Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 588 Six-winged Ice Silkworm【Please subscribe】

Now that it was confirmed that Wu Yishan had died, it was impossible for Zhou Chun to go to the vast ice field to find a body that he didn't know existed.

But if he told Wu Yuzhu the truth directly like this, Zhou Chun was worried that the other party would not be able to think straight.

So he decided to find someone to act out a scene and tell a white lie so that Wu Yuzhu could continue to live.

Almost a month later, Zhou Chun returned to Wu Yuzhu's home again.

"Senior father..."

In the yard, when Wu Yuzhu saw Zhou Chun alone coming back, she suddenly swayed and fell to the ground.

"Unfortunately, Zhang was unable to recover Wu Daoyou's body. He only found some things that he left to you during his lifetime!"

Zhou Chun whispered, raised his hand, and several things appeared in front of Wu Yuzhu.

These things were indeed old things that Wu Yishan had previously owned, but they were all things he sold before setting off.

Zhou Chun also found the help of the Jindan monks in Fang City, and spent a lot of effort to collect them again.

And the "photograph bead" mixed with these things is the relic of Wu Yishan that Zhou Chun deliberately forged.

When Wu Yuzhu activated the "Image Bead" under Zhou Chun's suggestion, he saw Wu Yishan, whose clothes were stained with blood, fell into an ice cave and was recording his last words to the "Image Bead".

"Yuzhu, my poor daughter, daddy, I may never be able to see you again in this life!"

"I can't imagine how you would deal with the fire poison erupting in your body without my help, and I can't imagine how painful you are!"

"I am ashamed of your mother's instructions before she died. I failed to take care of you until the end, and failed to see the day when you completely resolved the fire poison in your body!"

"But Yuzhu, if you are really destined to see these words I left for you, I hope you will live strong and live well!"

"You can only prove that your mother and father's sacrifices are meaningful and worth it if you can survive. Otherwise, father and you have suffered all these years in vain!"

"Dad, because of the fire poison in your body, I did not hesitate to fall out with the family and go to the Frozen End Kingdom. I really feel ashamed of the cultivation of the family and the elders in the family who trust me. This is except for your mother's death. Besides, daddy, this is the thing that I regret the most!"

"The so-called father's debt is repaid by his son. Since dad and I can no longer repay the family's debt to us in this life, Yuzhu, if you can survive and succeed in cultivation in the future, I hope you can help dad and I repay the family's debt. Thanks to the cultivation, my spirit tablet can be returned to the family ancestral hall!"

At the end of the image, a roar of a monster suddenly broke into it, and then Wu Yishan's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly ended the photo taking process.

After Wu Yuzhu watched the entire video, she burst into tears.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun didn't rush to comfort her, and just let her cry and vent first.

The image in this photo bead was naturally forged by Zhou Chun.

He used the [Hundred Magic Beads] to transform into Wu Yishan and recorded this video on the ice field in order to persuade Wu Yuzhu to live.

Because it was just a photo, and with the collection of things Wu Yishan used during his lifetime as evidence, Zhou Chun believed that it would be difficult for Wu Yuzhu to distinguish the authenticity now.

As for when she came back to her senses and figured out the truth later, she wouldn't blame him for deceiving her with lies.

A white lie to persuade people to live should not be criticized!

After waiting like this for a while, when Wu Yuzhu was tired from the pain, Zhou Chun slowly said: "Fellow Daoist Wu must have been chased by monsters, and he could only leave these things behind in a hurry."

"You have read his last words. Even before he died, the one he was most worried about was you, Xiaoyou Wu!"

"If Zhang were you, Xiaoyou Wu, you would never let his sacrifice be in vain, you would not let his last wish go down, and you would definitely work hard to practice and fulfill his last wish!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun said nothing more, turned around and left.

"I will come again in three days. If you have figured it out by then, you can leave Frozen Yi Country with me and practice with me in the future. This is the last thing I can do to help Fellow Daoist Wu!"

Zhou Chun's plain voice echoed in Wu Yuzhu's ears, and the figure quickly disappeared into the yard.

When things got to this point, Zhou Chun had already done his best.

If Wu Yuzhu really still wanted to die, he had nothing to say.

Three days later, Zhou Chun's figure appeared outside the Wu family courtyard again.

And Wu Yuzhu seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

As soon as he made some noise, the door opened.

"Very good, it seems that you have figured it out. In that case, just let me leave!"

Zhou Chun looked at the female cultivator in front of him who was wearing a white mourning dress, nodded slightly, turned around and headed towards Fangshi.

Seeing this, Wu Yuzhu just followed him silently, then looked back at the small courtyard behind her step by step until she couldn't see it at all!

After leaving Fangshi, Zhou Chun released the golden-winged tiger and let it carry him and Wu Yuzhu on their way.

Soon after, the two arrived at another city in Frozen Yi Kingdom, which was also the largest city in the country.

It turned out that Zhou Chun had learned before that in two months, a large-scale auction would be held in this city, and there would be many rare things from the ice sheet.

For Zhou Chun, who now needs to collect alchemy and weapon refining materials, there is no reason to miss out on such auctions.

"I come from a cultivating family that is very far away from the Frozen End Kingdom. Xiaoyou Wu, after you follow me back to the family, you can act as my maid for the time being. The "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" that you practice, I There are also people in the family who have reached the Zifu stage of cultivation. At that time, you can ask her for her cultivation experience, and relevant cultivation resources can also be obtained from this family!"

"Of course, while you are practicing by my side, you must also do something within your ability for me or my family."

"When you practice to the point where you are no longer threatened by the fire poison in your body, you can decide whether to stay or go!"

In a small private courtyard rented by Zhou Chunxin, he looked at Wu Yuzhu, who had followed him here, and in a deep voice told some information about his origins and plans for him.

For Zhou Chun, taking Wu Yuzhu in was just a matter of pity for his life experience and a certain sense of guilt for Wu Yishan.

He didn't say what he wanted to do with it, and he didn't say he really cared about what the other person thought about eating and drinking.

Therefore, taking care of the other person without the threat of fire poison in the body and being able to live alone outside is considered to be the most benevolent thing.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, Wu Yuzhu also bowed to him and said: "Senior Zhang's great kindness, I can't repay it. Being able to meet senior is the greatest blessing in the life of my father and daughter." !”

"It is already a blessing for three lifetimes to be protected by seniors. Juniors dare not ask for more!"

This answer made Zhou Chun very satisfied. He was afraid that Wu Yuzhu had no sense of propriety, did not understand the principle of when enough was enough, and wanted to rely on him from now on.

Then he would have to think carefully about whether he really wanted to take the other person back to Zhou's house.

At that moment, he nodded and said: "Then you should practice hard. If you have any questions about practice, you can ask them when I am free."

In the next two months, while waiting for the auction to be held, Zhou Chun also wandered around the city, preparing to buy a batch of specialties of the Frozen Yi Kingdom before leaving.

Because the Frozen Yi Kingdom has a large number of ice attribute cultivators, there are also many specialty spiritual items that are difficult to find elsewhere.

For example, there are magic weapons suitable for ice attribute cultivators, elixirs for improving cultivation, and some ice attribute monsters.

The Zhou family also has some monks who practice ice-based techniques, and there will always be monks practicing such techniques in the future. Therefore, after Zhou Chun discovered that there are some special spiritual items in the Frozen Yi Kingdom that are suitable for these people, he planned to purchase more to take back. , placed in the family treasury for redemption by clan members.

This is the kind of thing that several of their family's senior leaders would do when they were traveling.

On this day, while Zhou Chun was wandering around the free trading area in Fang City, he suddenly felt that the [Sky Frost Cold Bee] in the spirit beast bag was unusually agitated, as if it had been stimulated by some kind.

This made him stop in his tracks, and with a look of surprise on his face, he used his consciousness to communicate with these monster insects.

After communication, Zhou Chun learned that the reason why these monster insects suddenly became abnormally agitated was because they sensed the aura of a natural enemy.

And you must know that [Sky Frost Bee] is a strange insect on the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth".

The existence that can make these strange insects restless and regard them as natural enemies must be much stronger than them!

This immediately aroused great curiosity in Zhou Chun's heart.

He glanced at the free trade zone and found that he was the only golden elixir-level monk here, and the other highest-level cultivator was an early-stage Zifu monk.

So he no longer hesitated, and immediately quietly released his spiritual consciousness to scan various stalls.

When the difference in cultivation level is too big, no monk can detect Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness.

After several scans, he also identified some suspicious objects, and then approached them one by one to investigate.

After some investigation, Zhou Chun stopped in front of the booth of a bearded man with mid-stage foundation building cultivation.

This big man was wearing a warm leather jacket commonly worn by monks from the Frozen End Country. It seemed to be made of the wolf skin of an ice-attribute demonic wolf.

On the stall in front of him were some minions and fur materials from monster beasts, as well as ore and wood elixirs, all of which were probably second-level items.

At this time, he saw Zhou Chun, who could not see through his cultivation, standing in front of his stall. He did not leave for a long time. The big man's expression also changed slightly, and he quickly took the initiative to say: "Senior, if you have a fancy for something, this junior is willing to use the market." Sell ​​it at the lowest price, don’t be greedy for a penny more!”

Hearing the big man's words, Zhou Chun suddenly narrowed his eyes, then looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Do you really think so? Aren't you afraid that you might miss some treasure and be picked up by me?"

Hearing what he said, the big man's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly replied with a serious face: "Junior dare not deceive senior. I have carefully checked these things many times before selling them. If there is anything missing, then it is It means that the younger generation has no chance to do it, but it’s up to you, the senior, to pick up the slack and make a fortune!”

"Interesting, you, a junior, are quite good at talking."

Zhou Chun had a faint smile on his face, and then he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a second-level high-grade defensive magic weapon shield that he didn't know where he got, and threw it on the stall, "This magic weapon will be exchanged for everything you put on the stall. Have you seen enough?"

"Enough, enough! That's enough! Thank you, senior, for giving me the treasure!"

The big man looked happy and nodded his thanks. Then he quickly took out a spare storage bag and packed everything on the stall. He held the storage bag in both hands and handed it to Zhou Chun.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun was not polite, directly accepted the storage bag and turned around to leave.

Looking at Zhou Chun's leaving figure and looking at the magic weapon shield on the stall, the big man felt melancholy and happy at the same time.

He knew in his heart that he must have made a mistake and missed some treasure.

But he knew better that if he raised the price, or simply closed the stall and stopped selling, the consequences would not be good!

And to be able to exchange these things, which were not even worth a second-level low-grade magic weapon in total, for a second-level high-grade defensive magic weapon, he has already made a lot of money, and he should indeed be happy.

The big man was able to reach his current level of cultivation as a casual cultivator. Naturally, he was very clear about the choice. He had seen many examples of people who lost their lives due to being too greedy!

On the other side, after Zhou Chun returned to his temporary residence, he took out all the things he got from Dahan's stall.

He threw the monster materials aside without even looking at them. He only placed the ore, wood and elixir in front of him, then took out a [Sky Frost Bee] from the spirit beast bag and asked it to get closer to those things.

In this way, through the fear conveyed by [Sky Frost Bee], he quickly determined his target.

The target was a piece of yellowing spiritual wood. It might be a special type of spiritual wood from the Frozen End Country. Zhou Chun could not identify the species. Judging from the spiritual power contained in it, it should be the core part of a second-level spiritual tree. , about five feet long.

Zhou Chun concentrated his consciousness and swept towards this piece of spiritual wood. After checking it carefully many times, he finally discovered the mystery within it.

He suddenly raised his fingers and made gestures, and the piece of spiritual wood was cut into multiple pieces by him. Finally, only a palm-sized piece was left in front of his eyes.

Then he lit a piece of spiritual wood, brought the flame close to the palm-sized piece of spiritual wood, and soon saw a looming white transparent insect cocoon appearing on the wood!

This cocoon is only the size of a thumb and sticks to the spiritual tree like an ordinary silkworm cocoon.

It is impossible to see it with the naked eye unless it is burned by flames, and its existence will be completely ignored by the spiritual consciousness!

Even though he had seen it at this moment, Zhou Chun's consciousness could not see the appearance of the creature inside through this thin layer of cocoon.

This shows how magical this thing is!

"What kind of cocoon is this made by a demonic insect? My spiritual consciousness in the late stage of the golden elixir is almost unable to completely see through its invisibility effect, let alone its thin layer of cocoon silk to see what's going on inside!"

Zhou Chun looked at the cocoon in front of him with a face full of shock, and instantly recalled in his mind all the introductions to all the strange insects in the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth".

However, even though he searched through all the monster and insect information records included in the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth", he could not find a suitable target.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is not surprising.

After all, the Thousand Spirit Sect, which compiles the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth", is located very far away from the Frozen End Kingdom, and there has never been a Nascent Soul Stage monk.

It is very normal that there is no information on this strange insect that may be produced on the ice sheet.

It is still unknown whether the monks here in Frozen End Kingdom know about this strange insect.

After Zhou Chun hesitated for a while looking at the cocoon in front of him, he still did not immediately dismantle it to check what was inside. Instead, he first put the wooden block in a jade box and put it back into the storage bag.

He planned to collect relevant information in Frozen End Country first. If he couldn't find any records about this strange insect, he would then open the cocoon.

In the next ten days or so, Zhou Chun visited many bookstores in Fang City and checked various books on the monster beasts and monster insects that are specialties of the Frozen End Country, but he could not find any records about those strange insects.

This forced him to temporarily stop this matter and focus on the auction.

Soon after, the auction was officially held, and Zhou Chun also entered the reserved private room early.

In this auction, Zhou Chun made three bids in total, bidding for two magic weapons and spiritual materials and a special elixir [Ice Soul Rejuvenation Pill].

Among them, [Ice Soul Rejuvenation Pill] can be said to be an unexpected surprise. This item is actually one of the rare spiritual items that can compensate for the origin of the soul!

Although this item can only restore the lost soul source, but cannot strengthen the soul source, it is still a very rare elixir.

Zhou Chun also spent a full 550,000 spirit coins to win this item from among the competitors!

Fortunately, he didn't have to pay for these spiritual coins, they were directly deducted from the several magic weapons and spiritual materials he sent for auction.

That's right, when Zhou Chun participated in the auction, he also sent most of the materials from the Ice Crystal Demon Wolf and [Watching Moon Ice Toad] that he had killed previously.

These high-end magic weapons and spiritual materials will not be sold cheaply because they come from the place of origin. On the contrary, they are easier to sell at higher prices than in other places, because the Frozen Yi Kingdom itself has gathered a large number of ice-attributed cultivators from other places.

After all, not every Golden Core Stage cultivator has the ability to hunt down fourth-order monsters on the ice field!

However, Zhou Chun did not take out the most precious demon pill.

Although the Zhou family does not have a decent ice attribute monster, the high-level demon pill itself is a kind of hard currency.

Whether it is used to exchange with others for a fourth-level demon elixir suitable for spiritual pets such as Thunder Dragon Baibai in the future, or used to exchange for some other precious treasures, it is an excellent bargaining chip.

After leaving the auction and returning to his residence, Zhou Chun quickly took the [Ice Soul Resurrection Pill].

Seven days later, Zhou Chun opened his eyes and had completely refined the power of [Ice Soul Rejuvenation Pill].

"The power of the soul lost by the previous use of [Ghost Soul Contract] has been restored to half. As long as I find another spiritual object similar to the [Ice Soul Restoration Pill] in the future, I should be able to completely make up for it!"

He murmured to himself, quite accepting the result.

The power of the soul is extremely important to monks, especially when breaking through to a great realm.

Since Zhou Chun's original soul power was stronger than other monks, he would have a better chance of succeeding in transforming elixirs into babies in the future than other monks.

And if he cannot make up for the lost soul power before then, his advantage will no longer exist, and it may even become a disadvantage.

Therefore, if he encounters a spiritual object like [Ice Soul Restoration Pill] in the future that restores the power of the soul, he will definitely go all out to get it.

Originally, according to Zhou Chun's plan, he would leave Frozen Yi Country after the auction.

But in order to find out the origin of the cocoon, he temporarily decided to stay for another half a year and look for more people to communicate with and inquire about.

So he asked Wu Yuzhu to practice in the yard he rented, and he went to various places alone to check relevant information and books, find people to communicate with, and find out about the cocoon.

The hard work paid off. After more than five months of inquiring, Zhou Chun finally got some useful information from a late-stage cultivator from the Purple Mansion who came from the Ice God Palace, a major sect in the Frozen End Kingdom.

According to what the later monk from the Zi Mansion said, he once saw a senior monk from the Ice God Palace record a kind of alien monster insect produced on the ice field in the Sutra Collection Pavilion of the Ice God Palace.

According to the records left by the senior monk of the Ice God Palace, there is a special kind of monster insect with six wings that looks like a spring silkworm on the ice field. He calls it the six-winged ice silkworm!

This kind of demonic insect has a powerful invisibility ability, and the silk it spins has the same invisibility effect. It is difficult to be scanned by spiritual consciousness and is very tough.

The senior monk from the Ice Palace was able to see through the invisibility of the six-winged ice silkworm because he had cultivated a powerful spiritual eye.

According to the records he left behind, he once witnessed a six-winged ice silkworm using silk to strangle a fourth-level ice-clawed giant bear known for its rough skin and thick flesh into a pile of pieces in an almost playful way. Meat!

Because he had witnessed the power of the six-winged ice silkworm with his own eyes, even though the senior monk from the Ice God Palace had a late-stage golden elixir cultivation and was able to see through its invisibility, he still did not dare to do anything to it, and chose to stay away from it on his own initiative. The incident was recorded and warned to the younger generations of the sect.

"So could this thing be a six-winged ice silkworm?"

In the quiet room, Zhou Chun looked at the cocoon that was invisible to the naked eye in front of him, his eyes filled with solemnity.

After hesitating for a while, he still did not choose to take action in Fangshi. Instead, he left Fangshi directly and entered an uninhabited barren mountain.

Zhou Chun then opened a stone room in the mountain peak. He first used the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" to condense silver dragon scales for body protection, and then activated the "Moon Toad Orb" to bless himself with the "Taiyin Body Protection Fairy Clothes" magical power. Then he used the [Mountain Shield] to defend himself, and finally he even used the [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] to turn into a piece of golden armor and put it on his body.

In this way, several layers of protection were laid out one after another. After being convinced that even a late-stage Jindan monk holding a high-grade magic weapon would be unable to break through these multiple layers of protection with one blow, Zhou Chun activated the [Taibai Dragon Sword Sword] to start cutting along the edge of the cocoon.

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