Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 584 Surprise and astonishment [8,000-word chapter please subscribe]

The so-called invisibility is nothing more than a deception of the senses.

Poor invisibility techniques can only deceive the visual senses, making it difficult for people to see their figures.

More powerful invisibility techniques can not only deceive vision, but also make it difficult for people to detect smell and hearing.

Excellent invisibility techniques can deceive even the divine consciousness, making it difficult for the human consciousness to detect it.

As a fourth-level low-grade monster, the Ice Crystal Demonic Wolf has the advantage of being blessed by the terrain and environment on this ice field. Its innate stealth power can exert an effect that exceeds its cultivation level, making it difficult for ordinary middle-stage golden elixir monks to detect its whereabouts.

But it's a pity that this time it encountered a powerful being that it couldn't afford to offend!

Zhou Chun, who is in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, has powerful spiritual consciousness in the late stage of Jindan, which is enough to detect it in the invisible state.

In the past, it relied on its magical power of invisibility to run rampant on the ice sheet, rarely encountering opponents, and it had long developed a blind trust in this magical power.

At this time, after the sneak attack failed, it did not escape immediately. Instead, after watching in secret dozens of miles away, it refused to give up and once again relied on the cover of the snowstorm to bully Zhou Chun and the two of them.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun would naturally not be polite anymore.

If he could kill a fourth-level monster, the benefits would be at least one million spirit coins, which would be a great gain for him.

I saw him looking around with a look of surprise on his face, and with a very nervous look, he also sacrificed the magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations], and laid a layer of golden light to protect himself in it, along with the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] surrounding him. Flying, as if facing a powerful enemy.

Seeing this situation in the eyes of the ice crystal demon wolf made him more confident in continuing to take action.

Since the target cannot detect its figure, it is already in an invincible position. Even if the sneak attack fails, it can still turn around and escape immediately!

However, wolves are cunning and very patient.

Even though it had made a decision in its heart, it still was not in a hurry to take action immediately. Instead, it hid somewhere more than ten miles away from Zhou Chun, patiently waiting for the best opportunity to take action.

For it living on the ice sheet, the blizzard is not enough to have any impact on itself, but outsiders like Zhou Chun have to consume mana to resist the blizzard.

So if you wait, it will undoubtedly have a greater chance of winning.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but his eyes flashed, and he immediately took Wu Yishan and tried to leave this place.

But he soon discovered that the ice crystal demon wolf did not rush to attack him because he left, but followed him leisurely.

"What a treacherous beast!"

Zhou Chun cursed in his heart, but did not stop moving and continued to move forward despite the wind and snow.

After traveling for another three to four hundred miles in this way, he landed on the flying boat. First, he deliberately used his spiritual consciousness to scan around. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he looked relieved and continued to activate the [Taibai Killing Jiao] Sword] dug an ice hole in the ice and snow ground.

Not long after this, an ice cave dozens of feet deep was forcibly dug out by the flying sword.

Then, just when Zhou Chun was about to enter the ice cave with Wu Yishan, the ice crystal demon wolf that had been hiding more than ten miles away from him came out again, and directly used the ice escape technique to dodge to his back, and directly waved its claws fiercely. He slapped him hard.

It's now!

There was a sudden flash of yellow light on Zhou Chun's body, and an earth-yellow shield suddenly flew out from his back, turning into a huge shield as big as a door panel to protect him, just in time to block the slapping beast's claws.

At the same moment, the golden tripod suspended above his head suddenly flashed with golden light, and instantly turned into a golden spear and shot towards the ice crystal demon wolf.


Suddenly there was a shrill howl of a wolf in the snowstorm, even overpowering the sound of the endless wind and snow.

Above the snow, the golden spear transformed from the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] hit the ice crystal demon wolf's waist and abdomen like a crossbow arrow, almost piercing it!

The ice crystal-like crystallized shell on its body is just a cardboard shell in front of the golden spear, which can be broken with a poke.

And this is the new magical power unlocked by the [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] after smelting the broken top-grade magic weapon [Xuansha Soul-Destroying Spear]. It was named "Jin Gang Soul-Destroying Spear" by Zhou Chun.

This spear is extremely sharp, and its armor-piercing ability is unparalleled. In terms of armor-piercing ability alone, it is no worse than some high-grade magical flying swords, far from being comparable to the mid-grade magical flying swords such as [Taibai Sword of Dragon Slayer].

At this moment, a shot hit the ice crystal demon wolf, and an extremely sharp power of Gengjin roamed freely in its body, constantly destroying its meridians, blood vessels and internal organs.

But the ice crystal demon wolf is a fourth-level monster after all, and its powerful vitality is there. It is undoubtedly very unrealistic to kill it with just one shot.

After he let out a miserable howl, he immediately turned into a white afterimage and quickly retreated, trying to distance himself from Zhou Chun.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chun slapped the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the thunder dragon in vain.

The land of ice is not a good environment for Lei Jiao Baibai, but it is not an environment that is too bad and will not affect the performance of his own strength.

This is also the reason why the Jiaolong clan is so powerful. It is not affected by most environments at all and has the ability to adapt to various environments.

In a sense, the same is true for human monks!

As soon as he was released by Zhou Chun, Thunder Dragon Baibai immediately chased the escaped ice crystal demon wolf.

The ice crystal demon wolf was severely injured by Zhou Chun, and the golden spear formed by the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] was still inserted in his body. The so-called invisibility technique could no longer work at all, and even the ice escape technique was sometimes ineffective when used.

It didn't take much effort for the thunder dragon to catch up with it.

Although the ice field is the home ground of the Ice Crystal Demonic Wolf, how can it be the opponent of the Thunder Dragon in vain as it is suffering heavy losses at this moment.

Even if it escapes into the ice underground, the thunder dragon Baibai can lock it with the aura emitted by the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] and directly activate the thunder and lightning magical power to bombard it.

And ice and snow itself cannot absorb and dissolve the power of thunder and lightning like rocks and soil, so it cannot give it much safety protection at all.

So much so that not long after it hid under the ice, it would immediately jump out again covered in smoke!

"Don't move around here. I'll come back as soon as I go!"

When Wu Yishan was still shocked and dumbfounded by Zhou Chun's sudden summons of a fourth-order thunder dragon, Zhou Chun's figure disappeared beside him, and only Zhou Chun's voice urging him echoed in his mind.

"With a cultivation level in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and a fourth-level thunder dragon spiritual pet, he can also easily take out the poisonous cultivation techniques created by the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage. Could this senior Zhang be one of the rumored ones from the Great Zhou Kingdom? A top sect elder?"

Wu Yishan recalled the information that Zhou Chun claimed to be from the Great Zhou Kingdom, and couldn't help but guess his true origin.

Then he was more in awe of Zhou Chun.

He didn't wait for long before he saw Zhou Chun returning riding a fourth-order thunder dragon.

Judging from Zhou Chun's slightly happy expression, it was obvious that the hunt for the ice crystal wolf went very smoothly this time.

Seeing this, Wu Yishan also quickly sent congratulations: "Congratulations to Senior Zhang for successfully killing the ice crystal demon wolf."

"Haha, this beast is also looking for death, and he hit the muzzle of the gun."

Zhou Chun laughed and did not deny the matter.

The ice crystal demon wolf indeed died at his hands, and he didn't even have time to self-destruct the demon elixir at the last moment.

After killing this demon queen, Zhou Chun not only obtained a fourth-level low-grade ice attribute demon pill, but also obtained all its materials.

The flesh and blood of fourth-level monsters are a great source of nourishment, and the bones of minions, teeth, and beasts are also weapons-refining materials at the level of magic weapons and spiritual materials.

Opportunities like this to be able to kill a fourth-level monster are rare.

Although there were monsters of this level in the wilderness, Zhou Chun did not dare to hunt them for fear of offending the dragon clan.

The fourth-order monsters in other places are either hiding from human monks, or they are protected by the fifth-order monster king, and cannot be easily touched.

Only on this ice sheet, the fourth-level monsters move around far away from their lairs, and they won't cause any trouble even if they are killed.

Next, Zhou Chun and Wu Yishan hid directly in the dug ice cave and waited patiently for the snowstorm to end.

I never thought that this wait would be as long as a month and a half!

"Now we are in big trouble! The month-and-a-half-long snowstorm will definitely cause great changes to the ice field environment within the area. If we want to find Yumu Ice Lake, I am afraid it will take more time and energy!"

In the ice and snow, Wu Yishan looked at the dozens of feet of snow in all directions, and couldn't help expressing his inner worries with a sad face.

But Zhou Chun, perhaps because of the unexpected gain of the ice crystal demon wolf, was not so anxious at this time. He just said lightly: "It's already like this, there's no point in being anxious, just take your time and look for it!"

"Yes, senior, please rest assured, no matter what, junior will definitely take senior to Yumu Ice Lake!"

Wu Yishan's heart trembled, and he immediately issued a military order with a solemn expression.

Zhou Chun then followed his instructions and took him flying around the nearby area to find reference objects that could be located.

After struggling like this for a full nine days, Wu Yishan once again found a familiar reference object to determine the location of the two.

The so-called difference is a thousand miles.

When they re-established their position, Zhou Chun and the others had already retreated to the four-dash line area!

But there is no way, this is the harsh environment on the ice sheet.

According to Wu Yishan, many monks who went deep into the ice field and never returned to the Frozen End Kingdom did not die at the hands of the ice field monsters. Instead, they ran out of supplies after getting lost. In the end, they could only absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth outside to restore their mana, and then were gradually destroyed by the turbidity. The evil spirit corrodes the body and soul of the mana, eventually leading to the devil!

Fortunately, Zhou Chun always had a lot of mana-restoring elixirs on him, and he also brought four spiritual crystals with him. In addition, he was not afraid of the erosion of the evil spirit at all, so he didn't have to worry about this.

After re-determining the direction at this time, he continued to set off under Wu Yishan's guidance.

Just because of the snowstorm, it was still difficult to find reference objects later, and we also encountered some small snowstorms.

By the time Zhou Chun really saw the so-called Yumu Ice Lake, it was already more than eight months after he stepped into the ice field!

Yumu Glacier Lake is also a miraculous place on the ice sheet.

Standing in the sky and looking down, I saw a piece of snow-white land, and suddenly there was a touch of blue at a certain location.

If you look carefully, you will find that it is a round lake like an eyeball. The lake water is as blue as a wash and as clear as a crystal!

The size of Yumu Ice Lake is not fixed. When the lake is at its widest, it can reach three to five hundred miles, and when it is smallest, it is less than a hundred miles.

But no matter how severe the snowstorm is, this place will not be completely frozen.

The abundance of fish and shrimp in the lake attracted many ice monsters to come to the area to look for food. Zhou Chun even saw a group of red-clawed white goose monster birds, known for their long-distance flight and cold resistance, looking for food in the water.

He focused his eyes on the water and could easily see the groups of fish and shrimp swimming in the water.

Perhaps due to the influence of food, there are no big fish in this lake, and most fish are less than the size of a palm.

But the number of fish schools is very large.

The shrimp is also very interesting. It is a transparent white shrimp with only blue eyes. The population is also very large.

"There are many ice plain monsters living around Yumu Ice Lake, many of which are unique to the ice plain. Whether they are fur minions or cubs, they are very popular in the Frozen End Kingdom, so this junior has also teamed up with others before. There have been adventures here.”

"It's just that this place has gathered a large number of ice monsters, so it has become a place where those fourth-level monsters often come to hunt. For juniors and others, the danger is really not small, and they don't dare to stay here any longer!"

When Wu Yishan saw Zhou Chun looking at the lake below from the air and not looking down for a long time, he took the initiative to talk about the situation here.

"Then there are no fourth-level monsters nesting here?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly asked the doubts in his heart.

Hearing his words, Wu Yishan was slightly stunned at first, and then immediately replied in a low voice: "There will definitely be fourth-level monsters who want to build their nests here, but the problem is that the concept of monster territory is too strong. Once there are fourth-level monsters, If a beast builds a nest here, it will become the mortal enemy of all other fourth-level monsters that rely on this place for a living, and will be besieged by other fourth-order monsters!"

"So even a fourth-level high-grade monster wouldn't dare to monopolize this place!"

After hearing this answer, Zhou Chun looked at him and said, "Is this your guess, or is there any evidence?"

"Well, this statement is probably just a guess, but it is indeed reasonable!"

Wu Yishan hesitated for a moment, then told the truth truthfully.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun just nodded and did not continue the topic.

Then he got off the airship and landed on the ice not far from the lake.

After landing like this, Zhou Chun looked at Wu Yishan and asked: "It stands to reason that after arriving here, Wu Daoyou, your mission has been completed. What are your plans next? Should you wait here for me to return together, or should you go alone first?" return?"

After hearing this, Wu Yishan only hesitated for a moment, and then quickly replied truthfully: "The ice field is dangerous. If you are just a junior, there is little chance of returning to Fengyi Country alone. If you are Senior Zhang, you will not stay too long. If there is time, I still want to return with you!"

After hearing his answer, Zhou Chun thought for a while and then told him bluntly: "Zhang came to Yumu Ice Lake for the fourth-order toad-like monster that Fellow Daoist Liu mentioned. How long will it take to wait?" It’s hard to say, but since it’s already here, Zhang can still afford to wait for two or three years!”

"Two or three years?"

Wu Yishan's expression changed slightly, and his face was suddenly filled with worry.

Zhou Chun naturally understood what he was worried about.

The fire poison in Wu Yuzhu's body used to be suppressed every two or three years by using some precious ice-based spiritual objects.

They have been out for more than half a year now, and taking into account the time spent guarding her before practicing the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual", the fire poison in her body will accumulate to its limit in a year or two.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, Zhou Chun also knew the entanglement in her heart, so she decided to be a good person and stick to it. He immediately spoke again: "Well, if you are worried about the fire poison in your daughter's body, you can go back first. Zhang is here There are two third-level high-quality talismans that can be given to you."

After saying that, he took out two third-level high-grade magic talismans, one for attack and one for defense, from his storage bag and handed them to the other party.

Then after thinking about it, he took out a bottle of [Big Replenishing Pill] to replenish mana and handed it over.

Zhou Chun currently has a lot of such talismans and elixirs in his storage bag. They are basically trophies obtained from killing powerful enemies before.

And it was his words and decision that seemed to give Wu Yishan motivation and leverage.

The other party, who was still hesitant and entangled, immediately made up his mind.

I saw him taking the talisman and elixir, and then bowed deeply towards Zhou Chun and said: "Thank you, senior, for your understanding and reward. Senior is so kind and kind. I have nothing to repay. I can only wish that senior can think about things well." Success, you get what you want!"

After saying that, he resolutely set out on his way back alone.

After watching Wu Yishan's figure go away and disappear within the coverage of his spiritual consciousness, Zhou Chun looked back at the icy lake in front of him and quickly made a decision.

But when he raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, he released the thunder dragon in vain, and then let him enter the ice lake to look for the possible fourth-order toad-like monster for him.

Although Wu Yishan said that no fourth-level monsters used this fish-eye ice lake as their territory to build nests, Zhou Chun felt that if the fourth-order toad monsters really existed, they would probably hide at the bottom of the lake and build their nests.

After all, toad monsters have a home field advantage underwater, making it very convenient for fighting or escaping.

More importantly, this kind of monsters are generally relatively homely, and their territorial awareness is not as strong as that of other fourth-level monsters. They may not be so overbearing that they regard the ice fields on the shore as their own territory.

The dragon is the king of the water. As a fourth-level dragon, Thunder Dragon Baibai has the ability to escape and save his life even if he encounters a fourth-level high-grade monster underwater. Zhou Chun is not worried about its safety.

After waiting patiently on the shore for almost half a day, he waited until the thunder dragon returned in vain.

But the answer Lei Jiao brought back in vain made Zhou Chun a little disappointed.

"Didn't you find it? It seems that what Wu Yishan said really makes sense!"

He murmured to himself, and immediately had no choice but to put the thunder dragon back into his spirit beast bag, patiently dug a hole on the edge of the ice lake, and waited silently.

If the fourth-level toad monster really exists, then it will definitely come to Yumu Ice Lake again. After all, it is not easy to have a full meal away from this place.

And with the [Jin of Pure Heaven and Earth] in his body, Zhou Chun can still meditate and practice freely even if he is on the ice field, but the effect is not as good as in his own cave.

So he could afford to wait.

Time passed slowly like this, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past six months, two fourth-level monsters have come to Yumu Ice Lake, both of which came to hunt and eat when they were hungry.

And after they have had a good meal, they will leave this place very quickly, with no intention of staying there for a long time.

Zhou Chun had actually thought about hunting these fourth-level monsters.

But after careful consideration, he restrained his greed and waited patiently for his goal to appear.

The fourth-order monsters were already very intelligent. Zhou Chun was afraid that if he hunted the fourth-order monsters nearby, he would be offended, and he was even more afraid that he would be besieged by other fourth-order monsters.

It's just that once a fourth-level monster has a full meal, it can often go without food for several years as long as it doesn't move around frequently.

Therefore, Zhou Chun really had no idea how long he would have to wait to reach his goal.

He can only set a limit for himself, three years.

Once the three-year period is over, he will return to Frozen Yi Country immediately!

After staying in Yumu Ice Lake for a long time, Zhou Chun could be regarded as seeing the magic of this place.

Even if there was a previous snowstorm that lasted for more than a month, the surface of Yumu Ice Lake would at most be reduced to a very small part, and at most most of the lake would be covered with a thin layer of ice.

Once the blizzard stops soon, the lake surface frozen by the wind and snow will thaw quickly.

Why this is the case, Zhou Chun is not very clear.

All he knew was that the water temperature in the lake was indeed not low, not even freezing.

But Zhou Chun's luck seems to have been pretty good.

After waiting for about sixteen months in Yumu Ice Lake, he finally waited until his target appeared.

On this day, Zhou Chun meditated in the ice cave as usual.

Suddenly, a thunderous toad cry sounded from outside, which instantly made him open his eyes, and he hurriedly stopped and walked out of the ice cave.

He carefully restrained his breath, came to a high ground, and looked towards the place where the sound of the toad was coming from.

On the shore of a glacial lake about a hundred miles away, a group of red-clawed white geese living in the glacial lake were hurriedly leaving the water and flying high away from the lake with bursts of whining sounds.

Despite this, several adult red-clawed geese were still unable to escape and were frozen on the lake by streaks of white ice light.

And a giant white toad was opening its mouth wide, chewing and swallowing the red-clawed white geese one by one.

When Zhou Chun saw this scene, an old saying suddenly came to his mind, a toad eats swan meat!

The red-clawed white goose is much rarer and more powerful than the swan.

This is a real mid-level monster, the leader is even a third-level monster.

But even so, facing the giant white toad that exudes the aura of a fourth-level mid-grade monster, they still find it difficult to escape the fate of serving as food.

This giant white toad is seven to eight feet long from head to tail, and its belly is so big that it looks like it can swallow mountains and seas.

One or two red-clawed white geese, which are only one size smaller than it, cannot fill its belly.

It wasn't until it ate five in one go that it let out a cry of satisfaction. Then the long whale swallowed a large amount of white shrimps and lake water in one go, as if it was an after-dinner dessert and drink.

After eating and drinking in this way, the beast was not in a hurry to leave, but just floated on the lake and closed its eyes for a nap.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun suddenly felt something in his heart and had an idea.

To be honest, Zhou Chun didn't know the origin of this giant white toad.

The opponent looks somewhat similar to the third-order ice toad he killed before, but upon closer inspection, he can still find that the surface of the opponent's white skin has silver spots that the third-order ice toad does not have.

It's just that the silver spots themselves are lighter in color and are not eye-catching under the white cover. The only eye-catching spot is concentrated on the opponent's head, where there is a more conspicuous silver mark.

But it doesn't matter if you can't recognize the origin of the white giant toad. As long as you kill the opponent, you will know whether you have found the right target.

For Zhou Chun, the cultivation of the fourth-order middle-grade white giant toad is indeed a big challenge.

But this also means that as long as he successfully kills the opponent, and the opponent really has the bloodline of [Taiyin Moon Toad], then he can directly use the natal essence and blood extracted from the opponent's body to complete the "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter".

In view of this, Zhou Chun had no hesitation at all about whether to take action.

I saw him quietly moving to the other end of the ice lake, two to three hundred miles away from the location of the white giant toad.

This distance is completely enough to avoid being detected by the other party.

Then Zhou Chun released the thunder dragon in vain, directly performed the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", and merged with it to form a human-faced thunder dragon!

Because Zhou Chun is already at the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, after the integration of the human-faced thunder dragon, his cultivation has also directly become the fourth-order middle stage.

Then I saw this human-faced thunder dragon dive into the lake and disappear in the lake water in an instant.

However, because it was difficult to conceal the aura after being combined, when the human-faced thunder dragon entered the range of a hundred miles from the white giant toad, it was still instantly discovered by the white giant toad who was taking a nap on the lake.

Immediately, a toad cry containing anger was heard, and the giant white toad dived into the water and took the initiative to kill the human-faced thunder dragon.


Soon bursts of muffled thunder and roars sounded from the lake, and silver lightning could even be seen flashing and splashing on the lake.

At the same time, some lake water suddenly condensed into ice, freezing for dozens of miles!

The strength of the white giant toad was much stronger than Zhou Chun expected.

His ice-attribute magical powers are very impressive, and he has no obvious weaknesses in both offense and defense. No wonder he dared to take the initiative to kill him after sensing the aura of the human-faced thunder dragon.

It's a pity that what it faced was not just a fourth-order thunder dragon, but a middle-stage golden elixir monk.

Zhou Chun didn't dare to hide his clumsiness when dealing with such fourth-level mid-level monsters.

Not only did he use all his thunder and lightning powers, he also took out the high-grade magic weapon [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase].

With his current level of cultivation, after activating the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase], he can already exert the full power of the "Two Dragons Seizing the Pearl" magical power.

It was this blow that quickly helped him achieve gratifying results.

I saw two divine lights, one blue and one white, flying out of the vase, chasing the white giant toad like two dragons, as if they were fighting for the dragon ball.

They first hit the white iceberg condensed by the white giant toad's magical power. As a result, they easily punched two curved holes in the iceberg cave that was as high as 100 feet.

Seeing this, the white ice toad inside hurriedly activated his magical power to condense a white ice crystal armor on the surface of his body.

As a result, this white ice crystal armor also shattered instantly under the impact of two divine lights!

Immediately afterwards, the white giant toad, which no longer had any protection, could only rely on its physical body to withstand the impact of two divine lights.

The final result was that two bloody holes were blasted out of its body, and its flesh and blood flew instantly.

This time the beast's arrogance was completely knocked down. It screamed, immediately froze the wound, then turned around and ran away.

How could Zhou Chun sit back and watch this beast escape?

He first used the water control ability mastered by the thunder dragon to gather all the blood flowing out of the white giant toad into a blood bead and collected it, then he chased after him with a swing of the dragon's tail.

In this lake, the thunder escape technique can still be used at will, and the white giant toad cannot escape Zhou Chun no matter what.

But this beast really resisted being beaten. Zhou Chun chased it all the way and gave it more than a dozen wounds, large and small, but the beast used its own freezing power to freeze the wounds, minimizing its own injuries.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only use another trump card again, activating the [Moon Toad Orb] to display the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light".

But something happened that surprised and surprised him.

The white giant toad that was hit by the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" was frozen into ice on the spot.

But he quickly escaped from the ice, then looked at the [Moon Toad Orb] with fear and longing in his eyes, and continued to escape without looking back.

This is the first time Zhou Chun has failed to kill a target using the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" since he sacrificed the [Moon Toad Orb].

And judging from how easily the white giant toad escaped, it didn't even suffer any major damage.

This situation is undoubtedly very unusual.

Zhou Chun has reason to believe that the reason why the white giant toad was able to escape from the freezing state of the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" so easily is because it possesses the bloodline of the [Taiyin Moon Toad].

In this way, it naturally has extraordinary resistance to the same source of power.

Just like how Bai Bai, the thunder dragon, was able to survive a blow from the fifth level thunder dragon when he broke through to the fourth level.

In this way, Zhou Chun had more reason to kill the white giant toad.

But now that the magical power of the [Moon Toad Orb], a spiritual treasure, has been abolished, it means that it is much more difficult for Zhou Chun to kill the white giant toad.

Because he could no longer rely on the freezing power of the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" to prevent the fourth-level monster from self-destructing the demon pill, and he also lacked a final move.

In view of this, he could only take the initiative to cancel the combined state to prevent the white giant toad from escaping because the combined time was too long and the Lei Jiao's vitality was damaged.

In the following time, Zhou Chun's master and servant and the white giant toad chased and escaped, and staged a ten-thousand-mile chase in the ice lake under the ice!

After chasing him for thousands of miles in one go, the white giant toad was at the end of its strength under the pursuit of Zhou Chun's master and servant, and his whole body was covered with various scars.

But at this time they all came to a strange place.

The deep lake water was suddenly stained with a layer of black, and the water temperature was unusually cold.

But the temperature has obviously reached freezing levels, but it has not frozen the lake water here!

This strange sight made Zhou Chun feel more vigilant.

But thinking that the white giant toad was at the end of its fight, he still chased after it with his spiritual pet with firm eyes.

National Day gift! ! ! !

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