Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 587 Incarnate as a Moon Toad, Yan Cang escapes from trouble [8,000-word chapter please subsc

Successfully calculating a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, although it was a mistake and a matter of luck, it still made Zhou Chun feel a huge sense of satisfaction.

However, when he tried to use the [Moon Toad Orb] to help Master Yancang absorb and resolve the Xuanming cold energy, he quickly discovered an embarrassing problem.

That is, once the [Moon Toad Orb] is thrown into the Xuan Ming Water Eye, it will be difficult for him to resist the cold attack.

Moreover, the more Xuanming cold energy the [Moon Toad Orb] absorbs, the more he needs to continuously use the "Psychic Treasure Art" to assist its refining, which makes it even more difficult for him to stay outside the Xuanming Water Eye for a long time.

Therefore, after trying it once, he could only ask Master Yancang to wait patiently for a while. After he first mastered the "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter", his ability to control the "Moon Toad Orb" would be greatly improved, and he would be able to control the "Moon Toad Orb". After the cold resistance is greatly improved, come over and continue to help him out of trouble.

In order to prove his sincerity, he also made a Taoist oath, promising to come over within three years. At that time, even if the Fire Phoenix consumes the Fire Phoenix's true feathers, he will come over to help the other party out of trouble.

After gaining the trust of Master Yancang in this way, Zhou Chuncai struggled to leave this place.

It was just that he stopped about five hundred miles after leaving Xuanming Shuiyan and did not return to Frozen Yi Country as he had said to Master Yan Cang.

Now I don’t know how long it will take to return to Frozen Yi Country. It will be even more troublesome to find it when the time comes. Three years really may not be enough.

So Zhou Chun planned to practice the secret technique "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad" right here.

Because it is close to the Xuanming Water Eye, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is also very rich, and the environment is also very suitable for practicing "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad".

He quickly used his flying sword to dig a hole more than ten feet deep in the ice on the top of the ice lake, and then hid inside the ice cave and began to practice.

Hiding in the ice cave, Zhou Chun first took out the white giant toad spiritual blood that he had collected previously.

He had asked Master Yan Cang before and knew that the white giant toad he killed was a different species of ice toad called [Moon-Watching Ice Toad], and indeed had the bloodline of [Taiyin Moon Toad].

At this time, he took out the spiritual blood of [Moon-Watching Ice Toad], directly applied some of it on his body, and silently operated the cultivation method of "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad", absorbing and refining the essence of the spiritual blood.

Perhaps because of his advanced cultivation, or perhaps because of the blessing of the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb], Zhou Chun's progress in practicing "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter" is very gratifying.

In just three months, he had successfully mastered this secret technique.

And after he used up all the life essence and blood extracted from the body of [Wang Yue Ice Toad], it took him a year and a half to practice this secret technique to a small level.

After cultivating the secret technique to a small level, the third magical power "Moon Toad Possession" of the [Moon Toad Orb] can also be officially used.

Zhou Chun couldn't wait to use this magical power.

I saw him silently using the secret technique of "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter", using his magic power to activate the spiritual treasure "Moon Toad Orb", and immediately an illusory "Taiyin Moon Toad" appeared and jumped out. Entered him.

Then the white light on his body shone, and he turned into a giant silver-white toad several feet long on the spot.

After transforming into a silver-white giant toad, Zhou Chun suddenly had a very strange experience.

He seemed to have truly turned into a "Taiyin Moon Toad", automatically mastering many kinds of ice attribute spells and magical powers, and possessing various magical talents of the "Taiyin Moon Toad".

At the same time, I have become very adaptable to the cold environment here and feel very comfortable. I even want to jump into the cold lake and swim a few laps.

In order to verify some of his guesses, Zhou Chun asked the thunder dragon who was protecting him to come over for verification.

Sure enough, even a fourth-level dragon like Thunder Dragon Baibai could not see any flaws in Zhou Chun's transformed "Taiyin Moon Toad" at this time.

If it weren't for the spiritual connection between the two, Lei Jiao Baibai would have almost regarded him as a fourth-level mid-level monster!

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

This means that he will have a very powerful way to save his life in the future!

I just don’t know if those fifth-level demon kings can see the flaws.

If even the fifth-level demon king could hide it, that would be really powerful!

Immediately, Zhou Chun let the thunder dragon attack him in vain and started fighting with it in the form of moon toad.

The result of this battle immediately surprised and delighted Zhou Chun. He was extremely pleasantly surprised.

His feeling was not false. With the power of the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb], the "Taiyin Moon Toad" he turned into was a fourth-level mid-level monster, with the same physical strength and magical powers.

In this state, Thunder Dragon Baibai is no match for him, and it is even difficult to break the protection of the "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes".

And even if he doesn't use the spiritual treasure magical power of "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light", he can still easily defeat Lei Jiao Baibai by relying on the various magical powers mastered by "Taiyin Moon Toad", and even have the opportunity to use the home field advantage to freeze and kill him. !

"So is this the correct way to use the [Moon Toad Orb], a spiritual treasure?"

Looking at Thunder Dragon Baibai who was easily defeated by him, Zhou Chun suddenly felt an unreal feeling.

Ever since his cultivation was at the same level as Thunder Dragon Baibai, it has never been so easy for him to defeat his spiritual pet alone!

Even if he had the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb] before, he could only compete with his spiritual pet at a 50-50 ratio. The winner could only be determined when the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" hit the opponent.

But judging from the battle situation just now, not to mention the Thunder Dragon Bai Bai, even including the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, the combination of dragon and phoenix may not be his opponent with full firepower!

It was the first time for Zhou Chun to experience this kind of thing where his strength increased explosively despite only practicing one secret technique, and it felt very unreal.

It was not until this moment that he truly understood the preciousness of the Lingbao and realized its true power!

Compared to him who has figured out how to use the Lingbao correctly now, although he had the Lingbao in his hand before, he was like a primitive man holding a machine gun. He only knew how to swing it and hit people, and he had no idea how to really use this weapon. Real power!

With the strength he showed just now, it was difficult to tell outside. On this ice field, Zhou Chun felt that even if the late-stage Jindan monks came, they might not be his opponents!

This powerful power he mastered made him feel very good, very comfortable, and very secure.

Some even don’t want to return to human form!

"Huh, what a risk! I almost lost my mind due to the surge in power. It seems that my character cultivation still needs to be strengthened!"

In the cold lake, Zhou Chun, who had regained his human body, couldn't help but wipe his forehead with a look of lingering fear on his face.

Previously, he was so intoxicated with the powerful power he gained from transforming into the "Taiyin Moon Toad" that he even swam in the lake in the form of a Moon Toad for several days without even wanting to turn back into a human body!

Fortunately, during this period, Bai Bai, the thunder dragon, was by his side, so he regained consciousness when he had an idea, and immediately cast a spell to cancel the transformation.

As soon as he recovered his body, he found that his condition was quite bad.

Because he has maintained the moon toad form for a long time, his body has been eroded and alienated by the ice-cold magic power. Both his physical body and his magic power have shown signs of alienation. The magic power seems to have been soaked in sand, with a lot of impurities.

And there seems to be some problem with his own soul, and his thinking reaction speed seems to have slowed down a bit.

These are the prices he pays for acquiring power that does not belong to him for a long time!

After discovering this, Zhou Chun suddenly became secretly vigilant and made up his mind that he would never use the "Moon Toad Possession" magical power easily in the future, or he should put away the magical power in time after using it to avoid making the same mistake again!

After that, Zhou Chun returned to the place where he practiced before and began to practice quietly to recuperate himself and restore his condition.

After mastering the secret technique in "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad", his resistance to the power of ice has indeed improved a lot.

Now even if he is swimming naked in the ice lake, he does not need to use any magic power to protect himself. It is no longer a problem to help Master Yan Cang escape from the predicament.

After three months of such quiet recuperation, Zhou Chun finally smoothed away and repaired all the troubles caused by his previous long-term incarnation as the Moon Toad, and returned to a perfect state.

Then he rode the thunder dragon in vain and headed towards the Xuanming Water Eye.

"Oh, are you back so soon? Have you already mastered the secret technique?"

When Zhou Chun reappeared outside Xuan Ming Shuiyan, Master Yan Cang seemed to feel something and took the initiative to reach out his spiritual consciousness and have a conversation with him.

"Senior has clearly learned that this junior is ready. Today we will help senior get out of trouble completely!"

Zhou Chun said confidently, his tone full of confidence.

Hearing his words, Master Yan Cang couldn't help but twitch his eyelids, and Gujing Wubo also felt a little excited.

He has been trapped here for almost two hundred years. If he doesn't want to escape, it is simply impossible.

At this time, the opportunity to escape is right in front of you, and it is impossible not to be excited.

Dang even said in a concise tone: "Okay, then you go ahead and do it. As long as I can really get out of trouble, I will definitely gain you a lot of benefits!"

After saying that, he quietly waited for Zhou Chun to take action.

Zhou Chun did not hesitate, and immediately opened his mouth to offer the [Moon Toad Orb], and then made the treasure fly towards Xuan Ming Shuiyan.

With the protection of the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb], Zhou Chun's consciousness quickly touched the Xuanming Ice and saw the real Yan Cang inside.

Then he followed Master Yancang's previous instructions and let the [Moon Toad Orb] fall under the Xuanming Ice, urging the treasure to actively absorb the Xuanming Cold Energy emanating from the depths of the water eye.

Without the protection of the [Moon Toad Orb], when Zhou Chun faced the deep cold here, he was also very stressed. He could only silently use the secret technique of "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad" to resolve the cold that poured into his body. While using the "Spiritual Treasure Secret" to help the [Moon Toad Orb] refine the mysterious cold energy.

After confirming that the [Moon Toad Orb] had absorbed most of the escaping Xuanming cold energy, Master Yancang also began to take action.

A dazzling red fire suddenly erupted from his body, burning like a human-shaped flame inside the black ice.

The originally dark and deep eyes of Xuan Ming Shui finally had a glimmer of light due to the appearance of the red fire.

But the light only appeared within a radius of several hundred feet, as if there was an invisible force restricting its spread.

It seems that Master Yan Cang's way of breaking the seal is to use his superb fire-attribute magic power to incinerate the Xuanming Ice!

It's just that the piece of Xuanming Ice has absorbed nearly two hundred years of Xuanming cold energy and has already turned into a rare treasure. How can it be incinerated so easily?

Half a day passed, and Zhou Chun didn't notice any changes in the piece of Xuanming Ice, as if Master Yan Cang was doing useless work.

However, seeing that Master Yan Cang continued to exert force without being affected at all, he could only hope that what the other party did was really effective.

Time passed slowly, and three days passed quickly.

Zhou Chun continued to use the [Moon Toad Orb] to swallow and refine the mysterious cold energy, and now it was obvious that he was struggling.

Even the [Moon Toad Orb], a spiritual treasure, feels like it is full.

Zhou Chun knew that the limit of this spiritual treasure would certainly not be so low. It was only because his own cultivation was not enough to help him quickly refine the devoured Xuanming cold energy that he felt like he was overstretched.

And this is also a dangerous signal, which means that once the [Moon Toad Orb] reaches the upper limit of swallowing, even if he can persist, he will no longer be able to help Master Yan Cang out of trouble.

"Senior Yan Cang, how is things going on over there? Junior's side is almost unable to hold on!"

Zhou Chun did not try to be brave and quickly told Master Yan Cang about the dilemma he was facing.

Only now did he know how miserable Master Yan Cang had been these past years.

It can be said that most of the Xuanming cold air that spilled out from the Xuanming Water Eye was used to suppress Master Yan Cang, which is equivalent to Master Yan Cang using his own power to fight against the power of this world!

Zhou Chun now sincerely admires Master Yan Cang for being able to sustain it for such a long time under such circumstances.

"I'm almost healed here, little friend, just hold on for half a day, another half day will be enough!"

Master Yan Cang's deep voice echoed in Zhou Chun's ears, and the excitement could not be concealed in his voice.

"Okay, then junior, try your best to hold on for another half day!"

Zhou Chun gritted his teeth and agreed.

[Moon Toad Orb] will be "overstretched" because his cultivation level is limited by his magic power. If he temporarily improves his cultivation level, then the efficiency of the Lingbao itself in refining Xuanming cold energy will naturally increase, and he will be able to persist more. It's been a long time.

Therefore, about two hours later, Zhou Chun performed a secret technique that stimulated potential, burning part of the blood essence to improve his own cultivation, and strengthened the speed of refining the mysterious cold energy of the [Moon Toad Orb].

After stumbling like this and barely holding on for half a day, Zhou Chun felt the limit and shouted at Master Yan Cang: "Senior Yan Cang, half a day is up, junior, please withdraw first!"

After speaking, without waiting for Master Yan Cang to respond, he quickly took back the [Moon Toad Orb] and immediately set off to stay away from the Xuanming Water Eye.

This is called a gentleman not standing behind a dangerous wall!

The news of Master Yan Cang's escape from trouble is bound to be huge, and it is hard to say whether it will cause any unintended consequences. Zhou Chun is not willing to put himself in danger just to watch the fun.

Facts have proved that Zhou Chun’s choice was correct.

Not long after he left Xuan Ming Shuiyan, Master Yan Cang broke out.

A clear dragon roar suddenly sounded from the Xuanming Water Eye, and a fiery red dragon shadow burst out from the Xuanming Ice.

In an instant, the Xuanming Ice that had trapped Master Yancang for nearly two hundred years suddenly developed dense cracks as if struck by lightning.

"Open it for me!"

Master Yan Cang let out an angry roar, and a fiery red dragon-headed walking stick in front of him suddenly exploded with huge force and hit the Xuan Ming Ice.


Along with a loud noise, the indestructible Xuan Ming Ice was directly blasted with a hole by a red fire on the dragon head crutch.

Immediately, Master Yan Cang's figure flashed and instantly turned into a red flame and escaped from the hole.

"Hahahaha, I finally came out!!!"

The wild laughter full of joy floated in the lake, and anyone who listened could feel the joy of the owner of the voice at this moment.

But just when Master Yan Cang, who was overjoyed after escaping from the trap, was about to put away the piece of Xuanming Ice, a sudden change occurred.

But a huge suction force suddenly erupted from the Xuan Ming Shui Eye, sucking the Xuan Ming Ice into the depths of the water eye directly from the hands of Master Yan Cang!

This scene immediately caused Master Yan Cang's expression to change drastically, and his pupils to shrink sharply.

I saw golden fire emerging from his eyes, and he immediately used his spiritual power to look into the depths of Xuan Ming's water eyes, and vaguely seemed to see a huge figure.

Before he could take a closer look at what it was, the next moment he suddenly let out a strange scream, which suddenly turned into a stream of fire and shot away in the direction away from Xuan Ming's water eye.

The next moment, an extremely powerful Xuanming cold energy burst out from the Xuanming Water Eye, instantly freezing all the lake water around the Water Eye into black ice!

If Master Yancang had been slower, he would have been imprisoned again!

"What level of existence is that? Why have I been trapped in the water eye for so many years and never found any trace of it!"

Dozens of miles away, Master Yancang looked at the frozen lake and remembered the huge figure he had glimpsed before. He couldn't help but feel a chill running down his back and broke into a cold sweat.

He never thought that there were other creatures deep in the water eye, and their strength was so unfathomable.

And he had been trapped in the water eye for so many years, but he didn't even notice this at all!

This is simply unbelievable!

"Go, get out of here quickly!"

Master Yan Cang composed himself and hurriedly left.

However, he did not burn bridges across the river, and took Zhou Chun with him when he left.

Zhou Chun also took this opportunity to experience the powerful flight speed of the Yuanying stage master.

After Master Yancang took him about a thousand miles away from Xuanming Water Eye, he directly chose to penetrate the ice layer thousands of feet thick and appeared above the ice sheet where the wind and snow were raging.

Then, after identifying the direction, he took him directly to fly away in the direction of Frozen End Country.

After flying for less than a day, the two returned to the Frozen End Country across tens of thousands of miles of ice fields.

"Senior Yan Cang, what happened at Xuan Ming Shuiyan before? This junior seems to have sensed a powerful cold current bursting out!"

On a certain snow peak in the Frozen Yi Kingdom, Zhou Chun waited for Master Yan Cang to escape from the light, and then he couldn't hide his curiosity and asked the doubts in his heart.

Along the way, he could clearly feel the panic of Master Yan Cang, but it was not easy to ask at the time.

Now that he saw Master Yan Cang no longer escaping in a hurry, he no longer restrained himself.

"I can't tell you the specific situation. All you need to know is that there is a powerful being hidden deep in the Xuan Ming Water Eye!"

Master Yan Cang glanced at Zhou Chun, and after pondering for a moment, he revealed some information.

Hearing his answer, Zhou Chun suddenly felt nervous and his expression changed.

The existence that can make Master Yancang, a real person in the Nascent Soul stage who is carrying a spiritual treasure, run for his life in panic, claiming to be a "powerful existence", is probably at the lowest level of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, or even higher. Realm exists!

This made Zhou Chun immediately make up his mind to avoid going to the Xuan Ming Shuiyan unless necessary in the future, lest his life be in danger.

At this moment, Master Yancang suddenly said: "I lost a lot of my vitality when I escaped from the trap, and the fight against the Xuanming cold energy in these years has also consumed a lot. If I want to start a furnace to refine weapons, I am afraid I will have to rest for ten years and eight years." Only in this way can we return to our peak condition!"

"My little friend, if you are not in a hurry, you can go to the Heavenly Fire Gate of the Fire Kingdom to find me in ten years. By then, I will definitely give you all the things I promised you before!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but be slightly startled.

But thinking about the constraints of the [Netherworld Soul Contract], and the fact that the [Huoyuan Xianzhi] promised by Master Yancang can only be obtained by going to his cave, he still nodded and said: "Ten years is not a long time. This junior can still afford to wait."

"In this case, please keep this token safe. When the time comes, you only need to show it to the disciples of Tianhuo Sect, and someone will take you to see me!"

Master Yan Cang nodded slightly, then raised his hand and waved a fiery red token covered with flame patterns to Zhou Chun.

Then, without waiting for Zhou Chun's response, he moved and suddenly turned into a streak of red fire and disappeared into the distance in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun swallowed his words again and couldn't help but look at the token in his hand.

This object is actually made from the magic weapon spiritual material [Fire Crystal Black Iron], and it seems to be a magic weapon.

Zhou Chun soon learned the information about this object after injecting a little mana into it for refining.

It turns out that this object is called the "Sky Fire Order", and it is the highest level token of the Sky Fire Sect in the Fire Kingdom. Only the master and the leader of the Nascent Soul Stage can release it.

Anyone holding this object and going to the Heavenly Fire Gate will receive the highest level of reception.

At the same time, this object also has a very good fire-proofing effect, and can protect monks from entering and exiting volcanic magma for a short period of time.

Zhou Chun had the Inferno Fire Phoenix, so of course he didn't like the fire-proofing effect, so he just kept it as an important token.

In fact, the ten-year buffer time is not a bad thing for him.

In this way, he would have enough time to think about what types of magic weapons he should ask Master Yancang to refine, and to collect magic weapons and spiritual materials in a targeted manner.

Next, after Zhou Chun figured out the direction for a while, he flew away from this unknown snow peak.

A few days later, Zhou Chun's figure appeared in Fangshi, where Wu Yishan and his daughter lived.

He still had a very good impression of Wu Yishan, and he was able to meet Master Yan Cang this time, thanks to his guidance. Therefore, before leaving Frozen Yi Country, Zhou Chun planned to leave a contact information with him.

If Wu Yuzhu reaches the later stage of Zifu's cultivation in the future and wants to use the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" to form elixirs, Zhou Chun is also willing to form a good relationship with him depending on the situation, and will use the techniques of the subsequent golden elixir stage and some experience in forming elixirs. Leave it to her.

But when Zhou Chun found Wu Yishan's door, he knocked on the door, but no one responded.

This made him frown, and he immediately ignored the taboo and directly used his powerful spiritual consciousness to forcefully pass through the formation in the courtyard and detect the situation inside.

The next moment, Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he directly used "Small Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" to open a hole in the courtyard formation, and flew over the wall into the courtyard.

After he entered the courtyard, he quickly broke through the stone door of a secret room and appeared in the secret room where Wu Yuzhu practiced.

In the secret room at this time, Wu Yuzhu passed out on the ground with a pale complexion. A thin layer of white frost had condensed on his body, and his life breath was already very weak.

"When the fire poison breaks out in the body, can it be suppressed by forcibly taking an ice attribute spiritual substance?"

With a sweep of Zhou Chun's consciousness, it was easy to see the reason why Wu Yuzhu became like this.

Then his face darkened and he sighed in a low voice: "So, something happened to Wu Yishan on the way back!"

Given Wu Yishan's love for his daughter Wu Yuzhu, it would have been impossible for Wu Yuzhu to do such a life-risking thing if he had not already fallen on the ice sheet.

Well now the situation is clear.

Wu Yishan's death on the ice field, although it was not Zhou Chun's responsibility, made him feel very sorry.

After all, the other party went to the ice field to show him the way, and it was also because he had to delay a lot of time that he had to return alone.

"That's all! In that case, Zhou will take care of your daughter for you. Fellow Daoist Wu, you can go in peace!"

Zhou Chun looked solemn, and immediately raised his hands in the direction of the ice field, as a gesture of comfort to Wu Yishan's spirit in heaven.

Then he first dissolved all the ice attribute power in Wu Yuzhu's body, and then diluted a drop of the spiritual blood of the Hell Fire Phoenix and fed it to Wu Yuzhu.

Wu Yuzhu has now switched to the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" and is not suitable to use [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water] for treatment, otherwise all the poisons in her body may be purified.

On the other hand, although the spiritual blood of the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix also has the effect of resolving hundreds of poisons, it is not as efficient and domineering as the [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water]. After the fire poison in Wu Yuzhu's body is suppressed by it, Zhou Chun will help her resolve it.

After Zhou Chun's treatment, Wu Yuzhu woke up quickly.

When she woke up and saw Zhou Chun sitting in the room, she immediately understood what had happened. She immediately looked at Zhou Chun with gratitude and apology and said, "It turns out that it was Senior Zhang who saved this junior again! This junior is incompetent, so you gave me to senior again It’s causing trouble!”

"You're welcome, little friend. It's just a simple task, not much trouble."

Zhou Chun waved his hand, indicating that you are welcome.

Wu Yuzhu also quickly thought of something, and suddenly looked at Zhou Chun with a worried look and asked: "Senior Zhang, since you are back, is my father also back? Why didn't you see him?"

Hearing her ask about this, Zhou Chun couldn't bear to look away for a while, but he still chose to tell the truth and sighed softly: "Hey! Wu Daoyou separated from Zhang three years ago and traveled alone. We've been on the way back, and since we haven't returned yet, we've probably already..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a soft sound.

But Wu Yuzhu, who had originally sat up, fell on the bed again, his face was ashen, and his eyes were full of despair.

In fact, Wu Yuzhu herself knew that something had probably happened if her father Wu Yishan did not come back before the fire poison in her body broke out.

But she still had a glimmer of hope at that time, hoping that it was only delayed by the snowstorm. This kind of thing had happened once or twice in the past.

Therefore, she endured it hard at first, and when she couldn't bear it anymore, she took the risk and took a thousand-year-old ice attribute elixir that her father Wu Yishan had given her before.

Unexpectedly, she finally waited for Zhou Chun to return, but finally received this disappointing news.

For a moment, I just felt like my heart was filled with despair, and I had no idea of ​​continuing to live.

The way Zhou Chun looked at Wu Yuzhu, he could more or less understand what he was thinking.

But since he had said before that he would take care of Wu Yishan's daughter, he naturally couldn't sit idly by at this time.

At that moment, he slowly said: "Although Daoyou Wu is most likely to have encountered an accident, it cannot be ruled out that he got lost due to the snowstorm and got lost on the ice field."

"And even if Wu Daoyou is really in a good situation, Xiaoyou Wu, you shouldn't give up on yourself and wait for death. Don't forget that your parents are willing to sacrifice their lives just for you to live. If you just give up on yourself and wait for death, , wouldn’t it mean that they all died in vain and suffered for so many years in vain!!”

After these words fell, Wu Yuzhu's eyes, which were originally despairing and lifeless, suddenly had a glimmer of light.

She quickly sat up from the bed, then quickly got out of bed, kowtowed to Zhou Chun and begged: "Junior knows that you are a kind-hearted person, Senior Zhang. Please help me, and help me go back to the ice field to find him again." Find my dad!"

What she did was not unexpected by Zhou Chun. In fact, this was the purpose of Zhou Chun's previous words.

He looked at her immediately and said: "Zhang will try to help you find Daoist Wu. It's not impossible, but you have to promise Zhang that if Wu Daoyou has really fallen, you must continue to practice hard until you are completely transformed." On the day when the fire poison is removed from the body, only in this way can we live up to the efforts of Wu Daoyou and your mother over the years!"

Hearing what he said, Wu Yuzhu immediately responded without hesitation: "Junior has promised to senior, Senior Zhang, your great kindness and kindness, junior will never forget it!"

Zhou Chun knew that this was just her response because she still had a glimmer of hope.

But she didn't reveal it. She just left some elixirs that would help her regulate her body, then took some utensils used by Wu Yishan before leaving.

However, when Zhou Chun left Wu Yuzhu's house and used the residual aura on the utensils used by Wu Yishan as a medium to perform some kind of secret tracing technique, the technique failed directly.

When this happens, it can basically be concluded that the person you are looking for has died, provided that the owner is trapped in some secret place isolated from the world.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun sighed softly, he did not go to the Icefield anymore, but turned around and went to the free trade zone in Fang City.

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