Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 591 The only spiritual root in the world [8,000-word chapter please subscribe]

Evil Spirit Canyon.

When Zhou Chun saw the man in black robe and the strong man from the iron tower appearing, his expression suddenly became serious.

He will not underestimate any opponent of the same level because of his own strength.

What's more, since the other two dared to rob the Dao in this evil spirit canyon, they must be familiar with the terrain, have the means to get rid of the evil spirit, and their own cultivation strength is very extraordinary.

So before taking action, he still looked at the two of them with a serious face and said, "Is today's battle necessary? You two fellow Taoists should know that this is not a kind place. After a vicious fight between you and me, we will soon be It’s hard to say that someone won’t take advantage of it!”

Hearing what he said, the man in black robe suddenly smiled and said: "Hey, hey, if you don't want to fight, you can just hand over your storage bag. We two brothers are just looking for money and don't want to." Force your Excellency to fight to the death!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Chun knew there was nothing to talk about.

For a monk at the Golden Core stage, although the most precious things are his own magic weapon and the magic weapon for sacrifice, the things in the storage bag are also the savings of his hard work. Unless it is absolutely necessary, how can it be done? Will be willing to give it up easily.

"Hmph, then let me meet Zhenzhang!"

He snorted coldly, and with a thought, the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] was fired at the black-robed man first.

"Well done!"

The man in black robe yelled, and a black light suddenly shot out from his mouth, turning into a long sword burning with black flames and fighting fiercely with the [Taibai Dragon Sword] in the air.

Then he raised his hand again, and a black-purple bell magic weapon appeared in his hand. When it shook, it released circles of soul-stirring magic sounds to disturb the minds of Zhou Chun's master and servant.

Behind the man in black robe, the strong man in the iron tower was also roaring, and his body instantly rose to a height of more than three feet out of thin air. Gray-white light also surged on the surface of his body, condensing into a gray-white rock armor and covering his body.

Then he raised his hand and made a move, and a dark golden giant ax appeared in his hand. He swung the giant ax directly towards Zhou Chun and slashed with a sharp blade.

Seeing the tacit cooperation between these two people, it can be seen that they have faced off against each other like this more than once or twice.

But the enemy they faced this time was Zhou Chun, a powerful opponent with few shortcomings in all aspects.

The soul-stirring demonic sound released by the bell magic weapon is indeed powerful, but for Zhou Chun, who has a strong spiritual consciousness, it is far from the point of causing his consciousness to sink. It just makes him feel a little dazed and uncomfortable.

A yellow light flew out from his body, and the [Mountain Shield] immediately transformed into a phantom of the mountain to block the sword energy of the strong man from the iron tower.

Immediately afterwards, several golden rainbows shot out from the [Wanhua Golden Cauldron] and went straight towards the strong man in the iron tower.

Naturally, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix would not let its master face a strong enemy alone. When he broke away from the influence of the soul-stirring demonic sound with a clear cry, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of black and red poisonous flames, burning towards the strong man in the iron tower.

"Be careful, the flame is poisonous!"

The man in black robe already knew the power of the black-red poisonous flame through spiritual pet investigation, and now he hurriedly reminded his companions.

At the same time, he quickly made spells with his hands and cast a spell. A ball of black flame suddenly appeared in his palm, and soon absorbed his mana and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to turn into a black fire dragon and pounced on Zhou Chun.

Regardless of his magic weapon or magical power, this person gave Zhou Chun a strange and weird feeling, which was not the right way.

But it was also different from the demon cultivators he had seen before. There was no such strong demonic aura.

Including the strong man from the iron tower, he was also average. He seemed to be practicing some kind of technique that focused on the physical body. His own magical power was mediocre, but his physical body seemed to be stronger than the monster beast.

This made him feel more curious and vigilant, and he did not dare to neglect.

He was seen using his secret technique silently, and when he opened his mouth to spit out, a white stream of cold air shot towards the black fire dragon.

After practicing "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter", Zhou Chun's use of the power of the [Moon Toad Orb], a spiritual treasure, has reached a new level. Even if he does not use the spiritual treasure to display his magical powers, he can still mobilize the power of the spiritual treasure for For personal use.

After absorbing and refining a large amount of Xuanming cold energy, the [Moon Toad Orb] can be said to have regained its power in its heyday.

Zhou Chun was only mobilizing part of its power for his own use at this moment, and its power was no less than a spell of the same level.

But after the white cold air hit the black fire dragon, it failed to disperse it. It only made its figure dim a lot and continued to pounce on Zhou Chun.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun felt a chill in his heart and hurriedly activated the [Mountain Shield] to block the fire dragon.

However, as soon as this magic weapon came into contact with the flames formed by the fire dragon, the defensive aura bloomed by the magic weapon collapsed, and even the magic weapon itself showed scorch marks.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun's expression changed drastically. He immediately raised his finger without hesitation and shot out a stream of white cold air that fell on the [Mountain Shield], forcibly freezing the black flame.

The remaining flames quickly receded under the control of the black-robed man, and turned into a small fire dragon that flew back to him, and then gradually absorbed his mana to recover.

This is the difficulty of true fire magical powers!

As long as the fire spirit is still there, you can draw the monk's mana to restore power at any time, and there is almost no limit on the number of times it can be used.

But after just testing, the man in black robe seemed to feel that Zhou Chun was difficult to deal with. For a while, he was not in a hurry to drive the fire dragon forward to attack. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Chun and said tentatively: "Your Excellency, you are obviously practicing metal." It’s strange that he can use such pure ice-attribute magical powers in the sexual power method. Could it be that he is carrying some kind of strange treasure?”

"Do you think I will tell you?"

Zhou Chun replied with a cold face, suddenly raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase].

"High-quality magic weapon!"

As soon as the blue and white vase appeared, the man in black robe suddenly changed his expression, and he could see the extraordinary nature of this object at a glance.

Immediately, this person said urgently: "Friend Taoist, please wait a moment. How about we just give it up today?"

"Let's wait until you receive Zhang's blow first!"

Zhou Chun said lightly, and when the mana was activated, blue and white divine light spurted out from the vase, turning into two rays of light, one blue and one white, and chased the man in black robe.

Seeing this, the man in black robe immediately shouted angrily, and a jet-black spiritual gauze flew out from his sleeve, blooming with a dense jet-black spiritual light to protect himself in it.

At the same time, black evil energy surged around his body, condensing into eight black ghost-faced shields flying around him.

The two divine lights of blue and white first hit the ghost-faced shield, and soon penetrated four of them easily like a broken bamboo. Then, before the remaining four shields could take turns to block it, they had already landed on the protective light of the black spiritual gauze magic weapon. .

For a moment, the black protective spiritual light shook violently, but in the end it was still unable to withstand the power of the high-grade magic weapon and was penetrated by it.

Then a scream was heard, and the man in black robe had his left arm and half of his shoulder separated from his body!

However, this person was also a decisive person. When he saw that he was seriously injured, he actually ignited the separated limbs on the spot and turned them into a stream of blood light. His body instantly turned into a bloody light and flew away from the battlefield.

"I, Shan Tianlong, will remember you. Don't let me meet you again in the future, otherwise I will avenge today's broken arm and body!"

The blood shadow flashed through the air and was hundreds of miles away in the blink of an eye. Only its unwilling and resentful voice still echoed on the battlefield.

When Zhou Chun saw that he could no longer keep this man, he immediately targeted the strong man from the iron tower without hesitation.

You can tell at a glance that this strong man in the iron tower is not good at escaping. It is not that easy to escape like the man in black robe.

This person was already having a hard time dealing with the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix. At this time, Zhou Chun turned his spear and pointed it at him. Soon, Zhou Chun used the [Taibai Dragon Sword] to pierce a bloody hole in his body, and then he quickly shouted loudly. : "Fellow Taoist, please spare my life. I am willing to surrender. I am willing to surrender!"

"If you can't fight, just surrender. How can such a good thing happen in the world!!"

Zhou Chun smiled coldly and ignored the man's shouts.

After a while, he used the "Golden Gang Soul-Destroying Spear" to pierce the man's heart, and then captured the severely injured man.

Of course, Zhou Chun captured this man alive not because he wanted to surrender him, but because he wanted to search for his soul.

He was still very curious about the means by which these two people could survive in the Evil Spirit Canyon. At the same time, he also wanted to find their lair and kill the guy who had just escaped.

However, it was Zhou Chun's first time to search for souls for monks of the same realm, so he was not sure whether he could succeed.

Now I can only give it a try.

Sure enough, when he tried to search the soul of the strong man in the iron tower, the opponent's resistance was very fierce and the progress was not smooth.

It wasn't until Zhou Chun had an idea and released a "god-killing sword" to attack his soul that he finally broke through his protection and successfully suppressed his will to resist.

However, because the opponent's will to resist was too strong, Zhou Chun was unable to search the opponent's soul and obtain a large amount of the opponent's memories as before, and could only check the information he wanted to know within a limited time.

After this continued for about a quarter of an hour, Zhou Chun tiredly withdrew the palm on the head of the strong man in the iron tower, and then chopped off the man's head with a sword, completely ending his sinful life.

After killing the strong man in the iron tower, Zhou Chun remembered the information he had just obtained from the soul search, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that they would use this method to resist the erosion of the evil spirit. It seems that the Evil Spirit Canyon is not without its merits!"

"That being said, I really have to go there!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, and immediately collected the relics from the strong man in the iron tower and let the Fire Phoenix burn his body to ashes.

Then he put away the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix and flew quickly towards a certain area in the Evil Spirit Canyon according to the memory of the strong man in the Iron Tower.

After flying thousands of miles like this, Zhou Chun arrived outside a valley filled with evil spirits.

In terms of geomantic omen, this valley is a standard evil place.

The surrounding peaks are either as sharp as a sword and thrust into the clouds, or the mountains are broken into pieces and full of a sense of fragmentation.

Moreover, the green vegetation around the mountain peaks is sparse and life is lacking.

If he hadn't known from the memory of the strong man from the Iron Tower that there was actually a whole other world in the valley, Zhou Chun wouldn't have given it a second glance even if he was passing by this place.

At this moment, he was standing on a certain peak outside the valley. After looking at the valley in front of him that was obscured by gray-white mist, he immediately raised his hand and turned it over, and there was a leaf as white as jade in his hand.

This leaf looks like an osmanthus leaf and has a faint fragrance.

After Zhou Chun stuffed it into his mouth and held it in his mouth, he suddenly felt refreshed, as if he had taken some refreshing medicine.

Then he saw his body move and flew directly towards the valley full of evil energy!

At this time, a strange scene occurred.

After Zhou Chun entered the evil mist formed by the evil energy, the evil energy did not rush into his body. Instead, it vaguely avoided him, allowing him to enter the valley easily.

I saw that there was a vast area inside this valley that was completely free of evil spirits!

And in the center of this vast area, there is a white spring. Next to the spring grows a white jade osmanthus tree several feet high. There are many leaves like leaves growing on the tree.

The man in black robe who escaped was meditating under the tree to heal his injuries.

When Zhou Chun appeared in the valley, the man in black robe was immediately alarmed and woke up.

"It's you! You actually found this place!"

Shan Tianlong, a man in black robe, looked at Zhou Chun in shock. When he saw the leaf in Zhou Chun's mouth, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he seemed to understand everything.

"Did Shan Meng tell you this? He is so stupid!!"

Shan Tianlong said in an angry voice through gritted teeth, his words filled with hatred for the strong man in the iron tower.

After Zhou Chun looked at the white jade osmanthus tree with clear eyes, he said slowly: "You have misunderstood him. He didn't want to say it. It's a pity that he met Zhang!"

"Did you perform a soul search on him?"

Shan Tianlong reacted immediately, his tone was full of shock and anger, and his eyes could not help but reveal a hint of fear.

Zhou Chun did not deny it, but looked at him with emotion and sighed: "You two have a good chance to discover such treasures and spiritual objects. It's a pity that they don't follow the right path. They only want to kill people and steal wealth. Now they have It’s a waste of opportunity!”

Zhou Chun said this without any intention of mocking the other party, but he really thought so in his heart.

As the discoverers of this white jade osmanthus tree, Shan Tianlong and the two can completely rely on the secret land and those leaves to travel between two places, and take advantage of their ability to not be afraid of the evil spirit to cross the Evil Spirit Canyon, and use the two to fly. Earth spirits trade to earn resources.

Unfortunately, the two of them put the cart before the horse and took advantage of this to engage in banditry. They often traveled in and out of the two places to rob and kill monks from various sects and families, and even ransacked the entire city!

Then he relied on the special environment of the Evil Spirit Canyon to avoid being chased by the strong men behind the Lord of Suffering.

This kind of behavior of buying a casket for a pearl is undoubtedly extremely stupid in Zhou Chun's opinion!

But Shan Tianlong obviously didn't think so. He just felt that Zhou Chun was mocking him.

Dang even yelled angrily: "Do you think you really won? The worst we can do is break up, and Shan will directly destroy this Qingling Xiangui!"

"Qingling Xiangui" is the name given by Shan Tianlong to the white jade osmanthus tree. It is difficult for anyone in the entire world of immortal cultivation to know the specific name of this spiritual root.

Because this thing is likely to be the only one in the world. It is a spiritual plant that was mutated in the special environment of the Evil Spirit Canyon.

But facing his threat, Zhou Chun smiled faintly and said: "If you destroy it, you will destroy it. Anyway, Zhang is not a monk of Xia Kingdom. He cannot enjoy the benefits of this laurel tree, and he has never thought of staying in the same place as you." Practicing in such a lonely place!"

"Hmph, stop fooling Shan with your big words! Shan doesn't believe that you don't know the true value of this thing and don't want to try to monopolize it!"

Shan Tianlong didn't believe Zhou Chun's words at all, and was sure that he was bluffing, so he immediately used the black flaming flying sword to slash at Qingling Xiangui.

But what disappointed and horrified him was that until the black flame flying sword cut off a branch, Zhou Chun didn't show any panic on his face and looked at him very calmly.

"You are really not afraid that Shan will destroy this Qingling Xiangui!!"

Shan Tianlong looked at Zhou Chun in disbelief and shouted angrily, it was difficult to understand Zhou Chun's thoughts.

If it were him, he would not sit back and watch the destruction of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth as long as there was even a glimmer of hope.

But he didn’t know that Zhou Chun had the [Jingtiandi Divine Jar] in his body and could produce [Jingyuan Lingshui] with better effects than this Qingling Xiangui at any time. How could he care so much about such a plant that is difficult to transplant? Walking spiritual roots.

For Zhou Chun, it was good to get this Qingling Immortal Gui, but even if he couldn't get it, it wasn't unacceptable.

With this mentality, how could he be threatened by Shan Tianlong.

At this moment, facing Shan Tianlong's angry shouting, Zhou Chun just shook his head gently and sighed in a low voice: "It's sad, ridiculous, and deplorable!"

Before he finished speaking, he directly activated the magic weapon to attack the opponent.

When Shan Tianlong saw him taking action without hesitation, he roared and cut off the Qingling Xiangui with his sword, then turned around and ran away.

He knew in his heart that he was no match for Zhou Chun, so he didn't dare to fight Zhou Chun at all.

It's a pity that he underestimated Zhou Chun's murderous intention towards him.

Zhou Chun didn't even look at the Qingling Xiangui that he had cut off, and started chasing him without any hesitation.

The two of them fought fiercely all the way out of the valley and disappeared into the valley not long after.

And as the Qingling Immortal Osmanthus was cut off, the evil mist formed by the evil energy that was previously unable to enter the valley also surged towards the spiritual spring in the center of the valley, seeming to pollute it.

Squeezed by the evil energy from all directions, the water in the spiritual spring suddenly surged violently like boiling water, as if it was under great pressure.

When Zhou Chun chased him for hundreds of miles and successfully killed the black-robed man Shan Tianlong, he saw a strange scene when he returned to the valley.

It was seen that most of the area in the valley had been eroded by the evil mist. Only the location of the spiritual spring and the surrounding area of ​​ten feet were still resisting the erosion of the evil mist.

The lower half of the chopped Qingling Immortal Osmanthus tree was now glowing with jade light, as if it was undergoing some kind of transformation.

"It seems that the spiritual energy in the spiritual spring is pouring into the tree. Is this to make the tree sprout again?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, and he soon discovered the source of the sudden change in the tree.

This made him interested, wanting to see what the tree would eventually mutate into, so he didn't even move the fallen trunk.

Next, Zhou Chun observed carefully and found that the erosion of the evil mist was not completely blocked, but was still slowly advancing inch by inch.

He only waited for more than an hour, and the evil mist advanced another three feet, but the further back it seemed, the greater the resistance it encountered.

After about a day passed like this, only the three feet around the stump of the Qingling Fairy Osmanthus tree were not eroded by the evil mist, and even the spiritual spring was partially polluted by the evil mist.

However, the Qingling Xiangui tree stump did not sprout new buds as Zhou Chun thought, and seemed to have just become a container to contain spiritual power.

At this moment, Zhou Chun only regretted not bringing Mu Mei Mulang over, otherwise he might have been able to help this Qingling fairy osmanthus tree.

Zhou Chun waited for another two days, and the evil mist completely eroded and submerged the area ten feet away from the Qingling Xiangui tree stump. Even several roots underground were filthy and corroded.

Seeing this, he no longer hesitated, and immediately dug out the tree stump from the ground with his sword, and left the valley with the object.

Since then, this paradise-like valley has completely turned into a place of evil!

Half a day later, Zhou Chun flew out from the other end of Niling Canyon and successfully entered the territory of Shayan Kingdom, which faced Xia Kingdom across Niling Canyon.

Sha Yan Kingdom, like Huo Luo Kingdom, belongs to the Immortal Cultivation World in the Far West, and one of the major boundaries of the Immortal Cultivation World in the Far West is the Evil Spirit Canyon.

Speaking of which, Zhou Chun's ability to cross the Evil Spirit Canyon so quickly was also due to Shan Tianlong's credit.

While he was waiting for the evil mist to corrode the Qingling Xiangui tree stump, he opened Shan Tianlong's storage bag and got a more detailed map of the Evil Spirit Canyon, which marked many shortcuts that easily crossed the two places.

Of course, this shortcut is a shortcut without worrying about the erosion of evil spirits.

If other people don't have such means and take this shortcut rashly, they may easily perish on the way.

"Is this the Shayan Kingdom? Find a place to rest first!"

In the sky, Zhou Chun looked at the severely desertified Gobi Desert below, and immediately flew towards a towering mountain in the distance.

After flying for more than three hundred miles like this, Zhou Chun came to the sky above a continuous mountain range.

Generally speaking, this mountain range is still a bit desolate. The mountain is exposed and severely weathered, the vegetation in the mountain is thin, and the concentration of spiritual energy is not high. It is not a blessed land.

But there are many nomadic tribes camping here, and some low-level monks can also be seen moving around in the mountains.

Zhou Chun had no idea of ​​looking for anyone to find out the news, so he casually opened a temporary cave on an uninhabited peak in the mountain for shelter.

I saw that he first meditated in the cave stone chamber for two days to recover, and then began to count the harvest in the Evil Spirit Canyon.

This time when he crossed the Nieling Canyon, he suffered a lot and suffered some frights, but the harvest was also very great.

The first is the magic weapon and storage bag contributed by Shan Tianlong and Shan Meng.

Shan Tianlong himself has four magic weapons, namely a black flying sword, a purple-black bell, a black gauze scarf, and a flame orb.

Among them, the flying sword and gauze scarf are both middle-grade magic weapons, and the flying sword is his natal magic weapon.

However, during the battle, the black gauze scarf was first torn apart by the attack of [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Bottle], and then was torn to pieces by [Taibai Dragon Sword] while Zhou Chun was chasing Shan Tianlong, almost declaring damage. .

At the same time, when Zhou Chun was killing Shan Tianlong, the origin of the flame orb was damaged by the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light", resulting in a great loss of power.

In addition, Shan Tianlong's cultivation method is very special, and his natal flying sword is probably difficult to be refined and used by other golden elixir stage monks. This thing may not be useful in a short time.

Calculating it this way, the only magic weapon Zhou Chun really gained was the purple-black bell that could be used normally.

However, Shan Meng was quickly dealt with by Zhou Chun. The dark golden giant ax he used was very well preserved, and he also contributed a slightly damaged black iron ring defensive magic weapon. Both of these magic weapons were low-grade magic weapons. .

While there are gains, there are also losses. Zhou Chun's [Mountain Shield] was seriously burned by Shan Tianlong with real fire. It is estimated that it will be difficult to fully recover without decades of cultivation.

Even the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] was injured by the demonic flames in the confrontation with Shan Tianlong's natal flying sword, and its edge was slightly damaged, and it took several years to recover.

Of course, these losses are obviously nothing compared to the gains.

You must know that in addition to the magic weapon, Zhou Chun also got the storage bags of the two Shan brothers.

As these two were criminal cultivators who had committed numerous crimes, there were naturally a lot of good things in their storage bags.

There are as many as thirteen pieces of various magic weapons and spiritual materials!

The reason there are so many is because the Far West produces all kinds of spiritual gold ores, and the number of monks is far less than that of countries such as the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Earth Realm.

Moreover, among the thirteen magic weapons and spiritual materials, four or five are of the same type.

Even so, this is a huge gain.

Compared with the number of magic weapons and spiritual materials, the number of elixirs in the two people's storage bags is much less. There is only one thousand-year-old elixir-level spiritual ginseng and a dozen thousand-year-old elixirs.

However, Zhou Chun found two spiritual crystals in Shan Tianlong's storage bag, which was a great gain.

If he hadn't soul-searched that Shan Meng, Zhou Chun might still be confused about the few things in their storage bags, and wouldn't believe that two golden elixir-level monks who made a living by robbing could be so poor.

But while searching for souls, he happened to know one thing.

A hundred years ago, the two sold a large amount of property to help Shan Tianlong buy a spiritual elixir that could help break through the late barrier of the Golden Elixir. Unfortunately, the breakthrough failed in the end.

Because of this incident, the two people's property shrunk significantly, and in recent years, both Shayan and Xia countries had made some traps for the two, which made them less afraid to go to the two countries to plunder.

This was why they were so anxious to take action after discovering Zhou Chun in the Evil Spirit Canyon.

Unexpectedly, this time the two of them kicked the iron plate and lost their lives!

After counting the harvest in the two storage bags, Zhou Chun put the treasures aside, but his attention fell on a few volumes of classics.

There are many various classics in the storage bag of the Shan brothers, including a set of rather exquisite weapon refining inheritance, which belongs to some unlucky monk who died under their hands.

But the Zhou family is no longer lacking in this kind of inheritance, but they lack a master who can truly carry forward these inherited skills.

The classics that Zhou Chun is currently paying attention to are the cultivation techniques of Shan Tianlong and Shan Meng.

He had previously discovered that the techniques practiced by the two were very different from the popular techniques, and this was also confirmed later when he searched for souls with Dan Meng.

Among them, the skill Shan Tianlong practices is called "Black Flame Evil Pill Technique". During the practice of this skill, various poisonous fire evil spirits need to be collected and refined. After forming the pill, he will definitely master the true fire magical power called "Black Sun Evil Fire" , the power is very extraordinary.

But poisonous fire and evil energy are not so easy to refine. If you refine it directly, you will easily become possessed and die.

Therefore, there is another cruel and vicious method in the "Black Flame Evil Pill Technique", which allows other monks to collect and refine a certain poisonous fire evil energy alone. If they can refine the poisonous fire evil energy, they can condense the evil seed in their bodies.

At that time, you only need to use secret methods to remove the evil seeds from his body, and use your own "Black Flame Evil Pill Technique" to refine it, and you will be able to obtain the results of other people's cultivation without much danger!

And the monk whose evil seed is taken away will naturally die!

Shan Tianlong successfully formed the elixir with the "Black Flame Evil Pill Technique", but he killed many "evil slaves"!

It can be said that although this "Black Flame Evil Pill Technique" is not a magic technique, it is more cruel and vicious than many magic techniques!

As for the technique that Shan Meng practiced, it was called "Earth Demon Slaughtering Spirit Technique". It was also an evil technique that required killing to improve one's cultivation.

Zhou Chun also traveled extensively and visited many places.

It was the first time for him to see such evil techniques as "Black Flame Evil Pill Technique" and "Earth Evil Spirit-Slaying Technique". For a moment, he could only sigh at how vast the world of immortality was, and how full of wonders it was!

He estimated that these two techniques should be techniques spread in the world of cultivating immortals in the far west. Only in the relatively isolated environment here can there be a living space for practitioners of these techniques.

Otherwise, in a place like Jingguo, once the inside story of practicing this kind of technique is spread, other monks in the world of immortality will definitely be hostile and ostracized.

After Zhou Chun took a brief look at the training content of the two exercises, he quickly shook his head and put them away. He planned to only keep them in his private library for collection in the future and would not let the Zhou family monks practice.

After counting the harvest of the Shan brothers, Zhou Chun took out the Qingling Fairy Osmanthus plant.

Seriously, if this Qingling Fairy Osmanthus is complete, it will definitely be a priceless treasure!

The special barrier formed by this tree in the valley not only blocks the erosion of evil spirits, but also allows the spiritual energy to gather there, making it a blessed place for cultivation.

And not even the evil spirit can enter that valley!

If you have this complete Qingling Xiangui, the Evil Spirit Canyon will no longer be an insurmountable dangerous place, and the evil spirit in it will no longer be an obstacle, but will become a protection.

It's a pity that this Qingling Xiangui cannot be transplanted and can only exist in that valley. This greatly reduces its attractiveness to Zhou Chun, so he never thought of saving it.

Now that the Qingling Xiangui has been destroyed, the shielding and isolating effect of its leaves on evil spirits will expire within half a year, and there will no longer be such a wonder in the future!

But the destroyed Qingling Xiangui still has value.

After Zhou Chun studied the Qingling Xiangui tree stump, he easily discovered that this thing has the effect of gathering spirits. It can naturally gather the surrounding spiritual energy and enhance the effect of cultivation.

In addition, sitting cross-legged on a tree stump and meditating is equivalent to having a rare treasure of pure heart and concentration with you, which greatly reduces the chance of going crazy and can even nourish and speed up the recovery of spiritual consciousness!

Moreover, a large amount of spiritual power is now stored in the stump, and slow changes are still taking place inside. There may be other harvests in the future.

Zhou Chun felt that its insulating effect on the evil spirit in the Evil Spirit Canyon would continue to exist in the future and would not expire after half a year like the leaves that were picked off.

All in all, this is definitely a rare auxiliary spiritual tool!

From the remaining trunk part, Zhou Chun felt that he might be able to make some heart-clearing beads, which could be worn by family monks in the future, provided that their clearing-heart-focusing effect could last for a long time.

"Ten birds in the forest are worse than one bird in the hand. This result may be better for me!"

Zhou Chun looked at the white jade tree stump sitting down and whispered to himself.

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