for his love for his daughter and was not in a hurry.

More than three months passed by in a flash.

Wu Yuzhu did not disappoint Zhou Chun, and successfully survived the first three rounds of poisonous water baths.

There is still a long way to go before she can completely complete the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual", but judging from her performance in three rounds of poisonous water baths and the changes in her body, it should not be a big problem to complete the conversion to poisonous skills.

As a bystander, Wu Yishan knew this well, so he was relieved.

Then he asked Zhou Chun to give him another month to deal with some chores, and Zhou Chun agreed.

Another month passed like this, and Wu Yishan, after finishing all matters, finally left Fang City with Zhou Chun and headed straight for the ice field.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Chun originally said that he could pledge the treasure as a guarantee in accordance with the rules, but Wu Yishan was grateful that he had previously used [Jingyuan Lingshui] for free to help his daughter Wu Yuzhu detoxify, and he was also willing to advance the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" and other Precious skills as a reward, and offered to waive this guarantee.

From this point of view, Wu Yishan is indeed a person who knows how to repay kindness.

Because Zhou Chun knew that the other party had actually sold a lot of things on his person in the past month to raise the materials needed for practicing the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" and gave them to his daughter Wu Yuzhu, and there was a vague feeling of entrusting him with the funeral arrangements.

Obviously, in the other party's mind, there are many dangers in going to the depths of the ice field, and he is worried that if he fails to come back, his daughter will not be able to complete the transformation of the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" on her own.

Under such circumstances, he is still willing to waive the guarantee for Zhou Chun, which shows his character!

This also made Zhou Chun take a higher look at his people. If he really encountered any danger on the ice sheet, he would definitely try his best to save his life within his ability.

After the two of them entered the ice field, Zhou Chun immediately summoned the golden-winged tiger to save his mana and prevent the evil beasts from attacking him.

Wu Yishan was also slightly shocked when he saw the third-level high-grade monster, the Golden-winged Tiger. However, he had seen the world and quickly calmed down. He followed Zhou Chun's instructions and climbed onto the tiger's back, specifically responsible for guiding the way.

The climate on the ice sheet is unpredictable, and wind and snow often fall.

Although this kind of ordinary snowstorm is not a blizzard, it can also block the line of sight, making people afraid to fly too fast to avoid losing their way.

Fortunately, the Golden-winged Tiger itself is considered a wind-attribute monster, and it can mobilize its magic power to form a light cyan shield while flying to block the wind and snow, allowing Zhou Chun and Wu Yishan on its back to better observe the surrounding situation.

"The monks of Frozen Yi Country divided the ice field into nine sections based on different distances and depths. The distance and depth of each section ranges from two thousand miles to three thousand miles. One section is the shallowest and nine sections are the deepest!"

"Every time you go deeper into the ice field, the danger will increase a lot. This danger includes the strength of the monsters, the probability of snowstorms, and even the temperature!"

"Generally speaking, fourth-level monsters rarely appear in ice fields below the fourth stage. They are relatively safe areas for monks in the Zifu period. The frequency and power of blizzards will also be lower, and there are still certain areas on the map. Reference.”

"After the fifth stage, the temperature of the ice field drops sharply. Even if the monks in the Qi training stage wear thick warm clothes, it will be difficult to survive there. The monks in the foundation building stage also have to consume mana to maintain their body temperature. At the same time, there is a high possibility of Level 4 appearing there. It’s from a monster!”

"The monsters on the ice sheet are different from the outside. Because food is scarce, high-level monsters will also wander around looking for prey. Therefore, even if you know where their lair is and deliberately avoid its lair, you may still encounter it elsewhere. Get to them!”

"And the monsters on the ice sheet are very vengeful. Once you injure them or take away their prey, they can even follow you behind you for several months, and follow you to a certain distance!"

"Above the seventh stage, it is said that no Golden Core monks dare to set foot easily. The extremely cold temperature there alone is enough to freeze to death the Foundation Establishment monks, and the extremely cold storm formed can even trap and kill the Golden Core monks!"

In the stormy sky, while Wu Yishan was guiding the Golden Winged Tiger to choose the direction, he also tried his best to inform Zhou Chun of the relevant information about the ice field that he knew, so as to prevent Zhou Chun from committing some taboos without knowing it.

However, Zhou Chun did not rely on his high level of cultivation, so he underestimated the survival experience summed up by these local monks.

When Wu Yishan was talking about the situation on the ice sheet, he also took the initiative to ask for advice: "Fellow Daoist Wu, can you tell me about blizzards and extreme cold storms? If you really encounter these two natural disasters, how should you avoid them?"

Hearing his words, Wu Yishan immediately replied: "Blizzards can be big or small. Small blizzards only affect an area less than a thousand miles. They are common blizzards on the ice sheet. They usually have foundation-building skills and actively dig when a blizzard forms. Just dig a hole in the ice to avoid it, and wait for a few or ten days and it will stop!"

"There is no certainty about a big snowstorm. I once encountered a huge snowstorm on the third section line. It is said that the second, third, and fourth sections in the same direction were all covered by this snowstorm, which lasted for a full month. It took many months to end!”

"When the snowstorm ended, there were tens of feet of ice and snow above the ice cave dug by the juniors and others. When they came out, they found that the surrounding environment had completely changed. It took more than two months to return to the Frozen End Country. We also lost two companions who were in the late stages of foundation building!"

"As for the extremely cold storm, it basically does not appear below the seven-dash line, and I have never seen it. I only heard that if it does happen, it is not advisable to dig holes in the ice because the ice there is very hard and difficult. Digging, and it is easy for the ice to flow during extreme cold storms, putting yourself in unpredictable dangers!"

Is it like this?

Zhou Chun nodded thoughtfully and didn't ask any more questions.

In the next more than a month, Wu Yishan directed the golden-winged tiger to stop and go, thousands of miles deep into the ice field along the way, and entered the so-called four-dash line in one breath.

The reason why it took so long was naturally because I wasted time trying to avoid the snowstorm and identify the direction.

And this was the result of Zhou Chun taking action and forcing his way through several small snowstorms.

Otherwise it will just take longer.

At this time, Zhou Chun also deeply experienced the importance of a good guide.

Because even Wu Yishan, who is familiar with the direction, often has to travel hundreds of miles to find some particularly iconic tall snow peaks and glaciers to determine his location in order to successfully find the direction of the Yumu Ice Lake.

If Zhou Chun was alone and simply flew in one direction, he might not be able to find his destination even if he was given a year or two!

The temperature in the four-segment ice field is already very low. Even if ordinary people are wrapped in thick fur coats, it will be difficult to survive here. Even those ice fields bears, wolves, foxes and other beasts that are good at resisting the cold have already... Extinct here.

Most of the beasts that can appear here are monsters.

Their main food is fish and shrimps living in some ice lakes, as well as other monsters.

There are many lakes and rivers distributed under the ice sheet, otherwise there would not be enough water vapor to condense on such a thick ice layer.

In terms of terrain, the topography of the Frozen End Country is much lower than that of the surrounding countries. Therefore, it is speculated that the underground water veins of various countries eventually converged to the Ice Sheet, and the Ice Sheet assumed responsibilities similar to Long Yuan Ze's. Huge amounts of water vapor are turned into ice and snow for storage.

Although the ice layer on the ice sheet is thick, it will also flow. Sometimes the ice layer will flow and create a lake or a huge basin out of thin air.

At the same time, there are some places on the ice sheet with special environments that can form ice-free lakes.

In short, this ice sheet is a place with no life and full of miracles.

Zhou Chun is not a natural scientist, and he doesn't care about how the ice sheet is formed, or how the above phenomena that do not conform to the laws of meteorology are formed.

After all, there are too many strange places in the world of immortality. Using knowledge from the previous life to forcefully explain these strange phenomena is not only far-fetched, but also nonsense!

After entering the fourth segment of the ice field at this time, the golden-winged tiger is no longer a suitable transportation spirit beast. It consumes too much here, and its recovery speed is far from keeping up with the consumption speed. Moreover, it is also easily regarded as a hunting target by those fourth-level monsters. .

So Zhou Chun could only use the [Blue Sea Silver Boat] to take Wu Yishan on the way.

Above the vast ice field, a silver light was seen speeding through the air in the wind and snow, flying hundreds of miles away in an instant.

In this way, although the direction became more difficult to find, the speed increased.

In just the past seven days, Zhou Chun led Wu Yishan into the five-dash line area.

The Yumubing Lake they were going to was exactly the dividing point between the five-dash line and the six-dash line.

But as Wu Yishan said before, after reaching this depth, the frequency of snowstorms is quite high.

On this day, Zhou Chun was flying when his consciousness suddenly moved and he realized that another snowstorm was coming ahead.

If it had been before, he might have avoided it temporarily.

But Wu Yishan had already said half an hour ago that as long as he flew another five or six hundred miles in the current direction, he would reach his destination.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, he directly maintained his speed and plunged into the blizzard without dodging.

But he saw the silver-green flying boat sailing against the wind and through the sky in the wind and snow. Zhou Chun, who was using the flying boat, obviously felt that his mana consumption had increased a lot.

But thinking that the distance is only a few hundred miles, it should be over after a while.

Unexpectedly, after marching hundreds of miles in the direction of the blizzard, his spiritual consciousness still failed to discover the Yumu Ice Lake in Wuyi Mountain Pass.

You must know that it is a rare ice-free lake. In the most extreme circumstances in the past, the lake surface could remain ice-free for dozens of miles!

"It's broken! We may be lost!!"

Wu Yishan's expression changed and he said words that made Zhou Chun's heart sink.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, Zhou is sure that the direction is correct. Could it be that you saw it wrong before?"

Zhou Chun looked at Wu Yishan with his eyes and his tone was a little solemn.

He didn't blame the other party directly, but the words themselves were enough to put pressure on the other party.

Wu Yishan also said with a pale face: "That shouldn't be the case. The temperature and hardness of the iceberg nearby that this junior is referring to are the same as before!"

After speaking, he suggested to Zhou Chun: "Senior Zhang, I suggest that we drop down immediately and wait for the snowstorm to pass. It is not advisable to move randomly at this time, so as not to make further mistakes!"

"Okay, then I'll listen to you."

Zhou Chun nodded, knowing that it was useless to blame the other person at this time, and immediately brought the other person to the ground.

But just when Zhou Chun sacrificed the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] and started to dig an ice cave on the ground, his consciousness suddenly moved, and he shouted angrily, and a bright golden glow burst out to protect himself and Wu Yishan in it.

At the same time, an animal claw glowing with white cold light struck hard on the golden glow, tearing apart a large piece of glow in an instant and almost touching Wu Yishan's back!

"The fourth-order monster ice crystal snow wolf!"

Wu Yishan, who was lucky enough to save his life from the gate of hell, suddenly changed his face and exclaimed before he had time to rejoice.

Outside the golden glow, a wolf-shaped monster with a crystal-clear body that looked like ice crystals was staring at the two of them with a pair of wide blue wolf eyes, its eyes cold and cruel.

At this time, the attack missed, and the wolf-shaped demonic beast quickly retracted its claws, and then white light emerged from its body and disappeared from the sight of the two men in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yishan immediately reminded loudly: "Senior Zhang, be careful, the ice escape technique of this ice crystal snow wolf is very special, it has ice escape and invisibility effects!"


Zhou Chun's face moved slightly, and he immediately released his consciousness with all his strength, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, his powerful spiritual consciousness equivalent to that of a late-stage Jindan monk did not disappoint. The opponent's invisibility in front of him was still a bit unsatisfactory.

happy National Day! ! ! I'm not happy. I don't have any holidays at all. After writing the book, I missed all the holidays! ! !

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