Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 590 Seventh-level means [Please subscribe]

Three years and three years, including the time spent in Frozen Yi Country, the ten-year appointment with Master Yan Cang is already very close.

Going from Jingguo to Huoluo Kingdom also requires crossing a vast area of ​​more than 100,000 miles, including some dangerous places that are not easy to pass.

Therefore, Zhou Chun did not even bother to wait for Zhou Zhiying to open the Zifu, and embarked on a long journey again.

It's a long way to go to Huo Luo Kingdom, and the time required is unknown.

Zhou Chun also made sufficient preparations before leaving.

He didn't bring many spiritual coins with him, but he did bring many special spiritual items, especially some special items from Longyuan Ze and Frozen Yi Kingdom.

In this way, if he really encounters something there that he wants to purchase and exchange, these things should be easy to get rid of and exchange for spiritual coins or spiritual objects.

In addition, considering that the Huo Luo Kingdom is said to be dominated by deserts and desert plateaus, Zhou Chun did not bring Mu Mei Mu Sang with him this time, and let him stay with Zhou Zhiying for personal protection.

Even Lei Jiao Baibai allowed him to rest and recuperate at the Su Family Mountain Gate.

Therefore, the only spiritual pets he really took with him were the Golden-winged Tiger and the Fire Phoenix.

This was only after Zhou Chun developed the true power of the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb] that he dared to do this.

Otherwise, with his caution, he would definitely not give up the trump card of carrying Thunder Dragon Baibai.

Zhou Chun was seen traveling westward, and within a few months he traveled to a place called Xia Kingdom.

The Xia Kingdom and the Fire Kingdom are separated by many countries, but it can be said that it is the only way to quickly get to the Fire Kingdom.

Going west from the Xia Kingdom, passing through a long and narrow canyon, you can reach the far west where the Fire Kingdom is located.

If you don't choose to cross this canyon and highland, you will have to go north along this canyon and highland that stretches for tens of thousands of miles, detour nearly 100,000 miles, and pass through several countries before you can get back on track, which also requires passing through some Dangerous place.

But since this canyon and highland is so important for communication between the two places, it is naturally not a good place to have communication between the two regions.

The environment of this place itself is very complex and harsh, and evil spirits breed in many places in the canyon. If the monks passing by are accidentally contaminated by the evil spirits, they are likely to become possessed and become confused.

These evil spirits will also spread into the high air and merge with the strong wind. Even if you fly from high altitude, it is easy to be contaminated by the evil spirits unknowingly.

At the same time, some evil beasts and poisonous insects live and breed in the canyon highlands. These evil beasts and poisonous insects cannot help but be harmed by the evil spirit. Instead, they integrate the evil spirit into their own magical powers. Once they are injured by them, they will be stained with the evil spirit. gas.

In addition, there are some people with heinous crimes and bandit cultivators hiding in this area. They often use their familiarity with the environment to rob and kill cultivators who try to cross this area.

Before this, Zhou Chun had only heard of the name of this canyon highland, but didn't know much about the details.

After he actually entered the Xia Kingdom and learned the relevant information in detail, he realized that he had probably underestimated this place that the monks of the Xia Kingdom called the "Evil Spirit Canyon" before.

In the hearts of Xia Kingdom monks, Nieling Canyon is definitely the most dangerous place in the country, bar none.

Many examples in the past have proven that even if a Golden Core monk is contaminated by the evil spirit inside, he will be greatly affected, or even die directly!

It is said that even if you are a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, once you are contaminated with too much evil energy, you will not be immune to its influence.

Therefore, in many cases, if monks from the Xia Kingdom want to go to the far west, they would rather take a detour of a hundred thousand miles than cross the Evil Spirit Canyon, which may be only a thousand miles away in a straight line!

Similarly, the monks on the other side of the Nie Ling Canyon were unwilling to cross this canyon to reach Xia Kingdom.

Under this situation, even if Zhou Chun wanted to buy the map and information in the Evil Spirit Canyon, it was difficult to find a way to do so. He didn't know who actually had it.

"Evil spirit, is this thing really as mysterious as the legend says?"

On a bare stone peak, Zhou Chun looked at the undulating mountains in front of him, the Nieling Canyon composed of peaks, cliffs, canyons, and highlands, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

He originally thought that since he had the [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water] in hand that could purify even the evil spirit, it would be easy to pass through this area.

But after hearing too many horrifying rumors about the evil spirit among the local monks in Xia Kingdom, he couldn't help but have some doubts.

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Chun decided to give it a try first.

According to the rumors heard, even if the golden elixir stage monks cannot completely resist the evil spirit, they will not die immediately like the middle and low-level monks.

If [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water] really can't eliminate the evil spirit, Zhou Chun can only take a detour.

If that works, he can proceed with his original plan.

After making the decision, Zhou Chun immediately flew into the Evil Spirit Canyon ahead without any hesitation, and took the initiative to look for the so-called evil spirit.

Not long after, Zhou Chun made a discovery in a dead leaf forest.

This dead leaf forest is located in a canyon. There is a kind of hardwood with gray-white trunks growing in it, somewhat like birch.

At this time, a gray-white mist filled the woods, and the mist was still spreading around with the mountain wind.

There is a saying in Xia Kingdom’s Immortal Cultivation World about the evil spirit of Nie Ling Canyon. When you see it, it is actually already by your side!

This means that the evil gas will only appear in a gray-white mist state when the concentration is extremely high. When it is thin, they are actually in a colorless state that is difficult to see.

However, Zhou Chun still made a spell and cast a spell, attracting an evil aura that fell on him.

Sure enough, when the substantial evil spirit came behind him, he suddenly felt his consciousness sinking. He seemed to hear some kind of whispering in his ears, and a dryness grew in his heart, with nowhere to vent and release it.

Fortunately, his consciousness was still generally clear, and he quickly exited the area, and then drank the [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water] prepared in advance.

As the cool spiritual water entered his abdomen, the dryness in Zhou Chun's body quickly dissipated, and even his consciousness became clear, and he instantly regained his clarity.

"Okay, okay, it is indeed the [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water], and it has never disappointed me!"

Zhou Chun kept applauding and was very satisfied with the results of this experiment.

But then he seemed to have thought of something again, and he couldn't help but look thoughtful.

It turned out that he suddenly thought of something, and that was the issue of the quantity of [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water].

The amount of [Jingyuan Spiritual Water] currently stored in the [Jingtiandi Divine Jar] is not large. Even if he uses 20% of it at a time, he can only use it five times.

If you want to make a jar of [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water] later, you will have to wait for seven or forty-nine days.

And even the narrowest section of the Evil Spirit Canyon is more than a thousand miles wide, which cannot be passed in a short time.

What's more, according to Zhou Chun's knowledge, that area is actually the most dangerous. There are many powerful evil beasts and poisonous insects living in it, including some powerful beings with fourth-level combat power.

In this way, if he thought that with the [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water] in his body, he could forcefully break into the Evil Spirit Canyon, he would probably suffer a lot.

"It seems we still need to find a map!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun quickly turned around and left the canyon, returning to Xia Kingdom.

Although the number of immortal cultivators who dare to cross the Evil Spirit Canyon is very small, and there are not many successful examples, there are always some lucky ones who have succeeded.

Even though Zhou Chun was not willing to spend money and he was a Golden Core monk, he quickly found such a lucky person.

This man is now a white-haired old man with half of his feet buried in the ground. His cultivation level is in the late Zifu stage. It is said that he was still in the middle stage of Zifu stage when he passed through the Evil Spirit Canyon.

"Senior must also be aware of the dangers of Evil Spirit Canyon. The map in my hand, said to be a map, actually only records the areas that I have luckily passed through."

"And after so many years, the situation in those areas must have changed. Senior, if you encounter any abnormal situation, this junior will not be responsible!"

In a teahouse in the city, after Zhou Chun made an appointment with the lucky guy he had found out about, as soon as the lucky guy heard about his purpose, he immediately vaccinated him first, and he didn't want to take any responsibility.

But this person was already the most suitable candidate that Zhou Chun could find in a short period of time. At that moment, he could only look at him with a calm face and said, "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, as long as the map in your hand is generally fine." , even if you encounter any danger, I will not take my anger out on you."

"With your words, senior, this junior will feel relieved."

The old man's face relaxed, and he immediately took out a map and handed it to Zhou Chun.

Judging from his skillful appearance, he must have done this kind of thing more than once or twice.

Zhou Chun was not surprised by this either.

After all, although the Evil Spirit Canyon is dangerous, if you can travel through it, you can save a lot of time and avoid many other dangers.

Naturally, there are many monks and forces in the Xia Kingdom who are interested in this.

For a lucky person like the old man in front of him who has successfully crossed the Evil Spirit Canyon, the map in his hand will definitely become a hot commodity.

After studying the map, he paid a large sum of money.

Not long after, Zhou Chun left Fangshi with the map.

Over a thousand-foot-wide canyon, countless fist-sized black monsters gathered in a swarm, sweeping toward a monk wearing a silver-white robe in the sky as if they were covering the sky.

The individual strength of these black monster insects is only equivalent to that of a monk in the early stage of Qi training, but there are too many of them, hundreds of thousands of them densely packed!

At the same time, the black acid they spit out is blended with the unique evil spirit in the Evil Spirit Canyon. Even if it is burned into smoke, it can still cause damage to the target.

The silver-robed monk is Zhou Chun, and he is already deep in the Evil Spirit Canyon.

After he got the map before, he quickly followed the map and entered the canyon.

The journey ahead was relatively smooth. Apart from the inevitable contamination with some evil spirits that permeated the void, there were no threats worth mentioning.

Until it was flying over this canyon, it was suddenly stopped by these black monsters.

At this moment, he took a little action and found out how difficult these black monsters were. Even if he didn't want to get entangled with them, he directly made a spell and used the "Golden Escape Technique" to break through the front.

I saw a flash of golden light, and in an instant it was more than fifty miles away, leaving behind the swarm of black strange insects.

But he had just escaped from the trap, and before he had time to feel happy about it, his expression soon changed, and he looked at a certain mountain peak not far away with a gloomy look.

I saw a group of dark golden bat monsters suddenly flying out from the mountain peak. Their auras actually had second and third levels, and their flying speed was very fast, comparable to that of Golden Core monks!

"Damn it, there's no record of these two things on that old guy's map! I won't be tricked by him!"

Zhou Chun cursed secretly in his heart, but knew that he could no longer continue to evade.

He is still walking according to the map. At least the terrain along the way is generally similar to the map.

If you rush to escape at this time and deviate from the map route, it is difficult to say whether you will encounter more dangerous enemies than you do now.

Immediately, Zhou Chun no longer hesitated, patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and released the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

Under normal circumstances, as soon as fourth-order monsters like the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix come out, some second-order and third-order bat monsters will definitely run away.

However, those dark golden bat monsters seemed to be completely unaffected by the aura emitted by the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix. After entering the attack range, they launched ultrasonic attack magical powers, and spit out black air arrows from their mouths to shoot at Zhou Chun and Flame Hell Fire. phoenix.

This situation made the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix very angry. Even with a clear cry, feather-shaped flaming arrows shot towards those dark golden bat monsters while flapping its wings.

Boom boom boom!

Just like rockets hitting their targets, once those dark golden bat monsters are hit by flaming arrows, they will immediately explode into flaming fireworks in mid-air.

However, only the second-level bat monsters will be directly blown to pieces. The third-level bat monsters are often injured but do not die, showing the same powerful defense and vitality that are far superior to the same-level monsters!

And although the number of these bat monsters is not as large as those black monster insects, they still number in the thousands. The Flame Hell Fire Phoenix can kill at most 10% of them in one attack.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only take action himself, using his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations], and spurred out a stream of golden arrows to shoot at the bat monsters.

Their master and servant teamed up and quickly wiped out half of the bat monsters.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

One of the third-level high-grade bat monsters suddenly roared violently, and a huge black energy surged out of its body, turning into small black bats and flying towards the dead or seriously injured bat monsters.

In the blink of an eye, those corpses and severely injured bat monsters shriveled up quickly, losing their energy and life.

Then one after another, the little black bats flew back into the body of the third-order high-grade bat monster, and actually forcibly promoted it to become a fourth-order monster!

As soon as this demon entered the fourth level, its escape speed immediately increased greatly. Not only did it easily dodge the attack of the Fire Phoenix, but it also displayed the magical power of sound attack that even Zhou Chun had to face up to.

And I don't know if it was affected by the evil spirit. Under the attack of the fourth-level bat monster's magical power, Zhou Chun's inner agitation and confusion became significantly stronger.

On the other hand, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix seems to be less affected by the evil aura, probably because it has the [Glass Pure Fire] protection.

"Damn it, we have to fight quickly!"

Zhou Chun shook his head, silently using the secret technique of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" to stay awake, and immediately showed his true strength without any hesitation.

But as soon as he activated the magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of All Transformations], several golden sword rainbows shot towards the fourth-order bat monster.

By the time the fourth-level bat monster relied on its powerful flight speed to dodge the attack of the golden sword rainbow, a golden long sword had already locked it firmly, making it unavoidable!

When it spread its wings and released a black air shield to catch the blow, it saw a torrent of black and red flames pouring down on its head, drowning it.


As a sharp hiss sounded, the fourth-level bat monster, which was tattered and charred, staggered out of the flames and was about to use its escape technique to escape.

Suddenly, a golden divine thunder struck down on its head, exploding its head on the spot!

After using the [Gengjin Cracking Sky Thunder] to kill the fourth-order bat monsters, Zhou Chun joined forces with the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix to quickly kill all the second- and third-order bat monsters that were not afraid of death in the air. .

But after killing these bat monsters, Zhou Chun was not happy at all.

Because he suddenly discovered that these bat monsters did not leave any demon elixir after death, and their auras also declined after death.

The key is that the corpse also exudes an ominous aura, which makes him feel very bad.

He asked Yan Jing Huo Feng.

Sure enough, even this spiritual pet who used to like to eat all kinds of poisonous insects, snakes and ants had no idea of ​​eating the corpse of the bat monster, and was repelled and disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

As a result, he was unable to obtain any beneficial gains from these monster beasts that he had tried so hard to kill.

"What bad luck!"

Zhou Chun cursed with an ugly expression, and immediately activated part of the [Pure Yuan Spiritual Water] to evolve the evil energy for himself, then put away the Hell Fire Phoenix and continued to fly forward.

But what Zhou Chun didn't notice was that shortly after they left, the bat corpses on the ground turned into a ball of black energy and sank into the ground, disappearing without a trace.

At the same time, a strange black bird that had witnessed all this suddenly flew up from a rock and flew towards an unknown place.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun killed the bat monster group, he soon encountered a group of crow-like black strange birds that could swallow a kind of black flame. The bird king among them actually had a fourth-level cultivation level!

This made him immediately know that there must be something wrong with the map in his hand!

It doesn't necessarily mean that the map is completely fake, but the old man definitely doesn't have the ability to cross this area.

But even if he knew this, it was not appropriate to turn around and walk back at this time.

Zhou Chun had no choice but to take note of this grudge first and gather his energy to face the crowd of crows.

Just like before, the black strange bird was not afraid of the Fire Phoenix at all, and launched a fierce offensive against their master and servant.

After Zhou Chun tried his best to kill the crowd of crows, he still failed to harvest even one demon pill.

He also specially spared the life of the fourth-level strange bird to see if it would self-destruct with demon elixirs, but the result was that it did not.

This time, Zhou Chun deliberately stayed at the scene for some reason, and then saw the corpses of the strange birds disappearing into black air.

After seeing this, his expression suddenly changed, and he finally understood why these monsters had no demon pills!

"Qi generates all things. Isn't this a characteristic of the legendary refining stage? Is it possible that there are seventh-level monsters below the Evil Spirit Canyon?"

Zhou Chun looked at the canyon below with an ugly expression, feeling extremely shocked.

Regarding the description of "Qi gives birth to all things", he has also seen it in an ancient book. It is said that monks in the Void Refining Stage who are above the realm of gods can transform living creatures of flesh and blood with a trace of magic power. Even these living creatures You can also have spiritual wisdom!

But when they die, they will return to their original energy.

These methods of creation are no different from the legendary immortals, so monks in the Void Refining Stage are also known as "half-immortals".

It's just that the Void Refining Stage is simply not a power that this world can accommodate. Logically speaking, this world can only accommodate the highest power that can accommodate the Divine Transformation Realm!

"Evil spirit, evil spirit, does this name have a deeper meaning?"

Zhou Chun's eyes moved slightly, and he seemed to understand something when he remembered the name of the Evil Spirit Canyon at his feet.

If it is as he thought, this place is really not a good place. No wonder the big forces in the Xia Kingdom would rather take a long way to trade with the countries in the far west such as the Huoluo Kingdom, rather than work hard to open a safe passage here.

I'm afraid it's not that I don't want to, but that I can't! !

"It seems that I can only go once. When I return next time, I must not take the risk of walking here again!"

Zhou Chun pursed his lips, suppressed the panic in his heart, and continued to move forward while absorbing the spiritual power in the spiritual crystal to restore his mana.

Soon after, he encountered many black poisonous bees, and had no choice but to continue to eliminate these transformed monsters.

But just as he was destroying these black poisonous bees, Zhou Chun's consciousness suddenly moved, and he felt like he was being spied on.

With his current powerful consciousness, once this feeling arises, it is basically inseparable.

After understanding the details of the monsters in the Evil Spirit Canyon, Zhou Chun also made some guesses about the identity of the secret peeper.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately let the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix attack with all its strength without any further effort, using [Glass Pure Fire] to burn all the black poisonous bees into black energy and dissipate them.

Then he looked calmly in a certain direction behind him and said, "Since these fellow Taoists are already here, why bother hiding and not daring to show up!"

"Hey, he discovered it. He has something!"

On a certain mountain peak, a man in black robe couldn't help but let out a sigh and put away the green light in his eyes.

Just now, it was he who used his spiritual power to spy on Zhou Chun from a distance.

I didn't want to be spotted by Zhou Chun even if I was peeking hundreds of miles away.

"Boss, but the idea is tricky? Can we still get there?"

Behind the black-robed man, a man with a figure as strong as an iron tower saw his solemn expression and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Why not? He fought several battles along the way. Even the Iron Man should be tired by now. We finally waited until such a fat sheep entered the canyon, how could we let it slip away so easily!"

The black-robed man's face was filled with evil anger, and he spoke in a solemn tone.

Then he stopped hiding and flew away from the hiding place with the strong man from the iron tower, flying straight towards where Zhou Chun was.

The cultivation of these two people happens to be at the middle stage of the Golden Core and the early stage of the Golden Core!

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