Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 585: The Great Master of Weapon Refining in the Ice [8,000 words, please subscribe]

In the deep and dark lake, a burst of colorful fire suddenly appeared.

The appearance of this fire seemed to alarm a certain existence.

In a certain black water eye, an old man in red robe was frozen in the black ice. Suddenly his eyelids moved slightly and his eyes opened slightly.

Then his lips moved slightly, as if he was talking to someone, or shouting silently.

Looking at the place where the seven-colored firelight rose, a Hell Fire Phoenix, whose entire body was burning with seven-colored flames, appeared in the deep and cold lake at some point.

At this moment, the white giant toad was also stained with the [Glass Purifying Fire] that could not be extinguished by splashing water, and it was burned until it screamed in agony.

This is the moment!

While the giant white toad was desperately pumping up the cold energy in his body to extinguish the [Glass Purifying Fire], Zhou Chun activated the [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] and once again used the killing move of the "Golden Gang Soul-Destroying Spear".

But when he saw a bit of golden light piercing the darkness, it instantly hit the back of the giant white toad, directly piercing its entire body and skewering it.

At this time, Thunder Dragon Baibai also dodged and rushed to the side of the giant white toad. The dragon claws flashing with purgatory lightning struck him hard, injecting a large amount of thunder and lightning power into his body and dissipating his magic power.

That's not all. After Zhou Chun used the "Golden Soul-Destroying Spear", he also quickly cast spells, and then used the "Concentric Golden Lock" secret technique that he had not used for a long time, relying on the secret technique's effect to suppress the white giant toad. The magic power of the demon elixir in the body prevents it from self-destructing the demon elixir.

With this multi-pronged approach, the white giant toad really failed to detonate the demon pill.

And while the giant white toad was trapped and locked by Zhou Chun and Thunder Dragon Baibai, Yan Jing Huo Feng Fei tore open its body with his front claw, and directly took out a demon pill that shimmered with white ice light!

Once such a demonic elixir leaves the body, it is impossible to self-destruct.

Soon, even the demon soul and demon pill were imprisoned and sealed into a black jade bottle by Zhou Chun, and he put it away with the flip of his hand.

Then Zhou Chun hurriedly asked the Thunder Dragon to create a waterless space in vain, and hurriedly processed the body of the white giant toad, squeezing out all the blood and blood essence from its body, and filled it in a special spirit-sealing bottle. Avoid loss of spiritual power due to improper storage.

After hastily disposing of the body of the giant white toad, Zhou Chuncai put away the Fire Phoenix, which was extremely unsuitable for the environment, and then sat on the Thunder Dragon Baibai, looking in a certain direction and pondering.

When he killed the giant white toad just now, he vaguely seemed to hear a voice coming from that direction.

It's just that at that time, all his energy was focused on how to kill the white giant toad, and he didn't have the thought to pay attention at all.

"At the bottom of the abyss, there is a mysterious water eye, a chance to have a baby!"

Zhou Chun carefully chewed the words conveyed by the voice just now, and couldn't help but reveal a hint of cynicism in his eyes.

Is the opportunity to conceive a baby so easy to obtain?

Even if a normal person discovered this, how could he say anything about it?

Using the opportunity of having a baby to lure you there must be a bad intention!

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and immediately let the thunder dragon return to Yumu Ice Lake in vain.

That's right, after chasing the white giant toad for thousands of miles, Zhou Chun was no longer in Yumu Ice Lake.

There is a well-developed water system under the ice sheet, and Yumu Ice Lake itself is connected to other water systems. Zhou Chun had already entered an unknown lake in the ice sheet.

I don't know where this place is located in the ice sheet, maybe it's seven or eight sections deep.

Being in such a strange area, Zhou Chun naturally wouldn't walk around randomly and just wanted to return to the Yumu Ice Lake.

But just as he started to return, the voice loomed in his ears again.

"I am the great master of weapon refining, Master Yan Cang. If my fellow Taoist can come over and help me, I will be rewarded generously!"

The great master of weapon refining!

Zhou Chun's expression was shocked, and his face was suddenly filled with surprise.

The three words "Grand Master" cannot be given to oneself casually. In order to be called a "Grand Master", one must refine a spiritual treasure.

Of course, because the creation of spiritual treasures is too difficult and focuses on opportunities, many great masters of weapon refining may only be able to refine one spiritual treasure in their lifetime!

But no matter what, the weapon refining skills of the great masters in this world of immortality can be said to have reached an extreme level. As long as they have the right materials, they can easily refine low-grade magic weapons and medium-grade magic weapons.

Even top-grade magic weapons and top-grade magic weapons, as long as the materials are of high enough grade, there is a good chance that they can be refined.

With this skill alone, the Grand Master of Weapon Refining in any country, even a country like the Great Zhou Kingdom, has a status comparable to that of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul, and is respected and befriended by countless high-level monks.

Even those Nascent Soul stage monks would be willing to give them face.

After all, if an ordinary early-stage Nascent Soul monk had one more top-quality magic weapon, his strength would also be improved.

Moreover, most of the Nascent Soul stage monks have sects and families, and they have a huge demand for both low-grade and mid-grade magic weapons.

Zhou Chun originally didn't want to pay attention to that voice.

But now that the other party actually reported his origin and said that he was a master of weapon refining, he had to stop.

He really has a few good things in him, and he must have a strong person at the level of a master of weapon refining to fully help him exert their effects.

For example, the fifth-level Thunder Dragon Fang and Dragon Soul he obtained originally. If these two treasures were refined by a great weapon refiner, they would be guaranteed to be a top-grade magic weapon, and there was even a small chance that they could be refined into top-grade ones. magic weapon!

Another example is the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase], a high-grade magic weapon. If a master refiner is willing to help repair it, there is a high probability that it can be completely restored to its original state.

There is also the colorful dragon fish that Zhou Chun killed on the secret island. It has dragon scales and a demon pill. Zhou Chun has never found a suitable way to deal with it. Maybe he can also ask the master of the weapon refiner to refine it into one. Special magic weapon.

In addition, the single horn of the [Thunder Lob Beast] in his hand also needs the help of a grand master-level weapon refiner to ensure that it can be refined into a calamity-saving magic weapon.

In view of this, Zhou Chun had to stop and think about whether to go and help as the other party said.

Although he didn't know how a Yuan Ying stage monk could be reduced to the point where he needed the help of a Golden Core stage monk.

At this time, Zhou Chun only regretted that he had little knowledge and had never heard of the name of Master Yan Cang. Otherwise, he might be able to know whether he was really a great master of weapon refining and what his reputation was!

"Wait and see if he has anything to say!"

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Zhou Chun was no longer in a hurry to leave. Instead, he took out the spiritual crystal and began to restore his mana. By the way, he also fed the thunder dragon some pills to replenish his mana and physical strength.

However, until Zhou Chun recovered all the magic power in his body, he never received any more transmissions.

I don’t know whether it’s because the other party is unable to send more messages, or because he feels that the words he said before are already touching enough, and there is no need to say more.

In short, this made Zhou Chun passive.

To go or not to go?

Zhou Chun looked at the direction from which the voice came and fell into a difficult decision.

On the one hand, there is an unknown danger that even the Nascent Soul Stage monks are trapped in, and on the other hand, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get to know the great master of weapon refining and help him get out of trouble.

This is indeed a very difficult decision to make.

"That's all! Let's go and take a look first. If there is any danger, the most I can do is send a message to the great master, and I will never be involved in the danger myself!"

After hesitating for a long time, Zhou Chun still sighed softly, unwilling to let go of this rare opportunity.

And now that he had made his choice, he quickly let the thunder dragon swim in the direction of the sound without hesitation.

In this way, as the thunder dragon Baibai swam deeper and deeper, Zhou Chun found that the chill in the lake was getting stronger and stronger.

After advancing for about a hundred miles, the chill in the water even made him feel cold.

If the Zifu period monks were here, they would probably have to use all their magic power to resist the cold invasion.

Fortunately, as a fourth-level dragon, Thunder Dragon Baibai was able to easily resist the cold and was not affected by it.

But when they advanced another hundred miles, the chill in the water became stronger to a new level.

Even Zhou Chun began to use his magic power to resist the cold invasion, and even Thunder Dragon Baibai felt uncomfortable.

After Zhou Chun discovered this, he somewhat understood why the white giant toad fled here.

The ice-type white giant toad will definitely be less afraid of this kind of cold, and maybe it will be like a fish in water and in better condition.

If it really escapes into the colder waters, even if Zhou Chun summons the Hell Fire Phoenix, he may not be able to capture it!

"The abyss of extreme cold, the eyes of mysterious water..."

Zhou Chun recalled what the Master Yan Cang said at the beginning, and seemed to understand something vaguely.

Then his expression couldn't help but become very solemn.

If it is what he thinks, then the danger of continuing forward is really not small.

But thinking of the [Moon Toad Orb] in his body, Zhou Chun felt relieved again.

[Moon Toad Orb] itself can absorb cold air. It was thanks to the help of this object that Zhou Chun was able to conquer strange insects like [Sky Frost Bee].

So if it just gets colder as he goes forward, it's not that he can't hold on.

So after giving some warnings to Lei Jiao in vain, he allowed him to move on.

After traveling for more than a hundred miles in this way, the lake water had completely turned black, and the chill in it was enough to freeze to death the late monks of the Zi Mansion.

At this point, fourth-level dragons like Thunder Dragon Baibai have to activate their magical power to protect themselves from frostbite!

In such a cold environment, the water still did not freeze, which shows that the lake itself is very special.

And although the water has never frozen, the resistance within it has increased countless times.

Even a dragon like Thunder Dragon Baibai, who is naturally good at controlling water, cannot move as fast here as when he was chasing the white giant toad before.

If it were Zhou Chun himself, it would take a lot of mana just to move forward in the water.

After proceeding a hundred miles like this, the chill in the water increased to another level, to the point where even the Thunder Dragon was having a hard time, and to the point where Zhou Chun had to activate the [Moon Toad Orb] to drive away the cold.

And the pitch-black lake water is like mercury, making it difficult to walk in it.

At this point, Lei Jiao Baibai's natural water control ability has completely failed, and it is difficult to exert any effect.

If it wants to move forward, it also needs to spend a lot of mana!

Seeing this, Zhou Chun simply put it back into the spirit beast bag to rest, and then activated the [Taibai Dragon Sword] to cut through the waves to clear the way, and continued to move forward alone.

Zhou Chun's subsequent journey of just tens of miles was more expensive than driving thousands of miles.

After he had advanced for about seventy or eighty miles with great difficulty, the scene in front of him suddenly shocked him!

Twenty or thirty miles ahead, a deep and dark eye suddenly appeared at the bottom of the lake.

There is extremely pure darkness there, so dark that it cannot contain any light, like a black hole!

And Zhou Chun's consciousness was almost frozen and annihilated by the extreme cold just by getting close to it.

Before the consciousness invested in it was completely frozen and annihilated, Zhou Chun's consciousness discovered a piece of black ice and touched another stream of consciousness.

Unfortunately, before he could communicate with that spiritual consciousness, his own spiritual consciousness was frozen and obliterated by the extreme cold.

But fortunately, the other party also discovered his spiritual consciousness, and quickly spread it to contact him.

He heard an old voice suddenly ringing in his ears: "What do you call me, little friend? I, Master Yan Cang, come from the Fire Kingdom!"

Fire Kingdom?

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly showed a look of surprise.

He has heard of the name of this country, but it seems that this country is located in the far west, probably no less than hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Frozen Yi Country!

Why did Master Yan Cang come from such a far away place to this far east ice field?

This seemed to explain why he had never heard of the name of Master Yancang, the great master of weapon refining.

After all, the Huo Luo Kingdom in the far west is already a different region even though it is more than ten or two hundred thousand miles away from the Great Zhou Kingdom.

However, although he was extremely surprised in his heart, he still responded quickly: "Junior Zhang Liang, a Sanxiu cultivator from the Great Zhou Kingdom, has met senior Yancang Zhenren."

"It turns out to be Zhang Xiaoyou. I have also been to the Great Zhou Kingdom and exchanged experiences with several weapon refining masters there. Unfortunately, that was all over 200 years ago!!"

Master Yan Cang said calmly, as if he was talking about a very common thing.

But after Zhou Chun heard his words, he was secretly shocked.

Judging from the meaning of his words, it seems that he has been trapped here for many years!

This made Zhou Chun also very curious as to what caused the other party to be trapped.

Thinking of this, he simply asked directly: "Why is Senior Yan Cang trapped here? Is there anything I can do to help Senior?"

"This place is a deep abyss in the East Pole Icefield. The water eye below is the Xuanming Water Eye. The Xuanming cold air that overflows from it is extremely cold. It is the first-class extreme cold air in the world. The uses are endless!”

"If Zhang Xiaoyou practices ice-attribute skills or water-attribute skills, when the golden elixir is perfected and he collects the mysterious cold energy here and smelts it into his own mana, he can increase the chance of forming a baby by half a percent!"

"And even if you don't practice these two attributes, as long as you can withstand the impact of Xuanming's cold energy, you can refine this thing's pure magic power and temper your body!"

"For our weapon refiners, this Xuanming cold air is an excellent quenching object, and it is also an excellent material for refining certain cold attribute magic weapons!"

Master Yan Cang was talking eloquently, and seemed to be in no hurry to talk about his escape. Instead, he introduced Zhou Chun to the benefits of Xuan Ming's cold energy.

And Zhou Chun was indeed attracted by his words.

It can increase the chance of forming a baby with the semi-completed elixir, which is an irresistible temptation for any golden elixir stage monk!

After all, there have been too many so-called geniuses who have fallen to the level of transforming elixirs into babies.

Even if they have the best spiritual root qualifications, there are still many people who fail to transform into elixirs and form babies in the end.

The spiritual objects that can improve the success rate of transforming elixirs into babies are all rare in the world and rarely circulated on the market.

Even for monks in the Nascent Soul stage who have successfully transformed elixirs and formed infants, it is very, very difficult to obtain such spiritual objects again!

Therefore, although the probability of forming a baby with a half-made elixir is not high, Zhou Chun believes that there will still be many late-stage golden elixir monks who practice ice-attribute skills who are willing to bankrupt their fortunes for this item!

After all, a very real problem is that even if many late-stage Jindan monks lose their money, they are unable to exchange themselves for spiritual objects that can even increase the half-percent chance of conceiving a baby.

Therefore, for a moment, Zhou Chun hated himself for not practicing the ice attribute technique.

However, if Master Yancang is not lying, even if he cannot use Xuanming Cold Qi to increase the success rate of transforming pills into infants, he can still use this object to purify his magic power and strengthen his body. It is not completely useless.

And his spiritual pets should also be able to enjoy these benefits, at least Lei Jiao Bai Bai can definitely do so.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun suddenly felt better.

But he was also not in a hurry to ask how to collect the Xuanming cold energy. He just waited patiently for Master Yan Cang to continue speaking.

It's not him who is trapped now, and there is no need for him to follow the opponent's rhythm.

Sure enough, after seeing that Zhou Chun seemed unmoved, the old man in red robe who was frozen in the black ice also trembled slightly.

Then he heard a long sigh: "Hey! I originally came here to collect Xuanming cold energy to refine a top-quality magic weapon with ice attributes. However, I encountered a Xuanming anaconda that had become a climate here. Although with the help of The power of the Lingbao in his hand finally wiped out his spirituality, but it was also frozen by the Xuanming cold energy that erupted before his death, and he was trapped here!"

Speaking of this, he also said angrily and unconvinced: "If it were in other places, even if it was blocked by ice, it would take some time for me to break through the ice. However, this place is the Xuanming Water Eye, and there are always The Xuanming cold energy overflows!"

"After sensing the power of the same source, the overflowing Xuanming cold energy will gather on its own to strengthen the seal, making it almost impossible for me to break the seal on my own. I can only rely on my strong cultivation to fight against it. Spend time!”

Is that so?

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed slightly, and he believed the other party's words for the time being.

Then he asked very sharply and directly: "If according to what the senior said, I was trapped here for so many years and had to spend time with the Xuanming cold energy, how did my magic power recover? Could it be that it was directly absorbed and refined by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth? "

Hearing what he said, Master Yancang immediately felt unhappy. He couldn't help but lower his tone and asked in a deep voice: "What do you mean by this, little friend? Could it be that I am worried that I have been corroded by the evil spirit and am losing my mind?" ?”

"Junior doesn't dare! Junior is just curious!"

Zhou Chun quickly surrendered, but the meaning behind his words was that he had no intention of backing down.

Master Yancang didn't know if he really had no other choice. When he saw him stepping down, he could only follow his words and said: "My little friend, you have little knowledge. Of course you don't know. Our Nascent Soul The early monks have various ways to refine the turbid and evil energy!"

"For example, the [Heavenly Yang Gang Fire] I practice is the Zhiyang True Fire that is collected from the Yang Gang Qi of the nine heavens. It is naturally no problem to refine the turbid and evil Qi!"

This was the first time Zhou Chun heard this statement, and he was quite curious for a while. He knew that this might be something that only real people in the Nascent Soul stage knew.

There was no doubt in my heart that Master Yan Cang was lying.

When one has reached the Nascent Soul stage, one has indeed reached the top of the world of immortality. It is not impossible to master some means of resolving the turbid and evil energy.

However, even if, as Master Yan Cang said, the [Tian Yang Gang Fire] he cultivates can refine the turbid and evil energy, it may only make him not afraid of the turbid and evil energy, and cannot help others.

After satisfying his curiosity in this way, in order to make up for his image, Zhou Chun took the initiative and said very wisely: "Then what should I do, senior, to help you get out of trouble?"

Hearing his words, Master Yancang immediately replied: "I sensed an explosion of pure fire attribute power from afar before, so I did not hesitate to waste my spiritual consciousness to send a message to you, little friend. Can you let me see it?" Look at the true fire magical power you have mastered!"


Zhou Chun hesitated immediately, not wanting to expose the existence of the Fire Phoenix.

Seeing that he was so hesitant and did not respond, Master Yan Cang became a little unhappy, and quickly asked: "What? Does this request of mine make it difficult for my little friend?"

"That's not true! It's just that the fire attribute power you sensed, senior, is not owned by this junior, but is a spiritual pet from the junior!"

Zhou Chun shook his head and decided to tell the truth.

Putting aside the fact that Master Yancang is trapped now, even if he knew about Yanjing Huofeng, he couldn't do anything.

As far as the other party's status as the master of weapon refining is concerned, a fourth-level low-grade fire phoenix monster is not worthy of his attention.

After all, as a master of weapon refining, it is not difficult to obtain a Fire Phoenix True Feather of this level.

Some major forces in the world of immortality also raise dragons, fire phoenixes and other monsters as mountain guardian beasts.

"Then I'd like to help you release that spiritual pet so that I can have a look. Maybe my chance of getting out of trouble will fall on it!"

Master Yan Cang naturally heard the insincerity of Zhou Chun's words, but when it came to his own escape, he could only pretend not to know, and just asked Zhou Chun to release his spiritual pet quickly.

And now that Zhou Chun has made a decision, it's not good to procrastinate and make people unhappy at this time.

He could only pat the spirit beast bag on his waist and release the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

But where he is now is not a good place.

As soon as the Flame Prison Fire Phoenix came out, it shivered from the extreme cold. It hurriedly gave a clear cry to bless itself with the [Glass Pure Fire] magical power, and its whole body burned with colorful flames.

"It turns out to be a fourth-level fire phoenix that has awakened the magical power of [Glaze Pure Fire]! No wonder the fire attribute power is so pure!"

Master Yan Cang's spiritual consciousness swept over Yan Jing Huo Feng's body, and everything became clear immediately.

Then he commented in a calm tone: "Well, with five Fire Phoenix True Feathers condensed, this bloodline qualification is pretty good. There may not be any hope of reaching the fifth level in the future!"

Being able to receive such comments from his great weapon refining master shows that the qualifications of the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix are indeed very good.

Zhou Chun was also somewhat happy about this.

But what Master Yan Cang said next made him feel unhappy.

Just listen to his calm tone and say: "I know that most fire phoenixes can forcibly enhance their own magical power by consuming the true feathers of the fire phoenix!"

"With the cultivation strength of your fourth-level fire phoenix, if you consume two fire phoenix true feathers at one time, you will be able to increase its [glazed pure fire] power to the fourth-level ultimate, which will be able to seal the ice." This piece of Xuanming Ice of mine will have a certain destructive effect!"

"At that time, I will use my secret technique to burst out my cultivation. With the cooperation of internal and external forces, there will be half a chance of successfully breaking through the ice!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Zhou Chun's face suddenly froze.

Master Yan Cang was right, Yan Hell Fire Phoenix indeed had that kind of ability.

But that is a magical power that is used desperately at a critical moment. Once used, it can be said that half of one's life is taken away.

Moreover, although the consumed Fire Phoenix True Feathers can be slowly recovered in the future, the recovery speed and time will be counted in hundreds of years!

And until the fire phoenix's true feathers are restored, both the Yanjing Fire Phoenix's own strength and cultivation will be greatly affected.

How could he agree to this?

At that moment, he shook his head and said: "Senior, you are joking. The Fire Phoenix True Feather is related to the path of this junior's spiritual pet. How can it be consumed so easily!"

"In my opinion, senior, why don't you tell me the name of a friend or a real person from the same sect, and I will help you convey to them the information that you are trapped here, and ask them to come and help you get out!"

When Zhou Chun thought about it, if he could prevent himself from taking action personally, it would be best not to do so.

After all, since the Xuanming cold energy can freeze even Master Yancang, a Nascent Soul stage monk, how could he dare to be contaminated easily?

Even if the other party said that this item was of great use, he would not try it easily at his current level of cultivation. At the very least, he would have to wait until he reached the late stage of the Golden Elixir and mastered the "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter" before doing so.

By then, relying on the mystery of this secret technique, it should not be a problem to refine the Xuanming cold energy.

"I am not joking with a junior like you!"

"Since you know that I am a master of weapon refining, you should know that I have spiritual treasures and many magic weapons in my body!"

"No matter how good the relationship with me is in the past, once they learn that I am trapped here, there is no guarantee that they will not choose to add insult to injury and kill me for the sake of the treasure!"

"How can I place my own safety on the kindness of others!"

Master Yancang's majestic voice echoed in Zhou Chun's heart, and his expression changed continuously after what he said.

Indeed, Master Yan Cang's worry is indeed justified.

Treasure red eyes!

How rich is the total net worth of a great master of weapon refining?

I'm afraid no one can intercede except Master Yancang himself.

But it must be a huge wealth that even the great monks in the later stage of Nascent Soul would be excited about!

And with the current state of Master Yancang trapped in the ice, if he attracts a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, and if the other party has malicious intentions, it will be difficult to resist.

If this happens, Zhou Chun, the person who delivers the message and leads the way, will inevitably be silenced!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but want to quit.

At that moment, he slowly said: "Senior's worry is indeed not unreasonable. It's just the plan you mentioned. Please forgive me for not being able to agree to it!"

He has always been very protective of his spiritual pets. There was nothing he could do about the thunder dragon being forced to pull out its scales and bleed it for nothing.

But now that he has the initiative, he can't do such a thing to injure Yan Jie Huo Feng for some possible benefits.

Once it is done, I am afraid it will greatly affect the relationship between master and servant.

Master Yan Cang seemed to be aware of Zhou Chun's thoughts, and immediately said through a message: "My friend, don't rush to a conclusion, you might as well listen to my conditions first before making a decision!"

After speaking, without waiting for Zhou Chun to refuse, he revealed his bargaining chip.

"As long as you help me get out of trouble, little friend, I can give you a high-quality magic weapon that suits your own attributes, and I can refine a magic weapon for you for free!"

"You must know that I am a great master of weapon refining. As long as the materials provided by the little friend are not bad, it is not difficult to refine a middle-grade magic weapon, and it will definitely meet the needs of the little friend!"

Master Yan Cang is obviously very confident about this reward.

He clearly knows the attraction of a high-grade magic weapon to the Golden Core Stage monks, not to mention the opportunity to tailor-make a magic weapon.

With these conditions, it is more than enough for a Nascent Soul Stage monk to take action for him once.

In the past, many Nascent Soul stage monks chose to owe him favors in order to ask him to refine magic weapons.

But what he didn't expect was that after Zhou Chun heard his quotation, he immediately rejected it without thinking: "Senior, you misunderstood. I don't want to raise the price, but I really don't want the spirit pet." Losing one’s own essence and delaying one’s own path for the sake of some external things!”

After saying that, regardless of whether Master Yan Cang believed it or not, he immediately explained: "Junior is a beast-controlling monk, and every spiritual pet of junior is treated like a relative. Please forgive me for betraying friends for glory. Juniors can’t do it!”

At the end, he added another sentence: "Besides, this junior already possesses a high-grade magic weapon, and one more is too much!"

For this reason, he even took out the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase] to show that he was not lying.

It's just that this time he immediately stopped Master Yan Cang, and he became silent!

Let’s not talk about whether Master Yan Cang believed Zhou Chun’s words about treating spiritual pets as relatives, but the fact that Zhou Chun casually took out a high-grade magic weapon really surprised Master Yan Cang.

After all, he had actually discovered before that Zhou Chun also had a fourth-level dragon spiritual pet.

In this way, he has two fourth-level monster beasts, dragon and fire phoenix, as spiritual pets, as well as high-grade magic weapons.

Master Yan Cang felt a little panicked for no reason!

He was afraid that there was a powerful Nascent Soul monk elder behind Zhou Chun, and that Zhou Chun would bring the elder to kill him after he returned!

Therefore, when he was silent and saw Zhou Chun suddenly put away the Fire Phoenix and prepared to leave, he could no longer remain silent.

"Little friend, wait a minute, everything is easy to discuss, everything is easy to discuss!"

The slightly flattering words suddenly sounded in Zhou Chun's mind.

He almost wondered if he had heard the wrong meaning!

However, he has always been a quick-thinking person, and he quickly guessed the reason for the change in Master Yan Cang's tone.

This made his heart suddenly move, and he couldn't help but have a bold idea!

I'm speechless. Isn't my update worth a few monthly passes? A monthly ticket is not as good as some non-high-quality books with hundreds of thousands of words! ! ! !

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