Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 586 An unexpected surprise, a plan to earn money from the master of weapon refining [Please

There is an opportunity for the great master of the refiner to take advantage of him. Do you want to take advantage of it?

Of course it is necessary!

The reason why Zhou Chun is unwilling to let the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix consume the Fire Phoenix True Feather to rescue Yan Cang is simply because it will cause great damage to the origin of the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix and delay its future path.

However, the loss of the original source is not without means to make up for it.

Yancang Zhenren, the great master of weapon refining, will definitely be able to get that kind of treasure, it just depends on whether he is willing to part with it!

And if we can obtain the kind of treasure that can make up for our origin, and let the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix consume the Fire Phoenix True Feather, it is not something that cannot be considered.

Of course, Zhou Chun actually has another possible way to save people, which is to use the [Moon Toad Orb] to help Master Yancang absorb the mysterious cold energy, so that the other party can break out of the seal safely.

However, he will definitely not choose this method. After all, a spiritual treasure is too tempting for Yuanying stage monks, and the [Moon Toad Orb] is not an ordinary spiritual treasure, but the inherited spiritual treasure of the original super sect Tianling Sect. precious!

As for calling in the Nascent Soul Stage monks to take action as Master Yan Cang feared, Zhou Chun would definitely not be able to do it.

Let's not talk about whether he will be silenced by the Nascent Soul Stage monks who are called here. Let's just say that Master Yancang himself is not that easy to kill.

You must know that all monks in the Nascent Soul stage have the ability to self-destruct their Nascent Soul.

If it really comes to that point, Master Yancang would definitely rather explode his Nascent Soul than let others take advantage of his treasure.

Therefore, trying to murder this great master of weapon refining and obtain the treasures on his body is actually not that easy at all.

It's better to wait for the opponent's life span to run out and sit down and die on the spot!

All in all, Zhou Chun could still agree to help if he could make up for the source of the Huiyan Hell Fire Phoenix's consumption and get the Grand Master to refine the weapons for him.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "It's not that I don't want to help you, Senior Yancang. It's just that when I conquered this Fire Phoenix, I promised it that I would never try to take advantage of the true feathers of the Fire Phoenix on it." !”

"Senior, if you want it to consume the true feathers of the Fire Phoenix to save people, unless you can make it recover quickly afterwards without damaging its origin or delaying its path!"

At this moment, Master Yan Cang was worried that after Zhou Chun left, he would find the Nascent Soul Stage monk behind him to deal with him, and he was thinking about how to get him to stay and save him.

Upon hearing Zhou Chun's words, he immediately said: "It's easy to say that there is a fire-eye spiritual spring in this cave, which goes straight to the core of the underground fire veins. With the ability of this fire phoenix, it can pass through the fire-eye spiritual spring. Go down to the core of the fire veins and capture and devour the fire essence born there."

"With its level of cultivation, it only needs to swallow a dozen fire spirits to recover a true fire phoenix feather. It may even take this opportunity to go one step further and condense a sixth true fire phoenix feather!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun was immediately moved.

He has also heard of the Fire Essence. It can only be conceived in some large-scale underground fire veins. It is a product of the spiritual energy of the earth's fire essence. For the golden elixir monks who practice fire-attribute techniques, It can be said to be a great tonic.

Even Nascent Soul stage monks can slightly increase their cultivation by refining such spiritual objects!

However, Zhou Chun also knew that since the flame spring leads directly to the core of the underground fire veins and contains fire essences, it is likely that Master Yan Cang has already eaten his fill, so there may not be many fire essences left in it now.

Therefore, there is too much uncertainty as to whether Yan Jing Huo Feng can really gain anything by going there, and how long it will take to recover his original form.

So after weighing it in his mind, he immediately shook his head and said: "Senior Yan Cang, your plan is too slow to take effect and is full of uncertainties. I still can't agree to it!"

"In this case, I have another way. After I get out of trouble, I can give you a [Huoyuan Xianzhi] in the sect with a medicinal age of more than 5,000 years. By then, even if you swallow this thing alive, you will at least It can restore a true fire phoenix feather to this fire phoenix, and at the same time, its chance of practicing in the Fire Eye Spirit Spring will remain unchanged until it is completely restored!"

After Master Yancang was silent for a while, he stated his new conditions.

When he said this, Master Yan Cang was bleeding a little inside.

After all, that [Fire Essence Immortal Zhi] was originally the elixir he prepared for him to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul in the future, which was enough to make ordinary Yuanying stage monks jealous.

After Zhou Chun heard his condition, he couldn't help but look excited.

As Master Yancang said, if you can really swallow [Huo Yuan Xian Zhi], which is over five thousand years old, it will definitely be of great benefit to Yanjing Fire Phoenix, not to mention you will have the opportunity to enjoy the cultivation of Master Yan Cang in the Nascent Soul cave. Right.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Senior Yan Cang's condition is very sincere, but it can only make up for the loss of the junior's spiritual pet, and we don't know how long it will take to fully recover!"

Hearing his words, Master Yancang immediately knew that he was tempted and that he wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune for himself.

But now that I have something to ask for, Master Yancang was not angry because of it. He just said in a deep voice: "Then what benefits do you want, little friend? Talking to you will consume a lot of spiritual consciousness. If you want to If you want any benefit, just say it outright. As long as the conditions are not particularly excessive, I can agree to it at my discretion!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he took it as a compliment and said: "Senior Yan Cang knows clearly that this junior knows that his cultivation level is low. If he were in another place, he would not even be qualified to meet a great master of weapon refining like you!"

After finishing his words, he quickly changed the topic: "But now that I am lucky enough to meet Senior Yan Cang and have the opportunity to do you a small favor, I naturally want to ask you to help refine a few self-defense treasures!"

"I heard what my little friend said, do you think that the opportunity to refine treasures that I promised you before is not enough?"

"Then let's do this. I will give you two more opportunities to refine treasures, so that I can refine treasures for you three times in total. What do you think?"

Master Yan Cang was straightforward and immediately followed Zhou Chun's words and increased the number of times he refined the treasure.

For him, as long as he can get out of trouble, refining a treasure once is refining, and refining a treasure three times is also refining.

It’s just a lot more effort!

Seeing that he agreed so readily, Zhou Chun was slightly startled, and couldn't help but wonder if he could have one or two more opportunities to refine treasures.

But after thinking about it carefully, Zhou Chun felt that enough was enough.

Therefore, he quickly and sincerely praised: "Senior Yan Cang is so righteous, I admire him in my heart!"

Then he continued: "But this junior would like to ask you to use one of your treasure refining opportunities to repair this incomplete high-grade magic weapon in your hands. Is it possible?"

Hearing what he said, Master Yancang immediately replied: "It is not easy to repair a high-grade magic weapon, and I dare not guarantee it. If it cannot be repaired, I can still give you a chance to refine the treasure!"

"Then let me thank my senior first!"

Zhou Chun looked happy and hurriedly thanked him.

Finally, he looked at the direction of Master Yan Cang with a stern face and said: "Senior Yan Cang, don't blame this junior for judging a gentleman with a villain's heart. There is a huge difference in our cultivation. If you regret it after getting out of trouble, this junior will have nothing to do with you." Reasonable, so I would like to ask you to give me a guarantee that this junior can trust!"

"A trustworthy guarantee? Do you want me to swear an oath?"

Master Yan Cang said with a tone that could not be heard as joyful or angry.

The Dao Heart Oath is of course extremely binding, but in fact, for Nascent Soul Stage monks, the oath is far less binding than for Golden Core Stage monks.

For example, Master Yancang could of course swear an oath to Zhou Chun, and then fulfill the conditions of the agreement in accordance with the oath.

But this does not guarantee that he will not kill Zhou Chun again and take back all the treasures.

Even if Zhou Chun asked him to add one more thing: not to retaliate against him afterwards, he still has many ways to use his own influence to use others to deal with Zhou Chun without violating his oath.

Zhou Chun himself knew these situations well.

If he were a Nascent Soul Stage monk, Master Yancang would probably not dare to go back on his words even if he did not swear an oath. Otherwise, if he retaliates, he will definitely make the other party drink a pot of wine and ruin the other party's reputation in the circle of monks of the same level.

But he is only a Golden Core Stage cultivator now. Even if Master Yancang goes back on his words later, he will not be able to harm the opponent at all if he publicizes the matter.

Therefore, Zhou Chun did not dare to completely believe in such things as the Daoxin Oath.

He had something else that was more practically binding.

He said in a calm tone: "So that Senior Yan Cang can know that this junior was once fortunate enough to receive a ghost cultivator inheritance, from which he learned a secret technique called [Netherworld Soul Contract]. As long as both parties pay a portion of their souls, When the original power falls into the contract, the contract can be concluded under the witness of the Lord of the Netherworld, and those who violate the contract will be punished by the Lord of the Netherworld!"

"Oh, you actually master the secret technique of [Netherworld Soul Contract]? But as far as I know, such ghost cultivation techniques that rely on the power of the Lord of the Netherworld can only be practiced and used by ghost cultivators. You are not a ghost cultivator, even if How can we communicate with the will of the underworld if we master such secret techniques?"

Master Yancang's eyelids were slightly raised in the black ice, and he was quite surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that Zhou Chun also mastered such secret techniques that were binding on the master at the Nascent Soul Stage.

But he seemed to have some understanding of the way of ghost cultivation, and he immediately pointed out the key point.

However, since Zhou Chun proposed this plan, he naturally had a solution.

Then he saw him saying calmly: "Although this junior is not a ghost cultivator, he happens to have a ghost weapon in his hand that can help communicate with the ghost will. If he uses the secret method to use essence and blood, he can barely attract the attention of the ghost will. , complete the writing of [Ghost Soul Contract]!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out the ghost face token that recorded the inheritance of ghost cultivators.

Since this object records the inheritance of ghost cultivators, it is naturally a ghost cultivator, and it was once made by a powerful ghost cultivator.

Because it is an object that carries inheritance, this object naturally has the effect of communicating with the will of the underworld. It was thanks to the help of this object that Zhou Daoquan was able to complete the transformation so easily.

After Zhou Daoquan became a ghost cultivator, he deeply studied the ghost cultivator inheritance and found a way for immortal cultivators to temporarily use this object in an alternative way, and gave both the thing and the method to Zhou Chun.

This was originally prepared to make it easier for Zhou Chun to encounter certain special situations in the future and need to use the secret technique of [Ghost Soul Contract].

"What a waste of natural resources! The fifth-level soul-nurturing wood is actually used to refine such crude and ghostly things!"

"If you let me refine it, I will definitely be able to refine a rare and rare high-grade defensive magic weapon of the soul type, or even a top-grade magic weapon!"

Master Yancang's spiritual consciousness scanned the Ghost Face Token that Zhou Chun took out. He was not surprised at first that he actually had such a ghostly thing in his hand, but felt pity for the fifth-level soul-nurturing wood used to refine it.

Even if he is a great master of weapon refining, if he wants to find this level of spiritual wood, he still has to rely on chance. If the chance is not enough, he will not get it!

Zhou Chun also deeply agreed with this.

When he got this thing himself, he also had this feeling of wasting it.

However, after receiving the inheritance of ghost cultivating from it later, he felt that it was not unacceptable.

But now is not the time to discuss this matter. He quickly spoke out again: "Senior Yan Cang, if you don't object, this junior will start."

"Hey, hey, since your kid is willing to kill his own soul to deal with this matter, why should I object? It just so happens that I haven't personally experienced this kind of ghostly art, so I want to see if it is really as mysterious as the rumors!"

Master Yan Cang sneered, and he agreed on the spot whether he was relying on it or knowing that he couldn't avoid it.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's heart sank slightly.

It's just that there is no turning back. If you want to benefit from a Nascent Soul monk, it's worth taking some risks.

How can it be so easy to just take advantage and not suffer any loss!

Immediately, he quickly calmed down, reviewed the secret technique of [Ghost Soul Contract] in his mind, and started to take action directly.

[Ghost Soul Contract] is not a profound technique. At least for Zhou Chun, who is in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, it is easy to understand and perform.

The most difficult part of this technique is not how to perform it, but the power of the soul consumed to perform it.

Because the essence of this technique is actually a sacrificial technique, sacrificing the monk's own soul to the mysterious will of the netherworld, that is, the Lord of the netherworld!

Zhou Chun used this technique, and if he wanted this technique to have enough binding force on the real person in the Nascent Soul stage, he had to sacrifice at least 10% of his soul power.

The power of the soul lost in these sacrifices would be almost impossible to recover without some miraculous elixirs and heavenly materials and earthly treasures to make up for it!

If it weren't for the benefits promised by Master Yancang this time, which were really tempting, and if it weren't for the fact that he had strengthened the source of his soul in the state of "Double Cultivation of Soul and Soul" before, he would never have used such a forbidden technique.

There is no turning back when the bow is drawn.

Now that Zhou Chun had made up his mind, he did not hesitate to take action.

He first opened his mouth and spat out a ball of essence and blood, then took out a magic talisman made by Zhou Daoquan after he converted to the path of ghost cultivation, and used the essence and blood to activate the magic talisman to explode with power far beyond its own power.

For a moment, Zhou Chun exuded a ghostly aura and temporarily possessed part of the Yin attribute mana.

Then he used the void as paper and the power of his soul as ink to write a strange black text.

This kind of black writing is called "Netherworld". It is rumored that it is the writing in the netherworld and has the power to communicate with the underworld.

Soon a deed written in "Mingwen" emerged from the black water in front of Zhou Chun.

Then Zhou Chun used his magic power to activate the ghost face token, causing it to float above the deed.

A strange scene appeared.

After the Ghost Face Token fell on the deed, the ghost face on it seemed to feel something. Suddenly, two black lights burst out from the ghost's eyes and fell on the deed. Two new "Mingwen" were added to it, and then He turned his face and looked at Zhou Chun with a half-smile.

This scene made Zhou Chun slightly shocked. After his consciousness touched the two new "Mingwen", he immediately understood their meaning.

The meaning of these two new "underworld texts" is simple. Once Zhou Chun falls in the future, he will dedicate half of his soul power to the Lord of the Underworld.

In return, the backlash intensity of those who violate the contract will be doubled!

"It feels a bit like making a deal with the devil!"

He murmured to himself, but quickly nodded in agreement.

Anyway, it's what happens after his death, and he doesn't care too much about what happens after his death.

"Hey! I actually attracted the attention of the Nether Will!"

Master Yan Cang, who had been watching with cold eyes, was also shocked at this moment, and was greatly surprised in his heart.

He didn't really believe that Zhou Chun could do this.

Because even if a monk in the Nascent Soul stage masters secret techniques such as [Netherworld Soul Contract], if he wants to use it successfully, he must make various preparations in advance.

Zhou Chun, a mere middle-stage Jindan cultivator, didn't know in advance that he would meet him here, so how could he do this so easily.

But I didn't expect Zhou Chun to actually do it!

As a result, he was really in a difficult situation.

Whatever comes to mind.

As soon as Master Yan Cang sensed that something was wrong, Zhou Chun started to urge him, "Senior Yan Cang, this junior is already well. Please give me a ray of soul power to sign the contract!"

Hearing his urging voice, Master Yan Cang couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

After hesitating for a moment, he sighed inwardly and released a ray of soul power to fall on the deed.

At this time, he actually had no room for regret.

Once he regrets it, it will only bring unpredictable disasters to himself. Even killing Zhou Chun cannot avoid this disaster.

After all, if Zhou Chun really has an elder monk at the Nascent Soul stage and kills Zhou Chun, the other party will definitely find a way to find this place through induction.

At that time, he really wanted to explain but had no place to explain.

After the power of his soul fell on the deed, he touched the deed and instantly understood the meaning of the "inscriptions" on the deed.

Zhou Chun did not do anything in the deed. The content of the entire deed was very simple. After Zhou Chun helped him out of trouble, he would pay the relevant remuneration according to what he said, and he was not allowed to tell anything about today's events afterwards, let alone Feeling of regret and revenge!

After confirming that there was no problem, the power of Master Yancang's soul immediately left its mark on the deed.

For a moment, the deed burned directly out of thin air, forming a black flame, and then divided into two flames, one large and one small, flying towards Master Yan Cang and Zhou Chun, and fell into their bodies in a flash.

And inside the black ice, after the black flame submerged into the body of Master Yan Cang, it pounced directly on the Nascent Soul in his Zi Mansion.

At this moment, his Nascent Soul's eyes opened, and a golden-red flame suddenly burned on his body.

But what made his Nascent Soul's little face change color was that the extremely strong [Heavenly Yang Gang Fire] had no blocking effect on the black flame, allowing it to penetrate directly into his Nascent Soul.

Then a sense of restraint appeared in his heart, letting him know that if he violated the contract he just signed, he would be in disaster!

It can make even Yuanying stage monks like him feel that a disaster is imminent, which shows how binding the [Ghost Soul Contract] is just now.

"It seems I was careless this time!"

The little face of Master Yan Cang's Nascent Soul suddenly changed, and he felt like he had been tricked.

On the other side, after the small black flame sank into Zhou Chun's body, a piece of information also appeared in his mind.

This information is about the execution and witnessing of the contents of the deed.

If Master Yancang violates the contract signed today in the future, he will suffer serious backlash, and he will also know through the telepathy of the contract that the other party has breached the contract.

At the same time, according to the information fed back to him by the contract, Master Yan Cang's cultivation strength will most likely not be able to bear the consequences of violating the contract!

"If this is the case, is it possible..."

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he couldn't help but think of a method that he had denied before.

Previously, he was worried that the treasure would make people's eyes red, and he was afraid that Master Yan Cang would betray his promise after he escaped from trouble, so he never considered using the [Moon Toad Orb] to save people.

But now he discovered that if the backlash of the [Ghost Soul Contract] is so powerful and the shock force is so great, it is not impossible to do this!

After all, although Lingbao is very attractive, Master Yan Cang, as a master of weapon refining, already has Lingbao in his possession, so his greed for this object should not be as great as other Nascent Soul stage monks.

Moreover, the properties of [Moon Toad Orb] are completely opposite to the properties of its own technique!

In this case, it is really not worth risking your life for a spiritual treasure that you cannot exert its full power.

Just when Zhou Chun was thinking about this, Master Yan Cang finally came out of his regretful mood and said in his ear with a complicated tone: "Good boy, I really underestimate you!"

"The binding force of your [Ghost Soul Contract] is much more powerful than some similar secret techniques that I know. I wonder if you can trade it to me afterwards?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun, who was still hesitating about whether to use the second plan to save people, stopped hesitating in an instant.

His own judgment is definitely not as accurate as the client’s own experience!

If users say it’s good, it must be really good!

Since even Master Yancang now praises the binding force of [Netherworld Soul Contract] and wants to trade this secret technique with him, it can be seen that the information he obtained before is completely true.

At that moment, his face, which originally looked a little pale due to the loss of 10% of his soul power, suddenly showed an abnormal rosy color, and he immediately responded with a smile on his face: "Of course there is no problem, Senior Yan Cang, can you It is an honor for this junior to be able to appreciate this technique!"

His appearance immediately made Master Yan Cang wary, and he shouted repeatedly: "Something's wrong, what you said is wrong! What else are you planning?"

"Ahem, senior Yan Cang misunderstood this junior. I don't mean anything else."

Zhou Chun smiled and quickly defended himself.

But the next moment he revealed his intentions.

I saw him looking in the direction of Master Yan Cang with piercing eyes and saying: "So that Senior Yan Cang can know that I just suddenly thought of a more wonderful method to help you get out of trouble. It is definitely much more effective than the method you mentioned before. , and it won’t cause any harm to you or the juniors!”

As soon as these words came out, Master Yan Cang's eyelids suddenly trembled, and his first reaction was that he had been fooled!

Then there is disbelief.

However, as a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, he is still very good at cultivating Qi.

Although various thoughts were already running through his mind at this time, his tone was neither happy nor sad and he said lightly: "Oh, tell me, what is your so-called wonderful method?"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chun was showing off at this time. He smiled lightly and said without being eager to reveal the answer: "Senior Yan Cang, don't you think it's strange why this junior can persist in such a cold place for so long?"


Upon hearing what he said, Master Yan Cang couldn't help but frown and reacted somewhat.

Indeed, he had only been thinking about how to get Zhou Chun to help him out of trouble before, but he had not cared about such details.

At this time Zhou Chunyi said that he also felt something was wrong.

But he still said: "Although this matter is a bit strange, as a junior like you, your own strength is extremely outstanding, and it is normal to have a treasure to protect yourself from the cold!"

"Hehehe, Senior Yan Cang, you guessed wrong this time. The reason why this junior is able to stand here so easily is not because he has some treasure to protect himself from the cold!"

A smile flashed on Zhou Chun's face. As he spoke, he opened his mouth and spat out the [Moon Toad Orb].

When the white orb came out of Zhou Chun's mouth, the cold air emanating from the surrounding lake involuntarily gathered towards it and was absorbed by it.

Seeing this scene, Master Yan Cang's expression changed drastically, and his outer consciousness began to vibrate.

"Spiritual treasure! You actually have a spiritual treasure on you! And it's also an intact ice-type spiritual treasure!!"

Words full of shock blurted out from the mouth of the great master of weapon refining. One can imagine how shocked he was at this moment.

There is a saying that goes well, insiders watch the door, while laymen watch the excitement.

Laymen only know that spiritual treasures are rare and very powerful. A monk in the Nascent Soul stage can dominate his level even if he possesses one.

Only a master of weapon refining like Master Yancang knows how rare and precious the birth of a spiritual treasure is!

Although he is a great master of weapon refining, he has only succeeded in refining one spiritual treasure in his life, and it can be said that he had a lot of luck involved.

If he is asked to refine another spiritual treasure, there is no chance at all, but the chance is still very small!

In fact, most of the spiritual treasures in the world of immortality are not directly refined by weapon refiners, but are transformed from the natal magic treasures of real people in the Nascent Soul stage!

When one reaches the late Nascent Soul stage of cultivation and is willing to consume one's own Nascent Soul essence to inject spirit into the magic weapon and enlighten the spirit, it is quite possible for the natal magic weapon to transform into a spiritual treasure.

But the number of monks in the later stage of Nascent Soul is so rare!

What's more, consuming the source of the Nascent Soul to infuse the magic weapon with spirit is tantamount to jeopardizing one's future path. Basically, it can only be done after making sure that it is impossible for one to reach the realm of divine transformation.

Moreover, a late-stage Nascent Soul monk can basically only leave behind such a spiritual treasure in his lifetime.

Of course, if you can break through to the divine transformation stage, then your natal magic weapon can easily be promoted to a spiritual treasure as you break through the great realm, and it will still be a very powerful spiritual treasure.

Moreover, it is much easier for monks at the Transformation Stage to refine spiritual treasures than for monks at the Nascent Soul Stage.

However, there are too few monks in the Immortal Transformation Stage in the world of immortality. It is impossible for them to refine spiritual treasures for some Nascent Soul Stage monks, and the materials for refining spiritual treasures are not that easy to find.

In short, due to various practical difficulties, Lingbao is very rare in the world of immortal cultivation. Most of the time, only real people in the Nascent Soul stage of the great power with a long tradition can master it, and not everyone can have it.

As for those sects that have not produced great monks in the late Yuanying period, if there is no chance and luck, they basically do not have the foundation of Lingbao to suppress the sect.

In a situation where spiritual treasures are so rare, Zhou Chun, a mere mid-stage golden elixir monk, actually took out a spiritual treasure in front of him. How could Master Yan Cang not be extremely shocked!

Zhou Chun had already expected Master Yan Cang's shock, which was why he had always hidden this spiritual treasure as his biggest trump card.

After waiting for a while, after the other party digested the shock, he complimented with a smile: "Senior Yan Cang is indeed a great master of weapon refining, his eyesight is very good!"

Then he nodded and said: "Yes, this junior's spiritual treasure is called [Moon Toad Orb]. It is made from the demon elixir of the fifth-level demon king [Taiyin Moon Toad]. It is born with the ability to absorb and refine The ability to transform all kinds of cold air!"

"If this junior uses this spiritual treasure to help Senior Yan Cang absorb the overflowing Xuanming cold energy, so that it can no longer strengthen the ice seal that traps you, with your old skills, it will no longer be difficult to get out of trouble. Got it!"

He actually told the whole story about Lingbao's name and background very generously.

Of course, he didn't say this. Master Yan Cang, the great master of weapon refining, could also see it when he used the spirit treasure behind him.

Taking the initiative to speak out at this time only shows more sincerity.

After listening to his words, Master Yancang was silent for a long time, and then he slowly said: "The [Taiyin Moon Toad] is a strange species from heaven and earth. If it is really a spiritual treasure made from its demon pill, it can absorb and refine it." Transforming Xuanming's cold energy is really a piece of cake!"

After saying that, his tone dropped, and he asked in Zhou Chun's ear in a very displeased tone: "But you, kid, just took out this treasure now. Did you take it for granted and dare not regret it later? Or did you do it from the beginning?" You are plotting against me!"

"This is absolutely not your intention! This junior has absolutely no such intention!"

Zhou Chun quickly cried out for injustice and hurriedly defended himself: "Senior Yan Cang clearly understood that this junior did not dare to expose this treasure before, so he had no intention of plotting against senior! It was just that he accidentally discovered that the [Netherworld Soul Contract] has more binding force than this junior expected. It needs to be much stronger, but I am also worried that your method is not safe, senior, so I am willing to take risks and come up with this thing!"

Naturally, his explanation could not completely satisfy Master Yan Cang, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do against him at this time, so he could only snort bitterly and said: "Humph, now that the deed has been signed, you kid said It’s what it is, how can I still regret it!!”

It can be regarded as a tacit acceptance of this boring loss.

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