Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 589 Hidden danger! Go to Thunder Lizard Island again【Please subscribe】

[Taibai Killing Dragon Sword] is a middle-grade magic weapon, and Zhou Chun is at the middle stage of the Golden Core.

However, with such a combination, it is still very difficult to cut the cocoons and cannot be accomplished overnight.

This shows the tenacity of the cocoon silk!

Fortunately, after some hard work, Zhou Chun managed to make a small incision, and his consciousness could see clearly what was inside through the incision.

Unexpectedly, there were no six-winged ice silkworms inside as he thought, but instead some white insect eggs the size of mung beans, nine in total.

This discovery made Zhou Chun both disappointed and relieved.

He quickly put away all the protective measures, and then took out the nine eggs for inspection.

After some inspection, Zhou Chun determined that the nine eggs were all alive and had the possibility of hatching.

But it’s just a possibility of hatching!

Since they have been hiding in the cocoon for who knows how long and have not hatched, it can be seen that it is not easy for this thing to hatch.

As far as Zhou Chun knew, the incubation time of some special species of insects on the "List of Strange Insects of Heaven and Earth" would take hundreds of years, and they also had extremely high requirements for the incubation environment.

If the eggs in front of him were really produced by the six-winged ice silkworm, then hatching these eggs would be a test of luck.

But even so, these eggs also represent an opportunity.

If they are really the eggs of six-winged ice silkworms, then as long as they are hatched and cultivated, Zhou Chun will have a kind of strange insect with combat power that can at least rank in the top 40 of the "World's Strange Insects List".

This is undoubtedly a good supplement for him who is gradually looking down on the strength of [Sky Frost Han Bee].

Moreover, there is another thing about the six-winged ice silkworms that the [Sky Frost Bees] cannot match, and that is the value of the silk they spin.

Based on the magical properties displayed by the silk on this cocoon, if it is used to refine robes, it is very possible to refine the legendary "invisibility cloak".

And this "invisibility cloak" not only has the effect of invisibility and shielding spiritual consciousness, but also has powerful defensive capabilities at the level of a magic weapon!

Even real people in the Nascent Soul stage would be eager to fight for such treasures.

To sum up, after Zhou Chun determined that the nine insect eggs were all viable eggs, he quickly identified their owners.

After confirming that the main ceremony was successfully completed, Zhou Chun put the eggs back into the cocoon and glued the incision shut.

After unlocking the secret of the cocoon, there was nothing left for Zhou Chun to stay in the Frozen Yi Country.

After he collected and purchased some things in Fangshi, he soon left Fangshi with Wu Yuzhu and officially embarked on his return journey.

On the way back, the golden-winged tiger was still the walking spirit beast.

Zhou Chun sat cross-legged on the tiger's back, and while letting the golden-winged tiger fly in the direction pointed by him, he also took stock of the gains from this trip to the Frozen End Country.

Zhou Chun undoubtedly gained a lot from this trip to Frozen Yi Country.

First of all, the secret technique "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter" was successfully practiced to a small degree, and the purpose and power of the "Moon Toad Orb", a spiritual treasure, was completely discovered.

The second is to meet Master Yancang by chance and help him get out of trouble and gain a big harvest.

A high-grade magic weapon, plus three opportunities to refine the treasure, as well as a [Fire Origin Immortal Zhi] elixir with an age of more than 5,000 years and the opportunity to enter the flame spiritual spring for practice.

The sum of these benefits is not small, and it is definitely an opportunity that many Golden Core monks will never encounter in their lifetime!

Compared with these two great benefits, whether it is the eggs suspected of being a six-winged ice silkworm, or the demon elixir of the ice crystal demon wolf and [Moon-Watching Ice Toad], they are nothing.

"It's a pity that Master Yancang left too fast at that time, otherwise it would have been better to let him redeem the high-grade magic weapon first!"

After recalling what he had gained from this trip, Zhou Chun couldn't help but sigh with regret.

Although he has the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb], it can basically only be used as a last resort, and he dare not use it unless absolutely necessary.

But there are not so many taboos about high-grade magic weapons. With his cultivation in the middle stage of the golden elixir, and the presence of several fourth-level spiritual pets, he is fully qualified to possess such a treasure.

In this way, when encountering some enemies at the later stages of the Golden Core, he might be able to win without the [Moon Toad Orb], thus reducing the possibility of the Lingbao being exposed and discovered.

Fortunately, ten years later, he can go to Fire Luo Kingdom to find Master Yan Cang to fulfill his promise. Zhou Chun doesn't have to worry too much about this little regret in his heart.

Because he was not in a hurry, Zhou Chun also stopped and stopped on his way back, taking advantage of the situation to visit all the countries he passed along the way to see if he could collect some needed alchemy materials.

With such a traveling style, by the time Zhou Chun returned to Jingguo, it had been three years since he left Fengyi Kingdom!

It is worth mentioning that after several years of practice, Wu Yuzhu's "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" has been successfully transferred to the practice, and the poisonous skills have also entered the late stage of Qi training.

During this period, the fire poison in her body broke out again. Zhou Chun used the method her father Wu Yishan had used before, using several ice-attribute spiritual objects to help her suppress the fire poison in her body.

According to Zhou Chun's estimation, she should be able to try to build a foundation before the next fire poison breaks out.

If the foundation can be successfully established, not only to suppress the fire poison outbreak entirely by relying on one's own cultivation, but at least it can greatly extend the duration of the fire poison outbreak.

Moreover, after arriving at Zhou's house, Zhou Yuanlian, who has superb poison skills, is taking care of him. Even if the fire poison breaks out, Zhou Chun probably won't need help.

After arriving in Jingguo, Zhou Chun also returned to his original appearance.

This surprised Wu Yuzhu, who had been with him for several years and was used to his disguise.

"Don't be surprised, it's just a way to deceive others."

Zhou Chun smiled lightly and quickly led the other party back to Tuyun Ridge.

At this time, Zhou Chun had only been away from home for six or seven years, but there had not been much change within the family. His apprentice Zhou Zhiying was still in the middle stage of foundation building, so there was no more unexpected surprise for him.

Zhou Chun first briefly told Zhou Mingde what he had gained from going out, and explained the origin of Wu Yuzhu. Then he called Zhou Yuanlian to the cave, introduced Wu Yuzhu to her, and asked the two to get closer in the future.

Maybe it was because they practiced a technique together, or maybe because after hearing Zhou Chun talk about Wu Yuzhu's tragic experience, some kind of recognition arose in her heart. Zhou Yuanlian, who had always been unpretentious towards other people, had a different attitude towards this little sister. It was quite good, and it was easy to agree to take care of each other.

This made Zhou Chun feel even more that he had done the right thing by leaving the person to her.

After settling Wu Yuzhu in this way, Zhou Chun went to the wilderness.

He first put the [Sky Frost Bee] back into the nest, and then went to Zhou Daoquan's hidden cultivation place.

I saw the original location of the Blood Dragon Division Mountain Gate. As soon as Zhou Chung stepped into this sinister place, a sinister wind blew in front of him, revealing Zhou Daoquan's figure.

This is the art of ghost escape, an almost innate ability of ghost cultivators.

Within the scope of the evil land, ghost cultivators can easily turn into wind and escape, which is more mysterious and efficient than the wind escape technique.

This is because the body of a ghost cultivator has no entity, and is somewhat similar to the Nascent Soul of an immortal cultivator.

"Junior has just arrived here, but you have already sensed it, uncle. It seems that your mastery of ghost cultivation is getting deeper and deeper now!"

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Daoquan who suddenly appeared and couldn't help but smile and compliment him.

When Zhou Daoquan heard what he said, he couldn't help but smile and said: "This way of ghost cultivation does have its own uniqueness, but I have underestimated this way before!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Zhengchun, didn't you say you were going to travel far away before? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Everything went well for this junior, so I came back much sooner than expected."

Zhou Chun answered Zhou Daoquan's words and said softly: "And this time, this junior comes here because he has something to ask my uncle!"

As he said that, he told about his use of [Ghost Soul Contract] to trade with Master Yan Cang.

To be honest, Zhou Chun was still wary and worried about the Nether Will adding a new condition to the contract.

It's just that the situation was complicated at the time and he didn't have time to think too much, so he had to agree first.

Now that I look back and think about it carefully, this matter may leave some hidden dangers, so I am planning to ask Zhou Daoquan, who has converted to the path of ghost cultivation, for advice.

"In addition to practicing these years, I have also carefully read all the classics about ghost cultivation in my family many times. Combined with the inherited knowledge of ghost cultivation that you brought back, I can summarize the ghost world mentioned by ghost cultivation. I have some opinions of my own!”

"In my opinion, first of all, the so-called Nether World must exist, otherwise the Nether Will and Nether Ghost Qi cannot appear out of thin air!"

"And the statement that the underworld and the real world overlap and are two sides of the same coin is probably not groundless. Maybe it is!"

"However, the saying that after the death of our monks, all the souls returned to the Netherworld, I am afraid there is a misunderstanding. Not everyone can enter the Netherworld!"

"And from my point of view, even if the soul really enters the netherworld, it may not be that easy to be reincarnated. It is most likely that it will become food for some special beings in the netherworld!"

"Actually, after I become a ghost cultivator, I will be marked with the mark of the Netherworld. I may be led into the Netherworld at any time and become food for some beings. That wisp of Netherworld ghost energy is proof!"

"I suspect that the method of ghost cultivation will appear in this world. It is a conspiracy in the Netherworld. It is to spread this method to attract people to practice, and then wait for harvest when necessary!"

When Zhou Daoquan said this, he looked at Zhou Chun solemnly and said: "As for Zhengchun, you attracted the attention of the Netherworld because of your use of [Netherworld Soul Contract], and the content of the soul contract was modified by it. I guess it was with ghost cultivators like me." Just like that, he was branded with the Netherworld!"

"But Zhengchunyou is not a ghost cultivator after all. Even if the soul contract method leaves a mark on your soul, the Netherworld will not be able to directly remove your soul. At most, after your physical body dies, the soul will be gone. Only under certain circumstances can your soul be led into the Netherworld!"

I see!

After listening to Zhou Daoquan's words, Zhou Chun suddenly felt enlightened.

He wondered how the Nether Will could grant such benefits out of thin air!

It turns out that all gifts have been marked with prices!

His feeling at the time was not wrong. He had indeed made a soul deal with the devil.

Dang Ji said: "In this case, as long as I protect my physical body and prevent my soul from leaving my body, I don't have to worry about the hidden dangers caused by the [Ghost Soul Contract]!"

"That's right!"

Zhou Daoquan nodded and confirmed this.

Then he looked at him with a serious face and advised: "But Zhengchun, you are not a ghost cultivator after all. Even if such ghost cultivation techniques can be used, it is best not to use them in the future, so as not to have deeper causal involvement with the Netherworld and bring trouble to yourself. There are hidden dangers in the future!"

"This junior understands. This junior will remember your uncle's warning and try not to use such ghost cultivation techniques in the future!"

Zhou Chun nodded and responded with a serious face, really listening to Zhou Daoquan's words.

After Zhou Daoquan's previous explanation, he was also full of fear of the rumored Netherworld, and did not want to really enter the Netherworld and become a food ration for some existence.

Then he saw him speak again: "By the way, I got the eggs of a rare and strange insect during my trip this time. I just don't know how to hatch the eggs, and I'm worried that I don't have the time to study them. I would like to invite Uncle, please help me research how to hatch this thing."

After that, he told how he obtained the eggs and the information he found about the six-winged ice silkworm.

Zhou Chun has always trusted Zhou Daoquan's professional knowledge and skills in beast control.

The spirit beast egg containing the white thunder dragon was kept by the Mu family in Biyun Lake for many years but could not be hatched properly. In the end, it could only be given to Zhou Chun as a reward for his rescue of the family spirit beast.

After Zhou Chun obtained this object, he relied on Zhou Daoquan's years of research to successfully hatch snake eggs with his guidance and help.

Now that Zhou Daoquan has turned into a ghost cultivator, his longevity is comparable to that of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, and he cannot leave this evil place, so he has more time to devote to studying the skills of beast control, and his attainments in this area will only improve. Come deeper and deeper.

Therefore, it was obviously most appropriate to give him the eggs that were suspected to be six-winged ice silkworms to study the hatching method.

After listening to Zhou Chun's narration, Zhou Daoquan also became interested. He immediately nodded solemnly and said, "I understand. Leave this matter to me. I will definitely do my best to do this well." .”

But he didn't ask Zhou Chun to hand over all the eggs to him, he just took four of them.

According to him, he can't leave this sinister place now. There's no guarantee that anything abnormal will happen when the eggs hatch here, so it's safest to act separately.

In this way, even if all the eggs hatched by him die unexpectedly, the possibility of hatching six-winged ice silkworms will not be completely lost.

Zhou Chun would naturally not object to his prudent approach.

After leaving four eggs behind, Zhou Chun left with the remaining eggs.

However, after leaving Zhou Daoquan's seclusion, Zhou Chun did not return to his family immediately. Instead, after hesitating for a while, he walked towards Long Yuanze.

I saw him standing on the edge of Long Yuanze, looking at the vast swamp in front of him. After pondering for a long time, he soon seemed to have made some kind of determination, and suddenly displayed the magical power of "Moon Toad Possession" and turned into a white Lunar Toad.

Immediately afterwards, the Taiyin Moon Toad he transformed bounced into the water, and soon disappeared without a trace.

After incarnating as Moon Toad for the second time, Zhou Chun has become very accustomed to this state.

He briefly used the toad monster's powerful talent in gathering breath to gather his breath, and then based on his memory, he rushed straight towards the Thunder Lizard Island deep in Longyuan Ze.

This time he didn't need to deliberately take a detour or avoid anyone. He just walked in a straight line. On the way, he passed the habitat of some third-level monsters, who were frightened by the fourth-level aura he exuded and fled in a hurry.

Just over an hour passed before he arrived at Thunder Lizard Island, which he had visited once before.

More than two hundred years have passed, and the number of third-order thunder dragon lizard monsters on Thunder Lizard Island has increased again. There are now four third-order thunder dragon lizards.

The two lightning dragon lizards that the Zhou family fought back then have grown into third-level high-grade monsters.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun was not polite and immediately killed the two third-level high-grade thunder dragon lizards with cold air, leaving their whole corpses intact.

Then he collected all the eggs laid by the Thunder Lizards on the island, and along with them some spiritual herbs that were beneficial to the growth of the Thunder Lizards.

After doing this, he didn't care how the remaining two third-order thunder dragon lizards and other thunder lizards were frightened and angry, and quickly left the island.

And just over an hour after Zhou Chun left, the thunder dragon that had appeared more than 200 years ago rushed to the island in anger.

At this time, the aura emanating from this thunder dragon has suddenly reached the level of a fourth-order high-grade monster!

After it learned what happened from the mouths of the remaining two Thunder Dragon Lizards, its lungs suddenly exploded with anger!

Who doesn't know about the fourth-level monsters in Longyuanze? The group of Thunder Lizard beasts on Thunder Lizard Island are protected by it?

Where did the toad come from, how dare you attack its descendants!

It flew into the water angrily and chased after Zhou Chun in the direction he left.

But after it chased it to the shore, it completely lost its target. Even if it caught several monsters on the shore and asked, it couldn't get any useful information. It was so angry that it slaughtered a nearby alien tribe of scaled frogs to vent its anger!

But this thunder dragon was not noticed. After it left, a green light flashed in the nearby forest, and there was a trace of abnormal escape technique fluctuations.

"What? A fourth-order high-grade thunder dragon is chasing me!"

On a mountain somewhere in the wilderness, Zhou Chun couldn't help but be shocked after hearing the news brought back by Mu Mei Mu Sang.

He also guessed that Thunder Lizard Island was able to develop so smoothly because it was probably protected by a fourth-level monster.

Therefore, after killing two third-level high-grade thunder dragon lizards this time, I felt that it might lead to the fourth-level monster behind them.

So after landing, Mu Mei Mu Sang, who was good at covert reconnaissance, was left under surveillance.

Unexpectedly, this move really brought me important information!

"In this way, it was really lucky to be able to successfully take away the [Yuan-Building Fruit] tree back then!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but be afraid of what would happen next when he recalled the time when all the top officials of the Zhou family went out to seize the [Yuan-Building Fruit] tree.

If we had known at that time that there was a fourth-level Thunder Dragon protecting the Thunder Lizard Island, the Zhou family would not have dared to attack that [Yuan-Building Fruit] tree even if they had the courage to do so!

And if he had been caught by this fourth-order thunder dragon at that time, I'm afraid there would be no Zhou family anymore.

It can only be said that this is how things are in the world. Sometimes a successful adventure or a stroke of luck can create two completely different situations.

The Zhou family successfully captured the [Yuan-Building Fruit] tree back then. Over the years, the number of people in the family who have successfully relied on the [Yuan-Building Fruit] tree to build their foundation is no less than two palms, thus greatly enhancing the family heritage.

On the other hand, if one or two high-level officials died at the hands of the fourth-order thunder dragon, then in the subsequent series of events, the Zhou family may not be as stable as it is now.

"Although I don't know if there are any fifth-level dragons in the Longyuanze thunder dragon clan after the death of King Thunder Dragon, but since that thunder dragon has grown to the fourth-level high-grade, it will definitely receive the attention and care of the fifth-level dragon. It seems that You can’t go to this Thunder Lizard Island again!”

"Fortunately, there are a lot of Thunder Lizard eggs obtained this time, which are enough to breed a population within the family. There is no need to worry about the Thunder Lizards on the island in the future."

Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.

He had been thinking about the Thunder Lizard beasts on Thunder Lizard Island for a year or two. He was filled with regrets when he failed to seize the opportunity to seize the eggs from the [Yuan-Building Fruit] tree.

After discovering that even the fourth-level monsters could not identify his identity as a human monk in the "Moon Toad Possession" state, he came up with the idea of ​​using this identity to seize the beast eggs.

I tried it myself this time, and it turned out to be very useful.

It's a pity that since you have offended that fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon this time, you must be extremely careful if you use this identity in Longyuan Ze and the wilderness in the future, so as not to be caught on the spot!

A few days later, Zhou Chun returned to his family and handed the eighteen Thunder Lizard eggs to Zhou Xinyan, asking him to arrange for the tribe to hatch and cultivate them, and to take good care of and grow this population.

As for the two third-level high-grade thunder lizard beasts that he killed instantly, Zhou Chun regarded their demon elixirs as rewards to reward the thunder dragon in vain. The thunder dragon devoured the gains in cultivation in vain, and the remaining materials were given to him. Zhou Mingde used it to refine weapons.

And after getting two third-level high-grade demon pills with attributes that fit him at once as supplements, Lei Jiao Baibai was also very happy in his heart.

Because it needs to satisfy the Lunar Sect's tribute of eighty-one dragon scales, it has basically not made much progress in cultivation over the years.

Swallowing two third-level high-grade demon pills can almost equal the effect of twenty or thirty years of practice, which is much better.

The key is that Zhou Chun kept his word and said he would make up for it, and he really did it.

This unique favor naturally makes it particularly useful and happy.

As for Zhou Chun, because he did not want to expose his mid-stage Golden Core cultivation, he kept a very low profile in the family for several years and trained his disciples.

In the third year after his return, Zhou Zhiying further improved her cultivation and reached the late stage of foundation building. At this time, she was still under fifty years old!

This excessive speed of cultivation made Zhou Chun also worried that if she stayed in the family, the secret of her top spiritual root qualifications might be exposed, so he could only send her to a wilderness in the name of traveling to isolate herself from outsiders. .

Soon after, Wu Yuzhu also successfully built the foundation with Zhou Yuanlian's help. Her resistance to fire poison in her body was greatly enhanced, and Zhou Chun basically no longer had to worry about it.

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