Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 592 Insights【Please subscribe】

Shayan country, nameless mountain range.

After Zhou Chun counted the harvest in the Evil Spirit Canyon, he did not stay in the temporary cave any longer and quickly continued on the road.

He did have a rough map of the Immortal Cultivation World in the Far West purchased from the Xia Kingdom, but that map only had a general direction, and even the country boundaries were not marked, or the markings themselves were not clear.

Therefore, he decided to walk around the city of Shayan Country first and buy a more detailed map.

In this way, after asking local monks in the mountains, Zhou Chun flew more than 800 miles west and arrived at a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

This place is called Jinzhou, one of the eleven states of Shayan Kingdom, and its area is about half the size of Lingzhou.

Most of the countries in the far west have one characteristic, that is, the total land area is very large, but the places where spiritual veins gather are relatively few, and there are even fewer places that can accommodate a large number of mortals and monks.

The eleven states of Shayan Kingdom refer to eleven places that can accommodate more than one million mortals. These places are often places where spiritual veins gather and where vitality is strong.

According to the information Zhou Chun learned from monk Sha Yanguo, there is no real person in the Nascent Soul stage in Jinzhou. There is only one middle-level sect and one Jindan family. The only market there is also governed by these two families.

In this way, Zhou Chun doesn't need to worry about anything, he can just go there.

However, it would disturb the two golden elixir forces, so Zhou Chun restrained his cultivation and just pretended to be a late-stage foundation-building monk.

This kind of cultivation level is not high in a place like Jinzhou, but it is not low either.

After entering Jinzhoufang City, Zhou Chun made some observations and quickly got a general understanding of the situation in the world of immortality cultivation in Shayan Country.

Generally speaking, it was not much different from what he imagined. The prices of magic weapons and formations in the world of immortality here were cheaper than those in Jingguo, and there were more styles.

But the price of elixirs is much higher, on average at least 20 to 30% higher!

It can be seen from this that if you can cross the Nieling Canyon and resell materials from the two places, you can definitely make a lot of money!

This made Zhou Chun shake his head even more at the stupidity of the two Shan brothers.

Although reselling a lot of supplies is still risky, it is definitely much better than being a bandit.

It can only be said that vision and thinking really have a great influence on people.

Those short-sighted people who just want to make quick money, even if the real opportunities and dividends are in front of them, they can only eat the most superficial level and do stupid things like picking sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons!

Due to the scale of Fang City itself, Zhou Chun determined that Jinzhou Fang City was unlikely to have anything he could like, so he did not stay here for long. After obtaining a more detailed map of the far west, he set off. Left this place.

Almost three months passed in this way, and Zhou Chun came to the prosperous place in the Far West, and appeared in Riyaofang City, which is known as the largest city in the world of immortality in the Far West.

The scale of Riyaofang City today is no less than that of Xiandufang City in the Great Zhou Kingdom, and is even larger, but it cannot be compared with other fairy cities like Tianyuan Immortal City.

This place is the most prosperous place in the Far West, where the best of all the countries in the Far West are gathered.

When Zhou Chun went to the Tianhuo Gate in the Fire Kingdom, he didn't have to pass through this place, but he would rather take a detour of thousands of miles to come here.

"I heard that your store can accept customized magic weapons. I wonder how you can customize them?"

In Riyaofang City, after Zhou Chun walked into a shop called Bailianfang as a golden elixir-level monk, he directly looked at the shopkeeper who came up to him and talked about his purpose.

Yes, this is an important reason why Zhou Chun chose to come to Riyaofang City.

When he heard that there were several shops here that could accept magic weapon customization, he felt very unbelievable.

Because this kind of thing is difficult to do even in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

The masters of weapon refining in the Great Zhou Kingdom were all trained by various sects. How could they be allowed to refining magic weapons for other people at will?

Even if casual cultivators have the ability to refine magic weapons, they are often recruited by major forces.

If not, Zhou Chun wouldn't be so happy after getting Master Yan Cang's promise to help refine treasures three times.

Who would have thought that if you ask a master to refine magic weapons, you can still play like this!

So after Zhou Chun heard about this, he must come to Riyaofang City to take a look.

After listening to his words, the store manager was stunned for a moment, and then whispered: "Senior, you are from out of town, so I need to tell you the rules of our custom-made magic weapons first!"

As he spoke, he talked about the rules for customizing magic weapons.

It turns out that although there are several weapon refining workshops in Riyaofang City that accept the customization of magic weapons, it is not that easy to actually refine the magic weapons through the weapon refining master behind them.

First of all, due to the personal skills of several weapon refining masters, some can only refine low-grade magic weapons, while others can refine medium-grade magic weapons, and the prices are different.

Secondly, each shop has a hard condition to help people refine magic weapons. Once the magic weapon is successfully refined, in addition to paying the refining fee, they must also make a Taoist oath, promising not to take the initiative to interact with the weapon refining master or master in the future. The sect he belongs to is an enemy, and he was entrusted to take action once!

It is equivalent to asking a master to refine a magic weapon. If you succeed, you will not only have to pay a high refining fee, but you will also owe a favor.

After hearing these rules, Zhou Chun completely gave up the idea of ​​customizing the magic weapon.

It is impossible for him to owe favors for a low-grade magic weapon or a medium-grade magic weapon, and he does not want to be manipulated by favors.

Furthermore, if they knew that he came from a remote place like Jingguo, those weapon refining masters might not be willing to help him refine magic weapons.

Because when the time comes, if you want to find him to repay the favor, you will have to send someone all the way to find him.

After giving up the idea of ​​customizing the magic weapon, Zhou Chun went to do his second thing in Riyaofang City, which was to buy gold energy for cultivation.

The world of immortality in the far west is rich in various spiritual gold veins, so it is also very efficient in collecting and utilizing gold energy.

The level of [Taiyi Xuan Gold Qi] used by Zhou Chun to recast the Broken Cauldron is not difficult to buy in Riyaofang City.

As his cultivation level increases, the amount of gold energy Zhou Chun needs to consume during his daily cultivation is not a small amount.

If he leaves the family and does not find a place to replenish it, the gold energy he carries with him will only be enough for five years.

Therefore, after hearing that there was a large gold gas trading market in Riyaofang City, he became interested and wanted to buy more for his own use.

In addition, he also wanted to inquire here to see if there was gold gas of higher quality than [Taiyi Xuan Gold Qi] for sale.

"I am disappointed with Daoist Zhang. The highest quality gold energy in our store is this [White Tiger Heavenly Xin Qi]. If you really want higher quality gold energy, you can only ask those in the Yuanying Stage who practice metallic skills. Real people, only with their profound cultivation, can they extract golden energy that is better than this [White Tiger Heavenly Xin Qi]!"

In a shop called "Tianjin Pavilion", Zhou Chun got this disappointing answer after having some exchanges with the golden elixir monks sitting here.

He didn't dare to have high hopes at first, but since he was here, he just asked by the way.

Now that he got this answer, he gave up.

At that moment, he nodded calmly and said: "Zhang understands. In this case, Zhang will no longer disturb Daoist Qin's business, so he will leave first."

Hearing that he expressed his intention to leave, the Jindan monk who was in charge of the Golden Pavilion that day could not make any more efforts to persuade him to stay, so he could only reply with a smile on his face: "You're welcome, Fellow Taoist Zhang. If you have other materials and gold energy in the future, Fellow Taoist If you need it, welcome to our Tianjin Pavilion again, Qin will definitely give it to fellow Taoist at the best price."

"Zhang will consider it."

Zhou Chun responded and immediately walked out of the Tianjin Pavilion.

Next, he did not go to other shops to inquire, because that day Jin Pavilion was already the most famous shop in Sun Yao Fang City. He purchased enough gold energy for ten years of practice in one go. The rapid mobilization of sufficient supply shows its strength.

Speaking of which, there are indeed a lot of good things in Riyaofang City.

Some of the more common magic weapons and spiritual materials can be purchased directly with spiritual coins in shops like Tianjin Pavilion, and the prices are no more expensive than at auctions in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Even magic weapons are displayed directly in some stores as treasures.

Of course, the price is high, even higher than at the auction.

But it doesn't matter if you think it's too expensive. Every ten years there will be an auction in Riyaofang City. At that time, rare and exotic treasures from various shops will be put up for bidding. There is a guarantee that one or two magic treasures will be leaked.

In a large-scale auction that happens once in a century, there may even be mid-grade or even top-grade magic weapons!

In short, in the world of cultivating immortals in the far west, the difficulty of obtaining a magic weapon for Golden Core monks is much lower than that in Jingguo.

But Zhou Chun knew in his heart that this did not mean that golden elixir monks from other places could come here to "purchase goods".

You know, magic weapons are rare even in the world of immortality in the far west. If you, a monk from other places, come here to buy magic weapons, you will inevitably be missed.

If your own cultivation is not strong enough, the long journey back to your own country may not be as safe as when you came.

Without the risks of various uncertainties on the road, not everyone can do long-distance trade!

Although Zhou Chun is very confident in his own strength, he feels that in the golden elixir stage, he doesn't have to be afraid of anyone now.

But he would not easily reveal his wealth and cause trouble. Otherwise, if he really revealed that he was carrying a spiritual treasure, he might not be able to leave the world of cultivating immortals in the far west.

So he stayed in Sunyaofang City for some time, bought and exchanged some magic weapons and spiritual materials, then left this prosperous place and embarked on the road to the Fire Kingdom again.

On this day, when Zhou Chun was passing through a desert, he suddenly saw black smoke billowing in the sky hundreds of miles away, mixed with a large number of magical auras, as if a large number of monks were fighting.

Curious for a moment, he collected the Golden Winged Tiger and quietly approached to check the situation.

After a while, he arrived near the battlefield.

I saw that the place where the battlefield took place was an oasis in the desert, where immortals and mortals lived together. It seemed to be the mountain gate of a certain immortal family.

This can be regarded as a characteristic of the Far West.

Because places adapted to the survival of mortals are often near Lingshan Blessed Land, mortals and immortal cultivators are not far apart, and many mortals know the existence of immortal cultivators.

Some immortal cultivating families occupy a remote spiritual mountain blessed land alone, and even live among immortals and mortals.

The oasis Zhou Chun saw at this time was not that big, only a few hundred miles in radius, and the number of mortals living on it was estimated to be less than 100,000.

At this time, there were about a hundred monks participating in the battle on the battlefield. The one with the highest level of cultivation was an old man in the early stage of the Purple Mansion, who seemed to be on the side of the invaders.

However, although this early-stage cultivator from the Zi Mansion had a realm advantage, in the actual battle, he was not able to quickly defeat his opponent, an old woman with a late-stage foundation-building cultivation.

The black smoke in the sky that Zhou Chun saw before was the work of that old woman, who turned out to be a very rare poisonous cultivator!

"Thank you, witch, your poison skills are indeed weird and difficult to deal with, but after all, your cultivation level is inferior to me. You can still delay me for a while, but I don't know if you can still use such large-scale black wolf poison after your magic power is gone." cigarette!"

In the sky, the old man in red who was in the early stage of Zifu's cultivation was urging a gourd magic weapon to release billowing flames and burn the black smoke, while looking at the old woman in black in the black smoke with a gloomy face and sarcastically.

As a monk at the Zifu stage, he was forced to defend himself by a late-stage Foundation Establishment monk. This naturally made him feel very aggrieved and angry.

Now that he couldn't defeat the opponent for a while, he could only take advantage of him verbally.

Although the old woman in black knew that what he said was true, she would not admit it.

Instead, he looked at him and said sarcastically: "Old ghost Gong, you have the nerve to mention your own cultivation level, a dignified monk in the Zifu period, but you can't even deal with a late-stage Foundation Establishment monk. It is simply a shame among the monks in the Zifu period. You are not worthy of being called a monk of the Purple Mansion. If I were you, I would have committed suicide in shame!"

These words obviously touched the sore spot of the old man in red. Even though he had an ugly face, he snorted coldly: "Huh, I just don't want to be bitten by you before you die. If I really use my full strength, there is no need to kill you." !”

As if to prove that what he said was true, he immediately activated his consciousness and activated a flaming spear weapon to shoot towards the old woman in black who was in the black smoke.

Facing the third-level magic weapon that was shooting towards it, the old woman in black did not dare to neglect it, and hurriedly used her magic power to greet it with a black flying fork flying beside her.

After the flying fork and the spear clashed several times in mid-air, the flame spear, which was a third-level magic weapon, was defeated and knocked away.

The old man in red was not surprised when he saw this.

If it weren't for this talisman to protect him, he would have defeated the old woman long ago even if her poison skills were weird.

"Let me see how many times you can activate the talisman!"

He had a fierce look on his face, and immediately ignored the risk that the magic weapon might be damaged, and once again activated the flame spear to attack.

After such a fierce attack, the flame spear did have many cracks and gaps in the confrontation with the black flying cross, but it also successfully increased the mana consumption of the old woman in black, allowing the opponent who could still hold on for a while to suddenly We are at the end of our rope.

Seeing this situation, she couldn't help shouting: "Stop! I am willing to give this place to you, Old Ghost Gong. As long as you give me one day to clean up, I will move out immediately!"

"It's too late! I have given you a chance before, but you don't know how to cherish it!"

The old man in red refused directly with a cold face, and then the attack became more fierce.

When the old woman in black saw this, she suddenly showed a look of despair and regret in her heart.

If she had not taken any chances and had agreed to the other party's conditions earlier, she might have been able to save the lives of her clan members.

Unexpectedly, a single thought would bring disaster to the tribe!

But just when the old man in red was about to kill the old woman in black, a powerful pressure suddenly appeared in the sky, making him feel like he was carrying a heavy burden.

He quickly looked towards the source of the aura and pressure, and saw a young man in silver robes appearing above the battlefield at some unknown time.

Although the young man in silver robe did not look very old, the old man in red did not dare to look down upon him. On the contrary, the moment he saw him, his face changed drastically and he hurriedly stopped his offensive and bowed to him. He bowed and said: "Junior Gong Yunxing pays homage to senior."

When the old woman in black across the street saw this, her eyes lit up, and she quickly followed suit and paid homage: "Junior, Xie Sanniang, pays homage to the senior. I don't know that the senior is coming. I'm too far away to greet you, so please forgive me, senior!"

With her words, she seemed to still consider herself the owner of this place.

This made the old man in red change his expression, and he couldn't help but open his mouth, as if he wanted to refute something, but he seemed to be afraid of offending the young man in silver, so in the end he said nothing.

"I was passing by here and happened to be a little tired, so I came down to have a rest. You won't object, right?"

Zhou Chun seemed not to notice Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, and spoke in a calm tone.

"How dare you, how dare you, it's a blessing for Usha Prefecture that the seniors are here. It's too late for the juniors and others to welcome them, so how can they object!"

The old woman in black responded with a smile on her face, and then guided her with her hand: "Junior, I will take senior to the mountain gate of our tribe to rest. Senior, please follow me!"

"Then I'd like to thank you, fellow Taoist."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and actually followed the old woman in black to the depths of the oasis.

Seeing this scene, the old man in red's pupils shrank, and his expression immediately changed drastically.

Then, after his expression changed, he immediately waved to the monks he had brought over and ran away in despair.

He knew in his heart that since Zhou Chun showed up when he was about to capture the old woman in black and accepted the old woman in black's invitation to rest deep in the oasis, he had already expressed his support for the old woman in black.

If he didn't leave wisely, he might be buried here.

"Damn Xie Witch, you are lucky today, I don't believe that this strange Jindan monk will stay in the little Wuyun State!"

Before leaving, the old man in red looked back at the oasis behind him, and left with a face full of reluctance.

In a stone hall deep in the oasis, after the old woman in black introduced Zhou Chun here, she immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Zhou Chun: "Thank you, senior, for saving the junior clan from fire and water. Senior, you are so kind and virtuous, junior. Even if death is hard to repay, I am willing to go through fire and water for my predecessors, even if I die!"

As he spoke, he kowtowed several times.

Obviously she knew in her heart that Zhou Chun could not have just happened to be passing by and needed a rest, but showed up specifically to save her and her tribe's lives.

And she asked herself that she didn't know Zhou Chunsu, and she had never heard of any senior in the family who had met such a powerful person.

So since Zhou Chun showed up to save her and her tribe's lives, he probably had some use for them.

"You are quite sensible, so this will save me a lot of talking."

Zhou Chun nodded with satisfaction, and was also very satisfied with the old woman's knowledge.

Then I saw him and said: "The reason why I saved your life is that I am curious about the poisonous skills you practice and want to know more about it."

Hearing what he said, the old woman in black immediately responded without hesitation: "This is easy to say. The poisonous technique practiced by this junior is a family-inherited technique. This junior will combine the original technique with the poisonous technique practiced by the family for generations." Take the senior’s cultivation experience and give it to the senior!”

With such an interesting answer, Zhou Chun immediately didn't know what to say. He could only nod lightly and said: "Well, I'm sorry to have to help you, fellow Taoist."

Not long after this, the old woman in black came into the palace with her poison skills and her cultivation heart. At the same time, she also brought over jade vases and jade boxes of unknown contents.

"Senior, if you want to achieve success in your poison skills, you need to take and refine a variety of poison elixirs and poisons. The contents of these jade vases and jade boxes are already all the corresponding items in our clan's inventory! "

Without waiting for Zhou Chun to ask, the old woman in black had already taken the initiative to tell what was in those jade bottles and boxes.

This kind of self-consciousness really makes it impossible to find any fault.

He took a deep look at the old woman in black, couldn't help but nodded and said, "You do have your heart in mind."

As he spoke, he raised his sleeves and put all those things into the storage bag.

Then he took out two more talismans and threw them to the other party, "I don't like to owe favors. These two talismans are my reward for you."

After saying that, without waiting for the old woman in black to thank her, she left this small oasis without any intention of staying any longer.

"It's actually a third-level high-grade magic talisman. It's really great!!"

In the stone hall, when the old woman in black came back to her senses and carefully inspected the talisman that Zhou Chun threw to her, she was immediately overjoyed and her face was filled with surprise.

She couldn't help but hold on to the two talismans tightly, as if grasping a life-saving straw, and her heart was full of infinite gratitude to the senior who had not even left his name.

But for Zhou Chun today, two third-level high-grade talismans are nothing at all.

After he left the oasis, he let the golden-winged tiger come out to carry him on his way, and then checked the poisonous skills he had obtained from the old woman in black on the tiger's back.

In terms of sophistication, the poisonous skills practiced by the old woman in black are naturally far inferior to those in the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual". This poisonous skills cannot even be practiced to the golden elixir stage.

But since Zhou Chun asked for this poisonous skill, he certainly had his reasons.

Just as he thought, although this poison technique is not as powerful as the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual", it is particularly unique in that it is good at combining toxins with magic power to turn into smoke to hurt the enemy.

In this way, the toxicity of the Poison Technique may not be so violent, but the killing range will be greatly increased.

From Zhou Chun's perspective, practitioners of the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" can completely integrate the essence of this poisonous technique into themselves and develop poisonous smoke that is much more toxic, thereby increasing the power of mass destruction. .

"This reminds me that there are a lot of specialties and poisons in the Far West. I can collect some and bring them back to Xiaolian later!"

Zhou Chun put down the Poison Gong classics in his hands and muttered to himself thoughtfully.

He is still very optimistic about Zhou Yuanlian and is very willing to help him form elixirs.

If Zhou Yuanlian can successfully form a pill, he will be a very terrifying existence!

If a poisonous cultivator at the Golden Core stage retaliates against a certain force regardless of the cost, even if it is a large sect with Nascent Soul stage cultivators, the damage will be particularly heavy if one is not careful.

It is definitely a strategic deterrent weapon!

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